5250 CIRCULATION (25,000 EEADiik liAJI. ) Only Circulation i bakto Ouar aateed ky the Audit Bureau of Circnlatisns. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTC Y ALLEY NEWS 6EBVICE 4c FORTY- SEC0,-oYEAR NO. 150--EIGHT PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TKAlNsj AD KW STAN'PS FIVE CKNTS . :0 hf m u w r '''ifiwwffiri -: VC B L .feSE III ( r:' ! 1 fl f I I I M y fa gertk westerly wind. - w-0 r- ;? OUSEttL PROFIIlflTION ACT TO Drastic Legislation Outlined In Provisional Measure Submitted Today. Washington, June 25.-Drastic legislation for the strict enforcement of the both war time and constitutional prohibition was completed by the house judiciary commit tee today. With only alight sasiif icatione in the ( mmmlmmmmmm bill Chairman Volstead trill submit to 4ho souse the taunt bill as that propoa- wo uouse tne same as that propot- ed by the ultra M'rys". An appropri- linn n 'l Jt IWlA bl. A ation of $3,500,000 ia provided to ear ly out tne act. Auw beverage containing more than one half of one per cent of alcohol ii intoxicating liquor." In face of the determination of eon great to go ahead with the enforcement legislation, administration leaders today continued to intimate President Wilson would repeal the war time prohibition act by July 1 or indicate his intention to remove it vory soon thereafter. Tho leaders reiterated what they be- licvcd to be tho injustices of the act,'the famoug Bolleau Woods scrap in the ' invinm nt ttiA fan fl.nl will, I1,a ..ir-n. . . 1 'inview of the fact that with the sign' iog of the peace troaty the cmorgency certainly is over." Provlaioiui Strict When the war time prohibition wet or constitutional prohibition goes into ei'foct, it shall Ibe unlawful to "manu facture, soil, barter, give away, trans port, import, export, deliver, furnish, receive or possess any intoxicating li quor oxcopt as authorised by this act" The only exceptions are for medicinal, scientific . or sacramental purposes or where liquor is stored in private homes lipfore prohibition goes into effect for private use. - - Punishment for violations ane as Mlows: A fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 for the first offense ed iby the uBtra ."dry," An appropri- from 30 to 90 days for the second of- WnU SfJlOO. Geh Ollfi NfiW In tense. A fine of not less than $500 and lubd JW1U VH - imprisonment from six months to two years is provided for the subsequent offenses. In addition, courts may re quire bonds as sacurity that violators will not again lmik the law for one yar. Patent are Hit Enforcement of the prohibition law tj lodged with tin commissioner of the internal raveuue and the depart- year. These were Miss Mabel Daven mont of justice. , porti for the bjgfc chool, at a salary latent and proprietary medicine man' o( no; Miss Nora Kelly was employed Tfacturers must prove to the commis- tot R pogition in the elementary schools oner that thr product, cannot bet Knd MiM Ruth Cu8hi for u used in place of iutoxictintr liquor. . -. . Uquor may be preribed for medic-' si,;''r P01011 8 . . . , ioial purpose, only by reputable physi-1 5'"r,rf P0ripd th f'P ' eians, and not more than one prescrip- chcck f(,r ',,0 from Superintendent oo shall he given eveTy ten days. Churehitl, beine the amount of the fed I'barniacista filRng those prescriptions eri1' appropriation for vpcational work mint be licenacd. i under the Smith Hughes act. This was Permits must be obtained to mami- ( Con tinned a page three) if) NEWSPAPER S ARE DEFIANT OVER PACT Berlin Vorwaprk DwfarM VC1UU lUlffaCU leUaieS treaty Un Be Nothing But "Scrap Of Paper." By Jobs Oraodens (United Press Staff Correspordent.) Berlin, June 8. The Berlin Vot waerts, majority socialist organ, today described the peuce treaty as "a scrap f paper." "Extortionate pressure renders i'g nsture of the peace treaty worthless," laid the Vorwaerts. "We must never forget it is only a scrap of paper. Trea ties bssed oa violence caa keep their validity only so long as force exists. Do at lose hope. The resurrection day comes." . The Preussisrhe Kreuoe Zeitung. ia an editorial headed "Pinii Germanise" declared that "it is our duty not t per mit the Prussian spirit to be erusiitd." The Taglisrhe Rundschsn blamed fc-neidemsnn and Erzberger for the "disaster." The