Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 25, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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page nvt.
Are Now Splendid!
Stocked Up On
9 (CTI
We recently received a big shipment of Men's Shoes "All Union Made" fine
quality. Every pair warranted to give satisfactory service and the Brennan
Shoe cannot be excelled for fit or style.
We Can Shoe You in Light Shoes
Style 743 Gun metal blucher, broad
toe at ...... $S.73
Style 744 Gun metal blucher, Bull
Dog toe at $6.50
Style 714 Brown calf English bals
at $7.75
Style 0712Brown Russia calf, Pug
toe at . $9.00
Style 742 Black calf Pug (medium
round toe) $9.00
Style 0707 Black kid, plain toe (no
cap) $7.75
Style 710 Black kid, broad comfort
toe, Neolin sole .'. $8.50
Style 702 Black kid, combination
last (low instep) $9 00
Style 704 Black Aristo kid, broad -
toe (easy shoe) .-...$7.50
Style 730 Gun metal English last,
welt soles $4.63
Style 709 Gun metal,, round toe,
welt soles $4.65
Style 788 Brown calf oxfords, Eng
lish last $9.25
Style 787 Brown calf oxfords, Eng
lish last $7.00
Black calf oxford combination last,
Style 0753 Heavy brown grain, 16
inch top Wing tip, heavy double
soles $15.00
Brown oil grain,. 12-inch double
soles - ....$8.50
Style 733 Brown or Black Elk Out
ing bals .. $2.65
Then we have all sorts of
Shoes and Rubber Boots for
Work or Play or Dress Wear
at Prices you can afford, and
service guaranteed.
One Pool Of Loganberries
Brings Nine Cents But
8 Is Steady.
I With half ft dozen firms in Paleiu
bidding for cherries, the. fiict today
! seems to hive settled on 10 feats for
Royal Anne and from nine to 10
o-uts for -Bm;s and Lamberts. One
house is quoted as paying ten cents
'for all kin.ls of cherries. It is under
j stood that in a few instances the fig
ure has run a trifle lii;;toer than teu
cents but this is the average- market
priee today.
j Loganberries are quoted on an aver
age at eight rents a pound. One poul
I covering the yield otf HO acres was
; sold a few days ago to the Drager coin
i panv for nine cents with certain attacn
: ed conditions. But the price as quoted
itodnv tv almost nil of the buvers is
still on an eight cent basis for average
I fruit.
I uiackiuernes it is thought mil open
at eight cents a pound. Only a few
i firms are quoting prices but thff eight
cents seeing to bo ostablishad for the
opening ')f the market.
There seems to Ibe no trouble in get-
Iting pickers. Keports to the I. 8. em
ployment bureau indicate thnt the big
loganberry tract a, such as JJrucs "un-
niiigham and t'hoiv close in to town
will have no difficulty in finding pick
ers at two cents a pound. This appears
to be the established priee, with no
strings attached as Inst year when two
cent- was paid only when pickers
agreed ito remain with one tract during
the entire picking season.
, Eyeglasses Spectacles
Our years of experience, efficient system and
up-to-date facilities, are your best guarantee of
maximum eyeglass service at a reasonable cost.
May we not prove it to you? ,
DR. A MULL0CH, Optometrist
204-205 Salem Bank of Commerce Building
If You Can't Buy It In Salem You Dont Need It
There Is A Store In Salem For Your Every Need.
Prices At Bend Sale Set
New Record For Wool Here
Bend, Or., June 25. The highest
price paid in the state this year for
range sheep fleeces was given today at
the sale held by the Central Oregon
Wool Growers' association, the first to
be hold in Bend for three years, when
the American Woolen Mills of Boston,
I through their agent, Alex Livingston,
I paid 6i cents a pound for the 3744
! pound clip of John Atkinson. '
F.arlicr in the day the price bad been
I run up to 53 and 54 cents, each being
Oregon records for the year.
Fifteen buyers were on hand from
Boston, Portland, Fait Lake and Ten
dletoil, but the greater part of the tolm
of 420,515 pounds sold went to supply
eastern mills. More than 600,000 pouinl.i
were offered, and a number of deals
are still pending. Virtually all the wool
taken was fine staple. -
In the- suit of J. A. Moxley against
Jake Moser, it took, the jury but a few
minutes to decid in favor of Mr. iloser.
This was a case in, which Mr, Huxley
ancused Mr. Moser of killing sheep. Mr.
Moser, who lives sis miles east of the
city on the Garden Kuud, says most em
phatically that he not only have never
killed Bhcep but that he lias always
boon most careful in handling tucm.
In tlio matter of the estate of Hazel
A. Fox and Harry E. Fox, the county
court has appointed Walter Bcardsley,
N. E. Abbott and W. L. Marsh as ap
praisers. The eBtato is valued at about
800. ' '
The estato of Hebecca Caroline
Wright has Wn appraised nt 2000.
Fred W. Wright is the administrator.
July 7 has been Bet as the day for
the hearing of the objections of Mary
A. I'ulsky to the closing of the estato
of Frank A. Gcclun.
State House Notes
Vernon II. Vawter, recently) appoint
ed1 by Governor Oleott a member off
the board of regents at the University
of Oregon, is probably the youngest
man that has served on that board, he
being' twenty eight years of age. Mr.
