Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 26, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I M'r. and Trt V A TTarii .....
and nioce Mrs. Veiina Cochran Nerton
motored to J'ortund to and will re-
By Gertrude Eobisoa
I -1. f
t wrs rlcK la t3ytulldlnrf and focj'4
To Sar fttorfa erufiii nn1 Fs-j.nc.V I
riecl potatoes it im partfl 'delicate; ' "
nut flavor moro delicious and dis V$
toted. "
it's.- -t. TTtm
i i t; i .
The food
the nut
The scries of meetings comitates; 4-s
Hev. Joseph II. Smith are interesting
. indeed. Smily we tire fortunate, in se
curing Hiirli im evangelist. Much good
ban already been lie eotnplishod.
Miss Gertrude Cook of I'orlluml is
( kttciuling the Jim. .Smith meetings anil
inking tdoiiogiuphie reports ol Inn ser
mons. Minn llirdic Howe spout hint week
with Airs. L. C. Hussell of Middlctn-.
. . Mrs. Charley Nchnrbnrk of XII. An
gel unit rliildri'H visited with Mr. and
Jlrs. W, 11. ('(iininuim last Friday and
Saturday. Mrs. Srhtrbuck attended tlm
high school comim iironiont.
, . Rev. Owens of Keiittlo is hero "lit
, tending tlm Jon. Smith meetings; also
Brv. Itutititi rhiI wife of Murquiini are
In atlemlance.
Henry Thorium sold Mm place, Inst
' week to Joseph Jones of Fossil, Ore-
fun, who will move here with his fttm
', llv. Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas expert to
' Jivi- with tlii-lr sou, Arlio Thomas.
Mis. I.. ('. RiiM-fll iiiul children of
' MiddMoii iue visit irg relatives .tore
nd i ttend ii1.; inn series of inoctiii;
The cii'iiiniMii-i !ti i( exorcises of oor
, 111 T ll school III 111 lliTl I'YullIV I'VI'lli 11(1
t WDH II ill: 'idi'd success, Thi' people
turned out I'limiiss- to I'lijoy tin' excel
Jont program rendered. Miss White,
hc principal, ninl her lass limy well
(iiigriitii!iilo themselves over tin ii t!n-
Used by thrifty people because it Saves Time,
Saves Money, Saves Shoes.
EmhoiA is beneficial to all leather.
SiiftoiA Hor,!E Set
maltei shining easy
in home or office.
BUCMK-W!i;l E-fltO-BnSWX
(Linci North of Anliliiml,' Oregon)
Summer Excursion Farej
Oregon and Northwest Resorts 1
rinn n,,w fr M"i''t iiirnnier vi.i:i,,A f,.r yourself n.i f.m 1
KEWPORT eimin tickctA from slrm !
Wes k end ticket, from K'tlem ..." "v I;
C..rreu,rline fro. from other point '' J
huh., r S.H N"'; M"Bi J ll,.voeea .li'htlv J
hotter. Coirepodin(f f,. frm other roiiitfc J
DETROIT S.n. en tirhet from Salem , j
OurreSi.HJ,ng flire, from s,h(,r win( " J
McCEEDIE HOT 8rEING-S,..,on ticket from Slem M.55 j
CBATEa LAKE H,mn ticiet from S.lem t,,,, i
Ll day ticket from Salem .. I'. j
orrnpond.ng f,c, 0,hpr ,,oiuU -- --lu I
I rk will open nboiit Julr ljt
IS dnjr tickelA from Hulem .. IIS 30
t!orrHnliri fare from other oimi"" ' '
VAEIOCa-peeinl in tlM , cuhm Rive, Behe., Mt.
iKnnl Inrli ind Olsrirr
Inquire of ticket t'tat.
Peanut Oil
- Tnf
oi whK .
cidod success. ,
i l'roruin of the fourth ununl com
! liienceiitent tif the i'otts Mills hik'h
'srhoul, t'liduy cvenini;, June L'U. 11119:
S; lettioii t)rchestrii
! Invol ution Hev. lliirris
"Star SpHii);leil Haulier" Audience
il'iauu Duet " UeeiU of Valor "....otutz.
