Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 14, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Heroic French I Var Dog, Honored by Army,
Now An American, Thanks to YJLC.A. Man
Loost, Credited With Tuo
Official Citations, Spent
Years in No Man' Land
on Slope of Verdan Pro-
tec ting Outpost i from Gcr-1
mem Raiders and Petrols. .
If the airmen were the eyes of ; I
the army, this dog was the ears of s j
5. 3
', at least a part of it. For two years
; he lay every night out in No Man 9
i Land, watching and listening fur i
Cerman patrols and raiilins parties, '
', His name h Leost, and as a
' i real veteran of the war he has twe
vi citations to his credit for having:'
J naved French troops from Biirpnse '
. , attacks by Hun patrols on the out- $
er defences of Verdun. So acule is
' I Loost 'g hearing that he could detect .
. cappers trying to tunnel under the
French trenches, a gift that enabled
, him peveral times to spoil the plans
of the Cerman engineers.
AUer the armistice was signed. '
Iost came Into the hands of tbs
French War Dog Society which en
. couraged the breeding of such dons s
long before the war and Inter lias '
taken care of those animals which
became disabled or too old to be f
, lorser fit for active work. It was ;
while ho was a "guest" of the so- .
tiety that Loost met his present
', oiviht, Ralph II. McKelvey, a Ne'v
: York insurance broker, who was .
d-Jing welfare work in France for 1 .
the V.M.C.A. V
McKelvey'e' work was tap dlstrt- -
buticn of 'tons of books for the
. ' doughboys in all parts of France.
A great warehouse In Parla was
'. filled with volumes, pamphlets and
; , reading mat.er of all sorts, and it
". j was McKelvey's job to keep this
. , mass of literature moving to the
-: points where It was most needed.
' ; 80 well did he do this that the
1 president of te War Dim; Society
! from
) i
That Fits
1 r
f : .... '...
French, but when talked to In his and another time Loost was cited
native tongue he seems to under- by a colonel and paraded before the
stand anything, tho "V man says, grateful French troops.
On the liner on the way home, at In all probability, Loost never
McKelvey's order; Loost climbed will see his nntive land again, Mr
ladder. "Go ahead! Go up, Loost!" McKelvey ha a large country place
got only a puzzled stare and a In northern New York .and there
whine, but when McKelvey cried, the war hero will go to live, having
"Allez. Loost! Jlontcz!" Loost at nnihinv n,n. ,iimH
admiration of MeKY'lvev" nnrv r.,,l,l,t tlx, . . j Ir ." . . T'.'
i ,!, j .!.. i- , , ., w lu i0 uu luan occasionally to arivs
work, and knowing MeKelvev s love th vfivnirr.r . .1 .. . '.. .
1 . . , , . v, - .--0..v. uuiuo mp cows acues. as Loost
I of dogs, premised blm a canine war On one of the occasions when this will know them In fact McKelvey
.., hero to bring to America and give dog was honored, the French com- foresees the need of French
i1'-. , . niander of a company at one of the course for his farm hands If bis
"7; . " wur.Q ?' ouler oernces of v eraun oftlclally new dog is gong to escape beinir
ecommended him for a citatton, homesick . r
English and has to be jpoken to in
Marguerite Clark, the beautiful and At th time Of going (0 presf HO
popular star, will greet her Knloin clue has been obtained by the peui-
riTV WFWQ friends apain lit tin- Oregon Sunday U'ntiary officinls as to the whero
llll llLlllJ ac , 11 i Ii t in the bright little w riety inix aliouts of AS, A. Wood, the trusty,
Ik t up "Let s Elope. Tins is a ftmliun-: wh made ; his getawnv trma the
iting liltlo drama with reul plot tn
Xd Boss, associated with the Phei'it. some real love scene, and alone
company, has purchased a home on i with the rest a salutary lesson to
' -WW
..' . . i
grouuda last evening. The fugitive,
who is .described a .weighing iiliout
1(10 pounds, and having gray hulr and
Court street from A. E. Hunt, lmvinir youim brides who are addicted to jeal- CJ'CS, was sent ip from Multnomah
MOOD. It is iust east of 14tli street, lonsv. county for obtaining money under
a Court, facing south from the iniddlcl ' 0 . fulse pretenses, lie hud been employ
- -v u - r 1 ,6 ms twtV W C -hm... v -
Titea" Scria Mo CcoMxit
Make Good-So& SLowcdhii
The first concert of the season of
ed iti gurdeuer.
o( tHe block.
