Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 13, 1919, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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Busy Days for the Yulcanizer , j
. .j. -- ,7 I , ,'
1 l '1 U ' -C ' k:?"- ill I X
: iV I - V AV-. 7
: ' JV- -w.-7 . ---y it
Men who own and drive
motor cars, who seldom
before had their used
tires vulcanized, are
now learning the econ
omy and wisdom of
thus saving their old
casings and tubes. The
war has caused car
owners to call a halt on
new tire outlays except
where absolutely neces
sary. Our vulcanizing
process saves that in:
most instances.
Commercial Vulcanizing And Welding Shoo
Under Supervision of Robert Spoor, Ex-Instructor
U. S. Army.
311 N. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon
Whatever Your Hauling Bpsiness Consists Of
On Display at
The American Automobile Co.
Home of the Oakland Sensible Six
HIONE 399 197 South Commercial St.
Long Experience
and a well equipped
plant fit us completely
for any kind of bicycle
repairing work. There's
no smash too bad for
remedy at our shop, and
nothing is really done
unless done right. We
save money for every
patron because any
wheel left with us is put
side price. When in
' ..... trouble, appeal to us.
Dayton, Heavy Service, Columbia and Rambler
- Bicycles ,
Lloyd E. Ramsden
387 Court Street
w m3
I v
corminoNr or wEsrwuf
ed at intervals during blasting opera
! ltn t cotitbt'mn except wlure rouil run
stnictimi is in progress Tietwcen Mel
fur.t and li'iil.llf, lioiul open lo traffic
'al IntiTVuU iluiiug tlio day and flus-
MrEsme Highway 4 )H'n and in
if.i-i.l onl.ti.yi, Kujfene lu tiiiic river.
J'kii tiiu Iili iM from Ulue river to point
u -Suri d'staiiee above l.jst Cicek inu
; r i:itiMi, Clon'.l between this point
mil MiKm.ie I'iiss by suuw v, tin-It is
J' feet tl 0 ft in places,
WOlsmetteOiH h niul in fair fundi
Uia etween Kiigenp- and 4'ino ereek.
I 1r mow del ween i'ine creek
I ouiu nil. I.Oiilil be upon fur ViSumis
in ti)ii! ui weeks. Thorp 1110 0 hot
it sa'iw mi the tnninuV,
Anna Creek rod-4).,n mi, I in fair
Hii.i t oa fiom K!fiHtfih r'n'ls to a
Iau wiles inside Nstiunnl psrk
I j',rr. Hon d ,y 1,,'tiM'im this
1 t'iti'f Llc S tl. luiim i(-
mu,i. Vi I! irnl,liiv he Ojica July first.
T'citforJ Crater LakeOpen ami in
r :i"il bttwifii Minlturd ml
I'?' t.odi, tinry. tri by anott li'
( i m"i nri, li,iun,lii'y i'i l Crater l.nke.
it j .1, -to.ira piw-ibli'.' Will probably be
, J i!jr fint.
Gnate Pis descent City Opt-n en
lv b i:lh ami in esielleiit rmiiiit inn
f r f;al uiile betaven Ker
lf .-nj WnMu aiul a hllnti kpetiuit on
id . fi.', a!.ii of Oiejoti niountnin,
''- 't Tsry ror.g. ' CI 3 Jl
G t-tt GrotraBphemia Open and
.1 ( ri tWiitiaa lii!wen ('oitnite
t . . ail t;toa. Clue4 by Mule ami
i; tiintii-r lift wee iMstoa and
!,.. mine. An ant ramp tt been
. nji by litd rnl,'p abeia tkeru M
j 1 "d l-ieiiiy of slis.le.
;t. ..l fc? fT aj"Ui Juu 15.
j limn. . I'nvirj; i in progress botweeu
- i i n ii 1 3 Vush nn linuc liiver, mid a
jdi'tiiur nver a rmijjh rnd to the north
lido (if the river is nerewwry,
Cresewit Citjf-Oold Beach -Open mid
in fair eondition, 'rei'ent City to
illttiokiiiiiM, t!oii(ih bi'.tiseen n rooking.
mid iCold .lleneli.
I Ronelmrg Peal -Opi.,! nn, iu
Thre Elvora Open between Willa
iniim nnd Tilhimook. Sin milea throoj;l
tlrnmle lionde hidinn reavrvalinn i
vct ro"Kh, and piaitiiii!!)' impiixiiilde
tir iM-vernl ilny til'ler kevy ra:".
Coiiktrmliiin mk i in piKres li,.
teen iNilpli and llelio.
