Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 26, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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rx;r, jr.vr.:;
We'll place on Special Sale 50 dozen biand new blouses, "Lingeries, Georgette
and Voile "Waists, at prices that will save you money. Our New York buying
force, ever on the alert, hastened to take advantage of an unusual offer in the
blouse -market, hence the following remarkable values arranged in six groups
for your selection.
Group 1 Crisp White
Waists 93c
White Swiss and Organ
die "Waists, made with
Tink and Blue Voile col
larsin a complete as
sortment of sizes, as an
instance, cf the big val
ues offered we've mark
ed this, lot special.... ..98c
Grcj? 2 Voile
Waists $1.50
Excellent group of fine
White Voile ' Waists,
some in hemstitched ef
fects principally V shap
ed neck, all sizes, tailor-'
. ed effects'equal to $2.00
values. Now :...:.$1.50
Army Aviator From Euens
To Fly Over City Qn 4th Si
. . i tin
c .1.,,,, tj !.. i ' ii.
friilem is to nnve nnotliev i.liplnne
fym over the city on llio Fourlh.
Oft I . 1 Jif ... . A j . 1
-u 'e euoiis ol i (nunc! natson,
:uriikonien's have been mri.io n , i.rphr
lieutenant Ciull. was tn iln som. flvinrr
it, Kii;;ene on the Fourth, will malic a
iltle side tiil over Albany and to Sa-
em. n il I hen lincif nrrrnn trt h nrrimn
ROSTEIN & warn
Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, fancy plaids with plain
Plain blues or pink with plaid trimmings
Light colors fancy plaids at jj 75
Black and white checks.at '11.35
Dark blue and white, tape or rick rack trim-
min at $1.85, $1.65, $1.50 and $1.45
Extra heavy percale, light striped at $2.25
Children's percale aprons, dark colors, sizes
8 to 12 at 9c
Misses percale aprons light plaids, sizes 16 and
18'at - $125
Ladies Barmen Electric House Dresses, dark
colors ; sizes 36 to 46 at $2.25 and $2.75
Extra sizes, o0 'to 54, dark colors at $2.50
R. & G. corsets, rubber top, pink, at $125
Low or med um bust, pink or white at $1.35
Elastic top, pink at JJQ
Sport girdle pink at $1.35
School girl corsets at $15 and $1.50
Low and medium bust corsets, at $2.00
Double strength corsets, at $2.25 and $2.75
Lace fronts, pink or white at $225 and $2.50
The kind that gives satisfaction. Ladies' lisle, fast
black hosiery . $(c
Extra size ladies hose, fast black fl
Ladies' black silk lisle hosiery 5Qc, 75c
210 and 21G Commercial Street.
Group No. 3.
Waists $1.75 .
Splendid showing of new
Organdie, Voile and Ba
tiste Waists, principally
tailored effects, have
them in all sizes, dotted
and checked designs,
some neatly tucked. Spe
cial .'. $1.73
Group 4 Organdie
Wahis 52.50
An excellent croup cf
fine Orcandie and
Batiste Waists, neatly
frilled and tucked, some
are lace trimmed, hem
stitching and pretty
pearl buttons are used
effectively Sale
price $2.50
The. aii plnne to be used on this o.-ca-
hiou was HhiupeiJ from Mathets iielo.
Sacramento, to Kugeae and arrived
I there tins morning, j.ieiitenont Crull
will iissenible the machine lii-ei.aratorv
... .,,'.,
to doing some commercial flviag and
t() lt s( ,,xtl,, ,,. f(ir
. ' . - .
the Kugene Fourth of July celelnation.
Ti u ...f 1....u,i .-..t ui..oi..,.. i:...
-;n .i..,. r.. .'ui.....t t 111
or Salem. But there in the rt'i-'truncc
that ho will do some stunt flying over
G.,1..,.. .1, l... L-...,4
"White Corner Building
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store
Group No. 5
Waists $3.75
Creps de Chine and
Georgette Waists, prin
cipally white, cream and
flesh, all new models,
embroidered and -hem-stitched
designs, square
or V shaped necks, and
some in Russian blouse
effects. Special $3.75
Group No. 6 Georgette
Waists $5.75
B,ui:ful group of Geo
rgette waists,, white,
flesh and all the newest
colors, mostly tailored
styles, and some are silk
embroidered, principally
round neck style. Spec
ial for this sale ....$5.75
, i
. : ;,iiig-ilMi givl ik;ii4i-tliroVvi;l) -uu Julegul
TrnAVC DACrDAII CTAT)Eil"'r"''"11, w'" K ""' I"
lUiAl J bnOLbALL LlUilbl'lav. Arguments bv opposing counsel
.- - land the hmr'u lust rueiious w ill occunv
Xew YorkiUrooklyn postponed, rain,
lloslon-l'hiladelphia postpouerl, rain.
