Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 19, 1919, Image 1

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    ! P59ORCBLA110N
,C Circulation ia Salem Ouar-
C-WJ by ,lie AnJit Bureaj of
I ,:' ' circulations.
t ;0'iKV -NEWS fcCKYICfi
!! 1
it II f s
H t 1 3 j ! V j f j f; j; f- T,5,:;M s4 ri.U
i j fj (1 tj ! ! Ij ?' f:t: ttwsier tV.b,, i, al.
y 1 1 ; ? i m ( ii hw,H cMj.
1 1 N
-"-viv.x, iiiufwMJAl. JUNK IS 1Q10
delegates Unanimous In Op
position to Its Accaptance;
Cabinet and Press Split.
Basle, June 19. (United Press!) The Weimar cor
respondent of the Frankfurter Zeitung declares the Ger
man peace delegation has unanimously resolved to reject
;he revised peace treaty and has submitted a report to
lis effect to the German cabinet. -
1 dispute!! direct from Weimar Mid.
fcfaer Eak Ta IW.
fek( Wednesday
VOX'SIM. Jan. in ,
lr Harrr J n ,,K B"ea 1 '
h w, iatt;-,.i L Pr
- Nvty tutu f
Ends Ovti Life Sooa After1
tbt Chancellor Seheidonianii, address
itjtbe peace committee of the national
wculily yesterday, expressed regret
ilit the allies had rejected the propos
4 fir i neutral eourt of arbitration.
"Tiicy are determiued to overwhelm
Ik Germans with the consequences of
!kir alleged crime," Seheidemnnn
n, quoted :is saying. "The assembly
ni At government face the most ilif
frnll talk, hut we must not forget the
uinw is on the eve of very hard
By Xd L. Seen
(1'nited 1'iesx Staff Correspondent.)
be tiiiauimmisly against the trciity. The
cabinet appears to be split, while the
national assembly Apparently favors
idjjning. The press is divided."
Anarchy Threatened
Berlin, June 18. (United 1'iess)
The Yossisclie Zeitung declared tunny
that a plaa is being discussed for Pres
ident hoert and his cabinet to resign,
and the national assembly to dissolve,
"leaving Germany to absolute anar
cliy." "Whoever heretofore has said the
peace terms were unacceptable must re-
firis, June I!. The eyes of the peat it, since nothing has been Chang-
wild were focused ou the little town
if Weimar today where one of the ui.
Miifiitoiia decisions in history was in
llf making.
5'itk the allied armies and the Brit
ii navy prepared to movo gimultane
iy unoii Germany if ; ahe refuses to
? tLo peace treaty, the German del- most say 'no'."
!, cabinet and national assembly "Scheideuianft 's
hi. r .T nmf wus of
ihae ! vk " ,mr:,i icmor
nform,, X J. ttvxii t0
toilay " fWe""i here
he theory tost crimm.l tead-ae
dwiMted hr bi
lu thCBollisjer baby - BfW5
of M wu re.,l tu d0v i
deeided the bahy w, deftive a,t
the race ta let it He refuse to
Pr. lUiaelden wa, bora iB nano,
III., ia 1S.0, atteadod ,he UniversitT
of Oh.caso and College of nyiwMm
and burgeons itt (?ai(.a.
Labor Federation Urges Men
Ua Me To Ignore
By Alvln E. Jolinson
(I'nitcd Press Staff Correspomlcnt.)
Atlantic City, N. J June 19.-The
American Federation of Labor in con
vention here this afternoon unanimous
ly adopted a resolution approved by
the executive committee, uru'mfc stiik
ing unions to ignore injunctions which
nre detrimental to their interests ono
to take the consequences.
The resolution also urBi-d that con-
Articles Of
Filed With Secretary
Ut Mate Today.
Prt)ad. ih., June O.rretiBtf h,!
l mith iaile and a p!rmut "wj !
inttantty ivile.l her witaaut v I
While she mi a! their Lr,-k I
ItvA uttla thi Meraiag. 1
wward rushed from his fcmiw, went !
to the hini of a aei shlmr, telephoned
" orrt," 'hat he tad wunicivd ;
h mf .,! - .J..,.,. ... ...1 . l
life, and then killed Imuvlf. I
li!pondeacy over poor lualth sn.l
finaaual matter is believed t hae
keea repoabl for th dvubl trajedv.
