Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 19, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Emily Iure
(CapiUl Journal Special Service t
Bosedalc, June 19. The youuj ?c
plea a & class held their monthly so
cial at the home of R. it. Ctmm:.
Thursday evening.
All present spent
a wr enjoyable evening. We are glad
to weW-ome our boys home and may
they never be called away aain on
such aa occasion.
Taa following committee were in
charjre f the work and reserve ipeeial
mentioning for their work:
Entertainment Mrs. C. M. Backett
and C. Swin.
Decoration 31rs. L. O. Oliver, Mrs.
'Gorslirae and Misa Helen Cook.
t Refreshment Mrs. A. R. Ewine,
at home. ""
Anion those attending all or lrt et, '."
JirVlVT'ur 7Ei ' Tw. of Brush College Rirl. Br.dued
Hadloy, Mr. and Mm. Oaraaer, a. .,, : r,:iv
Stroud V, and Mr, Cole , Vr. d Vre our eonTuliVio;,
Mrs. Aiozaader, Mr. aa Mrs. Un- '. .... - . 4V:. -.?.
mack, Misses Helen and Laura Cm- Merer sustained very seri-
Mr. and Mr Hibb. a.d ' " "w.
V.ui u ' v ....... - - -
" . werw playing and riding over a gravel
j pile and Obcar had the misfortune not
to et over, but in.
Mr. and Mr. John Patterson from
Willamina were reeent visitors in tho
neighborhood, visiting at the home of
"Mr. and Mrs. l-eslie Dancer and Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Smith.
Mrs. W. E Bay and children of Jef
ferson Way spent the weekend with
A. Balev.
.Several from here attended the Rus
from Greenleaf. Idaha. visited at K,
Oammack'a last Monday.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Brush College, Or., June 19. The en
tertainment civen under th auspices
of the Brush r,ollere helpers June 9th.
for our returned soldiers and sailors, I Mrs Ball's brother, W
was ouiet a success. The two rooms
were thrown together into one large Carnival last week.
Si r v t i m. r"v;Mn ,
room ana 11 was a oowrr oi nuwcrsi
and patriotic colors.
The color scheme was carried out In
the large dining room, where the red,
Tha Children's day exercises were
well attended. A good program was
rendered. We could have that large a
crow every Sunday if we would only
white and blue flowers were every try.
where. The tables were beautiful In! Mrs. Asa Smith spent last week in
their decorations and the one reserved ' Portland. Mrs. C. H. Smith and Mr.
for the soldiers had the ''Allies" flags! Asa and Harry motored to Portland
at each place. Tho freshments were . Saturday but returned Sunday,
Zcrolene, scientific
ally refined from se
lected California crude
oil, gives better lubri
cation with least car
bon deposit. Get a Cor
rect Lubrica
tion Chart for
your car.
R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agt Standard Oil Co., Salem.
ice cream, cake ana strawberries.
Punch was served upstairs.
Over one hundred and titty gather
A. I.. Collins and family of Gervais
passed through Bush College Sunday.
" Dr. A. McCulah spent Sundav with
To know the thrill of a perfect day, you must have a girl and a Chevrolet
The wonder car of this day and age, the leading light of the motor age,
With fishing rod and the latest book you stop and fish by the sparkling brook
And then proceed to the countless falls, whose beauty lures as nature calls.
And never once does she seem afraid (I meaean the car and not the maid)
As up the mountains its steps, full of speed, power and pep
Nevera stop, never repair writh a car likhat you haven't a care.
When you hear the call of the great highway, come and purchase a Chevrolet.
(Capital Journul Special St'rviee)
Slayton, Dr., Juno 19. Mrs. Joseph
l.ula.v, of I. inn county, near iSelo, died
Tuesday Winning nfli-r a slmit illness
from blood poisoning, following child
birth. She was aged about 30 yenrs, election of A. I. (iardncr as director
and w. A. wed die lork. Thev
was a fair attendance of patrons of
and besides her husband she leaves five
small children to mourn hwr early
death Tim husband and children have
the sympathy of many fricuds in their
The annual school meeting held Mon
day afternoon reunited in the re-
tor ttie nun v !io h on m Icct nil day.
a inure conil'o.tulilc .hoc was never miik".
Hence the wi.lcspivail pupt'lirity the
lti!i KHi:cH r Army blue n'.i.ung bu' incss and
prott'Ssiiiinl men, tpnrtsinni, outdoor work
er, miner;, firmois, nu'ehantes, etc. A
fooil, piaitic.il Slme tur tt'frJiif wear !
