Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 14, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Mis wca the girl and bou?Li
llie car. Cf cosrse it's a
Sakra Automobile Co.
' .V
' I I ' I'll
,5a "fltis 15
to be Vier
Summer School Instruction
To Spur Boys and Grls
To New Efforts.
There will be fresh interest in the
euming State Fair among the loy
an I Kill
uf the
rountv because
ready has, ho expects tu complete It
course iu two years.
The vocation work to be taken up by
Mr. ISmith couies under the new course
established at the 0. A. C, whereby,
t'-achcrs are educated to teach uudei i (By I'uited Press.)
tun provisions of the Smiths Hughes Yesterday ' winners: Vernon, Sac-
act. Since the passing of this ait, i ramenttf, l-oa Augelos.
th.-r. hn i areHt ilnnmml for u- Unmt tuns: IMVormer, Timers.
rational teachers, aiwl it in t0 prepate ' ' "I1 Iluviu hold the indicator on
himself that Mr. Smith will take hi. iho! Poithind-Salt Lake game, with ram
Tl'm .,we.n, nf'wr. Smith will 1... 'riitrtiii desperate ttcmpt by
,.i,.,.i,.,l liv tho pniintv iomil limiM I Huinier to rally in the seventh,
consisting of county superintendent ''"-" wo. their first game ol
Smith, John W. Kelli. of feott. Mills, , i H .
Industrial CUil) milkers will nwii ho
mi their way tu the summer school at
, 'n.-mlli as the result of wiunhtg (iri
i last fall at the fair. Thin means
two week of instruction and obser
vation that will strengthen their en
enthusiasm in the work. This year,
with fur more favorable conditions
Mil large addition to the Club mem
bership, there should be a much larger
tint of entries from the Industrial
Clubs than last year, especially from
the Pig i -lulls, as this 'branch of work
i. more aihuiiccd than any oilier.
Opportunities for pri.e winning
among the young people will be even
broader this year than ever before,
and especially for the girls, as in ad
iluiou to tku regular lines of domestic
.ieiiee, needlework, etc., there will De
an opportunity for tlicin to get into
the floral exhibit in pertain classes.
Tim flower section this year is to
-M iiih'iu muir I'luiiuurni inilll flvi
licfore according to C II. (!laney, who
is !lu siiperinteiiili-nt of exhibits. A
loni( lint of pti.os lias been proviilcil
fur bent ilispliiys of ro.-cs, carnations,
K'M'liiili-s, clir hHiilhciiiiiiiis, and other
(lowers. Flower fanciers of the city
will be especially Interested In the
gladioli competition, in which only
Hn'emiloa am eligible and in which
the Jrwin lriffilh cup is the chief
trophy aspired to. The highest prir.es
in other ncnerul contests for profes
sionals l ."ill. There is close competi
tion this year &mui the state Institu
tions for the clip offered by the llart
inan .lewelry Company for the finest
j.-. i, -ml puliiliii. I , - year the trophy
a held by the siatc Hospital, noted
for flural display upon its grounds.
la this connection it should be noted
l!i, 1 1 uiiumuil aucmioii is to ba given
to t'loinl work about the fair bnililinifs.
Wink upon this phase U already under I
way ii, the visitors this fall wiH
find theiiist'lves iu a veritable flower
iiui.lcn ainiiiiK the main buildings,
Amoiiif other attractive features will
be a pool of water lilies.
(.;. W. Hubbs of Kilverton, J. W. Alex- . "' ""
' , . : , . ...jk.'j t !... .j ua.v the thirteenth
niiiii'r hi niiii ii vhiiih Hitur it'll xj. orutL ui
large group of ,l.Ucrtr.
Deacon Dobson
wasn't a happy
combination. The Arbuckle troops
pranced awav with the game. 1 to 1.
Although nothing is mentioned in
the dispatches about the umpires, the
Angels won from the Commuters 4
to 2.
t I fir I n .i n
lAhn lv I mtH Kociirs;
v-.iti Li. k, i..a iicui-.i.j
T.ilin W. I.. Smith, who lias served i.s
county supervisor of schools for tie
past cinht years, has presented his tes
ijj'tntinn to the menibeii of the county
(durational board, effective July 1.