national Volks party lias aa D'luared the sharpest opposition to the new Bauer government. General'Von I-utwitt has appealed teUhe fumU and the demands warranted officers and soldiers to eontiniie on Hw leaning toward economy in school d'lty. expenditures may be better appreciated Several minor M riots occurred In when it is noted that in the thrte years B-rlin yesterday and last night and itihe ha been on the board the school was feared they might grow in i"Tie ; Imdget has risen from about $140,000 asd violence today. A strike invcdv-l to so eitimate of $177,000 for the prcs ing postal, telegraph and telephone em-Unt year. The sslary schedule alone plcrt es seemed certain. I his nwn to alxint $120,000, where last The governor of Wet Prmia has an- j re ir it wa $114,000, and three years Bounced his rc-.iignitin. iso was 1e than $100,000. WOULD r r !i 1 I 1 TOrCCr t2U2l JOiITEEl I . Man, Veteran Of Chateau Thierry, Here For Visit Sergeant Evans Houston, formeiiy with the city ataff of The Capital Jour nal, arrived in Salem this morning for a visit with pre-war friends in the Cap ital city. Sergeant Houston was with the 66th company, Fifth, regiment, V, 9. marino, and left the Pacific coast for France in 1917. He took part in . naioati Thierry sector ana was wouna ed at Suissons when the great offensive against the German was started in July, 1918. Sergeant Houston was a member of Company M when that or ganization went into action in the. near campaign on the Moxica border. He arrived at Newport News in February but was retained in charge of his com pany at Camp Quantico until the pres ent time. SCHOOL BOARD NAflES THREE NEW TEACHERS structor And Grades Two Additional Among other matters of business com ing before the regular meeting of the school board last night was the .selec tion of three teachers for the coming tfOO more than had been expected for this branch. 1 It was agreed by the board that Miss Thcreita Fowlc should be allowed the use of a room in the Washington for summer school work, it being provided , that she meet all necessary expenses. It was also arranged that Prof. Berg man should have the use of the machine shop during the summer for any work he might wish to do, he agreeing, as a I return Courtesy, to make all necessary repairs and adjustments in the equip mnt ln pp"4'00 ot the neit Kr, work, it bHng understood that he pay for all power and material used. Among minor items, it was decided to dinenc with the services of a man to rare for the athletic field, for which the board has Ix-cu paving to a month. The matter of painting the roofs of the various school buildings was discussed and finally left to the building commit tee with authority to act. The bond of the school clerk was accepted and the premium, amounting to $60 was ordered paid.. At this meeting George Halvorsen, recently elected for the three-year term, -1 was amr sworn in, nt re-omanuaition of the board effected br placing W. C. Window in the chair, with E. T. Barnes as rice -chairman. This action closed the services of Chairman H. L. Clark with the body. During the three years he has spent on the board he has made a record probably equalled by no other member, as he has not missed a meeting ia that period. And throughout that period he has maintained a fixed policy of economy and conservatism, contend ing that the essentials of education should be made paramount aid the scope of the schools broadened only ENFORCE THE LETTER MORE OREGON COYS BACK M TRICE Men From All Parts Of State Reach New York Aboard Transports. New York, Jnne 25. Two score and more of Oregon boys who have seen service ia France were aboard the transports arriving here yesterday. On the La Touraine were: Sergeant Uarry Miller Independence; Sergeant Robert ft Hobbs, Portland; Hclmutt B. Dewita Salem; William B. Sherburne, Denio; Sextes W. Smothers; Portland; Earl O. Uourtnoy, La Grande; James V. Williams, Wiulock; Jay L. Combs, Scio. James N. Miller, Coquille; Fred M. Schuorman, Ashland; Samuel T. Meyers, Benser; Everett M. Penland Portland; William F. Brand Portland; Ralph a Ivey, Milwaukee; Walter 8. Berry Wallowa. ! Staignon casual company 5950, spec ial discharge; tfcrgeaiit Archie C. Hee ner, Salem, This company goes te Camp Mills. On, the United States steamship Mai lory was the ilWith Brest convalescent dufail, not yet assigned here, in which were Joseph Owen, Portland ; August Vauchey, Banks; Hon Twombley, Bay View; Wiuiou O. tiletoa Silverton.l There was also the SSHth company,1 with Captain George 8. Clark Port land: Ernest Gwrge S. Clark, Portland Ernest C. Aandt, Portland; John K. Payne, Aurora; Vane II. Scely, Port laud. In a Brest special casual com pany was Sergeant Forest Wilson, Port land. , .