5250 cmcuLAnon : (2o,000 HEADSET DAILY) 4t Only Cireulatio la fcsloiu Guar- aateed by the Audit Bureau of - Circulation. t FULL LEASED WIRE ; DISPATCHES 4c SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY KEWS SERVICE . ft . f I Oregon:. Tonight and Salur- j i day mowers, gentle wit aery I W!K o f1 s 1 I 1 i . ' i i I I i i - , i f ' i ! : PRICE TITO CENTS i?A v A - rno. . J FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 129 TEN PAGES SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919. . 4 (l-A OPERATOUS PLEAD FOR STRIKE AID Opposition to Knox BUI Grows Stronger Committee Of Telegraphers Unions Agitata? Walkout Of Telephone Workers Oa Monday. Washington, 13. (United Press.) Senatof ' t Sfk announced late this afternoon' 'j '',isidnitnistra tion poll of the tenk. 4 "Se Knox resolution showed all de. Voixcept Senator Reed opposed to Vsure and eight republicans also v to it. This report, which will be made to President Wilson, may lead to a "show down rote," according to the belief of some democratic leaders today. GENERAL SITUATION IS UNCHANGED OVER NATION Companies Declare Tie-up Is Failure But Bonenkamp Pre diets 40,000 Men Out By Saturday Night. - Chicago, June 13. (United Tress) Telcnhone Workers On (uuiti staff correspondent) I WuA;.,itnn T,,- 11 in ..tpAmalv close Tote, with the result in doubt was the forecast today of senate lead ers disvussing probable fate of the Knox resolution designed to separate the league, of nations from the peace treaty proper. Senator Knox announced he would probably call up the resolution next Tuesday and deliver a prepared speech on it. His efrort to have me senate consider it will be opposed to the ut most, administration leaders said to day. This opposition may start a long filibuster. The vote upon a motion to tall up the resolution will be accepted by both sides, senators said today, as very sig nificantly reflecting the senate's view of the resolution itself. If a majority can be obtained for a motion to lay the resolution before the senate, Knox 'at.it lita aiinrvtrtnri will virtlinllv fel. Committees of striking telegraphers to- thev indicated todav, that they can EALEJt CLIN CHE 3 PRIZE - Portland, Or., June 13. The grand sweepstakes prize of 100 for the best tloat in the industrial parade of the Vic tory Ruse festival Wednesday was today awarded to the tily of Salem. LMELiOll D0I1 EiillCE HAI1Y PROBLEMS Resolution Ash StahSnug m Purchase rower Of Dollar. day began working among telephone workers in Chicago and throughout the I. ui tod States to interest them in the proposed walkout next Monday. i "The grievances of telephone and telegraph workers are identical," 8. J. Konenknnip, president of the C. T. U. A., said today. First official word that telephone workers would strike Monday if settle ment is not made, was received hero to day following action at the American Federation of Labor convention at At lantic City in which the delegates vot ed to go out. A committee of striking telegraphers late yesterday submitted a brief ol their demand to E. C. Collins, general suporintefideiit of the Postal central division. Collins a few days ago said he did not know what the men were asking. Discussing this statement. President Kouenkamp said: ' "Our position was made known to the Postal before the strike wns declar ed. If was made known to the Postal officials in New York. They, however, were prohibited from entering into col lective bargaining by specific, order by Postmaster General Burleson, who in formed all telegraph workers not to en ter into any working agreement along lines of collective bargaining." Situation Unchanged New York, June 13 While telegraph company officials declared today the strike of commercial operators was in- uas the resolution, iney count on changing valea by their speeches, in which tuey plan to show that the reso lution will: Speed up completion of peace nego tiations. Assure the American people of a referendum on the league. Work -no injury to the 'league Or prevent its immediate formation.