Eugene riorvucti Open l.t "till
round, Kiij;eiie In Mnpleton. Closed over
'ih Kurd inomitaiil. Road ii nnrrow
viilli uteep (jniden nnd slmri turn", anil
is eiily fur t xpt lieiui J diivera.
AlataElver Open, t'oralli to Wald
port. Jn fair condition a far at Mi
ouri Itend. J'aaable but vn rough,
Miswmri lleiid to Waldpoft,
Bantiam wagon road Closed to all
eieept font tmffie, between t'aseadia
and en si ti boniidarr of Wniitinm .l
'ioiigl fwiesl. fhoii!d be open lr .Inly
:Uw Oak Orort Open a:.l in frlr
1 -f, J'oitinnd to TwinSx .!i;.
i hf imw, 'j t i to Clear
li.iir ! : I. , ijnrn Clear
niiii) f). ii. ! in fair
' i ti 1 ' . n.
. d
i. Vi
Biddl Drew o,.en and in fair eon
'htmn, lliddle to Tiller. Closed be ton
ttemneil Imde ttrtwrrn Tiller nnd
BamlonGold Beaeh Open and in
pnsnlile ronditiuii for lijjl'.t rarh, cn
tira k-nl'h.
A WMwatfa of esnfidenee ia President
Wilwin, eoiipled nith a lennent (hat
Uihuaai be reeounired a aa iiide
t'tii utiife, aai ranted la i'rpmdent
vviUm Teany by tht Lithnariiatt as
iH'i.al ronvenrioit.
Revisioa Ia Work Of Elemen
tary Schools Comes With
New Books.
Owing to the eharue of textbook.
Superintendent J. A. ( hurrlii'l it mak
ing a eomplete revision of the roure
of study for the elementary arhool
and the hij;h nehooln of the mate. The
Stale Textbook Oonimiswioe met on
June 2 and made nunv thaneej in the
texla adopted for une ia the public
ehooln. Immediately thereafter the
State Department of Edueatioa be jinn
the work of rewriting the eonrte of
study, nine they could not be written
until it wa known just what the
treatment of the texts wauld be.
Manv inquiries are already roaiina to
the offiee of the . !ii'riiitendeiit of
I'ublie Instruction asking for fopies
of the new nianuala. Superniteiulent
Chun-hill nuikea the announeeinent that
the new edition will not be ready for
distribution until about the middle of
for the special julijeetn, ain-h as
Knjjli'di, the various aeienees. foreign
lunguatzes and vocational eoursei, spec
ial eoinniittees have been appointed
These eoinniittees will examine the
Intest rejiorts and findiiiKs of the var
ious committees of the National Educa
tion Awocintinn, and after conferences
with Huiieriiitendeirt Churchill, will
submit, to him courses for the high
schools of Oregon in such (objects as
have been Bssincd to thein. The
courses in all of the fundamental Sub
jects, such na reading, grammar, nriih
metic, geography nnd history, will lie
written by Superintendent Churchill.
To rewrite the courses in til of these
subject, it will be necessnrv to rend
nil uf tlu new test and will re
epiire several weeks of time. Super
inlendent 'hurchill will recommend
that thu law bo ehnnited before the
next adoption, so Hint the change of
texts will be mnoe in .November in
stead of June. This will give almost
one year for the preparation of the new
courses or atmty insteatl of only a
few Weeks a is made necessary by
the present law.
Champion Working Smooth!
And Losing Excess Fat
Arcsmd Belt
oothly Lie
The people of Pittaburtf, throuxh the
city government, hus filed a suit
agninst the Htreet Hnilwny Employes'
union for 'J,n:i.i,nun.iN, which sum, il
ia cliiiined, was lost by the people as a
result of tho recent street car strike.
Quality In A
Tire Is Never
It calls for something more
than a factory and good in
For one thing; Purpose, for
Any tire will give in mile
age, in wear, in economy, in
roadability only what is put
into it by the maker. Never
The visible value of a '
Royal Cord
tire is the result of years of
continuous tire manufactur
ing experience.
Auto Supply and
United States Fabric and
Kelly -Springfield and Unit-
ed States Solids.
219 N. Commercial St
Toledo, Ohio, June -H. Jack
Kearnj rolled ia laughter alter
he had read a report that Jtea
Willard had" heard'he waa at
the Willard training eanip.
"I've teen in this game fif
teen years, but never before did
I so such statement as this,"
he said. "It prove to nie that
Jess believes lie is going to get
licked. He' worried atiff about
me. I don't want inside lis
camp. I '11 keep away. "
. Recc:
McDaniel Wins t
snnenaanoa ror
Br H. C. Hamilton
Toledo, Ohio, June 14.-Jes Willard
working with just hi trunks ou this
afternoon looked in good condition with
very little fat about hi stomach.
The champion worked seven and a
half rounds. Ho boxed three periods
each with Jack Ilemuel and Walter
Moiiiiglinn and then went a round nnd
a half with fcailor Ketchel, his new
spamnjr partner, who joined his com
pany on Thursday.
Jess stopjied his boxing after he had
walloped Ketchel a heulthv blow In the
stomnch in the aecond round.
Willard worked smoothly and gave
tho best exhihitinn I10 hna nii'nii ttni4n
his training sonsion. ITo punched bet
ter and ho seemed to have wore wind.
All waa quiet in the Dempsey eanip
except for the daily routine of tondi'
tioninc stunts tho challenger ii put
Jack Kenrns made the statement to
duv that one of 'his choices for nnn nf
two judges, who with the refeieo will
decide the winner of the big bout if
there isn't n IrnsielrAiit wn. Tt.iv fnn.
son, Milwaukee . attorney and boxing
Tf Cannon is iitrrncnbletA TW TMntr.
srd and Willard. it is probable hn will
be o 1 of the judges.
Mayor t'. E. Albia is in receipt of a
letter from Bordeaux, France, in which
special atteutioa i called to the ser
vice of young man well known im
Salcai. With the letter there is eaclos
eit a 6 hv 8 photogreph taken at. tho
tins of tfie presentation of the certifi
cate, taken in front of the Oambetta
statue. The letter is as fololws:
I "Mayor W Salem. Oregon:: My dear
air: As a matter of local pride ia con
nection with the good work over here
of one of your Salem boys, I am en
closing a phvrngmph taken or the occa
sion of the presentation to Lieutenant
Uruce W, McDaniel of you.' eity, by
Mnjei lienerai Lewis, in the iiaine of
iieneral I'ershing, of n certificate oi
I Kspecialty Meritorious Services, one of
'the two first of such certificate to be
presented in this base station. I also,
enclose a copy of the eitati'n necom
pnnying this presentation.
I "Lieutenant McDaniel hns worked
his way up from the rank and has
made a sjdendid record In his present
post of executive officer in a large and
linportnnt office, he commands the re
spect of the officers of this base sta
tion, and his work does hih credit to
hi eity. Lieutenant MeDunic! ha been
reeom mended for a captaincy and will
probably return Tiome with tint rank.
"It iccurs to me that this matter
mny be of interest to some of your lo
cal H'ople. Respectfully, Jasper V.
Britton, Lt. Colonel, judge advocate."
The citation referred to in the letter
is as follow: March 12, Citation:
Nince duly, 1918, Lieutenant Drueo W.
Melnaniel has been steadily engaged in
the delicate and important work of ad
justing claim for damage present
ed by the French civilian popu
lntinn. The service he ha perforin
ed has been in every sense notable.
The work require qualities of a very
high order and the army bus been for
tunate in securing a man of the fitness
of Lieutenant -McDaniel to perform the
worK. ill services merit high eommen
dHtion nnd are entitled to officiul rec
ognition as especially meritorious.'
Zditor Motor Sotviot Dutvau PtvUnaf tlavlu&
Copyright 1919, bp Tn tiernntonal Syndicate,
w Forestalling; Battery-Ignition Troubles
Attenil To The Bparkiug Devicee And Avoid Involuntary Stnpe
Bduiull ttmt the suggestions here given cah be of a general character
ouly and tlie Instruction in-nk relating to the pnrtlenlar tyatem In
mJ qtii'Ntlon should al;iv
lux nnd geara of :li" t
provided. Sen tlu.i f
Htid that no dirt, t e
point r) not i ir:.
to tit tlietu so l: .
pressing thorn tof . .
until a full contact
md. Don't tali to lubricate tbe bear-
by iiifiitis of the grease cup usually
lo.ik I'.iech.inism work perfectly fretly
... . make it -act alugglalily. If the contact
Huii' full aurUve. i: is usually ad t..iUl
pkiiing a thin jewelers file bctw'jpr the tn.
...ii withdrHwIng the file, repeating thu oper..Umi
M-rired. A piece of very fine s;iiutiant i i-.ni i e
u-ied m tlie Kainn manner as the file (reveraing It so as to act tipan i nch
point), If only a Uttlo treat :iient is lienlwl or If ihe metal Is vi , v l.iud.
if tlie points are too inaccessible to be treated in this way, Tvy in
usually bo rniirted and trued up separately on a small oil stone. The
ptmit of some breaker mechanisms ate not iutended to bo "doi torcd."
but to run as long as they will and then be replaced nnd It ts well to have
the i"l n emeiit pu is on baud mid to know bow lo put them la n-adilv.
Any spring puts of the timer, that are likely lo bonk should be kept i:i
liuplicito. Tlie contact paint of all timers should be kept adjusted for
tho recommended distance of separation, a thickness prase befrg fur.
iiMieU with each outfit. The conoct gap is usually 152 inch or lejs r.nd
mueli variation frxAit thl will change the timing or eniiae missing. Ho
iuio tiler? !s im dust in the distributor housing, as the h!':h ten.-don cur
rent may abort circuit nooi It. Never use oil tbout the uinrtbutor, but a
u'l-v little vmelino rubbed over tho path of the rotating contact nnd then
mostly wiped i.tf. 1 sometimes recommended. The automatic advance
mechanism, if present, requires Pibi ication. If the pitolpnunt Includes an
lanltlnn switch, 'designed to open nittomutlcnlly and thus protect the tint
Ui.v liom accident discharge, iti ctlieacy bliould be demonstrated nr.ee ill
a great while. Try. for tiniinoss. nil connections or everv wire and ceble
Including those, at the timer dUtilli'itor, the Ignition switch, fie coil, the
g-onn.ling point and nl the connection hwrd. wiiere the Ignition circuit
obtaans it current. If there are i.n sniio-d primarv wire. Pe(, that they
are properly fastened In placa nnd not oil soaked' or beine br ik. n by
rep., ale-d heiiili.ur. Keep du-t and oil w'p-r; frjai lite .park-plu'g wire and
the distributor i asing.
I,IMS His 'ohi S WonX CVT.llia rod thit chokta the rarhi.re.or
ir. 'he kno. kins :.s Can .! 'elf
; '" ' t "'is a "g is" tir a "i t.:npr. .-
s'"n" hv -.'I;-i
.iiv..'r: Assunmis that, the i ll r-
'. n aie c!i of i arbon. linl von .'.: j
sine that th sptirk la no! su f. r
iu! .m id as o mu-e the tocn t ior.1
(Valued f nd 'hat the mixture, a:
a.i; ;aro!ilt i,nj low !' d. is noi
'an as to result in low putlui power,
' faney that Ibis Is a rmnpreset'n
k If u wili obU'in torgh
.ri.i, high-'ist mol!ne to partly hi!
She fink nnd will ai!ju! thu rjri.iir
or for Hits fje! r.nd run a while
i. pop t. o ran sown tril. fh.ii' t
i niiekinif ccui it niRy lie Mif.-tv M"
Mi.nid ihst the riiinprf .-.inn rate ts
' high for io fm-J rgnlarly u.i d.
but if It tH! eoiiiinnt. th cjue
musi he soiuft esn htr. Von may
we.'t try thi rx;r!nieni. before te
loe'nn the ruinir!on rate. Whin
sou choke th sir, u make the mix-
n t
I . ti. rilii 'tense e ihc b bat
' da wl'li h,iiii oiii Kurd?
Atiswer: Wo think prrhips ynu
Bi iy lie Jnklnif. i s tneie Is a rnrrj
oii.nion that Kod never wcf ou.
but enndnee to "rPi) right n!n-i"
Indt finitely. Ilu ye5, er. we are going
to take your lniuiry sertouilv. '.'e
t. kfie.it that yon fisism an et;miic
from a Fort menev i how mueti
It will rust to put i ills rsr In (w!
ord r nr,d, tr this amount Is very con
d"i.bly lr thin the sellinc prl.-'
of ueJ er of (hi model. e shoa d
sdvlse von to l.jie the work lor-1 or so rich thst It burns ,o Iv
t a !-n.prture too low to produce
the tirtoiia'tiiK ri-et'on tn tti'.' com
biistion. w'-.Ub are 'he supp" J
cs'ife of the '-'nir''''-'Hin knock,
w hea ai" ur.l pre got on do' bo! iuk$
end seil or keep the r.ir nn h
other h ind. !f repairs tll cos! ne-'rlv
s inml! u ihe tr t!l sell for. u
edvtso you to d p.-.? of it io simuc
"u'o wrecker" foe wtnt you can
go'. Some ptopir rs'a n !be bo.lv
for the children to plrr in or p'.ce
It on th lawn if t ii'-ow f!.iwP-rs In
P. rt'it ithin-r to g'v up cBtirciy an
old and faithful friend.
r. W. witus: I hv b four-
ryuodcr till wnieh knocks
lnty oil hill, but hB 1 puis un
i 0How4 tf frntrel t'tut to wofertjfi will e eniartri in Ih.t
O.A., tpr perBiiitmy. Atdrttt Alktrt U CivgK, car e thu tgl,..
C- tZ ?
Where You Save
Sloney On Used Cars Is In This Establishment
The Inventors of Bargains
1915 Overland $500.
1914 Overland $475, ezy terms.
2 1917 Fords, good buys
1916 Ford $.60
1914 Ford $275
Ford Sedan, $675
1916 Ford, perfect condition, $:75.
2-Ton Lumber Truck at a bargain.
Vi-ton Ford Truck, thoroughly overhauled, $475.
5-passenger Studebaker, $180.
We wreck autos for their parts, this enables you
to get old car parts at a bargain. Cash price paid
for junk cars.
Oleson Auto Exchange
849 N. Commercial! St. Phone 666
V A. J . 'V.
l-'N' y
) f il
If your car is not working
right we tell you why and
we will repair your starter,
battery, generator or what
ever it is and guarantee the
job. If you are about to go
on a trip we tell you how to
take the best care of your
batter'. We are here to give
satisfaction to the car own-
171 South Commercial St.
lonmoulh Anglers Catch Farmers Raise $20,000 For'.'
)UU Ua farker treek I rip b.g Agricultural Temple
(Capital Journal Special tVrvicc)
.Munmmitli. Junt H. Rohlm. Phil.
Hirrhard Van Lean ami Frank
Kemp fiinstituto'1 fishing rarty that.
hroii(;tit huntc the gooJs" Patunlay
alter a three day outing in the Also
enuntry. Tluir lnl fi.-liiiiiz wa, in l'ar-
kcr r reek, wiiere they enii-ht about 3lr0
reisterl beauties. Several neighbor
families bear testimony that this is not
'fisli Ntuiy, Imvinir been remem
bered bv a generous sample of the fry.
Sjiokane, Wnsh., .Tmie 13. Karmcrs
attending the first Federated Farmer
coiiyention here yesterday raised )f,
U0O toward the projKwerl temple of
agrieultnre in VVa.liinjten and pitted
resolutiona favoring federation. Thi
was d'ne after a two hmir talk by
Kenator Thomas (iore of Oklahoma wlu
was given a rousing ovation when He
appeared ujM-n the platform.
."H'liator llore urited the farmers ta
form into one oramaation, "basiag it
ujiou Hiuno eeononue principle and
under wise leadership.'' He declared
that ,.l - -4 ...11 . .
Work was begna Tue-dnv on the Hi,hl ' " Z "UU'.a. ! P
hard .eet.on of the I'aeifi, hlgawar. Taking a rap at Price fixin, he sai.l
it was "una of the oldest blunder"
inc section letweea White school
house and Huljbard was scarified. It
the pnrposa of the contractors
pave thi part of the highway with a
little inconvenieiwe a possibJe ts those
wishing to get in and oat of town, as
there are two outlet on the nut, one
ill be left open while the work is go
ng on fnr the convenience of the cub
ic. Hubbard Enterprise.
St. Paul academy held U commence
ment nercisea Sunday afternoon with
a excellent musical proisrara. Thoe
fitiiciiing that sltnol from a two rear
nd added that th prie of wheat
nxea over ai protest,
rarent-Teii'hers meeting held at tho
White school houe June 7 waa held
maiid for the purpose of electing otfi
ect for the coming year, those elected
were: Mr. Earl tirim, president; Mr
Fred Snyder, vice presideut; Mia. A.
J. Smith, secretary and treasurer. At
the eonclueion of the eioa the par
enU and friend enjoyed a three act
eomedyv After which they cnjuyM
Sandwiches. rcnilicl sni) t.n.nf.a.l.
fh school cnrse were l.en Rsyi.l .served around . l. .f;,. nl.l. .,.1 r.
m, Katherine Tan do Wicie, Frances I teronse. .
nrmling and Ixtuiie Kirk, and fhoae fin! m
from the eifhtli prsde Tre Tjiti- A daut-liter nn. l.nm to f, nit Vr.
tta Ooodin?. Mildred Cileman, Alfiert Jovfa rr.ana at Mercer pL ,tli
Kaafwaa rd Jane. VrK'aT. Wood -''onidi'ment at si. (Ma . in tht
l.nr IuJependenl. upjr jaw tad lw ia tbe bwer.- "