Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 21, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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7 oujx
By Gertrude Bobisoa
IT th. eye. of your soul-thr. tic With more than hundred friH,
i gathered to offer felicitations and re
: I . heart of the mind
ilf " .r'0 hr We-illollenbeek Korghardt eelebrated thexr
'i pitmen Wr.l, 1.1, u d n n I-...., . w , . .
- s ...,..troi . at tui'ir
I rarefr Home on Aorth Winter street
last buaday. Prom, three o'clock until
five th gant earn and Trent, offer
ing congratulation, aid predentin;
gift, in memory of the occasion. The
house had bwi transformed into a won
derland, and through all the decora
tions, a golden color scheme ran riot.
Art ud hanging baskets of vellow
That ear world aught be better and
Vol a area, to lay down now the great
puts are stilled.
Bat trass far greater we bear
To e.rry forward their work and fulfill
Oar treat, to those sleeping there.
Aad watt im that trustWhy, that
mus ahould be free
Kot or eooatry akme did we fight
But iter .1 ttat democracy bwsi not
a June
Mr- William H. Lytle is Peadle-
toa visitor, feeing the jrncst of her sis
ters in law, Mrs. David Hill, and Mra,
James Hill, and ia the recipient ol
mny social compliment, while Inert
The Pea diet on East Oregociaa has the
following to say of a reception tender
ed bnr Jest Monday:
"Dorothy Perkias rose branches yea
terday combined their artistic, foliate
(and clusters of pink fclossoms with
marguerites, radiant marigold, or deli- !prays of ifragrant syriuga blooms to
. T W. other derk the room, of-the J. B. Terry home
iet the eye of your soulshine forth
thra the mind;
Lbtea low to the voice deep with-
That tella m the roads which lead up
ward to HkM
And the road we have followed to
Should we dres in eiir best Should we
(kin-el should we .ingf
While millions of other live, cryt
For the bare needs 0f life -for place
just la rest
They are meu they have rights
shall they diet
Do you think you. ean drown their erieo
ia your otmgsf
That the distance between hides their
nny, me brand of a coward Ood wi
set on our mink:
e are lost if we fail now to do.
rur a man who s a man in the true
'Riit or iocl,
Is the man who in .i...
is U wuh hu ollowhi life for
This ia the cross we must bear.
K A. t. l
n," B eome-he Ik ur of all
- Whes a whole world is woiting "for
.N,all we fwltor .and stoop to miserly
And prove mimqueruders of rijihtf
. May th soul of us speak it', truls to
lay the blood which was shed mark
uie way;
lt ns provs true to life
and to God
aiay justice and
The above poem wns written bv Uh
l-ueile Junk, famous in liter.
. ........ uimuKiiout the state,
V 7." .."u uc,,,' i of esiwial in
i ureHuans, and psrticulaHy
.. .. or n cp,t, city aa ,)M) wn
""''J a rwiem p,rl and is well
Albert and Mm. Jhn 7rifritH. and
lumbers an.,,, her friend, some of the
..... . prominent eituens. Kho has
- ' -"" many or Her poemif f mnme.
ni be,D)r a talented singer, her con
certs are always flwted with enlhuni-
-riierever tney are present.xl.
was used to eff.net the centerpiece of I7, Mr- 1avid B Hill s4 Mr- Kos-
coe i. Keator were 'at home' jn com
pliment t.o Mrs. William IL Lylle of
Salem. Scores of matrons and maids
ll -u .!-"
" r kJ1- JPWW snapdragons. The scheme wss
further carried out in the vell .an.
to oursclvea
love rule earth's
prec,n Mrs. Junk U ridin, j Votok
out ma Re, ,t point to keep
ia close touch with her Oregon fnionds
Mr WJIliam U. HurKl,ardt, Jr., has
murned ifrom Portland where she ha.
been the riftHt of her mother, Mrs. M
r inapt, tot ib, WN,k Mrt
Wnrjfhardt wont down last M0111jllv
M,.d the wmg ef her niece, kiss
Tho.it. Wtsabeth Jasper, who became
the hr.do of Osrju B. Carl in. The core
" porfo r...,d at St. Hyphen's
rtl.ol.ejeh..rh, Hoverend A. Utltle
brand of ikn (itr of f i.iat i.ijr. Mrs,
serri,... After the eerVmn,,
wedtlt,, br,k:rHSt was served at the
Weilnesday afttrnoon Mrs. T. 0.