-- , United States aUanudtip Mexican brought company I), DOth engineer, in which was Ralph Hedges Portland. On the United States steamship Va quina was Staignon casual company 49!H, coast artillery corps including Washington E. tfarhangh, Portland, now at Canl Morritt. On the 1'atria was tne Vth aero squadron, with Clarence Bowes, Halern; 875th aero squadron, William A. Arm strong, Corvalli.ii Manley Frobishon Junction City. Page W. Conrad Ruth land; 3d balloon company, Claude R. Shyder, Bend. Those units are at Camp Mills. Base hospital 0.1, with the following Oregonians in it, went to Camp Merritt, ."ierpeants Johit E. CJillniore, Portland; Phillip M. Ellias, Bakor; Oeorge W. Kiggs Portland; Olonn H. Macy, Mc Minnville and Privates Leandor P. Tol lnfson, tVrvallis; Walter H. Iismann, Willamette; Thomas I. Hoyt, Portland; John H. Brother, l,cona; Frank II. Boo her, Irtoma; Frank E. Kngitalil, Helix; John W. Davis, fortland. Wheat And Flour Dealers Msst Get Federal License New York, June 25. Wheat Dircetu. Barnes has announced that by procla mation of President Wilson, millers, grain dealer, jobbers, bakers and oth ers who deal in wheat or flour must ob tain licenses from the director. Farm ers and small bakers who ue less than 'fifty barrels a month are excepted. The proclamation is effective Julyl. Li censes are to be obtained from zone agents. A new pumping irrigation system has just been completed by which wster will be taken from Lake Ewauna, near Klamath Falls, and placed on 32O0 acres of fertile land. ABB MAE TIN Some folks ire so fond th' drams that they to t' th' theater after e.itin' onions. When th' o1e time clerk ocl f asy, "Well, whst kin I do yon ferf" we ased t think he w jokrn'. Whnpeg Strike To End; . J Workers Return Thursday) Winnipeg, Ms a, Js N (United 1'rssa-) The fsaeral strike here, lasting aver t4) dan will end Thursday at 11 a. as. The announcement was made early today foils wing aa all night session at Us geaarai strike committee. Sympathetic strikes ia ethos cities will end at the same hovr. The strike will have lasted sia weeks to the hoar St 11 a . J. L. MciBride, treasurer Of the Trades and Labor aoaat, said today that aalUag ott t the sympathetic strike depead- ed principally oa tJ question of resnstaltement af th link- ers. This point, it waa nndarstood will bo left for final eettle- ment to Judga H. A. Bobaoa, selected as royal eotnnuaaioner to settle the duputa, and is.' vratigate the undorlyiDg eauses of tlie walkoult. Ernest Bobison, aeeretary. of tho couneil, aaid the etrika eommittoe had acted on "cor- tain important rscommenda- tions of the centrsJ eommvt- . tee.". No official announce- mont of the tfindtings wao made.' Reports were current that the strike committee had agreed to call off the strike in return for the appointment of a federal commission to act in the dia- ! puto. S1 DIETZ REAL GUN : IS MOTHER'S CLAIM lone Star" Substituted For Still Born BaEe States Foster Parent Spokane, Wash., Juae 25. Detailing the remarkable story of tho substitu tion of the illegitimate child of her hus band for a still born child, Mrst Lean na Lewis of Bice Lake, Wis., alleged fostor mother of "Lone Star" Plots, told her Story on the stand in federal court here yesterday afternoon. Diet is on tnnl for falsifying draft papors. Mrs. Lewis testified that sbo Is not the real mother of the famou coach, who claims to be a non citiren Indian and therefore exempt from military servioa. Ho la, she declared, the offspring of her husband and a half breed Sioux woman. The prosecution contends that Mrs. Lewis is the real mother and dur ing the trial called attention to the resemblance between her and Lone Star Major C. C. Sinor of the marine corps at Mare Island, where Dints worked a a football coach, testified that he be lieved Dietz to be an