c'iiGi-j Ei GUT SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 14 1919. I AllAi "Olin I ovn i p if1 armm: V ILJ i ". - m ? ; If j ; i ., ji :i ji r ''I 5i it 11 ft I if P si J f TI IrHTl fi) 11 i"w iiL o 20 acre Faam, Cows, Horses, Pigs, Machinery Furniture, Tools, Etc. 2 miles East of Salem on the Penitentiary Road iursday, June 26 10 a. m. Consisting of fine 20-acre farm with 8 roomed house, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, hydrants in yard, fine lawn and shrubbery; 2 large barn 40x50; woodshed 16x24; well house 12x12 with windmill and 3,000 gallon tank. One and a half acres of apple, cherry and prune orchard; farm all fenced in seven fields; all in crop and seeded to clover; soil black rich loam; all kinds of small fruit. Only one-half mile from school and 2 miles to Salem churches. This is a fine farm and is worthy of your attention-. One large Holstein cow, 8 year old with calf at side; 1 fine Holstein and Durham cow, 6 years old, giving 2'J gals, per day; 1 extra fine Jersey cow, 4 years old, giving 2' gals, per day; 1 black Jersey, 6 years old, giving 4 gals, per day; 1 beautiful Jersey heifer, 19 months old, with calf at side; 1 pure bred Holstein bull, 2 years old, State Breed'ng, weight 1100 lbs. "fat"; 1 registered Poland China Brood Sow with 6 fine igs; 3 Poland China Shoats, weight 150 pounds each; 2 Poland China Gilts, weight 150 pounds each; 60 fine Ply mouth Rock Hens "pure bred"; 8 finePlymouth Rock Roosters "pure bred"; 2 fine Bronze Turkey Hens with lSyoung ones; 1 fine team of well match ed bay mares, weight 2,000 lbs.; lOstands Italian Bees in patent hives. One Champion Mower, 4' foot cut' good shape; 1 Champion Hay Rake, 10 foot cut; 1 2'-inch Bain Wagon double box, bolster spring complete; 1 heavy Spring Wagon, new; 1 light Buggy, old; 1 2-horse 8 shovel Cultivator; 1 1-horse 5 shovel Cultivator; 1 long handled Tree Pruner; 1 Empire cream sep arator No. 1, fine shape; 1 Hand Corn Planter; 1 14-inch Oliver Chilled plow 1 8-inch Oliver Chilled plow; 1 14-inch steel beam plow; 1 hand garden plow; 1 hand garden seeder; 1 Kimball pulverizer; 2 sets double work harness; 1 set light double harness; 1 set single express harness; 1 set heavy breeching; 1 paddle and bridle; 8 bbls. apple cider vinegar; 1 40-gallon caldron kettle; 1 pair buggy shafts; 1 light buggy tongje. A full supply of Restaurant dishes to accommodate 150 people, including plates, cups, saucers, side dishes, forks, knives, spoons, etc. Also a large supply of white enamel dishes which were purchased for a lodge. Never been used. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Iculding heater; fine 6 octave Packard organ; beds; springs; mattresses; spool cases; 1 Oliver typewriter, good shape rockers; dining chairs; tables; barrel churn; pictures; lamps; fine double plate looking glass and mantle; lounge; log chains; crosscut saws; 3 pair still ards; seldge; forks; scoop shovel; garden hoes; rakes; vice and anvil; crow bars; grubbing hoes; extra bee hives; cherry boxes. A lot of 5-gal. honey cans. TERMS Farm $1,000 cash subject to $3,000 mortgage at 7 per cent. Bal ance arranged to suit purchaser at 6 p?r cent interest. Terms of machinery, etc.: All sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount time to Nov. 1, '19, to parties furnishing aproved bankable notes at 8 per cent interest, R.R.& L C.RYAN F.N.W00DRY OWNER. Phone 19F3 THE AUCTIONEER. Phone 510 or 511 NOTE: Nothing sold until day of sale. Lunch served on grounds. Woodry Conducts Sales of Every Description Anywhere. ' ; i It AT I -l SI I J ARMORY iirH"1 i i! ti nniiytif I i BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS Oreifun Eleotrtc changa, effective1 Siiliinluy June 14t Tiaius !M a .! 24 ! will 1)0 withdrawn ami So, 18 loavinjf! Hiilrm at 4 p. in. will not nmko local J sh between Snlein and West Wood burn, ai formerly. 6 1fl' Salora Cigar Factory lit bow making "La Corona" and "Little Salem" ct gir fiaetly an llnv worrt m,le before tlie war. Smoking thorn remind, voa of ' old tiioea. - tf j Dr. Mutt, Bank ef Commerce, 407-8. i tf Dr. L. E. Bpringw, utlrt. Moore bldjj. oomor Court and Librrty. i Plione 114. tf I Dr. B. T. pound, recently retnrr.ed' from eorvine, announees K-opcnir.g ofj. hie doiHal offirf, 5th floor V, S. Ka-1 tionul bank bliljr. l'hono lot. tf I Prteej on fish lower.' Ling cod or; red eod ulieed 15e. Whole fth J2 ' t pound. Jltti Market. tf t. i -, . 1 14 -1 1 HE EXAMINATIONS And fitting glasses is our exclusive work, and only the most modern y ------ -' vt V VI vv-1 When we have VOUr plasp . rpnrlv fnr fli.it! ,f. rnt, they are eyeglasses of the finest quality, ex ; aly nwdc to correct the defect of YOUR eyes. Have your eyes examined today. ' j Sm Bank of Commerce Building Jane 14. Saturday Annnal flag day exercises of Kike lodge WUlBon park, 8 p. m. June 18 School eletioa, one director. June 17 Tuesday Monthly meeting Salem Commercial flub June 17 Tuesday First Cherrian band eoneert, Will ton park. JHine 18 Wednesday Elk "a band danee a t armory. I For first class work call j Cleaners and Dyers, State ! Phone 10S4. Society St.j tf j The 8alem Velle company his opened -!a sorvue station and repair shop in ! connection with their salesroom with an j expert shop man in charge. Ail kinds, of auto repairing will be .given careful! attention. . 6-17 Bead Bishop's ads, money. thCy ut yea tf CECIL B. DeMILLli'S : ; "THE BQUAW MAN" VAUDEVILLE 1 WTJRUTZEE ORGAN aMMMMhMaIHMIi-fligMBWMiiMII,iaiMia Private Hiram B. Cooper is another of the boys who arrived from l'ra:ice and is home oure again. He went oe iwith Company M but was transferrer t" the 28th infantry. His experience in cluded getting gassed several times, getting shot once through the hnnd, having his rifle shot from his shoulder and having his knajmaek blown off his baek by a shell. He was a former hign school student. He is here on a 15 day ftirlmiph and will report fur duty at Salt Lake city. o : i I boy junk of all kinds, rags and bottles, metal, iron, broken down autos and parts of autos. Give us a trial. Steinbock Junk Co. 328 N. Com. Bt. Phone 305. ti On and After June 16, 1919 The Capital National Bank will close its doors promptly at 3 p. m. v CAPITAL NATIONAL' BANK J. H. Albert, President Jos. H. Albert, Cashier Try Northern rionr, It 'a a Bear, every sack guaranteed. At youi gro cers, tf o Dr. Carl E. Miller has opened his dental office et 510 511 U. 8. bank bldg. Phone 341. tf Stage between Balem and Portland Leaving Portland 6:30 a. m. Leaving Baleir iO a. in. Leaving Portland 1 p. m. I Leaving Hnlem 4 p. m. Leaves Oregon Electric Depot Salem Leaves Seward hotel Portland. Price tl each way. 817 Charles W. Craig arrived in Salem Thursday evenins having in his pos session his dinehargo papers as a mem ber of tho 15th eoinpnnv, 20th engin eers, American expeditionary forec. He was In r'runce about ,10 months, the greater portion of which time he spent in mil work iu proximity to tho front line, Yonng ladies wanted for telephone opernting, pnid while learning. Appiy Chief 0M-ratOr the Pacific Tiicpmiiio & Telegraph Co., 170 N. Liberty. 6 14 Artlficlal teeth, havo expert plate man, with over 35, years experience, at mv offiice. Dr. D. X. Boechler. den. list, '302 TJ. 8. Nat, bank bldg. tf All Elks meet at club ooms t 7:30 June 14 to participate in Flng dny ex ercises. 6-14 Call Patton Plumbing Co. fdr your repair work. Thone 1068, 220 N. Com. street. I tf Reuben Breyman Boise, soil of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Iioiso, arrived home Thursday morning, direct from Franco, or rather from Germany as he has been with the army of occupation. Mr. Boise has seen his shnre of -Klitiug as he was with the First division in the great offensive. Ho was gassed two or three times but managed to pull through nil right. He went into the service with OunilHiiiy M but was later transferrc to tho First division. Bishop delivers in the right way. the goods always tf We buy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic I bldg. tf 'Gooseberries, strawberries ad Kentish cherries. We are in the market. Hring I them to our big plant opposito S. P. jCo. passenger station. Phes Co. tf Lucille Barton, Instructor at Willam ette university, is enrolling students in her summer classes in voice and pi ano. 5iS X. 17th street. Phone 1588. 6 20 President Carl O. Dony, appreciat ing the hearty cooperation of frienrts and citizens generally, has issued the following statement: "Willamette uni versity desires to thank tho eitir.cns of Salem, the students of Cheimiwa Indian school, and nil other persons who so generously cjwitributed their assistance iu the production of the historical pa geant. The success of the occasion was largely duo to their unqualified support Many new boys suits Just arrived to day see them. tf Dr. L. E. Springer, dentist, Moore bldg. corner Court and Liberty. Phone 114, tf NOTICE We have opened first class repair shon and will give the mo toring public the very best of service. Open nijiht and dny and Sundays. Ma rion Garao. Phono 362. tf Yeomen attention, You are request ed to attend funeral of Archor Lctha ver at Webb & ('lough's at 10 o'clock Sunday June 13. By committee Knights of Columbus meeting Mon day evening nt seven o'clock, ficmcu ber, come early. J. W. Troy, gospel singr of Port hind. 1U siiifr and lend a chorus choir at the First llaptist church tomorrow. Do rot f.-il to hear J. W. Troy, sing er, at the First Baptist church tomor. row. These who enjoyed the singl'g o .1. W. Troy at the First Paptist church last spring will be g'nd to k-ow ho will conduct n song service and sing ntlie First Hnjilist church tomorrow. On the sleeping porch, use one of Chllds iron cribs, white enameled $9 I our H.oO sanitary couches. Bur en's, aud up. Euren's, Com! street. Com! street. I o o - I Lena Belle Tartar will continue her New all steel beds, $11 and up, Btt-:r,rivi't'' vocal-classes this summer. 16J rV. cou.'i st. , jLib'rty t N -JJU- ' Kiunctta Magers special summer All steel bed springs, extra good',,.rm in V0(.al bogillg jllne 20 2i, Apply values, d and 7. Huron's Com'l St. studio 521 Court ft. . 7-21 I Auction Sale Fine Rustic Home. 3 Lots and Furniture 1118 IIINES ST., 1 BLOCK WEST OF S. 12TH ST. Monday, June 16th, 1:30 p. m. Sharp Consisting of 1 fine Oak Davenport Bed upholster ed in green velor; 1 massive Fir Library Table; 1 green upholstered Lounge; 1 3-burner Clark Jewel Oil Stove; 1 oak Roll Top Writing Desk; 1 Magazine Rack; 1 8-Day Clock; 1 White Drophead Sewing Machine, like new; 1 oak Dresser and Wash Stand; 1 square Extension Table; 6 good Diners; 1 Axmin ster Rug, 9x12, extra good; 2 Ingrain Carpets; 3 rolls Matting; 2 white enamel Bedsteads and Springs; 1 oak Stand Table; 2 oak Rockers; 15 doz. Fruit Jars; 1 Folding Bed; 1 Fall Leaf Table; 1 Cot; 1 Cupboard; Dishes and Kitchen Utensils; Garden Hoes; Lawnmower; Ice Cream Freezer; Wash Boil er; Window Blinks; Ironing Board; Kitchen Cabi net, with top; 1 new Hammock, and Many Other Things. 3 P. M. SHARPCosy home consisting of liv ing room with fireplace and beamed ceiling and pan eled walls, dining room, kitchen and bedroom and Reception hall, down stairs, with 3 bedrooms and den, bath and toilet and closets for each room, up stairs. Full sized basement with furnace. Large front porch and small back porch, small barn and chicken house, including 3 fine lots with beautiful shade trees and creek running through same. Only 1 block from 12th Street, which is paved; handy to church, school and streetcar. This is a fine Home; look into this if you are interested. 'Terms for home, assume mortgage of $700 due in Sept., 1920, at 7 per cent interest, balance of purchase price cash. The Furniture will be sold for cash. Be on time. Come one, come all. DO YOU WANTS A COUNTRY HOME? ETTA S0JJIRE SELEY 1118 Hi-es St Yew Park Addition . Owrer F.N. WOODRY. Tfo Auctioneer. Phone 510 or 511 Auction Sale! June 17 NOTE: Woodry Buys Furnture for Cash. Nuf Sed mmsmsmmmmmmeaK tTTTVM - Why Pay M ore? TB LIBERTY THEATEU BTAKTINQ SUNDAY L.M.HUM ear of , Yick So Tung Chinese Medicine and Tea CW tUi me.lp-ine which wlil ear any knows diwiM. Open Sumlurt from 10 A. If. until S I. U. 153 South Uij;h St. t ' SaWm, Ori'ua i'huce 2-53 I ; I BUY IN SALES! ALWAYS I oesoav, 1:30 P. M. - 1,J Miles East of the Fairgrounds on the Sllverton Road Consisting of 5 3-4 acres of the finest garden soil in the valley with new ,6-roomed plastered house, new barn 24x30, with lean too; some fruit, raspberries, 2000 strawberries, currants; soil black Ml loam, well drained; 1 acres oats, 2'J acres beans, i corn potatoes and garden. All goes with place. TERMS: Place will be sold subject to two mortgages of $1050 at 6 per cent, and a second mort gage of $500 at 6 per cent; balance of purchase price cash. REFRIGERATORS $7.50 to 530.00 Ideal Gas Range $67.50; Worth $35.00 5 Ply Goodyear Hose 50 feet $7.50 BROOMS 70c to $1.00 PABCOLIER The artistic, durable floor covering 90c a Yard Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. V.C.BALCH Owner. F.N. WOODRY, .... The Auctioneer. Phone 510 or 511 ROUTE YOUR FREIGHT VIA Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Express Service at Freight Rates Long Distance Hauling Only PHONE 11C0 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS