Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 20, 1919, Image 1

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1 1215 the Audit Bawaa ct
t j jr,.!stion.
fi j h v i J (T tj !
ily u n i il N fi !
1 1
I El
y it
;TY- SLOViN D X CjAK iNO. 14(U.TFV D a nr
Uu Premier And Cabinet
lender nesignauoa 10 rung
Following Repudiation By
josble Demonstration By All
Parties Greets-Suggestion
That Secret Session Be
Washiogton. Jima oa .
ed lress-The waste MVI, Jf.
fairs eouirmttee today voted to al
low t3j.0OQ.0OO for naval wUllw
(luring the coming year.
Washington, June 20.-AdminiS(r.
turn forces on th senate military
affairs committee planned today to
eonduct a vigorous fight for aa
army of oOO.ooo asked bv Seer
tarr Baker. They will urge rejec
tion of a tentative figure of 400,
000, adopted last night bv a sub
committee on the army appropri
ation bill, which todav'was to re
port the measurs to the full com
mittee. Washington, June CO. Demand
ing legislation forever barring Jap
anese immigration, Senator i'ks
Ian, California, today warned Am
erica t be readv for "war on the
Appearing as a witness before
the bouse immigration eomriiilee,
riiela-r appealed to congress to
save the western states from fee:
noinie death at the hands of the
"sons of the east."
HFviwnis or duomisswn l o
Allied Terms to Step Aside; J
Noske or Mueller Is To ij
Head Ministry.
p -President Ebert Casts
Let Tilth Scheideraans
Christian Endeaior la
Twesty-etptl. Annual
Session la Rose Cty
ToilUad, Of- June W, Ths twent'
eighth annual rOnvealioa of llic Oie
foa Christiaa Kndeavor union oieaed
j Thursday ight ia the First ficbyter-
ita churrk Bad will close Sun.uy aijiil
with a great mass me
i Ui loriuai. Prominent
Ivounj pec-plea' worke
en places oa the program.
KTANf 11 VK t.srS
By Camillo Ciantarrn,
(lotted Press stuff correspondent.)
Kuiue. Juno IH. l'remier Or'uudo uu
Kicci'd today that his cabinet bad
warred its resignation to King Victor
Kamntiuel, who hud reserved iloeision.
Ti sniteini'iii was umde after the
dumber , of dfinl'u- bad rojt'cti'd, -50
i the prvinier'a motion for thu
(jmulior to convene in secret session
mnsiilcr a vole of confidence.
B'f.ire Orlando asked for a secret
twain be spoke at length on tbo in-
waaliuniil uinl internal situatiou. His
dwrk wns iidverselv received. He was
interrimti'd bv uprotirs which
wlled him to cease spi'iikin;,'. Wheu
lr wggested n secret session every
wiiiital irrotiii joined in a hostile nem
smtration. Many deputies left the
R.nv Kitustinn ftlearins
"Never during tho war have nations
ii jcnernl, mid Italy iu purticiilur, tra
wscd such dark divs," suid Orlando.
'Tliiii iu ttta innal nnnlA ultuHe. but
i'jUualinii is improving hourly. Va
nu political, economic and financial
ntiiuis have been solved in a niunner
the wlnilc satisfying to us. The
fc'f conference rectified our northern
fioutier according to the magnificont
Mirsrk iinture vouchstifod llnly. Re-
pMing the Adriatic frontiers, Italy north(nat of- ,,i,Pn,. and on the direct
!;itiiins offered tiy the peace- dele
flitcj to other iititions, but she. remains
fir in the claims which the allies en
'"il when she entered the war.
Willing to Answer
"I am ready to answer all ques
bill owing to the delicacy of
oV sitiiatiiin. I brine iiarliamont will
wive caution in debate. 1 will uuiKe
' The uiii'slioiia of tbp ilnv were ren
''M more serious by international
""its in April. Ju the fnee of this
"'nation the giivenimeut voiced a pro
' meeting with parliament's and
' country's approvul, consisting:
rirst .Insistence upon claimsi with
which Italy .believes that io far
J "In1 is concerned peace w
"mnicnaimiti r'iih tier enoniiniis
Objective Announced
As Cassel In Case nun
Refuses Peace.
Washiii-itoa. June 20. War depart
ment plaiiH for action in caw of the
tlerman's refuse 1 to sign the treaty
.ire rniniilete.
