Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 12, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Editor and Pabliihsr
Wr . '
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address AU Communication To
(The 3aihi Aful Journal
138 S. Commercial St.
ITn. kr Carrier. ter Tear 3.00 Per Hontk-
Daily by Mail, per year 13.00
Per lionth-
W D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Ktockwell, Chicago, People' Oat Bmldiag
years ago, and comfortable housing is now recognized as
one of the factors in happy permanent life.
No one who wishes to remodel or rebuild need hesi
tate because architects are far distant or expensive, when
Uncle Sam is holding out the old star- spangled hat full
of designs to choose from. .
orea. If' the earner doe aot do thin, misses yon, or neglect getting the paper j ment ana Caie IlOOr.
i yoa on time, kindly phone the simulation manager, st im is iui iuy w.j
can determine whether or not tho earners ere following instruction, rnone
II before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the
earner has mi used yon. ,
Of a truth business has it ups and downs as a result
cf war and peace. There is the industry of megottiers,
for instance. Don't know what it is? Well! Well!
In this country we would call him a "snipe shooter,"
i but the t rench name for him is megottier. He is the
7; man who picks up cigar and cigarette stubs from pave-
lhe stubs collected are dried, pud-
Ii the only newspaper ia Salem whoee eirculation it guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
A committee has been appointed to inagurate a cam
paign in this country for funds to aid in the restoration
of wrecked churches in France and Belgium. The project
is under churchly supervision, and the name of Henry
Van Dyke as associate chairman of the committee is a
1 Mil i 1 1 A 1- .
guarantee of the good faith ana 01 me worm 01 me un
dertaking. , , , ,
It is hoped to raise over $:5,000,000. It should be a
cause appealing to Americans whether they are church
imp rs or not.
It will be years, of course, before the marvelous crea-
il 1 if 11
lions of stone which were me big catneurais can ue re
stored, and in spite of cunning workmanship it may be
impossible ever to replace some of the beauty which had
lasted for ages only to be obliterated by Prussian mili
tarism. ,.11.
The restoration funds will be devoted not only to
large building but to the little, homey churches in small
towns. It is safe to say that no way which American
friendship and kindness can be shown will be more ap
preciated, for the people concerned are Godly folk, and
thev need all the comfort which their religion can bring
them as they set about their work of reconstruction.
verized and sold again as cheap pipe mixture,
It was quite a thriving industry in France until the
war came, and tobacco grew scarce, when there was a
shortage of butts that all but put the collectors out of
business. And then, presto! In poured the American
Army with its "fags," it sigars, its mak n's, and business
boomed as never before in the history of the trade.
And now, justas one figures that a few months more
would see francs enough accumulated to start the tiny
shop of one's own, pouf ! Lake that, away go the Amer
icans and most of the business with them.
Such is life. It is the war!
Any farmer who wants a plan for a well designed,
comfortable farmhouose, suited to the climate, to the lo
cation upon his farm and the needs of the family, has only
in wiitP tn t.hfl Rural Emercencv Division of the Depart
ment of Agriculture, and plans will be sent him free of
charge. . .
Tn these d;ivs ieoile who live on farms pay more at
tention to the appearance of their houses than they did
Former Senator John C. Spooner, of Wisconsin, died
in New York yesterday at the age of YG years. Once he
was regarded as the ablest constitutional lawyer in Con
gress and for sixteen years was a leader in the upper
house. Then Spooner found that he had lived up to the
limit of his salary, was growing old and was a poor man,
so he retired from the senate and attempted to build
up a law practice in New York City in order to gain a
competence for his family. Spooner s career was typical
of the honest, sincere man in politics in that he was fre
quently berated as a tool of the "plutocrats" because he
refused to be a demagogue, and yet remained poor because
he would accept no compensation beyond his salary from
any source, and in his old age was forced to work hard
to support himself and dependents. .
