tied tidiiovici CHARLES H. TISHE EJitor tad Psbliaher age o OUT, WEDNESDAY EVEMNB June S3, 1919 i r r i ne vapimi j i. (Lhc Dailn RMol Ifoitrnal Published Every Ereninj Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. number of colleges and universities in France are also ; joiiering special pi lv-iieges 10 yanKS. Address All Loam asicat ions to Trt il. la ...u. u. nf f:.,;-!,,.,! v;l cnl t-ym-L- and hence is not eligible for entrance to universities abroad, instruction in his choice out of seventy-two trades will be given. In other words, here is a chance fur a lad to get three years of military training, three years of foreign exper ts, ence in the country of his choice, three years of educa 35.tion at something which will fit him for earning a good I living' in civilian life after his service is over, and his liv ing paid while he is getting these. The war pay of &0 a month with 20 per cent bonus for foreign service will be in force for three years fALIU 138 S. Commsreial St. OBEOO.N SUB3CJUFTI0N BATES D!'y. br Carrier, dot Tear $5.00 Per Month- IMtly by Mail, per year -.43.00 Per Month- THE COVENANTER LETTERS A discussion af the League of Nations Corenant, article by article, written by William H. Taft, ex president of the United UUs. George W. Wickeisham, formerly United States attorney general. A. Lawrence Lowell, president of Harvard University, and Henry W. Taft, of th New York bar. which by reason of proximity we sat ura'ly have a direct interest. The discussion of this antWle will be continued in the next letter. i'ULL LfcAbfcD W1KE TKLKOKAPU BEPUKF F0KEI0N BEPBESENTATIVES W. T. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. W. H. Btoekwell, Chicago, People's Oas Building ARTICLE X tween nations fcr safeguarding actiqn The Principle We Fought Tor jof the league, by arbitration, by me Article X of the league constitution diation and recommendation of settle provide as follows "The members of ment, and bv enforcement of Cove- tne league undertake to respect and preserve as against external agres sion the territorial integritv and exist- nants three .ml -1 it t. 1 ! Ik.Am... . n v. . . . tl,m Mini, tk. I las tsmuj tnpnai journal cimir vvjm m9 i.suuticu iu t'u pk'" " orch. If the carrier dues not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper aMS Service. ta you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only wsy we ean determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone II before 7:80 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger If the carrier has mined yon. tntr noliticsl imliiin.ltnia F utl ll.. Only young men without dependents will be taken f or j member, f the i eague. In case of any Mien axKrexniun or in case ot anv tnieai restraining war until months after such machinery for peace- tin THE DAILY CAPITAX JCTJBNAL Is the only newspaper In Balem whose circulation is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulations WOMEN AND - TRACTO RS. There is no branch of farming which women are un able or unwilling to undertake. The latest field of agri cultural endeavor to be entered by women is that of run fiing big farm tractors and farm power plants. n il.. 1' -li. i .,J fcver since me ivansas ngucuiiuiai v,uueg 0f $100,000 conditionally appropriated by the last legisla- ;ts farm motors school it has had women students. ihi3Ull0 Qn , lmncf nvom, i,1Krn,.Qn;,0f:J7 tv, The Salem Woman's Club is preparing to give a "sil ver tea" on the capital grounds for the benefit of the woman's building at the state university. Usually social events are not particularly matters for editorial comment, but this is an instance out of the ordinary. The women of the state, led by Mrs- Geo. T. Gerlinger, of Dallas, have been working for several years to raise funds to erect on the university campus a building to be devoted entirely to the activities of women students. It is one of the great est needs of an educational institution which should be a source of pride to every Oregonian, for it ranks high among the universities of this country in the standard of scholarship it has attained and long maintained.