Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 23, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THE DAILY CAPITAL JfiTTRNAT. oiiwr nurnnx? P.TT,nn.
" i . uutjuwii, oniUfiLAi, JUiNfa Zl, IViy
ou; Much More Tobacco
t I? ' f " i hi m 1 1 H
By Gertrude Eobisoa
I !
" - un II ia. I .1.. ,
j to'
I, '!'
i ' - ! - - 1 1 n
Will My Heart Stand?
A Vital Question for Every Man Who
Smokes or Chews to Answer,
Mar Cot a Ufe to Had Out
By Experiment
The heart of everv ucr of toba.-oo
srs 4Milii liurdea. U dues iU ai-
and to really quit take mora will pow
er than they have sad eu. more
suffering than they eaa voluntarily en
dure. To quit the habit, make iteay
sn. if it ...... ; .. . x ; ,t . . 1 , .
...a ... .1... r:..v.. " ""'"""J '"" -" :
-.. . .m. and taking them a diretted. The habit
far supremacy. A. long a. the heart lH1r quiw ,B(J it, j,,,,,,,, it t
w. ha live.; when it loses he dies, but plflware t0 itt indulgence.
Were the fi.al v:ctory of nicotine Jf T0U , to know Buw
T rM! """"a11 fnJ, ' d I ier it to quit the habit with NicutoJ
c tee sad decay and suffer many rang ;,, wl,hout it, go twenty four hour.
UvarU are Ike. human beings-aoine with,lt toWeo ;nd BOlwn.t , tt.
re strong, than Chert, therefore ; e0, thp u
some heart, will .land more tobacco . an(j take Xicotol tal)lets t the
than ether but there i, a hmit to;ed of , week di.eontiue .moking or
who put Ui. additional stra.s en his you Wlll havn h.Mtt , rf( A,
..art a doea times a day by looking IeaHt re wi b, di.
cigarettes, pM or rigam-- chew- miuishcd ,nd ,noth WM ,w0
UK tobaeeo-., tak.ng "di.aa ,hould make it rot only possible, but
chance with health and lifo to lose , iellmr(, to quit. ' 1
and nothing to win but thi chance that j
le may ! them Ha U indulging in ) Manufacturer' Xote: Niootol is sold
a cosily habit at the eipense, of pre-1 under tho positive rguaaetnecntfwyp
eioMi health. Ask any d.x-ior any whore, j under the positive guarante that it" is
and ho will toll you that using tobaeeo j not injurious; that it coiituins no h.ib
U Injurioi nud that it is far bolter to.it forming drug; that it will help any
quit tho habit thnn to experiment to (man to throw off the tobaeeo habit,
find out how Biueh tobaeeo. your heart jand that any drug't will refund the
will maud without serious re-ults. I entire purcliaso price if it faila. It is
But tho thought of miitting in un- diiiiMnmid in Salem nudr thia guaran
pleaant to most men even to thoaoity by I). J. Fry and other good drug
who know that tobacco injure them gists.
MVftW f ! Qkriftlor R- s- t4'rl' at Seattle tied for
searey Leads Scooters liril ,vi(h .
. At uose Of Sscond Day A-Trw ,he nt (t tor
fit n. I T in lividiil elKiinpionwiip yester-
Ui tnampionship Iourneyfd.iy( u w tied with c. l
Templeton of rVattlo, J. A. Dagtie of
Tneoma, R. W. Kiniter at Seattle and
Portland, Or., June li.T-At the end
of two day of eompetitioii in the an
mi'il twtirnainent of the Northwent
HiortArun N aniuw ialiun, Jamea W.
Keavey, 1!I9 trap ahonting champion
of Orrtgon kwda the field with a total
Of 2r targets out of a pontible t'flO.
J. A. Troeh and Frank Tompleton
Med for high gn (Sunday, each lir nuk
ing 118 out of 125 olay pigeon. J. 11,
Troeh amd IVank M, Trodi tien for aoc
n4 ipr witlt 117. .lamos W. Beavey
It. Williams of Seattle on tho original
0 birds.
K. II. Keller won itho Payton medal
over tieorgo Andoraon of Hun Joan, eal.
an I K. Toihinii at Han r'raneisi-o. The
three mini team ehampionsliip went to
II. K. Kierdiug, 'rnnk Templetun anil
Jump W. Hi'avey nt Portland who do
feated R. H, Hearlca, C. Templotoa and
('. K. J! Kelvcy of the Green I dike Gun
eluh, . ...'.v.., .
