PACE TWELVE. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY. JUNE 21. 1919. mm mm RE CUT IM PRICE! r essjs I GOOB 1 thaf'SERYE Veil Whether it be fishing, golf, tennis or baseball; whether you want to go camping or take-a few weeks at the beach, we can furnish y-ou with the proper material to enjoy your trip. ANYTHING IN THE SPORTING GOODS LINE IS OUR SPECIALTY MAUSER. BROS. STATE STREET SALEM, OREGON v LVg es Track Makers' Co-Operaticn In Two Important Astatic "There- are two important, reforms necessary fur tln progress of tin' Bjiri t 'irtiuist," Miiil K. S. )nvey, general sulci, nitiii.njjer iif tlio llcthlchcin Motor corporation recently at n small gntli riii i of visitiuK iniiniifiictiircrs at Al Inntiin'ii, I'u. "One is through lcgisln lion. fyor etxension and improvement of road ronilitioiiii in farm districts, the oilier in for tlio alteration of terminal ! till ilitjes, Bi'i li as stock yards.'1 Then- is no intention, lie pointed out, t. nt'ltiuoiii.o ii 1 1 v iartieulur localities for this comlitiun of their roads, since roaiin are after all tor the most iart a local proposition within the state. " Hut," sniil Mr. Diivey, "our purpose -should be to encourage nihil building in a ceneiiil milliner throughout farm districts. Many local authorities in all purl of the states are antagonizing the motor tinek lis being destructive to 'road. It is that .spirit which wo must 1 iu over not stamp out. It is recognis ed now, by nil rouil authorities that , where road used by trucks do not l Long Experience and a well equipped plant fit us completely for any kind of bicycle repairing work. There's no smash too bad for remedy at our shop, and nothing is really done unless done right. We save money for every patron because any wheel left with us is put in proper trim at an in - side price. When in trouble, appeal to us. Day ten, Heavy Service, Columbia and Rambler BICYCLES Lloyd E. Ramsden 387 Court Street nrfii ftw land ii i, it is the fault of the road, not the truck. In California they have some cement roads that are used con stantly by hup and fruit growers run ning constant trains of trucks. These roads support nay wear. We must agi tate in a friendly way for such kind of roads. That will not only eliminate u gigantic xales olistncle for all truck manufacturers, but will also win for us the friendship of truck owners. Mr. Ihivey then spoke of stock yard, showing how improvements, can 'be made generally to help th efarmer in his use of the motor truck for transpor tation of live stock. The hauling of live stock is one of the most practical uses of the truck it was stated, because driving the live stock over the road either all or part of the way to mar ket means a loss of flesh and detriment lo physical condition of the stock. oFr economy and minimum wear on the rat tie, truck "transportation is better than any other. Loading pint tonus should be built along the roadways fur loading and unloading cattle on motor trucks. At stock yards in many places proper facilities for loading trucks are not installed, ond should be encouraged. Stock is frequently niadc to jump off the trucks because the present runways aro not accessible to motor truck. . -"These conditions will be remedied by the natural progress of the farmers themselves, in the course of time," de clared Mr. lnvey, "but with our as sistance they could be improved soon er, witli not only benefit to the farm ers, Ijut indirectly, to oumelves," CONDITION Of ROADS IN WESTERN OREGON McKenii Highway Opon between Eugene and a point a short distance above Lost Creek Hanger Sstotion. (ioiitl condition, Eugene to Hlue Kiver, Closed by snow between point mention ed ami McKenxie I'ass. af52555'1'11' IWMMJWMM I WIIIIIWIWIIIIIIHIWMLW UAVsif:. v u w Willamette Open and in fair enndi tion, Kugeun to I'ine Creek. Closed by snow, J'nie Creek to summit. Let Our Experts Repair Your Tires Don't neglect the tread cuts, the stone bruises and other tire troubles. A stitch in time saves nine. W e can make your tires go 20 per cent further if you use our Repair Service. No charge