: . 7' W"? for
elub . ntert.ury bells in sistel ha,les,
dsmhly rt,H in hea!.,iful M
Uskels, a.d offset with Kr.efl C
quot of vsrtoos flowers adorned the
prnt (V(NM(r( Mrs. Ji. M. ll.rter MrL
rcd Thuds.., Mrs. !M Mm
Kelt Thurday the chtb uieotber. wtll
Wgiicuof fl J. U Van iMre .
Jtit"?, "? iml'li'-'l,y the
wS I' "7 Audrey Jttu.on
rU which r,.,,,,, of th-er
pta were jire.,,, the .m,.re,sive tZ
eeremoey bring Ufc a. Th. bride wo .
mart tatHeur of dark Wue ,d Z 'A
... -..., waa me fact that th wedr
-X: ?.'?' -Ut.nd
r, Mrs. J. Jarkwn; mother, Mrs.
kl a. J f
- . "n M"'s blft irsme,;,t,lT
dies and white and yellow cake.
Mrs. Alice XKidd and Mrs. Fannie
Mathews oured, while Mrs. W. 0.
Kantner and Airs. B. it. Ilendriesk cut
es. Mrs, W. H. BnrRhardt, Jr., Mrs.
Oeorpe Brown, Miss Cora Talkirrgloe
and Mrs. Pred Ktewurt assisted during
the reception. A group of voting girls
eonsistiiiK ,f Misses Hester Welch,
Catherine Itarhyte Uek'n Lovell, Mir
iam Iiovell, lura Pettiet. Leah Pet-
tiet and Oertnule Lueker he.l(d in the
dining room. The decorations were
planned by Mrs. W. . Purubardt. Jr..
t-ssisted by Mrs. fieorge Brown.
me particular feature of the after
noon was the wrddinir reremnn .
which Kevereml W. V. K'nni,,,,, fci.
t'iate. The areh under which th.
itlu .tA.l .. a :i: ...
nu , biuhjj jasmine vines
aud hot house (flowers seut in ss gifts.
Among the out if town guests who
were present were Mrs. U I,. Btirxhardt
and Mrs. J. n. Vick of Molulla and
Mrs. W. A. Pear of Pwtlund.
A l,ry composed of Dr. ajid Mrs.
11. T. Koesteriug, Ur. and Mrs. T. 8.
keett and Mr, and Mi-. V. M. Webberj
motored from Portland uud were the'
Miuwts of Mrs. .1. R l)orjn for the day.
JJr. nd uMrs. Koestoring on! lr. and
Mrs. Irfel t are brother. .! i;.i.. :..
law of Airs. Ibiran and are en route tn
Aluska from Kansas City,' -Missouri.
After motoring around the citv ond vis-1
Uiiirf the varions Tilsee of tnf ..r.,t -
1..1 . .1: ' -'--",
. iii.ruLt uinner Wft. Aervml nt ... Il
ran residence The table ilcorri.
were or pink and white, and covers
ero nun ror Or. and Mrs. H. Kwst
ru'h', i'i. s:ul Mia, L. P. Mt. Mm
ni.na muii.ii ond Jlrs J. Dt.ran
'ii ine reiurn ii -t.i nm-tv r ai..
, I",lj .linn lima
k tuey will be the guest, 0f Mr. and
-nr. iiraii ia 1'urt bind.
The Inst meetiiui ,.f the Sweat Ttrlnr
e.uo was neitt Tliurstlav Mrs. M. C.
