Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 26, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    :!al Ifoumal.
THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1919.
1 ? I f f f V W V
A Nation- Wide Institution
With 197 Stores located in Various towns and cities in 25 different states, we
are recognized today as the largest chain of Dry Goods and General Wearing
Apparel Stores in the United States.
Oar Sales in 1918 Were More than
Twenty-One Million Dollars.
This wonderful volume of business gives us a purchasing power that enables us
to undersell-
Men's and Boys' Furnishings
Men's balbriggan union suits 89c
Men's Poros Knit union suits....$1.19
Men's athletic union suits..;...79c, 89c
Men's Negligee dress shirts 98c
Heavy Chambray work shirts 98c
.Heavy black sateen shirts $1.49
Heavy khaki work shirts $1.25
Khaki work hats 49c, 59c, 79c
Khaki work pants $1.49, $2.59
Men's heavy blue stripe overalls,
genuine Steifel dye $1.19
Men's heavy blue bib overalls, big
3, Pay Day brands $lv.69
Men's elk hide work shoes $2.98
Men's mule skin work shoes $2.79
Men's tan work shoes, army last $lf.98
Men's Suits
Serge, worsted and cassimere suits in
a nice variety of the newest patterns.
Conservative and Waist seam models
high grade tailoring, style and fit.
Triced $19.50 to $31.75
Men's harvest hats in straw....l0c, 19c
Men's colored handkerchiefs 3 for 25c
Men's dress shirts .' 98c
Boy's heavy blue bib overalls,
all sizes $1.25
Children's play suits, sizes 1 to 8 98c
Big girl's unionalls, sizes 10 to
16 .. ..: $1.49
Heavy work suspenders at... 49c
Canvas gloves, 3 pair for 25c
Canvas gloves with leather palm 25c
Woman's berrypicking leather
gloves 49c
Men's dress sox, black, brown
2 pair 25c
Boys' waists, in light percales 59c, 69c
Men's dress pants $2.49, $2.98, $3.49
and $3.98
Men's dress caps 79c to $1 98
Men's Florentine straw hats ....$1.98
Men's President dress suspen
ders 49c
Old Fashioned Rockford sox,
2 pair 25c
Men's gun metal dress shoes $3.98
Men's black dress shoes, Eng
lish last $1.98
Men's tan dress shoes, English
last $5.90
Boy's Suits
In all wool Serges and fancy Cassi
meres. Belted and Pinch Back styles.
In a good variety of patterns and col
ors. Sizes 7 to 16 years. Priced
$5.90 to $12.50
Women's Gb$im Wash Dresses
The "Bonnie Lassie" and "Sassv
Jane" makes. Good ones $2.98 to $5.90
Bungalow aprons $1.19 to $1.98
Voile wakU 98c to $1.98
Silk waists $198 to $1.98
Women's cotton and lisle hose,
pair 12 l-2c to 59c
Women's Fibre Silk Hose,
pair 69c to 98c
Women's silk hose $1.35 to $2.25
Children's hose, pair ....12 l-2c to 49c
At the lower prices.
Ginghams 19c to 39c
Percales ...15c to 29c
Cheviots 25c
Kiddy Kloth - 39c
Sheeting 49c to 69c
Bed Spreads $1.98 to $6.90
Bath towels 20c to 89c
We have complete line of Dry Goods.
Always the lowest prices
Women's & Girls Khaki Work Camcnts
The modern "Sensible Garment".
Just the garment for berry and cher
ry pickers..
Girl's sizes $2.98
Women's '....!. $3.19 and $3.98
Khaki Dresses $3.98
Women's khaki riding breeches $2.98
Nurse stripe petticoats $1.15
Satine and Heatherbloom petti
coats $1.25 to $2.98
Silk Petticoats $3.98 and $1.98
All Numbers of McCall Patterns
fj Incorporated
All Around Town
a graduate of the University of Oregon j
fend has devoted her time to special
July 3 Beeeptioo to returned
aoldiers at Marion square, 8 p.
July 4 Big Fourth of July
cckaration in Salem.
July 8 Homecoming for re
turned aoldiers.
July 3-5 Coraniereial air
plane flying in Salem.
l(iost graduate work in hygiene, child
(welfare and playground artivttiea.
Newport fishing season opens; ting
cod sliced. 15e. and whole fish 12e per
, pound; red cod 10c pound. Fitts Jiar-
Iket. tf
Dr. L. E. Springer, dentist, Moore
bldg. eoruer Court and Liberty.
