Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 26, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGE 6IX
Give a Sick Baby a Chance Through the Salvation Army
LllllILl ,"r$S'
, V ''t:V:i-vM
fn of sour
ASK. ' any Firestone Truck
Tire user in this city
about his experience with
them. Askhimabout the kind
of service he gets from our tire
press, our other tire machin
ery and our men. You'll
get the reasons, straight from
the shoulder, why over half
the truck tonnage oTAmer
ica is carried on Firestone
And when you put Firestone
Truck Tires on your truck
you'll find that it runs faster
with safety, wears less and
keeps moving on less gasoline.
Let us prove these things.
Threatened Omah Strike
Called OffBy Workers
Omaha, Nub., June SO. Central La
bor I'nlon In rierutivo session last
night decided not to rail a general
ntrik! in sympathy with the teamster
ut tli in time. It recommended mural i
and financial assistance for the strik
ing teamsters. All union mon nre atkod
to refuse to handle goods delivered ly
non union teamsters, and all union wen
will bo assessed ench week (or the sup
lort of the teamsters strike.
The meeting also adopted a resolution
denouncing Mayor Hrnitli as "unworthy
of a eliief executive of all the people
of the ctiy," far his attitude in the
Washington, June 2.1. Fearing a re
rival of tlio influenza epidemic next
winter, Horgcant Ofiiera.1 ltlue is press
ing emigre io appropriate $200,000 to
begin a health offensive.
Red Cross officials have received
iilucii that th epidemic, has just
reached Australia and Is raging there.
Absence Of Road Work Asd
Lack Of Tcp" Hard To
Figure Oat
By H. G. Hamiltaa
(I n ited Press Staff Correspondent.)
Toledo, Ohio, June Sfr-Jeas WUlard V
training stamps him as a very queer in
We have, here is Toleda a world's
champion pugilist who is training with
out doing any road work, and he says
he will be in just as good ahape at if
he were duing lots of it every day.
That's queer spot number eae.
Queer spot number two la Willard'a
teuiper. tasy going, good natuiod Jess
often times fhea into a half rage la
the training ring and sparring pattuera
get some awful maulings while ha co!a
Old timers have always made it a
habit to point Out that a man who loses
his temper in the ring is whipped that
instant, yet Jess works better when
riled than when he is in hit pacifist
Punchea Stir Tamper.
His blows carry more snap along with
the natural e tea in and the terrifying
look on his face never guts there until
the temper is ruffled.
One sure way of bringing the cham
pion to this condition is for one of his
sparring partners to lay over a punch
with some force, tyalter Monughan oft
en reaches his boss' jaw with a hard
right bander and then the gloves begin
to fly. Walter is no "dog" in tie ring.
He's quite willing to stand an swap
punches with Willard and the result
often Is a stiff poke in the chin for
Monaghan. He naver really hurts the
big champion, but he does sting hhu
and it bring the latent fighting apirit
t0 the fore. Willard works very eom
plucently until stung. One gets the im
pression in fact, that Jens is working
too slow for his own good, bill the oc
casional flashes he shows are enough to
prove to any no that ho is a very dan
gerous man to battle.
Dempsey Expected to Land.
Also tho tin-ties of the champion lead
one to wonder what will happen when
Jack Dempsey smacks one of the fa
mouse Bleep producers he carries in hit
mitts. There is no doubt in the mi mo
of most critics regarding Willard'a abil
ity to take anything Dempsey eends
over for a time.
Hut the force of these pile driving
blowa mny rouse the champion to a fury
that will sweep Dempsey off his feet.
Then ngnin, the argument turnz to the
MAKE 1 jl A, I.I.I ,11 M "'I
i room U f vj lAjrh I j h r'
Special Low Trices On
Puritan OIL
Hon Ami
JfM Li
Rock Bottom Prices
High Grade
Century And Ice King
!:,."':rr ri.irTil
We Have Purchased the Stock of the
Silverton Furniture Store
We will move this stock to Salem and in order to make room
we will offer this high quality Furniture at Bargain Prices
This sale includes everything needed to furnish
the home Complete. Beds, Chaii-s, Dressers, Lib
rary Tables, Dining Tables, Chiffoniers, Buf
fets, Stoves, Ranges, Linoleum, Rugs, in Fact,
all kinds of Furniture. In these days of high
prices you cannot afford to miss this opportun
ity to buy your Furniture needs at
1 j
t! '' . f t".