H. E.
Adams and Kchiuiill ;
'Wingo. (Fifth inning)
... 0
.. I
St. Win 4 0 3
it hieaiio o 9 II
Tuero, Allies and demons; Hendrix,
Douglass nnd O'Fnrroll.
, American
I'tiiladcliitiia-Xfw York poMponril,
wot grounds.
( 'levelaml ft
IVtroit 0
Jasper and O'.Veill: Koland and Ain
smith. (nine innings)
-Washington 3 13 2
Boston 1 6 0
I llfiruer ami I'ieinich; Pen nock and
!i-hang. -
Chicago O
St Iiouis' ". 1
Kerr and Sehnlk; rtothoron and Bill-1"""1
ings. (Fourth inning.)
county superintendent of Marion conn
, ty, Oregon, will hold the regular ex
amination of applicants for state cer-
lificates at the Xalem high school as
follow.":Cjninicniiig Vcdues,lay. June
-", lt'lt', nt P o'clock a. m., uml con
tiiiuiag until haturilay, June L'S, Htm,
;tit 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon
I'.'H. history, writing (penmanship),
ttiusie, drawing.
i Wednesday Afternoon
I Physiology, reaibng, jnanual train-
UU, eoiuM,sition, domestic science,
Method, in nwding, course of study for
liawing, methods in arithmetic.
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, history of education,
phychology, methods in geography me
chanical drawing, ib me-tic art, course ' Wori on tha erection of the new
of atudy Ifor domestic art. .Jmiblin? for the WiHard Hervice sta-
Thursday Afternoon 'jtion, between the Derby building and
Grammar, geography, atenography, ; Rig,b.n undertaking parlors will
American literature, physics, typewrit- .Win at once. Occupant, of the frame
ing, methods in language, thesis for
primary tertificale.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and practice. orthography
(spelling,) physical gi-o4raphy, Lug
lish literature, chenrtstry.
Friday Afternoon
Mcaool law, K"ology, alg'bra, civil
Saturday rorenoon
Geometry, tint any.
! Saturday Afternoon
; General historv, fookkeepiag.
I ' W. M. hM ITH.
County K-hAil .Sojs'rinteiiilciit.
Salem's a Good Place to Trade
Tn Vilnr-s V,ret Ir. P,,--t
1IJ UtUUil iUdl Id L-ajfl- '
Decision Of 2.75 Per Cent
Beer Reversed By New
York Court Today.
Washington, Jiuie 20 (United Ihress)
The house judiciary eonimitee today de
cided to provide separate enforcement
acts for eonsttiutional and war time
This set ion will have the effect of
I sliirhtlv imxlif villi" dractic orohihition
enforcement measures during the life of
the war atiine acts.
The vote. todnv was a direct reversal
of former eomttfittoe action. While the
1 " ...... . ... '
be distinct, the
will consider
lioth at the same
committee plans..
according to
Beer Dwision Reversed.
New York, June 6. The war time
prohibition act, under which no liipior
may be sold after Jufie 30, was u; Ueld
today by the injunction Judge Mayer
granted the brewers, restraining the
federal, district and internal revenue
collector ftum enforcing war time pro
hibition, as applied to -.75 per cent
The court held tho act was toustitu
tioinl and Judge Mayer had no juris
diction to en join the' enforcement of a
constitutional act.
The eourt recommended that the dis
trict nttornev hasten final deteriniua-
tion of the issue in.tlio. highest court,
nl in the inotmtiuie interfere witli the
business of brewers as little as possi-:
The litigation was started by tho
brewers several months ago to enjoin
'the New
York district attorney from
prosecuting them for selling
cent beer and to eompel the revenue
eob etor to sell licenses an drovenuej Maua?cr Kupper of thtl Orc;ou thea
stnmps for the sale ef 2.75 per cent ,.,. fti,ilin.j .:;T1ie Ked" Lantern V
beverage. ' WitU Na.imovH in the lea.lnij; role.
