Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 21, 1919, Image 1

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    : 5250"dRC0LAT10N 5
(23,000 BEADER3 DAILY) '
Only Circulation in SaU-m Guar-'
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
, ' 1 '
Weather Repsri J
Tonight 8'iti H i -Uy fair,
gent'c southwesterly wiciis.
il H i! n
s : i 1 ; i I ! ; i s ! I ' ;
i S , i i i i f I t i i J . i i 3
'. ,'fTM I 'in f
British Admiralty Announces
"Certain Of Interned Ger
man Ships In Scapa Flow"
Dispatch From Northern Scot
land Says Craft Co Down
With Imperial Emhlem Nail
ed To Masts.
Loudou, June 21. (United Pioss.)
"Certain of the Interned Gorman ships
in Scapa Flow have been sunk, and
abandoned bj their crews," the Brit
ish admiralty officially announced this
First intimntioa of the sinking of the
German ships was contained in an Ex
change Telegraph dispatch from it cor
respondent in northern Scotland, which
stnted they had been sunk by their
German crews and had gone with the
imperial ensign flying at their mast
lien, la. where the. crews had raised them.
Practically the entire German fleet
was taken to Scapa Flow for interment
ofter it surrender to the allies, follow
ing the aignltlg" of the armistice. A
small portion of the crew of each, ves
sel was understood to have been main
tained aboard to Jiep the craft in re
pair. The above dispatch did not state
how many of the ships were sunk, nor
the manner of their sinking.
Information Confused.
London, June 21. The Lxckantf
Telegraph company today sent out
dispatch stating German warships in
terned at Ecapa Flow, Orkney Island,
had been sunk by their erews. A sec
ond dispatch was scut, out almost im
mediately cancelling the first.
The original dispatch said:
"Practically the whole German fleet
lying in Scaa Flow has been sunk by
the German crews. Farmers living near
by stnte the German flag was hoisted
a the crews proceeded to sink their
vessels. The Kirkwall naval office said
thut no information was available to
the press."
The Exchange Telegraph dispatch
came from its own, correspondent In
northern Scotland.
The admiralty intelligence office
here said it had heard nothing of the
reported sinking.
Hundreds of I.ondoners were exeited
and mystified by the Exchange's story,
which "appeared on tickers in scores of
hotels and clubs, and was then can
celled. The cancellation, it is understood,
was made at the request of the nunv.rnl
ty, pending investigation.
An svernge of .".1).0H) pounds of but
terfat each month of 1919 las been
handled by the Eugene Farmers ' Cream
erv association.
Link Gaife. fer naar reftts promi
.WU r.rr'.ft. died t flsf
i' a Ford :ed fsniilv. As idle
tongoe gits in its wrk.
jGorerEor Urges Support
: Or Salaytcn Amy Drire
Becagnizbg the debt of gratitude the
atata f Oregon owes to the baivatloa
Army organization for the benefits it
conferred upon our own soldiers both in
eaiup and field, Governor Olcott has
waned an official proclamation calling
attention to the campaign week of
June 22-30. and urging that the peoji
the commonwealth assist in every
manner possible the drive for funds let
ome service work. He expresses tht,
that Oregon will be in the fou-
in tois wora as it fins ocen in
-ofrU, and goes on to say:
V i soldier returning from over
eat 4 back some new word of waat
the . fixation Army has meant to our
ir.en in the camps and on the battle
fields. Its noble labors of self sacrifice
!ave been widely heralded and loully
praised. The people of "Oregon will
show during the' coming week that this
praise is more than empty sound."
Complications Arise Between
Metal Workers And
Winnipeg, Man., Juno 21. Mayor
Gray rend the riot act in froi.t of the
city hall ten minutes after a di moi.&tra
. tiou by returned soldiers and strikers
was scheduled to gtart this afternoon.
Royal Northwest mounted poheu and
regular soldiers fired into the air to
scare awav the crowd that had gath
ered. '
Promptly at 2:30 p. m., tho time
scheduled for the demonstration, and
.while the streets in front of the city
ball were packed by a crowd estimated
at 2.1,000 people, a company cf (loyal
'Northwest mounted police, fo'lowud a
I troop of regular Canadian soldiers,
down Main street into the crowd. They
were greeted with club, atoues and mis
' lib of ail description and bedlam bloke
loose. .''
