THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 21. 1919. PAGE THEE Why Salem Celeb rates (By J. F. Hutchison) I hope every person -who touch this paper will read the following article o that j a j may arrive at wiue under standing of joat what the Fourth of July, 1919, nr to tha citizens of Sale. The ideas may -not be mine, ia fact tticy are not all wine, but they attempt to Show what Kalera i trying to do at thi time. As to Dste The celebration will last for three days, Jaly 3, aad 5. The War Moth era and War Oatnp Community Service have ehange- of the program for the 3d aad 5th. The Salem Commercial Club ia taking charge of the 1th. There will be something doing every niBute of the entire three days. Thursday the 3d Hvery soldier, sailor and marine re aiding in the district tributary to Sa lem, Ore. ia iuvitod to eome to Salem for the three day celebration. You are invited to eome on the morning of the 3d and when you reach Salem go in mediately to the Commercial Club here the War Community Service will have peityle to register your name and provide all the necessary arrangement lor your stay while here. Your needs will be attended to and this means a room, a program; a pass to the dif ferent amusements; dances and ban quet and instructions as to what- has been provided for you. Kcmember that automobiles bearing a certain pennaitf are at your service. ,Go to the Com mercial Club and register and full in formation Will be furnished freely and gladly. You will find plenty of enter tainment for this day with a banquet aad reception at night followed by a dance. ALL FKKE. Friday the 4th This will be the big day and if you haven't been able to reach the city before this date, be sure and eome on tlii day. Be sure and register the first thing when you arrive. It will j only take a few minutes and it is very important to you. The big military parade and all the other parados including the baby par ade will be held on this day. All parade arc planned for the morning tie baby parade. There will be singing and band music at Wilson Park in the afternoon the carnival show the street features in fact tore thing than you can see in one aborning and afternoon. Another, ban quet and dance in the evening. As far a possible, all will be free for the boy who wore the uniform whether they went across the water or were j only in the Students Training Camps. I No matter where you wore that uni-1 lorm you signified your readiness to verve whore needed. I Saturday the 6th There will be entertainment a4 amusement for alj oa this day. The War Mothers and the War Com munity Service are planning many (things for this day and they are plan ing It all for you and your friends, i Plan to come for the three days and ! doa 't miss anything The money has nees donated and ta to be apeot aad will be spent and we want you to en joy every minute of the time. What it means Salem was the first eitv in Ik aisle 'as far as we can learn, that planned ton a celebration. A movement was srarrea several mourns ago to provide a Home Cuming for the beys who went to war. Money was raised and all arrangements made to hold a grand event. Some on suggested that we postpone the Home Coining until tha 4th of July. Thinking that more peo ple could get away on the 4th than on I any other date it was decided to wait. The word was sent broadcast that Sa i lent would hold a Home Coming on the Fourth. So far no other town or j city ia this part of Oregon had plan I ed on celebrating. A number of little celebration have come to life since .that time, but Salem was first. What ever inspired these other celebration is of small consequence and Salem has already forgotten that there are other celebrations and will do all in her power to make this celebration and Home Coming the biggest event in the history of the capital , of the state. The city has opened it 's doors to every man who wore a uniform and made everything possible free for them. We want thctu here where we honestly feel you will get1 the most entertuinraent and where you will be provided with everything you can possibly wish for or expect. The Salem Commercial Club, the War Mothers and the War Community Service are all working for your entertainment end equally for the entertainment for your friends. Attitude of the People .... Every person in Marion and Polk counties are invited to come to this Homo Coming. To my mind the first Fourth of July wu up to this time the most memorable event in the his tory of these United States. This Fourth of July comes next and we should deem it our duty and pleasure to help. The people of Salem are work inn hard and have everything planned to make this a Red Letter day. Every person in the two eountios and any ono in tho state who