Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 27, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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VI ' s -
5 B
"The Better Half "
NOTE Mrs. Hunt Is Again Playing
our Wurlitzer
11 fiiiiiijiiraniiM m
I J I J f 9
"Always t Your Smvim"
Help of all kind Furnished Free
to Employers.
turmm ieuahl mom. tnu m nm.
i r. (dxm,
151 -Be Burnaida a tree t. Portia, d. Oncu
On the initiative of the government
there will be monster demonstrations
ia Pari July 4 in honor of the anni
versary of the independence of the
.TJnitod States.
' Operation Not Successful
"16 years ajjo I was operated for
appendicitis and later operated ana in
for gall stones. 'Neither did uio any
good and X suffered all kinds of tor
turei siroco. Five years ago I took
Mnyr'g Wonderful Kemedy and have
felt no symptom or pain" since. All
stomach sufferers should) take it." It
if a simple, harm loo preparation that
removes the catarrhal mucus from the
fct'ic'inml tract and atlnys the inlflam
UtWlon which rsnwi practically all
Stomach, liver and intestinal ailments,
including appendicitis. One dose will
convince or money refunded. J. C. Per
ry, Capital Drug Htore, and druggists
Enlistment Of Men For
Service Abroad Stopped
Washington, Juno 26 (United Press)
The war department today stopped
further acceptance of enlistments for
service in Franco of Germany.
Men accepted for service in France
prior to today's instruction will be sent
to the overseas replacement depot at
Camp Mead, and forwarded in detach
ments of $1,000 as rapidly as they are
inocculnted, vaccinated and given pre
liminary training.
Camas Youth, Alleged To
Be Back Robber, Caught
Los Angeles, Cal., June 26. Chnrlcs
Conley, 21 years old, of Camas, Wash.,
is being held here today on a telegra
phic warrant charging him with rob
bing a bank at Beuvcrton, Or., oa the
niRht of June 10.
He has denied the chargo.
With Conley was his 17-year-old bride
whom he said ho married 13 months
ago. He said she was formerly Lata
Hemming of Camas.
rAn Economical,' Delightful, Light Place to Trade
The Wirthnor Plan The Wirthmor Stores
and Wirthmor Waists s
The WIRTHMOR PLAN is a superior, economy-effecting
way of Blouse making and Blouse selling.
The WIRTHMOR STORES are the progressive
stores in several hundred cities throughout the Coun
try who have adopted the Wirthmor Plan; and
WIRTHMOR WAISTS are the product that results
from the co-operation of this vast chain of stores
with America's largest Blouse Manufacturer.
Four charmingly youthful models as illus
trated have just arrived. Two are with
round necks; one of these of fine checked
organdie, the other of Voile with daintily
embroidered front; a third, square neck
model is effectively trimmed on collar and
cuffs with plaited ruffle of colored Crepe;
a fourth is of Batiste with collar, deep cuffs
and front panel of fine striped Organdie.
Basis Of Settlement Being
Sought At Conference Of
Heads Today.
Run Francisco, June 27, Telephone
company officials and officials of the
coast telephone employes will go into
another conference today in an attempt
to settlo the stute-wide strike If this
fails, they will meet with Mayor Rolph
and a committee named by the city su
pervisors, to discuss some other plan.
This was decided upon after fiolph
and the supervisors listened to the stor
ies of both sides in the strike late yes
terday. The strikers are willing to ac
cept the company offer of a basie 8
per day for linemen, etc., but intend to
remain out until the girls' demands ere
met. w.S:J2ifi
Bed Bluff, Cal., June 27. Local tele
phone operators organized here last
night and joined the state-wide strike
this morning. Only one of the ten girls
employed remained. The operators arc
picketing the office.
Americans Continue To
Win Laurels Over All
Competitors In Games
Pershing StaViuin, Paris, June 2i.
(United Press) Americans won first
and second place in the llHl meter dash
finals of the infer allied games here
this afternoon. The point winners fin
ished in the following order:
Charles Paddock. lVadenn, Cal.,
first; Edward Tewhner, Lawrence
Mns.i., second!; Howard, Canada, third.
Tiirle 10 4-5 seconds.
(This is within 1-3 of a second of the
world record, made by Lippincott in
the Olympic, games at Mockholm in
The American basketball team de
feated Italy, 55 to 17.