for a thorough inspection. We will tell you the exact cost of any needed repairs before we tackle the job. If your tires cannot be success fully repaired, we'll tell you. Our Tire Saving Department is saving a lot of money and mileage for car owners. Try our Tire Saving Service. Call us b.v phone we'll get your tires and de liver them again, in good order. Oswald & Savage "TIRE SPECIALISTS" 178 South Commercial Street rii0ro Salem, Oregon. Anna Creek Open from Klamath Kails to a point two miles inside Na tioaaltl'nrk bouudury, and iu fair eon-, dilioii. Closed by snow between this point ml Crater l-iikc. No detours possible. Should be open duly I. Medford fratar LakoOi.en and in' fair condition between Molfor.l n,l 1'ark boundary. Closed liv snow be- itwein this tinint nml t'mter 1 .!!; ' detours posible. Mioald be open about .lulv I. Redaction Of $135 Am ed As Besff Effectiye i Immediately. j Vick Bios, annonnre a reductiou in jthe price of Fordson tractors, effective' at once. Instead of the former rrie ' iof SSiOO at the factorr in Detroit, Ihe ! j new price is 1730 in Detroit. ' - ! Tni rather anusiial announcement rfi la reductioa in priee of the tractor just J I "m il .imiunais are advancing and inbor cosn are going higher is due. Mr. Vick says, to the fact that the Fordson trac tor is now being manufactured in quan tities. One year ego, whe the Fordson was first introduced in thin country, the fac tory had an output of G3 a day. Now the output has increased to 1500 a day and it is by this immense quantity pro duction, that Henry Ford has been able to reduce the price. Cutil this week the priee of the Ford son tractor delivered in Salem was $H73. Now the price established for the com ing year is $835, a saving to the farmer I or fruit ranr of $140. There has been no reduction in the price of the Ciier plow and this will hold at $160. I his reduction in price against a stiff steel market shows what Henry Ford can do with his quantity produc tion," sniil Mr. ii k. "Wo have a pro mise of 1500 tractors for the fiscal rear beginning July 1. There has been no eihnnres in tho tractor as it lias been found to be almost mechanically per fect, and the reduction In price is due entirely to the increased production." Mr. Vick is of the opinion that with in another year the Fordson factory will have nn output of 1,000 ttaclors a day. And he also believes that it will require an outmtt of one thousand a day to supply the demand next yenr, as it lias been demonstrated the Ford son will do the work and save money for the man who cultivates 20 acres or more. What a Fordson will do has been dem onstrated here in the valley, Mr. Vick said, as it was noticeable last year at tho Salem Fruit T'nion that the finest prunes and In fact the best of all fruits that were delivered to the Union were bv men who had cultivated carefully with a Fordson, Vick Bros, are now looking np suit aldo ouiiiters in Portland for the free. tion of a larce wlioloaalo building for the handling of the trnctors in Oregon and part of Idaho. Thev have not as vet been successful in locating n building to rent, with trie proper track facilities and for this rea son it is more than probable Oirv will build. If tho firm find it necessary to build in Portland, this will mean that the headquarter Of the Fordson tractor, wholesale, will remain 1n Salem for sev eral months. "fc " " "I cxnoct fo r. the tim when every owner of 20 acres, whether farming. fruit raising or In other business will own a Fordson trnctor," said Mr. Vick. It is just a matter of economy and it is also good business." 0 rants Pass nn Rogue river, and a de tour over a rough rond on the north side of the river is necessary, Eoaeburg Peel Open condition. and good Three Rivers Open between Willn miua and Tillamook. Six miles through tiramlu Hondo Indian reservation is very rough, and practically impassable for several days after heavy rains. Con st ruction work is in progress 'between Aisea Elver Open, Ihdph and llebo. Corvallis to Btookliigs-Qold . Beach O.on be tween Hiookiims and Oold lieneh, and in good condition except about two miles on Pistol llil which is rough. Grants Pass Crescent CityOpen en tire length and in good condition. Crescent City Gold Beach Open be tween Crescent City and fluid Bench. In good condition between descent and Itniokings; ruuyh north of Brook ings, and very rough and luuddv nt the ii'ever Creek hill. Waldport. In fair condition us far us Missouri bend. I'nssuhle but very rough Missouri bend to Waldport. uar.nou uoia Beam Mu n nml in pa-saMe condition for light cars, entire Icngi h. BASEBALL AT SILVERT0N No Matt. usmess Is Here is the Oldsmobile Economy T.uck ready with power to deliver, strength to withstand, speed and real raving in operation and upkeep. Call or phone 210 for a demonsti tiom Do not forget to do your full share in the Elks Salvation Army drive. They helped the boys over there and we should not forget them over here. Oldsmobile Company of Oregon G. E. Halvcrsen ... Mgr Salem, Ore. UA. r l ira AS BERLIN IRON MAN Probable Successor To Head Of Cabinet Committed To ."War For Revenge.' SHVEBTON AVIATOR Eugene riorence Open between Ku gene and Florence, but In poor condi tion in many places. Koad will remain open all summer, except inimediately .'itter heavy rnins, Hnuuli and narrow in plioci, null iimiiv sharp turns: should lie undertaken only by eV ei ienced drivers. ' Kiddle TUler Open between Rl.l.lte an l Tiller and in Kood condition. Doug Inc county has a crew cuttinu down some of the worst jrsiles between Can- yoiivilte ami Tiller. This work w:ll ik. about three months. Cottage Orov-Diston--Oicn ,.,! t good condition Kjelween Cottaire (irnvr. and the Busston ranch. Clowd for auto hetween this Koint and lUinii,;o v letours posiible. Wneio,. rn bm n,'. this road, but it will not be open for antes this venr. The iriilvcrtoii Fouj 1, baseball team met one of the strongest in the state Sunday at'tcriiotm, in a game played here when they defeated the Four L team of Portland, The score was four to five in favor of Silverton and it was excitement from beginning to end. The local boys, not haviiur the prnctice the Portland teiiiu has hud this season, lit;. tie expected to win the itnine, out thev lost none of their determination with ihe anticipation of possible defeat. The home boys went ut it to beat, right from the beginning, and they maintain ed the best of the game to the ninth. -Tribune. TO GIVE 11500 TOR "T" At a meeting lie! I in Mnsonic hall Tuesday evening Silverton pledged l, ""HI and snliseribed n portion of the Barlow Oak Grove Open and i ;, condition, Por!lsn,t t T inbridgcs; passable, T inbrulijes to iiovernineni amp; closed by snow between (Jovern ueut caiup and Clear creek; open Clear reek to Wapiiiitiaj open and in f;. condition, Waiiiiiit-a to Cedsrhum Pacific HiijhwayOpcn bh1 in lent condition except wlrra rna.l - is in progiess between Sled ford and K:,l,le. Road is oea in traf fie at interval during the dsv and closed at intervals uring blasting oper ations Paving is in progress between By Frank J. Taylor (United Press staff correspondent.) New York, June 21. Oustav Nosko, reported to bo a likely selection as Ger many' next chancellor, regards a "war for revenge" as inevitable. He made this declaration in a confidential speech to Oerman newspapermen at Weimar lust February, in outlining his policy for tlermany, solely for the guid nnce ot nulitarv critics. "The war is hud and the French have taken Alsace -Lorraine," Nosltc snid on that occasion. "Tho lie is cn"t. We must bend nil effort to be xeadv for 'lie next war of revenge. It is incut ible. "The next time we will not make the mistake of in viidiiiir .ftelgimn. It will be France alone with thirty five million people. With Austria we will have eightv millions. There will be nothing to it. We will be across France before the world realizes it, because we inust build, and we will build, a military machine that will put in the shade anything we have done so far," Nosko concluded his talk by advo cating sweeping reforms in the school ysten which would enable everybody to play half a day at least and glow strong, that he might make a good sol ilier. Ho asked the newspapermen not to publish hi remarks, but to use them for educational guidance. Xoskc evi dently did nut know that American were present. Noske is known a the "iron man of Berlin." He started his political ca reer on the first day of the revolution when he played an imimrtant role in the ui.risim: at Kiel. At that time he was considered an extreme radical. Lat er, when he was made inilitarv govern or of (ieriiiHiiy, he won the title of bloodhound ' among the radical Kroiips, who hate him bitterly. In Hcr tm h'S residence is snrr-iunded with arbed wire barricade ttn1 is leoie closely guarded than an v of the pub lic buildings. The orosocs.t ive chnnccMnr i. s mini of force, though not regarded us a bril ! limit leader. His divisions are made iiuieklv and he shows little mercv in dealing with his opponents. He is con sidered the greatest enemy of bolshrv ini in (Jermanv. lie is a member of Silverton will have an aeroplane flight each day at the celebration of their Fourth of July and homecoming gers for flights at so Biuch per trip. Appeal. t'rops in Lane county are i better condition and nrnminn ttlrrn,.. :ni. on July 4th and 5th. The flizht wild! this time than thev hav. i- ' ... be a thirty minute demonstration of! for many years. fancy etunts. Word was received yes- terda.v from Lieut. Floyd 1). Browne,1 Chehali and Centralia closed the bor of this city, that he expected to be inj,-out drive with an adiiitioi of 2jJ Silverton oa the celebration of our sol , new scouta and a total fund rained ia ui. -io, iHu.jtj una marines' nomeeominjf. arive of ?3Ul.aO. i-iovii ja nuw emninven hr unm Longley, who has three machine in the passenger' business. The pasBeneerl ' nar or tanillir nn nnsun- erTnr' Salem First In Baying a- Salem's a Good Place to Trade XO vQ Q rnnvllfcbl U.UiU. 1'JIS amount in the Interest of the V. M. . A. campaign, ymte a iniinUer. of the business men were in attendance, and all seemed enthusiastic lor Ihe success of the campaign. The shakers were J. H, Khuiie. sluts' the majoritv soeinhst ivsrtv secretary of the aswiatirm and Harold I ' Kakin of Halein. F. K. Ckl lister of this city presided. Comniittecs were ap pointril to canvasd in the city and they will b.((in work at once. Tribune. To crouse a slcggisli Ever, to relieve a distressed stomach, to fortify your self asjainst disease, tse i liLifss) CANNXET AT SILVESTON We test, repair and U of A, W -l j. rt MfmU. C. A. Hartley of Portland, a form er resident of rnlverton, is to put 8il vertoa on the map in the fruit can ning industry. The Loughmiller ware house has been secured as temporary quarters for this season. Machinery hss been ordered and is now on the way that will make it rwM.l,li, in lmn.lii, all the fruit grown trit.ut.iTv to this jrecharge Storage bat town. As Mr. llartlev stated to an .-v jh-i re,ru.r -the 7,un -5-.A oe I teries, and always to fast to auit him when he gets under j s"jro A convenient receiving stvion for!03" S fu51 SWpy of fruit hat been a S're need of this citr it.-ii. , for a number of rcirs and will be look", i OaiterV parts, neW ed upon by fruit growers as a Ion felt !. . . , neeil. .Mr. Jlartley will have somethiiiff UuieneS 5nd TPnta to snv to fruit erowers eTt ...k I ii';'u!- j batteries. t f One Tiling More Most car owners know that this is the place to have their batteries tested with a hydrometer. That it is the place to buy a Bone Dry Cattery with Willard Threaded Rubber In sulationwhich carries with the evidence of battery newness. . That it is the placeto come for battery charging, repair, and a rental battery. But, one thing more it is the place to come, just as soon as you buy your car t have your battery registered and get the benefit of Willard 90-day battery insurance. Drive in, whether you have bought a new car or not. Perhaps we can give you some battery information that will mean longer life to your battery and fuller ue of your car. Deggc & Burred Auto Electric Shop Phone 203 418 Court St. J BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS 1