Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 27, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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June ST, 1919
Editor tad Futdithw
rage or me vapuai journ
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon
i : i
Address All Co-ntnuoications To
138 S. Commercial St.
fMij, by Carrier, per year,
ally by Wail, per year
5.00 Per Monta-
$3.01) Per Month..
fit a large number of women to care for most casesef ill
ness, according to leading medical authorities.
It is very probable that the nurses training courses
which last over a period cf three to four years have been,
like other courses of study, insufficiently concentrated,
and it will be a good thing if, in this department of educa
tion as in others, the needed pruning is done and a quick
er, stronger growth secured.
The influenza epidemic showed plainly enough what
America needs in the way of bedside atendance, and any
measure which makes the study of nursing more prac-
The Basic Principle
Article XI proclaims the great (fife-
'tions of private law between citucna,
and ttic other to decide cases in wMofc
the duties of administrative f!':
or the interests of the guvcrutiuut r
involved. When a iliflcrein of (.pUi
ion on the question of jurisdiction arise
between these courts, it is dtwidej ly
a court Cf conflict composed of mem
bers drawn from both. If a nation does
not suffer its own courts of law to lie
i .ermine their jurisdiction, one can hard-
Mv expect that it would allow an iutef
,legal right to prevent it, but it would ; ,;, ;,,! tribunal to do so.
'have been an act to which she would' For this reason the covenant of Paris,
justified in obiectiuil. and. while iiiakmj plaits lor a Jiitucmi in-
A discussion of the League of Nations Covenant, article by article,
written by Williim IL Taft, ex-president of the United Rules,
George W. Wlckensani, formerly United btates attorney general,
A. Lawrence Lowell, president of Harvard University, and Henry
W. Taft, of toe New York bar.
W. D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building.
H. fitoekwell, Chicago, People's Gat Building
trinA of th community nf interest in i i
.tlCal and attractive to a large bOdy Of WOmen Will be the. uuivorsal maintenance of peace. It Iu.r objection would have been sustain-1 buiml and setting up a council of state-
Worthwhile contains the basic principle of the ed in an international council, although men, does ivt provide tnai ai. jusihi-
. " . , . . , : League, worked out in practical form t bv a court of law. In An'!o Siixoa able questions shall be submitted to the
Of COUrSe the nurse IOr aCUte and SUl'glC'U Cases by the other articles, that peace and ro,..,t'rics where courts are in rtio habit first and all other .mrtterj to the
lieeda Careful and Comprehensive training dOWn tO the friendly relations among nutions are 0f lccidine qwstions oMheir own jur-,und, but allows any state to claim I
ersoa xcb . flpfn;i Knf fnr ennh rnr?0? thp ril1s;inP- nf lpqrninfr co,K,r" ut a" ,rt'c People!.; that iM,u.,jt,n it wm,i(. 9t,em natural to au- effect that the question is nor jus.iot-
: the paper last detail, nut ior sucn nurses me Dusmess 01 learning ;,beS(, l(, ure juslin(.d iu prot(.etlllg . ..... .. . f th allk. anj t0 mlliro it8 reference to the
ShOUld have better; one another aid iu maintainii:, order... . ..';, whether a quest iou is council. This is not the best arruui;e-
iu the world for the common kood; : : i . bt n tl.o Knntinnnt uient conceivable, but it is far uetter
w,f 7:30 o'clock and a paper wiU b tent jou by special messenger if 1Ty --aiiui.fc man 10 vvv voui i oii. . . ,!,4 that international nmralny, fair 'U v. , the nnlhmrv courts of law than havine no method of ta-tf.ing die-
- : - - Kur oi'on in tno enco nr tno nirrn u Trmnpd c rtr ei i.i .i:.. ., . : .
earner has Biissea yon. um. ,--. ... v..v v.u...v. uu.b.vU.
nurse it probably will be found possible to eliminate some
matters and concentrate on others more important and
turn out nurses of high grade efficiency in less time.
Tae Deilr Capital Journal earrier boys ere instructed to put the papers on the1
1,8 . ' " . j .v:. n ni ai.? ecti cottinB the paper
E'lt, on time, 'kindly phone the circulation minatrer, as this is the only way jcoulcl be Iliadtt attractive, and they
..Van determine whothe, or not while leamine than is now common.
