Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 14, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    I F
CHAELES H. m3.lt
Editor eal Pasliiisr
I J fc.ll1.lf
J- s s
Ju'ie It, 191? -
- , . mm mm mm mm MMrtiVWJVWVWVVYVVXAVVWVVYVYVVVyVVVVlb VUWAAUWAAUWMMiVUWAM -m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm - -
1 J Prarr rren nff Frrwrf SffllrtSr. SalPITl. IJTC?On.
AlkiJ U I . mJ -,..('.. u. u rf , 7 9
Address All Commonicationj To
(Djc Bail.) HMfll liowraal
138 S. lojiimercittl St.
not merely as a beverage but as a product dangerous to
I surely not it. Forbes. It ruav 1 ! TI itr.i
1 1
it i
General Strike Of Every
Organized Labar Branch
MMW. hr Carrier, dct Tear 3.00. Per Month
ly; !y by tea.il, por year.
Per Mont...
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
H. Stockweil, Chicago, People's Gas Building
The peace sentement drags. There is war still in
........ . ... . m-T 4.U. 1. 1 . J . 1 1 T 1- 1
0KE00N ! "iinv yiiu ui uie weary, uiuuu-spent worm, ttaaicai-
ism is rampant and aggressive. Statesmen are at odds
.45 (2nd politicians are wrestling every issue to the purposes!" i ,u M is '(.
-sse of nartisanshin. limes are rather dull in America and h... . i-l....".riL . "
i -. i ... n i w i H'ltin a urn w v nr
much worse elsewhere. .Prices are generally high. Old
rnJ nU. -T 1,.! J i. ' 1
anu new yiuuicms tiaiuur iui uiuuuI, ana stein io ciainur wit!
J .n, not
; to help the
I ; 1 1 i. i. .
I . a f - "hi ur, ut:
an vain. :
.1 rri J -1 t. i t to
TJ,,f t.l TV,, 4. -I U 1 " 'o i'lp tliow she loves.
i v.n-vi u. -iiiji ikcu nut viamur muui lungtri think 1 haven't eihe. the result
. I I: hut i(t roniit nn thn n-ntr I ir.rn m - ,J ...... w.m. n ' . i f m a .. t I .... 1 i
th tviiim on the 1 --"- micauj nil tuc nav. i-aatcn, anu V'UU IIBV UKAl juhk
r . L. : i ti . i or men a Ihit ttuxtnetui mun mvis..if
... . -1 r ' . - 1 T .. .. 1 ..;A. I.av. . . a inc. ni n 1. in n.if
r,h If th c-rrier doei not do this. miie you, or neglett. getting the DMwrlUie VOlCe 01 Salvation. It IS the VOlCe 01 the Commence
U jou on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, aa this ii the nly way ' menf orator Utterinf SolomOnian WlHnm from thp rns-loi"'?
w.rn determine whether or not the earner, .ro foUowing in.tructior Phone, '" '.. l li 1U1 "til lfle Y0S ii
Before 7:80 o'tlock ajid a paper wiu be aent you by ipecie.1 messenger a ww n uiu vi eveiy ingu &i.uui iliiu cuufge 111 Uie larm.
wrrier baa miieed you. There are occasional sauawks of falsetts. but the pen
be hard ale1r!uir at first, ami 1 i
ileiiy that J may low a little business
btvause of what has hapuer.ed. But
tnai is my arrnir. i ii start vou at a
fair salary and rommisaiuu. Then
is up 10 yuu. iu you tae it: 1 1
"Will If Ves, and thnK (iml every! Phoenix, Aril., June 14. (I'nited
day of my life for stirh friend as ; Pres) .V seneral strike of organized
lyoti have proved yourself to be. I ; labor in Arizona ,,
will do my bestmy level Wst to 'todav. as an outgrowth of th viW
prove my gratitude." Ho rushed from ! eleetrieu! workers in the Salt Eiver
said veryj The rhoenix Trades Council announe
ere alone, ed enmmittiw hud hem uniMiinM
Just anxious formulate plans for a general svmpa
0 is. always thetic strike.
in the world I r,,;,,.. ..,. .;.i .. .1..