What Is Rheumatism?
Suffer from It?
Sufferer. Should Realize That It
la a Clood Infection and Cms
Be Permanently Relieved.
' Rheumatism mean that the blood
tiai become, saturated with uric acid
It doe not require medical ad
vice to know that good health it ab
solutely dependent upon pure blood.
When the muscle and Joint be
come tore and drawn with rheuma-
J tim, it it not a wise thing to take
a little taive ana ny running on ine
ear toot, expect to get rid of your
rheumatic. You must ro deeper than
that, down deep into the bleat where
the poison lurk and which ii not
effected by i.ilvr and ointments. It
it important (hat yon fid yourself of
thia terrible rliseaie before it goes too
(ar. S. S. S. it the blood purifier
that hat itood the lct of time, hav
ing been in constant use for more
than fifty yean. It will do for you
what it hat done for thousand of
others, drive the rheumatic poitona
out of your blood, making it pure,
and itrnng nnd enabling it to make
you well, 5. S. S. it guaranteed purely
vegetable, it will do the work and
not harm the most delicate ttomach.
Write the physician of this Com-
pany and let him advise with you.!
Advice is furnished without charge.
Address Swift Specific Company, 25)
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, C.
.tttTte m tee-
j i rti'r-
Silks at Closing Price
Erery Yard a Spbd Iarcstacnt That Should Be
TakcaAfrtage Of Now
I At Yard
A large asaortment of Noval
tiea ia kaudmmie plaids ana
triHii of et.ellnt quality.
The lot also includes some of
Helding's yard wide eatin
linings and two pieces i f
Skinner's Rerge lining in
blaek and brown. The an are
all Sfi in. will,. I
there are t piocea of 40 ia. Tiwaah Rilka In fuoia and orange ahadea. all
at yard i.J5
Aaether lot of 36 k. U.Kel ia fas
ey etripee anJI plaid of a higher qual
ity. Ia the lot are several pierce of
piaia TftffsU ia light ahadea. A'se
tweaty two shades of 40 ineh Crepes
Ie Oiioe and eotne splendid 40 inoh
Hilk sad Wool Poplins all at yd. 1 8
NVE ia a blue moon," savi the
Ti)wa Crier of 'Seattle, sjakjng
of master Jean Kantuer, "cer
tainly, not oftener one hears sack a
voice, flute like ia its purity of tone.
"but warm with vounij life, orf suek wid
range that it more than mwls all de
mands, and of a fidelity of piteh that
goes far toward the making of UaJter
Jean' singing a delight,"
This young prodigy, who at the age
of thirteen years has met with th as
tounding success that cornea only once
in great while to anyone, and then
during manhood, will apar in concert
here neit Saturday, at the 1'irst Coa
greiiationnl rhureh. Master Jeans, will
aa it were, te "coming home" when
he arrives in ftulera. His father, Clif
ford White Kantner, who arcompauiet
the liwl, is the sun of Reverend W. C.
Kantner, pastor f the Firet Congrega
tional ehureh, and during his resilience
here, fourteen years ago, dwstiinguished
hiniaolf throush his choir work and ex
traordinary musical ability. He Is sim
self, e composer of merit. The boy Jean
hits suns; iq public ainee his seventh
J'oor ft'vl with every sueceeding aiaon
his vo'ieo seems to develop more beau
ty nnd strength. In 1 !"H 4 a trip to Eu
rope had been planned in order that he
mrht have tho opHirtunity of study
ing in the great European eonsrrvator
ii a and un.ler the famous Eurtipenn
niaslere, but the war intervened and.
the plans had to Jo abandoned. Nev
ertheless his numieiil eilm at uin hut been
direetel by tho bent talent that could
be obtained and ono wonder if a for
eign traiuin could have niade any
great improvement in a voice so seem
inirlv faultless.
Tho concert is given nndnr the aus
pieen of the First Concreffntionnl choir.
Hm-h prominent and influential soeial
lea lers as lrs. T. A. Livesley, Mr.
J. J. Huberts, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks,
Mrs. Fred Stewart and Mrs. D. W. F.yre
Mrs. V. P. HiieWp and Mrs. Ceo. PAifnett
are acting as patronesses. The flouting
of tho lioy eoprano, is undouibtlessly
one Cf the great events that happen
at rare and wonderful intervals -.and
rnnks in iuiporlnnee witih Panlisi choir
roeitals (which never come to Salom)
and no flattery intended citliiwiway
to Apollo cliib concerts whiifhf are;
open to the eloct, and take pli'V all
too infrequently. -,'
The Salem Women' chub autonnee
a silver tea to be hold on thui I'ate
houso grouuda next Friday f ron Miree
to six. The tea is given for tihc iff Befit
i f the womana building at Eugnii,. in
which all clubs and social yullyfios
nvur the State are intensely iiite'BU-d.
for the past few weeks the aluimil as
ociaUua of the University of cjregon
has Ibeen eondueting drives, giiag en-
tertainmonta and etioneonng inumeal re
citals for ithe purKis of swelling the
fund. Supported .'by the vartou wo
men' organizations over the state, it
lia met with gratprying suceosa, but in
spite of tho untiring effort the sum
ia not yet complete. It ia because of
fhts, and t whew their' appreelnhon
of, tind, interest In educational affair
that the Htilcim Women club has ar
ranged 'the silver tea. The invitation is
attend ia extremely broad, including
all those who have the beat interest of
m'u den Is, particularly girl students, at
tho university at heart The affair will
not be exclusively for women, and a
special amd hearty jnviilatiou is issuer
to the men olf the city to 9e present,
The home (f Mrs. K. E. Aspinwall
at 615 North Church street has the
scero of much en joyment lat, Sunday
when a delightfully planned family re
union, and welcome home for the three
sons home from service with the Unit
cd tftates forces, took place. There
were twenty seven guests present,
wlneti included nine enns end famillee,
and Mr. and Mrs. Oh a. William wio
motored down from iVrtutnd. The
roonig mere lieautifully docoreted with
weet peas, naaturriunis and greenery.
Miss Naomi JWkwith attended the
wedding of Miss Helen Wheeler and
Thomas van Orwle.1 in Portland last
k. Miss Beckwith ia a member of
the ."h Uhnega sorority and the bride
is member of the orvallis chapter.
Balnm people who are planning Oali
forn-ia triie neat fall (rise be interest
(Ml to know that vnrnldine f arras- is
coming to aa rTanciaro and will give
one concert, during (lie afternoon, Oc
tober ftth at the Ourron rhetvter. Mia
Fanrar and her husband. Loo Tellesea
have resumed cinema acting and. her
appearances on the ope ratio stage are
becoming rare. Her abearance in 8aa
FraucUce ia therefore, a treat that can
0aT Lll$ Of
jO A! Last Year's Prices
Infants 3
ohildrea'a -
ft.45, W.7S
Sise 11H te I
.- tlC5, S2.00
Biies 24 te 8
ti.ra txss
Uk L-i
Do you know the fine
ness of real tea -flavor or
only the tang of coarse
tea and tannin?
Common tea is the
coarse tannin -flavored tea.
It costs less per pound
than Schilling Tea but
more per cup.
Why not have good tea
while you are about it?
There r four flavors of SihUung
Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Ookstg,
English lirsakfast. All on quality, la
pan.hmyn lined moUiure ptoul paAagts.
At eruwrs everywhere.
A ScAiKiHg- & Ct Sam Fmm 'u,
If ' ' - 1, . Ill l H i , II . . i i I
I' d I ' i t! ) M1.
a.----. , , - , . ..
IIUI llnSfcJ.iff Oli I I llS.tiliy ' J jf I 1'a.in aTTTi'a i I
.-h .Vi r. e ira ' aar u m u sj asr. v u t l
tt.a.uMjmii vms.,. 'jf, , in,: ii, in. ii,,. n., i, ,..... ,: ,,7. .....: " i i ,. n! ;n
x . is-'-, ii 1 1 ' i ri 'mi ! 1 i;i
.X :VSV- . i ,il iX Ml ,l3vv -V I I ' rl
, - - . :t !il!H' M!! !!M.'!."!!iHI!V'TmMIII' A ji III !l
as. ai aaw liaha .aAfc.-. , . . t 1 11 T ft-jj
Unusual Economy
Equal to Butter for cooking Better tka
OHTe Oil for salads, at half tht price cf
eiiier. BeU cr, more Wholesome and
Economical than lard or compounds.
Use one-fourth to one-third less Mazola
for shortening than hotter cr lard.
Jn trying, tue Mazola oyer and over gaia to tee
Iat drop it Beyer absorb odors or ilayors.
FREE Wonierful Cook Book.
-Write today for it.
f. 0. Bex 111 ((W lark
Tleit Woman Recommends
Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vege
table Compound Her
Personal Experience.
lleLean. Neb. "I want to reeom
maad Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
uompouna to an
women who auffer
from any functional
disturbance, as it
has done me more
good than all the
doctor' medicine.
Since taking It I
have a fine healthy
baby irirl and have
gained in health and
strength. My hus
band and I both
praise your med
icine to all (ufferinir
' Hra. John Koppelmann. R.
He. 1, McLean,. Nebraska.
TVki famoua root and herb remedy
Lraw K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
MBsd. ha been restoring women of
Asssrica to health for more than forty,
yastra and it will well pay any woman
wto Buffera from displacementa, in
Iswssistion, ulceration, irrejfularities,
ewskashe, headachea, nervouaneaa or
"She blaea" to thia aueeeeaful
reaeWy trial.
Fee apeeial luggeetiona In regard to
rear ailment writs I.ydia E. Pink ham
Ne4eine Co., I.ynn, Mass. The result
ef hi long experience is at yoor eerviee.
ill i
IU afford to be mSasod sad tourists
fm Otwob and ithe 1'acifie northwwrt
will ae doiiht time their California
Iripa with Alius I'arra 'a arrival.
It re. K. L. Rairoa and son Howard,
have ross to Sin Francisco to join
Mr. Bgoa who has just returned frem,
Colorado. The party will trwtor train
8ea Fmaeisro te Portland, a4oppint at
Twnsos poSnta of interest ra route. The
trip will eever a period ef about two
ma tire.
Ose of tli annual recitale tf 3fUs
Deauiee Bhelton will be aeUl this eve
niaa at the Tirst CtinifTesaUonaJ ehurrti
Mjea Ada KUIer, Mr. amd lire. AHred
Hewfeasai and (Professor T. 8. Beherta
wiU ssaiat.
Mrs, W. 1. Ktaley is visitin 4a Boa
Fmaiaa a the guest of her daagkter
ilf. Berehet IVwprs.
JSsmi flans for the eaoraseua heme
astiaf xJ ration whirl! i 40 be held
i A FVaorth, -wfvre made iaet rWur ,
dey, when rt War Uothera sset ia th
Jamsrcial eliA auditonas. .H eia(W
evat hae ever oecupiej eo naeh tine
or ,b a th tn.pirwiHm of ae eineh la
bor, as the pnioed home rtmu&$. VHt-
aJ M iBtiitnaJ iaradee, dsiaeea and
earaived astuseaeuts, in fact, ewery
!!ub2 Xhat caa tw secured ia the nr
nt Msiiinrt, riaj rmnj;r'
tot. Xae beautiful Llwrrssa fhtmt which
ea eueh admiration at the Xoae festi
val, -will appear, and a eoateat ia aow
twurf held for the elect ioo ef a young
Wdy fe BtMei ef LBterfT. ft w4!l he
the largest wl iraHno that (Mem has
eesr wttaessed, and will eover a f"
ied ef three da ye.
M- aad Mm August Hekrtia and
the Mrfeea wed- KWasor Ilacke-
staaa tered to rene aHturdw e-e-
ata( Iw ja wrk ad vMt srith friend
Mr. aad Ure. K-t Nadoa (LeMdine
K.-aaeha) were t-k end aws ef
alee. Kailoa 's pareats. air. aad Mra. tl
K.-rha, at their home ea North Lib
erty street.
floeiMy folk are welcoming Mr. autd
Mra. frits S'lU ( Mf)(eM JMartm)
their return from thsrr fcnweymaoa.
Ther sue at hum To their tntmim ia
the Strong aimrtment.
A mack welcomed visitor ia the p
ital efty w Krss Kr(orie Beaks ef Jlos
who will wu4 the emaer at tke
T. W. Kpeaerr rwdewee. Many serial
em!lnewi srv heisj planned for her
newer lurii g the svrcmrr
Mm. H. P. Crawford is entertwuuss
h gMwt for the sujii, Mus
Praarca Pivia
The iaiH pupils of -Vl.iss .MarKHrrt
Fisher assisted hy Plhelwynn Kelly,
oailer, aad Wilnui Kpenre, viuiinist,
ire presented in rec-'uol at the Y. W.
