Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 16, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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a. .' ,
nun mo wicieij. lae reiresn- r
eata wer then served. Mrs. Bamwjcr
flitting tht birtiday cake and ill A.
J. Mathis the wedding eake. After re
frcsiiuienta the guests passed to the
lining room where punch vat belli;
served. Mr. Ornik proposed a toast
to Mrs. Hicks and Mr. Hicks a toast to
Mrs. Ccrmk to which ll heartily re
sponded. Fifty guests were present.
Tomorrow and Wednesday
Summer Dreocso
t !
Jj Friends of Captain W. D, Clark will
- be pleased to learn that he left Camp
.vt-u-ruay ea twite 10 .ttiem.
Captain Clark haa been oversea on ac
tive duty with the 23d highway engtn-
- . . . r-
'Kit "l if-' r-
tv fm pi
Now is the time to anticipate the Summer Dress requirements for ev
ery occasion. Our assortment is replete with crisp, fresh and new
styles. Sheer, cool looking'and daintily made.
Dresses of Every Description and at Every Price
Some of Crepe de Chine, some of Georgette, some Silk combinations,
but especially attractive are those developed from Voiles and sheer
Wash Fabrics.
Price, $9.50 to $35.00
I Street
from the eity for about a month. Mm!
By Gertrude Robiusoa
Joanna, James howevur, will appear aa
.announced, and that in Itself is enduce-
j ment enough for tha most tirod of tirod
business men to eanecl all other en-
Igagements and attend tht nioetius. Mat
tor btee llminmer, tlio ten year old tl-
MHMMtMitilit aniat of Hilvcrton, will alao appear on
I the program.
HAVIMi postponed Hie affuu furl .
die. Aat" w HI . 't,VT' U Mr. and Mra. Lee Canfield left Sunday
at tho lllihee Country club with . roy. Tlu,v rturl. Ulr- , ,R1,
gueat diiy",f iha week, the trin lixincr mmla In
air. tantieltl a new Mitchell.
I flonrish. It will be
a ml every member ia eipcted to brin
a guest with Her. A group of promi
nent women will aet aa hoateaaca for
, the occaaion, and the enjoyable timea
that alwaya mark theaa dayt will be,
if anything, aurpaaaed. .
f '
, . Commercial elub merabera are doom
ed for a dianppointment at their meet
Utf Tuea.lay avening. Mint Kutu Johua,
who had been aeheiluled to appear ai
on of tha anlaiata haa gono to Califor
nia on a motor trip and will be abaenl hoatosa, Mra. I'aul Bilko. Tho laat num-
E 'JH .
On Tuesday evening a very pleasant
nffuir km enjoyed at tho homo of Paul
8ilko. About fifty guests were prenen.
Mnny eeelleut musical numbers were
rendered. After which a pleasant Rnme
of "turkey" was partieipated In by all
present. Miss Jessie Olnsner receiving
firnt prize, Miaa MiirgueHtn Bisrhoff
neitt prre. Last but not k'tist was the
delicious refreshments served by the
Dependable Luggage
Fcr Short J;
Or Loni
I.oggag eoareya silent
but forceful message at tha
train or depot in hotel or
(Meats' home. Is it not most
embarrassing to have eonxpie
uously shabby luggage!
We have cnies and hand
bags to meet most demands
from the very tneipansiva to
the ssere waslerfuMy finished
artitle. Vacationists will do
well to get our prices.
"The Corset De Lnxe"
For Women would knowingly
give up the graceful lines of
youth, yet fiow many unknow
ingly give them up by too con
spicuous corseting.
this wonderful advantage they
adjust so easily and perfectly as
never to contradict the youthful
lines with which they endow the
figure. Their splendid effect is
never destroyed by breaks in the
bust line and creases at the s;dcs
or back. Their graceful con
tours are those of true youth
that courts inspection.
bcrs for the evening were played by
the Pruitlund orchestra. AU present
voted the evening a great success,, .'
Graduation exercisea of Sacred Heart
academy will tak. pluca this evening
at the high school auditorium. The
young ladies who will roceiva their di
ploinus and teacher certificates are
Miss Clare Winkler, Miss Marie Hug-
sen, uiss Mlanehe Gibson and Miss
Catherine Durnndleau.'
Mrs. nelen Ekin Starrett, author and
prominent cluD womnn of Portland,
whs a Salem visitor during tha lattei
part of the week, on her way to attend
the commencement exercises of tha Eni
yeraity of Oregon. While ia Eugene the
is the guest of Dean Louise Ekrman,
is ncing extensively entortained. Two
of Mrs. Btnrrett'a best known works
are "The Charm of Fine Manners
and "Bereavement and Consolation."
anna Van Doren became the brlda
of Millard Worthington at a beautiful
and simple wedding yesterday at tha
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Williamson, on Court street.