Ktln l ShiltH und Lillian Heristud
'1'nited Stuten l'liit ill Wiiiiiii; the
i Vr" John '. Uroiiiier
'Vurul rvdo ".V Little liiicli Caiioo"
1 ' Calvin l'iiillips
Address to the (.'hiss
! Jntnes T. Matthews
I'iiino Sulo " Vulse Stiienne "
; Woiteiiniitipt
l.nVerne Hieh
Viir:iMn! Mrs..T. V. L. til
CIuks Hi-itory Lloyd Heln
1'iiiiiohiHiie - " Melllories"
. Ldi'h Ki11oi;uihI Lillian lleuustud
('hi m rndieey Kule Sioiuie
I'n .i. ulal ion of '!;i:-s
l'lin; Edna .1, White
I'reseiitnlioii of liiploiuas
Henedii'liiiii Hev. Harris
Nelei'tion On-nestrn
IItI'h, .lime Jl. - llniidiiirtf has lieen
ih -'in-eil. in ii s'lilc of ii'i;i li II re-alt
ef i cla h 'eetweeii ci inimiuislH mid po-lii-e,
it win rep '.ed lod.iy. "
I'ni't n:l 'is lire im s.rilse there.
Ti'ar lmitiliH and fire Iidsc were em-!n-i
I in d;.ipeiin;i t lio riiitcri.
x. -- 'i'J
..;.;r:J iai
National rrk.' I
fieneml Piiwieiijjof Ageut.
JkiktfiA. - i'ii ' 1
N,--T'",-n". '4v
OKEGOX has mado a name fat her
self among her aister ititn bt
eause of her educational projrraa
repoa college and private iustitu
tions have become noted for their ad
vanced methods of instruction, ta say
nothing of their modern resource and
conveuieneea. The L'uicritT of Ea
yi'ne is one of the most beautiful in
stitution of ita kind in the northwest,
hut daring the pt few years the need
of a woman's building bit been sore
ly felt, nntil at last tne necessity has
beenrao extremely urgent.
At the recent session of the legisla
ture the sum of one hundred thousand
dol'arswas appropriated for the eree
tiun of the ibuildiiij on condition that
an eo,ual amount be raised by private
subscription. For this purpose the alum
ni awociation of the uuiversity h.iT
heeii working tireltjily, and batked by
the various women's organizations thru
out the state have rai-ed a comparaJve
ly largo 'sum. The goal, uOever, is not
yet won, and JiniMleales, nrt exhibits
and soeiul entertainments are still be
ing held to kTi 11 the fund.
As a proof of their interest in the
cause, the nlem Women's tlub will
give a ailver tea tomorrow afternoon
from 3 to 5 on the state hotiwr grounds
Kveryone interested in educational af
fairs and with the weVare of the state
university at heitrt, is invited to be
present. Although sponsored by the
Wifliien's elub it is not essentially fur
women and a cjiecial invitation is ex
tendeiT to the business ineD of the city
to attend.
Heralded as one of the wonders Of
the n'e, and with a reputation thaf
only a very few acquire during a life
time, Ma-ler Jean Kiuitnor, boy eoprn-
110, will appear in concert Saturday
evening at the Pirst Congregational
chiirc.h. The. success of this thirteen
year old prodigy is almost unparalleled
and the account of his career since his
first public appearance nl the age of
s-ven years, reads like a it airy tale,
r'rem cimst Jo con's!, he is known as a
genius and greeted upon every appear
ance with a wi'ii'th of praise that only
rial nierii is it It 1 n. to extract from mus
ical ciilics.
"('ne of tlm nuts! 'nl geniuses of the
nerl hwesl , " my I he ispol.ane Review,
and n russ the rontiiieiit the critic of
the Musical C.iiirier (New Ymk) de
s.riiie his s'ui'.iig as follows:
"With ti'i exceiitiiuinl voice, care
fully trained, and a style varying from
I (nii'li'l r ' Angels l'or Itiight and
Fair to laid's florid song 'Thou
Miilli.iiit flird. ' mid Carpenters fun
Mings. It is easy to ncei nut for the
popularity of .lean's luring."
Masier Jenu is iici oinpaiiied by his
I'm her, cliliinid Whif.i Kuntner,' the
-on oi' lievereiul W, (I. Kant hit of the
first Ciiiigre'iiiUonal clinrih. i Miring
his residence heie "l I veins no, Mr.
Kuntii T idioitilii il hin.s. If in the mus
iriil circles by his nl'iii'y along . tli'ino
'iues mid p.inieiilnrlv ill choir work.
He 'is a cnup'is'r of uofe and neeoni
panics the boy during the concerts.
