Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 19, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    !-3E DAILY CAPIT i t mT
-ny t
gAL. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY jrvr i?, 191a
IBt worn ilsnst , y 1
t1 Y fl Ss Bf
j Quick Kofert nrc To Firms That Gi?2 Service On Short
j ' Where Buyer And Stilcr Mect-We
1 liccomracnd Our Advertisers.
I ! Hkile and l,.-aitv atitl a: ., (,. y r
, it" at ab.'U joi wrnt . ui- ir
Mawai ;a:pS, 12? Jkorli iia
I S'aVBi F!tri Civ,
v.- ft-- :f A i M -Uui i
' 1 'Jf C'"! ."" ti-'..' Nff .. . tswr.t., iumr.,;.
.'kL . . . -K . . . ; , . f-.l . 1 ...'Si, r; t ii,. - '
a vi
one of many types in the Firestone Kne, It for heaty!
duty trucks, four and five tons or more. It protects th ?S?k
better. It increases speed safely. Because it holds the Sad
We have a truck-tire press to
apply this , tire and remove it
Our machines and our men
aid you to get most value and
most miles.
das. A. Park Tells of Prog
ress Made At Recent
Riverside Meeting "
Commissioner C'lias. A. Par;, of the
Hiari' cf Horticulture, returned rocc'nt-
1j finm n most iuiportatit Katlieiiti)!
fruit organizaliotis held in Hie city
f Bivptsiile; it'nlifomia, ami wliieli
tt'livl liiL'otlier .''.(JO rpDrcsenliitives
from nil part of the Went, Mexico,
Hj it n i ami illtititdi uliiiiiliia. In tin' j
emvontion were (lie lienils of fruit ,
nl vfnottvlile imwiations, liorticnl-1
tursl c.iiiiiniBSioiiers anil jioted euto
'ologists. -' Out of this confciPiice vn
Tpuiired two imimrtiint orRnnizntimK I
tW Western 1'lant (Quarantine lloanl
the Weatern I'lant l'jotective An-:
dilation. i
While the i,Mll,ee;n ,i;ses(l more
I' ss all the proliU'ias 'before the
' lilt vrower. Itlin ..,,1 f.li l..nt f.f t ll."
"tiirntion no. .. n...r,ii,.n'i it,., vnr -
'II :
i 2
1 1 ?fiMMktgp,ny--Tw;'
'''"i leiaraiitine netivities In order to
SPi-ate no,,.. ..fr..n(;.. n..,,!.,n..i.o ni
... T" , , i ..... ,
i:.ns .,,,:..; i ,.r,ler to'ln the of ml interview he sani.
Mine. vir. i-arii nnreti tnai iien-m is m..""" - . , t
there has 1,een more or lens' scribe it. I cale that before I t ooa
,r"!i(n in tlie matter of commerce in 'mv eat in the p ane r tl p 1
'"'crv and agricultural products time I was not at all enthusiastic ov
n"Z Hie states. All the states lave the prospect; but liiiy'S Uk0!' j :
i'cicd preatlv from the depredations can wiv that 1 """l'1" ' , V''v 7 ' '
f introduced petts, and the strongest 'for nnvthiiij,' i the world. fu, , i
ff'"ts have been made bv quarantine ' reallv disa-reeable scuatwus, t
'irs to prevent the introduction of in the first flight from aieui.
' more. Tins very viananee na
Mlo ,.,r. .i:. ..... C,.i,i
iniiinen or (iiseriiiiiiiaiion nu.u
f"fi, rS' wh0 mv(. innoeenllv suffered
ha ... i i ... - . . . f
inn imv.iui, ;., ti i... i. ,.a ..I
" cot foreiiee was to 'lii ins t-iellier
'PnreseM,.,;. i :
' . ii.ea iroui llie vhiiwiis p......
J'.li a view to more harmonious action.
1 "5
idea t In
le const I: j " u-..k
"n P'v.t Ot,ne-(i.. 1 nf .hiehl
si'eond oratiiiizfltion. the Western !
t f.,......- . . ....
i"ii' v a ssnr in i win . ii n oir
n aaenl. P a. 1. othia l.ltf
n. i ,l(ii,.c poWor. Its objit i
fiillluti ti, a flnmnairrn tat- liirun ulliiill
a. -.a OHHI.l dltllill II" - 1
J',u- They will make a specially of
!".h:i,ti) the eel-worm in polntoe.