Low Prices
373-377 Court Street
Phone 217
"Always a Square Deal at RichterV
Sale Ccnfeucs AO This Wcck-Rememkr tie Phce-Doal Hiss This Great Sale!
not qrvying ynvrpiet wo
- f i i i
Help the Salvation Army to Win Its Battle Here.
vast difference between Dempsey and
the men who are training Willard.
Walter Monaghan would not last long
with fliimiwv and Hpntnel'f fltAY in the
I J r J
ring with tho challenger probably would
. i - rr-1 : . :
ne even more Driex. xnereiurv, u in
hard to draw a comparison between the
men solely by what is shown in their
rata xaie uui Again.
Tiatarila. TVmnip. Airnin knoeked
out Bill Tate this time with a right
nana smasn aeuveiea ns jac ks it-i-ing
in. lie reached Tate with abso
lutely no trouble. To lota of folks this
....i mJ. tnnt .Turk will be able
uirnui wi.i..,,
to hit Willard when they get together
and tnat tne gignnnc sue oi
pion will have no effect in keeping
Dempsey away.
Tat ; nnnrlv tiii; as W'iJiar J. yet
he is not too big for Dempsey to whip.
Trainer Jimmy leroresi nna m tu
;.. nn.ruT veaterdav. as lie n.aulcd
Jamaica Kid. Tho Kid wns.being slam,
med aU about the ring. He also took
one crack at Jock 11 alone that made
the middleweight grunt and hang on.
Wilard s work wus very im -
parison. Only witn vvaner .yiuiii.k....
did the champion show anything and
that was very brief.
Tex Kiekard said today the roforee
question would be settled tomorrow and
the announcement or nu Fnnu...
Home troublo has
niu ui- - a
been experienced in winding up details
of the selection.
The state highway comm'msion will
lake steps toward the establishment c4f
it. own paving i'lants if there develops
any evidence of collusion among rav
ine contractors, according to a reooiit
statement of Chairman S. Benson, who
has hoard vague rumors of an fttempt
at combination among the eontraetors
,o hold up the price. Thus far Oregon
,l(wer figure than other s.a , in th e,
nonnweai u" -
been within tho engineer's estimate
The officuil standing of Judgs Oeo.
Taawell, recently elevated from the
coimtv to the circuit .bench in Multno
mah 'county, is questioned by intima
tion in a communication received yes
tt'lduV ai mo unlive
MateVrom Attorney J V. KaSte
l'ortland. in me cour.o wl
,i .mi und vnur
lie savs: :"i snan J"" " " ,
bondsmen Uable if any of Uie funds of
this state nre mvernu ... i --
anv claim audited by you that said
.. - ii ...ulitt nnnn TOU
ueorge laawen .' -i - -
for toinpensation as circuit judge ol
this state." This letter is taken as
the, forerunner of a test case in inc
. . ... . . ,. ..t,n,K... 41ia net
supreme couri to iww wui-...w . ---by
whiuh Mr. Tazwell "beenme judge is
Tl. .latA nnffineer's office has just
received an application from Orants
1'.. .Minratinir the certification of
o5,000 worth of honda to cover the
first unit of nn irrigation protect on
Kogue river, which is designed to wa
ter an area of S'OO acre. Tho first
unit of 21(10 acres is uow partially de
veloped and i to be served temporari
ly with a pumping system. Later when
it is placed under gravitv system the
vill h. ntiliud to carry water
to higher levels. Keports indicate that
there is much more aetirfty in that sec
tion than for several years past.
The Whitney conany of Buy t'ity
. - n..n.; BL. Murnr nut of
Cloar Creek, a tributary of Kilches riv
er, ifor the purpose of TVi-veloping 174
hiiraepower lor HKnnnir ami mrr yi
p(ea. They ex.pet to invest about I
OOt) in the project.
W. It. tVnnett. sirpe rintendent of
tianks has received an application for
a charter for aatvrher bank in the city
of Portland. This is to he known as the
Broadway Bank, with a eapitauxation
nf tlufl.OOO, and the incorporator are
W. B. Hainee, C. C. Hammond. Otia F.
Aikea, fhas. B. Drake, Oeo. I.owenwn,
II. IV. Haines, H. A. falef. Max Skibbe
and J. XI. McXanghton. .