Pfcose lit. tf
Try Northern riour, It's a Bear,
every sack guaranteed. At your gro
cers, tf
vWrted chamber nald. ?'ione fi Igh
h-U. 2
TMa week's Drapery Special: Firm;
: colors in fancy overdraperies, regular
,73c at 5"e yarj. Hamilton's. - 6 26
j Frank Simon and Will Perlich hare
arrived in Now "Vork from France, ac
leordiiiir to a telegram received this
.liuorniug. They were with the lOJth i
agon train company and have seen
Aubout two years service in .Trance.
We deeire to express our gratitude"
and thanks to our many friends for
the beautiful floral donations and as
sistance during our bereavement;" in
the death of our beloved mother, Mrs.
Catherine Suhrs. Sirs. J. H. Fetersen,
Mrs. .1. L. Gordon, Mrs. Frank Ayers,
Mrs. Erie Dover Harry M. 8uhrs.
There is nothing mystical about
n Warner's Corsets they are just
good honestly made corsets, thru
out guaranteed to shape well, to
Tlo it comfortably, and not to rust
break or tear. To wear as long as
a corset is expected to wear and
Arttflcl"! teeth, bay expert plat
nan, with over 35 years erperlenee,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den
tist, 302 TJ. S. Nat. bank bldg. tf
Howard Persona, son of Mr. and Mrs
W. M. Persons, left New York on June
23 for France on the PlattBburg. This
is his third trip across the Atlantic,
lie has been in the navy about one
year serving in the hospital corps.
I lmy Junk of an kinds, rags and
bottles, metal, iron, broken down autos
and parts of autnt. Give us a trial.
SteinWk Junk Co. 328 N. Com. St.
Phone 305. tf
Dr. B. F. Found, recently returned
from service, announces reoperlng of
his dental office, 5th floor U. S. Na
tional bank bldg. Phone 169. tf
Bhig, Lambert Tartarian, May Duke
and Kentish cherries. We are in the
market bring them to our big plant
opposite S. P. fo. passenger station, or
phone 204. I'hea Co. tf
Myles B. Young Is in the city visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
young of 461 North High street. Ho
enlisted in the navy in July of 1917.
After the usual training, he wns sent
to San Pedro and assigned to a subma
rine ax flint class, electrician. The
greater -port of his s"rviee' wns spent
on the submarine at the Panama ca
nal. Hp hn recently accepted a posi
tion in Portland.
Dr. Mott. Bank of Commorce, 457-8.
Salem Clear Tactory Is now making
"La Corona" end "Little Salem" ci
gnrs exactly ns tkev were mmlo before
"ho war Smnkine them reminds you of
old times. tf
In two instances where babies were
left in Salem, nlmndoned with the in
tention that some stranger should
adopt them, there B downs of culls
at both the police station and at the
eonntv court (from women vtlio were
Wioiis to adopt the little homeless
one. Now here is a chance to adopt a
one week old bey. He is In a hospital
in southern Oreiron but can be brought
hero with the necessary credentials for
adoption. Those who renlly want a
tifliv ami would like to adopt one.
miu'ht telephone ll.'i.T.
Cretonnes for all purposes, plenty of
designs to select from. Values liOe, Uc
T.'ic und 1, :ij yard. Hamilton's. 6 2(1
It I
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your
repair work. Phone lGtiS. 220 N. Com.
street. tf
We buy liberty "bonds. 314 Masonic
bldg. vf
WUHau R. Tapscott horticulturist
of lialias and Miss Bess Keunard, a
tut of 8 a.vtoii were married yes
tenli v in S'.avum at the home of the
bride' iirotlicr-iu law, by the Rev, W.
T. Tapscott,
For first class work call Society
t'le.tnera and Dyers, 1272 Ma'e f.
I'kone los4. tr
Dr. Cart E. Miller has opened Ms
t-r.t office at 510 Ml U. 8. bank
bld.t. Phone 341. - tf
Dr. L. B Bprtnget, aentist, Moore
bldg. forner Court and Liberty.
I 1 Phone 114. tf
Miss Couifrtd Kurd of 1055 Marion
street b'ft last night fr IUrkeley to
outer the summer- h'l of the 1'ni
iversity f California. Iurirg the pt
(school year she hs been in ehargp of
ithe physical tmirting department for
juirlt in the WashinKtoa junior hijjh
M-hool. She will devote her time to
V mlies in phyvient cu'lure work along
'he most advanced lines. Mi Hurd is
Bishop 'a ads should Interest youl
1 I 0 1 1
Dane Sat. June 28th, M. B. A. hall
near Chemawa. Four piece orchestra.
Auto truck leaves Masonie Temple,
The H. H. Karris prune tract of 20
acres southeast of Libertjr has "been
purchased by Dewoy K. Hamel at a
valuation of 4.(K). Tho transfer was
handled by C W. Niemeyer.
xaty chicks for sale, B. I. Beds and
Haired Plymouth Rocks. 544 State St.
Phone 400.
