THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 21. 1919. PAGE FIFTEEN Methodist Great " i tiie uiissiun field. The China building Columbus Ohio., Jua SI. Tester -': em-Ws b walled Cliinrsr city complete day was the opening day of' the Melh-'"1 " details, ith temples, pagodas, ihILm tU-!ir- Ci-lUrati1i.'a;ta JulT,r,'!'tt'n"'ts mI IPtkfriiig place. The vi ,1. ,,, , t ,k ' , i Africa building coutain thatched junglc I.i lHt gates of the eipo.Jtiua grounds- t,. , . . s , , . , ' hul and the masonry struct lire of wU lomaiu pen t weleouie the hosts North Africa, renins! of Roiuan fiv er Methodism aud thoir friends. Jt is iliiation. regarded s the most ambitious Uunoa-' t i r 1 1 - . .. , atratioi, of missionary effort in iomo' " Tte J"-11'" b"llJ'U 'T'" l" and ioreignlds eve? attempted. R. "" 1 " iiertincut features or I he nivst!M em- pageantry with musie, with -life plays'.,, The" Koi ropr, muting the daily existence 'Jo. t strange peoplea in far iwji Uum. wilt replicas of far off fommuuitic and with clZZ.Z . f- , """ " Centenary Celebration,, eninkaujies the On hundredth anniversary of the Mela- th(1 chateau Thierry battle ground. odist Church s entry tut the isissieu , , . . , field. . ! r.veiytlung iu the home mission field It is an all Amerieaa expositiou. Tlie is n'''ri's,'",''1 '" th American Methodist rhiirtj, ' and Ue MetLodist '""''''"S"- 1,1 iusulnr American Chunh South have joiued iu a doinon- building r fund replicea of the dwell Oration of the strength of their denom- nf t,"'s,, American living in na iwtion. Eiirht exhibit building house, waii' Vmtn R'"0 d the Philippine the exhibit and life play. Ia the Coi-' The ,-K',f "eeu in the world, a i.-eiim. sentinsr 7,500 persous. the ja- "P""08'1 of wl"it, 110x110 feet has Veu ei.nt, "The Wavfarer," is to le present-'e,'0,'t,'d fwr t,ie ethiliitiot of a great ed i.i(rhtlv. exeeptiiift Rimdar. wiiile a of P''M ''' H "ver the ehiidreii's pneeant, "The 'Children's worlJ ,u,,,'' ora tlir eollectioiis of Crusado" is to be presented two afier-l1"'""'0""';'"'- noons eiti'h week. A special corps of youths, the Crnten- Feventeen thoiistind participants ''-v r"1',- thousand stron;', was have been enlisted to make this gaiher-, lwr"'t,'l to iruard the grounds and act i2 a ucss. A choir of 1.000 voices-" K11"1' niesseacers. As ncarlv as liaa been drilled for the na?ennt "The l(,flsi,1. 1 ' drawn from "Wayfarer," which has also an orcltes- l'",'u "1",'n district in the Vnited tra. of seventy-five pieces and the aid Rtnt," fing unique church (udet of the r0,000 pipe organ, especiall bo(,v'" eondueted. The children's nacennt has ! T,1P Centenary rdcbrntion was oncn- duplicato choruses of .TOO voU-es each. 0,1 ,1,u"'r ',,p n"sl"(',, of the Joint om Ia addition there is the CentennTv C4e-1 mission of Methodist Church mi liration. Trombone Choir of nne hn-iilr. . the Methodist Church South, Of which trombones, the nnlv roniii!ili,.n ..t it.l"'. W. Pi-son is eliaiinian. S. Fori kind in existence, Xoted men of this and otW coun tries hsve lieen invited to parliciimtc. il neepptnneea have Wen received i from .Tosenhna Daniels, Rccretarv nf the N1tvy; William Howard Taft; William Tonntngs Bryan and ? Major (lenera T.ennaid Vond. l?iiiliient men of the Methodist Chureh have siithifird their intention of participating. The .various exhibition lmlldins ate1 assigned to nations having buildings in Foley's Honey ana Tar COUGHS -.COLDS CROUP F am Yaua tU StucUrd TmHj Couth Mutck T. No SmtHtwt far FmUy'm Hot-y A Tar jTcTT'erry's. ' ,. '. ' , " "s- - - - Officials of the government hand ting the bone-dry law are rapidly whipping into shape the machinery to enforce it. The faint hope held cut by some that Undo Sam would overlook the rigid application of the law aecms more and more remote, judging from preparations being made to rtialce the country bone-dry in fart. Twined secret Fen-ice men, vrhd ' performed marvelous work in trail ing and jailing enemy aliens for Uncle Sam during the early stages of the war, will be utiliied in the work. I In addition to these sleuths, William H. Anderson, State Superin tendent of the Anti-Saloon League of New York, has already launched a new national patriotic organization known as the Allied Citizens of 'America. Incorporated. Although not a prohibition organization, its first objective will be to carry into !-fi'ect the Eighteenth Amendment of the Constitution. Members of this organization will co-operate with the , I'ederal Government in running jrlown violators of the new law. Uncle Sam's aecret service oper Intives, trained under Bruce Bielapki, romier chief of the Bureau of In j vetigation, Department of Justice, j will be under the immediate charge jof William E. Allen, recently ap ! pointed to fill Mr. Bielaski's place. I Mr. Allen is from Texas, a dry state. and is thoroughly familiar with pro hibition. It is expected his knowl edge in prohibition matters will be ufeful to his m?n In running down those who may attempt to evade the Unv. It would seem from thi that an evasion of th law would be an im rosihility with the Anti-Saloon or ganization and th Federal oper atives working hand in hand. Aside from the preparations being made by Uncle Sam to carry out the i rovisions of prohibition, it is I learned thit the government has Jjfound that income tax delinquents I'tire nearly always reported to them tiy somebody who has a grievance (jirainst the delinquent. Those in- trusted with enforcing the law hope that jealous neighbors, discharged cervants and people with grievances will furnish information where near ly every bottle of hidden liquor can ,U found. With the law punishing "the possession of liquor," it will not take long to search out all the liquor that has been atored for private use : rn-.l punish the people who possessed i it Undoubtedly, every eye ia being fecused on the National Capital for ome specific interpretation of the law. Those having the matter in charge here Intimate that riot only will whiskey and beer come tinder the Government's ban but the old family home-made wines like grard- mnik., heij 4a m.k. mm ami) cAmr J produced in the hand-driven mill un der the old apple tree. The alcoholic content of elder is often as high as I'i per cent jrhile jCTanajrijafJa Open Exposition rwi-Japa Maiaysit building houses, temples, island huts and industries. Thp Kimpe-I.atiii Ameri ca building presanta bits of war-wrrek- ed France aod Belgium, shell Mattered ..i....i..i i .... i: Taylor is direetor-r;eiieral of the Ccls brntion; with T)r. .Tames E. Cro-.vt!ier as his assistant. W. B. Beaueliamp is nsf-o- (lirectoT-ceneral. while the orann ixin? wnilc was done bv IT. H. TlMiSfin. ffi relieve consotion on the railroads and nrovid" a delightful summer nut V'tr. thn fclebratinn niaiiademetit arm Hir ed for automobile caravans 1- which thousniids nf attendants eould nudnr to the exposition. One caravan formed in iT'Hnols announced it had 1,000 automo- . biles. I flrent rlonila ef grasshoppers are de stroying the orchards and irraiii fields of joulhem and central laliforni. In lier trial, trip at San Francisco Monday tljo destroyer (,'hauncey main tained a speed of more than S3 knots an hour for more than four hours. about 2.3 per cent narily 2.75 per cent Within the past few days, bills have been introduced in Congress to prohibit the making, possession or using of any beverage containing over one-half of one per cent of alcohol and also making provision for an appropriation of three and one-half million .dollars for a Com missioner of Intoxicating Liquors and his assistants. This firt provision will prohibit .all home-made beverages such as cider and native wines, as well as many of the soft drinks. The Com missioner of Intoxicating Liquors will have an army of agents to en force the proyisions of the dry laws. Exactly how this situation is going to work out is not yet known. If the family cupboard is to be robbed of home-made wines and the cellar of its cider, undoubtedly a nation-wide protest will result Officials of the Government are gathering together all these phase of the new law and it is hoped here that the Internal .Jtexenae Bareau wU) 'wn announce I A.r , , of Anti-ialoor. League, AuUior of Prohibition Q I me ss bWLr i aMaaMaHiiaBaaaMBaBMawtsstv VW T - t - tTF' . . il X ' i TTTrlJ faV.l j ' 34 1 PROPAGANDA STILL-" HiPM IN BERLIN -AGAINSTAIinUCAHS Most Yankees h Germany Treated Coartecnsly By Populace But United States Yet Defamed. By Carl IX Groat (I'nited Press Staff Correspondent) Berlin, (By Mail "How are Ameri cans treated ia Berlin?" This question has been frequentlv ask ed and the answer, at present, U that they are unmolested, and for th- west part rourteously received. For a time, it is true, American offi cers traveling were counselled to J;t into mufti, rather than take ehaures of inciting some hothead to trouble. In the ease of couriers, mufti is worn n some trips, but those coming and go ing between Paris and Berlin appear in uniform and are rarely annoyed, though occasionally someone trios to crowd o ft sidewalk or give the officer an ugly look. As for civilians, there are only a few here mai dy newspapcr:v.en-l and they are treated respectfully. This represents the individu.".! situa tion regarding Americans. As for the United States as a wlio'ie and American citizens as a whole, thee ia stiil prevalent 'some propaganda ot ua unpleasant sort. President Wilson has lieen condemm-d because the peace treaty did not de velop according to the way in which the Gorman eople felt his ffliirtcet: , points should have been interpreted. But there was little of personal attack against the president rtnd only here and there articles with un uuti-AmHcnn tinge. However, in the lust few days, a propaganda movement, lim ited, but nevertheless more or less per sistent has sprung up. One hears of late that J,really no American food is coming in'' though it Is, of course, well known to the government that iuOncy wus put up by Germany even befoie presentation of the treaty, intended to pay for certain American government supplies. Not in all enses, however, is there complaint that America has fui'ed to send what it agreed. On the contrary one hears now and then tilut the government is passing off its oid army bacon, and saving the newer, bet tor American, bacon for the guaids or for other purposes. In any rase, the average" Berliner doesn't overlook the fact that America's food supply has helped to keep tho wolf from the door specifically what the American peo ple may expect in the matter of home-made drinks, despite their alcoholic content. But to the local State officials will probably be left the searching out of liquor kept secretly for personal use ty indiviuaals. During the last few months mil lions of gallons of hard liquors, wines and beer have been bought by indi viduals and laid aside in their home so that in the dry years to come they will have drop of brandy for (he Id people or a glass of whisky for a cold, wet day, or a bottle of beer an a hot August evening. While the national prohibition law was being passed, and before it actu ally went into effect, there waa ne way of preventing private parties from buyirg liquor to take home and keep for the future. Thus the liquor eealfrs have been able to dispoae of their enororrous stocks with great speed at high prices to individual kouseholder. Hut the prohibitionists have not lost sieht ofjhis liquor, ajd it is i Allen, V WVM'W k We a? k p-M mg wewr to -bi'.raj off the docrktiub. Kwently oae or two rather vaioua ar ticles have appeared iu the. preys, seek ing to detract from the Amcricu ol dters in the Rhine country. One in " ilor Tag", for instance, averred that the Americana had introduced, "wild Wcat manners' in -the jaccupied territory; that they drank to cs.coss; that they ousted people from their homes and of ten went in, demanding "wine and blonde women." The writer referred to them as "Ariaona kirkem." The above extracts, ho never, weie overshadowed by the printed claims that women had been criminally attack ed, and that one, at least had bees choked to death. The American mission had un.ler con sideration protesting against such arti cles, but it was uaderstood th it noth ing resulted, in view of the fact tat the article above mentioned, though though grossly exaggerated aud Sis pleasing, was aeverthelcsn an isolated case. Howevenrat about the same time, one of the German papers raised the com plaint that American soldiers in the oc cupied area wasted meats and fa's rath er than allow them to fall iuto German hands. While the Germans made no claim that food were theirs by right, they argued that such waste waa Ita- . i . J .1. . i , . r i proper wnen pari oi iue wouu was sui- icring lor lata. . . GEBVAI3 KEWS Boru, to Mr. aud Mrs, Peter Jensen June Sth 13 pound girl. At the annual -hool meeting Mon day night, I. 8. Harper was elected di rector for three years and F. A. Man gold clerk for one year, There a as uo opposition. 1 .aw re nee Weiss, Mr. Woiisoa and son of Portland, Frauk Weiss and fam ily and John Becker' of Woodburn, were visitors at the odhu Weiss home Sun day. t Carl 'yn is' receiving a hearty wel come by his many "friends. He was among those on the ill fated Tuscania is a member of the iOth cngiiieers, when if was torpedoed and sank off the const of Scotland. He had many ex perience tut is sound and well. Miss Katherine Msislmll entertained itnrdny night June 14 In honor of her Irtth birthday, t the.r home just west of town. Gamee were played snd a gen eral g nil! time w is hud, b e cream, cake and punch were si wed, ami the yeung people depa'ted u; early hour iu the nor-iing, wi-ihiM-Jliss ' Marshall '"iny happy i'turn i,f the day Siar. HARD SUBFACINO'ON HIGHWAY PROGEE8SES Th e most interesting' part of high building, al h ast tu lhe uiiiuitint wav Horhck the Original Malted Milk Avoid Imitations &Sub(titutes hoped that these hidden bottles can be hunted out and seized after the new law goes into effect The strong hand of the law was recently felt in Virginia. Virginia is bone dry and it is a criminal of fense to bring even so much as teaspoonful of beer into the State. Officers am posted all along the bor der of Virginia watching the high ways and railroads. Trunks have . been broken open and searched in 'baggage cars, and passengers and their bundles and hand satchels have been searched in the coaches. ay-? nim SORENESS In Joint w tun ta, givst a brisk mmW csut widr YOUR 600rSUASO30.6C(..l20 -d, patting a "the hot -Muff," began on the Pacific highway at Hubbard oa Wtdnesday. It was aUo at this time thkt the most trouble began f-r the au to tourists. A number of California tourist came throtigh and thev will ingly ehttgsed along the ditck line or made detour around the town, for as tine of them expressed it they kaew the good da s of travel There wre lahead ot everybody." Though BOt of ficially giveu out, it is uniterstood that hard surfacing will go forward north from fe county re-ad at Hubbard to the mixing plant wad then join forces with tho plant below Gorvais aad work this way. It is estimated 500 feet per day will lie laid when working without delay. Hubonrd Enterprise. DONALD KEWS NOTES. (Capital Journal Special Service) Donald, Ore, June 21. Doualdiles will have io need to fear dust on their streets this summer, from the amount of oil spread upon them. Mrs. E. Ober and Mrs. J. Drnni- moud of Cliannmog, were shopping in Donald oa Friday. Revival nioetinsrs are beintr conduct ed at the Fargo church this wet and next. Mrs. Chas. Hoskiim and ton,- Vera, of Portlnnd, were lonald vis-tors on Monday, the guests of the O. O. Free mans. Mr. and Mrs. John Bushman au children Georgia, Virginia and Haruld of St. Helens are visiting nt ti.c home of l.ois and Ben Kppera. Mi-ssrs. O. Ishuiii of Gervais and Mor gan of Kilvertoa were guct's at the Bert Landers home on Sunday. Mr. Isliam is a brother of Mrs. Landers. Mr. John Milan and son Wayne, ar rived from southern Oregon, on Tuesday evening ito visit Mrs. Milan and Mrs. Mercer, mother and sister of Mr. Milan. WnwrtV wilt remain in DonfilA' foe month's visit with his relative Miss JCstelle Mays came Out fiom Portland on Biinduy to spend the snm-iiict-with her father F.. C. Mays, lhcy are boarding nt the Rexsmlth't. , , Mssi.Currio ltasniussen and Auna In mrani of Furgo were Donald visitors on Fridanj. r Mr. Kibley was a business visitor to Portland on Monday. "Mrs. Chas. Geisv is visltinn her f!aiiij-h- terln- Hood River, while Mr. Gclsy Js serving on the lury in Balem. M'r. , 'Fred Tergnn entertainUd the wives of the Mnsons on Buturdny even ing :wlUe -the Masons were hcldine their regular session. Mr. A. K. Fider and Mrs. Frsnecs which cross th border of the State at night were not much disturbed. But why should tha law halt in the presence of a sleeping woman or childthe officers reasoner. Nestled in ths warm silken folds of her night gown or wrapped in the embrace of tier corset might possibly be hidden a flask of contraband brandy the Pullman berths must ba searched! And as the searchers in the Pull man sleepers were at their work with new teal, invading the berths and women's dresing rooms and toilets, so also the searchers in the baggage cars redoubled their efforts. At m is . 1 Germany Dreams ofConaue By Cart S. Oroat (Cnited Press Staff Correspondent j Berlin, (By Mail). Germany hasn't altogether lost her dram of autitaij coaquest. Or, perhaps, it is more accu rate to say that some persoas within I Germany still cherish hopes for the re- Igeaeratiou of militarism. I A few ambitious men are anions to have Germany build up her youth Mercer motored to Portland on Tu-.sday. Mr. and Mrs. Taymr .and Mist Mild (red Eppers motored ent from 1-orttund and spent Monday evening at the. aont of Mr. and Mrs. Kppera. Mr. and Mrs. Wool were Friday vis itors to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Cone, Mr. Harold Lamb, Misses Leatha Cone ani Idell Lamb spout the week end in Portland. Mr. L. P, Swan of Champocg spent Thursday iu Donald. Mm. Kite of Huttevillr was a Don ald visitor on Wednesday. Mrs. A. E. Feller aud Mrs. Frances Mercer attended the big meeting at Woodburn Monday evening. Mrs. lhiyton Walker was unfortunate enough to leave her hand bag with her purse and wrist watch on the car as she came out from Portlnnd on tho 10:30 car Friday night. ITp to the present time she hns been unable to get any trace of them, although the loss was report ed to tho Donald agent as soon aa the depot was opened Haturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lockley of Bro.UHt-res and family were in Donald Buuday af ternoon. Mr. Carver of Montana Is visiting his son, Earl Cn.-vor for a short time. Messrs. Bushman of Ft. Helens, L, Eppers, Ben Eppers and Donald Ep pers spent Thursday at Wheatland looking over Ben aud Donald Eppeis' big wlieat crop. From there thty mo tored to visit Willis Eppers. Miss Edith Evans is spending the week iu Portland with her aunt, Mrs. J. E. Hatton. Mr. aud Mrs. Kaiph l.ounett ware called to Portland on Thuisduy because of a serious accident befalling her brother, Mr., Freebottom. Both legs wero broken and iuternal injuries' fear ed. Mr. Freebottom but lately returned from service in the navy. Miss Hognn of Brondacres came In on Thursday to attend Maccabce lodge. Try Salem First In Buyi" Salem's a Good Place to Trade open a coflin on a through passenger train. In the coflin was the body of Robert K. Chapman, who had died in New Haven, Connesticut, and his corpse was being sent to his home at Norton, Virginia, for burial. Former Judge John Barton Payne, now general counsel for tho fUilrwtd Administration, declared in a letter te Governor Davis: "Nothing has done so much to injure the good name of Virginia as the conduct of the Prohibition officers." The activities of the liquor depu ties on the railroad trains have brought vigorous complaints to the director general of railroads, par ticularly from Parker Quincy Moore, Mayor of Wilmington, North Caro lina. Mayor Moore's protest was writ ten to the director general of rail loads, but it is not the business ef the railroad management to bother with liquor laws. When a train of cars comes into tha b'tate the local town, county or Stat authorities have the right to enforce the local laws on thnt train. The energetic prohibition agents in Virginia in the discharge of their duties need pay no attention to the protest of the mayor of a North Carolina city or any comments the United States railroad officials mij'ht make. The legislature of Virginia has the right to enact any anti-liquor law the peo ple of the SUte want and to set that its officers rigidly enforce it Virginia lias nival. Virginia is not the only Stat with a bone-dry liquor law, and, of course, Virginia U not the only place where search and seizure activities are go. ing on. In Nebraska tli watchful uruiukto n e&uu turn. Tver au. . Still Ha r through physical training in the chooTa, that aoiae day when the present war is well in the back ground and peee it) yeara old, Germany eau bmid new military machine. To say this ia a general hope waw.l be fur from the truth. The toctnoa people don't want any more war. two of them frankly aay they had eion;.: of it the first day they wen in it. Ani there are plenty who now say Unl xkm kaiser misled them, a'nd that the mili tary crowd betrayed them. Certain it is that the liberals feel that there waa much blindness about tte causes of the war, and the reasons lo continuing it. Germany was fed oa pat riotic propaganda for long time ant, with successes came a lust for mora vie ;tories and mare territory. Bat, revcrvw land the final glimmerings of the truth as to the kaiser and militarism to avert ed many Germans from the polities ef iron and blood. True, there was from the time of the armistice to the time of presenta tion of the peace terms many of tlx "old guard" in power. And tome of these felt that there wus ehanee for Germany "to come back." To them, the allied peace terms proved the great est shock, though everywhere there wad surprise that the vietora terms pred ua strong as they did. The liberals complained thai Germany clung too much to the things of the pust that too muuy men, with kaiser aJFrd iations stayed on after the republic w formed. And, strange to say the Tag of the empire up to this writing hns been more in evidence than the flaof the republic. In fuct, in the demonstrations of May 18, an American here for several months declured that ho had seen the repub lican colors for the first time. An example of how Germany has per sisted iu the things of the past is illus trated in Its publicity. Here, there ia still " prooagn ula " and eongidcrabln figuring as to whether this or that pier jof news wil be favorable to ermiy ; when it goes abroad. The first day that this writer talked with a German oficinl he was asked nt to whether certain bits of inforaiatioa would be kindly received In America. And So it goea. Many bulicve, however, thnt, after all, a lnew deul is about to come ia Ger many which shall make her more truly libera! than she has been in recent years. As for militarism, nobody ser iously believes that It can rear lit heal for vears to come If ever, . alive to make sure that no drop of liquor escapes them. Mr. and Mrs. Kidney Drew, the dramatic tais, were entertaining friends in their rooms at the Foun tcnelle HoUl, in Omaha, recently. .Suddenly the door burst open and policemen rushed in. A search nf the rooms revealed a suit case with some liquor m it. The police march ed Mr. Drew to the police station and carried the seized bag and contra band contents along with him. Michigan also has a bone-dry law. This law has been in operation for more than a year, but penalties wer not fluite stiff enough. So the other day the Michigan legislature put some more teeth in the law, and now you pay 11.000 and go to jail for two years if you are caught with liquor in your possession. The officers can search around trains, automobiles,' and baggage. In Maine prohibition has been is operation for many years, but never was so stringently enforced as now. Trains coming into the State from Massachusetts are met by four sepa rate sets of liquor hunters United States lepartment of Ju.-rtice detesr tivei, Maine Slate liquor special agents, county sheriffs and the local town police. Thus the Federal gov ernment and three different seta of Slate authorities are all charged with the duty of stopping liquor from coming into the State. So it is now one of the various) duties of the Department of Justice to se that this law is enforced. To be perfectly safe, if you have a little home-made wine, or soma cider, er a precious bottle of th "goods," you fcad bet tosswt yva