desires to come is welcome and invited to be here and assist in entertaining the boys. Spec ial written invitation have been sent to all the boy whose names eonld be secured. If you know of a aoldior, 1 TVT omorrow ana Monday CECIL B. DeMILLES r? j pj onn Tor Better, For Worse' V SmdeviU -Two Days Only t mmmi. j " f;7"ri'"i'.',''-'--':;"n"-'--"i ' " T "T .v" J: p,'- i. . .. r. , I .... : .' y 1 -f -. mm. t ? . ' n a r tL ;;" CHASE & JAMS Dainty Bits of Musical Chatter SCHECK & DOG Some Dog Some Scheck COMEDY -Yelcome, Little Stranger" Palhe News Pictorial Note: Our Ventilating System is completed. We give you washed air with every seat Starring: Gloria Swanson Elliott Dexter Theodore Roberts Sylvia Ashton Wanda Hawley Better than DeMilles "OLD WIVES FOR NEW" or "DON'T CHANGE YOUR HUSBANDS" IA X uww7 e'Pif I'M1 I xjiuit i v -'m,vf" Ivl sH I I n inn pv i Bv- BJiir. iVviVli. r -'"vJL:- pvmr.r t- t'yV 4"- - . ' ffffSh f hi r 'ttlftfK iniin ''i'i 'ii'ih' iii- 'it t i"t . . . j t -"i jr.. ...... i i.. . . : : V- ill - v'vi tm i tr ' -Uii xi i ltiitiL i.jLirl I v 7 Aiimmmm v . .1 v kkJl i 1 9 By Special Appointment After the most exhaustive investigation of the whole truck field, we have secured the agency for what,Jn- our judgment, is the greatest value in motor trucks from . the viewpoints of Power, Utility, Dependability and Price. We are now the accredited agents for BETHLEHEM MOTOR TRUCKS. li Ton Chassis $1965 3J Ton Chassis $3465" 2 Ton Chassis $2365 F. 0. B. ALLENTOWN, PA . Gray and Davis Electric Starting and Lighting is standard on all models y. . : i n" x ' V" - : - . . .. - .t-- . ... '......., . - , . - ' , . v t , sailor or marine who lid not receive Vfyn. Joe Hamnian went to Portland a written invitation picas tell him jThiirsday for short visit, that fls article is his invitation. He R r, ffibbard, of Burns, Ore., has is invited and you can invite him. m -UMt at tne Karsch home east Don t fail to see that he is notified 0f town. uuu no m to be Here and tlint he will be well eared for with room and board and entertainment for the three lays. The On Thought If you had a son or a 'brother or father or undo or neplurw or friend who woro the uniform and hat person was attending this Home ('online where he ean be shown that, his people ap preciate linn and what ho did, you would make nn extra effort to help. Ion have just that reason for benin present in JSnlem. Home soldier or some one who woro a uniform will b? here snd your p'osenr.e is necessary at this time to make the Home Coining what it should he. Yon can't welconis the boy by selfishly staying at home. Arrange to come and celebrate with him. You owe it to him and you owe it to yourself. If your son was re turning from thelfront, you would drop everything anil meet him at the train. Ho would feel hurt if you were not there to greet him. Come one eome all and let us Welcome Home ic boys and imiko them proud thnt they wore xne uniiorm. STAYTON (Capital Journal Hpecinl KWvice) Ktayton, Ore., June 21. (leo. Xfi-lke left Friday morning for Wauna, Ore., where he will work until harvest time. when he will go to enntern Oregon, A little child of A. Wolf, near Sub limity died Wednesday from diptherin. mere are several cases in the country about town. John Knclish Is sick with diptheria and the family is under quarantine. This is the only case In town, and 1t is to be hoped that no others develop. Mrs. M. Ktreff died at her home in this place Thursday morning. Whe was eonfmea t6 her bed but a few days, but had been a sufferer from tuberculosis for a number of years. The date of the funeral has not yet been determin ed, awaiting word from children in the east. Mrs. Nina Kuhlcr, of California, pass ed through town Thursday on hi'r way to visit relatives in Mill ( lty. Mis Wanda Brown, Is home from Eugene where she has been a student at the University of Oregon. tilen Mnnkers and wife, and his mother, Mrs. F, M. Muukers, havo gone to Ran Francisco, where they cx-iK'et to reside. Miss Margaret Fehlon is home from Portland for a visit with her purcnts and other friends. Jos. Hamnian is now running his own car on the Halem Htayton'Mill City route. He hat had it repaired and put in first class shape, with new running gear throughout, and it makes s fine passenger cur. " v ' !! " i ?V 1 MMr " streets in Dallas will probably be treat ed in this manner next year. M i i u street between Washington and Clay will also receive a treatment of tins kind as soon as the Fiiirview avcuuo project is completed. The City Council are aloo considering the construction of several blocks of hard surfaced streets next season. CHMUili (Continued from page one) THE LONQ EXPECTED SALEM VELIE COMPANY, Dealer, 162 North Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon-Phone 1601 ; t r I . H.irvev'n (ireater Minstrel hcadi-d Mrs. J. F. Totter and children, of iby Kd Tollivcr and Clarence Powell, irtland, are visiting relatives in and i'fth natural comedians, is due here Port about town. Mr. and Mrs. J. V.. Wnper end Mr. and Mrs.V. Dare Woper motored to Mttlem Wednesday to meet iuy Woper, who was recently discharged from the army. (uy has been on duty in the city of Washinftcm for several month. Miss Rose Bock arrived home from a visit in Portland Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Thorns gave a shower at their home Wednesday even ing for Miss Freda Allis who is soon to be married to Joe Kpaniol. A very pleasant time is reported and ninny ex cellent gifts were presented the pros pective bride. Miss Alma Nendil is sssis'ing in the Oi'hlen' sUire during the absence of Miss Streff. l)r. J. ('. McCuley and wife, of El : on. They are both natural from the fact that they act natural, just, what ibey arc, the regular dyed in lite wool negro comedian, and they do their best to create huiahter and create a furore of amusement at every performance. Traveling in their own eighty foot car, this company of forty colored art ists are playing the prinril cities and towns of the state and judging from pros comments and verbal criticisms heard, Harvey's Oreater Minstrels is mure thiin making good. This enmpany plays at the Grand opeta home Momlny June I'itd. Parade at -l:;!0 p m. DALLAS STREETS IMPROVED. Dallas Ore., June 21. I'nder the sup ervision of I lty r.ngineer Kodgers, lensburg, Wa.h., visited at the W. H. Fairview avmie in the western part Itobson home the firt of the week, of the city leading to the I. 0. O. F. iTliey were resident of Htavtun mc- f enietery is being scanfieil and' re- Ithirie over thirty veari aif'. when it 'graded this week and will be treated! ''as rather small berg. jto a coating of heavy asihaltic ill to I A!lert and Kdward Warren havejgither with a top dressing nf fine gone to eastern Oregon to work during 'crushed rock which will make the Ithe summer. Thy wer given a fre-!treet practically as gmd as bard- iwell party st the F. F. Foster home surfaced highway. If the plan proves tore which was then in session. Hon. Hiram Price wns then commis sioner of Indian ttffuirs at Washington, 1'. C, snd through the efforts of Df. Coffin and Dr. Mintliorn, had commit ted himself to tho Halem locution. Forest Grove was in blissful ignor ance of the fact. It was a sextet known o jlv to Messrs, Coffin, Minthorn, Dill and Moores, Dr. Hill unfolded his plan. It involved a scries of resoli.timia t'i lie adopted by the legislature, fmth the needs of the Indian schools ami urj;"" log its permanent location by the imii tury of the interior at such a location as might be recommended by lli.ti. Hiram Price, commissioner ot Indian afnfirs. (senator Vorhees of Marion county was secured to introduce the resolution, but they were first shown to Senator Huro of Washington county and were cordially approved by him. They were then rushed through both houses and bv spcciul request, notice of the action of the legislature was iuimediauly tele graphed by Hecretary of Statu i-arimrt to Hon, H. M. Teller, secretary of the interior. In a few days Mr. Moores was noti fied by Senator Dolph that a a result of the action of the legislature, Halem had been designated as the permanent site of the Indian school. It was then necessary for the legislature to pass a resolution giving the consent of the state to the general government to pur chase the selected site. Care, s; ecd s4 filence secured the immediate s'loptinn of the resolution. The whole, transits tion then became public property. Thereafter, being fully awakened t the situation, the legislative di legation from Washington county and the pro pie of Forest Grove gave expression to their sentiments in lunguao tlu.t no well regulated family newspaper would 1 e peimitted to print. Their surprise and disappointment could only find expression ii words that are not to lie found in titliir the dictionary or the Holy Bible. Iut ta lent's fight was sUrely won. baiem s plan of eampnign did not cull fur n dis closure of all its Hside Information to the general public. The fact tttn: t'no selection was approved by the official of the Indian department, should be ac cepted as an indication of its desirabil ity and afford satisfactory proof t'it it was not based on purely loeui or Sclt inh perso' ii! inlercts. '' Mrs. Mary A. Smith, one of the old est of Washington pioneers died at her home in I-a t'enter Tucsiinr, au''d ('.'. Harvest will start in Umatilla county immediatrlv after July 4. Prcpecs are good for a fine crop. SiIem'saGcsdPiacsbTnai (Monday evening. ia success many miles of macadam