Jud;;e Mayer enjoined the (tiotriet ' one of flip ni-eati st nttriKtiow of the
attorney from prosecuting K'lling of -season, lis the houfo bns 'been well fill
i.'fi per cent' nud the revent collector , ed at every presentation. The bi; film
from refusing to issue licenses and runs a'jain this 'eveninit nud tmuoirow
sttnnps. The higher eoui t knocked out I "''!! Aside I'rom the play itself, which
Miner's injunction in respect to the I'1" ""f "r ' rongist .oriental stories
district nttornev (in. the ground of no;"'" !"", " '-r,,',. I'liotoym-
i.-is,!ioliou. and iu-resoect to the eol -
lector becin'se the collector had sub- i '
! ., t c;.i...-;fa ti...f V... i.t..: n..i..r '
i fti. ilto issue lieeirtw or stamps was
iips--" s
vfeetly willing to d.i so, if the brew -
i,T wanted to run tli rn.k cl oeiug
! IHieecuti-d for se'liug under the licenses
and stamps.
Inez Rssd M;ird?r Case
Goes To Jury hie Today
Redwood City, I'ul.,
'In,.? Kced niiirder Ca;-
-Kphrtam NortheolMtr-neensed of cuus-
!the duy.
Now Open! S-rvlce station ou Velle, j
I Cole, I.'eo and Doit car. Fiisl c!a uu- 1
to repairing. .Salem Vclie company, lii-':
North Commerciiil. C 27
Tomorrow the Wolverinet of Marlon ! k1HI '' l"'liatiapolig, and Mr. and Mm.
I A. I. ti-eoo, Angeles. i
county Mill I." .in the spotlight, ana , (J(,0- N..,,,,,.,. Jr., caitia in from Rose
the light will lie focn-sctl en the fair Imig ycsienliiv tfor a lirief visit in the
grimmls, as the pioneers of Wisconsin,
i togither with the second nnd third gen
:n .1 ... .1 1
iiuiioii, win ue-ci nine
picnic iliiimr ami ulternoon pnejrnm.
It is hoped that evivy resident of the
old conunonwcallh whu happens to be
in this vicinity will turn out with his
lunch linsltet and his entire stock of
roininis -ences. An interesting melting
is promise ,
lne coumy paving pi.ini, piucnasca
l''r',r lt'""1' l-'IKKI is now being awm-
on "r """ wl" l'"t '"'
'lo ('"vo service next Monday on the
jdnlierty road, extending from the city
(limits to about hall a mile south of Lib
erty, J no plant include tne regulation
llrver, mixers aphn!t kettltn and roll
ers. When the plant i in full opera
tion, about 2tt men wall bo employed in
jcluding the nocomury truck men. The
tract on 1ho Liberty road south of the
city covets a distance of two and one
! half mile.
rnornanio wno are in me Dusineaa.of .Marion county, Oregon, and all per
to do mwhanicnl aork for autoinoliibn,
will ffind 'blanks for their application
for eximinnt ion at the office of F. ti.
ilioyer, county clerk. The last biida
ture msi'd a law estnlilihing a betird
of Auto Mechanii examiners and the
mnn .no intends to follow this line
f work j, ,rfdiged to pas an exami
nation. There is a enalty for any me
chanic to wo'k on antes who hs not
received his licence.
, ,1w,.llin nn Ho lot ro nrnvinn not !
,1odnv and work on the removal of (lie
tinilrlini wilt iunin st niwo TK Wil.
l.tA fwir station iiiliKn? will face
40 feet on High street ami will ex
tend to a depth of 0 feet.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes and daugh
ter Ruth are exp-cted home t-tmnrrnw
evening. They jo't ralcm April 29 and
58 their travels liave visited the larg
er cities of the east and points of in-
fen st including .Manrnmnth cave im
Kntuckv and Niagara Falls. j
Emanuel Bitto, wanted In Portland
a charge of murder as taken in
rae thi morning bv Sheriff W. 1.
N'oham. He will be taken to Portland
am. He will be taken to Po
evening by .Mr. Neeilham.
w . . .
land aijjUt at Sshrrtoa. ta gioccry
siore of J.ilii-s Aim wu broken iuto
and money, bonds and other Tal liable
carried away to the taiue- of tliHVThe
burglar or burglats Ureke int j the safe.
