Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 12, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Coils. Case sand Dotaans tHs Season's Models at Great!? Reduced Pri
S15.0D New Messaline and Taffeta Silk Dresses. Latest Models. Now S9.75
White Corner Building
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store
Fridav and Saturdav
Two hundred high grade Messaline, Georgette, Taffeta Silk, Jersey and Serge
Dresses for young ladies and .wonien, including an express shipment just he
ceived from one of the foremost New York manufacturers, at most extraordi
nar price concessions. There are several small lots and the prices paid in most
instances were not more than one-half actual value. This enables us to place on
sale the most attractive lot of high grace dresses that it has been our privilege
to offer the women of Salem and vicinity this season.
See Window Display HT
Al Kader Temple Outpoints
, v t n it
new Orleans rcr Honor
Of Being Host
Indianapolis, Ind., June 12. (Vnited
pregs.) iAl Kader temple, Portland,
Ore., today won it battle to entertain
the lf-0 session 01 wie iiini wuu
eil, Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of.
the Mystic IShrinc, domain of North
America. 1
! The westerners took the eonvention
from New Orleans, following a fit;at
which started before the convention
' opened. ;
i All visiting Shriners were assed to!
vote but onlv a very small percentage J
east' their ballots. The imperial rep ?
' resentatives who usually decide the lo-
cation of the next convention, placed ;
the matter squarely before the shrine ,
body without recommendations.
Immediately following this, the im-
penal represcmuuvrs nrm nuu - ;e
sion and elected Leo V. Youdsworth, il
uaril. ' J
Instead of marking each garment separate at actual
value we have decided to arrange them in six groups at
$16.50, $18.75, $22.50, $24.75, $27.50, $32.50
Group 1 $16.50
Charming new Messaline,
Taffeta Silk, Gabardine
and Serge dresses, coat ef
fect, girdle and braid
trimmed styles.
Sale Price
$21.00 values
$22.50 values
125.00 values
' Group 2$18.75
Smart dresses, in Geor
gette, Messaline, Trico
tine, Serge, Gabardine,
and Taffeta Silk, trimmed
as simply or elaborately
as you could desire.
Sale Price
$25.50 dresses
$27.00 dresses
$29.50 dresses
Group 3 $22.50
Shown in fine quality
Georgette, Wool Serges,
Jersey, Messaline and
Taffeta Silk. Some in
new belted models
smart coat surplice and
blouse effects.
Sale Price
$30.00 dresses d1 CA
$32.50 dresses L A3 w
$33.00 dresses'"
r.n Angles, as imperial outer g
j Ever since its inception, the fight
between Al Kader and Jerusalem tem-
iples has been spirited. Kach temple
sent a large delegation to storm tli
visiting nobles and they vied with
each other in tho parade last night.
; The eonvention will close tonight.
Convicted Murderer Leaps
i To Death From High Window
! Rock Island, 111.. June 12. (United
j Press.) Three minutes after Robert
jCook had heard I jury pronounce him
guilty of murder in the first degree
iand sentence him to death, here last
I night, his battered body was picked
'tip from the courthouse yards. He hud
'jumped from a window on the third
! floor while being taken back to the
I Jail.
I . Cook was convicted of the murder of
Cecil Nesbit of Davenport, Iowa, and
,'Mrs. Id Woods, last April.
(By United Press.)
Yesterday's winners: San Francisco,
Oakland, Seattle, Portland.
A binalo in the ninth by Koerncr
scored two men and won for the Penis,
8 to 5, putting the Weals back in
second place.
.Four tallies In tne mnin ennnieu me
Oaks to win from the Angels, 6 to 1.
Tvin tho ecore in the seventh, the
Beavers crossed the rubber in the ninth
and won from the Bees, 4 to S.
Although Shortstop Derrick wns
'knocked unconscious .by a batted bull
just before the gnme, the .Banner
beat the Ylppcrs 4 to 2.
Nourishinz and substantial lunches
are being furnished the school children1
of Klamath Falls at an average cost
of 9.9 cents.
ViTiv Do Men Come To Us?
Because t'uey feel we give them 'uorc'
than other stores; "more" style;
"niorv" value; "more" service. Isn't
that what vou're after!
. Hart Schffner & Marx
Tht't's another reason why men come
to us; it comes under the had of
the "more" we're giving.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clcthes and Bishcu's Readv
Ta3ored Suits
are virgin wool to give you more wear
und more satisfactory service; they're
style lenders; they're guaranteed to
satisfy you; money buck if they don't
What more do you wantt
$35- $40 $45. $50
" ! - -
. . J ! !
A '
1 : , .IU -t;
r ' ' i
i ,v -
r- A A
Copyright 1919 Hut Schaffnet k Wan
Every Family in Marion andllk Counties a Patron.
Salem VJqqIqu fvliHs Store
Ridgefield, Wash., is taking steps to
hard surface lke street, Pioneer ave
nue and Main street.
have been, shipped from Hood Eivor by
the Apple Uiowers' association.
The official canvass ot tho vote in
Linn bounty dis-'loscvthst tho B00,00O
road iinnd measure pul-setl bv t voto of
2016 to MSO.. , ... .
(Continued from Tago 1.)