Anxious not only to help her, 1 matter would b. ,ui,mi,ttM, f' , f,;r.
Hut don t:..,,!.,,,, , .n :., iun.
1 the state.
The situation became more serious
J late yesterdav when the eleetrieal work
hi 0
woman wh
one woman
concerns in
Employers said
in district.
thus far the
Is the only aewspaper in Balein whose circulation Is gnarantoed by tks
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
A New York saloonkeeper is accused of causing the
ath of-eight men by selling them whisky mixed with
wood alcohol .Employes testified that he had teen ac
customed to buying the stuff in five-gallon lots and using
it to make a blend which he sold cheaper than other
whisky. . . ,
There seemed to be a good demand for it. This whisky
produced the immediate effect for which whisky is in
tended, quickly and surely. But it more than intoxicates.
It poisoned the drunkard, causing convulsions and blind
ness; and in nobody knows now many cases, n Kineu
them. . ,
t The incident serves as another warning of the im
minent danger from wood alcohol, a danger which is
probably greater in dry communities than wet ones, and
which may become a national menace when the whole
country comes under prohibition rule.
- There is astonishingly little recognition of the evil
that lurks in this long-known and much-used commercial
product. Most people utterly fail to realize that wood al
cohol and grain alcohol, though almost the same sub
stance, smell, taste and general behavior, have very dif
ferent effects when taken into the numan system. ;
. The body rather easily throws off - a reasonable
amount of ordinary grain or ethyl alcohol which is the in
toxicating basis of alcoholic beverages in general. The
bodv cannot endure wood or methyl alcohol. It is a pow
erful poison. It acts with special force on the optic nerve.
Very small quantities of it, drunk or brought into con
fact with the eye, or even inhaled, or reaching the eye
in form of fumes, may produce partial or temporary
blindness. Continued exposure or a large dose at one
ti'.iie amy produce immediate and total blindness, and
iwssibly death.
Ignorant people often mix the stuff to make intoxi
cating drinks because it is so accessible and cheap. Every
prison in every community should be warned against it,
per- !..,'
led it will he jut as profitable ! ."ht "as "ot lnt(,"''r,a witn opera-
putting all moral questions aside, tl0"8 ?. the Vovoi plants which, supply
0 I really believe lhat he woubl I, I'-a'ities of power for Arizona mines
eral effect is a deep roar, rushing from hidden caverns
oi knowledge and judgment. The orators nerves many
tingle, their hearts may pound at a rate that would be
dangerous if their arteries were less elastic, their knees
may shake a bit inside their freshly pressed trousers;
but on the whole the .oratorical symphony brings over
whelming confidence and clear illumination. The grad
uate lays hisor her-- hand firmly on the pulse of the
perturbed world and says, "Lo, I am here. Be calm. I
will save you."
And really in view of the mess the adult world has
made of itself, it might not be such a bad idea just to sit
back and give the young statesman a chance.
The French manufacturers are coming to this coun-
ry shortly to study factory methods.
or men a
V.,nr ),.,.!, .....1 . t j
...... ..,,i,, m nrtii. tiiiitiv-n 11 1 ttti ' ... . -
an. That he nd I i. ken u a " stnKe V ,no Plan,a 01 flv
tha u-r,,,,,, .i;...i: .1 .. i liirL'e concerns 111 me rnoem
ne caiuini uie it rim 11 ne as
I am
do right because it IS right even with
out fiiyiniial returns. But he will
make good for himself anil for me
too, so do not think you must be
overlv grateful."
" N'o one else would give him a
chance. ' '
"Perhaps not -not right away. But
he couldn't be kept back long, he is
a born financier. And not much over
thirty." Then he (banned the subject
as Neil returned by asking if wo had
decided anything about a home. The
days were passing and soon we would
have to ninke way for Tearle and his
uoisy brood.