Miss (lertrude Campbell of Port lain"!,
who hits Wen visiiim; fiit'iiils in
leiii fur lhe past two weeKs, will return
to her home this evening. Sh' will take
with her us her lions.? guest, Miss Lu
eile ilaskftski, who will leinain over the
week end.
At 11 meeting of the J'usl Matron's.
cluli of the Knsti rn S'ur recently plans
were madu for a picnic to be given to
nionow ufteiuooii mid evening lit the
s't;ite 'f::;r gnmnds. Kuch ntcmber of the
Lasleru Ktar i tit briutr a bnskit
lunch and t the tl o'clock supper the
Matrons cluli will serve ire cich ii and
hot ceffee. Wouien in charge tf tl)
i'. iVnir nre Mis. tieurue (I. 1'oiwn, Mrs.
(ioorgc It. Hiirnelt. Mrs. Lena Karriiig
:on, Mrs. Ft an k Keiliy, M rs.Kugeiiift
(i lliiiglniiii, Mrs. Ida (lodfrey Airs,
hhor M. Iifore, Mrs. Milton f.. Mev
eis, Mrs. Lii.ii'loflh l!ic,l, Mis. V. E.
Sluifer, Mrs. W. Carlton fsinith, Mrs.
Aniim Vass, Mrs. Ida Halicock, Mrs.
Uavid Wri ;ht. Miss Minnie Moeler and
M'iss Coristine Moore.
Mrs. O. A. Liwis and children Kdr
ward and L'li.ubelh, and Mrs. Mary
Howd ef ftilcm have for the past week
been the gue;-ts of Mrs. Lewis' mother,
Mis. ,r. S. Taylor of Shenirs Bridge, a
noted fishing resort on the Ilest-hutea.
Mrs. Taylor was a former resident of
Mrs. (leorge Thatcher Gucmsev. na-
tioiuil president general f tjie Tatiiih-
ters of the American Revolution has
npi'oiutcil Mrs, John A. Renting R dt
rector of the J'aeifie const division of
the Pitn rhters of the American Revo
lution for prevention of desecration of
!h flag. Mrs. Keating is a resident 06,
1 on ami ami an scfve mender of the
Multuum.ih chapter of the organization
The Westminster fluilil of the Kirs
rrcstnterinn church was delightfully
entertained Tuesday eveninjf lv
miss rjiima seller at her home
on North Liberty .ipect Tlm
hours were pleasantly i-pent in social
converse ami in the course ot the eve
ning a short program was rende'fed.
Miss Iena Jte'le Tartar's vocal solos
and the piano siOoetions bv Miss Wel
ter, Miss Mir.puh Illair and'.Mrs. Hertha
I'arby were irticularly enjoyable. Ihir
'"St the refresh meitt hour 'the hostess
a airis'ed by Mis. Rse W.ller
Chamberlain and Mr. Charles AVeller.
Every Coffee Drinker
Should know how j
casil'aixl healthfully
takes the place of
" over me ween ecu. iney wiii tie
joined by Mr. Norton who has just re
turned from France.
Plans for the annual lonan picnic to
be held at the state fair grounds in
August, were, raa ie at picnic ssipK:r
at the Albert j.:ay grounds last eve
ning when the Iowa chib met for aa
informal evening.
The Ladies Aid so.iety of the First
I'resbyteriaa church will meet Friday
afternoon 'in the churvh parlors at 2: JO
The hostesses will be Mrs. C. J. Clem
ents, Mrs. i G. Bwersoi, Mr. Brant,
Mrs. Mario Harding, Mrs. J. N. Ska if e,
Mrs. J. A. Pooler and Mrs. Chas. Wilson.
Prosecution Rests At Noca in
Trial Of San Francisco
Redwood City, Cal., Juno 23. The
state's direct case against Dr. Ephriarn
Northeott was closed at noon today b?
district Attorney Franklia 6 art, who
is conducting the prosecution of the
Sun Francisco physician, churged with
killing Inea Reed, an army nurse, who
died from an illegal operation.
ilic statu wove a strung web of cir
cumstantial evidence in its effort to
prove that tho triil's death enmo 111 u
result of an illegal operation, it alleges
.Nortluott performed ut Snu -Mateo. Aft
er her denth, it is claimed the girl's
body was thrown from an autniniiliilp
down a gulch, at Crystal Hprings, near
Mm Mateo.
The sudden close of the stnln'i. evi
dence gave riso to belief that the state
tuts fti-nng evidence withheld for re
buttal testimony.
