Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 14, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    FACE TT70
tion will be held on the S. P.
Km m.
M J' 17 7
By GtrtniJe Evtiusoa
H". t pr,,'fr 1 .Olcott were among the patron, and pat- The entire part, week ,ia la Uk-
uilrgeue. I ni the sugsrageu- ronesses for the lvil Dog bail at the 'en up snta the graduation exercise of
, t , . r";,',, ,l,st breath- Multnomah, another large feature of, the various school in the eitv, and
ed Sylvia lankhurst and Carrie Chap- the celebration, with the Victory Kuse festival in Port-
an Catt are more children beside rue, , e lauJ cluU meeUll(i, that ,lre ,
anil hunger atnkcs end briek-throwing j The Alumni association of Sacred 'taken place thia week, picnics that had
l" s bu ''" f,,rn' of amusement. ; Heart academy held it annual meeting) been rianacd, and vanoue other social
lieeauset If I had begun beinjj a ufira-1 Thursday evening, thirty members at- event were postponed because of th
gclte years and years apo wher the tending. The two reception rooms were 'festivities, chief among which a the.
two soove nientiowd worthies did, for 'jforwmulv decorated with huge vases historical pageant at Willamette uni
iuat.mee, I might have been the govern-if La Prance rosea. In the library, 'versify. About five hundred person
r of Oregon today. And if I were thewt,re the .banquet was served, a beauUltook part in it, including faculty, etu
(Toveraor of Oregon I should have rid- fu' decorative note of pale pink, green ' dents," former students, Indian from
den to Portland in one of tho Curtis J wai carried out. The tables Cheiuawa and proiniaeat iSaletn eiti-
irplane Tuesday morning instead ot ,wert ''entered with basket of llnrulya ' sen.
tamiing with my mmiih and eves own Tus,llt rose from which eilk stream-1 t0,ernor and Mrs Jten W Oleott,
rid swnJIowi"K half the dint of Marion f "a n(1 I'"' gracefully Huuo,,,, tlJli Mr, A j"!
county while I watched them land, take "J!" ? fa;'h Marate place with its tor a,1(1 Mr8. u, E Chamberlain, Bishop
n oil and gasoline and merrily iy ,,a"ltr favor. Urger streamers aild .MnPk ij8tt a iu,rhes tor
away .sain. ' junS fry-m the pink shaded chandelier ;Charle. L. McXary and Cungressman
O, but they were pretty! Tjer do- m. "tulie festoons, while hand point-;8nd ur9, W, c iUKey we patron
tae!,ed themselves from the clouds' bl'tt'll'. euspended by iaTis.be isnd patronesses for the affair. Other
while they were still a great way off,"'".1"8; flaUn' '"" the garlands ii,l)ortlint 1P BIlll womcB mho hc,,,ed
lonki-ff r,o larger than the mentow'0 hi:."1 va the flo',r url"' make the affair a success were: :
larks that hsd hung above the field all arP"'m; . . . , , r,, B.f,
morning. Closer and closer, .wumi... s!'"r.,1 Ofwvd th, ExeoiUre BUff
more recoil, able rroportlon. a. thev uT 1 " " 7l" r"' Con,.n":M on '"er9nry Presi
raWe. until when dire'tlv above, thev iflZTjl ' "I"'; "S i 11V"C'' EV- K" Nl At"
hcitnied a second, made a slow 'eracr- " ' ;,' Th J Kh? , Jh"' '"" '' ' ' ' . . .
.! im rn-n w.ri.i .. ..,, . ' 1 he "ol otf"' for "'""'ittee on luigcant President
ful tnrn ffor all the world a, tho nth , lht, eullli , y,.lr ,.e Miss L jn j , , , Crowder
?: T!:: Ia..B:r: ,,h:1ri" W""'"V, VeM, Hi Hp8rrowMiHer, lf. jaml T. Matthew,
i ,;: r w ?ti,u' la"ut Pnt-Prof.