Aa officer stent to Si'.verton this after
noon to investigate. . .
Ber. R, N, Avison and wife returned
last nijiht froui a viit os several weeks
with friend and relatives in the vicin
ity of St. TaTl and Minneapolis. lur
itig his visit Mr. Avison attended the
eoiuaieucemcntexervise of Jlamliu un
iversity, delivering the university ad
dress. H was their p'an to mnke aa ex
tended tour of middle west cities, but
they found the heat so intense that
they d.T.tded to reuwtin In Minnesota.
They remark upon the beauty of the
""S'i "i"'". m me lane, re-.
K'un; n"" hav. urt lands-ape
''"'f ?
f h'f T 'V1""' W M?
nuinv olif fiicnif. mitt fit! i.-i -ri..
The Oregon Electric train leaving
for the. north Sunday morning a! !:4."
o'clock mill slop at yniunby to accnni-'n-oiliite
tlios. who wish to' tut. -lid the
Ilaiel di-rict Sunday schoo? eouvori
tion. The. well kuowu Johu Springer fruit
trnet cf it ai res l.a been sold for f 15,
Ol( to JI, X. Stone". rink and other
The tract p'antid to cherries, prunes
and English wr.hiuts. Mr.' JStoiubi ink
will take possession next October. The
transfer was handled by the V. A. I.is
'toii aiency. . .
R. R. Kusgle is home alter serving
two viavs in the Molitonaoenn on en
eort duty. Ho was with Company M
when it went to the Mexican 'border
and enlisted fur service in. the navv
; May t!'17. He is a am of Jhv 1J.
'Kterghn 'of rural route K, Salem, lie i
home with his d-ii-s-hargo.
A mariingo license was i&wcd this
... j !.. ,1 M...- . n.i
"'K "" """ -:
,,!""" 1,1 " ruiiu limit' . nil II
,1" "'"K "en. , espe
phv is mnni t hing
ullv the interiors of nalace and ti'in
e. It 'is a line oliin: e iuto Hie uivs
teri-N and tenors of Cliiitese mint life
,. n, . . lf v.,..,v ,,, .
; , , ,ni1y t .jj.,,1,,,. ,r t,,,.,,.
I oursiar is now acrosa in Use
) Mrs. M. Tj. FuN.et-on, conn I y .super
June I'tt.Tlie , visor, went to orv;illi this inornin:,'
ill which Ir. to attend n meeting of club winkers.
W. ft. Yot ef .stnoton nrfiecd Iu the
'ilytbjs. mortiii )lj.viim jus(i bcu il-
. '""Ved '' military service, lie has
""'en in Frunee f , t nb.nif !'-'. innnths,
';X for.n time cnuiicloil with the
' 1 1 si suit ov train, lie reriinieit iium
France mil v a Hew weeks R'o,
A. I'. Ilohriistei!!; del nriii-il this morn
ing from ii biiviiie'S trip of vomiI il;iy
' h Corii'llis and other valley poinls.
. President I'. ,. Ciiniiliell of the I'ni
vnrsity of tre';ett. Fitnpprd nt'f in the
eiy this morning for a brief visit nn
hrs way from 1'nrtlnnd to Eir.'ene.
B. L. Kddy, of the land- office at
lb wlini'.:, was a recent arrival in, Sa
lem with a 'hiiMiicss errand.
Among recent guests at the Marion
liotel were Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W, Hois
W. P. Allen of .Sisseton, Koulli lialin-
(.1 u-fiu ntnf.li. (l.n n:.-J ni
, . A " ' '
the Capital hotel.
Cleans thorooirhly
reducs Inflammation
k f 1 1 I wri f .m ttr.l.
tea apply lightly, without li y
Itiction ri O
VICRS vaporubS
"YOUR B0DY6UAR0"-30f.60'.I.2f
Of the. State of Orogon for the County
of Marion
In the matter of tha estate of
'iharles Henry Invis, deceased, Notice
to creditors:
Notice is hereby given thai the tin
dersigueil, Kllis J. Bragg lias been an-
; pointed ad:oini:.lralor with the will an
. nexed of the estate of Charles Henry
I'uvis. d ceased, bv the conntv court
sons having claim, against the mid
eslate ore hereby required to present
rue same, uuiy vcrmco ,s rcrjuneo oy
law, within ix months after the first
publication of this notice to said ad
ministrator at the office of his at
terneys at 402 Halem J'.urik of .Com
merce building, Kalem, Oregon.