- Serve notice on the peace conference exactly how the senate stands, so that it may know what to expect when the t re.it y comes hore for ratification. Knox beliekes these arguments will appeal to republican senators who are wavering betweea support of the league and the unmistakable sentiment of the oiijority of thoir party col leagues. Senators MeNary, iNorris, Capper, Spencer and Oolt were claimed today ' by league supporter as the republicans certain to vote against he Knox reso lution. If they have made up their minds to do so, they decline to com mit themselves. Senator MoCuinber is so far, the only republican who is defioiteiy align ed agaiust it, but the other mentioned are- ail Xrwndly to the league. Senators .Chamberlain, Heed and Gore are some of the democrats claimed by the Knox forces. They are equally non-committal, except Iteed who is for the Knox measure. Genaaa Officials Merry En Route To Meeting Of Assembly To Talk Peace CHANGE IN LABOR DAY DATE1SREC0MMB Barnes Urges Steps To Force lifting Of Food Kockads Against Russia. By A. S. Johnson (United Press staff correspondent) Atlantic City,- N. J., J use 13. 6ta m m legates to - in. -1 L.aoor uei Protest Dry Nation n I M I r I lu n Br A. E. Johnson, (United Trets staff correspondent) Atlantic City, K. J, June 13. Four hundred delegates to the American Federation of Labor convention here plan to go to Washington on a apeeial train tomorrow to participate in an auti prohibition demonstration before the eapitol. Special trains will also carry demonstrators from New York, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, according to the arrangements. t " Vie are asking congress iot to enact legislation against 2.75 per cent beer and light wines," said John B. Oolpoys, a delegate from Washington, D. C " W are. agitating in the inter est of SOO.WO brewery workers who will be out of jobs under prohibition and 400,00(1 others whose jobs will be aff cited." . A majority of the delegates, led by James Iunean, Reattle federated un ions, will not attend the demonstrations. "They are going to attend the funer " al of John liarleycorn," snid Duncan. bilization of the buying power of the Trohibitioo is a dead issuo and they dollar, rcleaso of all political prison-'don't know it ersj organization of the tabor of the Advocate of prohibition among the nrl.l on Inlnnil h.i u. lir. .JSOOr ieeri inciuur V. II. Br Johju Graudens (United Press staff correspondent) Berlin, June 12. A spirit of optim ism was prevalent this morning among government leaders when they boarded ing of the food embargo against Mus- siu; changing the date of Labor Day and raising tlie salary of President Hnin uol Gompers were some of the objects sought in resolutions under considera tion today at the convention of the American Federation of Labor. Beport oa the resolution stabilizing the purchasing power of the dollar, in troduced by J. Brady, photograph en graver, will be made at the l'j'.Q con vention. Delegate J. M, Barnes introduced a resolution seeking the immediate re lease of all political prisoners. Portland, Or.; Ed Anderson, Denver, Colo.; Tommy Burns, Tacoma, Wash, and Nathan Birch, Seattle, Wash. (Dunoaa, a Tery strong prohibitionist also said: "We are talking from ex nerience. We have lived under pro hibition and know how it works. Our constituent unqualifiedly endorse it. Former liquor dealers, bartenders and W.e fiijhters are its etrongest de fender." I The fcattle delegation, has presented resolution to placo the federation on record refiwrding recognition of the Kolehat or soviet government of Rus sia; protecting deportation of Hindus who already have served prison sen- officially e-.ctioning the order issued to members of the union, forbidding them to handle Western Union mes sages. This order, effective tomorrow morning, Jaa designed to help the strike of commercial operators against the Western Union. Sinct the appearance of Mrs; Rena Mooney before the convention a deter mined movement has developed to place the federation definitely on reeord for or against a new trial for Tom Moon ey, under lire sente-nee in (alitornia for alleged participation in a cSan JTnn ciseo bomb outrage. A resolution h been introduced in committee by Tex Hurley of tho Oakland, Cal., electrical workers and says: "Whereas, delegates to the Ameri can federation of Labor convention are convinced a great Injustice has been done Tom Mooney and Warren K. Hillings (also convicted). "Kesolvod that a special committee be appointed to go to Washington after the convention and lay eiore author ities of the federation a request that they find a way, by federal interven