-0 '
M. E. Peck
country end the wilds of Curry eouu-l ' "lre'ir ana ionn iTrnoer, inana-
t I'rof. lck has bera engaged for " '. c1u".u- xrum "w, " ,ne e " iUnion and it. stockholders from
several years in making up the flora
At the hour of going to pf'css the at- so has D. J. Fry. Judge George G.
tornevs on both sides were In their of-1 Bingham has recently ordered Itimhor
, I .1,.. i.,.;i.ii.. fnHairti mi,.
1....L;... ,.,iia that itmut hp 1 fnr thu luiddiiiiy hf his cottnie nuu
Prof. M. E. Pack and wife, of Wtl-i"" " "'"..V0 ,v,n T tn Mmrinin iXa tM. .f.. made clear before1 the ase can pro- Frank Jluriun will soon liegin to rmnu
hmctte Vnivusitv, leave Monday on i lul s,la' V0."1"? , at, "'"80n PRr?. ""-moon tfoa. Jinlne Oeorjre i vtiiui-ham ceed. It is dou.btM iflhe arguments ; It is also prolmblo that W. B. Walton,
iih cxfenTli'rt orir of" llie w
In the proceedings held this after- H1 ''ar before-- the ease can pro-(r rank Durbir
noon More .Tt.dge Oeore i.iuKhain iceed. It is doibtfjt if he arguments ;lt is also pre
j id which Oie rherfimpany' gslis foriploite todny. C. .-pushier of flu
Pau order enjoining the Kulem Fruit j " 1 build at Nes
v( Oregon, aud most of his time in the
iiiounlnius will be devoted to collect
ing boittanieal specimens.
erts will bigiven regularly during the
slimmer season. A petition will be pre
sented to the council next Monday Pve
uing asking that Borne of the concerts
be given in Marion squnre.
tho Luil (I & Bush bank, will
skowiii, Clvde Appvrsnn, a
.11.. I m,- (, thm nff(Hl nnal. iiniKcr of MeM uinvine nn receiuiy ae-
posing to other -pdrtie J2U0 tons of tion of mavor of Sal; m has narrowed cidcd to build along with tho tsalcm
liilMllhwrrina. thnin Wfla Jl Hiidd.iu hi.M. I ,l,v tn V 4 WImMiii,) Otto .1. WiUlcolonV. NcskoWlll Was Ofiglllllll.V KllOWn
up of the case oh aceotint of a eutf'son, and at the inctiiTg Monday even-i as 8lnb Creek but the Indian name has
troversy over certain points of law. ing. it is probable that one of these! of ficliilly been adopted as inoie sug-
cadidates will be elected. There was gesnve ann n'o imiro pmuisi.
no desire on the part of the directors . e
of the Commercial club to name a can- Work on the half million dollar P
didate, nor was lite nori sat fjwtamff tper mill will begin wxt Monday. This
didate, nor was there a stismg dcmanaiwlll consist in eienrmg the ground at
firr noiiie prominent ritiaon to step for
ward and assume the burden of tho
Have become such a world utility that it
would seem every family ought to have its
It's no longer necessary to go into the details
describing the practical merits of the Ford
Car, Every one knows all about The Uni
versal Car, how it goes and comes day after
day and year after year at an operating ex
pense so small its wonderful. We urge pros
pective buyers to place orders without delay.
Fir stCome First Served
Place Your Order Today
the foot of Trade street and preparing
it, for the erect iuu of the digester mill
and later for theulp imll. Tho boiler
power house is also to be erected near
The funeral services of Mrs. I,eah! t of Trade, raut iraguo, or the
Mover, who died recently in Portland j farmers' warehouse, will be give
will be held at the Webb & dough i or so time in his present locauon
chapel tomorrow morning at III o'clook jbo'ore moving. Ho says he ha several
Rev. H. N. Aldricn of Leslie cliurch pi" m vie.
officiating. The interment will be at
(a- served as director three rears. Mr. I
Ilu'vor-H-u is ia the automobile buiiaes
and returned a few months aa from
active service io France where he was
in charge of the motor transport sc-r-vire
with ll'.H) ntea under ln super- j
visiou. Mr. Halvorsea has always been
active in Y. M. C. A. work and other
interests of a civic aattire. Both men
live in the southern part of tho city
in ward 7. Voting will take place iu
the room formerly occupied by Tome
roy & Wallace, adjoining the 1". S. Na
tional bank. The polls will be opeu
Monday from 2 until 7 o'clock in the
evening. Any one may vote who ts
properly registered, whether a vote was
cast at the last election or uo"..