Strategic feature of tne action, mil
itary experts here say, wouin ie nana
led in France by Marshal Foeh aid His
aides, ami it is not anticipated thai
there would be need of additional
1 im.riiiii II tl-nOt4-
With these two phases of the prob
lem out of the way. the work of the
department hero would be confined at"
most wholly to sending supplies of
ammunition,' ford and clothing and tins
would involve additional effort only
In i-i.se of an extensive campaign which
is not considered likely.
Cassel Objective
Coblcn, .lime 1 (t'nited rress.)
tu.. i.,..;in nrmv's in n i n objective.
1 IIC ...... . - ' ! '
case (iermany decides on war. m
By Ed L. Keen
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
rans, june u. tnanceiior fccneinemann s govern-:
ment has fallen, according to advices received by the if
American peace commission this afternoon. ;
lhis action, an Exchange Telegraph dispatch lvceiv-ij
ed in London, stated, was followed by acceptance of the J
peace treaty. This dispatch was not confirmed from any ;
other source. Earlier dismtches from Weimar indicated !
taut acxtpiance me iitay, iiuwevei, wuuiu ik uaiuiaj
development following overturn of the German cabinc.
The peace commission's inlormatioa mmtm mmmmm mm mm
further indicated that (lustav Noske
mi. n . ia n ti'TMlhAl tit York
UiiseL Mand Ur UU the convention this evening a Ike in
)H-ker "ill be Kev, Heary A. Vu
! Winkle of Onili !, t'l,. .lrai sit
jiMr of the t'alifornia t'hnstua K
dcavor union,
i The annual election "ill be i 10:0
Si ' . L U.l.,..l.w k.nl.l.A IuvA.iV
w w. . - - - j V tllKI , -I. I.IUBI Ul-l...ll. - ........
aiann. rtmet. il was afteiuoon the young people iii g to
toaight. Ailheprewnt jWuinsula paik, whero K. Frl ik
f is erpevted to an jwill dirnt them ia tho playiaj of
its determinatioa to re (names.
'j Walter Mvcrs of Fugene It stale
out thn't
after all.
the allied ronces-wons
"noticeable." ,
present minister of war, would succeed
-Scheidemann and form a new cabinet.
The new ministry, according to dis : Berlin, June 20.- (l'nited i'resi.)
nnlrhea filed in Weimar last iiiuht, i ' Th miverniiient 's altitude aller
would be pledued to siun the treaty, .readinv ike full text of the alius'
By Cut D. Coat.
I fatted J'ress statf
coi rc.pettdeiit.)
Weimar, dune 1S.-p.
m ) IVui.t.int VlMrt k Ai
eided to aland or fall with the
Nehcnlcaiaun rainiiet. it
sign before morning, l.cimany
would be without a reilcl
until the national assembly can
Jiick a iiH're'r, prvviding
ihert earned his deeismu into
The situation ws cmiili. ated
by the fact the railway strike
had completely isolated Wei
mar rom the rest of tiermany.
Iteports filtering in from the
east stated that port ion of tier
manv would "lake its owa
course," reuardlesn of the gov
ernmenl decision.
nnriin rmr
jm. m m a ansa M
t.og ia U Au fill f 1111 I I 1111
n l.fll I ISA
firs! Shot At 0?-:
Leaps cf natic-s is L
Inrcrd la Speech h Eel-
I nn iilenl : Mim (terltude jkiu of fa
Tjlrui, first vice president; Mita Maty
Kvre of North Uend, second ice piesl-
dent; Miss Hilda KU of V.ugeae, thud
t- Ml.. Mullie Keilina of
T I Portland, treasurer; l arrol Kolu rts of
a : .... m u,.,. ii,.,i.,iu.
- r.ugeoe, eunr i mi i'" .... ....,
I'a-id lr. V. I. White of Albany and
JihVv. lil T. lVanlngtoa of Nrwberg.
pasto(al advinnrs.
The above ilisiiatch was
lo hours and a half before
aaiioiiaccnienl of the calniiel 's
f llt'll
in mm
d ireplv to the counter proposals is tin-
tl- I " mti i.rrii'ihl .llllmi'llt Ullll
,lliailKi, n v "
The national assembly which was sched
uled to convene tod:ir for final de
ciNion regarding (he treaty was ex- today.
pA-ted merely to ratify the cabinet's "The terms are unbeatable and can
decision. ' not be fulfilled."