Indian. Liictz nimseii testinea that Be was the son of William Wallace Diets, sher iff of Burron county, Wisconsin, and that until he was 15 he was under the impression that Mrs. Lewis waa his real mother. Taker" Says Attorney. Spokane, Wash., June 25. Brnnding Lone Star Dietz as a faker and flaying the marines for "taking more interest in putting out a winning football team than in backing the country up In the war," Charles H. Leavy, assistant United States district attorney today summed up the government's case against the famous football coach and film star on trial hers for falsifying hi exemption papers. It was eipertwi the ease would go to the jury this aft ernoon. Leavy charged Diets with affecting a disguise in the eourt room" to make him look the part of a Sioua Indian. "Every characteristic of the Indlsn has been attempted," said Leavy. "Why hasn't he combed his hair ast urally instead of parting it dov,a as he has," Dicta' long black hair hung aver his ears. Patriotism Questioned. If Dietz was as patriotic as m. says," Ixavy shouted, "wny aula t we enlist In the marines at $30 a month la- stead of accepting a portion at toOO a month and expenses to eoaeh the turn! He says ho woulda t have bad as morn influence with the men but I claim they would have respected him. more." The federal court room was pucked to capacity during the summing up. Only two witnesses were examined this morning before the government rested its case. They were Mrs. Mary Has sett and Mrs. Harsh Monheim, old pio neers of Rice I-ake, Wis., where the gov ernment charges Dietz was born 35 yrars ago of a white mother. Dicta sat lurched forward, his black eyes glued on the two women as, lifting the veil of time they told Of meeting Mrs. Lesnna Lewis, Dietz, mother, eording to the witnesses the night be fore her baby was born. Defsesa Askj LsnUccjr. I--- In summing up, District Attorney (Continued oa page tare) Richard May Himself Referee Big Battle For Championship By H. 0. Hamilton (United Press Staff Corrrspon Jcnv.) Toledo, Ohio, June 25. Tex Richard or Ollie record will referee the bout be tween Jack Dempsey and Jess Willaxd, awarding te the best information ob tainable here today. Willard has prac tically refused to accept any referee other than Bickard, but Tex is holding back. It was be'icved he might be able to convince the champion that re cord is competent and acceptable. Jess, it has beea indicated by things tran spiring before this, probably would be willing to accept Richard's word for it Bickard has had practically no exper ience as a referee. He is a fight fa? and knows boxing, but his rcfereeiug W practically limited to his session in the ring with Jack Johnson and Jim Jef fries when they met nine years ago in Reno. Tex was forced into the ring at that time when the primipals refused to agree on any man. Ai a referee he ia a mere amateur, but Willard places great reliance in his honesty. He also would be acceptable to Juck Kea.ns, manager of Dempsey. Peeord'a candidacy . has received a great boost by the tactics of Willard, for the Toledo boxing commission has entered tho argument with a strong Sand. It ha sent word in a quiet fash ion that it will brook no wranglos of my kind thut aro likely to cast a shad ow on the boxing game, and Willard will have to do something; soon. He is throwing up the only barrier to an ap pointment of a ring official. The name of Jack Welsh, who was the third man inside tho ropes when Willard won his title from Jack John- FINALS IN DASHES li BIG M TODAY American Sprinters Put To Real Tests To Retain Pre sent Leads. V AMERICANS LEAD The score in the inter allied , track and field championships at the end of tho first day ln s). competition in final ovcnti wa: United Stales, 12. All others, 0. By Carl Raodau (United Press Stuff Correspondent.) Pershing Stadium, Taris, June 25, (United Press.) American soldiers made a eivan sweep in the hand grenade throwing njntcst this afternoon, the first finals in the inter allied champion shipa. 'Fred Thomson, won; Hum Thompson was second aud D. V. Wyeavago waa third. All three American entries, Edward Tench ner, Charles Paddock and 1ft Hud dock won places in the 200 meter dash trials. Robert Simpson and Fred Kelly won their heats in the 110 meter high hur dles trials this afternoon, W. B. Ames another American, was second in the third heat. rerehing Stadium, Paris, June 25, Star sprinters of the American army were to be put to their first real test in the tnter-altiea cuampionsnips mis ... . , . . . . ernowa. ,'girl telephone operators in their strike Th. final, of the 100 mete, daah, and , the semi finals of the 20 meter dhi T wpn euq,u,ven of iht t(,,.i,hon aad 110 meter high hurdles were on the program. Edward Tcschner of Lawrence, Mas.; Charles Paddock of Pasadena, Cal., and Sol Butler of Hutchinson, Kansas, wero entered in the eentury. Hard competi tion was expected from Lindsay of Now Zealand and Howard of Canada. Lindsay defeated Toschncr and 13 u tier ia the semi fiuals, but Tcschner was a favorite. Teschner, Paddock asd M. Haddock were the American entries la the 200 mater. Ia tha 110 meter hurdles, Romcrt Simpson of Chicago, Fred Kelly of Los Angeles aad W. B. Ames of Oak Park, III, expected to win a chance for final honors. The hand grensde throw brought ont Fred Thomson of Ixs Angeles, riumuot Thompson also of Los Angele. and T. C Wyeavage of Luzerne, Tcnn. The former fk chaplain, waa a favorite al though he had never practised against the boche. trimbledon. Eng., June 23. Ameri cans won four of five matches they played ia the international grass eourt tennis championships here yesterdsy. Willis Davis, America, defeated Dave son, England, 6 S, 5 7, 2 6, 2, 6 2. Deas Mathey, American, defeated Raymond, houth Atrica, J s, m, o , 6 1. ' Garland, America, defeated Borrct, England, 6 0, 6 0, 61. I son, haa ben mentioned with consider able frequency but his appointment is I now considered a very remote possibil ity. Packey Mcrartland, who has of ficiated in some important bonis in New York most satisfactory, also has been brought into the argumout, but most talk drifts as a matter of course back to the man who has been official of the local boxing club for sooio time. " Two weeks ago the referee question first reared its head and began iooking around for an argument. Tex Rickara at that time expressed a perferonce for Pecord. " Since then his candidacy has gainsd impetus. Today it seemed logical to guess that Pecord would be the referee, with Rickard one of two judges, Work of the two boxers was muck slower yesterday than it has been. Will- jard merely played ia the ring after a ; layoff tho day previous. He boxed per ' functorily with Hempel, Chip, Mona jghan and Scott. Monaghan succeeded in rocking Jess with right and lefts on one occasion when Jess elected to mix it with his sparring partners, but the damage was not noticeable. Dempsey worked slowly under order. Ho was taking rather than delivering punches, although at times he went at high speed. Ho landed hard on Bill Tate several times and hit Jamncia Kid practically when he pleasod. Jack had been told to cut down the stenm and did so to the best of bis ability. I Ho hit Jock Malone, middleweight, once with a left hook that almost Mat Jock to his haunches, but eased up at a cautioning word from Trainer DcFor est. CITY OFFICIALS TAKE HAND IN PHONE STRIKE San Francisco Supervisors .Petition Burleson To Take Action. San Prnnclsco, Juno 25. Son Fran cisco as a municipality became an ac tive factor In seeking settlement of the telephone strike today when the board of supervisors sent messnges to Post master General ' Burleson, California congressional delegation and Govornor Htephons, asking them to net to end the state wide tio-up. A committee was nlso named to arrange a joint meeting of city, company and union officials to morrow morning. Tho telegrams urged Burloson to take action and urge the others to ask Bur leson to aetto end the strike, which is seriously affecting business. Today and this evening appear to be llie crucial period in the strike. Repre sentatives of the electrical workers and telephone operators unions involved in the strike have decided to end nego tiations if the striko is not settled by tonight. Union heads say fuilure of the com pany to mako substantial changes in their offers to the telephone operators will result in all telephone employee ia tho Pacific coast district joining ln the rtrike, loo demand of the wlremcc for $6.40 a day has been mot by the com pany wit.i an offer of $0 a day. This is iicreptalile to most of tho strike ccu liii'.tce it. is understood, but tliey will remain out until the girls demands are met. Los Angeles, Cal., Juno 25. Los An geles lnbor orgnniMitiona have centered ite 9 www v lnir rt(arit 0 brintrinir victory ta the company doclamd unequivocally todar ihoy are ready to mako Concession! to the eomuiy if the full demands of the Kills are met. Other unions, not involved in the pin lie, pledged financial assistance to lua operators. 