Head Office Of Organization
To Be Established Here,
Declares Paulus.
In the filing of articles of adula
tion of Oregon Growers Ooopuati
association this afternoon, the first
move was made to associate tLe gr
eis of the northwest into a coopera
tive association that will includu not
only the handling of agiieuJtuial aud
horticultural products but the raaniiig.
preserving and warehousing of mime.
Robert t . I'aiilut, manager of tae
Salem Fiuit I'nion, with active arc
hers of the Union have been pljni;lng
fur some time to effect this orwnita-
tion which will bring under control t.f
the growers of the northwest the entire
handling of their products fie.n the
growing to the disposing of wms to
the wholesale markets.
Profit Not Object
In the articles oi association of tiie
Oregon growers cooperative association
it is first stated that it is to !e a nm-
nmfit cooperative association orntu?.- h,.adets Were received
ed to promote, foster and parti of Ciaad.
the business of producing s i ynn.-i-.--,,f
vegetables, fruits, grains, mils aa.i
vt niihil
d," said the Tageblatt. "We ret'ue
the terms because we insist ou self de
termination and full sovereignty anui tlllie MpM ,0 curb ,hp T u!
nre onnosed to the nationalistic. Idea! 1. :.. : :., 1 ... .;.,.(
of revenge and the reactionary rebirth, " I foods. Ko '0 encourage activity i
wlii.di could not h avoided if we aiirn-1 m. '. n. s.inreinrvins. canning, drying, packing
ed. Every one looking into the lutute f,ivnfie ,estric.tioa of Immigration
from Kurone for a period or tnrc years
woras, mar ino Ti. .,,.;- followed a long rtohife
Hearing On Seditious Con
spiracy Charges Held
With Secrecy.
Winnipeg, June 19.--(United I'resf)
Tiisl of the ten labor leaders aireat
ed here for complicity in the stilke,
was held here today behind rinsed
The charge ia seditious toispiiacy,
and an attempt to overthrow li.e rum
stitnlioa and power of the goveinmeiit.
The tiial will l the same as that run
ducted ia the Tower of l-midon for t
spy or" traitor, the prosecution said.
Document will be introduced shot?-
ing funds for the strike rami1 Urgely
from revolutionary societies in I'hirj
go, Minneapolis, Bismark, N. 1'., In
dianapolis and New York, dominion au
thorities said today.
Htrikors said telegrams voicing am
mauds for a dominion wide strme In
protest of the arrest of the strike
todnv fiuiii nil
Troops Moving Toward Line
FromFo rt Bliss; Planes A re
Busy With Patrol Duty.
El Paso, Texas, June 19. Five American airplanes
flew over the border country for a distance of 250 miles
east and west of El Paso today and reported the situatioit
(fathered in Weimar, debatlna- hand which signs tho treaty will dry . , , vnri, fotinns attempted to
'Merit shn.ll be peace or war. Their 'up, are still true," was tho comment! ... ..,,!, i their favor. Irish
ttrdiet must bo reached before 7 p. of the I.okal Anzciger. "We hope the 1(,tos,n,,, sg1;t exception, of Ireland,
while Seattle ratlicnls Interpol
fuvnr of Russia, fieeretnrr worrisnu
Mmi(tay, the "zero hour" fixed by ' government with dignity wili itfuse
'k allies when thev mihmittnrl Ihoir to slirn."