Members of the Commercial club are
receiving invitations to attend the
monthly open forum meeting, to be
held in the elub'e auditorium next
Tuesday evening. I. Greenhaum. dir
ector of the social department, promise
a better entertainment, than ever.
There is also the following admonition
on the invitation: "Bring a friend if
he oupht to be a member." Every
thing is free at thewc monthly" meet
ings, no one is permitted to vdicit for
funds, and no one is al'owed to talk
more than five minutes. The banquet
follows the program.
Marriage licenses just issued are as
follows: William H. .Mills, of !S)eni.
a printer, to I.ticile Audrey Hinton, of j
Salem j Walter Craven, a carpenter, 34,
of Sulem, to Kliznlieth Barrett. 1H. ,f j
Mem; Edward F. Davidson, L'l a farm
er, of t. l'aul, and Klcanor Kirk, 19,
of Ht. l'aul.
June Is the month cf marringes, at
least in Marion county. For the first j
half of the mouth i!l marriage licenses j
have been issued by the comity clerk s
'The home of Arthur E, aud Daiiiy
Wilson at- li"i N. Cottase St. was
purchased at auction on Thursday by
Mrs. Orr of Portland for the con
sideration of $3,2110. Mrs. Orr will
make her tome in Salem. The fur
nishings brought the neat sum of
lllfni.."i.i the sale being ably conducted
by L V. Woodrv, tho auctioneer. Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson will leave shortly for
tho Orient and will be missed by a
good many of their SS.lcm friends.
Tor those who re willing to aid
old people, there is a case thut came
to the attention of Hie police yester
day that wolud natural)1 enist one's
sympathies. A call came to, police
headquarters v.'ith a compluiut that an
old man and woman were living en
South Cottage street, and that the man
was not properly providing for his
wife. When the police called, they
found the man, about 70 years of ago.
partially crippled and his aged wife
utmost blind. They had in tho house
.barely enough flour tn make a couple
lonvcs of bread. Tho old man uiil he
hoped to get a job mowing lawns.
The funeral services of the Rev. 0.
W. Htewart, the first pastor of .lason
Lee Memorial church, Vho died at
Banks, were held this afternoon from
the chapel of Webb k douh. They
were conducted by the liev. Henry J.
Tnlhot and biiriiiawBB in the I.e Mis
sion cemetery.
Monday evening the Elks band will
go to Woodbum to assist in putting
on the drive for the (salvation Army
for the Klks lodge. Director Hteel
hummer announces there will be 21
pieces in the band.
The funeral services of Mrs, Jacoo
iMoyer of Portland will bo held San
day mornlnjf at 10 o'clock from the
I chapel of Webb Clougn. They will
be conducted by the Hev. Henry .1. Tal
bot and burial will be iu the Odd i'el
Inws cemetery.
From all indications
t cabbage is going to be a
I short crop this year as t
t acreage is wnal! and
prices are bourl to be
t high. "
1 We have some very t
t fine plants of the Dan- t
t ish Ball Head and Sure I
I Head varieties and are t
t making low prices on
same. t
Price Per Th
the I. O. O. cemetery. Hhe was about
G4 years of age, and is survived by
one son, Harry II. Mover, "and four
Leo, and Dorothy Mover, all of Port
land. Her husband passed away about
two years a;0. The family were for
many years located in Hiilem.
Neskowfa Is gradually becoming
But two candidates will be pmsentod
to the voters of school district sio. Zi
which is Hiilein at the anniui elec
tion to lie held next Monday. 11. I..
Clark is a ciiudidute to succeed him
self. On petition, of a number of busi
ness men and others especially Inter
ested in the school board of directors,
Geo. K. Ilalvorsen has consented fo be
Salem colony. Dr. It. E. Lee Hteiner haslcome a candidate. Mr. Clark is in gns
had a cottage there several years andi.".ess on North Commercial street ann
: Y
a s -
1 ! r !
y rloi'or Co.
: M c:":v AA (All
't IJsU
1 r
Luncheon has Uecn prepared tn a kitchen cooled by an Electric
Fan. The fun is portable aud is now ooiliiig the duung-room.
Here you are eating a niid-duy mcil iu summer and in perfect
tonforl The thought that outside, on the street, the air is suffoca
ting, docs not occur to you or the family.
Yon only know thnt you are quite coo!, and tli!itevcr) lhlngtai.tcsfine.
The G-E Electric Fan
serves comfort with every rmne. Its ac
tivities do not cease unKI )ou turn off the
switch. Comfcrrt becoii t a mere matter'
of a finger touch.