By Ws!t Mason
I do nut like J. Milton, and Shakespeare makes me
fud; and Byron's frenzied liltin' strikes Vne is pretty
lad. Most all the grand old masters who tread the
heights of song bore me like mustard plasters; with me
they get in wrong. They talk of kingly ermine, of gods
and fairy queens; and I prefer a sermon on hay or pork
and beans. The common things around me engage my
dome of thought; the chiggers that confound me, the
flies I hav toe swought. The housewife calm and stately
who makes a htppy home appeals to me more greatly
titan Venus in the foam. About that guy, Apollo, a hun
dred bards have spieled; but I would rather follow the
f.trmer to his field. I'd rather watch the missus on
kitchen labors bent, than read about Ulysses or any fa
bled gent. 1 do not care a hoot for the knights of olden
days; and I would never root for King Arthur's armored
jays. The knights who now are earning the bucks for
.4u!!ful toil, who keep the forges burning, and make the
l ittle boil to knights like these I'm partial, I sing their
lives with glee; but steel clad knights and martial can
make no hit with me. I would not scale, if able, the shin
l.ing peaks of song; I haunt the byre and stable, and
there I show up strong.
Not another city in the Pacific Northwest has Sa
lem's prospects for growth in the immediate future. In
fact, a large amount of building and improvement is al
raedy under way, and new industries are constantly lo
cating here, the most important of the new ones being
the packing plant and 6tockyards and the paper mill. Sa
lem's central location in the rich and prosperous Willam
ette valley is certain to make it within the next decade
one of the most important Inland cities on the Pacific
Socialist Victor Berger, elected to Congress by the
Germans of Wisconsin, and under a 20-year prison sen
tence, want to know why h eis denied the right to occupy
his seat. Well, Congress is pretty bad we know, but as a
people we are not quite ready to fill up its membership
with felons and traitors.
"Holland to Build Vehicular Tunnel Under the Hud
son, announces a icw xorK paper, ino, the uutcn have
n't taken New York again. It's Clifford B. Holland, the
man who dug most of the holes connecting Manhattan
Island with the United States.
Tin y Hrr, if you wear iradi:ig
(tIuiiki'8 only, rikI have lo remote
tliom t see (iihfant olije-ts. And
it's still worse if you are tvd
tn two pairs.
You run free yourself from j.!f
tlit'se troubles by wearing
which linve two Bights unite d in
one solid lens.
Tlu- above exemplifies the stand
ard we hate set for up to the
minute optical efficiency. What
ever your eyesight demands may
be, we are in a position to meet
them 100 iiercent of tho way.
Trust your eyes to our eaie ai d
secure maximum satisfaction.
Henrv L Morris & Co.
31.1 State St.. Sulein
413 Third St., McMinnviile,
"Let's Get Acquainted" 1
THERE IS NOTHING equal to Chamberlain's
Tablets for constipation. When the proper
doss is taken their action is so agreeable and so
I natural that you do not realize that it is the effect
u of a medicine. These tablets possess tonic proper
y ties that aid in establishing a natural and regular
I action of the bovrcb. Chamberlain's Tablets have
P -cured mar.7 ca;o3 of chronic constipation.
Standard Reliable Lines
in his face. Ho evidently
was now going to learn
Somehow nobody is' surprised here when it is an
nounced that the Cherrians have taken first prize as the
finest uniformed marching club at the Portland Rose Fes
There are many places where the cutting of the grass
;ind weeds would improve the appearance of the Capital
City very materially.
You don't see any Boy Scouts throwing bombs. Nor
any fathers of Boy Scouts.
A new ocean cable is being opened to South America.
Now we'll certainly have to learn Spanish.
thought he
"Why I just don't like to have them
here that's all. I can't talk business, I
don't know anything about it. I Uket
iwtntilA tn ..). In ...a ..in II... T . . E
tulk to. People like oh, well my soci
ety friends." He looked disappointed
but persisted.
"Nhiill you you go on living' here I"
"Why not?" I opened mv eyes wrnc
at hiin.
"Oil, I thought perhaps because of
all the trouble you might have to give
up this," his gesture embraced the en
tire house.
'I don't know anything," I repeat
ed, allowing a nnto of impatience to
creep into my voice, and changing from
one foot to the other. Wo were bo:n
stunding. altlio he had asked me if I
would not prefer to ait.
'Will ynn tell me Airs, lorbes if
your husbiiiid contemplates going on
with Ms business! Is he coining baekj"
a cunning look in his eyes.
"You know just as iniich ns I do. I
nm not very well today, I have a head
ache. If I have told you all you want
to know will you please excuse me."