Testimony of Dr. F. E-. Jordan that
he directed Mies Reed to Noithcott
when sho askisl him to belt) her cscnnn
child birth, wnsime of the strongest bits
the state nit roduiedv Aliss K.11I111 ino
Fisher, a nurse, who testified that
Northeott sought to hire her to tare for
1111 illegal operation ease at Sun Meteo
11 few days before tho body of .Miss
Keed was found, was tho last witness
for the slate.
Every effort wus made to impeach
the testimony of -Miss Fisher, To do
this defense littornevs collided her name
with that of James Roy, im ex-puiont.
iioy, lliev int minted, would testify that
Miss Fisher had told him Nortluott had
nothing to do with the Reed case. Miss
Fisher firmly denied the defense asser
She denied uUo that Katherlno
O'Connor, poltcuonmu, ciiine to her
room and read her 11 supposed copy ot
testimony sho was expected to give.
A sound, health msn is never a back
number. A msn can be as vigorous and
able at seventy aa at twenty. Condition,
not years, nuts jou in the discard. A
system weakened by everworknd cure
less living brings old sue prematurely.
The bodily functions are impaired and
unpleasant symptoms appear. The weak
spot is generally the kidneys. Keep
them clciiu and iu proper working con
dition and you will generally find your
self in Class A. Take OOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and
jour aystcm will always be in working
order. Your spirits will be enlivened,
your muscles supple, your mind active,
and your body capable ot hard work.
Don't wait until you bar been reject
ed. Commence to be a first-class man
now. (Jo to your druggist at once.
Oet a trial bog of liOf.D MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are mad
ut the pure, original, imported Ilasr
Ira Oil the kind your great-graudtatb-er
ustd. Two capsules each day will
kfti you toned up and teeling fine.
Uouey refuuded if they do not help you.
Kessembcr to ask for the imported
UOLD MEDAL Hrand. In tare sixes,
sealed package 9 (Q
Association Manager
In Douglas County
R. C. I'iiiilus of Salem was here today
On business connected with the new
state organisation of Oregou fruit grow
ers, one of the first things to be tus
(-h up oy i ne new itregon lo-opciative
lirowers association will be a universal
l: ...... t 1 ... . .
""K"ii oranu. ll is expected a eon
test of some kind will be Started soon
to get the minds of the Oregon grow
ers on the name of tho brand they will
nntto put their fruit out under.
The problem of finances has already
been workeif out satisfactorily to the
extent that the growers will be Me to
draw almost a their money at the
time they deliver their fruit." As the
tempornrry board of directors of the
new organisation has not yet been elec
ted, Ho definite policy has been formed
Ss to the (lercentBge to be advanced.
Contracts and organisation papers have
been approved by the federal reserve
bank so that the new organiration will
be able to place as much of its paper
through the local banks as they may
arc io tsae en.
The new ..w!,.ti,tn wilt ik. Ink tin.
mediate steps to print a growers' hot-
"-im or paper so mat growers win tie
furnished with all tho latest Sid ac
curate infortunium on markets, cultural
problems, spraying, etc,
Fackihg houses will bo constructed
on modem lines, eliminatirg waste
'paces, and the future needs ef ttie coei
mmiity as well aa the present wilt be
looke.1 in tii rurrfally b f rc building
The Hutte Kails Prune (in.wers ass.wia
lion at Seotts Miiis etitmpltcss ne
erection of a in-w building, and mem
kcrs itil Viitv in Kiib-m and &l fro
well with Robert Fau'us imk.;,g Lit a
a I it w
Don't Suffer
MANY mea and women are suffering
because they are tree tin effects
instead oi removing causes.
Why bother with li:.imcntt and
lotions tot rheumatic pains, backache,
still joints, sore muscles, biliousness,
nervousness, floating specks in the vhjon,
dixxiness, puffy pouches under the eyes,
or other symptoms oi kidney trouble
when the kidneys can be made well and
strong, thus removing the cause ot ths
ney pu
have bevfl wed lor kidney trouble ard bWtider
milmeon bf mea and vomh wiih tttccetw lor
Biaiiy yema. Tbey inii to ct nit at the root
ot tha trotible, inriaoratiui and wrenjtihemnd.
healinj andaootbtnt wnn, sore, or ttt-oficred
kidney aod bhddcr. They kelp the ki Jotya
throw CM ol the blood the wit aitd poitioua
tkat cauac the aynap.uou uf UUicy trouble.
