PAGE FOURTEEN. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919. World's Stability Fast Being Reclaimed From Chaos Which Accompanied War,Says Clews em Cfawtchss. &nd I oh ActivJt le H It rirst Methodist Episcopal Chufch. Coiner State (Bit Church Uriels. 9.15 class meeting; 9:4-1 . m. Sunday stLooi I'n.f. John vV. Todd, superintendent; 11 a. m. In the absence of tht, uustui Kv. Walton Sjkipworth. our pastor it Hillsboro, Oregon, will tiicsch. 3 p. w. Jame Lisle leader. T p. m. Kp worth erviee at Old People' home. He lea j u-s: devotional meetings; Senior leaUr. Faye Bolin; Junior leader, Louise Fimlley; 8 p. ni. aermoa by Rev. Skipworth. Next Suiulay, Pastor Aviso will be with ui again. Janon Le Msaorial K. E. Church. Comer Winter and Jefferson, buuiiay school nt 9:43. C. P. Hageman, superin tendent. Classes and a welcome fur lik Morning worship, 11 a. m. hpworth League. Young People 'a devotional meeting 7 p. ra. All age welcome ta participate. Evening worship 6 p. n. Tint K.V. Rubert Moultou Uatke wiil pre rich. LeJie Methodist Corner South Commercial a ..a Mey ers street. Horace N. Aldrieh, pastor. 0: 4.1 a. in. Sunday school. K. A. Rno ten. siijH-rintendeot. 11 a. ni. public worship, with sermon by the pastor. Thome "A Study in Couttnsta. " 7:00 1. in. Devotional meeting of the F.p- worth l.cnuuo. Leader,- Mia Jos 1 Grounds. 8 p. m. Hong service, and aer- ntnn by the pastor. Subject, "A Wor shiper Questioned." Stat Institution. Services nt the Stat Institutloaa Sunday will be held as follows: a. ui. State Hospital, by L. W. Porter. 2:13 p: in. Mute School, bv I. O. Lee; 3 p. m. Girl's Traiuing school, by Ciiai. II. Powell, a. 15 p. ni. Tuberculosis Hospital by (i. V. Leining. First Baptist Church. Tlie regular morning and eveniug aer vines of the First Baptist ehureli will b held at 1 1 a.m. and 8 p. m. Her. (V. F. Holt, D. 1). preacher. Horning lopie "Christian Stewnrdsblp." Evening top le, "The Matchless Work of a Match lens Mua." Sunday aehool 9.43 a. m. Young People's meeting 7. p. m, Tues day, June 24, ths annual church and Sunday school picuic will be held at the fairgrounds from 2 to 9 p. m. Onmei eontests and sports of variou kinds will be provided to interest person of all age. Well filled lunch baskets will be tuken and under the direction of a committee o't "eats", the picnic sup tier will be served from 3:30 to 7. p. m. Thursday evening nt s o cioea tne Teg iilhr praver and conference meeting will be held.' ' " '" . " " Court Btrset Christian Church. . Corner of North Seventeenth and Court streets. Only two mora Lord! TIhvs before the contest close! and it ir a pretty close contest. Tho men are, still ahead by a Very small margin. Everybody" that Is a member of the Bible school will have to hustlo and bting someone, with you. Remembrr we am uoinir to liavo a grand timo at Tur ner Convention July 6th. Como and b one of lis. Neit simuiiy tne e.iassea or Mrs. Kd Young and Vivinn Young are gi'iiig to "ii i 1 nt t ho church building at X a. ni.Hnil journey to Stnyton nnd visit the Bible school there. Then af ter the morning service tlte pastor and others who wunt to go, and hv ft iniii-liiiie, ire going to Stayton for an aflerniMMi basket dinner to be follow ed bv a Gospel servtce. The, missionary story "Slieltun of Balling" wiil con tinue to be read until roniiiMcd. M.irn jug sermon! '.'Interpretntlon of f?crlp-ture-Things Which Hinder." Chilslinn F.mlriivor 7 p m Son? service and ser mon 8 p. ra. "The Blood ef Christ." Pmver meeting Thursday 8 p. m. Every, body welcome to worship with ns. It. L. Putnam, pastor. Central Congregational Church. Corner south Nineteenth and Ferry sheets. H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school at 10 ft. tn. Mrs. Burton E. Ed wards. siieriiitendent. Subject of morn !n addresa "The Boy Without ft Chnnee." Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p, in. Evening service at "p . nt. iftiee cwuni.oi wcs. or ieea. inn aoiuers iniihlM-rs by the Girls' chorus. Evening ' Ihiue are all stock fnrmere. Mra. Law theme "The Soul's Moods." 1"n re-laHve of uMr. The , Willamette valley looks very beautiful Tlrst Presbyterian Church. "NJ"; Carlson la visiting at Mrs. Thomas S. Anderson, minister. Help- f,g11S0n for pw rtayl fnl nnd Inspiring service! throughout , (n, Minnie JSaalfield from Seattle, the day. Sabbath school at 9:45 and i, viitiug her relative here. puuiie worship at 11 o'clock, hermon tr tie pastor, T. T. S. C. E. at 7. And BAD V. A T STt-'fT' H DO YOU WAIfT your friends to avoid you? They will certainly do so when your breath is bad. There h no excuse for anyone having a bad breath. It is caused by disorders of the stomach which can be corrected by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured of stomach troubles by the use of these tablets after years of suffering, price 25 cents per bottle. Ever First Congregational Church. Liberty a ad Center street. W. C. (Centner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday school withe lasses for aJL W. I. KtaJey, superintendent. 11 a. at. "The Eternal" 7 p. m. Christina Endeavar. 8 P. m "Living According to the Golden llule" Meeting for Bibl etnuy and prayer Thursday at 8 p. as. 8t. Paul's Church. Services for ths first Sunday after Tiinlty: 7:30 a. m., holy communion; II a m. moraing prayer and sermon. ''Lrfercneee from Eden's Story". 8 p. m. evening prayar and address, "Hid- lug from oid. ' Kveryoouy welcome. Charles H. Powell, rector. United EraogaUcal Chnrth. Cottage and Center streets. 6 tin flay school at 10 a. m. At 11 a. m. the ehlld ren'a Day Service will be held. The program Is as follows: Kong by the School "Still Sweeter Every Day" I-wocation and Scripture "He I.eadeth Ma" Kulh Balr Recitation VInrgaret Evana Primary Song "I Belong ta him Recitation Esther Lamkin Selection bv choir "Tha Path of His Choosing" Recitation James Lovell Song Margaret and John Evani Eiercise "Ian Barhyte, Fraderle Bern ington, Clinton Lovell. fv-leetiou by Choir "Father Take Uy Hand and Lead Me" Recital ion ..Joh Kvana Reeilntion Garth fiehmaUe s..lection b Choir "Tliero'a Work that Waits a Willing Hand" Recitation Maud Engslrom Tnlk bv the pastor. Hon bv the school. Benediction. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. tn. Grace enwnse-d, leador. Evening seivlis at 8 o'clock. EraugallcaJ Church., Seventeenth and Chemeketa lireeta. K. W. Iiauner, pastor. Trenching ser vices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The T. P. A., meeting at 7:13. Ernst Zinn, lead er. All are welcoma. Bwsadish -TabsriDacla Corner Mill and Bouth Fifteenth streets. Sunday aehool at 2 p. m. Theta will be no services. Rev. Lind having gone to attend the Centenary at Colum bus, Ohio. ' 1 - South 8lam rriaoda. Corner of Sonth Commeroinl and Washington streets, H. 8. PeM)cii.4ar DHstor. Bible aehool at 10 a. m. Classea for all. Bring your Bibles. Dr. Carl Mil ler, superintendent. Meeting for worship nt 11 a. in. Good ainging and preach ing on the topifl "Opeuing the Seventh Heal." Christian Endeavor at 7 p. ni. Gospel meeting at 8 p. m. Prayer miet ing at 8 p. m. Thursday. All are wel- eoma Christian Mlislarwry Alllaacft Services conducted by Rv. J. E. Fee, of Portland, on next Thuisday af ternoon, June 2B, at S8 South Com mercial street, at 2:1.1 o'cliwk, eitudv, a cimtrmmtion of the book of Revelation. All cordially welcome to these services. EOLA NEWS