Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 21, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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ferso:;hel of new s-passenger plane
property aa been takes up as atrays
but ia each ease has been redeemed.
The turning iuta the county clerk of
money by Mr. Dreher waa the t,ri in
stance uie the law iaei in which
the owuers of the atuck were not iund
aii'i where the sale wu actually made.
;:B Madiine To Carry Sight- &se .
Paiis June SI. -Advices receiv
the American brace commission stated
that a 2 o'clock thii afternoon Her
mann Bauer waa asked by President
Ebert to form a new German eabiiet.
It m further state that 273 of the
41 members of the national assembly
have siguificd their intention of vot-1 b7 the government at the aviation !
in? for acceptance of the peace treaty. fields ia southern California, will be
the democrats waraed menilet of , the hi attmctioa bf the three day eel
Seers Into Goads At $10
five passenger airplane, one used
their party la the assembly that if they
voted for acceptance they would be ex
pelled from the party.
ebratioa ia Salem beginning July 3.
J lieutenant Floyd I). Brown who las
been ia the flying service ia aouthern
, it-ahfornia will fly direetly from Long
Paria, June SI. (United Press.3 A Beach, California, to Salem and arrive
news agency dispatch from Weimar to- " e Salem aviation field Sunday af
day aaid the new German cabinet had ternoon. June i9.
been semiofficially announced ai f ol-' Thi" information ia vouched for by
lows: ' iT. K. McCroskey, manager of the Sa-
Dr'.-Eduard David, chancellor. lem C """'ercial'elub. "ho closed final
Dr. Ben.dard Dernbunr. minister of "" 'or the big plane thi.
Herr fciiilieimer, minister of justice.
Hugo Prcusa, minister of the interior
Herr Nrbmitt, ifotid controller.
Herr Wiidiel, minister of economies.
tlcer liaier, minister of public worka j
omit ton Hernatorff, minister of
foreign affiiira.
Guuav Xoske, minister of defense.
Dr. Boll, minister of colonies,
Herr Gicubertli, miniater of post.
Mnlhias Krxberger, minister without
The dispatch added tihat F.rzbergcr's
appoint men t wa uncertain.
Not only will Lieut. Browne (Jo fancy
flying each day of the three day cele
bration, but he will also do roninier
mercial flying. Thia means that for $10
one may take a flight in the airplane
aa far as Silverton and back.
Ag there haa been a number who were
keen to take Governor Oleott's pluce
on the recent fight to Portnnd it is
desired that thoae who wis to take a
trip to the akica via the nirpnne route,
make early application to T. K. Mc
Croskey," manager of the Commercial
It ia probable that one of the first
Woodbcrn Men Dismissed
The rather interesting elander case
from Woodbura, entitled A. M. Uovkett
versus J. C. Wagemaa, which waa called
for trial thia morning before Judge
Kelly, came to a sadden elote when, the
attorneys for the plaintiff took a non
suit, practically dismissing the ease.
The suit haa attracted muta attention
in Woodbura and a boot two doiea wit
aeaaes had been subpoeae d to appear
for the trialtoday. The ease involved
charges that were made concerning the
running of a disorderly house.
(Ouitinued from page owe)
000 for indemnities.
! Withdrawal of the allied demand
for surrender of the former kaiser.
3 Immediate admission of Germany
to the league of nations.
The ante will be delivered to the al
lies in Versailles by Secretary Von
llaniel of the German peace delegation.
If the allies' reply to the note is fa
vorable, it ia regarded as likely the
democrats will join in forming a new
cabinet favorable to acceptance of the
terms.' Support of the democrat a an-
who will take a flight will be John II. j v''t,ln,lr wolu'1 thi" CMilr eco,u
Albert, preaident of the Cupitul Nation .
' pli.shed
Albert n 1 eveilt o unfavorable reply,
al bank. It ia known that Mr
offered himself aa a substitute for Guv- 'r " thought Ebert would make an-
(By United Press.)
Yesterday's winners: Portland,
Ijike, Veriiou, Knn Francisco.
Home runa: Fuiiruier, Angels;
bee, llainicrs.
Even the combined pitching strenyth
uf the Arlett family failed to aid the
Ouka, and the Heavers wulkcd away
with the second game, 9 to 1.
The usual bat f est was held in Butt
Lake City with thf Bees coming out on
lop, 10 to . The Angels seared one
run in the 9th, which, according to sta
tixtics was not enough.
The Tigers bit a lurge hunk out of
the pitching record of liigbeo, when
they stopped him 5 to 4. The Kainlef
hurlcr hit won six straight.
Thirteen innings proved lucky for the
Bi'iila who came from behind uud nosed
nut the Bnloiis, 5 to 4. .
Try Salem first Ia Buying
Try Salem First In Buying
ernor Olcott and was keenly disappoint
ed when the governor announced that
no substitute was wanted for the Port
land trip with Colonel Watson.
The following have already made ap
plication at the Com in ere in I club to
make an air flight with Lieut. Biownt
John W. Albert, F. O. Myers, W-lter
A. Denton, Theodore Roth," J. U. Keud,
Karl Mcllimough, Dt. R. E. Let Sttiner,
R. B. Goodin, David W. Evre, Will P.
Walton, Gordon Walnlce, K. J Smith,
R. W. llmtma'i and O. A. Hnihiinu. Dr.
other efforts t0 form a cabinet without
the democrats
- Kh r?, fri
l Arv'X rfv'. ,?.:
Iff'1 !f ti.lllJl asawd I t i
ill '!,tWPP
5, m, jb-
By Oart D. Groat
( United Preas Staff Correspondent.)
Weimar, June 20. The new German
labiuet, now ia process of formation,
will sign the peace treaty, according to
the plans of political leaders today,
fterward the people will be asked to
ratify this action in a nation-wide ref
The nutionul assembly, scheduled to
hpley la holding off to first tnke a look i mH,t tomorrow (Saturday) for final as
at the airplaue. it ion on the terms, already has indicated
With the assurance of sneeial uir- through party caucuses a atronir sentl
plane exhibitions each day and also tho
opportunity of giving those an oppor
tunity who wishlo fly high, thcie is tho
assurance there will be something doing
each day of the great homecoming and
f ourth of July celebration.
(Continued from page one)
plus his reasonable charges for keeping
and 10 per ceut on the money he had
paid for the stock.
Itt the Gervais section, considerable ministry, which waa elected to be an
metrt in favor of aiguiug. While the
nationalist party members volcd unani
mously against acceptance, the doml
nant coalition of majority socialists.
centrists and democrats registered its
approval of signing.
Ebert Retains Office.
resident hliert, wtio was aaul to
have decided to stand or fall wiiii the
Seheideniana eabinet, apparently had
coangea his attitude today. He called
the party chief together for a aeerai
conference, obviously for tho nurooee
of selecting the personel of the new
When Thomas Edison Says a Tiling Is
Good That Ends AH Argument
After he spent years in research work
and applied himself in every manner,
he at lust perfected the wonderful Dia
mond Disc phonograph. He said it is
pood and he knows.
To prove this there will be a tone test
given at the Opera House in October by
Ida-Gardner, Co'fttralto and Harold Ly
man, Flutist,
Is i if ;- ;
t i - t - m i
a - J f-
: 1;- :
m- -- If
Dining Tables
Buffets and
Dining Chairs
The largest stock of dining
room furniture in the city.
See our line of period Din
ing sets. William and Mary,
Queen Anrrand Cromwellan
sets in walnut, mahogany
and quartered oak - Prices
20 per cent less than Port
land prices.
This store is well prepared to take
care of all your wants in Home Fur
nishings. Every day we are selling
goods to people who appreciate
TION and fair prices. Our stock of
rugs, furniture, stoves, ranges and
drapery have been bought at prices
that enable us to sell at less than
others are asking for like kind and
l III f. w-'w - ..ri
asm IS n tsr A II IBlaVaa-aaaaa-a- L , . f y
The Apex vacuum
cleaner is the best
of all cleaners, be
cause they get the
dirt and do not ruin
the carpets.
If you intend taking a trip
you should visi our baggage
department and select what
you heed in traveling goods.
Our leather hand bags at
$6.50 are a big value. Trunks
suit cases, hand bags and
lawyers brief cases .rea
sonable prices.
Court St.
luuurruiuiiiuiii. ins npiipr nrnvnnpH now nMirPMPnTnTivo nf thn 'A u.ri .. .
that Ebert would be able to hold out, Need company was a Dnllns visitor I! i " , . A"' J,i1 "ttt,,(K,k " for 8 driv bolt " o'clock.
and probably would dominate the new Thursday. " . ' : , !"" n ma ana we motored over Oyster Hay way,
' iiiiiar nopea ana snowea mm where Colonel hoose-
ifrs. I. X. Woods ia in 1'ortland this
lr. Edward David, president of the i wek at the home of her brother
national assembly nnoenred to be theidrc Itolman,
most likely candidate for chcncellor.