Built lor comfort "d lerv'u-e built lor
i) on Rcmfmbcr the name Bucitiifccnv
ttanipeJ on every shoe for your protection.
(Id a Pair toJayl
Exclusive ARent
407 State St., Salem, Ore.
Manufacturer San FranclacO
if I ll f'ii
m7 s'W
vy rv'.'.! i
i t t - ' ! 1
(Lines N'orth of Aliland, Oregog)
Summer Excursion Fares
Oregon and Northwest Resorts
Plan now for a unlet iim m,r vm-vion fur jrouraelf and the fam
ily at the enide or in the mmiutaiiii fecial excuriiHira fure, are in
el feet for tae mirinner.
NEWPORT-is,aw)n ticket from 8alem $3,83
Week end ticket! from Kilein $1.9$
t'otniiindinif Tarei from other pointj.
TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACH ES M,a ton ticket, from Salem $7.70
Fare, to .Wall Kah Xic, Maiinita and Bnrocean ulij-htlv
lii;;hir, t'otreo!idiiij tnrej from other jiointi.
DETROIT K.'a Hon tu'ketn from fnlem f(,00
I'urre.poiulirii; fare from other jjoints.
MCCKEDIE HOT 6FRINQ3 8eaon ticket from Salem ....
CRATER LAKE So;inn tieket from Salem
15 day tickit from Salem
'orrei'ondiiijf fares from oilier point!
m mil (ijirn BUULII ,IIHV HI,
MARBLE If ALLS Or OREGON-S-anor, tuket, from Salem... H.!5
1.1 day ticket from Salem 13J0
L'orrei-onding faaei fiom other poinn. """
VAEIOUi Special fare In effect to Columbia River IWcheii Mt
Kamier .Vational l'ark, ciha,ta Kewrn, Yellowatone Na
tional Park and Olacier National Psrk.
the school, but not so many as should
havo been.
Fleyd t'rabtrce had a birthday Sun
day and in honor of theoeension his
parents and a number of other relative!
HAlhered at hW home, where a fine
dinner, toiX'd off by ico cream, was
served. Floyd's cake carried 23 cau
J. H. Mi.tsler and (family visited
Amity Munday, goinn over by auto.
('. A. lleuucltamp is out aaiu and
feeling quite well after Beveial days
(in i t hoi ions illnciM.
Tuesday morninjj at fiublimity oc
curred tho mnrriniro of Mike Benedict
to Miss Aiixcline lli'rninus. The cere
iiionv was nerfonuiMl in the Catliolic
church by Rev. Father Lainck. These
young people are well known and well
liked in their home community, and
me receiving the congratulation of
many fiieiubi. Tuesday evciiinjf a
dance was given which several from
Snyton nttended.
Mrf. lr. Hobson and Mrs. K. ('.
Perry , of Si io, were quests ut the
W. II, llobnon home Monday.
Mopday was the birthday oi John
Kerber, and his children irathered at
his home ns a rcniindiM' of the ociasion
and an excellent dinner was enjoyed.
Thone tneseiit were Mr. and Mrs. J.
11. Thoiua and family, Mr. nml Mrs.
I. M. I ill mid Frank Kerber and
A few eases of mumps are reported
in nml about town.
Finnk 'npell, of Astoria, is here
for a short visit with his family.
Mrs. M. Streff has been very poorly
for several days, and her recovery is
considered doubtful. Her son, ('has.,
was Here from Mill t'ity Monday.
ed to honor the bova and welcome them Mrs. C. A. Park
home. Brush college has nins lars ia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson and
her flag and we are glad to soy that little son of Vancouver re visiting
none have turned to gold. Those pres their father and sifter of this place,
ent from overseas were: Burt Oliver. 1 ' '
and Ed Venwmton from Cmp Lewis, PATDnpin NFVift NOTF
Elmer Smith, Ed and Victor Olson; sail- rttlltfUiLV lUilliJ HUlIaJ
or present was John Cram.
Russell Beckett is in Seattle, Elmer
Cook is still in France in the aviation
corps, George Vemscmton is home but; thaler from Arlington is spending a
was not present at the meeting. Then! two weeks vacation with home folks,
there were tw visiting soldiers from Mr. a-nd1 Mrs. 8. F. Parker visited
other districts, a Mr. Bradford and. Saturday and Suudav with Mr. and
Mr. White. (Mrs. Chaa. Hinkle at Canbv.