, Considerable s.gmticance was . at
By Carl D. Orost, 'inched in political circle here to the
r.,:i.,J p"mj -luff rnrreionndenl. 1 furl the statement did Sot reiterate
Weimar, June x IT t.Mglil) I ne niat tne terms are nai-i-,-M..ii-.
Socialists Demand Peace
Berlin, June HI. (I'nile.l I'icimO
The Independent KucialiUs toeinv poll
ui.n.1 r(i.' ainHiinn ueaianiiioa urni
present tiertnan cabinet has- di finitely 1
"ve caution m debate. 1 will uuiKe ' f nifk M fo
'7 effort to ronciliate conflicting I1"' Second div
' I ... ' i - 1,1 lead the ins
in case iin - ,,
be Cassel, it was learned from reliable
ca t. uV I flS.Si'l 1H i l JM""
route to Berlin. rm7 """"
move forward on a 37 mile front ami
its officers are continent mm '...
cans could cover the entire present
neutral rone in the first day if has
lilities were resumed.
The nrmv of occtipaton was astir to
day with preparations. Trr,.,,.. . east of
the l.'huie were mm ma -
isions, 11
was said, would lend the invasion.
The First was niol.iliwd at Monta
.,, nen miles northeast of oblcna)
Weimar, .Tune 20. The entire
Oerninn cabinet resigned early
President Kbert who had ac
iiounced his intention of stand
ing or falling wilh the Sciiei
demann ministry, will retain of
fice temporarily and alb nipt
personally to orgsnir.e a new
cabinet. ...
The national a-semblv U
meet tomorrow to decide mal
lr on acceptance or rejection of
the peace treaty.
a new minus,,, - . :.
. nff-nTilirl? T "
Il,c n" - ,
... . -c
.niiisi rnn ri' in
-friiha i?nvernment nun the ,ea' e treaty
4c and warning it against retual.
iWinnipeg Strike Leaders
On Trial For Seditious
Acts. Liberated On Bail
Early Settlers Gather In Port
land tor rorty-seventa
Yearly Session.
Portland, Oi., June 2H. Thuugs
their ranks are thinning fast, and "
. i.i, is mini her ui vacaiil cnairs bo
M-r' at their galherl'igs, over .500 of
Oregon a pioneers, the men ami women
who hlaseil I lie nail m me t-si .
. .i.. ...... l..i.:,..i.ia c... flu. Mtiltfi
inane ine snir niuniHuir ... ,
man. gathered at the Amiitor urn mr jticnrge i. ucin"
' " .. ....i.. .k. luli.ta. anil V . I
the fmtv sevintli annual rmiTr'nu's uninnj i.' "i -
Tnmnpncjthnn Fnr M
. at a i rv 1
Injured Ur III Ihscussea
At Meeting.
I'oilhtnd, Or., J'"' i'll.-di..Ms.u
f an cxtensue program f'r industrial
intuiuioe look up a iiae '
time f thu meeting of the boaiJ ol
,,i.M tiits of the Loyal U'gi" ol it
i . . alLi.k rl,uu-ll III
gels ami wira"" " ,
..sid a foil lain iniirsnsy '
Imnlt. ...
TlimliuMiraiiee plan. l 'uign
to providn ptotertmn In the form of
income doling a period of enforced
ien.s, due lo Injury r "
us drn and pre-me.i ny
Thatablsen, Ual l-'H' ol",,
officer. l action ' ,'"'n
, r.'ksrd to the matter, the whole lie
referred to a commute con.il.
! . t- n k,i,jl.- of Portland and
I r.. m ' ' .
ten mile, northeast of 'ri-Uy's -.V "h 'finaf deci- ! h
While the Second and . . - ; Wy he ... a ,,ejs,
lew northwest ot sion on me ..--v m ..,,:,..; fs"
Winnipeg. Man., June 5i.-' of l'"
lalKir lesdem awning rriai
seditious cotisniacy, had their l.l.ertv
i. .it... ;..;iwr I... int. of t-'SSl
acre i.inav ami j(i". - .... ...
each All were Kngbsh Iwrn, aud prob the Indian, hung
... i..'.. ii -,.,..,r (...lor the civil iiiurts iaud all the tciro
HOIV "in n'"
dune "". ..
The reiniiiin defendants - aliens
arc to be tried by immig-ation author-
wm.M W''' ''? ,..
The men rdca'cu
,.f the jieiai im'o-
.. .. ' lt-:ll..,n 1v.ina ldlllr of
.... ...m. Council: nev- "n"'" .
national a'--
as f-
Western Ibor ':
a mere
I ificcs and would be unjust.
"Second Keeping faith wi
'Third Avoidance of the poisoning
relations imperative to the interests
fntente cordialc."
Movement Of Big Fleet
raciiic waters VYiu
... - '1 nrt I, it-pur
1 I1M1I-S il iii i .,
was moving up mB ,
The Seventeentn arumi.-
from the Fortress of Khrenbrc, ste n
at so tarisin(ll for, men were stringing uc
vould not:'"';f,,),prv,,i,,n Dalloons
I"..:.! .... to the edc of the occupied
I L . S lo 7 aw'"" !'"n.'"14: t n,i.
th thfti""."'.... .,, 0,l,mial motor trucks, p,,th Math .as l;.rr.o.;a'; - ,,,,,,,
" I.. .... intflilirT 1 - rn HlPIHIUii'-" I
formality for rahto-ation of
new ministir- ., . rt,n,i
tmi-r- r.. t.. . Wfmsr
i ... t i & liifll
iiitil . (T ll'IMV-H' It'M 1-
- . uriins. i .i nnration on ( ao,l'n run
K 10 I k."" .r 1 .n,l Oil HV , HBMi'li
4 Il.'flli ftUtt
r i s. ....... nlilfrmi-n.
.innti win--". , .
PTnd of the strike apr"nrel ncsr to
dnv when Alderman liobinson secre
tarr of the Trade and Ubor ouncl
...i ,.. il. iiiternrotalion of rolim
- , ;.,; .. defined by ila
A Haul,;.....-
1 Mi-Move.
Start August 1, Report
. ' ...! todav to help carry mianiry. N((Ji. w,re '"". ' ,Li,.iJeman
nn' - , - . .irnn iin ,k trnnn'"""1 .
Heavy Trench re.n.oiccno-. . ,P, . ; TWrn.,,0!ff t.t'l'"-'
. .1 ,nneentrat m i"r wua '. . , ,1, jnrfr Kantwi
il.lll, an.. . 1.
.1.- o,ri,....ns. .. . , n..rcw"
1 III"
Cleveland, Ohio, Mon.Uy, fiva
. 1 I ' " il ...
... . l.t.ul . . - V,aaM9llll'
niv 11 a ' " 1 1 "
,. , . . Il.ll l U'lllll ailHII. . .u. a.il1!a CV
irai.. -Id be I The sUua,:m4t.,
for until the ali.es were 7 ul .. follow: . on.
.?;,,,.. .hich aln.dyi'cVVu.tionn.ntni op
Thi rounn "o" . ... ....entaa" 01 " ,
.....V urncd in its e...ipm V "S ZLtv ";B't
..rnstorff to replace a th) Wwrt (;l,Te.
Ihkdorff rtant ' Ji in . .dei. aa-
, fr the actual n J fJfa -mtUi 4
Situation ComPlict4
Juno 20. v ITniti'd jUiry to
.....1 in
,'abinet -Maj"r"J
. . .. ii..:rl. ....id
-luM-Minir or tne new i .n-.n.-.
iwct .1 ... .. ,1 i.i u..,.mn
. - ..u.ii me Atlantic coast win 1 .-i....-
' ' . W . -...!v
material, vat.oni " . ' . . ,-,.,, tea
About even J
e,l (ieriran war ;
. -.11 uir Aiianrie coasr win . . u.m.Irivl mi fs ' :Jiv;neo 1 ......
by A,iEst 1. Secretary of toe has been moved a hundred ""!-"' .ke n.t.oa.
14T? Daniels said today. . I'"'?' Z Im troop., rtillerjr The rjT"1 " . .1 although
. will be nraiticallv formed I Irrneh and 1 U&n,nr-A eml,!r W it 1 -ill hae tht
"tor. u . 1... :nit sui.nuesi r.. . . .,:s .. . . ...ml. v as " : ..,
.varans tnrougli the eanai 0Uv lino, n tne uj" - tne . ---- ,,...ce or rej.-s.w-he
t..:. - i 1.. . 5 . .;... ,k to the outer i'" k BB . ,. on "! ...,.. uf
Fifif;. .1, u-v ,ew an 1 jib u ' ...,,, ,..,,. French " ' " ,. the rco.n-" r:
1K1P. I " , : raftsit .U'lr" IIII I" .rrwffl 19 Ii- "
"i ", 1 i - fitrTiuMU'9. an ia . .
.isari wiiit? n- wrn 1 '
IK 1 Ui -
'k fle
may nccompaiy ; " , a . mnitary a.'e
t m. ...... .i. sr: oi im"- - , ,,,
ia i
Mi la 1
utrust anil hmiea to be able
with the. wrbln.
u'ls that will make up the feet
Bt yet known, Daniels said, with
7. ""'ptinn of the baltleship Idaho.
j1' "hip after taking President Tesaoa
Brn7Tit i ... t..i- -lil ro-
...i.i.n eariv in rf.nr ... -
'srn . , .
Salem, fces la Portland
. the Panama eanal. It is eipeetM d publisher of 'T kt after to trr,ty I
react. 4k. n..:e:. .nd of if 1 ...ili.nd last if!nt, antr ire. j .
!W . . ,,m,c home in xu.. - mof., . . r!-m
tU illness roverinir a r A ( Iirk A d;
' 1 th son of the ia"- mh-l...l aa ui
. nf (he Widest
our v- -
au . i.!
The in.instr-.-r - ' ' kJVl. B re
ore tense and rep.,, W ;k J(
ccivel h'" "Tie gov.-rn'ot
iarr"" 'VV:::"i,nt ano!i"
Clark, an old ti- !'Uj- 'fe a..-,
dieu "'" vr.. - . nation " "r -- .
inn'.- -
.i fT;n
? ' "I, . .t fi' was
Mr- CrsleV there. Peveia . r .art.jl ... I ,
,her of Oregon,
f Or
. fr. narK p"- " ... (vr.
Tork jZlo.Lil.erty bond T' ,h. Vt McH.
': f. rri"i
-.vus: ' . .
. -a- W II MiU .a-ot
vu; " IBlt .-.Ja;a . .nr LJK Uar -till
I .:V first 4'a ISM: i "f8.1"". ' , fcl, Interest! i .,.! I''TU.ke Iker
.V'OO: first 4V.'a second o-i- V. Port'aiiJ f 5' -a.ecaf, it .. r" ,u-,,f.
. W-18: thleJ il'. '. Q.-5 "Ot fourth remo.ru w priatma ,M. -Aa ' .k-r. tv,r. ! I " a .. ,.rry
! U to tave a weather bora.. W?lt Jcff-soa. W. C. n .
! t.' j"-tioi with the fruit H. hm jejafir.
. . a. . a. a r at l
1 I X' V I. I
I i n 1 in. '1 so ST a I
i ' J
ii vr i
I ..... .. .1 tie
T W ba
Jt aaill
ltd . A.
iaaw a.if.ftaar.r Natl4
raw aw -
ti... i.ard .Icfiiiiiclv derided lo a'isn
,l.i the plan of a gVneial ''
, riii.i.' o.uau.MUon, pursiisi't
, ,,,,, taken in r.nu !. k
. . 1....1.1 ..... wilt ion at eriit.a
us! lor '' i
i,ii.,..i.t the thiee '!
i . v....k.i dotini the Inttor fan
of Ausust. The dale . le'l "
..... U,.,.a ...r I. I. Abbey.
l. L now esoectcd lh"l casentions
t keM a. f-.n... i1-";;'
i and !t. Portland
r. ii'.-n i, ii -...... - -
. . . ,t,i.i;. .1 .in.-t 5. Abcr
iliall i . ' " --
... . 1 'I an.itia: "I inct
ii.-.-ii nisi " --, .
a K.Ptrtt. dstii'l.
i. ... I lii Hiu.kai.r- d.al'icts II ami I-
. .... r a iirr(- -
!,,," ..,oc ... m..W, and 'I .'
a mailer of some week, b.fo.e Ml
i...cc.., .. t.-d. U Ifce mr.n.-n c
Aa a11rea or wr r-om . III.- o." , ! L
Ttaker was followed bv the rcpon- bv w the case hc-tofo.c ,i
w. h. h. niifur. u,c .., , .. ,-, ,,. I . ,h, ,
drew wa. delivered by eoie ";"".' . ...7. ...i.um wMe h.d
die, '52. An enle,la.nmcr,t P'i; ; ";. " " , .. and
was fultowsd by tne annua. " ' -"-, .' Th, mcci.n
:30. when the pioneers. u,..-;. ainmi; - - .
Craad yar.hsl. T. C. Belrher and oJl.n aa ..IH.uino :
tliioa, entered the ba...u.l hall lo
.rved dinner by the woo..'. (CoaUaueJ oa pa
Isry. ..i,.i.. tl T.fn
l-ioneer, ar.4 their fue.ls t.s VlQ atlOHS UI IItlW
. . . .v. ...:.ul ... kv one. ..r .
lntMs ia i- ., ,
,k. lo,... aiirvivors of the W.itn.Sn
aiassacre. j
Ton luWTOti i
Th. lis-ed by rrrtair 1
. . .. ii ......i.t,.,. ...n. .. i nn.,. Mills. Wash
ii tne imcsi.h i .o.u ,-. p i "- . .
laa Thula. I.V. " """'1 "" '
Por one day, Thursday, Portland was the employes.
thrown wide open lo tne siimii n'."i
ing band of people who braved the da.
gets of the plains, .l.-aerls and looun
lain., who took 'their chances against
fmn tie. si. knes
aud all the teiroil of the (lavs wn.-n ,
the state was vomitf, in older tl.jl tin v
might make a home in a virgin conn ,
try. I
At the evening aeaaion (he fnllnsrli.g ,
officer, were . lc t.-l f"f the ensun ,i '
r,.r. 'r,..,d..nt, Kev. A. J. Ili.n'..ker,
'I" Yomh It coiiiityi vice president,
IT. Canfield, 'M, Oregon CUv: M-rHI'f
Mines, 'ol Pi.rtisi.il; tie"
.. .. . ., ...
uu. u-i.li.m II I Bilil. i .i. I ... . .nil-..
uii-r. " ........ ... .. . ,
The following boarl or nirenor. w- , H u,h,e
m ... a,... .- i Li. . .nn
elected: Joan pna.-r, ,
m.b county; Miss Mica liBinlM-ilam.
:,!, Clackamas eoonty, and J. I. an-
wood. '31. Claiksmas count?.
Chief Executive Returns To
Paris After Two-Day Slay
In Brussels And Devas
tated Rcgioss.
By Lowel Meilett
tl'idte.l Ph-aa Staff Col respondeat.)
Paiia. June Preaideat Wiisea r
tuiacd lo Pai.s "dsy aft-r a v'.ali t
H.lgiiim which rcmented even
l..wlv the f.UuiUhlp of the Ht
dom tad the big republic.
la the tne dnvs he spent la HUgUim
the president was accntded avety k-
ithln the power of Mot Aiorr
ami hi pen,ile. The prcaldent uf lo
ehniuher of d.'Hca, la ael.-ala
President WiU.t. In the honse of
lismcnt vcsler.lae, sounded the hso
uf llelgliim's who'' aitltnd t..wra
Amnisa ad Amorlesos, ll ia:
IuIkhhb will arver fv.'t t k'l
gUen her by bcr grral aier, sine
'' .. -
Lsagua "ChiltT Of Tt
.lil rt ia in it fiB t liamcnl. iesidat
Wilson took occasion lo emphasis tka
in.i.orta-re of tne league ni eai....
The l.ssuua of uationa ia Ike na r
this great war." he aid, " rof II 1 !
esprrsaioa of Ihoan imsafl
iini.s whoh grew out ol tae icr.ipras
neecaaltie of Ihia rr.l strugale, a4
anv nsticn whi'h decli es lei adhere t
the coicna.it d-lil-ralelv Iom.s !
fr..m the ..' lelllni! apr'l "
ever heea made to H cnwlea-a aa
to Ma ma hoo.
Tl.. lent ll-clared Ikal IS
,i tV.t wis..- to uar the leagae a.f
aatlnna for lis rnn.rnlfc a 10 n"
fo the wrslce of the rest of the werl.t
.!,,. ,,! f a..'(l-k c hca
e.i.v ration IS"""! a no "ri.-r
,f ii.'lf a'd c i's annuo"'"-
To Ura
TUr urcaideat a..no'10'rd ' " "'
1 1,,., to .ri In cna.a ll
.), keirirar. I.-hHoh In fb la k
lo Ihe renk f an eo.h.-v ".s
, rn ...ition as a -" " 11
i, nrt s'"l' o' 'T1"
"u'uir ci.uw.ci n,t '
,.,., be,.,,- he w isb-d t"
ke. had felt deel, the p of
ali.ga-1-.- and
e, thai "ItclijIMM boo r-" -war
I. is " ,h k'f f
tl,,.,,,. "a .Ua.all L
,rouafd th nations."
