THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY. JUNE 21, 1919. PAGE SEVEN. SMfl! SCHOOLS PAY TEACHERS $'2,000 A EEK,FfPCRTSKOW jihys. He will then return tu San IVan cioo to do lalivralO'v work iu thai Detailed Summary Of Expea- I Another powerful story of love and jheroisiu and 'If s -riiiee, 4ora of the 'great world war, toon's t the Oregon 'theater tomorrow niht, with Elliott .Dexter in ike star role. Those who have U'fii it 'claim thMt it is by tar the fin jest piece of work'put on the rmi by Jibe great director, Cecil B. le Millc. All rite characters are real hunuta be p , V f 1 I'"1' KraPl"IRK "im "'a-iur auras. ses ror rasi .ear uvea in,""'. r t.e u . n r jdience goes out to everv one urf them. Annual Accouubnj By lhs-iTh ,i,,,u"' " " " ' i 1 " J j modern problems raised by the war. tnCl LlCrk. jlVxter i upjorted by an -excellent - least, including Gloria Swausou, Tom , ... .... . ... , . 'Formnii, Svlvia Ashtou and Tfceo. Rob School district No. 21. which include frt& the eity of Sulcm disburses qb an iver- j o f 20o0 m week fr its r',ul i What th ic cream, bugiaem means ...... . . to 1e eitv of esilein mar be jml ed bv teavkera during the year. The nact ,(h M ih, w markot amount paid during the fiscal year end- for tbout i(m ,,, milk , Air tag jut a, jv is, tor aaianea amountea aU wilh tr0, u awo I-UIldl of to $104,922.84, according to the annual ,lljar. almost the entire aupply f Un report just filed with W. M. Smith, ftr a turned out by the Wearherly county superintendent of school.-. I plant on Jviuth Commercial street, Kcpairs on the school builutiig dur-, v.ln-re the outiUt will run ail the way Ing the' year cost $3371.23 and U carry from 223 to 300 gallons a day. accord $170,001.1 insurance, premiums were paid ". to the weather. This all roiisum amount to $1310.20. jed in Salem, of course but is shipped In the district which includes ail of a" !'ar'9 "f .the valley in packers. t'io fit v of Salem there are five blina' . . , children and these are all attending the "ggesUon that the Salem houa. tate institution for the blind.- liter "M uld tar in h tt.ater a rly nre 12 deaf and dumb child frm 'of, wooJ aow, m ordl'T- M ? ,, .... ., ,. r. i . . of aeeonimodation vou can srot it haul he disUKt the atate Utu.;ed ,., (af w , corJ Bow. hon for the deaf and dumb, according AI iu ,e fall it maY g(, hh to. the -report of K. K Ttlliiii;hat. a-y " 0 lpriiiteiuleirt. Of these 12 deaf aud; You will notice in the grocery win dumb, four come from one family ami dowa in Hulem warnings of the comiaK two from another. "" , lri.s in coffee along with n invitation Included' in the gchool.properly, there to stock. This is no "bluff"' according are 31 acre of and the vnlue of to Hie Portland wholoraiera, who pre the school buildings mid grounds is esti-'diet tht within IK) we aiay e mated at $350,000. The furniture and 'paying from 75 rent to a dollar a apparatus used in the city schools are pound for the berry that ued to eU placed at $33,000, according to the an- ,ur :i0 r,'n,' " thTare 107 iu the fit J ' The nked Faff in real estate ..... . , r . .tranafera as shown in the ubatract of- of which only 13 are male Bui thr fl rMv d q( averaije salary of the male tc.cncia is , mj ,rv .fjt of. ,um,Bitr, Thev $1-10. while the average. salary of thew,,t to mov, in ,i1B sl,ri,,g. The rec feniHle teachers is $lon a month. ,or,s now )UW 01llv Hivli oue nuit the The taxable proicrty in the district jj,,ns mn,,. earlier' in the vear. h estimated at $12.