"Certainly mndnine. And I will also
give you the compliment of saving you
nre very clever. For a Iniuht clever
looKing woninn you are about as stupid
a one ns I ever have come across. Htu
pid because yon want to be, or have
been told to be."
After he left I laughed and cried
hysterically. It had been so funny, like
a bit out of a play, yet it had also been
hard to act the part. I wondered If it
would have something in his paper
nbout the "financier's stupid wife"
and if he would print my replies to Ms
I r'so felt rather proud of the re
port I should have to give to Mr. Fred
erick. I surely had said nothing which
could make trouble for anyone. V'ttle
did I realize the resourcefulness of re
porters. The next morning I sent cook out (0
buy nil "Argus," I recoiled with hor
ror when I saw In bold type ou llioi
first page: . "
"An interview with Mis. Forbes.
Her story will Interest our reader. I
Ktc." . 1
( To lie continue)
Tim yorsdn Milling t Hie at or!
company is constructing s 400 batrel I
fleuriuj mill m l a grnin elevator withj
a rapacity of lS'.UOU bushels at .NaHipa, '.
Idaho. - ;
Silk Mixes, 5oc,
beautiful shades;
four fold Zephyrs
50c, new shades;
Knitting Worsted
45c, pretty shades;
Spanish Worsteds
45c; Saxony 25;"
White Angora 65c.
50c to $1.50
R & G
$1.23 to $2.75
Black Cat Hosiery, Guaranteed.
Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose 73c and 50c
Misses' Silk Lisle Hose 40c and 50c
Ladies' Outsize and Extra Size Hose 50c
240 N. Commercial St.
if i
i.l I
Established 18G8
General Banking Business ,
ring June 10th Banking Hours will be
' from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
The bell mug. 1 shivered as 1 had at
everv wiiimt since 1 nail net-n nvm.
This time with reason.
"A man down atniia say ho must
ee von ma'm." Cook eainc up and told
me. "I tried to tell him you wiiiM t
II like you told me to but ae aelod
like be ileln t believe me, ami m.l uc
j would wait, and then set down on one
mf them elegant plush chairs iike he
tn (ruing to stay all day."
"Tell In in 1 will see him. Take him
into tho library."
j "Very well ma'm. But he ain't quite
tour soit ma'm. iit quite."
1 Knew it was a reporter. It was tiaid
! f.ir me to dissemble, always had been.
But I tim.-t not let him jjet anything
.nit of me, I recalled Mr. Kredeiifk's
warning to be "as stupid as possible
1 WMtibl lie stupid.
When I saw the yonngi-h maa with
a ruty oyeronat. aud heavy g asses I
quite your!
A. Burpee, on of Lewis eountr's old-!
face, and he t pineuers. dropped dead at t'hfhalis
Saturday. Uo was 7 years old.
to see met I tm Mrs.
ok 's "nut
had r. nice
understood (
sort." Y-et he
looked kind.
" Vim wished
Korbes," I said s he rose,
"Ye the Mormirvg Arjjus would like
to know how you feel about your hus
band's trouble," he had hesitated just
a moment before the word, "and where
He at present."
"I don't know anything about any
thing," I replied wondering if th.it
were a stupid enough answer.
"Hut surely yon know where Jf.ur
huiband ist"
"Murely 1 don't. He never telb ire
thing, tie just went away." I felt I
dnln't know eiarttr where he was jut
then, so was ot telling ft very pros
untruth. He the expression on my Inter-!
viewer's face I knew I was bring I
'Mupid all riht. I was almost iyw-j
no! as T saw it. I
"Va yon know this man, S. ott!"
"Mr. Fvrbes never brings men home
with him. He Intiwj I don 't like them "
"Will yoc tell m why!" A k!oam of
3 i '
II: knows a g jod thing so get into
ih; jsrdeft 6rst My th Njti.ifiil
Wir Oatiea CruAaioo, of WU.
Accounts of All Sizes
are welcome here at the United States Na
tional Bank. This makes it possible for the
biggest business man and the smallest young
ster to utilize our facilities and servicesvfor
the safeguarding and safeguiding of their
How Many Bank Accounts
Have You in YOUR Family?
I, A
dill Sg MledStotes
fcl KauoiiallJanlv
if -UMiU.ii..C3jti k ,J, H
Capital Journal Wast Ads Will Get Yea What Ycr Wan!