"d fie white pine Idister rust, which
been intiodiieed into the east from
'',rfl'f run is now on its way aeioss
J 't'tinent. The partieuliir hosts
T petit Bre the fiveleaf pine
l P(r trn a' ;t..m ., n . . I niOii' i ii "
"C Clir...... 1 , !-.. ,T
r d . c
ii aim iriHise ierrv. j rui. j..
nt 41,. h.o.. A rrleilltural
,.i ..:..,i,i.., f this
Srjfl,,:,..,:. . 1
-'iipli n iti,li( the o,-m-(,er of
'"" onimisjiioner Parle ri
the eel-
riieii '
"f a earU.ml an,l rmtaloes
a carl.nd of seed jiotaloes
n"'' nil the war fioia
, .- ,nieu on I he
Il.l .....
-h. On iuspec-l
,e officer, the
the quarantine
were found to
a.,e., W.c.
Chronic Const! natron
1 1 "' n
. ".Isd. von ,.. u.r ttioneht of
'' div.r.ler is due to a la'k of ; .aiw-. , ,luts. ;'-' , ,d au ' r f
J'TT in "h1u.I uitt. r of the through a . M ouuklr M r!n,. ff r,,if
la"',1 vou will drink an abundance ,b, loo;,. T!. 1 iie ka. f 1 t', ''-
. . , ... . -
nse the most mini
bisativea. Jstron-' and harsh ea-,
to overcome it entirely. In -pedicular drop' B r,,a(s , ,n,..r..-.t
,,f nani, .t.. . ami r...i tlomsand leetina r.,v..r Frd of e ,.:p,..,2 all I
' v
1 take t'o niiich waer out of
"m and niaka a bad matter
. " hanil.orl..;., Tol.'ei are eti'V.
V ,1 . ... . 1, p H ....
,. ' !'a-n,,t to take, and mt ree-
effee'. Give them a trial. .
Whatever your truck or your
hauling, wehave the Firestone
Truck Tire to give you trac
tion, truck protection, long
and continuous use.
half the truck Tonnage
America is carried on
130 South Hight St.
."lSaa SOU lw AhflB(2?
ilucei' into the iiil is Impoaailile to
rrailicale. Jt will not only enh'r tht
tubers lint-any other v.'UeUiWc arowB
Mreiii one loealitr to iiiiothcr by tho
hordes hoofs. This car
potatoes wan promptly shipped out of
the slate. '.
1 El!
If i
Governor, Nervous Before
Flight, Says Expen
" ence Wonderful.
(lovenior Oleott returned over the
Southern Pacific from his 'nir invas
ion" of California tliia momiiiir at
o Vlock. went directly to bed fot a"cat
nap" and u few hours later wan back
in his office reccivinif contjratultitions
!inul fliiswennK miiltitmlinoiis qui siom..
, l 4 i.ioireiiT v lie IS no nui.-
j Appnren
1 lierieilcl'. Hill
become an ennuis -
iinst iii the matter of air
111 the course n I
I. I I,, i. mo
I'll lots I.e. n a
WUIIU'lll" J ' -
I:. . .i:iv:...ilf ii. find wolds to
uit, I oionei m .... -- -vi.ia
'. .,.llv one rise in Older to aMiio
nI unusiiniM o'..n ..
nv iolt, and it aas iiotliin n.on n a
....... -r ,.n levator Or U"
,., ;.i it ni an
: lllOV0llieiit of an autoinliile ou hl' l'"'.
1 . .... in the air, I epen
nielli. wio-r ..j. .t,,,,,!, ,nv
Ifrl,,,.d feeling of naseau, tboui, J
.. . ....n.i .hot idisscnuCrs ere m " B
. lid. aaickness-.l "'
I I.. ,...,.lt. lo the OUkB ". "",
i.i;ns one
)e,,s when iookiuk
. . .
i;cf but a sense ui . ,-,
' , il, vs!lev from a beifc'iit
, view of the 4f" ' n.agmfi-
...,er,.l tllOllsand il'et S 1"
. .u...,-r aecuni
l. For a larj,'
nart oi
cent mil " ' f the
. ,, . ...i 1 1,., course
H.v ""T .1 that heijfht lm-:'
Willamette, hicU ...-.if ci..l-
i;k, a band of silver aid ""
the o.een hackrou ad
in them, only ""'IT ,L ... i l-
" . ,l that
" v ., . ..... (reek cMJ
' ol,,r ,. .; ... ,t,. it ",n
,trv 111 1'oUiilJ' . ,,, get
, , ... 1.,, over ai'" " .
'".. u , . olonei W.tsa. w -
arouiio, . . .-, u reroini"-
, ,i.r. uuin
""" .u- ramn. ani-n
l.ack oi'tM
of the
the opening
,tl. greeted by thor''' ;
f.rl er-vd
,,, ,w.v ft,.. - -
.f.., is'lll. " -
"..us at
, uolltta.
on for " fc" .... ;:ot
took 1
. ...I.iiro II." V
l 1 Ir.tTI I I 4r ' ' ' .
tin llHflt a' "
too bad
. ,,,,,
as in" ft
1!,"'. r-;Iry
J,,,., of l ','J
r" ,
IS' .
the Jiakiyoua waa an error. Uur jjiont
est altitude wa lielween MMttl ami !uii'i
f... ,,,i ,i,;. ,.,..: i ,... ...
t 1 " srK"' '
lou; vnliihine sili'l''
in ruse tinvthiii'' liiiiipcu'il. Only (.nc
inoaii'iit of per.'. ;'iin.e '.n thin terrilmv,
M our engine bian to aputtcr like a
balkv Ford. 1 sax my pilot lnokinj;
anxiously over tlio side, and lie told
nie afterward that there wasn't room
in Unit whole ' region to land IilIT a
,li.lh,i mi ini, I up were tn lip rniirnli;-
The trip tliiouj;li the nioiiutniiia of Cat
iloriufl w a n mlerful noran.H.
1'oi.ene Houston, (on of Mr.
Mrs. H. U. Houston of Simts Hof.
iWinerly otic of the best kno i y Xi
men of the city, is in Wilton lor a ".'rj,., jdunkiiiK to prevent danugw
on a httsiiieaa visit, lcne is now a up.'-iw.,,,MH nill,,y people are of the opinion
cinl represeutalivc of the Pictorial he-!
view company and travels oat oi l'n
Vork, pinciii)! that MMi. tttm a
ion service with the daily ne,;.ie.T..(()
Frederick Srhmidl of the .Wli.west
. i ..a,. ,.ta i-mtooiiiv. naa
returned u""i
. f H w,.,., ,,. the ,
, .(... nf i. .lea lie vi... on
1 , .
" " .
who ha
M' '" ..'"'" " u'W
nt ttl lilllc tC H'lJveiK.
returned to her home m lJ.se,,,-. ,
A small Kr""l' "f Pi"",,,'r' lU.,
.. , ,. tin in,, n , ".' "
rorTiaiiii hi . ,
- .. ........ t.;,i,.er'a nssilcKiIion,
ol tlie sin,,- i
...l...l.le that the conil'.i;
of the1,.
I Ion a fc
Waldo Pioneers tneeni
.i ...r,..l aoiuc froiii nding
dava has
the I
'Oltlllll'l """'
V. Tioberl.
Hist net
I vt lfnrlwaai n the supreii.
.Vedford was m i i
n.uit in
fli,e of Htatc v I"'""; " "
i -liter ease V
icn if
. " ... ..a l.i..l. ci
uiinlv. fhe ll''
rtlit enuri "i - - .
fenJan. appellant
Point farmer, is represented bv A.i
nev U. v. "
i ,v f Davison ,K"
. ii...,
,1. Alton . ... -;
Lebanon en.wna
Cnpitnl bnt'l.
Mrs. K. M-
lie. came i"
Krst, formerly
I, fr,n Portlaioi i." "
, ii!i fr.en.l-.
a wees tisih-,
lintel We
,.,-ent arrivals a
w v. ii di of vt,i' ' 1
. . i . . .i I ...l.l Mr.
, X
Herri-iC ot Mar-"-
, II J. Adams of Pf J-
i ni! 1 1"
v.-w Yoik
, Jim1'-
p ... I V le , I -
tatio :
at., "a
U; firs '
f.4 ; eeffCI
',-o, . 4 '
4 3 4 .
oi- first
Pa.lt; third ',' P
a , no. ..,,'totT a
if r( rf
T , 77
, pU ..4
Amateur tna
Sslea M b Bji J
e! . Vah J""'" I-" .
el S.,i.r.e. . , ar s
1. I. , m ' .. r in I '
' li ...s.-s. s tMvca r
York .