(in0,000 and the j ' 0 , acliwil levy 7.3 mills, ta the liUtrlet j The loganberry looks Just the same between the ages of four and 10 years as gold this year. The other' day a are 174S males nnd 1!02 males. The Would be investor offered a Salem district receives from the couuty after aatisfactery icparatioa hsd b made. Dan J. Fry was the purchaser of twro bu:ldij!S on Xorth Commercial a:reot at referee sale. heU toUay. The price mm $;"'. Tho buildings larlu.le the .we now ecupicd ty the Pr. Stone Iru sWrc and the one a'ljiai"g- A marriage license wra issued today to Joseph J. tpamol, iV of Rtayton, a farmer, atnt teda Marie -ftUs, 19, a hool teacher f 8tayton. They will be married next Tuesday at the home of :he bride ia Staypyn. Flax 51 lnchea In length ia belnc shown by B. K. TUomason of Turner. He rtvi:irii the ervo this year as some- Ihing phenomenal aud is of the opin- mn that at would be tiara to una a 0 Iitium .1 Aliluio Bj 5 Fra!en,;tJ GIVE UP POSmONS ,M, :;;..... " " Itas juat died in the fuUaeaa of his S2 R. ." ?t i J n years, had lived another week he e$!HluC3 - ACCeptCd : lJj would have l (ratified. a doubt, Rjrrl r?PrP"'c It An. ib-T the honors jwhick physkwas of naal Session. Oregon were preparing to onfer upon Uiin ia connection witk the jmportant M'rien of medical meetings soon to be held in Portland. The first of these ia the. convention of the alumni asso ciation of the medical school of thass ruiveraitT of Oregon, The Vuiveraity Oregon medical department, was Oreeon Normal School, MonniouWt. June SI. The rewinnatious of three in structors wefe accented totlay by the board of ri'geuta of the Oregon noimal 0 school which met in annual ae&aioa here ! built uu ia part on the fonndatioa laid vesterdav. The resignatiens were tub-,),v the . medical school of Willamette finer sample than he has grown. Mr. j niitted by Miaa Rosa B, Parrott, head university, and Pr. Cusick was the only Thomasou. ia esperimentiug for the gov 0f the English department; Slisa Mar-'surviyang member of the firat rluat ernment ami his aample shown ia the gret Dunn, head of the deimrtiu. nt of jing class et three members of that white flower variety, lie figutes itA will L, xiisa Boasie Dunham, critic Jh'hly efficient " pioneer institution, run four tens to the acre. teacher of the third and fourth grade Willamette medical school was ea- in the Monmouth training school. liaMished " and its first class m jJ '84'aki fcal tfh sg h f as Jt , s' Quick Reference To Firms That G:?c Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Bleet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEETTE1N3 ELECTRICAL Salea Eleetrie Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High- TalcphMS .hiaia 130 REAL ESTATE uaiiiei wo "star ui uu tivjr wu j jj .kerma eU-cted department commander for the j " state of Oregon of the i.raad Armv of the Ublic- at the meeting held at j'" ' H. Ackerman, president of the -T r'-e .vted tar a form "r-" FOR SALE Cheap, a neat modera 5 room bungalow with 2 good lets en block from paved street, 3 blocks fiom ear fine, half cash, balance easy terms; also 5 acres S1 mile from eity limits, S room house, well near porch, good earn, about u Irai trees Price $1400, half cash. Square Deal Realty Co. Phone 470. 7 AUTO DIRECTORY - AUTOS without driTcrs to ir, 1 doV lar per hour. 1H7 S. Cct. Bt. Pho ; 3ir9. tt . . ... i ice? v.D .1 an increase in salary ,. .. . , ' "Thn The IteHe, this week, is past j ' "m im io 400 ycRr- An advance iB,ti,utious w-rJ conwlidatcd a few in aaiarr oi 1 ji.unu years ago. tj each instructor -who has taught one Willamette medical was opened at year or more. Increased living costs, it Salem, in furtherance of the desires hi said, kd to the action. of the pioneer college to meet the Misa Mamie Radabangh, eritie teach- demauds not. only of Oregon but of the er of the fifth and sixth grades of the entire Pacific northwest for full edu- as justice of the peace for the Salem Monmouth training school, mado appll- rational opportunities. A little later listrict. He is 8.1 years OW but eaca fation for a year's leave of absence to removed to roniana oecauser isiciv attend school.' Assistants iu tho depart- """V"1 "'"' ' '"'' me its of physical education aud in the .or u'nf w,;re " " .,.. , ,ri'i, .,i .P, P,w fire hall in Portland, but it the der of Sedgwick Post No. 10 and has for many years been active in the work of the O. A. R. organisation. He enlist ed early in the Civil war from Wiscon sin and saw four years f active ser vice, ior 12 vears lie ervca in eaiem morning rides on his bicycle to hi of fice n the l 8 National ibauk build ing. COURT HOUSE NEWS Moiidav morning before Judge Kelly there will be tried the case of Moxley vs. Moser on a sheep contract. Tuesday there will be called the case of Hoi man vs. Mrers and also school district No. 34 vs. Meyers. This is the case to Ll .k :.!..'