- These women workers want to raise $100,000 to add to a fund year it is graduating four women and expects to have twenty or thirty more completing its short summer course preparaory to fall plowing. Says the professor of farm engineering at the college, "All the women we have had in our classes do good work, the equal or superior of the men enrolled with them. They go at the work in a systematic, energetic way and are not in the least afraid of grease and dirt. In all trouble work women are especially good at analyzing the difficul ty and remedying it." Most of the women have gone into the work to help solve the labor problems on their husbands' farms. But if the need for extra farm help continues and farming re mains as popular among women as the growth of the land army indicates, the "hired woman" may come to be a customary helper in the fields as well as in the dairy and farm kitchen. ' CHANCE FOR THE GRADUATE. ture and almost every club organization in the state has been working hard to this end, the Salem women being among the last to become actively interested in raising money to complete the fund. As residents of the state capital, naturally interested in all state institutions, they are appealing to the public to put the capital city on rec ord for substantial support of a great and worny move ment. The members of the club are hoping that all the women of the city will co-operate in making the initial ef fort a success and in this desire they should not be disappointed. There may be something to Congressman Berger's complaint that his constituents have been deprived of their constitutional right to representation. A community that elects a man like Berger to congress deserves to be represented by a man like Berger. Death's sting has been located, according to one of our esteemed exchanges, since coffins are classed as jew elry and subject to the luxury tax, as noted in recent official rulings. But where does the sting come in when somebody elsp pays the tax? , Uncle Sam is making a pretty good bid for the ser vices of the boy who has just finished high school. Uncle . would like to have 250,000 boys of about that age enlist in the army for a period of three years. Choice of ser vice in France, Germany, Siberia, Philippines, Hawaiian Islands, Alaska, Panama, China or the United States is offered. Those who choose to go into the army of occupation will have an opportunity to study in the "khaki univer sity" and obtain free education, or they may take advan- i . ! .. i? - -1 - - .1 !,!... 4.. ! IV .... uge oi exceptional 1 1 ' J ujij nes io aii.i-i ean wmvis tt,mpt to toqch this qomtry for a loan Which indicates jMulont at Oxford (.ambndfro . Vmwm v of Manches- lh t th . method in the madness of these,pat- t.-r, University of London or Trinity College. A large ,.: t a A resident of Washington county, 91 years old, took an air flight the other day. We imagine that it is only the natural thing at that age to prospect the route to heaven and see nothing so very remarkable about the incident. President DeValera of the "Irish republic" will at- Deitz, the famous football coach, is trying to legally establish the fact that he is an Indian. The average man would fight if you called him one. Loganlverries seem to be out after the prune price record. Nine cents in the open market and still going up. RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason HARD TO PLEASE' If a man is not contented with this gold old world in Jane, if his aching grief is vented in a pessimistic tune, hi is hopeless, he is chronic, he is full of prunes and bile,' Another aviator in ftown ;now. These high-flyers fnd there is no earthly tome that will brace hmi up to . will soon be too common to attract attention, anile. For in June the world is gaudy, everything's a . eight to see, and the mansion and the soddy should alike f lk full of glee; and the schoolboy should Ik1 beaming as j along the road he swings; and the grandsire should bet dreaming of a lot of pleasant things; and the farmer with his horses should explain how good he feels; the mortician, with his corses should be kicking up his heels. There is! nmething out of kilter with the sad desponding loon who I will let his sorrow filter through his countenance in June i If a man is grim and sober, shy of happiness and vim, on 'n a bleak day ui October, I can sympathize with hun. If a man is for from merry, if he mutters a "Gee Whiz," in p ""Vtl't" "viu ""oili"1111" the blast of January, I can mix my tears with his. If the ...ijj' w ht "h"'.1 b" . nr ! on,,,, i, language hed dismember, seeking words that scar like mn,,,,1 liim l'v v,'j ; 4t,n t;,i. iu nn,.,u t .... "' ' letter!" nil, in mi; imuuic ui aiv.i-iii.-i , van nun nun an a ivwu. "Well I am j;!ml for her. But this rosy month is waning and I'd give no picavune'mh u fr the obii,tv for the man who is complaining in the happy days of June, r 1 h"ve h?r'' 0,,.hini te ' de" ,M r,k vvn u ,in "B ho"r' THE PROMOTER'S WIFE .BY JANE PHELPS AVIS1T FROM TOWN ITJEND3 .t live out her life with a mn for !uim xlits due unt rare; to live alwav "te !,:! letter (.,.... a em.i.tes, 1 ' ,ovig HUM III .-sell win'll lie came iiuiue. . , ... , . , ml in she is funniest now, men tiuuuiu (lie ii :i me ut an liuliiin tug anvthiiij; of the happiness we, and r trtiter ot sm n aj,;re8-ioii, the conn eil shall aitvise upon the meant tiv which the obligation sliall he falfili-e,l." The law of the league with the sane t.ion of the power of th rorhiiU the violation of the interna tional romiimiiilmeut, "Thou sliult not steal by force.'' it is the embodiment of the prineiple than wc entered anil fought this War to maintain, it is the answer 1T itho lierman doetrine an nouncivl through its philosophers its military writers anil its avowed poli cies, that "might makes right." It is the denial of the piiuciple which tier many set forth in the summing up of her whole imperial purpow, that eon quest by force w is essential to the pro gress of Mod's world, anil that she was His ins'riiment in such conquest. Objections Answered We are met by the objection thiit the t'tdted States should not bind itself not to entend its 'beneficent influence in the work of civilization through con quest. Hucli objectors nrguo that in this way the I'uited tate has extended its useful dominion to the present borders of Mexico and to the I'acitic ocean. If t lis argument is noiind, then the Unit ed States should certainly not enter the league. If we yield to it, we ought never to have entered upon the. war against Germany. Tho argument is not in the slightest degree to be distin guished from that of the Merman l'hil usophers ati military men whos pur pose (rermany was carrying out in this war. If the improvement in civilization and it spread are dependent on war in its present form involving for the future what is praHically world sui cide, them surely mankind is in bad situation. Those who support the lea fue may well leave to the people of the United States and the people of the world the dwison whether they pre fer a slower method oif mproving Chris tian civilization than by one. which in volves the cruel destruction of one half tho world in order to enable the other half to get on. The second and the more persuasive objection which is urged to article X is that it is likely to involve us in wars all over the world, and to require our soldiers to undergo suffering and hard ships and to give up their lives in feat ties waged for remote countries in whoso welfaro we have but little in terest. It is said it will prove to be a neavy burden, both in life and treas ure, for our nei pple; How Obligation is Limited In aiMwering thus objection, it is to . . , ALKALI IN SOAP BAD rOB THE HAIR Soap should te used very earetfully, if you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos. eontain too much alkali. This dries the walp, makes the hafcr brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is mul- Rifiuri w nut nil ahflmruiA wtiati im settlement has failed. Bv articles !.... .M..X.. ; i,i. th... Ml aiul XUl a breach of such cove- anvrnj11K ellK you ,. 11S.,. nants is to be pi-naliied Jy an imniedi- 0no or two (mrfuls cl,.a,.s ate and u.iivers:il boycott of the cove- th( hair an(l ,, throil!i)liy. fc,ull,. uant hreakmg nation and then by wuch iv nioistl. tB0 hair Vith water and nul:,.;,ry exiK-d:t.ons as the members . it j,,. jt lnakt8 all gbunrianpe of tf the league shall determine neces- ril.h rmlinv iather whiih rinses out snry on the recommendation of the L.-iie ..n-in .-..i..i s ' I :i 1T1 .1.... . .1 ..nr...,., ....... W VI league thus ,u"n'". .inirss inereiore, xno external ,,irt dalulruff aiui excessive oil. The .,,....,.., ... ,,,,,,., .nun -- hair ilrns quickly and evenly, and it curs three months after attempts at 1 1.,,, th(1 gl.a,p 8m, thhnir fin0 peaceful setllemert under articles XII ;,, silkv bri, jtroiM, fluUfy and to XV haye failed so that the cove- casv t0 "manege. nants of those articles are not broken you ,.HI1 t,t niuisifU.d eoeoanut oil by it, the penalizing iprovis ons of a r- Lk ...... ..!,...... rlnl... YV1 ....1 ven 11 .....1.. ' ' I"".'. " .....o .... . 1 1 1 nouiii uptiv 10 the aggression, whether for the "pur pose forbidden in article X or not. Jn ;'ther wopis, article X only increases the obligations of the members of the league beyond those 0; article XVI i:i respect of wars which do not violate the covenants f ar.ti.iles XU, XIII or XV. Article X lliecnines pra' tu ally im portant therefore, only nt'tei the pur pose of .the war -has lreeu clearly dis closed. A war only , for punitive pur poses without taking territory or over throwing a government would not vio late article X. cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mennber of the family for months DeValera Seeks To Raise $5,000,000 Irish Aid Fund New York, June 2. Edward DeVa lera, "president of the Irish repub lic" tola phinned to raise ",CHW,0(0 in this country for the uiitooognized Irish government. He said he will float sn "Irish republic" Ibond isue, the e :ii ... . . .... , , iir.-.- lllirnui UI mill U Will SO UU1I1 W o havi- seer, this exemplified in our ' witlrin "ix months after Eneiand ree- ognizes Ireland's freedom and with- construction of our own Xlomoe doc trine. The Monroe doctrine, as origin ally declared by Monroe, .was article X limited to Ithe aggression of non Am erican nations against countries of the Western Hemisphere. When Upain at tacked Clrili during Mr. Seward's in cumbency as secretary of state and Chili called on the United tttates to de fend her, Mr. Reward replied that otir policy d!id nnt Unik to our defending an American state against any puni tive war by a non-American power, but only against one inten'lcd to take ter ritory or to destroy independence. Mr. Roosevelt laid down the some limita tion of the Doctrine in. the Venezuela case as to wars begun merely to Col lect financial obBsations when ther did not speak atpririat.ion of terri tory or deprivation of independence. Modified hj other Articles The intervention of the Vendue under article X is. therefore, likely to be in- voKel only In casi where the victor in a war "lo?al" under articles XU XIII and XV, seeks to imiose terms on Its enemy contrary to the undertak ing of Article X. In all other eases, resort to article X will vie unnecessary because acition under it will have been anticipated under other articles. Ar ticle X, therefore, enlarges the scope of the obligations of the h-ague much less tlrin has lipcn generally assumed. Secoin, should a violation of article X occur, 'nnd the council advise a plan for fulfilling its obligation ii.v the mem draws their troops.1 MZDICIXES USED BY MONKS It is claimed that monks of aacient Uiys knew of more than three hundred upeciea of medicinal iplnnts irsod la general for medicines 4y these relig ious orders. While oeniuries have pass ed, with all the advance made Sn me-. dical Hcieuee many of our sioet sue-' cesflful remedies sre today made from tho roots and herbs of the field, liko that good, old fashioned remedy, Lydin, K. l'rnkham's Vegetable Compound, which for more than forty yrsrs has been relieving women from some of tho worst forms of female ills, and is now consioVred the standard -remedy. be noted that the operation of article ! nf the Icajne, this plan will have A. to increase the other obligations of the league is comparatively small. I'nder articles XI to XVJI inclusive provision Is made for tho peaceful se.t i lenient of all threatening disputes be- limn or woitiim." Neil returmcd. 'Ami Well . B niioil iiinnv livn bIu-MVI K-itlwinl Vt.Aw. ethers enjoy together." VV,. talked of Mrs. Orton, now 'a to countess, all through dinner. Then we ; took our walk to investigate tho va I haven't cant lots in town. The place was so lint from ; small, because of restrictions, that we LADD & BUSH BANKERS Kstahlished 1868 General Banking Business Commencing June ICth Banking Hours will be from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. im, you American meu! 1 never ca mai we talked oi During a lol uu ; heard one of you praise a foreigner uu ibiiilding a house of our "very own" as Mil we went to war, and now, unless It he expressed it. Ho adored the place Is b'-pne of their fighting you i1iiu.ii and whs very happy in his school, tlniii r. ith half praise." "A fellow can have ome fun in a " P.lanche was a good sort." He pa 1 place like this! New York is alt right mi attention to what 1 had said. ''Ijwhcit you're grows up, but there's no hope she lll lie happy, 1 fancy hc pls.-e for a follow to pisy," he said as never was with Orton. And Hub h je stopped tu look at a lot Keil had tolls the truth. She never knew Hun I. heard u for sale. S'-cepted properties without investigm-j "He's right!" Neil said to Die. ing them. She wouldn't have helped "Only 1 don't know that New York Is nie had she known,' jso ckI fur grown ups either. Someway "1 mil mi ilnd she didn't know. I 'one gets nearer to the real things of life rs.il feel kindly toward her now that I j if they have room to breathe ini-tead of know that. I ttoi-c too that she will le,K-iiip cooped up bctweea rows of brick happy." Then I ave expression to S!sud stone," ihuught which oftcii tame to n y mind I "I think so loe, Neil. One seems when I saw trained pi-ople who werejneurer tiod down here." evidently mUinated, and so unfppT. "Are you going to buy this Jot," 'It uii-t be dreadful N. il for a woman 'Kol.eit interrupted. "I don't know sun. We are only looking about tonight. We won't de cide in a hurry we cau't. We have to ave the money for it first." "Will it take longf disappointment in his voice. "Not very if we all help." "I'll help Ml I can dad. fan J in a workshop in the uttic liko Tom tiuiith has! ' "You shall have u work shop some where if we build a house." Ho was very ingenious, and Neil em out aged him in every way, 1 think we were all a bit excited over the thought of owning n home bucc more. For before we went to bl Neil nnd I looked through several niasrii.ines which had plans for inexpensive onuses ind talked excitedly of how we should like one or the other of them. "It's innocent amusement, snvwas" Neil declared when I laughed at our enthusiasm. When we reached tome we wers sur prised to see a big touring enr in front of the house. Lorraine Morton sod Ned linybiirn were sitting o" the perch, wniting for us. "We knew you hadn't gone far, be cause the door was unlocked. Think of living in a place where one conld gn out without locking everything us," (.ermine said ss she followed us into the house. It ksd been some time since I had seen her, so leaving Ned nnd Neil to smoke, I carried her off into my bedroom to gossip. I told her all Shout Blanche Orton and she gave me the prussip of town friends. the had been to sn affair at Mrs. Powers and had heard the host say that there was n't a man in town he respected more than he did Neil Forbes. It made me so hsppy to hear iu. h things. Neii had been publicly eensured; it ws good to know his woith was also publicly rec ognised. They remained until lute, I fixed a chafing dish supHT, snTi we told them of our plans. "Y'on can't find two lots csn yjuf" Ned Raybiirn asked while Lorraine blushed. "Lorraine and I may like s summer home near you." So amid con gratulations and exprc-s'ons of pleasure I hey left Us. "I'm glad for Lorraine. It's time she a married," Neil id yatunli;. "She'll not be so enave-ittonal mow I'll bet." (Tomorrow To Po Right Brings, IVacc and Happiness.) to be uiiaiiimmislr agreed upon bv the council. We have con-tarf ly one repre sentative in the council, who must thus .join in advising the plan. Wc can reas onable nviiiiio therefore, flint the plan rccninmoiidcd will tint involve us in military erneditions nnronnnblv re mote or inconvenient, and that it will advise our action in that part nf the world where we can most promptlv fii'iiish aid aid in respect to wars in t - m, BOUND COAST LEAGUE BASES 4 (By I'nited Press.) Yesterday's winners: Seattle, Sua Krnncisco, Vernon Los Angeles. Home runs; Crandall, Bonis; rournier, Crawford, Angels; Wolter, Senators. "The awakening of Bill riymer" a nine act episode of baseball life result ed in the Kainiers squelching the OatiS !) to .". eiymer has been reinstated in. locnl fnndnm by, his coaching lrfcthod. Crespi, released fioin the Seals, lasted two innings for the Senators aganst the Angels. The sun kissed aggregation won, 8 to 4. The Beavers sneaked across the plate with one run which proved insufficient as the Tigers grabbed six tallies. t'oucli allowed tlie Bees four hits ia the opening game "ut Mormon city, ths mhaui gang winning, 9 to 2. ( ) V NAZIMOVA This Coupon is good for Five Votes for Goddess of liberty, Fourth cf July (Write name here and deposit this in ballot box)