" have looked a little, but "am
almost iliseouraRcd. Xcnts are so
"Why not take a little place down
on Long Island where you can have
a garden and the bov & idace to run
in. 1 was down there with
friends the other day, ajid I inquired
somethin? about rents, etc. with you
and other Industries, with tnc excep-
1 tinn of at the famous Eoosevlt dam
plant, where a three day shutdown was
;.auscd by 'the strike. This plant, tho
management announced, has now resnm
ed operations.
fo'W?s Starts ProV j
Cf Post Office Service
Washington, June 14. Congress to-
! ilay gave evidence of itB inienhon to
i learn something definite about the
country's niuil service. Are solution to
inquire into reported heavy lusses of
parcel post mutter will be used as an
pnteiing wedge to obtain information
about the whole muil service. Hearings
on the resolution are scheduled to
...... TV ... 1 . V , , . . L.. ...A
SOIttej uentiny oeiuru lite liuosc WOV
.,;..i1fI'','0 committee.
The post office department included
111 its appropriation estimate one Item
Cm wa... m .U: Um. 1 J i.M 1 l.Mi.iin mind
uu uuviry ui. wuu -attunes nave uccil uconujcu uidbi , ,hoilll, ... tn . . . ,,lwhkh was designated to take care of
B'J Wzlt Msscn .
How beautiful this old 'world is, along about this
time of year! I look around and cry, "Gee whiz! It
makes me glad just to be here! I would not give a picay
une for one who lets the teardrop leak; these are the
famous days of Juno, of which the well known poets
peak." In all the ages bards have spieled about this sea
son's joys and charms, have sun th liles of the field,
und handed nosegays to the farms. Inspired by June,
A L k. 1 11 . i 1 .1 1 I
1:...' poa squirms, ana. ukc me groununog, leave ins noie,
id chants a lay in ringing terms, with all the fervor of
h;s soul. And though we pelt the bard with bricks, be
ft'i ve'ie l'iwn on odes and thing, he voices thoughts
that we poor hicks can't give expression, when he sings.
In June we all would poet be, if we knew how to handle
lyres; the brooks, the woods, the flowery lea, all serve
io light poetic fires. Emotions strange our bosoms
thrill; we wish we had a harp or pen, ami we'ed embalm
the sunlit hill, the zephyr singing through the glen. We
like to voice the thoughts that throng, about trie land
scape and the skies; we strive to plan a noble song, and
t-1 i by saying, "Dcrn the flies!"
a complete revolution in their old ways will be required dig
if France is to provide sufficient clothing for her own
needs and to compete at all in world markets.
The French have great facility in beauty of design
and fine workmanship, but most of their work has been
done on rather a small scale, and seldom in quantity pro
duction. If they can combine American efficiency with
their artistry, they should become formidable competi
tors. French garments, especially those for women's wear,
cannot be made in quantity, for their ." individuality is
what commands the markets. But without doubt in many
lines the introduction of modern factory methods b;
French manufacurers will be a step in advance for Frenc
In the meantime, America, with profit to her indus
tries, can learn more from France about artistic design,
and so the war which has shaken us all together,-ultimate-ly
will compensate to some small degree the losses it
has caused.
the ground once more. That
is if Bnb would like it,-" Neil said
a light of pleasure at the. prospect in
his eyes.
"Like it! I'd love it! and Kobert
would go wild. He never has had a
place to run."
"Well suppose T take yon down in
my car next Sunday. We can look
at two or three places." Our cars
had been sold to Tearle.
"May we take llobertf" I asked.
"Of course, the little shaver will
enjoy the ride," so it was settled, and
the first step in making a new home
taken. , ,
Tomorrow Neil', Life Job.