In wrestling, flargnno (ItalO defeat
ed Kryslsow (America.)
In the boxing events F.gan knocked
out Negri (Italy) in the first round.
Lernans, France, June 20. America
won the first eighteen place in the
individual rifle competition of the in
ter allied games yesterday. There were
175 entries, representing eight nations
Sergeant Stanley fmith of Cleveland
won first place with a score of 275 ont
of a possible 3O0. Sergeant Jrfster V.
Hanson of Uivernon, 1!!., su second
wrth iWrt.
IOuis Percy of France led the com
petitor of other nations with 243,
which gavp him !'h pl.ve.
Refrigerator Ships Will
Carry Fruit To Chinese
San Francisco, Cal., Jnne 16. A fleet
of refrigerator ships will carry Pacific
const fruits to Chinese ports, and re
turning bring frozen beef, poultry and
eggs, if plans of the Foreign Trade club
annoonced today, mature. The. club is
aligning fruit men's organizations to
end a delegation to Washington and re
ipiest the shipping board to assign the
refrigerator steamers tn Knelt! fi4nra
Tobacco Habit
Thousands of men suffering from
fatal diseases would be in perfect
hen It h today were it not for the dead
ly drug nicotine. Stop the habit now
'beforo it's too late. It's a simple pro
cess to rid yourself of the tobacco
habit in any form. Just go to any up
to date drug store and get some Xico
tol tablets; take them as directed and
lo! tliu pernicious habit quickly van
ashes. BruKgists refund the money if
they fail. He sure to read large and in
teresting announcement soon to appear
in this paper. It tells of the dangers
of nicotine poisouiag and how to avoid
it. In the meantime try Nieolol tablets;
you will be surprised at the results.
Picnic Prayer filing
Of Presbyteries list
Evezing Is Eig Success
If the hoary-headed fathers of the
lVsl.vterinu chinch could have bad a
seat cn the side lines at Brush College
last ldht they would have expressed
neither consternation nor condemnation
for they would have In en t(,o much
astounded at the eouibi'.atiun of reli"
ion and hilarity to express anything.
It was a prayer meeting all right
enough, and it was well attended, for
there were more than a hundred per
sons stated about the tables for the
picnic supper. There as no sermon by
the preacher and no "exHrierees"'
from the congregation, but the pi avers
were just as fervid and effective amid
the sylvan surroundings and under the
sky as they would have been iu the
class, room, and the ' Forest Hvmn"
as recited by Tastor Anderson" was
quite as suggestive as a discussion of
a doctrinal theme. There were popular
hymns, memory passages from the
Bcriptures, bits of poetry and s;Kr.iane
ous remarks, and a solo by Mis Ada
Miller all of which went to make up a
prnyer meeting program as interesting
as it was unque. And tho bob white
and song sparrow broke in to fill up
the internals. Following )he simple
supper, which was rounded out with
ice cream and cake, theie was whirl
of uames on the school (rrnim ;n n.i.i..i.
, old age and dignity were chrlckcd into
mo ouck ground ann- the baldheaded,
bespectacled "pillar" of the church
scrambled after the hifjh sehoid gradu
ate iu "drop tho handkerchief." If
j there was anybody there who didn't
en joy himself it must have been a man
with neglected corns or an ingrowing
conscience. A vote of thanks is due to
I ustor Anderson as tho originator of
i no men or the picme prayer meeting.
"Big Bill" James Signs
With Oakland Coast Nine
Oakland. Cal.. Jnnn 07 "Hi ti;ii
James, 114 world's series pitching
nero, is signed to pitch tho remainder
of the season for the Oakland club of
tho Coast League. He will go to Oro
ville todav to have his
and will join the Ouks next week.
.rTT'xH sie doesn't knouJ
-it 7
would clear her skin
"She would be a pretty girl, if it wasn't
for that pimply, blotchy complexkin!"
But the rrgnlttrv.t of Resinol Soap, aided
at first by a little Resinol Ointment, wimld
probably make it clear, fresh and charm
ing. If a poor skin isjwlundicap, begin
using the Resinol treatment and see how
(fuickly it improves.