UldllUUal VI '
Rules Oa Salem greets
By Automobiles Frequent
Janes Knowles, K. bs.tSH.I, '
Mr.. Helen M.
Aitl'miob bs '
,.t nol ata-i.l
t a . k.
..utters .,,,,,,,
... aa . Ua,a. nH ' " '
!.t,.t all' .'""v. ' "
h.ua.ler. Cofley. H.vjr.ide f.l. M'S
I1lw.,,e render. M.K.v,
ranf eH. Iw'"". "
a- ...t..!t y.-.-ler. Astora; -VfS
.-, ... .l II, I, "s
Mis. r.iira'""
Hal! f ". -j,.ol.
all of Portland
..; u
,.l,e,e Il.r .tier.. Ot f'"
f a., n,i. r'S oa '
. ,i ,t.m,. tk' :
... ...i ...ria.lf oa lojrt, to a.i
v.ol.l.o. of the ha; 'I
en. ...... Iiecof
,.,. p,.,ie.l v.t that 'l a i
rril ,'.---- - --- . -.
old hsr.liy s" V.
... Tk. e!V or...
!t .hail l nni--- - .
Vtlaon Back at WW
U. M - -tali-si
it.ad a .ofare't l -a '
taflrrooo. ,
Echo Of DcpcrtaHccS At
! r;.w Hparii la Rcrcrt Of
liuince of 1200 Warrants
Pair: TrfltY WOI Be
a I P 1 n.aw.al
Published loaaj, wp'jn
a .
' . i . . I . .....lot velii
( t ...' inn" -
,t srhi.'le e'l"
I . a ... .t.rea.l of
al.le i,i m, ---- - - .
.. ... ueoa th' ''" '' T"
.. .he c.!V of
IWS. Ar.., J-'.-X,'
l,t.-t.ctaiie iff Ji I- r1
p,:,,. kr uu,''T,, ' ?;
Aw,na lb Juiaai i - -
ajaiasl ajpV
Ariuai.H aaa
.1, C, ltSI.4, . . . ,.,.
. . . -ma'civ - ' r . . .
rontroi ' . i. J ...I arrs '.! -
anethee ''' T.k. e.f-e'H U k Ik. Ir"
s, " . , .,,, ,., , Asr'aa B.w
riBiil I""- . . k..a
Ike staiiof""
at Ik
i..M.r want I
.....a bre a.r
, . o- ine aa. .
k.i tuas-7
.... N.e'e,av of
re--.v'l a a"r.r
,1 ( -a 're:' w''1
he annv,ned.
. .1 - tr, a'
. . :. ..,.a and !'
,e.i in ..." -
k... ..-en re'e .1
. I plea-! :
p.ok !
tl. ,' 15" '
j.ot,! ,ked j
. Ik.
Vu,lat 'f e i
tffen.lef to '""
1 1 "'! """. -' . .. ,k.
t f, or ' lr impi 7 I il
-r'- .7 :".Mife Cans Placed T
X.;.: : K.o Peace Ia Watertury
. . t ....tl.l -a.---
' " !,;'ir."v...,er-i ;:;
!. .. ,. .!.l in the S '
' .7.. tke'..l w -IWI--.w a-.'---- c...
. . . . ' . - ... i . . m ... .-.... I so ..J". . .
. l. .... iiar a ... k . inevu . - .iiiw ..... . -- . . vnab
i .....i :'ij'k" ,r,r " - . , . i. ra e mi .. . .... . - . i.. ... ,.nl re
o'l' ; . ..... In lit - it."- .- . . ,(iim w,,!,!9 ,' r- ,
aa off ' .'a.Bff " k..-' Irl.ca b. r.k.s
. ... t ine ii" i vr .
r i -, i ' " - -
Waurw-r.. f .,n,
firat. ,JV. k
lial ! nin e)
as h
I for
hia re'rivcl .
airt sear
.i. i's cars oa ' l
rloa t,e! or tbe armrT.
. .......
tr.a.tMf Draw . .
'.ea w-r. arnoa.lr ia;r'4 aa .J assa
7.d Me w9ea sw arreiUJ, .