Mr. Kmith is leaving In order to Inks
up siH'cinl tinly in vocntlonnl apricul
lure at the Oregon Agricultural eolhye.
Ho will take up the work this summer
prciianitory to study in the rcgiltif
looihO Ibis winker. With ercdlts lie al-
, It will taste all th better says the
National War Garden Cemmuslon,
of Washington, which will help you
dig by lending you a garden book
(or a two-cent sump to pay pottage.
This little bird must delve and dig,
to find a worm or catch a pig, to
feed th' hungry mouths you sen,
a-gnpln' wide Iu this old tree. 8 lie
has to rise at halt past four, when
she'd much rather lie and more, but
aha's a worker from 1'odunk, and
ne'er from duty will she flunk. She
sets th' pace for Mr. Mann, who
buyr his eatln's la a can, until hn
sees how nimbly cheap, this littlo
bird her young ran keep. He thinks
about bis borne grown flock, and
Blurts at one to takln' stock, end
figures out how ho can save, by rnls
' tu' stuff th' stomal ha crave. And
than ha starts his seeds to buy, and
' digs hit garden plot on high, thou
i throws his Joints right Into low, aud
' etmle.htwe y etnrls his seeds to nrow.
Now Mr. Mann la feelln' big, bdeanen
' he-like th' bird did dig, and soon hi.i
llvln' cost be'U cut. by gottln' cut o'
buvlii' rut. Tu' garden now is doln'
fli". and booii his little flo k w"l
di !. n honir xiown eats frr frmi
th' ' ill, wnere father earnci 'cm
v. .iu Ins tuil.
When you ase Journal classifi
ed sdi get what yon want thisia
i they work fast.
H -a) p
Pears 1
and all
kinds of
We are contracting
Royal Ann Cherries 8c lb.
Rings, Lamberts ....... .8c lb.
Other Varieties ... 5c lb.
Strawberries 12c lb.
Red Raspberries 12c lb.
Black Cap Raspberrics .lOc lb.
Blackberries (Lawtons)..8c lb.
Gooseberries 5c lb.
Loganberries 8c lb.
Evergreen Blackberries..6c lb.
Bartlctt Rears. . . .$G0 per ton
We furnish boxes and crates.
Strawberry crates for sale.
Come and See Us Before
You Sell.
VT:t rehouse High and Ferry Sts.
(;i ', f 512 State St. Salem, Oregon
fCapital Journal Kiwflial Hervice)
Jlullss, Ore., June 14. The following
new eases were riled with County Clerk
Floyd X. Moore iu the Circuit Court
fur J'olk county: J. W. llrowa vs.
Itobort Ii. Xnngles at; (Mevt I.
bhepherd ys. ,'alvin I). Hhepherd, di
vorce; (!. Ij. Orider vs. Mrs. Anna
Woods, action for money; Nellie Titus
vs. John Titus and 'Mary Tilus. The
cases will be heard before Circuit
Judge Harry II. 'Uelt at the next term
of Circuit Court.
Mr. and Mrs. Ocrte Museott left
this week for Vallejo, California, in
hope that Mr. Museott 's health may
be benefited.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl (tee and little
daughter of Wheeler are the guests
or relatives in lalla this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Huehren and Mrs.
Nancy Hi own are attending the l'ort
land Rose 1'estival this week.
Miss Hawl Knight who hits been
teaching in the ac.liools of Center !iut
for the past school year has returned
to her home ia Dallas for the summer
Kugeue Il.iyter and W. ,'. Vassal!
of the Oullas City and the Iallaa
.National Hanks are attending a meet
ing of state bankers in Portland this
Mrs. Ham Klliott f iCorvallis was
guest the first of the week at the
home of Captain aud Mrs. Conrad
il'iofcssor It. C. Dykslra, principal
of the ITmsjtilla ehool is visiting
with his family in this city, the school
iu that city having closed for the
summer vacation.
.Miss Luella Ward of Falls Citv was
la!las shopper this week.
nun. v. i,. uawiey ot McCov waa
a county scat visitor the first of the
Fred A, Kose a prominent stock
raiser of the Kickrcall neighborhood
wn. a Jhillas visitor this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H, . Huts were in
Portland this week attea'limr the Port
land Hose IFontival.