Willamette Graduate Is
Injured In Auto Accident
Carolyn Amy Hterling, 119-graduate
of Willumettc University, suffered n
broken arm Into yesterday afternoon
when the automobile in which kho was
riding skidded off Torwilliger Boule
vard just this side of Portland, and
plunged down an embankment. Her
mother who was with her had her hip
seriously injured and Paul Sterling,
who was driving the enr, injured, but
not seriously. It whs at this point on
the Boulevard that within a few min
utes four curs, plunged down the em-
mvV them un. and t hen this verv inconsistent, hnrlv stenned ibankment, doe t slippery condition of
in and prevented him from doing it . Just like congress! ai"",
or rniling to the mini. Mr. Sterling was
A very prominent union labor loader in Arizona has ?Z JtTJ
declared for prohibition. This is significent in that mostibaukmont. in a car signalled him for
of us always believed that water was so precious in that lI'X "5 K
country that nobody would have the temeritv to suggestlbouievt.nl and down tn- embankment.
tliot ?f rmrrViT l,n -i i'l o 1,1 o f,f n, inn oVi ! n rt tVir. tViIvcf -'The Sterlings live St WenatcUee, Wn.
LllUb 41 llll.ld ViVilllUUlV; J.11 LtV MX. ill 1 1 111 LllllOt,.
Congress was eternally nagging Postmaster Burle
son because he maintained his. control of the telephone
and telegraph lines until he announced his intention to
flrrfpr them
WIMtJI tllWllI UVlIf
ilia lime is seen
here when yoa will
NEED them !
Celt and Set Sam phi
Good Work, Rtaion
abU Pric; Quick Ser
vice. 'Nuf Said. '
W aso make a ipec
ially of HOP TICK.
ETS. Order Now and
Have Tkem When
Needed. Right Price.
PHONC 2179
losses pnid on now-delivered parcel post I
pneknges. .At the annual session of the grand
A sub-committee already has been lodge A. F. & A. M. recently held in
named by Chairman Steenerson to .Portland, Walter C. Winalow of this
probe orders of the postmaster general city was appointed grand stnndard
which Steenerson declared had demor
ali.ed the rural mail delivery service
iii some localities.
W. E. Hann of the Balem Abstract
company was elected third viee presi
dent of tho Oregon association of Title
jinen, at the recent annual session add
in Portland.
Waconda Colts Win From
Mount Angel; Score 9-3
Waconda, Ore., June 14. TTfiylug In
fine form the Waconda Colts last Sun
day handed a 9 to 3 defeat to the
Mount An?ol nine on their home
grounds. Waconda had the better of
the contest throughout. ,
Poring the first seven innings Wi-
eouda had its new moundsman, ancis 'little inconvenience as possible to those
Nusom, in the box. and while he wnsj wishing to get in and out of town, aa
n nine wnii ui nines, ne sepr weitnere aro two outlets on the cast, one
opposing stick artists well in hand, will be left open while the wok is go
In the eighth he was replaced by Fel-,ing nn for the convenience of the pnb
ton, who retired the remaining 'lie. Hubbard Enterprise,
men in rapid succession. I - , ,
Tomorrow the Celts will meet a fast
aggregation of Salem player, on the RTTV TW O A T Vf A T XXT A VQ
home grounds. ui in oniium niiitnio
pAvino PAcrrio highway
Work was begun Tuesday on ithe H'ab
bard section of the Poeifie highway.
The section between -White sch'ot
house and Hubbard was scarified. It
is tho purpose of the contractors u
pave this part of the highway with at
9 4
When it is really over, over there, we ought to have
peace conference in this country, say at Paris, 111., or
Tin1 Ntcr lines livo t WonatclWi,
lint an wi-lt Known in tnis ttT.
S. Cooke Patton will leave for Kan
sas I ity next I uesilnv to attend a w
school of ins'tuction tn be nut nn bv a : 9.