Whea Gray mounted a box and read
the riot act, most of the crowd scat
tered in all directions. At this time
the soldiers were firing revolvers into
the air.
Winnipeg, Man., June 21. (United
Press.) Wiuipeg's strike situntiou be
came more serious todny due to newly
arisen complications between metal
trades industry officials and employes,
preventing further peace, negotiations,
Mayor Gray announced.
Strikers, however, expect a settle
ment within 48 hours.
Mayor fy-ay and fcdornl officials
were prepared to disperse the proposed
parade of returned soldiers to be held
todny. If necessary the fire depart
ment will be called out to throw water
on the demonstrators officials inti
mated. Arrest of demonstrators continue.
James Winning, president of the ex
ecutive committee of the general strike,
today said the metal trades workers
will aprnach the iron masteis shortly
with a view to opening nogoiiations for
a settlement on the basis of recognition
of the trades anions through elected
representatives, recognition of the met
al trades council and reinstatement of
The collective fcargaining principle
will also be discsused, Winning said.
Winning said the prospect of a set
tlement wa good. m
Former Treasury Minister
Named By King To Select
By Cftmillo CUnfarra
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Rome, June 20 King Victor Emman
uel today gave Francisco Nitti, former
minister of the treanry, unofficial man
date to form a new cabinet.
Nitti immediately interviewed Bgnors
Luzzatt and Tittoni, who prenrtjed to
aeeept respectively, the portfolio of fi-
Mince and foreign affairs. Tie king s
selection of Nitti followed confidences
with several political leaders, including
President Bona.i of the senate, resi
dent Marcora of the chamber of depu
ties and former Premiers Boelli and
The belief was expressed in political
circles today that, despite formation of
a new cabinet, the appointu-ent of
pesee delegates to replace Premier Or
lando aod Foreign MinUter Htanine
wa iaprai-ticable.
IWirviwa tflltlAn MonlT are oki
- .' - - ---- r -
nloi to siart a cheese factory for IM
of the surplua milk which ia pro-
duccd tierc.
Seattle Labor Delegate Is Only
One To Cast Vote Against
Atlantic City, K J., Jane 21. Sam
uel Gompera was today re elected presi
dent of the American Federatioa of La
bor. James Duncan was elected first vice-
Joseph Valentine was elected second
vice-president and Frank Duffy third
Gompera was re-elected br almost an
unanimous vote. The voice of James
Duncan, president of the Seattle
ot me o.auie
tne oniy ene aeara
Tiades Union, was
in dissent when the viva voce rote was
cnuru ii".
Gouipers, in accepting, declared the) ,
reelection was the answer of American
ui .u ...i;.i e,.M. -i.w.1,
trying to direct the destinies of the
American Federation. ' n
i f. A. "l'n ,CM J'arsnal On niunenourg
'oaCramCntO lPeratOrS Ulllt had advised the Gorman government to
i rv , ru r.. i 'sign the treatv.
rosis; r none users ask
' Settlement.
San Francisco, June
21. iltnited
Press.) The fifth day of the elrike of
telephone operators Sere louna tnc cuy
more at the mercy of the girls than at
any previous time
through three calls between 7 a. m. and
9:30 o'clock. The News. had leccivcd
three calls but bad been unable to get
central. 1
Facing the threat that the stiike will
spread to Oregon, Washington and Ne-
vada unless the operators are speedily
grunted their demands, the "company,
it was believed, would speedily present
a compromise.
The prediction was made that the
company's suggested compromise would
nulr it, ..;,-!. ,a Mtitra in m-nrlr nrndinar
a rebutment of the wage m' by
Such a compromise, it was believed,
would b- acceptable to the operators,
since ;ner nave acmoasiraicu iui-u
ability to stop telephonic communica
Complaints of serious business losses
arc pouring in from commercial houses.
Sacramento, Cal., June 21.-
The state
wide telephone strike was practically
complete today when Sacramento
... .,:, th,r nmi. Onlv 41 o.it of
Even newsoanera which had prior to "As sisnina of tlie Meaty is now aoso.,cinnn ue ninuo.
todav been eiven limited service, wore lutelr certain," the Berlin Gazette said 18 and the p
unable to iret central. today, "the entente 'nnot refuse to -.3", making a
. The Hulletin had been ablc'to nut take irrto account the iu.iiiaterii crisis Doduetliig
i nearly 2'.0 girls have failed to join the The list of signers is headed by Geo.
strikers. The walkout came at 7 o'clock jW. Wiekersham, who served in frp.it-!.!.;.-,.-:-
dent Taft's cabinet; Henry W. Taft,
I Ail .-.ri..-, C.lifornia ia exoected to
L, ,. tndv. as the irirls in Maiysville.
-.:,... ...I nihnr tirwl.tj, towns were in
',, f.nr the lo.H of tha
Hacrameo orators.
About 150 girU are gathered ouUide
th. m.l. te enhone office here,
cheering new arrivals
to join their
Dallas Completes Plans
For Celebration Of 4th
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas. Or., June 21. Plans are prae-
ieolly completed for the big louith of
July celebration t be held in Pauni.j (ho project adopted by the eonfereuce
nest month. The various committees t Paris for the extension of that f ria
have been busy for the past two weeks cipl to all the associated nation for
and have the
eo-operatioi of every.
tr to make the affair a
L . - : tU. A mak Ik. ,V . 1 .
howling success. One of the big fca-j "The undersigned urge that the tret
lures of the day will be the automobile y containing the peace cevenant be
parade in the morning. A handsome promptly ratified by tho senate without
priw will be offered for the best dec- mt tempi ing to embarrass it by amend
orated float and a number of business meit, thus delaying the eoadiuMa of
houses and fraterrjj order have prom- j rwac and the establishment of a great
;d to have gaily deeorated machines ageary for its future preeervstws.'
for the occsaioa. , m .
Two bands will discourse Biuaic dur- . ...
tU!r 111 nr ' J " ' " 1 .
tng the day M evenin,, ana . n.g,
oaaee win oe acta ai ui. n
game on the college campus will be held
in the afternoon aad the balance of the
sport contests will take place on the
court house lawn. As Ualias is tnc eniy
town In the county te
yai it is expected that a large crowd
w.ll be in attendance.
New York, June 21. LfWty imndj
tUotation: 34 'a, M.30; secoad 4's,' xhe stockmen of Muho, incjnaing
9.04: first 4' 's, 9" 46; second 4" 's, ' woo! growers and cattle men, wsnt gov
94.20; third 4Vi'. 91.24; fjinth 4k 's, emment control of all the rcsiaiog
94.26; vieto y 4i's, 99.98. public domain.
Peace Situation
Sidelights .
London, June 21. The Paris corre
spondent of the Telegraph aborted to
day a report that the Germau govern
ment had decided to sign the treaty
was officially telegraphed from Berlin
to Paris yesterday noon.
London, June 21. The Coblenx cor
respondent of the Time today reported
an unconfirmed dispatch hid been re
ceived from Weimar, stating that Gui-
tav Xoske had been appointed German j Will Dreher, of Hubbard, with all legal
chancellor aud Mathias Lrzberger, documents showing that he had torn
chief of the German peace delegation. 'P1' n lw, after taking np live
stray hogs.
Versailles. June 21. (United Tress.)
That the Germans have given up hope
of inducing the allies to resume nego1
tiations was indicated br the fact that !
the PJ0 enemv representatives remaiw-l'"
wgn MgagC(j to(j8V ia wnl.
. 0erm.n- nidlr as nossible
all books and papers, as well- as tele-
j i.i.ll. l..t.ll..l.
r " r
. w',. t, ,
Bo"". Jun 21- Mathias E.sherger,
chairman of the German armistice com-
mission, declared 1 an Interview that P"t ht nuleiCeaat of bilver
"Germany's only refuge now U the " J thence to Butte creek and
league of nations," a Weimar dispatch loII' he o tho southeastern part
declared today. I t the eountr , i '.
The German press, according to the T "w became effective May 29.
latest advices, is now unanimously in On June 1 Mr. Dreher found five shoats
favor of signing tho treity,
Paris, June 21. (lited Preas.)
Travelers arriving hcrei from Germany
today reported that the former kaiser
Paris, June 21. (United Press.)
An Agenze Radio dispatch from Basle;
this afternoon reported that President
Ebert had charged Hermann Mueller,
one of the majority socialist lenders,
with formation of a new cabinet.
Basle, June
21, (United Press.)
and grant a delay, as it is Impossible to
sign before the time limit expires Mon
day." '
pffwjiest Ztj ItllZTi Of
New York Adyise Senate
To Ratify Pact
New York, June 21. A petition urj;
ing the United Btates senate to rutny
,hc pme treaty speedily and without
amendment nus wen wguea ny iwemy
oper-ic'Rht republicans of this city, it
learned today.
the former president's brother; Oscsr
,r"i. '"rm ambasaador to Turkey
Hid former Governor Whitman
! The petition reads as followsi
I "To the Hon. James W. Wadsworth,
J-. d the Hon. WiUiam M. Calder,
vuuea dibu-s icimiui.
"Gentlemen: The undersigned, reg
ularly enrolled republicans of the stats
of New York, respectfully urge thnt po
litical partisanship should have no
pla'e in the consideration on its merits
of the constitution of the proposed
league of nations. The republican par
ty, which has done o much to promote
the principle of the peaceful settlement
of intern tional disputes, cannot justly
placed in an atttiude of hoslUar te
the purpose of sverting all prerentable
001110221 MlCS ASaE3
By Oregon Dectric And Si.
Application has been made to the
, . .1. Portland district freight traffic com
leorate this ... . ... n....
lines and the Oregon Electric railway
requesting that the present proportion
al rate on sugar shipment from Port
land to Salem, Albany, Corvallis and
Eugene be canceled and that clas rates
be substtiuted. Th bearing w.n be
held at 10:.10 a. m., July 2, at the com
mittec rooms in the Ycon building.
U. G. Boyer Remits $28.15 To
Centy As Balance On
Sals Of Strays.
The first actual test of the law patt
ed by the late legislature la reference
to cattle running at large ia eeitain
parts of Marion county was brought to
th attention of V. G. Boyer, county
clerk, when he received iL'S.la from
Boyer the test came In rofer
to what to do with the money,
which was paid to him according to the
"cent law. Upon looking over the
P""! ln 1913 he found that any
m0ney so paid to him must be at once
tunwd over to the county treaturer.
"' horses, mules, sheep, goats
or nogs are auowea to run at large in
Marion county excepting in ce-taln jn
tions ia the eoutheastern part, in taat
section running north from Mchamn to
of about 7.1 pounds each running at
large over his place. He posted three
estrnv notices on that day and five
days later, complying with the law, he
gave notice by legal posters m three
ncra mr ms inrm iu uu ui.o 11
he would sell at the Carl Huttor farm,
one-half mile north of Hubbard, tho
five shnnts taken up as strays, comply
iiyf in every way with the law.
Tho sale was held according to law
and the five shouts were bought by J.
Marx for 46.S0. Thon Mr. Dreher
made out his bill as provided in the
same law, wherein he was allowed 23
ceuts a duv for each shoat for tho 12
.days he had them before the legal alo
litis bill amounted to
ublishing of notices cost
total of 1S.H3 Incurred.
this expense from the
4U.30 received fofc the ihoats, Mr. lre
her brought to the comity clerk the, bsl
anee, S2H.I3, and this amount, is now
deposited with the county tr en Miter.
Should the owner of the situate hap
pen to want possession of his properly,
he mav legally tender Mr. Marx the
amount he paid nt the sale, plus a rea
son able amount, for the keping of same
and also ten per cent on the $l.3b paid
out- by Mr. Marx. Ho would al.-io be
entitled, on 'making proof to the county
court that the shoals were his pro-ny
to the t-K.H now in the hands of the
county treasurer.
In case the owner locates hit slrny
cattle before the snle is made, he may
legally take possession of his property
on tendering 50 cents a day for the
keping of each hend of cattle, huines or
mules and 25 cents a day for each
sheep, hog or gout, together with the
cost of the publication of the uoti.es.
The party taking up the tra ani
mals may hid at the nle. The owner
may take possession of his property on
complying with tho law any tune be
fore the sale. When stray animals are
taken up, notices must be postid or
published in not less than five days
and then within ten days but not less
than five the sale ran be made, la Mr
Dreher 's esse, the five shoots wcro t-
en up June 1 and the snle was made
June 11.
The law does not state exneily how
long the owner may have to redeem
after an actual sale is made. II simply
states that the purchaser must be psid
the amount he bid for the property
(Continued en page six)
iiirnini ia nrnnnT
taiiifo nLpuiil
Edward DcValera, So-Called
President Of Ireland, Near
New York.
Sew York, June 21. (United Press.)
Harry J. Boland, Sins Fein member
of parliament declared here today that
rMward DcValera, hesd of the Sinn
Pein and so-called "president of Ire
Isnd," Is in the United States.
Boland asserted that DcVaUva would
'make his appearance in New York oa
Boland refuses to disclose DeVal. ra's
exact whereabouts, or tell how he en
tered the United States.
He said that DcValera was here to
interest Americans in Irish affairs, and
to stir sp sympathy lor Irish Inne-
He said, however, that I'e-
Valera would not try to mix in Amer
iean politics.
Boland reserved rooms at the Waldorf
aad said they would be occupid b Dc
Valera. IL.land intimated DcVabjia Swould
shortlr par a visit to Rochester, N. Y.,'
here he said he has relative.
Dallas Arranging For New
Aatoscbik Camping Ground
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Ore., June 21. Working in
conjunction with the Dallas city council
aud the Dallas Woman's club the Com
mercial club at its meeting Wednesday
night decided to have the city park put
in shape for a camping ground for auto
mobile tourists. The park has been in
a neglected eonditioa for some years
out wita it now in the hands of the
above organizations it is destined to
become one of the beauty spots U"ths
Wlilamette valley. It is the plan of
the organizations to erect small build
ing on the premises aud hire a care
taker to look after the park during the
summer months. Free water aud fuel
will be furnished campers and a con
crete stove will be erected for thcit use.
I'nder the direction of the Woman's
club it is also planned to construct a
place on the banks of the LeCrcole
river which flows on two sides of the
park where children accompanied by
their parents can enjoy the pleasures of
bathing with perfect safety.
Tho Commercial club has ordered
signboards telling the public of the ad
vantages of the camping grounds which
will be placed on the highwuvs near
this city.
nmiirrDO nmurn
riUiiLLiiu uMlliLn li
hn p . ,
Among 1500 People In
Fifteen hundred peoiilo representing
four geneiations of Marion county set
tlers, -including a few of the real pio
neers of this district, are attending the: By Carl D. Great
annual pioneers plcinlc at tho Hunt I (United Press Staff Correspondent.)
farm in th0 Waldo Hills district thisi Weimar, Juno 20. (Night)-l'resl-aftcrnoon.
I dent Ebert failed in his efforts to fm
Long before noon the trowd began t ,,w rabinet todtiv owing to his inabil
gathering from all parts of the county,' ',tv tn obtaia support of a majority of
HMiiing by every mesns of can veronee, ! ,h nolltleml lenders here.
and it is estimated that full 1000 people
participated in the big pieuie .uncheou whieh the attempt to organize a w
served at noon. ; ministry was made, adjourned after
A band con-cert, speeeehes nnd other onff B0SSiOn. Adjournment was forced
events of this nnturn are on Ihr. pro- hv tftam 0f the democrats to join in
ram- for the afternoon. Judge A, F.;tnp new government unless certain fur
Hennett, of the supreme court, opened ; t)u,r conr(,TOi0ns were mudo by tho !
the program with a strong talk along yieB
nntriotic lines and was followed by Ma-j A', .reu of this deadlock, Ebert
jor Cnrlton Smith, who sH)ke oil his , Immediately dispatched S not to the
periences in Franco. ! allies, notifying them he was unable to)
Reports from the picnic grounds late tarm , government and making follow
this afternoon Indicate that this yesr's ng jmj,;
event is one of the most successful ever i ,. , . ,
staged by the pioneer, and that all in j , r. ConcWous Domamlrd.
atendanee, ranging in age from I to 91 l-FnUo of flat .urn ef M.OOV
ycar. are thoroughly ejoying tho affair. I (Ce(,)inpfl nn
Chemawa Indian School Is
Second Largest and One of
Most Efficient in Country
The average citizen of Salem and of
Marion county is little aware of the
fact that next to Carlisle, Pa., the Ba
lem Indian school Is the largest and
most progressive school for the educa
tion of Indians In the United States.