Petty, acting as charming hosteas. In
-ivunimiee wun tno namo of tho ao
eiatioa tho rooms were gayry decorat
ed with swert ibrinr. )
1110 afternoon hour, wsrs nUnnflti
..111. ! . . '
..u Tim reKUUL? nnit tl,Uil or..lr
and plans were made for tho adoption
hy the Club of a French nr. Vil
- . ,',., A 111,(1-
iv, at the long luncheon table, prettily
centred with tirior bloom, the meeting
culminated with the responses to nnm.
crous toasts. The wromon resiionding
were Mrs. Harry VVVbb of nallaa, Mrs.
A. uinn, Mrs. C. IWIo.tr m 1.1..1,..
rhosseo, Wis Nellie Taylor, Mrs. 8 P
Kimball. Mrs. Al Steiner ws toat
mistreM, Itesidn the
bers, Mrs. John Darby and Mrs. Wobh
were additional g nests.
Pink roses centered the tirnli!
pointed luncheon tuble Thursdaywhen
.-uiuui) v,na..ioers was otess at
infiiriiial lunchAon honoring her
num. guest, Mis. IX-anor Hull .f it.
ion Coyer, were hiid for Mis. Eleanor
Hall, Miss (lertruib. vi.. i. x.
Iittilibers M
Miss llraee Holt, and Mis, IVrothv
nan. nets.
cauet botiweoct the hour, of 2:30 and
, welcoming Mra. . Ljtle, greeting
menus asci Miaring a gracious bit of
hospitality, in a vine enclosed alcove
on the porch Mrs. James oJlins, Mrs,
Harold Harnett, Miss Mary Clarke
4Hi.il cinow, .hiss liiancfie Furn
ish and MTss Reorginnna Pletcher shar
ed the hours ia diseasing punch to the
callers, sjid at the dosr Freddie HiU
atsisted in welcoming them. . In line
were airs, rerty, Jdrs. Lvtle. MrA Hill
and Mrs. K color and during the earlier
uours ot tae ftitH.r the hostexse. were
assisted in receiving by Mrs. Frank
Hay. Mrs. Mark Moorhousef Mrs. G.
1. Llow ond Mr K. dt. Aldrieh, they
'""wea uy mis. uvman li. Kice,
Mrs. James Hill, Mrs. Charles F. Coles
worthy and Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones,
while, during the final hours Mrs. Wil
lard Bond, Mrs. Richard Mayborrv,
Mrs. H. J. Ksvanaugh, Mrs. Jain. W.
Maloney and Mrs. A. J. Owens assisted
in welcoming the guests. , '
"In the dining room where the ninlr
and white blossoms again lent tibuud
ant charm, the table was-TiresitVa over
by Mrs. H. H. Hattry aud Mrs. Coles
worthy, Mrs. W. J). McX SrV And M ra
Owrgo A. Hurtman an,l than U.. v.
borno Kerkeley and Mrs. . WjJ'helm
j.,,,., ,., , nvvmg were Airs. J.
B. McCook. Mrs. Hurobl Wi,. . .M..
Ouy Boyden, Mi. Lillian HoVIenJ Miss
Mary oJhns and Miss lleen Nelson.
A rltaFmiw. lllA . - , &
-. ....,.,, ft jiimu iiiaiu wno as
sistl in making the aftsir dcUghtful
was Margaret Jen ionin who was
laming to receive the guests' -cards.
in,rs. j,ytj i. iiemg made welcome
during her visit in Pendleton. , j.
in. nouse gnwt 0f her sisters-in-law,
Mrs. IMvid Hill and Mrs. James Hill
..u irionus, too are anticipating
visit of a fortnight or more."
JUNE 21, 1919.