Rtataol Soap and Retreot
Dimmest irt tictildt. too,
tor titt rare of the luir, die
petltng cUudruff and kec(Mff
the tiur live im1 lutirtHts. Ail
drufute tell Kettnol Soft
and Ketnol Omtmeul.
fht AVjium rtttlmtut im
m- trrumtt tkt tttt ifMiv
James is still a member of tho Boston
Braves. I'nnlde to get into form in tho i
east, ho obtained permission from Man
ager Sttllings to sign up for tho season 1
with any of tho Const Lenguo ciubs.'
au have been after him.
lesterday afternoon, tho Balnlors
wero kicking the Oaks all around their j
home lot. Jumes was sitting in tho .
press box. Manager Howard spied him'
and walked up under tbo press box. T f 1 r . T n
"I'll tako you lit your own te.ins,"; IrV 0016111 TlTSt lU DUVinS
he said. The deal was closed lust 1
tMHikune, Wash., June 27. Said te
ihate coufeMied to the theft of I-20O,
i ...I.. :.. X I-- r ll.
jlllt'NH in iiui-itv iMiiiu.-., immii wie t'V
ikjine and Eastern Trust company here,
Louis . Waiiamaker, 17, a bank cleric
is behind tho liars on a charge of grand
i larrenv. The thefts ro said to have
i taken pliuo over a poriod of one year.
Busick & Street
-vnneoia, I., June 27. 'Dr. Walter I an P it T I rt
hV-I"':.?:""? g,,il,y of tmt ioulh tominercial Street
Dr. 'Vniluiiu was accused of having
killed his wifo at their homo in Long
Beach, iX. Y., la.t. February by beating
her to death with a hammer.
All kinds of Auto repair
.vorkIIorne of the Auburn
Beauty Six
Washington, Juno 26 (United Press)
All bids on 142,000,000 ponnds of sur
plus army meat have been rejected by
the war department, because of unsatis
factory prices and inadequate distribu
tion, it was learned today.
The war department is preparing a
statement on the bids to bo isi utd late
it -'V
alem Sample Store
Every man has a desire to be well dressed for our on-coming celebration.
You'll find here Men's Clothing, Shoes and other wearing apparel priced to
you at our usual low prices. Come, let us show you !
If you really want the
puckery tannin-taste, don't
buy tea. You can get
more tannin from oak
leaves. If you want the real
tea-flr.vor, pay enough for
your tea to get it.
There is some tea-taste
not very fine in com
mon tea; but the tannin
taste smothers it.
Besides, fine tea is
cheaper per cup than poor
tea a pound makes so
many more cups.
Schilling Tea is the fine
practical economical tea
of this country.
Thers are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon-India, Oolong,
Engiuh Breakfast. Ail one qualify In
pan-hmyn-uned moisture p root packigoa.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling & Co San Francisco
Men's Band Shirts
With Soft or Starched Cuffs
75c, 98c to $1.98
New Style Soft Collars. 30c
Boys' Knee Pant
Suits Gray, Browns and Mixtures
$3.95 to $8.45
Men's Dress Pants
Plain Blue, Brown Serges and var
ious neat stripe patterns
J2.95. $3.50. $3.95 to $5.50
Men's Panama Hats
Samples $2.95 to $3.95
Men's Athletic Unions
70c, 75c, 85c. $1.00
Men's Cotton Unions
Mesh or Balbriggan. 98c
White Handkerchiefs
5c, 10c, 15c. 20c
Men's Hose
12 l-2c, 18c, 25c, 29c, 33c
Black, White Jan Polishes, lfic
Blues, Browns and Grey Mixtures
$17.50 to $22.00
$1.75, $2.85, $3.25 to $3.65
Men's Tan English
Dress Shoes
$3.98, $5.50. $5.85 ta $7.00
Men's Black English
Dress Shoes, $3.93
Batferafl Sample Shoes
For men, sizes 6 to 7 1-2, priced to you
$3.95 to $6.50
Worth today $1.00 to $2.50 more than
we ask you for them.
Sample Tennis and White
Shoes and Oxfords for men, Slightly
soild at big reductions.
Men's Khaki Overall suits for men.
Roomy an i well made
$2.45. $2.69. $2.98
Boys Black and Tan
English Dress Shoes
$3.65, $3.95, $4.45. $4.75
You will remember
this boy's voice
long afterwards
V. rm -
lenomina! Bov Soorano
Tomorrow, Saturday Evening, 8:15 O'clock
Admission 50 cents
children under 14
years 35 cents
Tickets selling at Will's
Music Store and Patton
Book Store.