NOTES. , (Capital Journal Special Service) Kola, June 21. Mrs. Hayden and Byrda Reeee, her granddaughter, via iled the Jae(b)ns Sunday. Mrs. Acuff went to Ihillus Weiluea day. Kd Mittv is working on the Oak firova road. Miller iHayden visited his relatives bere Sunday. Mrs. Tjiwson and daughter are visit ing It the Hiilmsn borne. They are from Montana, on tho north lide of the Rocky mountains. It Is very dry there, this year, and people there will be forc ed to sell the most of their cattle, on .Peai hei arc doing fine th'ia year. Mr. Tattersiin hns had several hands thin- n . ( evening worship at 8 'clock, body cordially wekame. J O RAKXS OF PiOMRS Cessns Shows 25 Settlers Of Eirly Days Died Dutej Yesr. ' ! Geerge H. Himea, state historiaa and also secretary of the Oregon Pioneers' Association, has rompiled ft list of lev eral hundred pioneers who oavo passed away during the pest year. In the Let are the following membeia, who died in the ha 1cm district: Mrs. Martha Jane Alford, died Uar- risbuig, June 20, 1918. Daniel Giles, died Salem, July . 1918. Mra. Mary Kodgen Mclntire, died Sa lem, July 25, 1918. Wm. McKinney, died Amity, May 29, 1!)18. Mrs. Abbie Woodward Sanders, died Salem, July 22, 1918. Mra. Iiewis Stout, died Mihama, Juae 18, 1918. Mrs. Catherine Tripp, died Lebanon, August 4, 19IS. Rev. Josiah H. Harding, died Dallas, Nov. 9, 118. Thes. J, llavter, died Dallas, October 30, 1918. , Geo. tandess, died Carltea, October 3, 1918. Mra. Harriet Miller, died Beto, Nev. 1918. George Whitney, died Woedbura, Dee 28, 118. Lorenzo 8. Thomas, died nubbard, February 27, 1919. Fred O. Lewis, died A'ulic, Fc'oiuary 19, 1919. Geo. C. Robinson, died MeMioavilie, January 31, 1919. Caleb H. Tustin, died MiM:nnville, February 11, 1919. ' Mrs. Serena Umphlette, died Amity, March 21, 1919. ' Mra. Melissa Compton, died fbanoo January 11, 1919. P. P. Goujy, died Halem, 19, 191. James Lindley, died Lelanoa. Feb ruary 19, 1919. ; Mrs. Maria Mc.Guire, died .al(ni, April 21, 1919. J. N. MnKinney, died Hillsboro, May 8, 1919. t Murlon J. White, died WooSburn, January 20, 1919. Mrs. Christina Wolfer, died flubbaid April 29, 1919. Lode Marie Becker To Assist In Recital Bj Pupils Of Miss Magers At the presentation of her advanced pupils In the concert to be given next Friday erening at the opera house by Miss Minuetta Wajfers, there will ap pear Miss 1ucie Marie Becker, ft vio linist of France, who was in Alanee during the time it was occupied by the Germans and who played at the recep tions given after tho French, occupied the town. Al her (brother, Bone Beck er, t rising young composer and pian ist who will also appear aeveral timee on the program. The two sre visiting1 their brother Lueian Becker, a pipe, orgnnuit of Portlnnd. There will also apear a former ravorite in Snlem, Marguerite Flower Olinger, the blind singer who appeared frequently in con ceit in KaK'iu alxiut four years ago. Miss Mageil Will present five of her advanced pupils iu cialem at the con cert ning them. Wild blackberries are a plentiful crop this year. Mrs. Ethel De Helm and little son are visitiug her parents. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice la hereby given that the county superintendent of Muiiou coun ty, uiegon, will hold the regular ei animation of applicants for state cer ' tificatee at the, Salem high achool as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 25, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. ni., and con tinuing until Saturday, June 23, 1919, at 4 o'clock p. m. Weduesdas' Forenoon IT. 8. history, writing (penmanship), mimic, drawing. Wednesday Afternoon I'hvsiJnijy, reading, manual trail ing, coiiioosltioH, domestic i-'lcsce, methods in reading, course of study for diawmg, methods in arithmetic. Tharsday Forenoon Arillimetic, history of education, psychology, methods in geogtsp'ay, me rhaniinl drawing, domestic art, rourse of study for domestic art. Thursday Afternoon Grammar, geography, stenography, American literature, physics, typewrit ing, methods t v langiiace, thesis for pri mary certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and practice, orthojiaphy (spelling, physical geography, Eng liah literature, chemistry. Friday Afternoon School law, geology, slgebra, eitl government. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, hectsny. Saturday Afternoon General history, hcwkkeenlnf. W. M. RM1T1T, Conntv School Superintendent, Jnne 18 21 ? Try Shm First In Ruvin? Try Salem First Ia Buyin? ROIL CF CDR Kilted ia ae-Hoa 1 Died from weuada S Died of aeeident aad at aer eftiisea ....19 Died of disease , 20 Wouaded oeverelT . 34 Wounded, degree nadeterxeiaest lol wounded slightly .4. Missing ia action 10 Total , .... til Total number ef essoahlee te date, ia cludirvg those reported Killed ia actioa (iaeludiar Ml at oea) 3S9 Died of wouada 1310 Died of disease SS.159 uted rroai aeodeat a ad ether causes 4,655 wounded tn aetioa (evre per cent returned) 204,W2 Missing in setioa (aet iaclai Ing prisoner released mt re turned) , . S33 Total to date 28247 XUatfBe Aa jt Arthur V Tracy, Peahedy Um uua W WMiU IMvatea Frank Z Freite, Fairkavsa Com George W Oilload, Mlimeets Mioa Cook Luigi Pacini, St Leitle Plea ef ZHsmm Private Albert O Burtoa, Bichwesd Teas Edward H CraadeU, N Kiaaeapolis Leonard M Kubousek. Tea D Died from Accident and Other Cave Corp Jame O Burkett, Crenecloee Va FrtvfttM Delbert U HKkstaa. Pafkenburg W Vft Jame L lillea, CrezerHU Pa Claude U Gray, Hillsbeee Ore John P Boger, Pag K Henry J Saaders, Fkata Okla HAxam coirs Killed ia actio Died of wound ... Died of disease . Death by accideat Missing in action Total - m -KUlia la AcMen 8ft Douglas O Buskisf, Heicew Ida PtfTfttaft Albert B Caretedt, Ckerryvala Aaaa Clarence L Clark, Aubura H T Abraham Deppler, Colassbua Grove O OecU J Jones, Moaro Wl - -Jamei McCarthy, W Jfew Brighton NT , Luther A Perkins, Bui aside Ky Herman Rusiaow, Newark X J Died ef Wotmtts Prtvat Clarence K Fredeaburg, Grovelanu Station N Y Joseph F Quics, Philadelphia XMed ef Disease Trumpeter Benjamin J I.inthitum, Church Crock Md Clarence F Hosaek, Cleveland O Orra U RobisOn, Detroit Mirh Death by Accident Harry W Williams, Portlond Or Died of accident and other causes. .. 2 .. 7 31 100 .7 Died of disease Wounded severely .: Wounded, degree undetermined Wounded slightly Total 3A7 Died of Accident ad Other Causes Pvt Joe Asplnwall, Bnmhill O - ' Died of Dtsase Privates Andrew Bevirs, Cherokee AU Rudolph O Leopke, New T01W CURRENT CASTJALTIfcS Died from Accident and Other Causci Pvi John Seller, Brooklyn Died of Disease Stewaid I'edro Miracle, Spain Private Robert Mafeminn, Bonduol Wis Charley Mcntlow, Gallatin Tcnn Joseph Windy, Crown Point La Js'cugcnt Young, Weimar .Tci The following cabled corrections are iasned a an appendix to the regular casualty lists at the request of the sev eral press association; Died, prvicoiy rrported did of wound Pvt Levi P Jones, Owensboro Ky Killed in action, previously reported died Private George Anderson, Flatlii-k Ky John Anderson, Escanaba Mich Olvie Orr, Campbell Mo Oliver F Aukerinan, Johnstown P John C BrouMard, Edgerly La Lawrence J Casey, 8 Kaukauna Wi Edward P Claik, Paulding O Carl Crowfoot, Rising Sua O Christopher L Douuherty, N Y Ruddick Trowbridge, M6nticello X T Jessie J Wilson, Stepstone Ky ; Died of wounds, previously reported I u . i 1. i.. c 1 , ., - Tr , . ':"Turr' r".""B "J" licstion in the Dailv Capital Journal. !permanet ruin of Germany would not PvV A ter.i.a'.Tpv "" f ceneral circulat- j be of the least benefit Jthc Cniteu niili iJ TIL Z< Pri',,"1 " pnWiAH t ftilem. States; in fact a proroiu Germany woidd VWnT P'tt(Oregon. The date of the first ruM.c-is more in accordance with our desirei t . 1 1 1 Lr, n . 1,. . ;'" of 'bis summon is June 14tli.ilf Germany will renounce militarism, wiiili "L ' - , JlU, and the date of the last pubii- acknowledge her error, and show some J . ptT,0tlSlr rcFrtd; cation is July Mth. 1919. repentance for the terrific crime, ,he tuiarrg in action Y . v. ,;,;...i (..c .vi.'has nernetrated she will flnt I.e. . Corporals George R Ambrose, Wilke. Barre to'v Jack Murphy, Van Bnren Ark Jasper E Newton Denison Tex Clifford M Sanderson, Noble LI Private Oscar O. Alexander, Moatsvi'Io W Ho W Allen, Macomb 111 Oust W Anderson, Dunnell Minn Jesse Barnes, raichance Ta Soy M Clement-ton, Powers Lake M ' Jeha H Heitker, Cincinnati Bverett Henry, Paoli I'a William 8 Law son, I'pton Ky Latrelle McBride, Columbia aftss ' Mark McCuuney, Doylrstown Pa Staoel A Mandelstein, South Fork Pa William Mstsoo, Ontonagon Mich , Charles A Matnsch, Edgewood la Jeeef Mazureak, Detroit Mich William E Stout. Bellecenter O Less D Thrall, Battle Creek Mich Ueot M Tompkins, Taylor Ark Jam C Wade, Athena III Died, frevtouHy reporfd nusoicg eUsi Bugler William Marks, Chiiego In Killed ia action Died ia airplane accident Died ef accident and other cause.. Died f disease Wouaded severely Wounded, degree undetermined Wouaded Slightly Missing ia action . Ttl Killed In Action Sgi Bereard W Baker, Cambria Hans PilvwlM Klcketa Bepepe, Greeee George H Cilborn, Mesa Cole Herbert W Larson, Menominee Mich Died fret Accident and Other Caiues Pvt Horace B Baker, I.irton Ind Died f Dianas Pvt Jek Hehburg, Pin Patk Ga (WtAENT CASUALTIES Di4 from Airplane Accident LI Came B Hickman. Urban Lt Died frssa Aeddent and Other Causes Bgt Iae Quinn, Fort Smith Atk Private Harold O Atkinson, Trniton N T Harry OiUeTie, ralmer W T Them Lawson, Whitefish Mont Carl 3 Saaitlie, Grand Bapids Mich Aedrew 3 Sullivan, Newark K J Henry Thomas, Louisville Ky Died of Diaeas Bugler Peter Glandalia, Atlnnla Oa Prtavtea K....rl H IWwards, Fra-eis Okla Thoma Hubert, Shiner Tex Jeha Jame, Covington Ii Jesse Jarmon, Fayetteville Te Oeerge A. Krumrak, Kansas City Mo Jeha A Steven, Omaha Tex Herman Warren, Memphis Ten Harold Willlama, Chicago Harry W Wise, Bridgewater Va Killed in action 4 TKed of dleesse H Wounded severely 80 Wouaded. degree undetermined.... loo Wouaded ritffhtly 17 Total 34 Kill In Action Sgt. Joseph t Lyons Philedelphi Corp William T Gunter, Anderson S 0 Private Walter Strieber, CleveUnd O Did of Disease Sgt James M Smith, Pittsburg Corp Leopold Nickel, Osceola Wis privates Thomas V Botts, Giddings Tel Albert C Christopherson, Thompson Ia Theodore GCorneUon, Ijicco N M Lawless P Fortune, Bowling Green Va Paul Griffin, Houma I41 Alfred Lewis, Shreveport La John Oreanik. Pittsburg Kan John Thoma, Taylor, Vewbern X C Leonard Vinnito, Brooklyn Beautiful Women of Society, duringthepast seventy year have relied upon it far their dlithv ulshcd appearance. The toft, refined, pearly .-L. L . 1.- i.. U M Willi IUUIWJIVII render Instantly, It always th sourc ol Oatterinsj comment. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of th Stat of Oregon fo; Mario County, Department Va. 1 fcdward D. Sweeney, p'eintiff, vs. Catherine H. Sweaney, fiidacl. 8ui,i mons. To, Catherine K. 0reawey, tiefeud aat: In the name e the state of Oregon: Tou are hereby required to appear and answer the cc ..plaint filed against you in the abov". entitled court on or be fore the 2ffh day of July, 1919, ard h you fail so to appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for' the who.? of the relief demanded in hi complaint, towit: That the marriage existing between vnu and the plaintiff be dissolved nr.d held for naught. You are hereby notified that this 'snmmons is served npon you by pub- Nnnireons is served upon yon by pub- nursuant ta an order of the HnnnraWe George G. Bingham, imle of the above entitled eenrt. made on the l"th dny of June. 1919 ren,mric tl-st thi snmmons he pnMished eeee a vk fer six conecntive wick in k.'u' Attorneys for p'aintlff. Q 11. 14, The Peace Treaty has been made pubke sad fur nished ko surprise. Delay ia signing i disappointing, but beyoad ouestio the Germans will aign; appeal from a nation that never practiced mercy having no effect upon thoaa who have suffered so cruelly. Progreea oa the I.ague of Nations is also slow, and eifort in the Senat to lnterfet with negotiations have met with acaot iym Pithy among thoughtful American. That some internal friction exists at Pari i quite evident, aad p pears to be largely due , to French fears yyf future German invasion, also Italia ambitions on the Adriatic. Both eoun trie arc indulging fears that have very remote fouu-oation. The German mpire has been literally mahed, and it power for harm destroyed for gen i-imtuus 10 cuihp . oy ue'tteary loss ot territory, population and resources': not to speak of the League of Nations whose power .Germany ia not likely to provoke. Italy also has no further reason to fear Austria, so that both France and Italy can afford to make Xew York. June 13 jv""tT"lw,la iu wQuia secure prompi lesraor.snment of the League. Mr; Wil- .. son' return to the United State would " n,i!.kl '1 ,.J " u ... The new Congress is hard at work, havinz already Dassed ffreatlv needed appropriation bills, made psu-tial pro vision for trie ranroaru-and economised considerably on army and navy ap propriations, all of which are steps ia tne rignt direction. America's put In tha War America has saved the world from the threat of famine, also the tnten sified horrors that would have trailed after such a calamity. The June re port of the Department of Agriculture indicated, a total wheat crop of 1,216, 000,000 bushels, which though some what below the expectation of month ago 1 more than 800,000,000 bushel greater than the previous record crop or iwio. The deebne for the month we attributed to rust and climatic conditions. It was not serious ind will probably leave a surplus for export of 900,000,000 -bushel to satisfy the hunger of Europe, whose 'productive abilities have been grievously impaired by sr,r and loss of man power. This great crop ia distinctly tho fruit of the government guarantee of 2.86 per bushel; the promise of favorable woft ther conditions and the fact of large increase in aeresge. The wheat belt will gam enormously by this govern mcnt bonus. . Prosperity will unques tionably be widely distributed in the agricultural district through the enor mous foreign .demand upon us for all food supplies. By our export of grain and meats we have effectually pre vented ft disastrous famine in Kurope; our armies hastened .the defeat, of Ger many; our ship convoy system, lessened submarine losses; our munition plant released millions of the Allien for fight ing purposes', our ships carried supplies safely across; our bank aided to fi nance the war; we furnished great quantities of oil, copper, cotton and other materials to the Allies, and our government plsced the entire forces of this, powerful nation , wholeheartedly upon their side. When the history of the- World War is fully written, it will be recognized without stint that without American help In men, money and materials the war would not have been won. Al sting Recovery Abroad An interesting development of the week was removal of the embargo upon gold shipments, an encouraging evi dence of the drift toward normal com ilit ions, Jn some quarter considerable shipments of gold are anticipated, and within reason such an outward move ment would be beneficial both to our selves and other countries alike. We hold much the largest gold resources in the world, and much more thar necessary for our own requirements or safety. If a portion of our supply was held by our Allies it would aid materially in their economic eM ora tion, through which we should imme diately and widely benefit. Of eourse, some efficient method of granting credit to Km rope will have to be de vised, and this problem is already re ceiving the careful attention of our experts, oweden has just secured 2.MM),n00 loan in this country, and iSwitzerlnnd is also seeking 2.),000,000. Transactions of this character are sure to multiply in the early future, be cause only through inch form of credit can Europe obtain the immense lup- plies of food and rnw material from the I'nited citate which are necessary to. her recuperation. There i no doubt linger that the war-torn countries are in a deplorable condition mentally and financially, and that their indus tries and commerce cannot be restored as they should be without generous help of the most practical character that we can possibly give. France and Jtelgium arc entitled to our first sym pathy. They have suffered beyond "lmsjfination, but will quickly recuper ate with adequate and intelligent aid. Italy comes next. Great Britain ap pears to be quite able to take rare of herself and ha already made a notable start on the road to recovery. Russia is in a bad way, but Bolshevism is clearly on the decline and ere long that disrupted empire will also begin its process of restoration. As for our enemies, we may even find it necessary to help them get on their feet com mercially; for aa impoverished Ger covcry easier and vastly quicker than if she blindly persists in the policy of worm natrea ana super selfishness. A for the neutral countries of Kurope, moM of them hiK increased their wealth immensely during the war, and are less in need of our asiustaaee thn the remainder. One good mn of world recuperation is furnished by the Brit ish trade returns for May: the total "P0 f the United Kingdom in May feeing M,H4,M( pounds, a iaereas of 3O,9O0,9w pounds, or early 60 per cent; while imports were 1.13,000,000 , pounds, an lacrosse of 10,000,(KH) pound or lea tha tt per cent A English foreign trade ts more widely distribu ted th' Hat ef any othrs ati, theso figure indicate a tendency to ward srarldwid recovry. PftysmB af Imu to On AlVa ' The jogpesttoa made that ess g ernment virtually make a pseaent la the Europe nations of ths 19 ,500,00, 000, whh-1 we hare loaned t them should Sot te seriously entesrsiaed. ' We can mak 1h terms ef pay-swat cony, bst final settlement should fcaV required. Tks nations on follow th lead af tha Sweduih governaseet . whs . are now afferiitg 93,000,00O tweaty year six pes rest gold bonds i this country. Th Allied eountrtv eool-'t set on the Sam terms, and float lure loans here, and have the bond fisted on the New York Stock Ksfhacgr. where they would no doinV. find a ready market a they would be looked upon ft a ajtrund investment. Thi would t ft more dignified and fittimr action and mora satisfactory t all parties eaneened. - Fromistaa; Xusicea ConrQttoca . Business at large continues promis ing, especially in th agricultural tnets, which are banking npon . the exceptional prosperity that the fainter will eafcy for at least another yes. Ia the industrial sections the nttoati--though faaerally very promising is spotty. Th jteel industry drags' ia what aad is ruaaiag only then 60 er A3 per rest af capacity; thosgh there is much eanfidene in early improve ment. Tha textile Industrie are. very active aad nrie are rising swing ra advance in wage aad raw auttnal - Cotton hid weolea maaufactuMtavarcm confident ef get ting their sftftta af the farmers' money. So are the sur veyors of tew priced luxuries, suck a jewelry, phaaogrepfcs, piano,' auto mobiles, etc. Machinery -boiloVrs, maker el traeters, harvest staehtacsy, -etu., era ftfsa- very optimistic. , Th ail industry needless ta ey i exeaadlng y prosperous, ssd va the copper ararart shea hadssisg tendency. Storeiga trade, tfcough much unbahuieeel, is more active, export of food and raw. materials being .very heavy, while im port are rising slightly. The shipping boom appears to b running full awing; tonnage fceis Inadequate and sate very high. Building reeovere stontfy in spite ei th urgent demand far rental atmce; the difficulties betar scarcity af awney and high jrioes ef . building materials. The labos situa-. tion Is Jcs threatening. Maay ad vance in wages hav bee .manV ta assist ia meeting high costs ef .living; end th cultivation of a bet tea undisr- standing oa both aide M proving I-' neuvi to ail. A Vara Sobex Stock Macn - A sharp reaction occurred an f I Stock QBxehant, precipitated largely. 'by warnisssi of. the Federal Reserve Board against the reeklea speculation wluca. has seen ueve-lopuia tat she' last two or three week. CvsidraV bquidation. followed, especially ia the. highly inflated issues, and the tee ha ten I situation ha been materially improved, thereby. . Conditions outside of the stock market are quite ss favrale a before the reaction, but whether tha -decline has run its course or not events only can determine. The money market a serious) obstacle to any prolonged rise, woe! had been heavily over bought, and it i doubtful if liquida tion is yet romplete. At any rate, there are now two aides to Jhe stock market. Not much stimulus can ha. erpeeted from the money market. Transactions running from l4 to S million shares per day rwiiiire very considerable sums at current prices ta finance them. Our covernnrent is still a huge borrower and will so contiaaa for months to come. Any oporatkins that come into conflict with national requirements sre likely to meet with scant consideration. Other nations ara nlsoscoming here for eredit; and their uriimiiuv wjii ufr iu rrrivr M'giUBiai attention. The demand for money far new enterprises will also increase; so that there is sure to be a strong de mand for fund at good rates for sma time to come. 'Needless to say -tha difficulties of conducting a bnll cam paign will grow unless accompanied ay frequent liquidation such ss experienee4 last week. The outlook therefor is for continued activity on the Stock Exchange; but more fr.ucnt up aad downs, ami perhaps sharper one than marked the first leg of the advance, HKTvRV (tLKWS. Baby Sleeps at Night when the stomsrh works nmiir hr snd bowels move freely, sirs. Winslow'sSr-. up is especiaity rerommendnl forcpikW ly wwcumaf wind cohc, disnhora. constipation, rlslulenry. and Mhrr v aedcra. Help baby s digestan by nivwf MRS. WINSLOWS SYRUP . TW Mm' mJ CtMaVna't RnC-t and note the rVith-bwientn hitrp t.t ttkirow. iNohinf bier" ior iffi i Iinw. This mwdy cgntjirts nn ru-. nifotica, tW-'shol or any harrrrui tt fT(1iorm. TTe form u La fs w7 Ux:c o this safe, Tsrtbrr rjalaitr. At JrmcrisiB J. C. Perry '1. Try Salea First Ia Bsycs r m a !i V i -7 v-v. "-- s 1' 11 V.