Lated May 2Hth, 19 1 it,
Administrator with the will annexed
of the eslate of Charles Henry Davis,
deceased. 0 20
t Undertakert
252 North High 8tret
Call 399. Highest price paid for
junk, second band good, and machin
ery. Ee sure and call 398, got the right
prices. The vittare deal bons.
271 Chemeketa fit.
Salem, Or.
oi'nal Want
Quick Reference To Firms That Give Service On Short
Where Buyer And Seller Meet We
Kecomntend Our Advertisers.
Salem Eleetrio Co Masoaie T;mpie,
tVI! $ALK Cheap, neat modern 5
room bimsa'.ow with 2 good lota oae
block from paved itreet, 3 blocka
fioai ear line, half cash, balance easy
termsj also 5 acres miles from
tity limits, 5 rojm house, well near
porch, good barn, abent 50 fruit trees
1'rice 1 400. half cash, tpiare leal
Iiealty Co. TUono 470. 6 7
o't acres all tho Vst of river bottom,
is cultivated, well fenced; 6 room
bunjalovf, bam, liog house, chicken
housot family fiuit, growing crop if
sold oon. This farm is worth $250
per acre, but to move it quickly
will Hake lii'iOO on easy terms,
lot) acres, 80 eultivatesl, house, 2
barns, lots f ouHmiMings, well fenc
ed, vlose- to" achool and Nation, 8
miles from Salem, only I'm per aero.
115 acres, L'S cultivated, S rwin house
barn, garage, all necessary outbuild
iniis balance of the place in timber
and stump pasture, fine family or
chard; only 70 per acre, cash bal
ance ti percent.
117 acres, all tho best of river bot
tom land; liO in- cultivation and iu
crop, which all goes; good 8 room
house, two old burnt, all well fenced,
l'il 'miles from lieuiia Vista, owner
wands to return to Europe; only $75
par acre. w . .
l'or best buys iu ranches or city prop
ertv see
tM'UUJFKY, Bayne building.
Salem's a Good Pacs to Trad -
Sakm's a Good Place to Trade
Try Salem First In Buying
Tho Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
Wheat, soft while il0
Wheat, lower grades on sample
Oats 8.)(o 88e
llnv, chrni
Hay, oats 23
Itarley, ton t5
Mill run .-
itiilteil'ijt' Mc
t 'rrttuiTe"btitTer. .. ..r. .-. ;.'( Mir
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Cork on foot
Veal, fancy ..
18 vie-' fe
l 'i i '.fil mic
7f l ilc
.. 'iC-v't'ri?
Spring lambs
Hwes -
sheep, yearlings :
lOlif lie
.. 4(ii!."e
and Poultry
I'igj,', cash 4lie
Ileus, lie i'.k'l"'K
Old roosters loo
Broilers "'
Strawberries i- 1 5
Kadishes, don 35s
Khubard 4c
ll'utaloes t'i
New potatoes o'iC
I Green onions doz 4iiv
Onion, sack j.SO
Cabbage oc
Head iettue.0 70a
Carrotta . - 4.rie
Hunch beets - 43c
Cantalopea - -.7o(a3.00
I nut
Orange, r(n7
Lomons, box i(i8
llnnana, It'aC
Cnliforniii Krlll10 fruit 0.00
rtlack igs lb. ...... 16((nl
VVUita figs, lb. 19(u20e
Package figs pot bz 50 pkg (4(atf.U0
liN.ey, extracted . , W
Seuu nice,
I'Ctfs, dozen 4ri(o,'0c,
Creamery butter iic
Country butter SoC'LOc
Flour, hard wheat 3.10&3.25
Portland Market
Portland, Or., June 2(i.- liuttei, city
erennterv 'i'Mrt "i tr
K.'t's, wlocti'd local ex 4 l''i lie
liens 232llc
Kroilera ilV
C'heise, triplet, 37.'!9c
lleceipts 138
Tone of maiki-t slow.