.. .1... tl. .!... ,.,.,iuPtv just south of the Salem hi;h school building. Mattie O. Robinson has filed suit for a divorce from II. ('. tiobiiison. They were married in 1905. She a!lc;;og he . i a. ........ ... l .' V.. A.wt fitt,t,nf..r1 In tr 1 11 undSiK'Owor Jiouo in casa ior uis Ten acre pv.u.r. ... ......r... Bt,irit ll.u4 in thn.. ftnvii snd . . . . ... it attracted an ambitious class of young Kl,,n, wh? met tmluy were Mtat,, who ,. fiyvn gtH)(I ,p. , i Cornelia Marvm of ttalem, Judge John counU of themselves professionally. It 18. Croko of MursUfield, E. E. Bragg of foullj new quarters later at Fifteenth 'La Grande, C. L. Warr of Portland, 6u- Couch atreets, which were well f perintendeut J. A. Churchill of Salem equipped for that time. The Methodist . laud W. 0. Brvant of Moro. Ihosnitnl, which then had a close re- 1st hmi to Willnmette medical, was con-1 TnnAV'Q RSFRUl QfAPF 'dil,',''d buiUliug now seiving a; lUlAl O DnJalinLu ulviUi , Cathulie home for aged men in a 1 building which is one of the landmarks National lf the. Hunnvside district of Portland. E It is an interesting fact in connection iwith the developments of the times tlinf thcro was once a tempest of con The ewner took time to think .her. Khe asks for $1 000 alimony and ustody of their daughter. IO Cr gn1i nt thn SfiHl) nnmes included ! patch in the census. IVrmerly it was $8 from I""01" ,K" p ua " ' "nciiiueu ne- .v the countv but the late leKi,latwre! J" . ' t1lf raised it to $11). hRnV rt'11' flml turned !t down. There are 107 school rooms is the Sa- .easonlot. on it become ey- lem schools. Mi sc no u nouses were..,.. ,,, .. . . w- .... rv nri i,,,es (leelan. In the county court before Ju.le Itushey, objections to the closing of the Patrick (ieelun estate have been filed CITY NEWS. : Now Open! Service station on Velie, Cole, Keo and Dort cars, first claws on to repairing. Halem Velie conipauy, Hi2 North Commercial. 0 27 Olivjr Myers, cbairrran of the com. mitten to re (i Oedd"9 of Liberty for the big Fourth cif July eelehrntion. nnd to have the Ki.liies'; selected by a proce of voting, announcej mill oiu the parade at the Portland Jlose show. The reel will also eliow the famous t lierriiin tfloat that attracted so much attention and received the first prize. In the damage suit of James Bykes the lebts of the estate. They also ob ject to certain credit. erected during the past fiscal year, j 8trawr)C.,.rv, a,.p ,llu, ffor a !,ard fhev allege that ttie report does not There are 9,723 books in the School 11-; :..if ipi.. ,,,:. j,, , market and show what .waa dose with the tierson- J.rnry, 833 having been added the past ,at i,,, cnneries indicate that after the jtil prpoerty und that it does not show year. (first picking of niammolh licrries the uliat the asset were enough to pay From tuitions paid iy Ptuuents living yield has rapidly gone down. Tin is outside of the district but coming here assigned in part to the Otitinued No t'j take advantage of the Salem school, ivember weather, aud in part to the fact there wns received $13,4S2..5 while that many otthe old fcerry fields .were $952.,'l was received for work done by Wily damuged by the drouth of Inst the bovs in the manual tiaiuii.g depart- Kar-1 ' ' -" ' . m . The Cherrtans may dee themselves a 1 other see them. At the Liberty thea jjt j t re there will ibe (ihown Tuejiliiy und u. Wednesday evenings of next week 1000 ju fceei 111 ri I BHUWIIiJj .Mini- nun im- v-u.-r The estate of Tavlor Mnrklaud who died June 10, 19lir..ia estimuted at $3300. Laura R Henjuin and Mjollie M. Davenport have been appointed joint administrators. II R New lerk .v 2 St 1 niliu ... T ' 1 1 Causev and Smith; Doak and Piiy(ler..1"1eralle dimensions growing out ot (Seventh inning.) oi..i on io periornmnce oi u 1 operation at this hospital on hur . From the consolidated school, now the- ' I'nivemitv of Oregon medical K 3 H B! Brooklyn . Chicago - 8 Mtimmaux and Miller; Martin Fnrrell. (8even,tli 'intiing.) and Philudelphia Cincin nnti. Packard and Adams; iden. ' K II B! 7 ' 7 Fisher and Rar-i Boston - l'ittsburgli Keating and Tragressor; Schmidt. American. STATE HOUSE,': a Cleveland . New York Morton and O'Neill; Thormahlen and' school, there was (graduated early this Juan a class of fifteen ambitious young doctors. Almost coineideutallv with their-craduat ion the school building burned, but tin loss wilt not be felt because a .ti'W school on Manniam Jleilits is now ready for occupancy. But in other ways than in the mi pruvemeut and extension of liinliliim the Institution has advanced. It will be a matter of Interest to all loyal citizen of Portland to know that it has attained to the full stature which j j o 1s educationally designated 1.3 "Class Adam and every siawiani rcuuiren lUivr. me niiruesi meuicai amnoriucH in America has been complied with. Ihis means much to Portland and Ho the northwest a little more, iierhap, to th tirofession than to thn laity, but 6 good. deal ,to every citizen who hulinvea in. EUiicatiotittl . progres in lus nome n n i kleyer. Governor Olcott has been in com munication with the Portland Cham ber of Commerce with regard to the against 11. W. Mney, Elmer Maugis and ..ossilMlity of securing the old battle .Morris w. Welch, the court has austain- i(llip 0rPjin at) a state relic, and is as ed the plaiwUM ' demurrer to the de-;,ureri that they have taken the matter ............. -n. .inr..l. .. ... . . ' .... ... fcmlairts answer. Tlie defendant art given until June 24 to file an .?MiJc.l answer. This ia the suit .fi wuich Mr. Nvkes sues for $5000 damages for be armistice was on. Anton Van Laanen of 504 Belmont be ballots of different colors and tire , ' " ... '.' , i," V . -t securing an appropriation for the main ; . is i .i i x i ... .i -. . i i lot oo.ves Will lie , -eu ..,.i,.Iay ai lac . ,,., , ,.,. j ' ,h Hpa. Gray-Belle Pattnn s book atore, ;,' fc h celebration of the t jiiiim...!. .K.w.L .l..'u .ml nl ..liitn u .' . coruer cigar store. At these plnce votes may V cast at the rate of one cent a vote. To facilitate voting, there will !tf1tiL. ttml l.iu m-n T-, K.i.l nrP!v of denomination, of ore cent five r ,w h ,j b(1 cents 2., centsind one A" '!' atntio.ed at Camp Mills awaiting his will be necessary to indicate a choice ,ijs(,lurw will be to buv the ballot, write in the j - ' name of tho God less and drop it iu the R Mfc u alRe krpidl,g frMn ballot box lor this eelr-bral.o,.. no , ));,om f (u rfvw ,d M. it for name, will be enomitled but each per-1 julk f((. ?? nl" .';PPS ""-found a motor boat that had been sunk didate. This ivill start the list of can-' ,i, .i,.,i. .. -fdatw o be publishH daily begin- j ,OW(,a j( , , w hoim(t ad ww jing a good business- dismantling the I boat nn. I celling uirts to the junk man. i Tt.n Awnnr, nt rfli., Iw.n. lia.l V . charge from the rrnvy service the lsth lUv, rr(1,(0(, ,, h M Mure ,h,n ,.f June and will be at home next Mon- j tioe ,;,, ,,Mt , fa W((g (iijjlnisl)(.j n:iv or Tues-lav to rcmniii onlv a few up with the state cnamoer or t om merce, so that the question will be giv es the utmost publicity. In ease it can be shown by a canvass or the state that the people are generallf in favor of assumin;; the additional burden as a matter of sentiment, the governor will feel justified in calling together the emergency board with a view to ning either Monday or Tuesday. Ivan G. Scbomaker receive hi dii- Eyeglasses Spectacles Our years of experience, efficient system and up-to-date facilities are your best guarantee of maximum eyeglass service at a reasonable cost. May we not prove it to you? DR. A ilcCULLOCH. Optometrist 204-205 Salem Bank of Commerce Building R H Detroit f 12 I'hiliidelidiia 18 H Poland, Lnvc and Hlannge; Perry and Perkins. J'y " : It II E St. Louis 3 8 Boston . .. 3 7 0 town. Weilmnn, Hhnker nA Heverenl; Pen nock, Ouldwell and Walter, McNeil. (Called end lflth inning.) RUE Chienuo - 8 W Washington 6 8 4 Fuller, I)nnfortli and Schalk, I.yn; Johnson nnd Pic.inieh. The convention of the Oregon Rtate Meilical association which w.ll be held J, on three days following the meeting 9 of tbo alumni will acquire new interest 2 and importance in view of the facts already related, and will also draw attention to the post graduate course to be given by the I niversi'y of Ore gon medical schonl in July, 'these fur ther mark Portland as a center of medical education. And they cmpha size a further contrast between ediic tiunul facilities of the present aud those that gave Dr. Cnslck hi diploma hnlf a century ago. The required leunrse now includes two year of pie- medhal trainitr;, four year In the 3, medical college and a year's intern ship. If the old system produced the results which wo now know it .to have aecon.plishcd, what may not lie expect ed fiom the new BEST BUYS S room modern bungalow ia first class condition, paved street, easy terms, $2250. Fumialied. 8 room modern house, 5 blocks froin l.a.ld A Bush bank, only 3."50. 7 room strictly modern house, on paved street and car line, some fruit easy terms. 7 room modern Kouee, large lot, easy terms $1900 8 room modern house, all furnisJied, lot 100x130 feet, all kinds of fruit, terms to suit, $3500. 8 room honso all modern tut acai, . fine condition, owner going away, $3200. Have several houses to apply Ptt pay on raneh" Socolofsky, Bayne building. PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE For bargains ia new and seMndhaaC good for the hetiae, furniture, ruff es, heater and eteves, im, cewinf Machine, f ranitewar. dukes, lat -ease, trunks and tool. TV wait rsur old fnrVitur d sieve, w;U pay you highest cask pris. 6ee ne - last." People Furniture Store, 7 N. Commercial St. Paos 734, WELCH ELBOTBI0 OO. POB ELECTSJO IRONS ELECTRIC TOASTEB8 : ELECTRIC PEBOOLATOBS Phon 953 37S SUt 8t. SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CASH REQUIRED Good o.ersost shoe and suits, all kinds el nma al instruments, shotguns, riflos, heat ing atove, gas stove, suit case ana 1000 ether useful article to eU of trade. What have you! Tb Capital Exchange 337 Csurt Bt. Phone 43. WE WANT YOUR ucd furniture, atovea, earpata and tool, as w pay iair price lor everything. Call $47 CAPITAL HARDWARE A FURM TL'RK IX). 2S3 N. Com'l Bt. Hats Blocked I The Capital Journal Daily Market Report Orau Wheat, soft white , 3.10 WhsaL lower grade oa sample Onta ,. BOiaoo Hsv. cheat : Hit aats - $28 eoo HAT BLOCKING 1 olean and hleek todiee' and Mea' has. Juat re ceived a hat renovating maahino. II get the dirt, Try it once. O. B. Ellsworth. 405 Court Ht. Salem, Or. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND SErAIBSO 50 year experience, Depot KtieBa4 and Aaiarican fence. Sine .6 to 58 in. high ; Paints, oil and varnish, eta. Loganberry and hop hook. Balem Feaee and Stovt Werka, 250 Court tret. rhene i24. Barley, ton $4344 Mill run - "Buttetfat. 1 fluttcrfat Creamery butter o&Vi57e Pork, Vai au4 Mutton Pork on foot ISVjSIoo Veul, fancy - - I' Viva? I Steer W 9sXd)o " 00 " " t a : 1 1 lambs jwv 4ja- 7 lenance of the vessel in Oregon waters, Government To Survey Polk County For OJ (Capital Journal SKciul Service.) Dallas, Or., June 21. In npiy to u letter from Kcnator McNary asiiiug for data on oil prospecting attempted n Polk county during recent year aud upon the receipt of the same informa tion Senator McNary again write,, the Diillas Commercial club that the iiurenu of geology will send to this county sometime In the near future a lepre sentutive to inuke further survey of soil, iu various localities to aacrtain whether there is oil ill paying quanti ties in Polk county. The bureau of geology had a man in this vicinity lust year but were iwit satisfied with the reports made by him and will tin time make a more complete survey. ; That oil and gns exists iu paying 1 quantities benenenth the surface of the groundjn thi wctivn ha been the opin io i of local parties for some tune and several year ago well were dnlkd to t depth of aliout i'M-O feet ia an at , tempt to tap a vein but without l'iuan- rial success. la Ml known to exist in some sitioti and in the Ki. Ureal 'neighborhood. Cuss Biggs, a prominent farmi r, uim-s gas from a well, bored to j water stock, for lighting and .icating purpose. PERSONAL tho have All Coupon Victory Notes Ordered through this bank are now ready for delivery CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J. H. Albert, President Jos. H. Albert, Csshier DIED M. and Mrs: W. n Mills, who been visiting at. the home of Mr. Mills parents in Ccutralia, Vn., arrived home lat evening. Bur(e Gearhart, head sawyer for the Moore Lumber Co. of Bandon Oregon, is in the eity visiting at the home Of his father II. M. Gearhart. W. F. Drager of the Dinger Iruit ... , . O..!..... company, with neaiMpianors av nuiem, arrived in the city last evening to re main a short time looking after num nes interests in this city. Mr. Drager operate a large fruit packing plant hew. Knsetmrg Keview. Moses Mansion, County Commissioner Ia Polk. Dies At Home In Dallas Diillas, Or., June 21. Moses Man sion, a resident of Dallas and a mem ber of the board of county, eommi Miner, died here Thnrsilaf nizht as a result of what physicians believe to have been gangrene poisoning caused by an injury to one of hi l-g In train wreck on nn eastern railroad many years Mr. Man-ton was at hi desk in the eonrt hnuac Wednesday for a short time. Mr. Mansion was born in England On March 20, 1H50. He came to Ameri Hpriiig in! Sheep, yearlings - Eggs and PouHry Ftfgs, cash liens, live Old roaster --.-.... Broiler ... Vegetatnes Strawberries Radishes, do Khubard Potatoc Now potutoc .. Ureea onion do Onion sack ....... ABOUT THE CITY The genoral miuwincs of Salem i being reduced at a gratifyin- rate un der the n-wr system of garbage dispos al. Two wagons are kept busy on the job and they are hauling out from 23 to 30 'load a week to the dumping ground east of 1ho city, where a man Is kept at work burning up the com bustible part of the stuff. Hie nmss Is made up chiefly of old llioxea, tin cans and broken crockery, and If this was a French instead of an American city, the mlvnge from it would pay for all the expense of handling. ... 40c ... 24c .. lie 8e $2.55 . 35e e .... $2 . iao . 40 J. A. Rowland Furniture Stura Buys, sell and exchange new and 2d hand furniture. All kinde o repair work, light grinding, fiHag, and braiing a apeolalty. BbjM price. 247 North Comerlal M. Phone 16. SCAVENGER 8ALEM SCAVENGER Garbage a I rsfuse of all kinds removed oa mpata ly contract at reasonable rates, ("es pool cleaned. D animal rer moved. Oftice nhone Mala 107. $3.50 Csiitmea - Head lettuce - - ' :ie 43 ; Carrott linuch blMits Cantalnpe, $2.753.00 frntt MONEY TO LOAN On Oood Real Estate Bnenrity THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd ft Btrsh tank; Balem Orf- PEDERAL FARM LOANS BV4 p eent intereft. Prompt aervte. M' year time. Federal farm loan ond for sale. A. C. Bohraatadt, 401 lias onie Temple. Balem, Oregon. INS CHANCE C0CN'Cii--rr free to formation about Life Insoranee F. Hutchasoo, dist . inagw lr Mutual Life of N. T., e $3(fii7 .