Versailles, Ind., between the republicans and democrats 'firm manufacturing im.se ief book!
to see if they couldn't agree on a reconstruction program. 'XZni
led tl.ls specinl privilege, the courso of,J
The telephone operators didn't strike after all. ItllL lTrlT T" " "it
would have to be a very serious grievance indeed Manufacturing firm, on his way home heij
would cause a wonun to voluntarily stop talking. jwil1 yUU I)onvPr ml Ralt I-nkp pl-:
The supreme court members are only human ''"iLONG
all. They are just as badly divided over the governorship
tangle as the rest of us.
Strike and the world strikes with you; work and you JEy
work alone. I
r . .. EYE
. !
Established 1S6S
General Banking Business
i rr T : j r.
lGlh Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
Neil wss back home with Robert
ami ne. Il.it he was a changed Nenl.
At tines so quiet, wi ib -pressed 1
.'srct'ly knew him: st iitheis fever
hly pi:u.ning t make j;eti so thst
he might win b.H'k the respeet of
piople. biiifiess HH'.i. and uie my pluce
... siwlt-ty.
I pointed oot to him that all that
mi.! be given up. That ml 'or many
it-Hri coubt vie hope to r-pa.a any
vi.rt of t.cifil prttttoti, il.tt- r ol-t 1
said . !t thittg of the rt when Fred
eril k With H. The bllS'llCSS wa
tH't q":te se't!,-4l. and he often came
'ii liie h'iiic to talk it m rr with Nell.
"Is e,sy nn t-ike l.ipg ss
. ' h r-die,l, .'It w.il ft
"1 am a pretty
NVil spoke ntootlily.
"Aa 1, said it
ill lb
June time, Rose time, and "YVedding Bells!
How about invitations, announcements,
and "at home" cards? They are as neces
sary to set the affair off properly as is a
boquet of flowers for the bride.
- Call and see our printed samples of wed-
ding stationery in announcements, invita-
! tions, etc. They are nicely made up in
cabinets of 25, 50, 75 and 100 each.
! The Quickener Press
f Commercial and Society Printing m
G. E, Brookins, Prop.
193 N. Com'l-over Gale & Co. ' Phone 199
lis sure in time to produce
,, 'eve strain. No matter how
poor dependence, 1.1 L, ,. n !-.
pend tipoo 'ly normal thev are. constant
yal'm , .... lise will tire them and event-1
"Tell u js.st wl.al von tneait! 1 , ... . , ,T
beS,,-.t. i nhunght I'm detettedUaUy produce strain. Tf you
something encouraging in his voice and .V0I'k at a desk, 0T do mUChi
iiia-tror. ! i i
"If Mr. Forbes will accept it lIt'UUlI!g Vr St'WIIlg, J OU
sia'.i offer inn the p.s.iion of Kast-, would be wise to get a pair
ern Msntger f i.r me. I have contem i ... i n-i
plated . change for some time. W hat ! 01 gWlSSt'S 10 neip OU. 1 ney
say, rYroe!"
Tears rii!.id la Neil's ryes,
tried to sjM-ak, but roul In't sltho
li moved. Ity h great effort
fillmcd buns.-!',' ih, n :
"lo u mesn t, t-Vleruk ?
.b-sii't s-iiii pml,lo a msn w
Oil so much lor a down ait. I outer a
.'" on nave dune for me. Ami Fre.t.-r.t-K,
pend mould It not h.. (.-.r ,
!y B-8 JM-" le looked atjbusinesa, to have it U,.a that'l'mas
hMudn.-g it afu-r ;i this notoriety?"'
it i
jwouia save mucn energj- as
i'siwell as help. your eyes.' "
. Hartman Brds. Co.
Jewelers Opticians
B.W. Corcer State ft Liberty Streets
Mr. Fruit Grower:
Let us save you money. Haul your fruit
to market via Bethlehem Trucks
r-ton $1963 2'-ton 2363
Trices F. 0. B. Allentown, Pa.
Get our Terms and Prices Here
162 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore.