A1 PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEU, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1919. .: Have him wear cool silk shirts all summer loncf How to launder them beautifully, easily yourself I w ;., ki, r 7 4'' 3i' V 'HO thinks of sending men's silk shirts to the laundry nowadays? To have them come back faded, pulled out of shape, - the lustre of the silk half gone! There's a better way and much less expensive! . Just whip up some delicate Lux suds and plunge in the silk shirts. No need to have a great many, for you can have cme fresh and clean again for him the very same day! Wash them in the rich Lux suds, repeatedly. The delicate Lux lather cannot wear away the fabric. They will look just as soft and fine and silky, fit just as comfortably at the end of the summer as the first time he put them on. Lux comes in pure transparent flakes that dissolve instantly in hot water and whisk up into a wonderful lather. Your grocer, druggist or department store has Lux. Lever Bros. Co., Cam bridge, Mass. Lux wilt not harm any material that pure water alone won't injure. To wash men's silk shirts Use one tablespoonful of Lux to gallon of water. Diisolve in boiling or very hot mattai whisk up into a thick lather and add cold water to mak the suds lukewarm. Put the garment in, work it up and down, and squeexa the suds through it. Do not rub. Rinse three times in water the tame temperature at the water in which you washed it. Roll in a towel to dry. While still damp, press with a warm iron, on a well-padded board, fongee snouia when entirely dry. .MS -7 If.. . . (-' ironed 2" M suds so wonderful as Lux for all fine laundering ; f ".?' , . I ... K V Crnt4 Wf. h U-r Bm. C. i&taua hbab opsms TODAY. league, and Joseph Gilbert, slat, organ iser, was begun today. They arc (charged with conspiracy ia violation of Jackson, Winn., Juno 25. Taking of .the Minnesota enpionago art. The jury testimony iu the trial of A. C, Townli'j, J is muilu up of f armors. treaidrat of tho National Non-PaiUaan Tcwnh-y was expected to roach Jack- Hon at noon today. PesponuVnt over his failing health irge W. llrinnon, aged K, shot him self through the heart Saturday at tho home of his daughter, near Ontario, Ore. GIVE' ffi3B38saa v -AmU I ''rjftrtr L mmiji; miJ Monday evening at 8:510 Jiisa Oreta Wiul and Qiarlea 1'arent were quiet ly married at tho home of Mra. E. T. Cutler. Dr. G. F. Holt performed the rirfmony in the presence- of a few friends. Caroline Testout rosea foruiel pretty decorations fur the affair and after the tereimoiiy wokking luncheon wb served. Aftef a honeymoon in Cal ifornia the couple will Make thrfr home ia Balers. t Salem women may be inftereeted in leswaing that Miss Fern hbs, who bnrarae. ao well known as the aeeretary otf Ooernor Oswald West ia expected to arrive in Oregon from Franaa ia the near future. Miss Hohbs has spenl near ly a year iu 1'ranro as chief of the Sonne communication' section of the Red Creea. Word haa een reeeived from Hvr recently that the effice of this una tion of the orniflxation had been eloa ed and that he would leave- for the oteree aa soon as trnnorttSoo could be arranged. MUa ilotia ia a practic ing attorney. t C. 0. Butler is a guest at the Imper ial ketei ioPortlamt : . sociny. . By Certruda Bobisoa 4 . HE GeeViess ef liberty contest is new ea, aad with-the names et fast pretty popular yeung ; usjee leawag, tt.preniea to be as eleee and esoitntsj a etrald be eVmred. j Misers IThs Baker, Margaret white, i Rhea Wilma and Marie Breireasteia. ' aU witk hoses ef frieaes te baeb tkeos, are at preeeat the chief eenleetaate, aJ-; though nnr aanrea ar being entered : hourly. Ballet fcoies are re. be fouad j at the Kpa, Wrv-y-Belle, PaUoa s, Cons-! mercial book ssere, Jlartataa'a and Smith cigar sfere. . , . The committee ia eharge is eempoa- J ed of Oliver Myera, ehairman; Joseph j MeAlKrer, K. F. Smith, Artenr Moat- i gomery aad Otte A. Hartman. I rndotrfatediy the bizgest aerial erf- fair of the wee Will be the silver tea, ' which will be given Friday afternoon ; from 3 to on the east section of the 1 state house greund. The tea will be I sponsored by the Salem "Women 's club 1 the mtvst influential hedy ef women in j the city, and erery means ia being tak- 1 en to make i a enjoyable as possible. ' money lor me woman s tuilling at f.ugime and this in itself shoukl be in ducement enouirh for anvnn tn mttanA ir lit tt ia iDTirra ie oe present,' and emphaaie is laid en the fact that it ia net exclusively for wo men, i One of 4be pretty we-diinjrs ef June ' was the marriage of Miss Beulnh Hill ' to Snmuel Tylrr, which occurred June 24 at two p. m. at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hill on State and 24th streets. This date was chosen because of the coincidence of their birthday anaiyeraariee being on the same dav. Tho bride and groom, unattended, marched, to a bower of blossoms and greenery, while Mis Lois Tyler, sister of the irroom, played Mcndelssohni wedding march. The ring ceremony was performed by Bev. James H. Irvine of I'ortrand, who is a particular friend of the groom 'a family. The ring waa taken from the white rosebud nearby. Tho 4ride wore a beautiful gown of white georgette erene over satin and wreath of white and pink rosebuds on her hair. She earned a bouquet of pijik Jaiifeifbury xll. iMemlbcrs of both families were the onlv e nests present Mrs. James B. Lucas, sister, of the bride, came from Oorvallis, to at tend the wedding. A sumptuous wed ding lunch waa served from a table beautifully decorated with pink and white. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler left in the after noon for a honeymoon, part of which will lbe a trip to eastern Oregon to vis it rnanvrs. rne Tmae troinir aiwav suit was of blue Jersey cloth with a hat of georgetta to mntch. Mrs. Tyler has lived, here with her parent since they moved te Nnlent from Texas a few years ago, Mr. Tyler hat bfsm an. the stateeman meMiniueal force during the past few years. He received his dis charge frost the army last January. They will make their home in Portland Mrs. C. D. ftobriclson and her son. Ueiitenant !arl abrielon, returned td falem Mowlay after a short visit In' IVnclletoa. They were eeeonvpanied by Mrs. Oahrielses's grannVhiht, Charles Kay Bishop. anncey Bishop, C. D. (iaibniWsnn and Master Robert Bishop are stilt ia tJu eastern Oregon city but expect to be home in time to witness the big homeenming eelcbrarlon on the Fourth. NEW FLUSH COAIES $16.43 $19.75 $2173 NEW SHORT FLUSH COATS $19.75 $24.75 $34.7 - NEW FLAH) SPORT SKIRTS $12.50 $14.75 $17.50 AAAAAAAAiliAAlA A ""T?TT?f fltttt I Where Shopping Is a Pleasure 1. C Itl?iJ Ola Salivn today from McMinnvillo to gTve exhmits for .the benefit of the Salva tion armv drive. Lieutenant Pearson will be in Salem today an i tomorrow and from here will go to Bhker, aceom- pamed by I red Lockley of the Oregon Journal. Picnic outings are the word of the day and numerous parties are taking advantage of the wonderful -weather and equally wonderful eonntry to form groups and motor to the various picnic Troun'i around the capitol city. Silver Creek Falls is one of the most popular and every week end witnesses the ar rival of auto parties who come for' a camping trip or merely to spend the day. , One merry group who chose that par ticular spot for their revels Sunday was eomiposcd of eighteen members of the younger set, who motored from Wil low Lake to spend the day at the falls Those in the party were Miss Helen Srhindler, Ifisa Lnurel Jana, Mies Lily Blake, ALibS Lena liuckestien, Miss Ha zel Eldricas, Miss Antonia finger, Miss Florence Blake, Miss Anna Roberts, MHss Mabel Rugy, William Blake, Jr., Walter Johnson, Frank Woelk, Julius Ruble, Tcdrly Woelk, Harold Walling, Rmel Bradford, Elbert Bradford and William Woelk. The members of the Women's Relief Corps will meet with Mrs. Florence Shipp tomorrow afternoon, at her home, 110 Lafollo street. Assistant Alice Davice and Mrs. t Julia Davis. Dr. and Mrs. J. Green are in Port land attending the medical convention. A. If. Lea of the stale fair boaid was ( Portland viidtor yesterday. Mr. and Mra, F. O. Delano. I.1.10 i State street are entertaining as their i hostesses for tho occasion are Mrs. .Al guest Lieutenant W. A. Pearson of the Caldwell, Mrs. Blanche Davis, Mrs. Oregon Aircraft and Transportation Mary JVtvis, Mrs. flarah Draper, Mrs. couqieny ef Portland who arrived in ' "ff le Diuilap, Mrs. 3arah lavis, Mrs. The tea to serve to par ticular guests is Schilling Tea, the fine full-flavored social beverage The tea to serve to your family is Schilling Tea ) cent a cup. There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon. India, Oolong, EnglUh Bieakfast A II one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco HI SALVATION ARMY Give liberally to this Army not the Army of con quest nor the Army of territorial occupation, but the Army that has a habit of reaching out and serv ing mankind with the heart in the hand. THEY ARE WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION Speaking of Shirts Stripes are at Bat Here b an Iarindble Une-Up Evlry Last Oaa A Sore Hit And it doesn't require a mint to come into pos session of them either. That's the big surprise to most men. Splendid Madras, crepe and other ma terials, made with reversible soft cuffs, in hand some new multiple stripe effects. The man of modern times will surely like these at 58 f 3 - - 1 I J $1.00 to $3.45 fty'j w fifed QT?r Get Your Pa: 1 $150 to ism AEei Demand Gercau KirsNewEnvojsAtOiicc Paris, June 5. (United rrese)Thf hig four thi-s afternoon waa reported to nave dupatrlied to Germany a peremp tory demand for her to nam. the dele gation which will sign the peace treaty. Bispatchca from Versailles yesterday said that Foreign Minister Mueller had been appointed to head the Ornuaa del egaiion BUI dirt not Hineto. tho re mainder of the eoniatianioa a per.onrl. ve found out 0 that TOASTIES (mda of corn) have jfot lot of nour ishment In them. And thf!f vor beets everythlnrf vl-e A- ' f ' - -lro 5" -Kyvr-v f -- r- . ; i- . f f ' ' ; r tl - 1 -: e , ; ft 9ft? aff-tjoat-'totind sot drink Rome was not built in a daycGSabut BeWs pouLirity be came countrywide iiv tbree months because of five years prepar ation inperfectin the beverage. e- v i a: i SJJ rfwi - FmmtUi tutfl4 h HI aW nk Vttilw ere imrifdh kitft mr ft4mt ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS s.. -I if If i vj r: Dan. W Airhnu-Y l ifu.er IMuinaiirr - I loch. roKTI.AMl. OIH Vry, salhi. our.