Miss Maude Rolicrtaoh will go to
Salem Monday to accept i position
in the I'attim Itook Store. Mis Rob
ertson has been a clerk in. the llaytor
llmk store ia this eity for the past
two years.
Rev. and Mia. Chas. P. Johnson at
tended eereise at the Willamette
I'niversitT in rialem, Tuesday night.
Miss Katherine Reese of Portland
was in the cirv this week, a guest of
Or. ami Mrs. 1 A. lUilliiun.
(Canltal Jiiurnsl Shh-isI S.-t i,-e )
lioiia.il, June 14. PonaUlites were
fuituiiatc enough to get a good view of
the airplauea as they flew to Portland
from Salem oa Tuesday.
K. (1. Lock and son resched Donaid
last week from Kansas City, Mo., ha'
inn driven over tand in their auto.
Tiny slopped two weeks in Ksiishi. and
leisurely viewed Colorado. Utah. Idaho
us they passed thiough. In all they
-pent sis weeks on the war.
Sunday June Mh was Children's day
at the Donald Kunday school, the follow
iug program was rendered to a well
pb'HM-d atiiiieneet Hong, America; pray
er; solo, 0en the iHnir for the Chil
dren." Rul h Yergen; dialogue, 0iea
th !uor for the t'hilien, junior r!aa;
recitation, The Sun, by Kldor Cone;
song, intormediate flans; Bring dlad
tit-sa to Others, dialogue by four boy;!
recitation, Sylvia Sibley; solo and duet,!
Mrs. Thurston Yergen and Ruth Yer- j
; reeitaliwa by tsre girls; offering;
solo, llcrnice Feller; song and prayer;
iid cares for Von and Me. primary
tHUMijEiMkaW ssl
Let us
Save You
on your
4 of the lead
ing Refriger
ator factor
ies in
d T'rl raft
alW . I America j
class. After, the program the children jKi May
with their parents, about 100, went to
Drun park where thev had a fine bask
et dinner. It being Children's day they
were first served to their hearts con
tent. When the afternoon was quietly
I Miss Mnrcnrot HcnllArd was also ' anarA the teAchem fnr the e.nmin vaay
T ,1 v. T J T ... ' . . " " "
'r " , ""wy P'-K'"t irom MooJbura. tiiif9 ij6r(rat Bcollard fo, the advane-
were in Donald Saturday. While here! Tlll m.,l0(l, board met Moll(lay eve. pd gra(lps aa Miss Hanel Cone for th.
.Mr. l argo sold a large band Of sheep ;llinif RI,d ..o.pieted the unfinished primary, with the prospect ef another
Mrs. Frnnk T ill..,, ralrn...1 In
spent all went to their homes feeling i i,ni i r...,va. ani .,, ,
it was good to hare been there." ier n-nding several days with her pwe
Dan Jenkins of Pendleton ia visiting ' ents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. M. Johnson.
his sister, Mis. Worl. j Mr nJ Mr. vimore wcr. Wooilburn
A eomniuiLity meetinir was held in i visitors Saturday.
business for the school year, also en-1 teacher being needed Inter.
PeHart hall Saturday evening, under
the auspices of the pareut-tenchers as
sociation which was enjoyed by all.
The following varied program was
given and henrtily entered into by all
present: Community sing; recitation,
Mrs. John Miller; song, Ruth Oeer of
Woodburn; reading, 0. 0. Freeman;
tug of war, Leon Rice and Earl Curv
cr, Mr. Carver being the winner; read
ing, Lady of the Lake, Mr. Golding;
farce, Honeymoon Race, cast, Mr. and
Mrs. 0. O. Freeman, Mr. and Mis. J.
('. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yergen.
Messrs Wool and two sons,, Morgan
and son and Ham Jenkins attended the
Rose show Thursday.
Mrs. ). O. Freeman and sons Waiter
aud Hilly took the' early morning truin
Thursday to Portland to spend several
Beit O. Uroyles and H. F. Seoiiard of
Woodburn were iu Donald Wednesday
p. m. putting up posters for liie Sal
vatioii.ariuv drive, June S?d; ttl'o net-'
vertising a big meeting at Woodburn'
on the liith. -i
The Ladies aid society met iu the
basement of the church Wedmsday p.
m. They have quite a lot of work on
hands they are trying to finish up he
fore berry picking begins, and. will
meet again Wednesday l(tlh.