After that. If yon weren t TWrtlenhr Following the business meeting! Community director-Mrs. R.
about the dust mid didn t mind being muicnl and literarv program .bv the i Fisher
shoved f,r,iond a .1 trnmpled on, it was students of tho academy v,as rendered! Advisory committee Mrs K
.vuur privilege 10 go c.nser ami inspect alter wnicn the guests repaired to the llinh, Mrs. Alice Doild
the winged wonders. If yon were wi. ; library for the bamiie'. The reuiniml- Production Btaff
you directed most of your attention tor of the evening was spent informal- .Stage directorProf. Delia Crowder
tli plnnn that was last to descend, ' ly. Miller.
wnere inn nrown eye.t pilot lor me- ... Assistant stage directors Orville
chanic or somethiiii') grinned and told' A .great maiy Salem folk, pnrticulur- Crowder Miller, Harry iiuvvers, (Justav
j.m, jim. na.iieii hi miuvvj v m.iiuueis 01 me younger social set i Anuerson,
while li kept . reminding you firmly were ho was a particular favorite, will! Assistants in iliiiinatics Edwin Soe
(grinning mo winie) To seep your oo gia.i id near tuat Lieuteuunt Allan ololVky, Kulph Tliomas, tiene Sew, Hel
hnniU off tho pluno. Tlie rest o.' them,'1'- Carson arrived in N'ew York Thurs 'eti M.o'e, Horace Hnhskopf, Myrtle
were lovely ton, of course, but tiol near- day on the ship Levinilinn. At present Mason, Faye Holin, Pool Flegel tirnce
ly so congenial. Perhaps the eeond one ho is stationed at Camp Merrill. - (Sherwood, i,ylc Unrlh ilotnew uud J. W.
was a bit puffed up at the honor of I'leuteiuini arson is a veteran oflYSarrcll.
having the governor of Oregon as a "exienn iiorder trouble and at the Publicity Mrs. Byron F. lirunk,
prospective passenger, and niavrie the ine rcceni war volunteered j Kuiiert M. Uatke, P. t. Tullerton and
Others were tired and didn't like the
dust, Ton '11 have to admit, though,
that, when they did condescend to
smile at vol and answer a qu$tinn,
ther were perfectly gvand.
CiHne to tliiuk about it, perhaps it
wouldn't bo wise after all, to turn so
I for active service, find has been in j P. E. MeCloskev.
franco, mice October 1917. Ho is u 8a
lem high school graduate and one of
tho best known and most popular young
men of the capital city.
A simple and beautiful home wed-
desncrately auffrnijette. Remember ,,,lnK Wll solemnized Thursday after-
wlo.t Mis. B 1 said about politics nndin""n Bi 2:.'IU when Zoo Kllnn Olmsted
poker and other women's hiiHlmmlsf It""'1 r,,h" 1'Bndon Waters plighted their
wivild lie (list ss iiit. re stinif to marry
an aviator, and a real modest trosseau
mn'hln't to ernt anv more than a po
litical campaign.
M'., Minnet'a Mu'rs was appointed
liy William II. Hover, supervisor of
wiisio in the rortlnnd public schools, to
present the music for the graduation
acrcise of th ladies' Polytecnnic,
10 .Portland which were held Thursday
troth, the ceremony took nlann nt tin.
hone of (lie bride' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 1). I). Olmsted, 24 fi Union street,
in the jireaenoe of a few intimate
friends and relatives. Kevereud lioland
W. Porter officiated, the impressive
ink leiimuoy oeing used, rink roses
ill large vases or wicker baskets, bow
ers of sweet briar and jardenlerr of
manteti tmir and sword fern, vied with
each other in making the decorative
arneme a thing of beautv. A graceful
Ic V Vr " " . ""'"-r of .went briar added to the
7L J'"'n, Kcauty of Uw rooms, and iu the din
ing room lavender woet peas and
ni nni ntseuuiui were used.
the graduate chorus of Ihirty-fivs voic
s, who sang a double numlier. The mu
aie received a great deal of pralne from
everyone proaent,
The bride wore a handsome tailored
nit of oyster grey and carried a bou-
It will interest thn manv friends nt auet nf i.ride. ir. .i.