Nor do they realize there was time
when Hnlem stood but little chance of
securing the school, and that It was
only through the efforts of the. Hon.
C. B. Moores of Portland and three
others, that the school was finslly and
permmicntly located within a rcw . tictilnrlr inviting spot. That was .n
miles of Salem. 1884. The owner, the late Col L 8.
The following story, written by Mr. Moores, offered to dispos ef it at a
Moores, gives for the first time, the 'low figure if the citizens of &k2in
real inside history of how four piomi- j W0UJ buy it and present it to the gem
nent citizens of the city managed to Cral government for the Indian school.
locate the school here when Forest
Grove was practically assured t'-iat the
school would be re built at thnt place.
The article written by Mr. Moores Is
as follows and is resl, authentic his
tory: "The recent commencement enerclses
of the Chemawa Indian school rccalis to
uiind some interesting inciden's in the
fight made over 30 years ao for the
h-Cft'ori of the school on its preteut
Next to Carlisle, Ps., It Is believed" to
be the leading Indian school oi the
euunlry, having at times as utauy i
600 to 800 students. It is an institution
that has brought to Salem and to Mar
,oa county patronage amounting to bun
dreds of thousands of dollars, but there
are only a few residents of Sulem who
know what a difficult and precarious
situation confronted those who weie
responsible for the transfer of the
school from its former home at Forest
Grove to its final and permanent home
in Marion county.
Had the people of Forest Giove lecs
even ordiaarilr alert, the tranrfrr
woiild not have been made. The location
at Forest Grove was on leased property'
tad the Indian department decided to
iske measures to secure me tine to s
permanent location
A few months bcfo.S Salem was
U i lJS
Idea Of Katilxrahca u
Terms; People To fcBj
Action Later.
Notifies Allies Of Ina!ty To
Reorganize GoYermcr.t
And Demands Ccr,cess;cr.s
Of Entente.
Weimar, June 20. (11 p. wj Ger
man political leaders suddenly Meeided
tonight to withdraw the note to the si-
uos in which further
eoncessioni were
No reason for this action was ad
vanced and the situntiou remains con
fused. From the male of conflicting
incidents, however, the geuerul iu.pres
sion prevailed that the trenty would be
The conference of political shlefs, to
selected the school had suffered
frem a very disastrous fire and f'lsj
emphasized the necessity for inimeHnis
si ion. The people of Forest Giov
l.nving secured from Senator Holph aod
Congressman George 4 ,dego they
would favor the then existing toratiua
at that place, felt no apprehenmut., al
I though bids were being ivitl rrv
totner piaics.
i,, m,i,,m location at that time was
covered with timber and was not a pp-
jho location was favored hi Dr. Cf-
fin, the superintendent, and by Dr. IL
J. Minthorn, his predecessor, and steps)
were Initiated to secure it. Mastntis
the death of the owner delayed negotia
tions for its purchase but they were re
newed by diss. B. Monrrs, the adminis
trator of the estate.
A sufficient sum was subexribed
make the purrhase whea Ms. Moors
found that Senator Dolph and Congress
man George were so bennd by theif
pledges to Forest Grove, that a infiit
ence be could bring to bear eras ef a-jy
avail. The situation seemed fcapeWst)
ia spite of the helpful aseistnssv of Dr.
Coffin and Dr. Minthorn.
One of Mr. Moore's most sslirs -sistans
was Dr. R. W. Mill, ptt ef the
Salem Preabyterlsn ehureh. This quar
tet, after numerous eonro)fatens, M
what promised to be a final amd hope
less consultation One evening im Ja ,n
ary of 183, at the resides f Vr.
After a survey of the whole .-itutiwa
Dr. Hill finally suggested that he had
what he believed would be a fiaal solu
tion and promised to submit It tue aeat
morning to Mr. Moores, whe wis at
that time Governor Moody's private
secretary, ana in ioucb ns '
(Continued oa page three)