O. W. Vr'eiMmdcr, 2fO Bi!?r Vista, Saa
An to mo, Tesaa., writer "I he atiffred mot
or lesa witb kidney aiU bUuUtr troubic tor Uia
past ten ycara. The oily iti'tt I have tff.r beeo
able to act relief tmni wis I'oLy kidney Filla.
1 earnestly recoinmcisd thcra 10 any one tuticr
iut truin kidue)' or b!uiJcr tiuuble."
The Salvation Army
Back from the war, has re
sumed its fight against mis
ery, poverty and vice in
American cities on a larger
scale than ever.
Will You Back It Up?
The Salvation Army Koate
Service Fund, May 19-26
This spnee contributed ly
The " Kinpri ss of Ireland'
went down, 140 Salvnl ioni.sfs,
traveling lo a convention, wcw
When the sen gave up its dead
not a Salvationist was found
with a life belt on,
The Salvation Army was built
and exists on the busts oi self
Hpace donated by
packing house plans so as to buiid one
which will conform with the ideas of
the new association, so it will bo ac
cepted next season.
In the meantime organization work is
being lined up. Growers' names in each
community are being secured so that
the articles of incorporation, bylaws and
growers' bulletins can bo mailed them
in order to give the growers an oppor
tunity to study them carefully and clear
their minds best features of the asso
ciations of bylaws, contracts, etc., coin
prise the result of the experience Of
the successful Oregon associations and
the best features of the association of
Washington and California. Comity
Fruit Inspector Karl I'ercy is actively j
after the interests of the new associa-'
tion here. Roselmrg Review.
Washington, June 2.1. Favorable re
port on Neriatnr Hiram Johnson's reso
lution asking the l l niiiistiation for in
formation on the Russian military pol
icy was ordered today by the senate
foreign relations committee.
The committee amended the resolu
tion to provtlr that the president, in
stead of the secretary of state and the
secretary of war, shall, if not incom
patible with putiHe interest, inform the
senato why American trtiop were sent
to Siberia and why they are being krpt
Heat SHiPhczsez
It is unnecessary tot y3ii ta tuiTey
end similar s'tm t .culk. om' cb
tnired at any r'rut I'O'C f.r SJ-o. rr
? 1.C0 forcitra lr. : Lt-t.lc, sr. J prorrp:-l-
arp! ic J wdl iu'.y&vc in-:, .t rc '.:cf
t orn i:hinj tirtu-o. Ii ci- rn-os p.r i
eoDthci the iiin a:; 1 fcr. cukWy accl
C-fectivf.:? trMt 1 1.1 t'r'-ircx
i'emo ij a vrrrKcrri 1, f i.-rf-r.'.i.-".
i'sanr)C3;:at ItauiJ ztA i ; sw ihir.J t.i
ther:o-lc:c;tcrl::: I:i;rtC!tgrcr.'. I
i y car:! Uctl crj ca a lial . xel I
W : r
H The
E Salvation
N Army
$16.18 $19.73 $21.75
$19.73 $21.75 $31.75
$12.50 $11.75 $17.50
WTiere Shopping Is a Pleasure
11 :Iftikg Qlfl.
rs re'W
v 9
t i
f-" r.
. 6, V '
CLIFnKI WIIITK KAXTXKR, well known in Sti'ein aid in musical cit
cles ill lhe northwest as a reniHiscr of exceptional tt4.il i I v who will ai
company his son. Master Jean Kantncr a the concert at tho F'.tst t on
gregn' ioiial church Saturday evening.
Charged with being disloyal, unethical
and mercenary John W. Aielander, a
Seattle attorney is recommended for
permanent disbarment by the slate
board of law examiners.
The Crown-Willamette I'aper com
pany at Camas, Wash, has advanced
the scale of wages of its employes 3
cents an hour effective aa of Juno I.
Women us well ss men share in the
R. II. CAMFBELL, Special
IuMt0 vq ronTiin tit?
k t,- V
1 f j
Wide search is being made for Mr.
and Mrs. William Thrnssol of Helms,
Cat., and two children, who disappeared
Inst Saturday somewhere bolw en Ah
lnntl and Kttijene while traveling ly
.Horlick'S the Original
Malted Milk. Avoid
Imitations and Substitute!
A i$ - gallon black
teel barrel of Zerolene
affords the greatest
economy and conveni
ence in the use of cor
rect lubrication. Takes
up little room. Consult
your dealer or our near
est agency today. Cet
a Correct Lubrication
Chart for four car.
AjL, Standard Oil Co, Salem.