Is the only newspaper in Kalein whose eirculation Is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
The farmer who does not know his soil as the stud
ent knows his books is not altogether a wise man. Up-
1 . 1. .,,.,.. tw,. -inwVinrif cliltia hfive
uermanv cum uauis uvt.uu.--c vi m-..v- t. -t. ., u a a -m, t 11 v,; uv
i- i i 1 (I-.,. A1K..1- nncr'ur thnt 1 nr 1110111 M'1' mt nun tie uutsi, uvueuu iui iiicicnuiuiui u iu- iwva
b,cn contaatol an J ho Al '-Zi2 Slb-- toil. II, miv Mow and plant and tend; weather
l'u u tuuui ruuu.v..vw. ,. Im(.,rpri t.n his prnn his Pf forts will fail to nrosuer
fiormanv complains by tnc loss 01 ner meruut.i '::-:rr-v":s ; "V 4 -
e - ,1 i. P . . I I VII M V 1 ri ;i I I M Will It--Mil l ."M'lllJIIV-t-,II-"lll.-
to,.m ,-,imlors nf sa ore were tnrown oui oi vvoitv, aim - y, v... ... ..... ?
the Allies answer that far more of their seamen have been
. l l ; a l, y-. n x f ri
either driven from the sea or arowne-i in me wa uj
"u""M"luu - . . . a f.n- HV.rifr her c'ge ot his state, wnert
. GeanZ S a !cAilw, kS a Udiie will be informed
coai ana iron u''lJ -- -
taking less than Germany seized or destroyed in her ruth
less warfare, and that Germany will be able hereafter to
buy ore or coal from the Allies though the Allies were not
abie to buy it while Germany held their mines.
Germany complains that she will not be able to feed
i-er population because of the deprivation of certain agri
cultural lands, and the Allies point to the much larger
areas of agricultural land seized and devastated by Ger
nianv, and the Allied millions subjected to starvation, and
explains further that Germany will be permitted to buy
all the food she needs if she behaves herself.
And so it goes, from beginning to end. I oint by
iwint every alleged burden or privation imposed by the
Allied treaty is matched by a greater one imposed by
Germany when she had power over Allied lands, and peo
ples . And back of this is the knowledge of the still great
er burdens that Germany would have inflicted, accord
ing to plans that are a matter of record, if she had won
In these days of science no farmer need run this risk
no matter where he lives or how poor he may be He can
send samples of his various soil to the agricultural col
lege of his state, where they will be carefully analyzed,
as to what they contain ana what
they lack, what fertilizer is required and the best way to
procure it. .
It was lack of such knowledge as this which led to
the abandonment of many a farm in the eastern states
and sent many a hard-working farmer to the poorhouse
or his toil-worn wife to the asylum.
Before a businessman invests his monev in a busi
ness he. investigates it from the ground up, it's past his
tory and its present condition. Upon that foundation he
bases his future operations.
Just so for the farmer the test of the soil reveals
what has been taken out of it, what is its present condition
and what it needs put into it to make it pay. in the future.
4 I Vk tlfflrt
Wherefore all the clamor from Germany falls on
de af ears.
A short course in training in the hospital,-say for one
year, and large experience in bedside care of sick, would
0y Walt Mason
If there's work that should be done, do it now; if you
wish to borrow mon, do it now; putting off from day to
day is a foolish, slipshod way, and such methods never
p.iy do it now. If you'd ply a deathless pen. do it now;
if you ought to set a hen, do it now; if you're billed to trim
the lawn.' do not wait the morrow's dawn; you may then
' dead and gone do it now- If you'll build yourself a I
home, do it now; if you'd write an epic pome, do it now:
oh. so many fellows civ, "We have plans for by and by!"
If you'd climb to places high, do it now. If you'd renovate;
outs to iiiniiKinil, and winch ni.iiiKina
is entitl. il to expect ami demand.
Article All euilKxIie the mil'Staneo
of the Rj-rot'inent mmle ' hy the Brynuj
treaties with u score of natiens. It is
the culn. iuution of principles fur wlii.h.
the L'niteil States has loiij stuud. Willi i
a few exceptions, mostly of smaii cmin-
tries, the United States has coiiciiuled,
such treaties with tho state nuined in .
the annex to the covenant as admitted
to the .League, or has signed with tiiem '
treaties which only await formal latifi .
catum; ami liic ciit'i-i i i ..10 mu. ..' .
to eause thorn to make with ono another !
the agreement for arbitration before:
war which we have negotiated with
each of them.
Value of Delay.
This article, like the Bryan treaties,
is based upon the idea that delay is in
itself of (icat value quite upait from
any compulsion to abstain from war
after an award lias been made. It re
moves the opportunity for a sudden at
tack upon au unprepared victim, and
it jjives n chance for a calm considera
tion of the consequences of war, In
stead of the rush of enthusiasm that
ciimes wheu a nation is plunged into a
conflict without reflection.
Hut the covenant uocs farther by t-'
tadiing some compulsion to the award,
or rather by protecting the nation
which complies with its terms, fcy Ar
ticle XI r the members of tho League
must submit any dispute between iiem,
likely to lead to a rupture, either to ar
bitration or to inquiry by the council.
If they agree that the case is suitable
for arbitration they agree further by
Article XIII to carry out the1 award.
Now by Article XXI of the covenant
it is provided thut this shall not af
fect the Bryan treaties. But under
those treaties the parties ure not bound
to carry out the award, and one may
ask whether this article imports an ob
ligation to do so. Clearly it does not,
because those treaties cover controver
sies of all sorts, including such as tho
nations involved might on bo willing
to submit to arbitration with a duty
of that kind attached. K evert In less,
the prnvixioiis of this covenant certain
ly prevent a nation dissatisfied wi)h
an award under the treaty from going to
war without submitting the li.-pute to
inquiry by the council. The Bryan trea
ties furnish therefore an additional
means of reaching au accord, without
impairing the guarantees of pence in
the cos euuut.
The second clause of Article XIII
gives examples of the kind of questions
deemed suitable for submission t ) arl li
gation. Tliev are such as depend upon
'i.tMiet. of law or fact, including tile in
I terpretatiou of treaties, matters that
probably because Washington is dry as a bone anyway, , ir..i..-riy be decided by a cou.t on
',.'.., n ' I strict legnl principles. These have been
' termed justiciable questions, in contra-
listim tion to those which are not pure
ly legnl but involve divergencies of na
tional interests and policy, which are
political in their nature and must be
adiusted or compromised on grtumis of
liv MARY DONGLAS International air dealing and cxne.lt-
baling ami respect fur the rinuls of ... . ,i .-, nnwer In nutes exet-ot military force.
ithers ar duties which every tountrSi.. ........ .1' ...,... 1 1 .;-,.-., 1 t.n " x
- - .HUM V'HllllIlta iiieic mi: .n.i.uw. . .. w fc
lasses of courts; oue to decide qnes- Jy -jlg-fl jj bUVH?
Information comes from Mexico that the attitude of
General Villa toward the United States was one of sincere
friendship,"1 though Villa's sensitive soul was hurt by
the action of the American troops who drove him out of
Juarez. God deliver Uncle Sam from his greaser friends 1
' Slippery Bill Borah, senator from Idaho, threatens
to leave the republican party, which would be a splendid
piece of luck for the g. o. p. 'But where will the oil
Bill go? ' . ' .1
Some of the eastern cities are raising tho fare on
"owl" cars to ten cents. But the joke is on the trolley com
Viece of ,luck for the g. o. p. But where will the oily
Sir . - -
: i " - - f y " - " . w, '. . : ;
h - - .
til T ' H I -..---. . ar. ' , ,v
3 r si. r-i ' , .
U. 4f? U
wr it
. .ivy S f
" T- ,v . V -'- 'sS , ,
' SW
The former clown prince has returned to the father
land. Poor Germany 1
Congress is standing pat for n.tional prohibition
and misery likes company.
Hunting a Husband
1 am tweutv five, For the last five
years I have wotked. I nin so tiled oi
it all. I know what I want. It is a
home, hiis.iiid. rhildren.
a girl. I'm crazy about her," he said; ti,,.,
as he lighted a cienrette, "but 1 can't better
seem to understand her."
"lint what is she like, Tomt"
"I can't describe her.