Clarence Mayes had as his guests
last Kunday K. M. Mayes and wife, Wm
fi. Mayes and wife. B. P. Cornelius,
Juanita Mavs. Davtoa Mavs. Evelvn
Jim Smith of St. Paul shipped a ear
load of stock Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. tlwell were Donald
visitors Saturday.
Miss Mildred Cooper and Francis V.
Gnlloway of The Dalles were guests of
Mrs. John R. Kraus Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Ucnts returned Wednes
day from Portland hospital, where she
has been for some time. 8ho was ae
eompnnicd home by her daughters,
Mrs. Loren Oeisy and Miss Bents.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Oeer and baby RirlJi
were Donald visitors Tuesday.
Win. Burke and Miss Alice Fike of
Portland were dinner guests at the
Bungalow hotel Htmdnv.. Mr. Burke
had been looking over his farm nem
D. H. Diamond of .Lnn? & Co . T. TT,
Kchsffer and W. R. Muir of Liggett :
Mvers, dcre doi'ig business in Don aid;
Mondav. i
Mis Louise Austin of Albany arW- .
d SvidriT evrnlng to be the gui st of J
Mrs. F. K. Osborne dnrinjf the wei k. I
Mrs. Hurley and two children and
Mr. S'd Mrs. Morriwn of Portland
were meats of the Pete Feller family
ovr the m-ck end
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Feller spent Pan-1
daT in Silverton. !
Mr. sad Mrs. Shew nf Chchnlfm Tal-!
lor visited the A. J. Rich fnmilv Rnn-'
Mr. 1 Mrs. Chis. Hoskins, Miss Hel
en It.'ski- and Master Chnrles Mine
Mays and William Davis, Mrs. Sibley, 'nut from Portland Pnnda to atlend
Mr. and Mrs. Dnyton Walker, Mr. and t?ie community meet Raturdnv evening,
Mrs. tieo. Lamb, Georeia and Ijemmr remain!" ever for the Childrcns ilnr
HiiTian? irain . rirrnwii .tinuav.
Tbe Journal Job IVpartment
will print yea anything ia the
tatioawy l;e d it right aad
saee yjo real money.
lAinb, tmik the earlr
Thursilay for Portland to attend the
Rose carnival.
Mrs. J. C. Moore was a Portland vis-
itor Mondar.
Mrs. Phillips visited her brother
West Woodburn Fridar.
Miss Kinma and Melvin F.vans went
to Portland Tuesday to take in the
Ro,-o show during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Feller, Ernest Fel
ler and little Francis were in Portland
Mrs. O. O. Frivmsn, "Mrs. 3. C. Mrre
nd Mrs. Aufrane were TToodbnrn via
itO'S ThiirsiLav.
Mrs. Oene Aufrane Of Portland v!s
itivl Mr. and Mrs. Aufrane Monday and
Mr. and Mrs. Willi Fiwrs of Amos
villi' vi'(rd the Lois F.iier family
Fern Hoskins and Del Feller went
fishing Saturday p. ni. remaining over
Sunday. Xo report cf the catch.
j C. J. Collins went to Portland Wed
In nesday evening to remain over for the
j Rr.f carnival Thursday.
Mr. s-id Mrs. Farl Cone, Misses Harel
Cone, Lenths Cone and Idcll Ijimb
motored In Woclbur- Toesflar rrepiig
to aHend the n'nvic
Henry Moom eonirleted his cram
inatioos in the Portland school ar.d re
turned home Tuesday rveoipy ad be
uan working in the Johnson mill Wed
ncsdsv morninff. ,
f-Tt. Xtotli Mstwidl ?w sud 'aiieh
or Rntti pf WN-d'.ur f.Tei".cd the
rt'.io f--. lh cmoiunitv e-eet ?ft ir
't crcrtic T whiih was arprcciafi '1 1
Real Acts From a Recognized Circuit
Diminutive Songstress Assisted By
' Comedian and Cartoonist
In Tribal Pastimes
By Robert W. Chambers .
A Big Special Feature
r.i e !