Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 12, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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An Economical, Delightful, light Place To Trade.
Wirthmor Quality Waist
Umnaickble at the Price of $1.59
t . ; : " ',' . y .yj
-, V - ; - ,."' . ; I
. J, -V 1,-':: '- : ,; ... f
i :" . v .-"' , : v. . ,.y i
? ' " - - - i-. - j -
tL . it
Cullen and Valarrie
Talented Lady Musicians
"Bees In His Bonnet"
One of Those Lloyd Comedies
Star Production of
The Squaw Man
These are QUALITY Waists, and by quality in
this connection we mean all that the. word implies.
They are of unbelievably high quality for the mod
est price at which they're sofd; they are made of
CELLENT; and the FIT as PERFECT as can be.
They are unconditionally and unreservedly guaran
teed to give absolute satisfaction.
Proceedings Started To Com
pell Union To Deliver
Berries This Year.
The second gun in the fight unw 'oft
between the Salem Fruit 1'iiiun mil thtf
Phex Company was fircil today when
tin' J 'In'?. Company filed unit alleging
Hint the Noleiu Fruit I'iniin iliil not
intend to deliver 1200 tons of logan
berries thin season, nenoiding to in
alleged contract, and asking the court
fur mi injunction agantt the fraleni
Fruit Union and its stockholders pre
venting them from selling their logan
berries to other parties tlinu the Phc
Company, i
The .first gun In the f ijjht between
the two 'big loganberry Intercut of
the valley Ha tired a few iluvn i.ao
when the fiilcin Fiuit t'nion brought
11 U a :i i 11 Ht the Plie Company for
t.iMI.'.iMt, hi,h nniouiil it was elnlnnit
th", I'lie. l'omp:in)'
i if iiiiioii I'tir 1 w I
i) in ian v nyuinst the union and its
Ktoeliliniilem, the fomnny uilleea that
the union hail fntereil into a contrnot
to sell and deliver to the I'hvr. Com
:v.iy 1210 ton of a i ill v riot. In 1917
nnil Ihltt the contract prioo for these
berries wim three eenta a pound. Alm
thnt for tho years 11S, l(tl, 1920 and
1121 the 1'rii-e was to be ill..')0 a
ton on the sump amount of beriiea.
It is further alleyed that after this
iiontiHi't had been iiiri1, tho Wuleiu
fruit l'nin entareil Into a confrnet
with whut is known as the Halem
rruit Union I'onl, April 2.1, 1917, on J
thnt the eontrai't pioviiles that uiein
bera ft Kv fo' 'mw deliver nil
their berries to the Halem Kruit Union
for the storing and snle,
The J'hex Coiupnny furtlier alleites
that It will require, fur the operation
of its plnnts here, the entire 1200 tons
eoiitini'ted for with the Salem il'Vuit
I 'n inn, Hs this umi lint is 50 per cent
of the beriiea received snnunlly.
The company alleges that the lnnii
berries are required for the nianiifne
tur of 1-oju and I'll 0 z and thnt the
I'ouipnny Iihs uone to a lnrue expense
...I,..,, ,;;..,, n,,,.;,,,. .1.., iiiit:1"
,i. -,i...,...;.;..'.. i.ai ..... i i-. -un on Also th n,t the JSa'rm iKruit Union eould
in eroding and equipping ita jelly and
jam plant in Sitlein.
It Is rlaimed thnt without th 1200
tuns of logons eitpected from the Sa
lem Km it I'non, tho The. Company
would 1e unable to aupjily ts demands.
That it now has, 40 snlesinen on the
fond and thnt the total expense of
each ia 150. 00 a month.
That n failure on tho part of the Sa
lem Kntit Union to deliver the lonn
hemw, would entnil a loss this year
on the I'her. company of $100,000.00
anil render useless its advertising and
ih't tlien-by the company would suffer
a loss of 1.(U,0(H).00 through loss ot
It ia alleged that the Smlem Fruit
company has wrongfully refused to ilo
liver the- 120 tons this year at three
ccntH a pound and that it has threaten
ed and offered to sell to others than
the 1'hea iCompany.
It is nllej;ed t'nit unless the Salem
Fruit 'oiiipiiiiy is restrained. It will
attempt to dissolve the pool and organise-
another. That bv its contract, it
is obliged to sell to the I'lie. Compony
all berries grown by its stockholders.
Ohronio Constipation
Perhapi you have never thought of
it, but this disorder ia duo to a lack of
moisture in the residual matter of the
food. If you will drink an abundance
of water, eat raw fruits and take lots
of outdoor exercise, you may . be, able
eventually to overcome it entirely. In
the meantime use the most mild and
gentle laxatives. Strong and harsh ca
thartics tuko too much water out of
tho system and make a bad matter
worse. sVhanibcrluin 's Tablets are easy
and pleasant to take, and most agree
able iu effect, line tlimn a trial.
for the yciir 1!IS, l 12,1X1.00 ami that
for this year I2.'),IMKUI0 will be ex
pended in advertising.
The allegation u .further mnde tlml,
bad failed to pay I depending upon receiving the I2IMI tons
iinlierrie.. Iniinnnllv frniii the Nilem Kruit Union,
Ul the suit filed today by (lie Die!! ( tllO I'licz Coliipunj hud spoilt ."i0,0tl0
legally enforce its members to deliver
its berries at the eontract price of
three cents.
In the complaint of the Uhej! .Com
puny, it is acknowledged there is an
unsettled account due the Malem Fruit
union, bl tho i'licz Company claims it
has a counter claim.
The l'hei OomimnT pravs for a tem
porary restraining order from tho court
to prevent the riulem Fruit Union from
selling the 1200 tons of logana thia
year and from releasing its members
from the pool. 'Also it pravs for a
permanent order' that tho union be
restrained from lolling the 1200 tons
to others.
Also thnt an accounting be bjdd of
all logunberries grown by the pool and
that the I'liei Company have judgment
ngnintt tho union for the difference
between the contract price of three
cents and the market price of five
Tho application for the restraining
order will come up before .ludsje Ireorite
(I. Bingham Hnturdnv afternoon of this
week at 1 o'clock in department 'o.
Crop Prospects Ia Valley
Encouraging States Chapin
L. J. Chapin, director of the agri
cultural department of t!u t'ominereial
club and field man for the Salem
King'j l'rodiiet Company, has the fol
lowing to say regarding crop in this j
part of tho valley: 1
Winter grain is looking exception-'
ally good. Vetch will be a bumper!
crop while last year it was deMioped'
by the aphis of which there fa none tliisj
year. Farmer are now eliuDiiiL' a fine
crop of clover. Corn in the valley is !
looking extra fine and the Kfrtaire is!
much larger than one year ngo. Alanv i
farmers are planning to build silos
next winter, Strawberriea ore insi. (
middling fair. Jjoiranbcrrie. nrnmis-1
one of the Jargest crops ever known
and picking will begin in some locali
ties by June SO. There is a bumper
peach crop in sight and mauv are thin
ning. Cherries and Hears mnv he ini
a fair crop. Prunes will average hard
ly SO per cent of a crop, in the
vicinity of Dallas the prune eron is
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LAY your cmoketaste
. flush up against a
listening post-and youTl
get the Prince Albert call, right I
You'll hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and
gc; so mucn toDacco joy out oi every
pufT you'll wish you had been born
twins! For, Prince Albert puts over a turn
new to every man fond of a pipe or a home
made cigarette. It wins your clad hand com
pletely. That's because it has tho quality!
And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra
grance is Prince Albert's freedom from bite and parch
which is cut out by our exclusive patented process.
We tell you to smoke your fill at any clip jimmy
: pipe or makin's cigarette without a comeback 1
; Tnppy t4 left, tidy rtJ tin, lUssWit pawaa? mi4
! S Jorf tm kamiJon - awirf- thmt cmwr, practical 3
( poanj crytlal giant humidor mtk p"r moirttnrr
top that knp thm tabact in tech parfact ttrtdittom,
k?J. Reynold! Tobacco Co., Wimton-Sfclem, N. C
Masons in 69th Annual
Grand Ledge Convetion
Portland, Ore., June 12. The sixty
ninth aiiuiml communication of the
grand lodge, Ancient Free and Accep
ted Masons of Oregon, began Wednes
day 'promptly at 10 o'clock, (irand
Master Frank W. Settlemcier presid
ing. IVIegates were present from near
ly all of the I Vi lodges in the slate.
The addre-s of the grand master
was read and its consideration and
recninmeiintions referre to a commit
tee. KoMirts of committeees and of f i
cers occupied innut of the dav.
The report of the Masonic home
committee and the address of the
grand orator, William Wallace Young
son, were the most important events
oi ine ancriioon.
Flection of grand officers will take
place this afternoon and installation
ou Friday afternoon. There is no op
isition to the elevation of Karl C,
ilirtinoujh to the position of grand
master. He is now seated and acting
as deputy grand master. Other of ti
cers of the grand lodge are W. J. Ki
senior griuol warden; Trank M. Haillie,
junior grand warden; John H. Cleland.
XiaO'l Irensorer; James F. Kobmsnn,
gmnd secretary: J. K. . Hell, grand
chaplain; Oeorge ti. Itrown, senior
gland deacon; George T. Cochran,
junior grautl deacon; Thomas Sina,
senior giaud steward; Oliver P. Co
show, junior grand steward; Rev. Wil
liam Wallace Voungsun, grand orator;
0. tl. Tuniasini, grand tyler.
AD That's
New in
1 v s ts. .
New Models
Are Most
New Welworth Blouses
Herman Heichter, for many years a
resident of oo county, wns denied
naturalization papers at Marshfield
Mnturday because of jdleged disloyalty
during the war.
News comes from Washington that
the government is contemplating that
construction of a chain of thre canal
to connect Puget sound with, the Co.
lumbie, river.
- fi r1 Vs - "i
- ''M ritt
National Go'f Title Play
Draws Be?7 of Lmk Fans
West 'Xcvrton, Ma., June 12. (Uni
ted Press.) A larje gallerr ttslheied
'early at Braeburn t'ountrv Club here
today where Walter llagcn of Detroit
and Michael lirady of Itost.n play
ff a lie for the title of the national
open golf rrmmpiouahip.
The two piayers, tied with a total
of .101 strokes in completing ' the 72
The plur tol-r prnnile to be h'.
lianf. Weather conditions were ibal.
Iiirence Orinnell. wember of the
house ef commons for West Meaih. has
beva sentenced to four months' im
prwonment for ineitinj; disaffection.
Wreetcar service in IMrait. .Miih..
came to a sudden kait Satnr lar r-.ie.hr
when m. ., itti.cs and condu'torQ 'iucl
to enforce their demands for imreas ,i
Never before was
there such a drink !
iii i
If T"W" . " t, M 11,1 " rmmvmmtma
There is a very definite reason
for the high place in the toft
drink world held by RAINIER
SPECIAL. It's produced by
an exclusive, patented process
which develops a nct&bly su
perior flavor. It's rich and yet
tasty. It's soft and yet satis
fies. Never before was there
such a drink. No other soft
drink offered today equals it
Its features are exclusive
olely its own. Ask for it
wherever you go ke"p a case
in the home for mealtime use
and for entertaining friends.
Make no mistake about getting
what you want Ask firmly for
Rataiw rWwtta Cmpuy Vatlk U. S. A.
The Rainier Products Comnanv relieves retails
of paying Kevenue Taxes on Rainier Beverages to pajing all taxes thereon direct
to int uovernmeni.
LANG & CO., Distributors, Portland, Oregon