The silver tea to be given from 3 to
6 tomorrow nfternoon by the Women's
club 'for the new women's building at
Eugene, will be on the eaut grounds of
the capilol building if tho weather per
mits. Otherwise it will be given in tho
Commercial cHb rooms.
PicWng will start at Indian Hill
farm Monday, June 30th. 6-27
o .
Special meeting of Pacific
lodge o. 50 A. F. & A. M.
this evening. Work in the h.
A. dvgree. visiting brethren
' nrpli-nnie
Will ship next Monday, two cars,
paying the hibowt price for all kinds
rf fat stock. 1'liouc evenings 2:i.'i7J. '.
1). Burdick. 6-27
Bead Bishop's ads and when you are
"Out" come in.
card ofthanb:s
Wo wish to express our sincere
thanks to the friends and neighbors
who extended to us their sympathy and
assistance during the iHness and death
of our beloved husband nnd father, and
also for the I.enutifiil floral offerings.
Mrs. Win. Donaldson and family.
Picking will start at Indian
farm Monday, June .'10th.
The silver tea to be given from 3 to
0 tomorrow nfternoon by the Women's
club il'or the- new women's buildin'j nt
Kugene, will be on the east grounds of
the eapitil building if "the weather per
mits. Other-wise it will be given in the
Commercial club rooms.
Come In and
nt Bishop's.
'Look Me Over." I'm
then a bit longer by reason of their
tubyig virtues.
Every corset guaranteed or a
new one free if they fail. , -
and 55.00 .
"Our Prices Always The Lowest"
Phone 1072
Cora'l. & Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store
it'rom reports coming in to the office
of the county commissioners, there is
u feeling that something must be done
just nt this opportune time of year to
right the threatening dangvrs of the
thistle. ,
Marriages licenses are averaging
three a dny. Yesterday tho following
were issued:' William R, Tnpscoit, 35,
of Dallas, a hortifiilturist, nnd Bess
iKounard, a teacher of Stayton. Anders
Kjdo, 3$, a dentist of Scuttle to Agnes
Lnrsen of Hilverton. Koy Marvin Vin-,
ynrd, 27, of Wacondn, a machinist to
"Alta May Patterson, a teacher of Sa
lem, Anton Hanowski, generally known as
Anton Ilannw, of Hubbard, h:is filed
his final application for citizenship. Ho
was born in 1885 nt Bruugwalde, Ger
many, and came to this country in
1H02. Ho will be given nn opportunity
to prove to Judge George O. Bingham
that ho is qualified to exercise the
privileges of an American citizen when
the examinations are held next October
Mr. and Mrs. S. Hartman of Victor
ia, B. C, left tli i morning for their
home after visiting for a wcekwith
their brother and sister, Ed Rogtina
and Mrs. Joe Adolph.
C. C. Harris was given a building
permit yesterduy to erect a frame addi
tion to his place at 5U1 South 25th
street, to cost O0,
(lIAMIHEiiS To Mr. nnd Mrs. Chus.
X. Chambers of 10:I9 Mission street,
.Tune 24, 1W19, a "laughter.
The father, is instructor in the man
ual training department of tho Wash
ington junior high school.
Try Sa'ca First In Buying
Miss Mamie B'anclitird went to Port
land this morning to meet her sister.
Lhs. T. X. Ht.-.nios of Denver, who will
Imnkc her home in Salem. Mrs. Staines
Iformerly made her home in this city.
Silverton Is going strong in the cam
paign of seliritiitg funds for the Sol
vation a rm v . according to Mrs. (leorge
W. XicclliHtmiior, who called at head
quarters for the drive this morning.
Among the woAers are Mr. and Mrs.
tioorge W. Sieelhainiucr anil Mrs. lus
Wei t. wife of the foreman of the Sil
ver Fall Timber Co, Prom one enmp
alone 300 was collected for the cause.
Judge Bushey is looking carefully in
to the -thistle lew passed by th- Inst
legis'iituie and a't looking no former
jl.iws enacted, before a' ninting an
ngent or ngen s to Inud'e thi- very scr
ion pn b'em of Canadian this'le.
Busick & Street
420 South Commercial St.
car cf
Chinese Medicine and Tea ,
Has medicine which will ears an
known disease.
Open Sundars from 10 A. IL
until S P. M.
Our strongest belief
is in imirtial jus
tice to all and it fol
lows that every one
receive the same
earnest courtesy. Our
bnsis.-M dealing'
sre tibexe reproach.
The Slogan of Today and of the Future,
hip By Tici
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400
Why Pay More?
25 CENTS $2.00 to $6.50
$17.00 to $38.75 $31.50 $34.50. $4150
Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store
271 N. Commercial St. Salem.
153 South High it
jS.ilcm, Oregon
Phute 252