anil sett. 1 lie Kmc
As 1 caught the 5:.H tonight and
... I . . . . i i .... . . r I i shiiK lis iiessiv into a seal loo weary
your life, do it now; if you d cheer your weary wife, do it ,.,.,. , lllK.-t,u. ,,nrr lhM iv n.yi
low; it is vain to sit and wait till vou get your mood nn'inp, t i..ke.i up to see a giii ahead of i
straight; if you ought to pull your freight, pull it now If.-;,, ZZ2u
you d buy next winters coal, buy it now; if you wish to . iy mm tiu. i,.n i.,t.u- her. 1 warned i
c ivn n rn snvp if now! fnr nn tmrt r.nn riss ;inil s.iv wlvit h. r every move. ,ot a benutuui j
two classes of questions hscr
not be confused, but eat h re-
ferred to the body most appropriate
for its consideration; but a ditfiiulty
itine nrist. in ileeidi n i- whether a one-
Jut sweet ,ion . iuatiriabie or not. One of Ilic
1 that looks up to parties may well claim that an act per
Aerolux No whip ventilating porch shades are the last
word in shades. Now is the time they are needed. Let us
figure with you, as to the cost, put up in perfect working
order. T. II ?H ' iSiSRlBinn
Gold medal folding cots, folding camp stools, and
chairs, hammocks and refrigerators. Buy now and get the
benefit of their use the full - season. And the rieht
place to get these articles at the right price, is at
Chambers & Chambers
467 Coui;t Street.
man and depends ou lilm." ; formed or threatened by tho ether,
I looked at Tom keenly. Yes. he "'t --"tly a hrvarh of interni
meant it all. "Won't you bring her to ' ' "''''
sie met" I asked. ta interests or purity and Inat t.
Tom. "vou "re so '' "" '
ride on purely legal grounds is to aban
don its claim. If Turkey, for example,
had proposed before the war to transfer
to Germane a tract of bind near the
about ou. I knew vou'd help
: ti vnifi an
1 I i ...1.. I 1-! 1 -... .1 . 1 ""it liguiea u Willi sucn leeung s u . . .. . ., fc. .;,-
ir.iy napiien w nen uuuv ii worn uui ana iaia away; no, ,., t kll,.,.. rr liV(. ,,ar8 Uav0 1 'o ; ;- ;.;; bcat.ng ir.to '. KngUuJ would ha, ua no
things now. If you'd demonstrate. your gift, do it now;ive every u,e of ,y .tr,gii. tu;; min, 1So ,i(iViipM lik(, Ssrai 110th. :
if vou hope to make a hit, do it now; for the idler cuts no1""" 1"m"" r,. , , l" , ; . ".. rterioM about you!" very lard
Vr, n--iflflif-ri.-c--mnwUr.L-c. tho nvlrn. If eni.M m.t tho.1.., . .. k ...J I clenched my hands. I aanl food nn;ht
im , tin nv uivuitiv i im ho niv I'livv, 11 i l'u vt jv v i iiv. i v ! uit' vrar. a eHivniwni-r jlu ui-nr
This Coupon is good for Five Votes for
Goddess cf Liberty, Fourth of July
(Write name here and deposit this in ballot box)
once or twice, do it now.
VAys. fv-syrvy rytyjys-r V"y
tliint a disillusionment of human na
The train stopped. I tucked my pa
per under my arm and walked slowly
nlonij the tree shadowed street. "There
must be some wnv out. I shall dj. it!"
to Tom ealmlv enoutih, thouth,
So at lat I know what I am like.
I went up to rue room. I lit both
candles on try drossing table and look
ed intenselv at the fnc I saw. Kyes
of sl.ite color. I.ips compressed iuto
a stiaii.lit red line, llair miucw I'nca
Established 18C8
General Banking Business
Commencing Juno lGth Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
I tlom.l,, t,, myself. I opened tho te . m - ,
I pulled the hair over my forehead I
pinched my cheeks. Tilted mt chin.
And looked B!:ain through half lowered
li'ls. Ti s, by every- subterfuge I shall
succeed. I shall be mvterious.
Fur I am hunting a husband!
(Tomorrow " Jeanne. 'M
Winnipej; was quiet Puedsv after the
Moody riut of Saturday. The city is
n,i longer nader nmt'.ii-t lnw, Imt fed
eral mdliers are tit on duty in the
bitsinesji district.
try Mm first In BnyW
nin! ran liu'11 v ui1 lue pain.
"V'.ther, I 'm (iing to take a jenr
off," 1 called. The quiet figure on
the porch looked np.
" It s a good ttiirg, 'ira," she said,
'you'e seemed very tirrd Intely.'1
TUe telephone rang as I was going
dortu to supper.
1 "It "a Teoi, t-ara, are you going tu be
home this eveniiigf"
II H;,s a surprise after all thsc
mo.ii'is to hear from Toiu. Tom the
! steady but uninteresting Id pal.
I Tem wasn't veiy slow at geltis:g at
'list hf wanted to v that eveuing.
"Sinn, you'll belji me I knew, it's
The Fastest
On the Screen