The ceremony took place at high noon,
neverenu Airs, tlla McElroy reading
the impressive ring ceremony. The
house waa magnificently decorated
with pink roses and earnatioaa. Tha
bride was beautiful in a whita gowa
or net eominned with satin, she wora
veil and carried a bouquet ef bride's
roses. Hor sister, Mrs. T. L. Pratt, act
ed us mutron of honor. She wora a dain
ty dust colored dress and tarried
bouquet of pink roses. Ernest Worthing
ton, a brother of the groom, and !at-
I ly returned from overseas, acttd as
I beat man. ,
Following the ceremony an elaborate
wedding breakfast waa served, Tae
pieat list Included Mr. and Mrs. J". M.
I Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay,
) Mr. and Mrs, T. T.. Prstt, Ernest Wor-
thington, Mrs. R. E. Pomerey, Misa An
Igie Kar. Mrs. Lena Medley, Mrs. L.
Roach, Misa Dorothy Pratt, Mis Leon
Pratt, Emerson Van Poren and G. Mc
Elroy. A delightful party was givca Friday
evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. Kreuta on North 8th street.
Among those present were Mr. aad
Mrs. Fred Delano, Mr. and Mis. Lewis
(Mishler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rckarf,
i Mr. uiul Mrs. Tom Galloway, Mr. aad
Mrs. Ernest ftowcu, Mr. and Mrs. fi. A.
McElvain, Mr. and Mrs. liurtoa A. My
itis, Mrs. Cecil Fox.
The junior piaaa pupils of Mrs. Julia
M. Weifel enjoted recital at her
ea on Smith Church street Thursday
afternoon. Ferns aad pink carnations
ware need in decorating the living
'a an! refreshments ware served
after the program, which was as fol-
.) Dance of ttie Raindrops Aflam
lk) T Merrv Birds Krr.g
Elfa Persey
Silver Threads Among the Gold
-- - Del Camntfftlo
The "Shepherds Dream Hcins
Marjorie Waker
The Farm :1 Kchiller
Ava Slagel
Humoreake Dvorak
Ijorcne Gearhart
Pretty Moonbeams GrecnwaM
Mabel Irons
Dsncing on the Lawn . Heed
Muxiie Donaldson
barcarolle (From Talcs of Hoffman)
... " QffeBliach
Alpha Ilolcomb
4. Jolly Hide Blake
Ethel Germond
General Grants March Mack
Grace Darling
Le Petit Carnival . Strenbboiri'
Prettr Dewdrnns GrecawaM
Delbert Viesko .
Vocal. Ding Tonjr Bl ..
Gleqn Weiarel
Thin Own Lnnge
Moonlight on tha Hudson ... Wilson
Alice Boock
Duett. Approach ef Soring
Alpha Ilolcomb. DeloUe nie
A moat intereating recitnl was given
Wednesday evening, June 11th at tho
Y. w. C. A. rooma by the pupils of Miss j
Lena'Dotson. The artistic arrangement!
of tha decorations was an attractive i
feature of the recital. The opening nitmj
ber wne a duet by Louise and Paul Al
len which was thoroughly enjoyed and
revealed the musical talent which these
children possess.
The very voungest performers wore
Ruth Kays, Evelyn dimming, Eloise
White and Janice McKinnon and each
rendered her selection exceptionally
The numbers of Frances Harlan, EHs
abeth Bennett and Louise Allen showed
splendid advancement for the past year
while the playing of Evelyn Poulscn,
who has had but eight lessons gliowed
remarkable progress.
Alice Claxton, and Eloise
pUanantly surprised the guests with tht
skillful rendition of their numjtu.
Howard Roberta and Paul Allen with
? - ! (" i!
i i I. ! iff
m (
1 1 i I J ; j
S$. )) Thoj?t1.lnce. S )
" ' if CWlWrl(ti'WeSs? fl
ge ve Harlan captivated the
with their special numbers.
Among the older pupils who appear
ed on the Tatter part ef the program
were Marian Rowley, Ruth Nelson, Er
ma Kreft, Alice McKinnon and Gladys
Hilderbrand who presented their num
bers in a most pleasing manner.
Tho double number bv Blanche Row-
Wriullt ' ""J ""'"""i iuiic nuiiciouu
... and Leyal Gray were given In a man
ner which showed careful training and
indicated the possession of a high.de-
.. j i i I : . i. , i.
heir ereditable playing dinplayed tl.a Miss Flora.Newman rendered
ntereat wh,oh thew small boy. have acceptably,
taken In their mnsle, .,,,. .,.?.. , .i.. .
nuutuiri s-i f'- 'sm atntuio ui uxr j v-
Little Misa Eleanor Wright and Eu-
f I" Yf1"? I f
laaaas Krw Abwit (U Tins) te Cms
Pl'S ItJ
BJ1 tl
W oM la vast- arass yeor wn
. y sn nut joa rmm rsai omu
i srrrsl r"tt did ail In jour bki
It a hwr prsHMtol Indumr.
Is sav that nm Mmwim mnA ra.
K M dlaposmosi of Ctf fururt l
ft half a esnhtrf thansaiHb nt m
esj wis kavs hm4 tit tiewKtiiarad K
ST, stotbr's Prlsnd, say tttst tky entirely
SMHl hum, Brrrausnaas and that V
Miar dtalrwMiif HtM0 s aaoal wber .
Mmi!!y hrljht aul hmvvT diulU,
Mt nascts sa asarksdl iwua lb aubura
sw wtarttaWwsaef HsUmt's Frlofxl Ins
Mrh are mAf sjm) kn Mirt and tlxtl
'"Mini IMS t Mlur daaand for n-
lUwut tt amnl wmtchiiic rrmia.
ar De drswa aaoo, aad as a
I thm MMrtiii bnSMT U Mh.
t-4 snw sb4 ia MMs ar ant disturb!
fou twitcfelBM sad tha crisis la
JT si4 knwm
WHto the- tr mit Rajntstor Cnmramr,
ft 1-sasr BaliHitxr, AtWa, (Imila,
M Ukar liuUnrtnod b-x. at nlu to mr
ud st s sntlie sf Mother's trn
gram was the singing of Misa viola
Finney. 8he delighted the audience
with her vocal solos.
You can't eovcr blackheads, pim
ples, red spots- oa the face with pow
der; they're bound to be seen -don't
worry e spoil yenr temper, tak Hol
lister'e Rocky Mountain Tea each
week 'twill banish them thru the
blood, the only sure way. 35c. D. J.
Independence Graduates
Hish Scheo! Qass Of Six
Independence, Or., June 16. The an
nual commencement exercises of the
Independence Hieh school were held
Friday night. The aildrese was de
livered by Dr. I'. 0. Dubgch, of the
department of political science and law
in tht Oregon Agricultural college. J.
S. Bohannon, chairman of the board,
presented the diplomas.
The members of the elass were: Nor
ma Clabrenth, Margaret Burroughs,
Hlady MMtewsn, ttrayee Bearaan, fpal
Hewett anil Charles Calbreath.
Salens a Good Place to Trade
Try Salea first h Buying
Trade Follows
Electric Breezes
.- . , . . .
"G-E electric fans have increased (
my summer trade," said a blunt
spoken business man, who gives
credit where it is due. His store
reflects his wisdom. Men and
women will go out of their way
to shop where
G-E Fans
Make the Breeze
You can, at a small daily cost,
keep your store cool from show
window to oflice, increasing your
trade and the efficiency of your
store service. A fan in your home
will extend the same comfort to
your leisure hours. Let us show
you what we have in stock that
you ought to have in use.
PortbdRaiW Light &
Power Co.
Mrs. E. Mae Brutt and atUactiv
daughter. Miss Opal Uiott, arrivtd in
.Salem Friday morning from Lot Aag'" j
lea, 1 uiiliiiiiiu, to visit aer saotaer,
'Mr J I. rlm ,if .r,l fUt'rf
i slrn'l, aad her sieter, Mrs, Dawua Flee
ner of oi til 2nd at tec I.
j rialeu waa formerly Mrs. Brott'i
home but she haa resided ia 1-os Aa
gelee fur tha past six years, bee vL.
eil in Han r'rancisco oa her way to H
iem and attended the final festivities
of the Victory Rose festival ia Fo;t-land.
Davies and daafhter, I
thia mwraii'.g tr a wsrasjt
Mrs. T. W
Kst'ier, left
ri.it in Portland and Oneua City.
! Thursday evening, June 12th, theif
joint eclebrstio.i of the wedding anitl jl
versary of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hicka'f
and the birthdny anniversary of Mn.!
U. J. Ceriiik held, whea Mis.!
Hicks and Mrs. (rnik entertaiurd tbj
mrmliers ef "The Helping Hand'' aad . ;
their husbands. The Cernik re.ldcncs I
was Wautifully dicarated with reaeaij
and ferna. After a short busiuts ss-
lion a delightful program as rendered j
ia which the Fruillsnd nrchestta ":,'
wsicd and Mr. aid Mrs. t-ilke. Mr. aad 1 1
Mrs. Kl', Mrs, WiUUra De Vrlee and '
Mrs. Hicks took part. The grasd march 1 1
and serving of the wel ling and birth j
day rakes followed, after whwk the j
president of the Helping llasd prrarat- ' 1
esrh of tlie biet '9i with a sees tf j ft
fid silver piece as a t..k. ef red
ft n r 11 ft m .
mummmam m
Iff AW? AVun
Unr-a m. m
1 tf'"