If- r
-.oth. racers w.H present
- puuis ana jars. Mar
traret Flower Olinger of Portland, at
1 he tand opera house nest FViday eve
J.- ?. we pnpil. hare atadied with
Uim ilstfers ir sen. iim ..j
ia oemMa tor eoneert work,
the prinsiml fetiir f the recital will
the ai pearanee of Mis. Laci A dele
tWker, the distinimiitliivl v.k;
' '"c sua 4 brother. Ren Rl,
t?80 woJimist of .New York'
miso Becker has played for many eraad
fuoeHons. amon? which was the reten
tion given far Pr;, ... tt .1 . 1
"""r oansg tneir vi.it ia Straaa
ourg. Mr. Becker is a com rumor
rr Pi'St atid church organist 4f ia
temsAw, repute. He is graduat
or tho HtrasburA!sa?e. conservatory.
Mors than 2fln f hi.
mt Wea pnblifhed;
ConmliawntiDF Mr. sad Vn W v..
roa of Portland, picnic dinner will be
given at the Itbhce Countiy eluh this
evemaj by members of the elub
Mr. W. A. Dentos. iiW It v t
Steiner, Mra, W. Kerron and Miito.
Steiner formed a party who Motored
to the pioneer pieie today.
The annual cloiinr inni s v-
Sweet Briar club was held today on
th. Kintball hill. All the ui.mK," ...1
their famiUc. wctc present, A lov)v
Program wa the feature of the affair.
. w
Red ramlder row formed the Jn..
rations at the weddi HIT nineteen vmm
ago, and red rambler rose, were used
in ornameutmg the house Friday, when
Mr and Mrs. J. v Rrm.hv .1.1 ..
, : t - ' "i au 111-
tormal dinner eiiteitBiii,! .nt.u
friends.. .. 3 "
Cover, were laid fnr Mr r..
J. H. MeCorkle, Mrs. H. B. Brophy, Mr!
and Mrs. tJeorge Riches and Mr. aud
Mrs. o. rv, jJiophy.
In His Latest and Best
im. m em t'mmj?WMMMjrmm j -
L 1 ,ar m m M 3m.
A good nam. i. a buy
er's guide post.
It relieves him ef the
bnrdea of possessing tech
nical koowied-e. .
- It's as strong safe,
Jc.eut, as a guarantee by
tho goverasnent.
: f :
1 ,U a ;
Miory hats are hnowa
the world over far their
quality, service, SB? Ueir
. Bishop sell. 0s!y mer
chandise that measures an
to tho standard that he has
; "Quality and N-rvice"
TVic V.i 1 .
" Wherever well drpRSPri rtlon annnn 4.1 ... -
-----""ppcax uiere you will see Ma n
ell groomed men who set the
, U,T, fun,,,,.,,,. (
twtrty two ffuiwt,. s.
The annual niusiea's of the .,K...i
pupils of lliw Beatrice Hhelton wiM t.e
iveii neu Moniluv iin.l W'.,.i., 1....
,. ' " .llll.-B'Ifl,,
"i -''". omo of the b.wt
talent in the city has been Secured to
assist at the recital, and a rare treat
a in more ror anyone attending. As
sistunt, for Monday night nr. Miss
Ada Mdler, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Muamm. d Professor T. 8. Reberts.
he stud.mts taking spurt are Miss (lla
ity. llarbert. Mis. J !.,... mi-
Wretches Brown. Miss knlh lu'-lf..l
Kobert ttawson. Mis. 41nnvi.,A v..l
and .Mi, i-Hum Arena. Miss Bedford
and I rofessor Roberta will r..,,eat the
Kiibeiwiieii number that is ao.-h . f..
orite with the music loving public.
. ""'' .v evening the asxistanls
wJI he Miss Bertlia Cl.rk h ;.i
render some whistling solo assisted bv
her Mi ltemiee tiliui at the
organ; William Harris, bsrit
the hish school E,rrs chorus. Kt...le..i.
ii.. aunt! iiiai etenmir will h. M:..
irriM IN.ll.M-k. Mi,s Winifred li.'inhart,
Miss hlva AJmsler. Miss (rertr.de Ald-
- s Kutt. j-age, M.s. Lot, Ne,
Mis 4 Bertha Viek, Mis. Masino Alrnt
nnd Cecd lH-acon.
A wwl.hng of interest to former Ore-
aon AL.ri,..i l..r-l ll . . r
7k. . Vr-K .luucuis is
that of xr. Helen Wheel,, .d Thorn-
" ' V Orsdel, which was sol--mniwa
in J01.tjan, UiM w((,k nf
de l. a member of Chi Omega soror
ify and the groom is a Jig,na Alpha
Trl to1 trip to Brit
sh ( ..Inmbm the young couple go
to Mabel, where Mr. Van Irr.del is as
weiated with the lumber interest.
The ls.t wretiiig of the Leisure Hour
p W1"'1'1 U eck at "Walisec
"'.? I 1 h of Mrs. C.
A. larks, Pink rose. ;.,!, . i.
. .,. .n.
. . .ii.eroury oeii. formed prettv
iecoratwn. f, tll. .eeMion. Officer,
tor th. coming seson wore elected a
fol!o.: Wr,. M. M. Cha,n.n. pre.
d..nt; Mr.. A he, lK,da. v.eo preeident;
uwly morning at 8:3(1 at the hnm.
of the bride '1 mother, Mr.. Mvrtlo Hon
derson I27,j street, 8alem, Miss
iienuiirson ana Howard Frecland
"ere uni'tect in marriage by Hev. Har
vey O. Cooner. usinir the rino Mnn
The homo waa beautifully decorated
with pink Caroline Testout rose, and
Tho bride wa beautifully w,,nj 1
whito charmeusc and georgette crepe
carrying a shdwer bouquet of pink rose
aim wniio sweet peas. Tho at
tendant, were Loyal Henderson, a
orotner of the bride and Miss Grace
1 rat of Salem, the bridesmaid, who
wore a gown, of nink crone ri ..ki...
aud pink carnations.
Miss Jenny William, of Eugene sang
hcAlltnfn lv . i
1011 Trulv." necomnnnio,l h. i:.
l...t . . "J aiitm
iuiiu rtoseoaugn. Uiiimediately follow
ing the wedding march, "Barcarolle"
rom laiesof Hoffman, plavcd by Miss
Lena Ivuuffman of Hubbard, and con
tinued softly throughout the eeremouy.
Immediately after the oeremony a
wedding breakfast was served in cafe
teria style consisting of chicken solad,
jnndwiehes, strawberries, cake and cof-
The bride and groom left for New
port about 10 o'clock where titer will
spend about a week. Ooino to St, wvl.
ons, where Mr. Preeland is employed
iu a printing off ieeJlubbnrd Kn'ter-prtse,
The Salem imblie will be delighted
t heor that Mrs. Willi,,.,, ji, i.runk
..een rngagod to sing at the Priday
evening bund concerts during the .inn.
mer. Mho will be Soloist nest Tue.ibtv
rreiitisg, also, but after that will ap
pear only on Friday evenings. Mra.
t rimk is one of Sale . most popular
mgers and her presence will add great
lr to the popularity vf lh alrMjr
"lap concerta. '
f""5": Mra. Pmalr aeeoman
ies the Klks to Aurora to assist in the
aJvation army drive.
Keverend and Mrs. R. L. Putnam of
th Bungalow Christian . hnreh enter
tamed at their hem., Wednesday eve
ning, the children of the primary de
partment. Tho parent, , f the children
ro additmual guests. A large number
ere preeiit and enjovvd the cordial
nt, nany of Ir. and Mr. P-.tnarrJ
P",n re wing made to nmlt the
affair a monthly evei.t. M
is superintendent of thi. depatme.t oil
The Kvangelieal parsonage wss the
seese of a Quiet we.l.lin.r w i.
afternoon shen Mjss Minnie A. Davi.
and Carl Harriiwo Harne. of Portland
wer, married. Keerend W. 8. Laune,
off,et,Hl. The young couple reft ira
mediately for Portland where they will
reside. '
I . t !