tion or otherwise tV right the wrong already done. Be it further resolved that the executive council of the fed eration be instructed and empowered to request the international onions of the federation to submit to their mem bership a referendum on a 24 hour protest strike immediately after Labor lay, in tho event that Mooney and Billings are definitely Jouied new trials.1' Ifllll i iii i ULiil I 1 V Ivy Work Of Draffcr Rcp!j To German Ccctcr Pro posals This Aftercocn. DEPARTURE 0?OIi!wD EiDICATES WORK 0YO Terms Reported To AHiw Leape of Nations Wlih ' (Continue! on Pace 2.) reports of rmi AT APXWL FALSE Men Of 339th Infantry Say stones Of Revolt la North "Overdone." SAM HONORED BY iSOEOF STATE Geo. G. Brown Elected Junior Grand Warden at Grand i Lodge Convention. i rrtlaad. Ore., Juno 13. The grand lodge of Oregon, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons yesterday afternoon Louorcd Geo. G. Brown, Salem, with tho office of junior grand warden. The other officers elected were as follows: Orand Master, E. C. Bruno of Port- Inml; deputy grand master, W. J. Kerr f Corvallis, president of the Oregon Agricultural college; grand treasurer, J. B. Oleland of Portland; grand secre tary, .In m on F. Robinson of Portland; senior grand warden Frank 8. Bailie of Portland. In being elected to the office of grand seeretnry, Mr. Rob- inn starts in on his twentysixtli term in that capacity. The session of the grand lodge will be concluded tedav when the newly- eWted officers will be installed and the appoiutivo offices will be filled by announcement of Grand Master Bruno. Yestui'dnv afternoon a feature of tho session of the grand lndxe was tho im pressive ceremony in which the Eastern Star, in iwion here also, paid its an nual compliments to the grand lodge Busrla Is Defended In. hi resolution asking the A. . of tence in this country for planning L. to go on record as favoring tho 'revolt in India; and establishing the . .mwial trsin for Weimar to attend "fieht of the Russians for bbertv and initiative ana roterenuuiii wn.nii v..c the meetin of the national assembly, democracy," Peter Bollonbacher, of A. V. of U, thereby limiting the power called for tomorrow. The causo for this tho Pennsylvania federation ol tabor sudden' rereraion of , sentiment could ; urged that the natnn,t body 'f.ike not be ascertained as the leaders rofus- such steps ft are necessary to sec.o ed to coBiment directly on the peace .the lifting of the food blockade against situation. The heightened spirits Of this group were rendered more surprising by t!ie (Continued on page three) fact that the lesser delegates on tlia rrjnin PpnfO D1Mnt train maintained tho air of gloom tliatiW1""1 CtttC l.K.BaiC has characterized their- attitudo for weeks and every member who could oe prevailed upon to talk declared he had not swerved from his determination to oppose aigniitg of the treaty unless im portant modifications are made. President r.bert, Mathias fcrzbcrger, Dr. Purnbcrg, Count Von BerniUlf and Her Landsberg, while waiting 'for the train to pull. out. engaged in ani mated discussion and broke into fre quent laughter, Tho principal..tople of conversation among thnra appeared to be the Paris strikes which they evident ly regarded as a goad emu. Dallas Eks to Conduct Drive for Salvat'on Array Says Harsh Terms Come Of Admitted Necessity ff'nnita' Journal Special S-rvicO 'v,lln Ore.. June 13. The Dallas Elks will dewte several days next week to soliciting fund for the Sal vation Army during the drive for money to be conducted over the nation bv that organization next week. On Mondnv evening. Dr. diaries Wheeler, a noted Chirngo physician and lecturer will aildrens a ms nieefi in the DaMns Armory. lr. Wheeler spent """il "srs in France and Europe I during the past war and is familiar' with the work earned on there by and the (fraud lodge returned the cour- Urest, June IS. fit;:.... i ...... . - j . . i j a I ""i.i,'i'.n t r: .,: """ " lne ntryi ne arsuu ,,,M,er ..... u..m,. . ,nJ hs Wn iiviM int0 tion, aail v....i...t;..a aauu.nu rmy men i uenar-1 1 'T'"" '" ' ; !.,. y. i,, hv Klk. Jicers iHRing pHri, nnea rress;- rey. in is reg.uar annua. ,r,.rr, Armr. Th. ,itv o( ii Supreme Court May Yet Have lo Dtcrie status every 'luring their canvass for fur, .Is and it i safe to predict that the quota given the city to raise will be greatly over-sitbserilMMl. Of Obit's Positionifc 1 km$ 4JEversitv Cf Oregon If the general public imagines the controversy as to the status of the governor and secretary of state hn been laid on the table by the failure of the supreme court to return a decisive opinion, they have a chance to tnins again. There is now a rnmor afloat that the case may be again brought to the attention of the snpretnc conrt and action compelled by the expedient of filing with the secretary of state a nominating petition nf a candidate for governor at the primary election next year. The method of proceednre ould be for the secretary of state to refuse to accent the filing: this would open the way for the proposed j can'twtate to file with the supreme court mandamus proceedings to rompel the secretary to accept the petition. It is ald that this would bring the nneitinn of Mr. Olrntt ' title to the effice of governor before the supreme court in such a manner that it con be dealt with as a bona fi.le iwue and a definite decision reacnei, wane tue aw provides that all such petitions ed today that reports of the "mutiny on tlie Archangel front Were "over done." Preceding a trip to the front, nOn couis told their officers that the nui were restless, it was said. Colonel Stew art, commanding the American Xorccs in that sector, asked the men wiiat was wrong. A corporal said thc.v wanted to know what they were fighting for. "To save our own lives until we are taken out," the colonel was quoted as replying. Stewart, it was said then asked if any of the men were unwilling to go to the front. They unanimously replied iii the negative. The next morning they were en saged in stiff fighting ana made a fine record. Officers declared the men are great fighters and did well unJor conditions. The "mutiny" according to the offi cers was o:y "an expression of Am erican disire for fair play asserting it self. '' There were no desertions, they said, and no court martinis for any of fense. The men are still bitter, because, ther said, the Americana were forced to bear the brunt of all the fighting, while the Russian inti bolciieviks. whom they were protecting, rpfnt most of their time eating. The Yankee re ceived onlv one sack of floor a day ,i for each company and were practically mntt tM witBi 3ft Ham of ther A'.baav. Ore, Jane 13. The sma'l without OTgar. At the same time, they .primary, it is believed that the statute j mill of the llrdwul Lu.-niwr company saw sledge loads of flour being deliv- dw not preclude the process of filing! was ta'ly destcoyH by f:re early ered ,to the Russians. They were com- a year in advance. This p!an only this morning. The lots ii tlO.OOO. pelled to live in the own air. they said requires ome intreted eiriwn whoi The Konn"r Brothers factory ware while their Rttisisa. 'comTi)des" were will allow his name to be oH in this hnyw ws daaiaged to the extent of billMed in rtone hnntej. fonsectios. '$.1,090. By Carl D, , Croat, (United Pre Staff " correspondent.) Weimar, June 12. Kiluard Bernstein, member. of the Ger- mnn pw( -(I elevation, csused great excitement in the conven- tion of 'majority socialists to- day when he declared that "while the terms are harsh and some unbearable, about nine- tenths of them come from a necessity which we admit." The statement threw the con- vention into an uproar and order was restored with diffi- culty. A few of those present applauded but by far the great- er number hissed and jeered. War Minister Noske and sever al other party leaders cpenly reproved Bernstein. Chancellor Scheidemann, ad dressing the convention said: "Wo are defeated, yes, but we shall go forward and up ward to a great victory. Might cannot make right. If is our duty to re-establish Belgium and France, but we refuse to become wage slaves." By a "greater victory" Suheidemann waa assumed t mean international soe'ialuen. of tho executive committee. Dolomite of the railroad telegraph era" union todny iila.ined to attempt tn nla the federation on reco-a as WILSON EXPECTED iTO OPPOSE SEPARATION Hot Fight To Keep Covenant Of League m Treaty Is Looked For. By' Robert J. Bender-, - - -(United Press- staff rsrrewptmdcnO Wahinjrfrn,4 JIunef 'U3. Ktgnrdantf the peace treaty proper and the league of hntions covenant as on and in separable, President Wilson is expected to make a determined fight to prevent of the two in effect or m the United States senate. While tho ualy official comment forthcoming early today was that "the president is not disturbed," by the Knox resolution, it is known he is watching developments in the sennte and certainly will guide democratic action when Knox begins his fight next Tuesday. The lines are now well drawn and the battle over tho resolution proniisu. to be one of the most bitterly con tested political affairs in the history of the senate. Three Course Open From tho time J'reaiJcnt Wilson first left American shores for Paris lit lniu lu'lit I Km 1tnirnn nf nations to As a prominent merchant mid thij)0 ,(,,, for,.mo,t objective of this conn- JUNE 21 TO BE SHOW DAV FOR CITY STORES sH-' miUUIVlMU iUVl tl.MJIHO JV"I .l Bargain Day Plans Every Hour. With additional business houses lin ing up for the great annual Bargain Dav, Saturday, June 21, it becomes more snd more evident that the person who doe not want to look tiargnins in the, .face had better stay home one week from tomorrow By Fwd S. Ferguson, ' (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, June 13. The allied commis sion appointed to draft the reply t the Cernian counter proposals Kigaa work this afternoon after receiving nine report from tho big, fuur upi which to base tho formal document, Tho personnel of the commission in clude Hudson, United States; Kerr, (ireul Britain; Tnrdion, France; Vanii telli, Italy and Suhouii, Japan. A semiofficial French note today said the rejly will be handed to Foreign Minister Brockdorff KaatzAU either Sunday cvuning or Monday morning, with an eiht day limit for tho Germans to sign, Italians Leav for Bom Premier Orlando and General Dia left for Home lust ni(ft.)-oiivincel that the work of the big five is prac tically completed and that no more fundamental decision will be rcchii by that body concerning the peaea settlement. This action on the part of the Italians was assumed to mean that tha allied reply to the German peace pro posals would be definitely completed before night. The reply, it was learned from aa authoritative source, provides for Ger many' admission to tSe fcajne oS nation "within a short time." Flum Boils Up Again Foreign Minister Sojimno will re place Orlando until the !'i'tcr return for the formal signing of the treaty. Orlando, it is understood, intends t call a secret session of the Italian parliament to present a report on the work of the fiescc enntv rcnc. In Italian circles, it was reported today that the Jugo-SIav having ro- (Continued on page tbrse) morning: " it is noi omy u.' miina'ihiLt rxnect to ffi vo on that try. Ho lot it be known to bts eon tiiiaiit at the outset that he icgardcd Uy, but it is a pleasure to know that America's particimtion in the confer ABB MABTItf Eugene Ore., June 13. lieutenant lonel John L. leader, of the Brimh army, ha resigned from his position in the University of Oregon as military instructor and will leave next week for liritish Columbia, where he was engaged in btuiiB previous to the outbreak of the war in t. Colonel leader was brought to the University to tke charge of military training in January lM. During the following summer he conducted the civilian training camp for candidates for the oiTieer training schools- here and assisted in the training of the men of the K. A. T. C. here last fail. Colonel end Mrs. Ieadnr intend to return to Oregon to make their home in two Or three years. .? Albany F.!iU Destroyed By Fire; Loss $19,000 nvnrv nrntrreiive business bouse in the I city ' will also be offering special in dueement. With special offering in every line of merchandise, there is the that Siiturdav. June 21 will hnar day for US all." Perhaps more this year than in any year oince tho initiation of tho annual bargain day. will the special offerings be appreciated from the fact thnt mer chandise in general is advancing In .K. T. Itarncs writes from Mt. !l.n;. that the bis shoe ulants in that city were marking up the wholesale price on leather. Again when in New York, he write that merchandise is scare with but little chances of lower nricis. for another season or more. 1 . .. . - . - If...,...:.. In living up to ina spirn ... oiii' Day, .very line of business in On Lily will he sscrifi'inf? prices and nf- jfcrii'g pec.ial with the knowledge thnt ihe irket pru-e on siniosi an mer- once useless unless tho allies agreed to make the Icnguo covenant part and parcel of the trcity power. Hence, now that his foremost peace objective is threatened by the senate republicans, the president is expected to take on of three courses. Either publicly tell the senate of what he may regard as the danger to the whole peace program, if the Knox resolution is passed now; Or privately direct the senate demo crats to filibuster indefinitely against the resolution until he can return to the United Slates and take up the fight in behalf of the league; Or, accept tho republican challenge nnd demand a test vote on the measure. WllirEG RAILEOAD HEfl iYJOiil SO Engine and Fireman zzz Ultimatum In Demand Up . 4 j - ' AX r . Mi' w IS liVuhard Boy Runs Away In Search Of Opportunity He Passed Up In Heme Tgwh chanilise i wre to advance for tnc coming fall and winter. Hence, the opportunity to ouy si Itnpvain fiiriires in almost Ii.. a. wi rv-1, H II ! 1 HP will be at- Hubbard, Ore., June 13. Marvin -.i, ..., . u t.r '..v.. r iih. preciitted by those especially irom u - ...... d staiw. And in order that those wnoiar.i, s.re., wno icm nm noma on iu: do cme may fee satisfied with their ,.Hth of April, has spent three weeks -il nurchaw. merchants lu nlIMn Cliitwood, Ore., leaving there the ' . Din. ... VI..., I.. ...1IU lines give Uie most posmve mu nui " ... ... that the bargains to be offered are , word was received by his parents from genuine money savers. n naee. Jie is now wunou. ois ti,. i. li.t nf the wide- brown .Norfork ciat s he burnt it arak business firms who have joined ' while burning logs. Marvin had been the Bargain lnv movement and willjworsing fir aor. nonnre mimtoeui o. offer soecial inducements: ''nutwood giving nia name as miymonu ll.rtm. Kro.. vwelrv ana OPIira. i i.mt. in- n'i .i pliices: Newport, Toledo, aad Elk I'itv. He told them it was his plan to find a place where he could work for his board and go to school nert pen vCjnci. By James T. Kolbert (United Press staff torrt!Sndcut.) Winnipeg, Man., June 13. Possibili ty of a walkout of railroad cnginoate and firemen was the latest dovnlop ment In the general strike situation here today. Whut practically amounts to an ulti matum will be delivered, to toe ity council today when the railroad demand reinstatement of the polica force. Settlement of the strike today appear ed as remote as it did at the lime f the initial walkout 29 days ago. B. B. Kussell of the executive trika committee discredited claims ef t'se cit izens committee thnt the strike rs dis integrating. He said the total nnmoer lost from the ranks was exceeded by heretofore UDorgsnincd workers. Formation of an arbitratio board of strikers, employers and disinterested persons has been siiea"stcd. Senator Gideon Robertson, federal nii-ister of labor, however, said th mnl will not iec.! winter. He spoke of trying to get jf.nm tal)1 tgn,t , ,,tt1erses m a place a mile or to from Corvallis. L., thf ,vmi,a,h(.ti, (rik, , l!ed off. I Robertson is seeking some ba.,i oa hirh a strike settlement negotiation (,..iili Hsuser Bros., sporting goods, bi cycler, etc. William Neimcyer, drugs and sun dries, saccessor to Frank Ward. II I. I1,rk tin-s and accessories. s n TKnm-nn Indies' lurnisninu ' l( Ainrvin resus mis we wain una . and remnants. I know there is a good chance waiting Prie Shoe ConiJnv, la lies and him right in his own Bom town, men' shoe. " Hubbard. Marvin l 15 years old, 5 Kaifoury Brothers, ladies' furnish j feet 3 inehe in height, weight about in-j and dry goods. 1 1 1, wore brown coninroy pants, orown u. nn: nr. , -u...i,.v , ' - '. . . .. ... lo.'.l.. were ! long pomjiauour, imn sny piso cFt " , attend'. The -Bootery. men and lslies'.has blue eyes; left Hubbard riding a Kill into we net. bicycle; f-X reward i offered by his Minor ncmons.ra.iu... . . . - ........ ;f..rn,.iinn i..,l;n n l.o e'tal t onstabiilarT force contnae M'-gw "Th' peace terms woz alntut as soft - ss a circus soat, said Lefe bud, t Jsy. f,Jr.:J,airgs. Mis Fawn Lippincutt '11 not attend . The -ltootery, th' Mor,ps Moots weddin' the' invi- ,hoes. tation wo printed instead o' cngrav- . , , (Ooarlaued on page two) may be started. The .smnaivn ssint sliens" has netted more than a score of l,.i,.inn. in the !at 24 hours. fV" f "undenirabln clc4 finding of their son. lv.