.iV.adesk'v at,,! O'Xe
jlT'llO !ld ll:lllfl. '
; ivtni't
. . 1 S
... J
j U-vnar-l and Staua,
! St. 1.0l .
Uc:oii . .
i Mim-hcr ati tHrvcioid; kl
is t.l
. I'hli'SjlO
i Wushhigtoa .-.
j l.owdenuilk and
5 U 0
...... 4 8 !
I T!ie city hall at Oorviis was crowCu
I to iti full i-nj.acity lust rvi'iiiiig f r tln
jm.vtius; h.-H l.y Walter I,, Tw In
()c!ilf if tlio ('tiiin':iij;ii to W put on
.! t!.o 1'.ks to Bit tho Salvation
iiirii v in raisins; fun.l. Tl a.l.lrcsa (.f
itlio cvi'iii"' ai niiulo liv Koloii D.iv
with Waller I.. Tooe KmitkinL' t!ie
nvoik of t In Saliitiin anrv in rurope.
IThe program iiicliiileil in:iii(; l.v 1.. Me'
PnnuM ami Hilinq lv Mis l'.tl.elwv a
Kellev. I
Supper, Leslie rhiircu, rriua? 5:30
Twentv five e.a!.
Tor X exatiin.it!ons for ttate cerlif
icntea for teachen it is eiicried that
T."i t. a.dii'iR a ill c.n ic to the ritv. Tiie
examiiiatiiins Minler the d;re. linn of
W. M. Kniith, piimit v u.criiiie:ideiit,
will licjj'ii Wo.liies.Uie June a:ol
roatinue four days.
Joe Pllnsky. fortnarly inar.ai.er uf
the Cnttitnl hotel. i in the city lookinc
around with the into tion of lining in
to business here. For Hie iat year ol
sn he has been in 1'urtlaiid. "aicV
l'linsk v, his son, is now in Seal lie
wi dow dresser for a lare dijnir.it
met store.
Tlie following telcirran wa rcciTd
l.e (he Kuleiii Klks ledi;e yeate.Mny:
"1'kiiih, Cnlif. Mueller .1. A. li.im
sev ni.d wife both l-mlty burl, anlo i.c j
cideiit. No bones broken but Internal i
in inri. a feared. Have no Klks loile
here. Won! from home would direr!
tjv'iu." I
M 1- a (tw nr.li.llr I mhffl.l. j
j ilicrv la a v. i'"-".v i
I. .. 1...I H,(l. u I ,(.-..(..,.
ling wagons innui'vi .m ..,. ,.....,-a
iner sidewniks. Walt N. Low, cilyj
,strect coiuiniiwioiier, aava there ate a
I number of iolatinii- ol tins ordiiiin.ee
I which is intended to keep the cement 1
IV t , V'-ll. B. .U)- 1
- . !
1 aidealka in Hood rondition. The auK
'"''.,ii,. male that before the driv
of wagons with od are aaaed to
- f ,., the sidewalk, there be pin.
(1(,v )WH tj,0 ,1(i,.walks in f oul
i.,,r ,n-itirtv Hilt the ciiy uniii.aucea j
;r,. .u, iU .idcwalka as city .jietty
l(, f(lr ,,y ,,f ,.lly,
YestanUy afwmoon at 6:30 o'clock,'
car driven bv 0. It. Cii.KfhU alwoat j
ami of Ho Wurden al the
ran il.iwn n
Ullon on I'heuieketa street lietwu ii
Voiiimercinl and Liberty. The boy lure
eseai-d by jampinB from hi. loevns
online, to the report male to Ho ,
atat. on. !
0 ' , I ina lnivi'ij r hd ti a agaiiKt the an id i
j Tliers will bs msetlim nit ll""M!atr, ,s ,ery rTnre, to pre.cn t j
.1.,, fi. rura.n nt I -'! o'cb"k at thei,, .,, ,i,,v ver.ie a r-,nred bv ,
jhiv nfl. moon nt I .I" oVIk at the
mci.i,,! (hd. of In-nnl.cn.v k'r-
li.-nnl.eiiv (flow-.
w), aie in, lined to make amee ar-
r,.L.MI,,.nt, wild the Pin r conpiii y
the '
: h lira l.l' rue Him ,
ill lie
Lenies lliev iaie. Two or Ihiee
a.i grower" repres-Mixnu i....
to diseiisa the sitnntion. mill the me, I
in" Katurday i of those who r. is!, to
eeioe to terms with the Phi I roitipjfty.
0. A. .Villi r was r',iiiimi of tin for
in, r meetiic n,"l haa called the n,.-et-in-'
fur HiitnrdnV.
11.. ......
Metropolitan Ufs Inaursncs eoia
,.: i- ncei :.- tu tl. nuioUr i t in are
tu. in the citv t'el.iv. It is one
ol the , in'te'ly "f sunt "f
t!,e I'cMllt
distil. I
,i, I, ( '
, criV
Tbs artitlas of aao.latir of 0r-
i;i,,w,r- f. rative "f ull'ili,
h was f.lcd for r.-e.. this ftr-
nirfin is ;."d by f'l""t
,: laaae fltint. vice piesidei.t
,,( t!,e I lol l Tilt'.n ba k of l'.,r!l..d
,. j , ;, ,,f Corviiilia, one ,,f the best
informed no r. in ti e north. t on full
, ',',.; Oeotge Z.inrnerman. sn eies-
V.H till tlltttllV
l.fiitie eni-r .-
UfTir....,, J IsVer of
. k.t Ionise repn
the house
nii'.i . :
( t hle.on.er lit Alab.re, Isr.cW In
t r f
at. ,1 in 1""'
1 f the f..,(feee r.,11 1 r.i'i,
I..t-..n. owner of '"c famnna
' ... . ii- . a
,,.!,, !. f MontifP. 1. .
,,ir., r,.r.ae,ii? Hi wainoi i"-'
:.,fP.,:ke,niy.s.! W K ht.J..! ..V
. -.-,iiT.rr "f Lane ,mH'
;.;o, ; u. f-t t -';'
ajreez-d to I'-'f1 i!!
iatinn unl'ir !u '
:. .. ILe rrnw ' "
wrel.nu(e rec. ip's
thus a'.wir 2 th
are.''. aed sb"
A fr theif fruits
f t'.k r--d s
' ... 7 a ! ,i. co " '
0 A
. b- I
nf- ' -7
t a e. '- torr 1wfs'r'.,
P.. ItPT'in.-'lV. P. I
11 aai.'Uf lh Wa.l nf. .tim r r
r h!j 4r (. K 1 thom -:,..,n 4
;h vlhrr oigans in nrkiuc o.uU.i. -,
if d yua hut mt!ur, to tT.
tfei anil aii. utm- a'-.! - uifi.U
Si. iia. Tk l.uia MKU.vl. Itajr
iru-:, ..;, bo 1 ,n 1
"! t!t a arr ( ), iwt
nalfil Titf nraaiira at rant at; t , i f
it.md avca rucu:lt (r 1 liu. !
0OI.r MrPAl. llxarWm OU r.fc
U ork. I'.-it i r. ( c t
th .ni(;rsl iL;iji!iH vJt'H) M!'ii ,
Hrifoi Oil faiwi!!. . TL.jr nn t.
atiH aluuild h'p vfln, r t
nwj y rxfuniK'A " r .''e hi
itru(S't. Ill aralrj kf.
CI. VRK At tion i' rst Zcna, (rtMi'
Ju.,. h r.l.r !!. Ct.ik, at
tl.o sue of 90 yeiii-a. i mouths an.l ;
S2 dayj. ' j
llei.lr lis ife, he it aurvUi A
(inc a.n ami to Jsiij .htera. One of
ilauulttera u itki-t tier hon e lit :'! !.
The fimeml aorvieva will he he.l
Triilnv after noK nt ! "o'clmk frnoi!
thf eluirdi at Zeita an.l will lie roii.lm i j
oil l.y the Itov, .. Kii.li., Ituriul ill '
tln Zona eimetery.
Mr, t'laik aeivcl aitnui it
noitlier n aimv iluri i,r the 'ii
ll;e !
war. I
Ho tame to Ofeejui .t vosra ii),".
For Itching Tvrtxrc
Th?rp la cue rci.iedy th.it ae'dim
fails to stop in hinj; tonitre and relieve
akin irritation ami tint h.akesthc akin
8dt, lictir and healthy.
Any limi;ist i.ia supply y.Hi viitli
Ti'mo, winch geinrrilly overcoru i ml
skin litseasea. Kcseriii, itch, piii jiUK,
rashes, lihckln .' In nv t cam
ivay to 'Ar.; I '., i. morlum
ihesdisa '.i :' ' , . ' ' l'rl.irt
u.illy atojai i.' .4 no I. u (.xle,
antiseptic li(iui.t, ce. i a. i w t n I
dependable. It c-to only rt ex
tia lame bottle, fl W. It will I. I .'..in,
is not prw.:y or stick v and ispj. iti 'y
aate for tender, s 'native skmn,
" Tt.e '. W. '.'lU, Ctovrland. 0.
Salem's a Good Place to Trade
Notice, is hereby uiven that the nn
(liTvifncd Aiii't t. fail and llem.V
(. Ceil, have filed their final aceounl
an eteculorn of the estate of Fred ail,
deciiiscil, ailh the enmity rourl for
Marion euiintv, and an id has duly act
the tune for licainig objcrli iua there
to, Hint Ihe final aell lenient thereof,
fur Toe.d i.v, .lime '.'t, IIHU, at the hour
of I'l o'cl ck a in. of auid (Uir in the
court room of aaid eouri at Hnleui, In
siid roin lv and Me,
lnl.. this 'JJd dm ,.f Mar, I '.MP.
Al iit .T li. ' Alii.,
Fwu'om nf Ihe ea'.nte of Fred Carl,
,l, e,.i, d. 'I'
Of Uia Btata of Oregon for lbs County
oi wanon
In the mutter of th- einte of
'buries Henry lHvi, W.ard. Nt
to i re i.tor-:
Noliee ii irn n tfiven ii.ui ,r u
.I.TMfc'i cd. Litis J. H'unsl bus bc. n ap
pointed iidm iii-tralor wnh the mil an
. ... I I ....I. ..r fharlea llenrv
,,,.,a.rd, bv the ...it.lv fnt
M,,',.,,!. ,.n,,n. Dii-toii, Bu i all v r
iBir ,i,, ,n months itler Ihe rirai !
law ,
.nto.n of this notice to ,.a,-l sd ,
nt the office of hi ai
t'.riii va at
to' hul.m Hunk of mi"
ika'ffierrM l,niii,li, Hnirill, Oregon,
l:itfd May :"ih, PM!.
A liiiiUi.:rati,c with Hie will am n-dj
i nt till-
; dena-i
uf l,ai!ea ll nry I' i a,
6 :.;
Bridge. ConntnioUoij
heal-d bids w.ll be tereiyr.' by the
oiinty rio r! of Nf f i"H rmmn, Oie j
at I't o'clock s in. on the L' .'li
lay' of June, l''l'. 1r .1 eii.fo.e. I
I., .!.., and fur I rcii.foice-li
' eonefe'e ni.'.ert; I., be t.ll'It on I he I
1 I.f Ihe PS' I I... -' t'l Ma','"'!
I ,.v ion' .l.ff r-,,1. A;'":''"''
'. l.l ., .:!! ''"" ' "''
r. ii..;
i ... t't i'ti is.onu, r in
f I. A e,-rt.',.. eh.- S of "
f (i a"i ike In i "
ac. oii ;,.. :,. nan, ai.n ("'
t,..i,a n.av be en at 'he uft.rr -' "'
rn..,r k The rikl it tt wrvd t
the eoont, 'our' tu rc,cl any oi ' .
r ti, ivn l.
t'c inry l leis
l IK
1, I, r'as'ta '
V,l X' I'D M.rs rit'sH ,
CaOl 3ts. Hubert pruaa paid fw
tnnk. -ton aa.i.4 odVs tl"v
. .. .ri ,.ii ''. ae tba rtf kt
' ri" ' . 71 "
prvea. Ths aqaara deal kotu
j71 chrmek. ft.
8ira. Or
l'v'U HAl.K rhor-p, a
room l'Hm;aU ana
swat medora S
o l tola aa
I'liKS from Ivavt-d asreet. J
from far line, half rah, Ni Bf r , i
Miej; a'o 3 .'re and. a fmm
c:ty Jiautt, 8 KHai h,",e e! a ear
nr-h. ctmmI karri. atoi fruvt two ;
I'rie U.V. aa.f ra. .Sjuaia IVal :
K.aity C. I'heae i' 6 7
j room HKHlcta Ini-s:U.w in t,tt ,
rla 'fOnJttioa, aire,l at rev!, a
tvrma, ".'L'.'n, IVruiaaetl !
S r.H'tn niiilcm kuM, ' M.s-k. fr.i.a '
la.ld A U ih tank, only ,.: ..... (
,7 room atii.tly aie.l. rn kn, na I
:(..! atre. t and far line, ain'e fnulj
-a term a.
" r'Mm modern hcnw. luro ,., .ar
t.-iina I'.'iWi
S r.Hm no.derti k.oie, l fmmiu.l,
1,1 lm-xl.trt f.-ot. all kind of fiuit,
teinn to a lit, 'HI.
H room h-.ue nil iiio.t, rri tilt ,t.n(,
fine eond'tioii,
owufr oiii uay,
llnvo wernl U"Ue to a' ty
'ae a-( raiu'k' fcHMoo'l'.-ky,
l.ar uo
vax.cn EixcTsio co.
rtioiis 953
ST BtaU 8t
I The Capital Journal
: Daily Market Report I
Wheat, soft akila - - l0
Wheat, lower gradas oa aaaiple
outs .,
ili.i, rli.ai
Qay, oat i
llnllev, toil
Mill run
rr.3z.".7" m
Ituttaifal ,
lieiuiiery tytlar is(,(.",.lr
Pork, ! u4 Million
Pork nn foot
Veal, fancy
ifiUoi It'.ia
IT' ri lV
HI ear
... Il',,
. 4fii 'ir
" 7f
Spmig lamba
Kwca ...........
Sheep, jrisrliill! . .
EgO sj4 renitry
I',' ,s, t isS . .
II. oa, live
... 2"ie
.. .. IS.
.... 3i
(lid r of Kt'rs
Ilrnirs , - -
I!.i lnhcs, J"
New puiatwa
tirt en otiiom doa
, .. J
,. 40r
. M 6
...... 17
... 5 21
i Iteriniida onions, i fiitn
II..H.I letluc
i'a,.fa .. -
!i,,,h to-eta .
( 'ai,tnl ...
al.f" K'r"
iilara Uft It. - -
Vl h l. flea. lb.
P.t.ag. fg. V U St tU M(!tW
!!.., silrasltd
aUUil mas
KiiS den
f'f, ninety butter .. . . ..
i iiut.lry butter
Flour, hard wheal
Portland Matast
.. 4
... 67y,:o
... jjlttC
pinth.a l. Or , June
IM H iti. r, n'y
.rco.ery ol'u 'f
.ga a.'b td I'" a I rl 4 .. o . '.
Ilea. 3")e
.,l. S.-u Jtc
tleeaa K'o -'
I he t"l 'C's 3' t
i:,,.i ,(in
!., f hoifk-l k
l-.i.r to K'"''l st-,s o M
I U.I.IIIOfl (ccl I'tt'
I .ennoin to fjir ie ts k o jO
( ,,r . rows and keif- is ''' ' '
Herd t cha.ta tS ard kaifais
M. !.I.Kl to f '.
i atl ketierit
0 ,1 '
ran to
Ktdiuta tis asd ksifstt
o 'el
t ar-rra I'. ' '-'i 5
Ho la I'-a
I aiv t'a I ' '
i'1-.-.pla "''J
nr of i.-ca. t li-he'
',.- lit Vim It V.
M -doiBi d "'' U -'
bra...-. It?--"-" ?'
I. . 4 , .'' '''?'
i: i" I'"
T.,n uf nmaH h
Fair to l..,..e !,!. Iti j Z t -''
Vri'!,ea '-" '
Ci'l U.is I'J -c ''" I '"
v' ,fn ir .j 4
-i.'j"o Pi
At T.V ..k. at dnrer la ir. I U
j Ur pn k IV. S, iVn. St. I koa
For r.;a.r is ttu and aa.-oa Jkaa4
tWi! for tk koiia. faraitnra, raf
t, -' -r and a oea, mj tentsg
waehmea la'.Mtfaar. Aivket, au
'n imik -d "'. r
your old f-imitor aad atovn. aril
p you k jh.at rask jnea, &t trt
! ' . I'e.: rarni:r Ji.jra, 171
N. immer.-tal Ht. Tkoaa IJ4.
N'0 v'A!l Kt U'lliKli (lood avaraaal
tb'ii and auita, all lunda of
al in'ruui(nt, Kkotflna, riftca, !
in; alovet, gaa amt dwi tit
I.W o'.her uvfal atti.iea t tell at
(ra le, Lt hat J.mf Tka Cp!f4
KacUaoj oJ.' Cetiii tt. I'uBa 43,
, Vil t ,, J ttiTB'-tme. liPiM, earrett
aod to!, ai e pav (a'r prices fo
rveivlhmj. t all lI
Tt i:u tt.
5 X. ftiia I St.
HT HLoi KIMt-I rbaa aad black
lad.na' and Mea t kau. J
teived a hat reo' vilui machine. It
pets the dirt, Try It one. C. B.
Lllaworth. W l'"H ft.
60 year eiperinare. tepot Naiiuasal
and Aaieri.aa fanes.
Hi'ea M In M la. an;k
Paints, ail and tsraiak, ts.
I.anberry ind hop hooks.
Huleia Feiics and oa Warks,
S'.O Court aired Phne 114,
J. A Rowland Furniture Stera
Itti v a. arlla SnJ stckanget new aa4
td 'band fmn'tiira. All hiaiia !
repair work, light gtiadlril, Ma,
and brarin a apeflialtT, Kigel
prices. UI Sortk Coaiieerelsi Ma
Ptiona 18.
AAI.Ekt BOAVF.NtlKR-.UarNxs ka4
reftna of all kinds riaol atk
ly etraMs St rsasnaabla rataSa
I cm reola cleaned, Ied slts
moved, dffoa rkana Main 1.
Oa (lo,4 Meal la'sls mmlf
Ovsr Laid t Duik Wsk( Salsa 0f
ra'EUAL, TkHH .nAN-6's, a
eenl Interest. Prnrnpt aarttea. tsiVI
year, tiaas . frderal furs, tvaa boa
i..r afiie. A. C. ltnhmstedt, 401 Kav
Son.fl Tsar's et-ilem, tNraf.a,
IXMl'ltAXt R IOC: uTot frs
formate. a slmul I. 'fa InaaraaaS oJ
J t l,ikao, dial. Msajr faf
the Mutual l. fs f X. ". '"
an H-t. fit., Si!cw, Ors. PfVaa
phone Uft, ifianleaes II
It'll LFt, upsn laoadryataa,
Perry fSt. 1 par tnp maika file fs
ekiflirna sad E. Offisa fks)
M.mJ, residracs lioll.
riiosE lows
(var Pri'r sra Klfkt
M. ZANUI LK, Pr-nta
. n ..tamer (Mrert, fUlaas, lwa
i!-, y
ISTE'.VASrt Hrd'tlB ninir ua
mataJIrl a BsacMoS I.ai WlMl
ai,alt.oa lawtsiew's
tSa saats tfc
factory pu'l '" sea,. I"-
all Tout I uni it. woik 19 ats Ar
an, W. 8i.aa.-t, 31? Cci'l
KM'iHTS Vf pkTiiiAM Ytrr AT
I 'cma-k ki'l ao ssiy Tuaada).
at . VVat'er Laaaa, V. C, P. J.
Kati. K. K. A -
K'lrAf NeifcT"'!
nf Aaar!'v, Ors
( is Orapa ram? 1 ' w mtn ' ,
Th-ifflay in la M r ernaftk kail
H.s'' " - n',
. . t- it. . lit I an a ft! rswsw
.(.a Mr, kt'!
Iiaaa Peisoat, I'1
'.'fa. Pk '". WM.
iALEM WAtrSt f .yfAST-(ff
..,r., (-.sxaaaris' aal Tra ls sr-l
BJls paswhla avatbly la sl--
r.- A -
" Owl of is .1 . - " ' p"""
4,prtsesl af Ik l'i..r"'f sf s.h-
T3 r.
i.ar we
, l.e ,.t t n, i ui
Ike a. a ol d Sif ct l
ID I 4 ei.-,,.':
hat (otcd raJ
' t afe-