162,04823 Spent For Reads In County During Month Tha following is a report of road work Jone (hiring the month of May, 1019, as shown by the records in the eounty clerk 'g office: MacadnmiSng $7223.82 Graveling 107.12.01 Bridges 2725.4.1 General repair and misrel. 17829.71 New tools and machinery 1W17.9 Patrolmen 'a silsrv JM29.05 Paving '. 2097.32 Total $62048.23 Number yard gravel hauled for per manent work 37.'!9; number yard, grav el hauled for repair work 5074; num ber yards rock hauled 2247 ; volun teer work; men 40; teams 30. Dorothea Merrill, 10 years old, was shot and killed at Seattle Saturday Bfr brother Stanley, aged 13, play- fully pointed a revolver at her and pull- ed the trigger, not knowing it was loaded. SEPARATE PEACE BILL IS TABLE! Senate Foreign Relations Ccn- . Eittee Defers Vote Oa Fall Resolution Till After Ifcs Sip. BORAH DENOUNCES PACT AS "GUARANTEE OF WAR Idaho Senator Criticizes Peace Conference For Iporag Claims Of Ireland And Kor ea To Freedom. By L. 0, Marttn (Uuited Press Staff Correspondent.), Washington, June 25. The aenatsr foreign relations committee, by a vota of 12. to 4, today deferred action on the Full resolution for a separate peace be tween tho United Htates and German until tho Germans have sigued the Par is treaty. A majority of tho committee, accord iug to Hrnutors Lodge and Fall, favored tho resolution, but regarded the pretcnk nn inopoprtune time to press it. Borah criticizes Treaty, While the committee was reaching this conclusion of the Fall resolution, Senator Borah, in a brio! but fiery speech to tho senate, declared the peace treaty a "guarantee of war" and sharply criticized the penes, conference tor ignoring the claims Of Ireland ano) Korea. Borah s speech, ceuplcd with remarka on the Irish question by Seuator Thom- us, Colorado, opeued a discussion ax thut subject, 1 The foreign relations committee' consideration of Fall's measure ano) taa state of former President Taft, that upon ratification of tho treaty by any throe powers peave beoinos fcffoeti. -was disputed.' Taft 'a statement waa used to show that if the senate does aoa ratify as promptly as Britain, Franca and Italy, the United States will ba left out of commercial relations with Germany, which the other nations will . ., - ran urges acuoh. "Had that view been supported, th resolution would have beea reported five seconds," snid Senator Carding, Ohio, following the meeting. "Boa (Continued on page three) CEREMONY OF SIGHING TO LAST THREE HOURS President To Leave Paris For Brest Immediately After Big Event By Fred 8. Tergtwoa -(United Press Staff Correspondent.) Puns. Juut 23. Hicnlntf of the peaca tretity nmy lie, delayed until Haturrjsy. and possibiy Monday, it was learned this evening. The big four has sent note to Ger many, protecting against sinking of taa German fleet in Scapa Flow and against burning of Freneh battle flag ia Berlin, an official announcement said. By Fred 8. rerguMa - (United Press Htaff Correspondent) . Paris, June 25. Peace will be signed wtih Germany between 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. Friday, the ceremony lasting thrs hours, according to authoritative in formation today. The new German delegations, hea.Utl by Herrmann Mueller foreign minister, was expected to arrive at Vcrilie either Thursday night or Friday morn ing. President Wilson plans to leave for Brct immediately after the eeremouy, sailing from that port for New York Haturdny morning. Members of the allied peace commis sion vinited Versailles yesterday after noon, found that preparations for l'. formal signing ia the hull e? mirrmi at the palace had been completed. The bin four yesterday discussed via sinking of the interned German flock at Scapa Flow, but reached no conclu sion, in tho absence of full official re