Vawter 's connections with the univer
sity have been extensive. He himself
graduated from that institution in the
clans of His father
lSSi. Three of his uncles are also grafl-
Liiii n , ; . ,X i:; A :v"'in w - I
1 . V I n X '
I t , "1 if SS i I ." - J f I
IK J ,. i 1 Mi
i l n (i ii IS II U L I X
V ;i 1 p A w - 1 J
V. Lm'H lA v r4L-A Vt 4i i I 4 X.
I'lll.l I i I I i III li I 1; I
- i: ii I ii m.x i ' t-Hii
:&M?' sealed pachaee -
" Is a guarantee of
:- Ill r. ' i
Kftv i i jns(jix . lactones in ins wcr a - . in i
- iy the rarest setting com la
fill 1 The Flavor Lasts! I
liftten of the institution. .T. V. Hill a
graduate, in Ismo, C. M. Hill in Jnl
and Geo. W. Hill fn 1mk4. Jn addition
Ito that his mother attended the inrtitu-
tSon in 184 and 13 and his wile tu
1911 and 1912.
gist and weather oWivcr fo.' Oregon.molMleJt that they niy bo utilized for
I lie o4'B!oh, rarn one in bhpihiwu w
There Is nothing worse than bad,
foul smcllinff breath: tt rid of it for
iyour friend's sake anyway. Hollister's
IPnnbw Vmmlgin Ten Will PleBn and
I purify your stomach and bowels; your j fall f 2.00 iiicIm-, whi.-h again in
tlw averngo mean temperature for last
month 51. 9 and this is a fnir aver
age siin'e 10SO when n'ennU W"io filat
kept of the nurtliwist. Iluring all thin
time the highest Lilian tempera I urn
was ,"S and the lovvst .VI with the av
erage the same ns the past month. Tak
ing an average for the western port
of the state, Mnv of lftlO hud a. rain-
breath will bo sweet, your deposition
improved, your fneniln increased. d.ie.
Te or Tablets. D. J. Fdy.
186-194 North Commercial Street
In all kinds of Dress Goods
The Price of Everything- is Moving Rapidly up. Some advances already in
that line of goods, about thirty or forty per cent.
Bu We Will Continue Selling at Our Old Bargain Prices
For the benefit of our customers and sympathizers. Buy what your need for the present and buy more for
the future in this Une.
We will continue the BARGAIN SALE until Saturday, June 28. BUY THESE GOODS NOW. Youll
appreciate our advice later
new monthly
printed in Ha-
homo and hoi
average since M!m1. Tim high averiig"
for western Oregon U due of course tt
the heavy rninfall ntong the coast as
the prcripitation In Walcni for Alii7 wai
only .81 of an inch.
First Prssbyterian
d thnt the iimial
The Salem Bur 1 ft
publication edited and
iirnr for the linroncs homo and
... mi . ... 1. 1:.....:. ia 1 I 111
tat. 1110 OTIirP ur ,,u,m..:. u , ... , (,(.rvU,p lh.t w
On k street nnd F. B. Wedcl " editor ,Hj(t wi (a)(i fnrm uf fl
ll in nevoid! i" in'- .mi.'".
Drsows hniital with special arti
Membern of ths
cliuri li are remindc
con .biiicd auto
liriiiir a im kiri of san4wu hoe or other
i-onven.imt eilnliles. A most enjoubl
evening in anticipated,
hevernl people were injured, llnee
pi-limps filially, when u lliuiit.gton
triiin was wrecked Saturday niht liar
Aurora, Ncli.
Willi kneeial arti- .. . ' ' wi r ier aim
Willi spuiMl Bin I . ,. J., . . 1.. I.. ... ... ....,.
cle. written and signed by the friends I "'":,"," 'J ',, " ' " , "J .
of fr. Wedel. In making a report of l m . ;
JZttJ:", ' " :"-.A -din. ivi,L,i' is e, rt- j
' - . ' , I'll to a I in mil in ra ivf Ikn ,.l 1, .. .1 I
more rspeeiully to .Hivsr Ii Lave aulo-1
People s 'Casli
en: JMimiier 01 .aui'iiis careu nir it,
operations performed 31 j bnbus tmrn
at the hopital 4; aM.lrnta cared fr
3 and medi'-al caws cared for 3. .Mr.
Wevlel announces that the HUh m Htar
will be published monthly and' will he
devoted not only to the intercuts of the
DeBPounm hiiHpitnl but to st'iidiiig out
good new regarding the Willamette
The temperature for this part of the
state has not changed to any eitent.
during the past years, notwithstand
ing the fact that it is frequently claim
ed that weather change are in pro
gre. According to the lima.tologicaJ
lata, just pnlilihed with the recoct
for May by K.lward U Wells, metrolo-
Unsishily pimples and
tlenushcs on the face are
sure signs that the skin and
Hood need the purifying
and strengthening action of
U..-t X.U " Abt M" t" w"'4
&oM nmubm. ' Bain, 10c. 2&c
iii...mi . mm
iPlamWnf and W?ter Systuma Installed
by GEA.BER BEOS, 141 Bcuth Liberty
Btu, Fbone 660. Aica agent for ralr
bsxksMoiM Gu Engine.
I '
This Black Border Don't Mean
We. are Dead Ones
But Only Here to Attract Your Eye
To Our Bargains
Good 2nd hand auto
wanted. $.:300 chattel
mortgage to trade
for same.
2 fine lots in
mount park
tion. Value
to trade for
PHONE 1644
Call us up and
we'll come down
List Your
With Us
You'll Find
Out We
Are Alive