5253 dlOIUTION - (25,000 KKADE3S DAILY) On! j Circulation in Be lea Guar anteed by Us Audit Bureau of Circulatione. FULL LEA- 3 V iE DISPATCH KS . SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEW3 SKYIC . - 1 .4 l"V ' . . : Orw(i: T.m . ' t sad Tact- .1 I 1 1 .-. dar fiwtv warmer Tuesday, p ' , i : : t!s wrlr winds. ' v ' V J FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 131-EIGHT PAGES SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY JUNE 16, 1919 PRICE TWO (.TASKS VIVE CiTi H P n 5 V- j Utr : lU 1 ! t i if j t ! i umw , mini m SMmiw Eui .i-i L z3 U L - t ' . - i - I h j ' i i hi1, 1,-11 !M i infa niryand Cavalry Are MafiMng Against . .. -v.. 1 ' J7D J V. r WifV 1 J?cfl Treaty of Paris Will Bear Slight Resemblance to Original Peace Conditions Advance Starts Late Sunday With Armored Cars in Lead Units All Recalled Today El Paso, Texas, June 16. (United Press.) -.-"'Our work is finished. I will order our troops from Juarez this noon, certainly today," said General J. B. Erwin, com manding the border district, American troops couipli'tly routed tho VilHatas in aud around Juarei thin morning, driing them "iu every direc tion, " taid Krwia. The total American casualties no far reported were only two slightly wound ed. General Erwin stated that the Amer icans reported counting 88 dead Vil listoa in and around Juarez. Tho total , iliistns casualties is probably siucn li'ger. Bandits Scatter Boon ' Within thirty minutei after advanc ing agaiust the Villistus entrenched at the Juarez racetrack, negro troops of the 2tth United States infantry had scattered the Mexicans. Tho. fighting occurred by Moonlight shortly after 2 a. m. and this apparently accounts for the comparative minor casualties. The Villistas stood their ground for only a few minutes, the superior Amer- FR HEAR FIL ms Oil WAR TO Pacific College and Greenleaf Seminary Shown To Be In Prosperous State. Summary Shows That Hun Counter Claims Are Defiant; Newberg, June 16. The afternoon seinion of Olfgon Yearly Mwting of the Friends church has beea devoted tb tlie educational interest of tho church. Reports were received from Pacific Colleire and from Greenleaf ican infantry equipment in rifles and 8cminaryp indicating a successful machine guns completing the work work jn Uo of fhc diffi,,uti(N, where the artillery from the American prpfHM1,ed hy the' war and the influ ide left off. Rocket flares were uea At the close of the report, i. I Walter fl. Woodward, foncral aecretnrr ! of the Five Year Meeting of Friends I'arU, Jun 16. (United Ps.) The Oermaa counter proposals coo tat a the following ajfcertioiia: Germany aecopted Wilaoa't 14 pointa aad nothing elite a th fcasis of peace. The eritfinat treaty contain num ber f coatmdicrioiu of principle, particularly in regard to disposition f Uorman lorrsWiea, economic conditions and (tarmao'a aliniloa to the league of nations. . rermany agrees to ths btxie idc of military, naval and aerial rogulationa, especially to abolition of compulsory service, feat contends she must retain sufficient .forces during the "period of transition," befwe reducing her army to the KW.04W limit. 'OesvioB of upper Silesia aad the Saar bitmn hould not carried oat without i(vb'ite. The same prin ciple fthoiikl be appuel to l own, want Prufuia, lang, Hckleaswig and Mores net. ' Dismantling of Hcglioland is agreed to. ' V. S. CASUALTIES LTOHT El Paso, Tcxns. June 13. Following a second engagement with the Villistas. in which the Mexicans were again routod, American troop crossed back to United States soil this after noon. At 1:30 p. m.. Colonel P. W. Clover at Fort Bliss, stated to tho.Urdted Press that only the envnlry briado of the mixed ex pedition which entered Mexico durinir the night remained on the Mexican side. It was assem bling and was expected to cross into El Paso within an hour. American casualties in the at tack on Juarez and the second fight which occurred at 6:30 a. 6 miles went of Zaraposa, as well as losses on the American side from Mexican bullets, novr tolnl two men killed, one ser iously wounilJ aad two slight ly wounded. '" The - pursuit of the Villistas wns continued for fifteen miles into Mexican territory. That distance wns the limit fixed by Commanding General Erwin at the outset. in Ami-iia trnTA an iiwniriiicr ilrirna on "Christian Education." Tho work of the peace department and of the yearly meeting's service committee were presented. lr. Wood ward also addrewed the yearly meeting on the war relief service of the Friends in France. Oregon Yearly Meeting ha beea represented by 25 young men and women in this work, and these, working without compensation have spent as high as a year and a half in the work of war relief, and 20 of them are atill on the field. Six have left very re cently for this work In addition to the services of these young people, which would amount in the aggregate to ten of thousands of dollar, the yearly meeting has made cash contri butinna to the work to the amount of St. HI. 018, and has gent 1,119 garments ana Hi comforters to the wax sufferer. The -Evangelistic Church Extension department showed a good condition in the maNer of tho advancement of the interests of the church. The report of J. anifer Fox, Field secretary, dealt with the matter of finance, showing that the average salaries of pastors, though still woefully inadequate, have increased about 43 per cent during the pa.t year, on account largely of the Although justified in demanding res toration, of her colon ins, Germany is ready to accept a mandatory aver thorn pomible, hut the i under the loague or nation. I Renunciation l -German rights In China is affirmed, . Kcaliaation of the provision for re nunciation, of all of Germany' rights in .Europe outside her own frontiers is impossible. Tlip 'oiiMijpvrioji off paying for all damaged abstained by the civil popula tions f Belgium and France U accepted. Oermany i anxious to cooperate in restoration of Belgium and Ftanee and will mak's- proposal to this end shortly. OortMsny cannot tnake ton for ton replacement of destroyed shipping, as thi U toeyoni fcrr power of piodiie fillinent of the pep form." A number of deUUfl rUiciHs end demands for fullor l-fcislaiUo are ap pended. Another" snpflenmt ooe.to.lni comment of tho Oenrfn ftaaneiai Com mission. rani Dutaatu. aecreftrr si the Mace conference, was to o to Tersuille between threo ad i p. ta. feMkaad the document to ireiga atinMier Brockdorf fK,wtJoi. lit wan mleT atood that ha would mike aa oral state ment instead ox reeling ta otro duetory letter. At tar same- time he waa exlpected to notify . Germane that' they will have fife days in which to accept lha revised frms. Thi per iod will include the Slrea day notice of denunciation of th armistice, leav ing the way open lr tha allies o liegin military operaiaia against the Germans immediately lifter deration of the five days shouS they roluse to ittn. I . According to the P.ii moriijng pa pers, the revised tcxi of the treaty will not be fully pritjed ibetro tUi evening. It will be f- vardea us soon uiaojc's the meantlmo -wt'dl rccoi jtwo htlred cirpics of the' origin ii-xt, eoiswcacii in rod ink so as to permit them to revise Biockdorrr-liantisau s original copy. ! Brockdiirff-RantKau and his associ ate have ordered a special train to take them direct to Weimar tonight, where the erman aatioaal assemwy will consider the terms. The allies reply totals about 20,000 words. Tho counter proposals, which were made public yetftcrdny, contain about 60,000 word. r LovoU Kellett, ( failed I'reas staff crrspondent) (Opynght 1919, ty the United Press.) Jlris, . Jua 18. Tho ral Treaty of Paris, to te handed to the German in YaraaiUns this svening, differs materi ally from the "contrition of peace" whieh th onemy roeeiiped M.y 7. Hevcral important changes have keen made sinco ths ticrmana submitted their counter proposals, though the principles of the original treaty re main ths same. The view of. those intimately concerned in making the altcrotious is that the gresveat -change lies ia the new tone manifest in the 30,000 word document explaining the changes and replying to. Count Brock dor ff Ban trsu's objections. Th tone i ald to be more moderate and .ex planatory throughout, and the docu ment Is intended to show that the allies deffire only to do justice and avoid Inflicting unnecessary hardships on their late enemies. This is par ticularly true of the reparations clause, it ia understood, which points out the pennan ent allied commission expects to avoid any misunderstanding and un warranted interference with Merman internal affairs. It is aid this clause will tell tHe Germans they will be state whether this Jni& was iaally written into ths re-draft.) Ths change regarding Germany's admission to the leagu of nations is .important, Since the phrase "in short Hinie" is understood to have ibeen employed. This Is generally se eopted as meaning October, when ths first formal meeting will b held in AVashinirton. Among the qualifications 'ifor Germany's admission are her dem onstration of the possession or racie, democratic government. Modifications concerning we eastern boundaries go some dmlam'-e in meet ing Germany's demands. -Oetmsny is understood to fcav been given the opportunity to prove her claim that upper rjileisi territory ta rrniy uerman, by a plobUeite. to be held within sis months, under the direction of an allied commission. Tlio Saar Valley settlement, accord ing to nuthoritativs information is modified materially. The most radical change, in connec tion with occupation of the Rhine districts ia ths decision to place that territory under civilian instead of military eontrol. The troops will be practically all French with few Jtnt ish and still fewer Americans, inn MAN "07" informed of th total of indemuitietjlnt'ter in fact, may retain only 10,000 or enough to support the American flag there. The occupation period or in years, it.is said, ha not been changed within few months. (Four months inStoad of two years was agreed to a few days ago, but it is impossible to President Is To Carry Fight For League and Treaty To People In lour of Country Germany proposes establishment of s Gtrmnn 'mmution to cooperate with the allied reparations commission in working out the details of payment of, indemnities. Demand is made for immediate ad iwiinu to the loague of natiou. Protest i made to international con trol of trermany ' nsvipable rivers. The Kiel canal will be opened to all nations under conditions of reci procity. Kqufwt i made for repatriation of all German war prisoners and interned civilian convicted of crimes committee in a hostile state during the war. Germany refuse to recognize any justification lor legality in. eriittinal prosecution of the former kaiser, or other persons accused of violations of the laws of war, but declarer she is ready to see that violations of inter national law are ipiinisbed and sug gen's the .preliminary question as t whether such offense has been commit ted be submitted to an international tribunal of aentrnW. Protest is made a?ainst even tempor to sijrnal the end of the barrage anil the opening f the infsutry advinee. The Mexican were threatened from behind by a force of United fitatcs cavalry snd had to scatter to avoid surrender or capture. Carrajjsistaa Withdraw Satisfactory cooperation from the Carransista gnrrisoa in Juarez marked the American entry of Mexico, the lar gest expedition to. cross the border sines the Pershing expedition of J01S. General Francisco Gonxalea while rxurossing the belief that the American r.d tliat his international labor organir-ation. Germany protewts auainstt "occupa tios of Iwr terrilrie to gurnt fiil- ABE HAKTIN (Ooniinasd on page six) rrossino' was unaecessarv vin had adeouatolv "defended the Movement of Friends, spoke on thst town, remained in Fort HUdago, Jsa- movement, and in th course of his res and ordered hi troops outbids the address announced for the first time city to prevent mistaken clashes with Plidy that Levi T. Pennington, presi the Americans. J,f'c been asksd General Erwin. through his aids, as-i sired Goarales that the purpose of th:j expedition was merely to drivs awsyj th Yiilistss and that the Ameriraa .troop would return to their sido of the border promptly after this object was achieved. Many Villistas are reported headed for Uuadalaupe, acioss the Rio On ndr f rmii Fabens, Texas. adoption of tho Storehouse Laeue plan . rinl r urmnr frnm the or cniircn nnancea, ine repon or ireu S. t;artcr, chairman of the board, pro posed for the board the selection of It. (..'larksnn Hmshnw of Haviland, Kan 14, s yearly mt-tiiaK supcriiiteudeul. This recommendation wss sdnpted snd the appointment made The board aLw pmpnxed that instead of the yearly meeting making only sa appropriation of $500.00 leaving the board to raise about $-,lfo0.00 by personal subscrip tion, that this year an appropriation of ),.O.0O for this work be included ia the budget. This was unanimously approved. After this report of ths advaae work of Oregon Yearly Meeting, Dr. Walter C. Woodward, at th head of the eiraimittee of the Five Years Meet- ng taat caa eonrj or the .forward El Paeo, Tex, June 15 Untied Pre,) United States troops are ia fHiI M.irii ef.Juarcx today and American cavalry are - scouring the Congressional Flashes fCor.tisae ea psg three) Washington, Jotic 1. I'nited Ir w.l Refusing to grant the ia rr a;.pro!ristiwD asked by .Sw rpiurr l)nvlf, th aouae today puue 1 the naval appropriatioa biil wliich earricw -"',"',(.") . The bill w4ei the koue prsctkaHy U jiams as it was reported by th? coaiuilttee. Br Robert J. Bndcr( (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, Juno 18. President Wil son, upon his return home, immediately will carry his fight for tne pep ".reaty and league of nations covenflnt directly to the people, according to plana be ing perfected now. A tentative itinerary including stops at th principal cities from one end of the country to the othoT is now before the president in I'aris. Tas president's determination to fight the foes of the treaty and the league was voiced in a private message received here today in which the prcsi dent said nothing mut Interfere with nia "getting the country to understand the tresty and the league." Opening Dnts Unsettled When ths president's swing around ths einslo beams depends entirely upon land. Or.. Bundny night because of how soon he is able to leavo Pari. storms, left there this morning on their It now appear likely that ho will be return flight from Portland and will jon the high sc en rout home within arrive at Mather Field today. 'ten days unless there is some hitch Oovernor Olcott of Orson is flying in the schedule signing or tua treaty 1th Lieutenant Colonel Watsoa and .by the Oermans June zi uuif itiiu OuuiUuign: OLCOTT YET Ofl FLIER Chief Exealiye Centimes On To Sacramento Yfift The Army Bir&aea. Sacramento, Cal., June 16. The five Curtiss planes, forced ts lsnd at Ash rife!i Flyers h'Ykhrs Epte Lasi At mm. hhsi After 'Voyage CI EorellwffllSCDCsi.- AVERAGE SPEED CF 120 MILES PEE HCH REri When Pilot Drops It Ia E:i : He -Thougjat Was I'rJyz; Mea Suffer Little. will come to Sacramento. Tho Dellavilnnd plan returned to Sacramento Saturday, making 1he tiip from Portland in fiv hours sad 54 minutes. Tho president will leave for l!ruel tomorrow night, according to a mes sage received here today, and return to Paris Friday morning. He hop to be home y July first or shortly after ward. He will deliver his mr-tnge Gre-xsds, Cal.. June 16.The army air- os in peaes ireIy w conrcs. .no Plane, flving from PortUnd, Or., to then start out immediately to carry Mather Field. Sacramento, arrived hi ease to the people. h.-re shortly after soon. The avinters and tir ' Yzr'-T:: Oovernor Olcott of Orego. and M. B. "J - Klepper of Portland, stopped a few minutes for lunch aad the resumod their journey. They will sask stop at Redding. ' I tuiil ii Invitations have been received at tho Whit House urging the president to visit various cities. Ht. Louis wsnts him July 4 and Virginia is hoping that ho will attend Richmond Day, July 30 celebrating tho SuOth anniversary of the first law making body in the coun trv. It U assumed his stoits will in elude Chicago, Wt. Louis, Kansas City and eoart points probably Los Angeles and Han Francisco among others. Official word rf the prMident's de eisinn to tnko op the cudgul in behalf of the treaty and tho league is looked on here as forecasting a determined offensive by administration followers and friends of the covenant to drive the treaty through the aenate. The president sent a personal m.wsage to day to Senator Walsh, Montana, and Robinson, Arkansas, approving their recciit speeches on ths league and stat ing that they had done a good service in bringing about an understanding in the country of the new sltualisrn, ne cessitating "the proper staniliug and influcnrte of America in the woriu. Wod from Admiral Grayson ia Pari today indicated the president's health wa good. BURLESON PROPOSES COMV MEDIATORS I Dsstrsfcd Et Rre Earl? Sssiir Less Is $40,000 Aft' while I reVon we'll b hearis' Mine wsisen say, "I'd love t' rote fr htm, but I hsvea't a thi :ig t' Mi." T il Blinkley ha detirted awt 1' bny a PS" O shoe fcr a f- day ' hs pHt tk ' stasey ant at eoffip-und interest. Along with the absear of Governor Olcott from the state, th qnery win bob up in many minds as to who would ri in th sTibernatorial ssosclty in esse an emergency shoold ris during hLn absence, or in eas aa aeciaeni shoold suddenly end his ffUial career !. t ths coastitotion how that in rase of the death, removal or In capacity of th acting governor th president of th senste amuses tas da ties of th office. Tha in th ease f th administration of acting govrreor Heary L. Benson in ltl, ths incum bent wss stricken with ills snd for a period of several month Jar Bow- erman. the president of t sessts, pre sided ovr the office. A othoriiy at th supreme court give th opinion that this provision of the constitution rovers the absence of the governor as in tb present instance. Thus, ir an emergency should suddenly arise r onirin immediate sHion, Hon. W. T. Vinton of McMinville, as president of the senste, would th role of governor without ceremony and per form his functions Marked increase in business has caus ed tb advance of the wrort post, office from third to second class. - AlbaaT, Or., Juns IB. Fir entailing a losl of t0,000 almost completely destroyed the packing plant of the .VebergsJL Meat wmpany, just outside of tho eity, rly Bunrtay morning. Washington, June Id. All telephone companies are directed to appoint im mediately an officer to receive com plaint from employes ia a order Issued today by Postmaster General Burleson. Notice of the designation of such officer is to b placed on a bulletin biirdv, Uinplauit oflficcr are al Approximately half of tho loss wa directed to make careiul notn at ine severed by insurant. time each complaint 1 receives. Th cswekina plant ml DM of Al-1 This will make clear to employes, H...' Ius induntriea. Rot O. Bush- Jlurleson points out, the proper sffi ong. sMiretnrr of th company, said fiiaks with whom, to take up fheir that th plant will b rebuilt at one, gnevsnces. Th ftr which started in th boiler rostroasier wn nunr-wn wx' dioTd ahortlv fcefor told the I'nited Press "there is no 7 o 'clock thi morning and when first va had made considerable headway. Th Albany fir department srnved promptly, but as thi plant was located beyond ths city limits, the only water svsjIsbW was from creek. truth' 'in ths report that he ha taltea steps to bring about a conference be tween striking telegraph operators and officii, of the Western Union nd Postal Telegraph companies. Burleson also denied a report that a (Continued ea page fiv) fk- e h mit hn d no were had requesten uau uirecior nines w f nwient construction and the re-1 cause the discharge of railroad tele- ma ined standing. All of the motor graph, operators to refuse who band! j -!.;... ..nti, mln.l Ho handle ommcreial snoasegas ten Two truck roods of frewh ment were saved, but all other stock and supplies in the building wer lost. Th p is ut wa erected in 1915 and had become en of the largest intitu tions of th kind ia th valley. Only last winter ths company spent tlO.fXM) for new machinery and equipment and had a thoroughly modern asd eooiplcts !t. Cmlway, Ireland, June 11. (United Press.) Tbo men who, battling fof and sleet, made she first diree HiK neross the Atlsntis ocean -from New foundland to Ireland, stare-for Ml- don todn- where they will received as heroes. Carftsin John Alenek and Ueutenasi A. W. Blown, declare they felt much refreshed after a night' rest hers an that they were steeling themselves for the oroVal of facing cheering thous ands upon their arrivsl in Kngland.- The Vickers bipUiiie, in whieh they flew the 1,030 mile over a stormy se ia 10 hours, 12 minutes, lay in a b-'j , near here, where Alrock cams down under -the impression that he was fasd- -ing in a beautiful meadow.. The machine vras to b"d!y damnrl ia landing that all thought of Alcuck flying in it to London was given s today, it was stated. The plan will be tuken aimrt and ehipd to tho Vickers plant, while Al-'"'k and Brewn aontiaue their journey by tram asd boat, leaving at 3 p. " t arriving in Ionutl cany toorrsw morning. penpie oran souverm After the landinir, hundred of peo ple from Hifden flocked to the aces, easier to obtain souvenirs. Beslris burred the way, but scores managed, to run th Dlorkaflu, nnu mn through ankle deep mud, thronged around the machine, tearing bits of faJiric frem tho win.s. The first men to sight ths Vuker machine approaching Clifden alter its journey from iNewfomuUand, we on Australian aoiuicr on nis who was mixing out of a hotel window. and a farmer's boy tending hogs. Tan machine suddenly loomed out r in morning mist and circled aivsr to town, whereupon the tw who had own it spread the word and erowda began to gather. AlcDck Tslls Secret Alcock circled unlit he saw tho aerials of the Clifden wirelcs . Thn he dronncd to earth, suite na the tower. The wireless opera ter wcr nearly as astonished as ths town loi aud aa the aviators climbed wcari?y from their airship, ono radio man uc; ly improvised an autogrsph album a4 ran out, preseating it to Aicoen wr hi. immediate signature. . Ma Wgeaa and remarked: ""Nos if we only had a skav a a bth we'd be all right," "Thst 'a th way to fly th Atlan tic," illrown said cheerily, with a fs tfire towsrd the machine. Jn a formal statement, Afceci id: "I belirvsi the secret o long diw tsnc flving under the cosdifisns WW encfrojstered is ta nurse th saglwe. I never opened the t.hrottl oat. Tko miu hint has aa ordinary speed ef ' miles aad hour and with the wJ behind vs w msnsged Ho nve?rs 129. I wore electrically heated e!othiIlg.' On their wsy scros th AJwi and Itrown communii atcd with a other by means of notes aad sigiai. thev said. Weather eonditissw were verv bad. , A few hours after rnndisg, l.-.c, smiling told the I'nited I'resn: Ve I'm glad we did it. w wn icirin wit us - uo against bell to be Tin with n4 cos- -'.f.tinn. remaiDcd like he!! iati"y Chief of rolic. Percy M. Vifney and $i th way over. Hv hmm af. r wife are' home from.... a vacation spent the start we nnsuccewfully t at Caseadia. Chief Varney found the climb from the clouds and rcatWd a weathor so stormy in that part of the height of ll.Mtt fwt. -world that he csi down into ths mote Thst wssnt the firt of em tsul"v quiet part of the vslley to spend t'j t- msindcr of his vacation. (Coatiaitcd on rse th?)