The evening was spont in informal! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bliven and tit-
games and listening to the Vick Bros, tie daughter were guests at Duke Bat
band from Salem, also vocal music by linbers Sunday.
(Capital Journat Special Service)
Fairfield, June 19. Miss Rita Mar-
Mis. Tom Pitman and daughter Gla
dys, represented Fairfield at the- Rose
festival last week.
Iveu Stewart from Corvnllis spent
the week end at F. R. DuRcttV
Mr. mid Mrs. N. Sohn and uaTtjhtcr
from Washington, Mr. and Mrs. iiogo
way and family motored from Portland
Sundar and spent the day at Ruben
Miss Norine Carrcll of San Fran
cisco, Mr. and Mra. Alsup and daugh
ter, who spent the winter at Coivaliis
spent a few days visiting their uncle
8. F. Tarker on their way to their hom
in Mt. Vernon, eastern Oregom.
A fourth of July meeting was heid
Saturday evening at the school houhe,
committees were appointed; a rousing
good program is already under way,
also the sports committee arc busy pre
paring ewrtetrainment for the day,
big basket dinner in the park at. tue
river on the Frank Mahony farm,
dance at Frank Mnboney's hop house
everybody welcome.
Miss Nellie Marthaler la in Poitln" d
this week having her tonsils and ade-
Inolds removed by a spwialisi. Jtls
gain mannaier accompanied tel.
At the annual school meetix j4
Monday F. W. Mahonev
director for three years aid Mrs. F.
w. nanoney clerk lor one year, a twe
mill tux was voted on for tke eoaint
(By nited Press.)
Yesterday's winners: Oakland, Sac
ramento, Vernon, Salt Lofce.
Home runs: Angels; Hhecly, Bees.
The Oaks took all the daylight av
Lng out of .the Beavers' lives by mi
ning wild on the bases and taking ths
game 12 to i.
Schorr hurled good bull te and
excluding the sixth inning. Tijtrrs
then gathered eight runs. Tke Rainirrs
lost, 19 ( 3.
The league leading Seraph dropped
thrar second in a row to tie Bees, I
to 2.
... s.r.3
Inquire of ticket aeat.
Oeneral Pastenger Agent.
Comical Minstrel Talent
At Grand Theatre Monday
With "Spnreribs" Jones. "Slim
Jim" Austin. "Snow Ball" Klliott
and "Nervous'' Canon and "Sleepy
F.ves". Whitmore, the comedy end of
Harvey' (1 renter Minstrels would be
superior to other similar shows with
out i'larenee Powell, F.d Tolliver and
Fisak Kirk. After nil there cannot
be too much comedy in minstrel,
provided f oniric it is clean and of
an irresistible kind.
Manager Harvey ia justly proud of
;fll llhe talent he has secured, mil
although it is expensive to jwy high
salaries t so many clever people, yet
it i a lot of satisfaction to the man-
alter to feci assured that no matter
where the Harvey Greater Minstrels
piny, it is going to plee the patrons.
However, none of the above coterie
of exerts are funnier than Frank Kirk
as he is playing the banjo and siitgini
with a lighted crjrar in his lipsmhat
he apparently wallowa the riir and
continue to sins? as s-nnke poors forth
from lLs mi.li jlik lava from a
Kirk's iierfflrmance is cb'ver wnt
likewise is the work of Alonxo Moore
the man of much mrsterv. the fmir nl,l
.men dam-ing number and .the comedv
acrobat ir buck ami wing dancing of
; oiKier Miner.
I This company will he at the Grand
t'pera Hons Mnndar June C3.
Lieutenants V. McR. Rock and W.
A. Heran. in a IVH.iviland airplane,
made the flight from Portland to Sac
mmento Saturday ia 0 houri and 1
niituites actual running time.
Try Salca First Ia Baying
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It s toasted
rPHINK what that means "it's toasted."
A All the ;delicious flavor of Burley tobacco
has been improved by toasting in Lucky
Strike, the ren Burley cigarette.
fix cigarette
CriP f Swt 1 4 0 Ysy
Famous on account of ihc toasted
flavor. An entirely new idea in ciga
rette making toasted tobacco.
It's toasted for your
pipe same formula
Lucky Strike Tobacco.