'r to the German counter proposals! "The lie remains a lie," the Tag- ,10W(,V(,r SWP,,t the convention into con
run mf " ,
t Veraailles.
lische Rundschau said. "Germany
jcurrence w
leporti from various 'sources, vester- would never be recognized until she fll ar,loai for jobless aoldieti a
I.. ..j ... . ..." i. ... . , , . i:. n, ivnth (leel.'ir- . . , ii.. ..,.',i.,l in seeking
k ad today, indicated the British acknowledged a lie as the, truth, dcclar- (1l,i,I.11.tttinn that capital is seeking to
'al authorities already had unw ed all Germans criminals, and conwnv . . ,ort (.0trll,t labor,
hi. i.i.,.-. . i .. . .!.., .,li n de lverv of i u.,ni. nf New York, s.im
., ic'cniuuiisiinienc or tne ucrman ea to everv - ( inuuins " - ,
weksde. Pinm. a-:i.. i.. In.. L.;.,.r his ircneriils and the suU-: . . HnmiL'iation does not esusr
voiui Uli IT llWIli 11 U C V . I ' lilt Bi'( r- . , ,, Miioi
'Htrnctoa American morcliant vessels! marine commanders to the eiueuie.
no a British order to cease dls-We refuse to remain under tho destroy
flsrgiig cargoes in German ports as'er's feet."
''H m an order to American warrhipsj
- "uiHTiite m resumption of tne
lin'wi""S' . . , in
Li.i wsrehnnsintt and the hnm,lli
of agricultural and Art if.iltnr.it pro-
'''Tts' purpose Is ita to bur and sell
U such products, to own. .,
una nm."
noin." ' " . I ..If
growers, t accept as com....-,,.. --
Sreffipf aodte finance crops t
, sl Provided that the -oc, t on
J,ll sell and discount commercial pa
tj.VidVta.-torbroker f,
iwrso. or , ,mIIHered to
The asocmtion . s " J"
and ac nnire ..
bortlcuituf;.! nr
Toch at iTIeadquarters
. F"f1' ns understood to lie at his
Mlfiarters in Luxumberg from
"h eentml point he could direct the
toward sweep of his armies into f.er
M.r, along the entire front from Hoi
N l0 fiwitzerland. His force of neor
7 s million men on this front, in the
"nt of resumption of war, would be
'Seated by (be Polish and Cweho
v armies which would nttaiit Cer-
fmn, past an(1 gnuth) a(,(,(ir,i.
"i to milhoritative information.
""Patches from l.oth Weimar and
rin indicate a division nmong the
."""ii over acceptance of the new
J lie peace delegates
20,000 ROB
. . --at. n ismirptitrstirtt
''s ,-d t;,t"Ts alone cm-d hold
, f,.,d the world.
''- Sl"'" r would
i:Z7Z ;;,se;t yr,
return to r.ii" 1 j mef,f.
wording to gowrnme
Vr,i,.th .-mid"'.' " -'l'"
with tins ""'",, ,n. will pa
, restrictive iron.-a . ...
i. .1,- lesiroe or - 7
.ornoralion w.aed i
g,icu1turnl business.
irr.,m In E,ilfn1
main wi
i i,e I or no-
. ....... .n, ni 1,1IIM-
.,11 lu ndmittcil on
Hi be limited lf;.....i::;
, ,-, or to the produeuon, ....
i, ranning. diyi. P""1". '
Coansel K. O, Andrews for the proso-
cntto:i saul the plan was to nave in-.
reused and their families .n their
wav to Kogland, Hcotland and ltu.a
by th' end of the week. No bail tiiH
be pennittcl, k( si. Id. ". -
Streetcar serviee w nilinlaiiic ! un
til 7 o'clock Inst nlglit, ears llien be
i u taken to burns because official re
garded further seruce dangerous. hr
vice was resumed this mrulng withn.it
Stnet ruilwnv men lust niu'it ted
not to return to work.
Twentv men nnd women, aecie, of
intimidation strikebreakers wete fined
or sent to jail yesterday.
ill activities are t"
Moral And Financial AH
Pledged Strikers In The
Northern Cities.
Bellinglmm, Wash., ,luni l!- The
stole fcderatwia of ktmr today pledgml
it. full moral and fins.ieial supKrt
to the general striker of Winnipeg,
Vsii.iiiiver and all t'anaiban cities.
A h'avv eollectioa was taken fur
the ai.tau-e of the strikers following
nn address bf J. J. havanaugli, pr
dent f the HnlUli I'tiluottna fedntu
"1'liee ilr not put martial law
nito effect In Winnipeg or Vancoitver,
for ther do not kimw which way the
soldier will shwil," Mtid Ksvsnaogh.
Couvetitlon to Uproar
tIelliiiKhHm, Ws.h.. June 19-In th
midst of a, bind tti-iimn t rt inn In an
apparent attempt to stampede th eon
leiitinn with "rough neck" tactics,
.!. .1. Kavsnaujjh, rrsident of the
Hriti.li 'lui.itoa federation of kbor,
uprang a ssirprW o insurgent by
reptiiiiaiiding the ronvciirtion for its
disorder Imlay.
Put a time, while Kavanaugh w
on his feet, il looked as if delegates
would come to blows, after ike aer
jjmnt of arms had thrown on of the
,,.i.;,,i,. into an srai ! pruiratma
Inguin.t letting Kav aitmits have the
I floor. ,
j "I am nriried," iwld Kavsnmigh,
'lo see socn ntniroer in r'ni--ii""
f oM:iui?ed Inlor, wliieh ! h
Presene af 70 VHbsta ppiiti F
bens, Tesss, which resiilud ia tw w
panic of th lath United Htatra l-
fantrv being lushed ther tr ss4r
trucks yesleiiUy to reiafore lk -
airy patrol, stated it Fort t.lum
hrdiirtrrs tedsy to b f ' l
portane. "
The airmea were nrdetrtt aot t Pf
over Mesieaa anil.
An Amerlrsn troop movement af teav
siderwtile i was started tmky twf4
he Meticsn hnrder frmn Frf P't.
llca.hpiartrra there wer reticent
imrtirolats, but the aianeavrra am be
lieved to U part of a "war gas
in.truction program, fhsm kaal.aj f
sniper In th et and rrs.drnr se
tli.n of i'A Vm was a fettur of yrt
tridsv ' artlvilie.
Plan Patrol Bordr
A Mpisdren of tweli f'vlng -cltiiir.
all of th P HsslUnd typw
equipiwd with Libert mtor am
to take hp hm li-r patrol work, ii th
result of Mutiny's sklewisMng with
The ftvers are nn let illreet rBUM'l
of Major E!gsr T.-i.m, ! ret.iinrd
from averse servlrf. The sifid
flew to W r from Kelly fVM, Rw
Antonio. Tcsas. TUi U the fltst wf
nua sUi-mrl In patrol the border fr
the air since the Colun.r.'! s,dlt.e)
in ma.
K ,or'. trnrhliig her de'r tl
Genets! filiw .nfelea, eebadef mith
rrnncisen- VII Is, nf the MclMia d
fe.led be the Aerlr i trenp la
,,eadiig w.tk th bandit force ael
.how s.i'erT sgsle.l Areerls tl
mil enrnuster la aorthera Metlr.
However, Bilnirg fnn,-s.f wtl
fOrtisnsd ft
O- T-.- CrT. NPW! ndw;'rc,in1p.iSho.,.1vere-gn,J
Oil llno fnn 'di.
Vftfir KsTOirmff en ui tuc rr--..... m
1U1II Vt iiii,."s
Many Detachments.
n j
ii - it i' n hi i ,i l i i
!.Sf l ... 1 AkA I .IIVUWJVM ...v. . ,,, ...,.,.
uaus jwu - j Hang$ Firc hHe berv- T: rllZZ
I , t . .,,.... i.i Vs nrn'tVff II ml
i jt(iftt n ti-t" '
U the smt or ..y - - , t ,. A , tt '"'"I"-- . . , . ..... l
s-sa h a - i -i .... r.ri i v rri im '' P '
press) - Although the strike of a bf-.r I . , . V.o....ver hsve doa.
'i to provide aniMrineiit sir
Damages Injccdent .d Is Parayzed
it of eVM.C
. III... .el l'oniu.i
I . . I - , I
-..... e.nsed bv an aulouio.me im-.
loinu,.' - - -
Fisneiseo. June
-Althniiifh the strike of alif-ir
WnTt Mher with nati.l snd state .n. -. of tm,0 trJ'-eriV more firmly on the ..ate .o,Uy,llt, ;rlk,r.
,l,,.ii '":-- r-ngresi- 7w' M.les. snd nut Kinst
eonatiiu""""'"'. , n. imn
1 llini .- r
are snld to .more
be tanen
- .i. '.,.,on tne r.n" ,
arrived " V" " ,, men. nren.e tw .j.otioaaliiy 01 ' .lleeed that ImaaJrt .m. 's-"
foyers And Aircraft In
Readiness For Invasion
J Peace Refused.
... . O....IU Ro n it. Ill PSSS "I ..-i-
TV.A transports were tne , . i.blature -'"
' 1 . Aiiiniatr . nidi-
"fpl " ' i-.T oroiwr care in tne on. .-a
t, the"". ..." A that the aeci.leni in
us """ " : . ii i ,ie iegi.u"- ,.'tsrt t. vr , t,. r and war -
Amsterdm. Ka,cr, A gait fm-C o- ,of . ear y , ,
V....nrhl. 'rlll7. rrein-ii-"
ilreat Xortl.om and P"m"-.
m. Vnrthern brought the
T!;:;,;,,t,alioni 113th engineers
rurrThe mo,...:;-' , , m:!, :i:
and no definite steps were tnsrn i.ur
Ihe mnrning hours towards i -'t
tZfJ'Z ISO Elks Accomoanied Bi
. ... ji. ........... .
uld be tirouglit to an enei i-t
within a short time.
strike envelope! mmui'ij""
((! I(.U dl
. r. "sth on- eo iihtion' ""..i.;... insurance "'
1 rs PillllilMf s 1 f Kllllli' 1
1lT IMlllir- i-it 1 , 1. ' ,1
. i.fnnl.iimrtt'r
we e the 0,h' fi.dd .rt'llerr brig...e I
batri Aand B .'th f. ntrJ mU
VIZ nit: Sixth sanitary
detachment; two
cnsion ofeoldi-r
,.. owner or "lr
fr 4.:,,!.'TO.I"t dawy
train; i" ' . , . . s,,,h ham
,1sth hospuai u"
'fill' ''" . ,.j.m were to'
)n ,,,. Nieuw ' Am rdm wer
T . .1 ti" ... 1
M Til ID .MTnitatf. l'rl 1 . . fial.1 HHO
W ;ii,,i,h.,,:lvr h a war footing '.'" -.hine gnn and suprdr
..i,;n mm and supf" .
to move upon the German i;"""? rst ..tt.o:
11 Hie nmimi- fn 1 A a. 11 m flip 1 . . .1. I.
, ,n' enemy fails to sign the
W according to the Jvlm-
'orrespondent of the Cikibe. AH
tv, i;iV(' u,,n cancelled.
ii , 5 t!ritisl1 dirigible H-iH which
ftjk. . e started a trans-Atlantic
one cs
W 3-th bakery unit
company. . -onvaics
The South ecu,, Ui.
- . j... n
eent detscnmei,.-. military
7th. ;."i" """ . .
' . . . ....itti-if
-A iiiunrn
KORTiiWLSl LUi-.iu.
Reaorts At Loyal Legicn
jj west wo"-
tnlinn: SI
iu . June
. ... l ....
M!!l,.SOHth remount ffd , A L.'- , , deat
The h art
Iiioa 0'
bulanee eomany
312'h servrYe
l.i.to.. .. . i.inl .' ' SftHth remooi i "t. lyarer ,w a P'"
C " "'min Pltie eoat to dem- r". h,n,1l,,.arters 31-n na nr'",' Bredier fiene-a.
" fce navy, pre,,aredneM. The " He Tt i .rried I f,ncd bef.re ' rP"1
5- ' -ui.ped "wi h bomb, arid ,?riM Frederich Wdhe bn rn f,
slvf" ,.u" ""..h "'the 21t -Z battalion: J'Tere.rt. wh .erdir
J a.A, "aMiy . w ? ineers. oVta-hmen - ,omr,ani(.,. I. ;;. .ft."' ,al
M r a aimi ar cruise over,.. . . rr; ,i e-- - , tt, . ,w b;2-t'r ;,1u
'""'I and dhe Kiel ranal.
. Vahan; Jne
1TA MSftfl. .!"
the -Pacaman were
'of the
1Q t'nllliit PrfUlli ..n.lmn
viv. t. . . . " - -- ' min wai-."-'-
.1 . "r n ... ' . . . . V... : "
t ,iJ(f .-ruisera anu a iiunno-i
t ' arrived in the Baltic to
th ir.a
ind 32-lrd infan'rr
i tera"Ki
I livir! C'
t.., f the
Hiacfo'llivinir COO'tir." . ,r
.. ..iniirH
.1.. inmrer 'C-''-
' ... .-hf
t". ' are expected shortly, ' .T1W SOLDIERS WBECK !!' ' .
4'- '. ' 'st'''-h eo m pi et e gSH POLICE "AnOS
, ill IK. g. ; .,.a j
ten wrmin eoasi 11 'r j
.1 r"ls are re f n sort Several of I . T,.e 19.
""rover. ...... j ..:..! Epsom. i.t-(l
-u-iiiiHin i hnc w.v. oeaneo ui' --" .Ill O ii
- - - - --.v . nonce f-i--- ,
f the tufTJ t r. ,-rT.-,!s' "
b. ii'i 4 ,j r il? '
so-1 " ' ' -,ker.
... f,r WW" , 1
... -,aimu',
... . .4 r..r meH. . . f
aart Ii""' . . . .. it's, ere r
i V;' , . I
I 1-1 W T 1. Y V. lb
.... .1 . i. m fci.-r I
. ,,. All operatnf wii
Mod.-iH, Newman and Oakdale.
Confnc Falls
f, rem e aimmiae'"" i'-r
Im-i ee n r e ,i rr w 11 1 1 1 n-)
Band to Launch Drive For
Fund In Silverton Tonight
Law LiccsDkg Dealers How
Ia Effect; 15 Agents
In Salem File.
la order ta fb th rurbstw !
,..! broker aad .l'i !k ka.
of a real est b-).i s m get
)ierer .sdic, th la- legis!Uf
i,s..ed a la f'i.f'Tf I" f
rrair all 'S selling real eti1.
Ia a I t. f ...it is the ! ' '.
selling rewl .' ! '
KHS teM.'i aad k hi afph'at
(.., a tes. signed by tr iewsbt
iHirmg th v " f Ik '
'store, the Pad g rel "te ''
,.t tetker ad dired "',
,a jbsi re", i ' ''
., I.w. .( other ...I'. fv3 7
W.ct,.;r." . ,
The bill. Wk-ek tree..4 tk t
h.ve .! i.',l ,rei..f,oM!,.( ll re,i,..'"e re. I ......
t.sipus. At Mwlem, fno.ele mi " - "
g rest ! !sislwf'il aar " --
,n th. regulXie. !.. S .-'d rsf,j
!' "" " !,b, fstn.g -if III " I'
.,. .HI Ke pre,..M !.,. ef rksrar.er hT te .!.'.
. i .. f.ii ,i . i . . . .ti .... ..i MiM inr
ti,a f.rio. ' I,, jti,., .,lfe. After a few prw r..ry ' - ' " . , , ...
,or , ..t. . ttaiter 1. Tins'. luas
h e.ile. fSlieil to Fl.uu-.ie'i" .
K.pr.w.ila'.ve f the telepto.-.e :
I Ii V WIIISi'1 ......
o?;s announr
....... .,.. in aiileoilt
to'ewnfe, W tl. f "'. '-'-I"":
rt.,,ilf.it!f '
llffle,! of the kl-til Tfsd.
SI. nl nmni
were quoted threwl.B.ng
,-il of
general rike of tlif-r
.i .!. .frilie I. no! "'
d c!ectricl '"
To cull a'teiitioa to th eamjiniga f
the Hiilvaiion arf fund, to t ri
k bejtetimg .IB VI. 8 ieir,g
w.H be h.ld th.s rveaing it Hd.iftoa.
And ! " 'PC' ' SU'ereV, S
ei,.r,y of i.t t'4 W. aecom
, I I.V th '--l - '
..no. .i.i' th' fjlem ajk' "
on the program. t
Ii .. Ho.l, tstn'.d that th eo
e gill. Sad
lo ,'ii.ertiim the
tie fk' f k pgr.
Uttla Disorder
- (Uu lid i
TV..nuehoot th ''
phone .tr,se .itu.t.on "" "'"" -,
' .. nffle a loo gl
. rf.Hew.nt. 11. keln.g
pk bt b'tle d.rder.
I Sin Kr' g'r
. . ...... (.. Hull. I. Tins'
HHiitierT ipw.'-i --- i ., . ..I
.,0!,Mv ehairmao of th !. arm ,,,.e. I th '
drive eampa-g", ' " ':"
Of Ml I e'lfe
eoettv.. ' . ' ,. (ii.,i, iKoi-rsin w il
but to
eh.n-e hri
trre.'rd ke' f" hop-
he ettt "f i
iwilloii remsiiing l to I j
im ir.g nr.too T.-1
." i -v., ffeors aot to o-
( .,-r. I'm -
.... . . .
. ... 4... ..'.-.a in
.' .... ,-e ten r.l'""'f k
.Li for the .,;k.-,ker. U
la tV-oth r-c,fol rer.n.s. t
,1,. wen-- tHk",.t- , . 1.
..... i. H.m rrsn.iseo. A
w.r" - . , . , .,.1 ,.
ties -
rih ,tem ! th
eeie 'd '."' '
.. .trike tw
I hsr!.
fid the following p'"C!'
of fe'l d :
Mu.ie t.v the K5k Band.
Il.r r ! Voal bIo.
liiin.Yh... V. Uiinwa--Ial.'r.
,! . A . M J'e'- Veesl miln.
Ms r:'clwi K. l!r - K- b
klJ, W. t'arletun ;.-
Ma.. t.r the Ki. ltaa-1 j
U! .be'k f '
H n. K..-. a l. t --) W,
". L M. lB!d Voeal
Vug. II-eiei-.-fjeiier,
. . g irtct f W.
"Meat Eika Bd.
a '.rwr.l,a
ta sswifce
- I . . . Ma. I.t. l,Llf
II' '.W - - ,
thi "
i feil
tiut if
,'. eo.Bf.fi!. OS tkst ti''
tte ti,irr.
t , follow, b m'rm d'"s "
J,H tkesi !--- J- - ",'
l,sl..si,.-"!. w- -
A. No er, J , w, ww7.
(.,. K JVer, ws
It IS " -, It
?"t the
. r
Ini' 7-a,'.--t beraa.
i..j ih. police taIw', .v. eosst V
wreearn . ... . .omraoe
. . 1 I kaMICil . .
. . l :.i.i nna i' . iieemen ... ..... i . is --
airigiti e K-34 was o- u.a"- ,.i Tweni . . ftvwua""
, r.n j , . , Wlfer I ... tfimn, SOI r.'l.l
ri S;kMf u. fciea eur rt y;r'
Maardi. .
..... . ... selers r t
r, ws.-. it rt -a t-'f
stviday ss.ra.sg
i' h.
I l" l.i.B
,11. t,n H B U." ' " '
!,, r ( t. w I1', '
) n.,k. W. A Lirta a4 W. U
App!.'t.-a ' " fml
,ie is ha h aot a yt h
j.,4. a the U b"" '"'
I "V ." a. ih lit ftltl
',t t. the iii'co'" n of th ff
h inwriae (.wiwi, Mry
WniU, lo i.i a pkS pig
City : tit mt al aaiaofi't'l reai r
; s tk
Ti, i, '"an Baltle eoest
the aouthern Baltic today, hid been "fpS(Ji!,f ,he fUtca.
,n.rd the Hanwatic towns, were W ,B
work - W-