Hiss Magers to learn that sho has been at was little Zoo Bchmander, who was
collected director of th Cent nary Veth drassed in a dnirtty pink frock and cur
odist ehureh in Portland for th coming Hed the ring in the heart of a large
.... .. hik nun neen remurKauly
tic-essful and litis met with the entire
satisfaction and commendation of ev
ery on concerned.
Oovernor and Mrs. Hen Oleott led the
grand march at the ball at Cotillion
bell it Portland last evening which
event closed tho Victory It..s festival.
The affair was given by tho Hoynl lto
arisu in honor of the Ooddess of Vic
tory and tho Chnrrians and their wives
w' Rws or honor at the. fuuclirm. I
Thursday evening tJovernor and Mrs.1
After the eeremony a wedding lunch
eon was served at prettily appointed
tables, centered with Cecil Bruner res
The young couple left for a short
wedding trip to Marshfield end other
southern Oregon points and will be at
homo to their friends after July lut at
their home, 111 South 17th. street.
Mrs. Oniric Hchmauder of Stepta!
Washington, is a ,Hnlem visitor huving
come liuwn fr the weddimr '.if h.
yranddangliter, luis, 00 uhnste.l.
Deeorntion Hov. .H. X. Aldrich.
Director of tljo clubs Inn Moore.
Carpenter 'Kenneth Legge.
Klenogiaphers Mildred Wells, Myr
tle Mason, Juo Grounds. ,
Orchestra Director; Prof. John B.
Sites; violins, Ix-islo Ruby, Viola Ash,
Maion Kmmons, Kenska SWMrt and Mrs
C. C. Hose; cello, Avery Hicks; bass,
Uuthyn Turner; flute. A. Hicks; clar
inets, it. u wart, Virgil - Anderson
and K. DeHart; cornets, Albert Warren
and Loren Basler; horn, Kenneth
liCggo; trombone, Raymond Kites;
drums, Knbbin Fisher; piuno, lCvelyn
Indian directorsfluperintetident and
airs, imrwood ilatl anil George W. Bent
(Chief Ohkentoh) of the Chemnwa In
dian school,
Stage managers Paul Flegel, aw
rence Davie and Harold Dimick.
Lighting Prof. II. K. Hewitt.
Scenery JW. Florian Von Kschen.
lropcrty djawrence Duvies.
Singe architect William Nichol.
Misfress of wardrobes M rs. Freder
ick Stewart; assisted by Mrs. Carlton
Smith, Mrs. William Lytic, Mrs. J. L.
van INiron, Mrs. William Fleming,
urs. .ionn jmcary, -Mrs. William Hurg
harrtt, Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. H. 11.
Winger 'Mr. Ucorge Brown, Mr. Mil
ton Meyers, Mrs. William Kirk, Mr.
Walter K. Hpaulding, Mrs. John R.
Sites. . r Mc
Make up men F. Oillinirham. F.
fVmke Patton, Murray Wade, Charles
Knowland, Pan I-angenlierg, Frank
W'illmnn, Henry and Arthur Wil
son. The Hweet Ulnar club will hold its
last official meeting of (lie season next
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. M. C.
Petty. Next Saturday the final affairs
of the club will be wound up and the
tcni siipner of the orvnnisa
en Hosi"w mPmCnt PPU'ar Inteoven Hose
The heels and toes are specially well reinforced assuring
purchaser "his money's worth"!ike all Bishop's merchandise.
as r rt m
wjOit sonars
new and snappy stvlesv nil nluravo f'ir,l t. 1 .. i .
V - ey re S comftable and dressy for this Spring
and Summer s wear. ""s
PRICED AT23c, 33c AND 30cfor men.
j Every Family ia Marion and Polk Counties a Pi
f! e a ft
1 l3sf??
4J i IJBfaMCi
hill oa Uai:c road.
St. Monica's altar society of St. Jos
eph's church will Iponsw' a picnic at
th state fair groon.l tomorrow at
whiek th entire parish i invited, Mrs.
Albert O'Brien is president of tho so
ciety, and Mrs. F. A. English is chair
aian of the committee for arrangement
A picnic dinner will be erved at
at which the Young Ladie Sodality
will serve. A lovely program aa also
oea arranged, a special feature of
whi.h will be an address by ficre-cad
awn v itara, lately returned from
Frae where he served as ehsnliiin
dnrig the last months of the war. t,x-
tMiT preparations have been inside
f the affair and every car taken to
ai It a aucecss.
6aJm folk have been going around
with their heads a trifle higher than
aualjsinee the opening of the rose fe
tial in Portland. The reason is obvi-
ou enough the winning of first prize
in the flout that represented the city
in the parade Wednesday.
Aceoraing to those who saw it, it
wa a thing of beauty and a jov for
ever. I Through a ,filiuy ptar-f in ked
gauae (Tennyson would have describ
ed, it as 'blue samite, mystic, wonder
ful ") the onlookers cauyht a glimpse
of waving fines and silver wren ins.
The float represented the Cherry cil v 's
activities during tho war. Mrs. Lloyd
uuinvien made a charming "Miss Sa
lem" and Miss" Ifiith Periich as a Ued
Cross nurse, Miss Ruth Schultz as a
yeomum't-te, latil llivie as a soldier
and Carol Water as a sailor, added
tho patriotic atmosphere. A choice
group of some of Salem's prettiest girls
attended "Miss Niiem" am! s.atteud
cherries to the cheering throngs as they
paued. They were, Misses Margaret
White, Mildred (iill, Maxine Bmen, ,1
sie UrueJer, Mary Uayne, Alice Mc
Clellnn, Edna Ai kermuii, Dorothy Pat
terson, Helen Hose and Margaret liiif
Last Sutuiduy evening the, home of
Airs, oeorgo i 'lerwilliger was the
eeiie of a -delightful roceptio.i, honor
ing Mrs. Bertha Drew Uilman of llvpp
ner, ilepartnient jiresident of the v
urn ' ttelief Corps, and Mrs. Minnie
iliirsmnii of Portland, uationul senior
vice president of th organization. The
colors used iu decorating for the affair
were red aud yellow, the natiouul tie
purtment eolors. -Little . Miss Uyn.t
Khipji met the guests at the door aud iu
the receiving line were Mrs, Alice .
CaJdwell, president ( Mrs. Hat tie Camer
on, post ilcpurtwent . treasnrer; Mrs.
Florence rpenef r, of the department ex
ecutive board; Mrs. W. 8. rimith nud
Mrs. Diiisniore. Tho guests were Intro
dueed by 11m. Klizabeth Adair nnd as
sisting the Hostess about the looms
were Mrs. Florence pdiipp, Mrs. Mary
Crooks and Mrs. Rose Hngedorn. -
A lovely program was presented, in
which whittling solos by Mrs. LaMoiue
Clark nnd piano selections by Miss Flor
ence Hhipp were featured. Young la
dies who assisted in serviiwr were th
Misses Belma Kumrow, Florenco Topo,
Ihelma Crooks "id rhircnco bhlpp.
v ' I
Mr. Ralph White will antertaln her
senior dancing pupils at an-informal
danc at Cotillion hull Monday night.
Smart New Voile Dresses
Ik Mm MDm
I L'gg.'g:' -i -iWIisisiiii -'na.-ixsmvjt r . --rv I
... 1 t
" l'"rt'fifl1 '"r,Trftlri" 'imntMinmrit n, iaiiiaiiwriii.jn rTf,TiTirrtj JLm.:-rr.... I
1 .MsMllllMi . M L'' Ii I'llli a"H
. . n
it -m m- m m -a mm w-
Honoring Miss Zoe Olmsted two mis
cellaneous shower were given recent
ly. Tho Loyal laughter class of the
Hrst Christian church, were hostesses
for one at which twenty guests were
present and numerous beautiful and
useful gifts were received. The other
wa given' nt the home of Mrs. T. K.
Hatch, 1675 Saginaw street, rink pre
dominated in the decoration of rose
bud and sweet briar and was further
carried out in the use of pfnk shaded
c s dies and daintv place cards. Mrs.
Kdward J. Hoffman and Miss Lnnra
Oraat assisted the hostess in serving
dainty refreshment. Twelve guests
wira present.
All inusic lovers should leave the
das of June 27th open, for on that
evtaing Mm Minnetta .Magers will
prMtat a number of advaiured students
in aa unusually fine recital. Friends ot
Margeurite Flower dinger will b de
lighted to hear that she will appear
ice upon the program. The affair will
be atrictly invitational. Other talented
pupil who have been, itudying with
Mm Magers for several year and who
will appear that evening are Miss Hil
das Almsler, Mins Minnie ftchallcr. Miss
Jmiiu James, Mrs. William Harris,
Mr. Harlan, all of Salem, and Mr.
Fred Kram and Gaynell Kellogg Moun
taia f Portland.
Honoring Mrs. W. 8. Kinney cf As
toria aad Mrs. II. II. Btapleton of Kose
brg, Mr. Frederick Thielsen entertain
ed a group of friends with a prettily
appointed luncheon Thursday afternoon
rtesid the gnets of honor, cover were
Utd for Mis. W. G. Westacotl, Mrs.
Joaesik Pauiiii;art.urr, Mrs. William
I Buriaardt,. ami Mrs. Asso btrongv
1! ' Mr. aad Mr. W. II. Prnnk are Port-
laad visitors, having gone to attend the
j fsatival. They were accompanied by
j Mrs. Ka.ht-1 Uecder and Mrs. Wiiliaui
J P. Prunk.
Dresses of Distinctive Character
We are now showing a choice collection of Spring styles
in dresses. They are beautiful samples of the master
designer's art. New conceptions and models of marked
originality in style and effect. Charming designs, em
bodying the latest ideas in fashiondom, cleverly vorked
cut and effectively presented.
-Every dress is finished with minute care and skillfully
made. The little hidden details are all perfectly exe
cuted by expert dressmakers. There is a wide range of
, -styles, for your selection, the whole presenting an ex
hibition of exquisite good taste and beflutiful workman
ship. You are invited to inspect this showing of Spring
Dresses of unusual character.
Quality Merchandise
Popular Prices
, John' Clair Montietk of Poitlund,t MBi Elizabeth Levy of balcm was
who is well and favorably known in violin soloist at the Albany college,
Kulem musical eirclcs has an important commencement exercises held last Tues-
place on the eenrmencemont program day evening in tho First Presbyterian
of the state Normal school. Ho will sing
the following two group of tongs:
"Oltstination," Fotitcnaille.
HMyscH When Young," Lehman.
"With a Waterlily," Craig!
"InTictus," Huan.
Group 2t "Eye that Used to tlaze
in Mine," Lobr.
"I saw a Bhip A-sailing," Dobseti.
"As Nothing Mora of Me, Sweet,"
I Know Where I'm Goin,' Via
A special treat is In store for mem
church of Albany, iler group of violin
selections were mo.it enthusiastically ic
C. B. Clancey, who was responsible
for the Bnlem float that won first pmc
in tho industrial parade last Wednes
day, is a Portland visitor.
Miss Muriel Simpson of Coquille, Ore
gon, was in Bnlem Friday a the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Rises who left
some time ngo for a tour of California
tiers of the Commercial club when they arrived in Sacramento, Tuesday.
meet next Tuesday. Mus Jtutn joun
who was soloist for the Apollo concert
n week ago, ha graciously consented to
sing for the business men, and Mis Jo
anna James, the young vocalist who is
rapidly becoming noeh a favorite with
Mnlem audiences, will also appear on
the program. Another feature will re
some iimtrnmental selections by John
Kteolrinmmer, the ten year old prodigy
from Pilverton.
A group of young folk met at the
home of Miss'ttylvia White Tuesday
evening. The evening was spent In play
ing games, dancing and music. A dain
ty lunch was erredat a late hour.
" Those present wero Porrell Anderson,
Frank Heddirk, Juauita Piilbvk, Ku
ben Ross, Mabel Propp, Everett Walk
er, Fearl Wee, Bonald Frixr.ell, Mildred
Spong, Klbert Larhclc, I.orenx Rchnulle
Sylvia White. The hostess was asclsted
by Mrs. W. R. Anderson aad her sis
ter, Mrs.. Anna Waterman of Spokane.
r TV nnhrieNnn and s"n Carl
tiabrielsnn, and grandchildren, KoborSi
sod 4 batl.i. Kav Bishop. wiH 1-ave for
Pendleton 8umlay to join Mr. Gn'iriel- j
s-n avd i hnnncey lihip. They will be
Hone fur abuut a month. .
no i s
Court House Notes
William McGilchrist, Jr., was among
Palem folk attending the celebrations abouts,
in Portland tins week.
Miss Frances Doerfler is speeding
the week end with friends in &ilcm.
William Lubke has brought a tuit f r
a divorce from Marie l.ubke. He al!e;r',
they were married Aug. 8, 1915, at
Crown i'uiut, lud., and that hhe dm
sorted him Aug. 8, 1015. Also that ho
does not know of her present vvhew
The. city of Chihuahua, whirh Villa
was reported to hold, was entered Sat
urdsy by federal troops.
Foley's Honey ni Tar
Tmkm Mi SfhwHtMt for Foley' t Mmmv A Tmr
William Lichty, guardian of Clareium
Herr has filed his annual report (to
guardian. During the past year he ln.si
received from the estate $432.7S hud
has disbursed $103.39.
The estate of John McDonougii Iihh
been appraised at $1.9'J(J.62. The :ip-
praisers were I). 0. Kinney, P. T.
Church and J, W. Byett.
The need for $125,000 worth of im
pairs, reconstruction and improveinci)tn
on tho Central Oregon irrigation pio
ject is given as the chief reason lor
an advance from 80 cent to $2 peic
acre in uiuiutenance fees charged
set Iler.
Mr. Nona llsrdin and three chil
dren of Ij tirasde a'e ajwifdin the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. C Mc
Uee of JH.i Marion street.
The annual muiral recitals of MUs
Beatrice yheltnn will be given Mon
day, June "t snd Wednesday, Jane C"
at th First Congregational church, as
sisted by some of the bet talent in
the citr.
A party composed of Mr. and Mis.
nv Fvre and children, and Mr. and
Mrs IVmnell Irver and 'in William,
T motored to Portland Friday to witnes
Miss Ella F.ih.-v of Portland
the final festivities of the Victor
' olise i
Mr. and Mrs. P. N. An.lrcscn and son
Clarence, arrnmpanied by their kousc
guest, Miss Jenuie 1aic of llolilridje, '
Nebraska, wer.t to Newport Thuisiiay !
fur a week's outing. Mi ljra v ,li ;
retiirn t her home vn .Ncbrk at the !
cud of tie nioath.
day or two
Tilth fi lends in Salem this
F.i. Bds i f Captain Allan Bynoa w.h
a : be i!cB'il to hear that he has receiv-
Miss Tere,i 1), verani of Tarker
burg ia the souse guest of Miss Leah
Miss Susie Sj.nrrow of Portland was
a Halem vi.itrr Tkuisdny, having come
up f.ir the alumii r.cepinB and ban
quet of 8acred Heart academy.
Mi, Bertha lVicrfbt is the riet ef
U..se Itodayla ef West Saicio for
a few davs.
1 lus r. I. as'i from the service arid will
arrive i:i S:.!eni ton.orrow, j
Mu. F"ll"fcr a..d run Laurence I.o
fir. nmtored to the McKenrie today to'
Mum Mr. and Mrs. K. M. ii'der our ihe.
w.-ek t ad. The entire pity ..! return t ;
Sua da v cveuing.. ' i !
"The Uest Indiidual Chocolate Made"
Our cartons are here now you can buy your
CENTURY Chocolate in an individual carton.
Centres made of pure sweet cream and the
choicest material with just enough nuts to make it
excellent, then dipped in the best milk chocolate coat
ing obtainableplain or rolled in. crisp minced wal
nuts. .
Twenty-eight years of candy success guarantees
the quality of our individual .chocolate. :
Mrs. ChriW StrarVIiu has gona lo
Ie county to j ia h r hushat d. Sh
wiil br gone about tnne unis, '
Mi Net! Hay hs
to sp-nj the snmrrer.
S" -e
to Seattle,