It is economy in aunwncr to do that which
will bring any relief from intense suffering
induced by extreme heat. A cent an liouris
atriflinu"tip"togivetljis meal time servant-
Portland Railway Ligkt &
Power Co.
Radiators, fenders end Oas Tanks
Tractor Badiators s Specialty
All work guaranteed, 188 a. l-'tb St.
Salom, Orcgos. 8 12
Phont 963
S78 BUta Bt.
Stop at
"A Home Awav from Home."
Strictly Modern! l'er Hay
100 Rooms of Bolid Comfort
Only Hotel In Business District
Special prices on $
large orders. Also, rea-
dv for delivery Toma- i
toes. Cauliflower, Kale, t
T r , r , l n
x I'f'i.ifrs, tuifry. tvntc-
coli will be ready with-
in a - few days. Now X
booking orders.
Now is a fine time to
set out plants. Place X
your orders at once.
D. A. Ti'le & Sens I
233 State St., Phone ICO
Salem, Ore. t
AUi Abbie 8. Davis, who has taught
iu the primary pruilca of the Halcia
schools for the niist ywr, has accept
ed a position at Lung Hcach, ('!., ami
will leave in about six wccklo tiiko
up her permanent resilience there. Sim
will bo crompauieti by mcr rather
and mother, lior brother and sitee
already live in LoHtf licach,. Wis
Davis taueht two years in the l'ark
nchiHil and the pant four years in tht
Lincoln B'-hol. tshe was an active mem
ber of the First ilultptist church and
a ntemiicr of the r.aatern ptar.
If yon hae motor troubles.
Power driw. rrivate nr indus
trial installation, call MOW.
252 North High Street
JUIK wanted
Call S98. Highest prices paid for
jwik, second hand goods and machin
ery. Be sure and call 3S8, get the right
prices. The square deal house.
27t Cheraeketa St,
Salem, Or.
t The Capital Journal
: Daily Market Report :
Wheat, soft white i.l8
Wheat, lower gradts on tampla
Oats .. MRS
llay, chcav ..w -
Hay, oats - lH
Barley, ton -
Mill run
Buttcrfut ,
Creamery butter - 583y
Pork, Veal and Mutton
r...1. . t,.,.t 1l. 6rMRL',
Veal, fancy 17(0 UW
DB,,ryo - o;-j
Spring lambs HM
Hheep, yearlings - 7
Eggs and Fomtrjr
Eggs, cash -
Hens, live ."
Old roasters ..- ISf
Strnwbcrricg ??3
Radishes, iui ., - 3a
Hkubard 4a
Potatoes . a
New potatoes
Orcen onions ilol - -
Herinuila enious, erate . ii.Vi
Cablian ,.
Head Icttuec - 7
Carrotts r
Bunch beets 43
Cantalopcs - if.
I nut
Orangca ' tM1
l.emo:in, box 7'J
Bananas - W
(liforni grape iruit t3uZ$
Black figs lb. ItHrOIK
White figs, lb 19(ii20
I'aoksge fgi pei Ix 50 pkg 4iaO.!U
Uaarsy, eitraeted
BeUU men
Fees, dozen -
Creamsry buttor 6770t
Country butter .. Sjr(!i)a
Flour, hard wheat tXUl'X'ZS
Fartluid Utitit
Tortlund, Or., Jtmo 14, Butter, ity
creamery 5C37e.
f.'ggs selected local ei StfMBf
Hens 30c V
Broilers 32 3 ie
Ueem llmUM
Chctse, triplets 37?.9e
Beceipts none
Tone of market steady " j
food to choice steers 10 501.1.19
Fair to H"iiil incm t.ol(uJlO
Common steers $7(a7.00 ,
Common to fair steers 88.59
Choice cows aud hcifcra ti$s i.j
Good to choice eows heifra
Meilium to fair cows aad keiftf
S(a 7
Fair to medium ews aaj knifsrs
H(h H..jO
tanners .1.30(Tf'3
Bu'U ,-.rr.)8 ' i
Calves !wl3
Keccipts none
Tone of market steady
I'rlme mixed tW i'O, IPS
Medium mixed M.7'r?19
B.)ii(;h heavies flTrct, ! 7.S3
Hoik i!i.Yi 19.25
Figs )i t7.3i
. . Slier?
Receipts nunc
Tone of market Htcady
Fair to choice Iirinbs I1.M:J
Yearlings fK(5'9
Coil ln-irbs "rrio
Wethers 7Vi7..)fJ
: - - - ;