' . A. parlors Friday afternoon
kcts of yr-llow daisies combined with
lilue il('lhinium wore prapftfully ar
ranged ahout the rooms. Many rela
tives and frirsds of those participating
wore pri-H-nt, and each number given
showed good work and careful train
ing, rue program given is as follows:
A txiue-ttish ftrnile Knulenian
Hiden Arnke, Frederick Ariike -
By the Woodland Ijake (ianw.-hals
Mary Kiahflinirer
Hush A Bye Biy . Orecnwald
Alargaret Moorehouse
The Soldiers fong Steinhcituer
Aldon Foster
Dixie La ml Arr. hy Lindsay!
Hasel Arnold
The ft'ater Mymphs Anthony
Jwothy fiosHhard
Santa Claim Ouerds Krocmnnn
(lould Moorehouse
Shower of Kissee Spaulding
Atarvell Awards
MarHie Dee Petit Sohlats De Polmb
Wjlma Spence
(Pw'd o Miss Lewi
Les tylphes Daehtnan
. JTedemek Arpks
Csrroling ef the Birds ....-... Micheu
Jmrwtiiy liuker
The WooUand Booklet Ganschals
Jlema Saudcr
Buttccflies linhra
Francis Pellows
Valse Streabogg
Malcolra Grtober, lan Barhytc,
Ekion Poster
Gltania ... Hein
Gladys Damison
Sweet Bye and Bye Arr. by Steir
Helen Waleher
Sfherao Ballet Sabathil
Mireheth Taft
Friende Agaia . Voigt
Helen Arpke
Bdrioweisa (Jlids Walt .... Vanderbeck
Oeil Wi wards
Beading Selected
Ethel wy on Keliey
Jlosy 'inger . Waehs
Marie Arnold
Love Dram Brown
.Other &ie.hardo
The Silver Nymph Heine
Odillo Matthews
High School March .Spencer
W il ;twardt Marvel I KdwaHs
The laiee Fontaine
Vida MeOoy
Valee Araheenue ........ Lack
Buth Peck
Aelian Harp , Smith
Waltaing Doll roldini
elretrienl stuini pawing throu;;i Otter
jtail aud adjui ting eounties of western
I Minnesota late yesterday. Property
J'jih. ' ' 1" "', iiia ftiri, .uiiiu,.
was Heavy.
The storm centered in Fergus Fulls,
Minn. Early reports were that the
death list might, roach L'OO, although
there was no nay of cheeking siuh
Threo blocks in the busincst. district
of Fergus Fulls were wiped out. .
Tho storm, a terrific and long sus
tained wind, struck at about 7 p. m.
It was lifter midnight when it died
From Wiilipeton, N. D., telephone of
fices reported the Northern Pacific sta
tion at Fergus Palls hud been wrecked.
It was said fire followed the collupse
of buildings also.
A report from Fargo, N. I)., todaj
was that 500 woro injured in the storm
Stop Itching Eczema
(Continued from page on
Lois Pillow
Gyyjry Rord Harden
LoeUc Meet, Rath Peek, Gertrude
Wnt 'aer in the Owlin draper wed
ding which t k pb-ee ia Porthnd bst
wa the (retnataa speski ae follow.
Jtiesuav morairs at 9 o'clock Mrs
Thenie WuaKeth Draper wr.s married
to Oscar T. Carba a. St. Stephen'
ehttrrh. A. Hillerhrund of Oregon
IUy pmrvrmed the eeremony and the
eoupk se attended hv Joan McGreal
sae Misa la Irnrrr. A breakfast was
smvsd at the bride's hwme, Eat
Thirty first atreet, nmmdiatelY fob
wwing rue eenrra servree. The table
ws dec ked ia while jasmine and roses
with white eaadlrs in silver holders.
White Canterbury hells and bride'
msee gave a bridal effect to the moms
Mr. Ciuiia wars a dainty simple, frock
of white orgnariie with a poke bonnet
aad urnrf an eld fsshmned -neeeMy
or tiny meehDde and fern in real
iar fcoldvr.
strling move wa softly played
nunng ta em-vieee hv the bride s aunt
Hra. . H. Burghardt. Jr. ef Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rasenussea hava
retornisl from wettk outing at Bel
knap HprtBg.
Never mind how often you uave tried
and failed, you can stop binning, itdiing
ccxema quickly by apply '.i a little temo
furnished by any druggist for 35c. Extra
large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
moment temo is applied, in a snort time
usually every trace of eczema, tetter,
pimples, rash, blackheads and similar
sulti diseases will be removed
For clearing the skin and making 'it
vigorously healthy, always use semo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
greasy salve and it does not stain. When
others fail it is the one dependable treat
ment for skin troubles of all kinds. , ';
Tl E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, a
enjoy the suiue privileges nji the repre
sentative of the other cO.:tiacling par
ties of the present treaty. This couu-
cil shnll divide in regarding to the con
ditions of tho present- treaty wliich Im
pair (ho rights of self determination of
the ticriniin people, and also iu regard
to the stipulation whereby the tice eco
nomic development of Germany on. H
footing of equal rights is impeded."
i,onestar" Deitz Facing
Trial As Draft Evader
Spokane, Wash., June i!3.i-( United
Press) ' William H. Dfetn, formerly
coach of the Washington State college
football team, aud coach of the Mare
Island uiaiiues' eleven last season,
went on trial here today on a charge of
making false a'ateinents an executing
his draft questionnaire, iiK)n which he
was exempted from military service.
It is contended by the government
that "Loncstar" Diet! is not an In
dian he stated in his questionnaire,
and as he hns iheen generally recognis
ed during his football eoachiag eareer
in tho west.
maifute"of trTht' which Gernrany etn iii
fact perforin. The government of the
German republic therefore feels it.ielf
bound to announce that it makes all
reservations and declines all responsibil
ity a regards the consequences, wnon,
a is bound to happen, the impossibility
of carrying out the conditions comes to
i girt, eveu though German capacity to
fulfill is atretched to the utmost.
"Germany further lays the greatest
emphasis on tne declaration that m
cannot accept articlo 236 of the treaty
of peace, which requires Gern.any, to
admit herself to he the sole author of
the war.
"Likewise, It is equally imposMhlp
for a German to reconcile it with his
dignity and honor to accept and eie
cute articles 227 to 231, by which Ger
many is requested te give up to the
allies and associated powers for triiil
individual among the Germaa people
who are accused of committing acts
contrary to the customs of war.
Asks Reconsideration.
'Further, the government of the
German republic makes a distinct pro
teat against the taking away of all the
colonial possessions of Germany.
"The German government believes
itself to b entitled to address the fol
lowing modest request ia the eipeeta
tion that the allied and associated gov
ernment will consider the following The local fans wera brought te a real-
deelaratioa an integral portion of the Uation of the fact that they have beta
treaty. enjoying a pretty fast article of baee-
" Within two years, counting front ball when the Woodbnrn boys trounced
the day the treaty is signed, the allied the Scotts Mills team by a score of 1
and associated governments will submit to 1 on the local ground last Sundiy
the present treaty to the high council afternoon. The game lacked interest,
of the powers constituted by the league owing to its one-sidedsess and the vi-
ef nation for the purpose f tutae- itor stated before leaving that they
quent examiantioa. Before this high had steped out of their das. Woed
eonneil German plenipotentiaries are to burn Independent.
6 Bell-ans
Hot wafer
Sure Relief
'for indigestion
lea eaat eover blackheads, pirn
plea, rd snots ea th face wiih now
ar; they 're heand te be seen -ioa t
worry ar spoil yur tamper, take Hol
lister' Barky Mssntali Tea each
week twill barish there tura lie
hloed, the eaty sure way. 35c. D. J.
(Oaatmed from page tec)
Stona leered Three Beura
ft. Oo.l, Mmn June S3. (United
rnm)- Scores were reported ktl
aid many injured U a tornado aad
f-rpK I'm sure - PA, F
AW i.
' Wki
will heal your skin
For year andycars Rcsinol ha heena favorite
hcuachokl remedy fcr eczema and other com
anon kin-tnub:-s. It usually SHpa the itching
at once and quickly heals the eruption. IVjctorj
prescribe it very widely. It also wukes an ex
cellent dressing (or bums, wvunds, chafing,
and aore, irritated places gtnerjily.
:m mM Ml k Sr