Opposition to Gtistav Xoske, president
I he still did a little.
Professor and Mrs. W. I.
the first of the week for
Forn left
Salem's Music Dealer
"lift L Mu.-ic: Music Merchandise
All Makes of Records
An ' ' " ",ul1 velt hart lived, then where ke was bur-
wiien I went down to meet him I1 led. As Neil had thought he had
knew that his feeling for me had not brought Robert a tennis rackol and
changed. I knew it from tho, light in'nlls and the boy insisted upon bcin
military governor was js""'! and; "yommg, wa(,re jjr. Ford has a posi-1 c'cg ,np wa.v h held my hand, and ; mclmled in the conversation.
Hermann Mueller was reported to have!tion thi" ""mnier at Fort Russell. Pro i 1 fuhed a little under his g.i.e as l "Another membor ,,f tho familr has
stated he would refuae to head the gov-' jcssor ord is superintendent of the tmea my thoughts while dressing. I surrendered," Neil said laughing when
.""' 'o nei ,iere,";l chided Robert for being too familiar,
he said loking around. , . , , , " .
' understand, don't we Kobeitl"
Indeed we have! Iei! must show Frederick said. "You see we had a
ivnu around after dinner," I replied. : lon.7 tnlk hefr. H;n, .a ni..... v..
eminent if disked. Chancellor Schicde-
muim was continuing to conduct gov
eruniental affairs until the new rnbiuet
j was ready to assume office.
I May Sign "Under protest, "
j Reports were circulated today that a
1'iuii nun mi iuoi io nave mo ireaiy
signed "under protest."
It was said that at least thiee res
ervations would be made continued ' think
opMsition to turning the formi r kaiser I
I over to trial by an allied tribunal, de
imaiided for fixation of a lump sum for
! indemnities, and plea for immediate ad
j mission of Germany to the league uf na
tions, General Heulnw and General Gruiier
arrived today to discuss the situation in
the east, in the light of the latest de-Telopmcuts.
Dallas City schools.
(Continued from page four)
.tiien hurried to the kitchen. And
-- ( .. . . i " " "it ca viiitu Mm
await my irueat "T "1 fr0,m t,,C 8loVl! ,hatl hi" affections, because I'hayea't any
await my Rueat. (colored my cheeks as I called tiii m to' little bov." 7
x u,.-ssv r.M..uii t ncip oui tne table. It was the innocent picas
wonder if Mr. Frederick still cared for lure I felt in knowing I was still ad
nie a little, then smiled to mself to mii-,1
how like I was to eveiy otherj. We had a long happy afternoon. He
it decided to let nie be sort of a third ia
What that "third" wns going
j mean we had no slightest suspicion.
(Monday Neil Has the Offer 0f Twa
XI i U M ii U
TilT? VT7T7 T?
ti A VI tl M u u "
(Capital Journal Npeeial Service)
i laMas, Or.. June 21. Mr. and Mrs.
,11. H. Dunkelberger of Portland ar-'
Coiiipanied by their children are guests
of Dallas relatives for a few davs.
' Mrs. Ed Dunn left Monday for Til
smook rall-d by the, serious illness
,of her mother.
Ibdlis Smith went to' SoVer, Wed
nesday fur a several days visit at the,
home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Siinonton.
i J. U lirowa, a resident of Otis, ia
Lincoln coiitilv is visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Miriver on Mill
street. Mrs. Khmer is an aunt of Mrs.
! Mrs. J. R. Karris and son, Rolert left
this neck for an extended visit at the
home of Mrs. Harris' parents. Mr. and
Mrs, P. Greenwood at Seattle :
.' Mrs . A. McKensie and little son.'
,WilIsrd left Wrdnehlay for a several
week's visit at the home of her m.th j
er at Tacoma, Washington. I
Mrs. Eila IWd and dnughter Mis'
Frances are guests at the hnie uf Mrs.'
Boyd's mother, Mrs. Alice I. Pvmpseyj
or Washicgtnn street. ' j
! J. K. lrson. formerly crunty agri
cultural a-eiit fr '0!k (Vunty aud