Good to ehoico 'slters I f ) C rr 1 1
Fair to good steers t(9.00
Common stoera $7(g7.50
Common to fair steera 8r7i 8.50
Choice cow, and heifer, 7(jii'.i0
Oood to ehoic tow, ard heifsri
!)oi 9.50
Medium to fair cow, and heifers
G(c4 7
sir to medium eowt tad heifen
1(0 8.30
t anner, 3.50(3
Bull. 3(S9
Calves H(S 13.23
licceipts 408
Tone of market steady
Prime mixed 2l(it 20.23
Medium mixed llt.SOra 19.73
Hough henvies !8fi 1S.23
Hulk 2l;fo 2l.23
Pigs 1H(Ij 18,23
BeCeipt, Soil
Tone of market steady
Fair to choice lambs I2.3H(" 1.1.30
Yearlings 'iSi
Cull lamb. Wn 12 30
Aethers t'di
F.wes i
f n
.Maia 110
li7 Kortk High..
'Al'TOS without drivers to aire, 1 dol
lar per hour, l'.'i S, Con.. t?t. 1'hon
j 3l9. ti
J We will pay yen more cash for ronr
I household good Get car bid before
you sell. I'eoptes Furniture aad Hard
ware Store, 271 X. Com. St. Thong
NO CAtli K EQ LIRE D 0 oo d overcoat
shoes and suit), all kinds of niusia
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing doves, gas stoves, suit case, aad
loot) other useful articles to sell or
trade. What havt youl Tha CapitaJ
Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 41)3.
YOFli used furniture, loves, carpet!
and tools, as we pay fair prices lor
vervihing. Call 817
2S5 N. Com I St.
Hats Blocked
HAT BLOCKING--1 clean and block
Indies' and Men ' hats. Just r
reived a hat renovating machine. It
gets Ihe dirt, Try it once. O. h.
KUsworth. 4o Court St. Ealcm, Or.
50 years enpenence, Depot iNliOB
and Aineriinn fence.
Hizes 26 to 5S in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, eta.
Loganberry and hop hooVs.
Salem Fcn.'O nd Stovf Workt,
2"0 Court street, Phons I'U.
I. A. Rowland Furniture Store
Hays, soils and exchanges now and
2d hand furniture. All kinds of
repair work, light grinding, filing,
and brazing a ipceialty. Kigat
price,. 217 North Commercial ttt.
Phone 16.
SALEM. CVV.KNOKU llarbuja n
refuse of all kinds removed en month
ly cnnlrncts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dond ani'mil, rsy
moved. Office phono Main If".
On Oood Heal Eslato Beourlty
Over Ladd Push bank) rlalem Orgoi
FEDERAL FA Hit LOANS 5 ',i psr
cent interest. Prompt ,ervice. 84H
years time. Federal fnrm loan bondf
"fo; sale. A. C. nohrnstedf, 401 M
sonic Temple. Salem, Oregon.
IN.-iV'l! ANCK COEVCii- For fre U
formal ion about Life Insurance sci
J. F. Hulchnson, dist. manager lor
the Mutual Life of N. Y., offies
371 Ktato St., Balem, Ore. OffUo
phono D9, residence 13116. ti
HOP LEE, expert laundryuian, 43i
Ferry St. 1 ray top market prico fo
chickens and Eg. OXfico pho
1331U, residence 1333J.
Our Prices are Might
W. M. ZANOLElt, Proprietor
1235 N. Hummer Street, Salem, Oregost
jost Instslled a machine that wiU
sharpen lawnmower, the ,am as th
factory puts them out new. Briag
all your light repair work to m. Al
vin'B. Stewart, 347 Court Bt. Phona
MeCornnck hall on every Tnaaday
at 8. Waller Lenon, C. C, P. J.
Kunti, K. B. A 8.
ROYAL Seighbor, of Amerin, Oro
gnn drape camp No. 1300 meet eTery
Thursday evening In McCornaek hail
Elevator tr-viee. Oraeie, Mn. Car
ri E. Bunn, BI8 Union fct; roeor.
der Mrs. Melissa Penons, 113 S
4ih'Rt. Phona H.lfiM.
torner Commerci'. aad Trad ttreeU
Pill, pnvabla monthly in advaneo.
Phone K06.
Out of 60 students in the pnarmac.y
department of the t'niversity of Wsh
ington this year 30 are women.
To replace the old building recently
burned, the school district of Empire,
in t(is county, has voted funds of
'Salem a Good Place toTrach