- $7(8' Vie $6.00 16(ayla 19(a20 Package tig p ti 50 pkg $4(a-W IU.m. extracted - ZOf Orange . Lemons, box Banana California grape fruit Black fig tb. White fiB. lb. J the 371 State Bt., Salem, Ore. phone 99, reeidence 1398. t$ . LAU!OTMAN HOP VER, ep laiiadryutaa, Ferry St. I pay top aare pin iwr ehwken and EgiT. Office fhoaei 133BJ, residence 1333J. Eggs, doxen Retail rrleea 45e The only. si 'n of life about old Wil lnmette just now i ithe lummer cln-sw of Prrtf. JSIierniau, who is giving a six weeks course of educational work to a group of It students. Later th the tea son the university, in fiiniunction with Kinibnll college, will hoW summer school on the campus. When you first run aeros some big healthy tacks In front of a bicycle re pair shop it is passed as an accident; the scennd time it if coincidence; the third tune it is circumstantial evidence BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BICLEB At her home, 4fl Booth Lib erty street, Friday night, June 20. IS1 Mr. Bigler, wife of John M. High r, at the age of 78 year. Her death was -sudden as site was in her- usual good health until about 10 o'clock last evening. She is aarvived by her husband. The funeral aerviec will be held from the home Mun.lav afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be in charge of the Terwilliger Home. They will be con ducted be the Rev. Leland Porter and burial will be in the City View cemetery. ca while a young man settling in Mitt- . newrta, where Jor wmre than .mi year he we connected with th eoiitnlction deisirtment of the Northern Pacific railway. With his wife and amall son they came to Dalle in MOO nd he had since made his' home here, hording the position of road master of the rfalem. Falls City Western railway until a few vear ago. Mr'. Mansion early affiliated with the republican party and during his residence in Minnesota was a power in political circles is that tate. Mr. Mansion wns eli-cled commissioner of Polk county in HMfl. His wife" died in lyfl i, while hi son, W. H. F. Mansion, was killed in in automobile accident near this city in October, 1915. Funeral services were held to-lay. In terment in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. W. T. RIODOW ft CO 2S2 Undertaker North High Street . Creamery butter o'Cff Country butter uji'eu Flour, hard wheat j.iu(jVJ.-J Portland Market Portland, Or., June 21. Buttci, city creamery 34( 538 Eggs selected local ex euj-.e Hens 30e Hreilcr 32ff.34e Geese 1"( 2e Cheese, triplet 371)5,.. DAILY LTVB STOCK kUBUI Oatu Receipts 53 .; Toiin of market steady Good to choice steer $10(511 Fair to good ateor $9;.iQ Common steers $7fe;7.50 Cwmmon to fair steers 8S8.oO Choice cows and heifer $7(?i i'.JO flnm! ta choice cow ard heifers $i)(ii 9.50 to fair eow and heifer JUNK WANTED Call 398. Highest price paid for Junk, tecond band good and machin ery. Be are arid call 398, (et tha right price. The aqoare deal house. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St Salem, Or. --- he if en .v:i Medium Fair to medium eow and $'i 8.30 t anner $3.r.0(a j Hulls $5ffi Culves $9 (a 13.2.. Hog Receipts 271 Tone of market steady Prime mixed $19.50 I9.75 Medium mixed $19(nl9.23 Rough heavie $ 17.25ft. 17.50 Bulk $19.60 Pigs $17.25(517.50 nary Receipts 239 Tone of market steady Fair to choice lambs $12.50fS13.Co Yearlings $fl.50fa S.SO Cull lsmbs $lftof.0.50 Wethers $.50 Kwe $lt.50(S7.50 WOOD SAW PIIONB 1090B Our Prices are Bight W. M. ZANDLEH. Proprietor 1255 N. Summer Street. Salem, Orego REPAIRING STEWART'S -REPAIR SJfOl. ! just Installed a ma. hia xnai sw sharpen lawnnsowsr th m a U lactory put thm ut new. all your light repair work to me. Al- vin B. Stewart, 347 Conri St. ffcoa 493. - LODGE DIRECTORY K.N1GHT8 OF PYTHIAS MSET AT Me;ornack hall on every Tuesday, at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. J. Kunt. K. B. S. ROYAL Neighbor of America, Ore gon Orape camp No. 1300 meet TT Thursday evening In Merisaek hall Elevator c-vie. Oraale, tr. Ca tie E. Bunn, 848 Union SI; der Mr. Melissa Person, 1415 . 4th' St. Phone 143nM. WATER COMPANY ALEM WATER nrjji PANY Of f ! orner CommercU'. and Trade Ura Bill pvbl miiBthly ia advance. Phoee W8. " Out of 00 students in the paBMuaey department of the l'irerwty ef Wash ington this year 30 are women. Ta replace the sld building reeenlly bnrned, the school district of -P" has voiea isbs v 4s t!,PW. county,