Governor Olcott, who has taken a
kern interest in the matter of aerial
transportation n Oregon aim-e his
flight Into t'alifornia, has railed the
attention i.f '!. H. L. Waton to the
suggestion of George M. MilUr of Ku
srene, that a very low. safe air lane
from Portland to siuthcrn California
a be secured by leaving the Wiiiam
ctte valley at Eugene and driving to
he eoast and thence south. This rente
he claim will avoid aU b-h altitude.
as the Coast ranjte can be croswd at
comparatively low altitude. The route
taken by the governor and Colonel
Watmn ovef the Cow creek. Vptm riv
er and the Siskiyous, is a hazardous
one for many reasons.
Just how much of a feat this flight
was considered by aviation authorities
may be gathered from a letter writ
ten from Washington by Colonal Mil
ton, F. Davis, of the army air service,
to Colonel Watson in which he says in
Army a lnrge quantity of their famous
product, which not only raised tka
dough in the doughnuts but went a long;
way in helping to "raise the dough."
for the fund.
This famous dougtnut is shaped like
a life preserver and was no doubt ta-
parf. FKnrucu as buc.d on many 4icft-Biona dj
"i consider this flight one of the ol,r mva battle Kne beyond the
best pieces of flying work that has reach of rations. The soldiers have sung
been dono in America. To take six I its praise so much that the mine for
ships from Sucraweuto to Portland and making four dozen of the kind of dough
return without serious mishap is a fine nuts t
piece of work
"On behalf of General Xlenohor, and
especially for niyself, I wish to con
gratulate you and your fliers on the
flying work necessary to make the
trip and on the engineering work that
was necessary to put and keep your
ships in condition for. the trip.
As I was largely responsible for
this trip at thi particular time and
for the occasion in question (the Rose
festival) I was naturally much con
cerned over the success of the trip.
"Jiot but what I knew the eihili-
Hon side Of it would be properly car
ried owt, Ibut I was much concerned
and lost considerable sleep over the
danger iwhich I knew intervened be
tween Jiedilling, Cal., and Eugene, Or.
I have been all around Jiount
Shasta, through ithe lava beds, and am
fairly familiar with all of tho moun
tains of southern Oregon; therefore,
know the territory which you had to
cross. When l siiw this morning that
your six JX-s had returned to Mother
field 1 breathed a igh of relief."
.1 . V t 1 . ' ...
i urns limb iicijnru m uiv nr is girvK
here for the benefit of enr leaders.
Five cups of floor, two sups of sugar.
ive tenspoonsfuls of Royal Bilging Pow
der, one saltspoonful of salt, two eggs,
one and three-quarters dips of milk a ad
one tablespoonfnl of lard.
Knead, shape with a doughnut cutter,
drop into very hot lard and iu a few
minutes you have itl
Pendleton, Or., June 20 Fifhty-cight
cents for half blood wool was the prica
received by the J. K. Smith Livestock
company, according to word reccivsd .
from Boston by A. J. Smith, manager
of the loncern. The wool was shipped
east on consignment.
The shipmeut amounted to about 36,-
000 pounds, or about half of tiic total.
The dougliuut that made the dough
boy happy ond was so widely and gen
erously distributed to our bovs "Over
Thoro" by the Salvation Ariny, has
been prominently featured by that or
ganization in the grout national drive
to raise funds to continue over hero
their great wark in the cause of human
In the great drive in Xcw York City,
doughnuts were sold by tho Isa.vntion
Army by tho thousands at one dollar
apiece. The Royal Baking Powder com
pany contributed to tho Salvation;
Appear At Yonr
Best Instantly.
If yoa rscervt a sudden
caller or an unexpected ta
vitatkm you can feci coa
(Ident of always appearta
at your hett In but a lew
moments It render to yor
I tkia a wonderfully pure,
soft complexion that
beyond comrarbon.
- -y--" iimMi. r'itln 1eiii
Try Salcsi First In Baying
B . Cat"
"A Carmen of the
Prairies and her
fight for love
"Her Greatest
-. Li -
I Star in '
"Smiling Bill Parsons"
In his latest laugh maker
.Miss Roberts on the Pipe Organ..
Ye Liberty