' 1 ' 4 ' " ' i"' "
j .-, w ; I
f 1 e -
1 . J rv ,
r 1
- i -L. 1
Uawor lb-Mutual Star,
VfcT 7
Cast as Moriyama, mer
ciless, cold oriental, the
keeper of luxurious
gambling house in
hats. They are the chmVp nf aii m.
r , . - - b "Cll KJ
IaSllOn hilt incf inofrnl.. i. it 1 ...
-"v.u,cijf accept mac wmcn is correct
A TMJcf ii7roVw J .
lory Hats then v'S-tv T JT Ten y0U ave one of th Mai
.ory uats then you realize the real quality that you have secured
" . 3 Priced from J4 to S6
. Pnced from $4 to $6.
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties (Patron.
Salem Wooleil Mills Store
Help the ncome through over here, and help yourself.
Salvation Army-Jnue 2230.
.. He i maun
Elabeth Levy resented her
younger violia students in an enjoyable
cvminjr at nor resi
dence studio, 53 Court street. Artistic
decoration, made the room a vjiriiaKlA
fairyland. Tho solus were played from
memory and the audience marvelled at
the east and okill with whirh they were
Miss La Von Cnnnnpfc
uiM.gntiuny with, reading and . Mr.
Hall pve a beantiful tonret io!o, Pthu
bert V' Serenade, .-kaaontpanied Ay
.-ry on to vim,- aDd Mivt
Brnuk at the -rasnn. The -
low?: - " r"
UufliSl'C .... ...
thel Hetiner
Petit Walt. ...............
Ear j el Gilbert
Spanish Walt.
Leonard (iraham
PoUt - Wcisa
Knth Kuhn
Telling Punny Stories Greenwald
Orvin Peverson
Impromptu Grecnbeig
Howard bteingrube
Firecracker. ; Greenwald
Vietor Snther
Rp,'d'nB - Selected
La Von (ioppork
Ave Maria Bach Gounod
Plain Steinjirube .
La Marstillnise koiiuet Ja .;.)
Wifliaw Solof
nocturne op. 2 . Chopin
Klray Maxwell
Accompanist Mies Hrunk
(a) On tho Boulesnrd franklin
(b) Taniihauser March WagneT
Karph Parker
(a) Berceuse from Jocelyn'....Golard
(b) La iniuantine Gabriel
Mlian KlKngsworta
(a) Tsrrrntello Drdla
(b) Traomerri Sehumaa
Winona Hmith
cV lections Junior ytolia eniembl.
Mr. and Mrs. George Riches and Mr.'
and Mrs. J. H. Meforklo motored toll
eskowiu today, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- I
J.rt.a afuw which .t... -,:"
K e The hn,,e .. I.7k ra
g ri and at th. lira, of her
,ep,ed rsent and i, WpIi k0
rl rtrrt,. 7fe i. ejected w, k
the Capital Journal "
Mm. Jha H. Hcntt is enfnrt!n:-' v, rs. inee iHnta, vice president: I The w n r tr
V "I " 'e-.H,ss ilorothr Pesrce Z """, Jaao Z.t. Theta
Ir.en.U of lr. and Mrs. W.ltoa will
bo interested to learn that they left
yetcrdy for Bo,,n, MswchiMctts,
where Irr. Walttm wi tsk. a .peri.l
rourse in surgery. They espeet to be
gone for five years, all f .l,;,. :..
for the wtcMion. Officers''11 b occupied by Dr. W.tton with
ni. siuiiicsi
frt re-iM.ss Iorothy Pe.rce.
be a tansies! proa am wish
tsii'. t
The story of a gambler
who collected in full as
he paid in full
Ye Liberty
Mies Dorothy anvhra i. entertain
ing as he, gwst, ABss Eleanor Hall of
I'niou. Mia. ( hssbers and Miss Hatl
are hoth -popular nenbeT. of tho Al
pha hi Omega soroity.
Mrs Edna Baily was the retinient nf
a telegram yeerdiy stating that hey
son nunur Bs. I arrived in Aew 1'ork
on the S. S. ISreat Northern. He left
with Pompany M feot was later trans-
icrreo. lcmnnraritv ka ia au tn
j Lamp Mills.
M! Mrs. Witliam IV. S-!m tru.i Tt....l
. ... ..... , m yt , ..I nun ,
and small so. (lttVord. will leave next
nvuncstiay rot Marstuieltt fur a two
wetks vimt with Mr Is? Selm broth
er and .;ter in law, Mr. and .Mrs. Clif
ford BiwRk.
Mr.. Jennie Stevens of Portland, an
nounces the aiarriage of her daughter,
Ine. Alfreds, to Praneoro Seley, on
Wednesday, June 1, 1919.
Mr. .Hi ley wa. for a number of years
dcaa of tho enllcy tf music of Wil
lamette university ad if well known
in rMleiB.
Miss Margaret Rodders has returned
from Vasrar trt mvxii the summer with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Jtodg
;ers, (r. Mowrfas, Mrs. Rodr;rs ssd Miss
Mangaret wilt jVava for Astoria.
a a
tho Uim F.hel and Haul MrGJ
chriat have eotop hfime fcr the summer
v actios. They .re both fnpaiar I'ni
versity of tlrrgns .rsden's and mem
ber. o the Isrlta LVlta irlta sorority,
a a a
Mr. ad Mm V. U. Walker leave
ta the near fut.r. t. make their home
ia Xewftort.
, .iena mo summer is
their cottage and Mr. and Mrs, Biches
returning Monday.
a a a
M'ujg'Lueile Knimons. ilu.mi,,.. -
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Emmon.
turned from Chicago recently. Miss Km-
mon. has graduated from the Universi
ty of Chicago rhool of music.
"'', y
Two popular young men who havo re
turned from the University of Oregon
are Kenneth Moores and Wyndham Bu
ren. Mr. M:oores was graduated with
tho Ju enclass. ,
a a a
Miss Gertrude -East, daughter of Mr.
and Mr.. 8. K. East, will opend the sum
mer month, with her narents. .Sh. i. .
student of tho Oregon Agricultural col-
Mrs. George Brown entertain. 1 ii,.
members of the Pat Matron, club in-
formiillyjast fvenina. The businejs
meeting r,as followed by a social hour
and the serving of dninty refreshments
fifteen ladies attended.
a a
. Mi. Mary Jane Albert, a student of
Mis. Caflin'a school in Portland, arriv
ed in Salem last Sunday :to spend the
summer holidays.
' a
Mir TXiris Churchill who has been
attending the University of Oregon, is
home for the summer.
a a a
Mr. and Mr Charles thirbin of Van
couver, Washington, aro in Salem as
the guests of their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mis. Pred Hurain.
Btop at - .,,
"A Home Away from Home,"
Strictly Modern $1 Per Day
100 Rooms of Solid Comfort
Only Hotol ia Business District
Is The Keynote Of
Head Typical
Vitagraph Serial Cast
Of Thrill Technicians
Mr. a.d hfra. U W. Vt ha v. re
ectved word frta their bob, (V,lel O
1 X rt, who as. arrived at West Point
Grand Opera House
PRICESSOc to $1.00; War Tax Added
R H. Harvey Presents
i ifljL4saj!t3 i -l i J t..rJLj
i H i I v p j h y L s3
-r. -J-. , J..'ayAJ. ,,f ,,,, 1
And Creole Beauty Chorus
Including Famous Ballad Singers, Entrancing Dancers
Novelty Entertainers, Expert Comedians, Instrument
al and Vocal Soloists. A 20-Piece Band, Every Man
. i A Soloist.
Watch fcr the Parade!!