Boyd Duns'.on, the only man in his
squadron who escaped death in the Ar
(tonne drive, his arrived at his home
n Cn Htlerock , Wneh,
Group 4 $24.75
Charming new dresses
of Georgette, principal
ly light colors, also Mes
saline, Serges, Jersey,
Tricolette and Taffeta
new loose panel and coat
Sale Price
dresses (1 i 7C
S:55.50 dresses eU4
$37.50 dresses v
Group 5 $27.50
New Georgette dresses
suitable for. street and
afternoon wear, some
neatly trimmed with
beads as illustrated, al
so Messaline and Serge
dresses, some trimmed
with braid and buttons.
Sale Price
$39.00 dresses
$41.00 dresses
$42.50 dresses
Group 6 $32.50
Beautiful lot of young
ladies' and women's
Georgette, Messaline,
Tricolette, Jersey and
Serge dresses, light and
dark colors; in fact new
dresses of every des
cription. Sale Price
$45.00 dresses 3) CA
$47.50 dresses h
$50.00 dresses vu
1 11 1 XX
SALEM TAKES FIRST i.ifc.rdtteBfdcM..aMi-
jSrhults the yeomancttea. Banneri IasU.ad ut wandering around as in
menettei left Marion eounty to serve frol1 the f!()at wcre (arried by ten girls, past years, the Cherriaus and thcir'la
in the world war. fmm Mrs Whitog dancing class. J dies were properly taken care of by the
nepresenting Miss Balem, Mm. Lloyd The Ad men of Portland and tim j Kosai ians and nude to eel at home
Bamsden was the eenter of attraction northwest ia aession, also were liberal, at the lunchcor given them at the Com-
I ' Imercial club. All of which added lo the
Zfrolene is correctly;
refined from selected
California crude oil. It
meets with scientific ac
curacy the lubrication
needs of all types of au
tomobile engines. Get a
Correct Lubrication
Chart for your car.
TL It CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard Oil Co., Salem.
pleasure of the day.
The float wlueli reeeivcd the first
prize, representing ttiiem, win oe
brought to hulem within few dayi
and will nppecf again in tho big
Fourth of July eelebration here.
Sheriff s Menscry Lands
Jap la JaS For Murder
Marysville, f'al., June 12. (United
Press.) 'Hemembering poliee circular
he read air years a 20 while eity mar
shal here, Sheriff .'. J. Me'oy today
arretted J. A. Hatou Jnpanese, long
sonifht by Portland poliee on a murder
fhartfe. tsaton ennfessvd that he ia
the mnn sought, but says h? did not
commit the erime.
The murder was eommitted in Febru
ary, 1913. Police eireolsrs ent out
ssortly thereafter di-wrihed Hatou as
having one eye larger than the other.
As soon as he noted this deformity,
Met 'or questioned Keten and the ar
rest followed, lie will be returned to
Matou admitted having trouWe with
the murdered man and said he wsis at
the setie of the erime, but intuit he
is innoeent.
the wool sr.le held in Heppner
s-eek 22-5.0s) pourds was sold at
prices ranging from
a pound.
48 to 02'i eents
'"Fighting Chaplain ' is'Champion r
ofArmur-YMCA. Athletic Plans
h i 5 v..;-r .
?i - , I v 1-'
! M ..;. . ; -..1 j . .' . -:..m.M 1 1
' V . " -, j if PNA Pr . 1
k .-.--., . : , iijIism antral .... k , t I
jYMCAt " J I
in whleh demoernts twice sought vain
ly to postpone eonsiderntion until next
Mondny. The committee approved Sen
ator Lodge's motion striking out aee
tion five of tno resolution which plodd
ed t lie United Ktatos in ease of a fu
ture war, to come to tho rescue just as
it did In tho recent war. It wt.a folt
this was unnecessary to the resolution.
(world financing plan way bo carrivd
out with a guarunteo nguinst iosi.
Henators inserted thnt the league run
bo lined tu create profits for the imu.ty
barofs by declaring necessity exisls in
sonic countries for American fiiMucl.il
aid. ' ,
They arc preparing to use tiio Irak
;4iivesligutiou testimony freely in spiVi n
es,sOon to bo delivered in the na;o
in. oppositiiiii to tho league.
Frobe Flzales Out
The league's friends lodny suid tlio
It'll k lniiiiry showed rlearly tlint Bo
rah's fhurue that New York inleicx.s
having a "peculiar interest" in the
per.eo treaty had obtained it wcro
groundless and that the lninii of.
the text to this country by II. V. Da-
By L. 0. Martin
(United Tress staff corresponiVnt)
Wnsliington, June 12. An era of
high prices such as the United Stales , Ison, partner o! J. P. Morgan and tend
has never seen would result from adop- ' the Interimtioiial Heil Cross was en
tinn of the plnn of the, world fiuuiiciiig j tirely proper. .....
outlined to the senate foreign rotational It is undetermined whether tlifl in'
cominittee by Well Street, bankers, j vestigat ion will go any further,
seiuitors opposing the lengue of nations 1 The foreign relations eomnuttfe to
predicted today. dny at s speclnl meeting took up t'no
They declared the frank statements Knox resolution, for a "reservation''
of Morgan, Vanderlip and Davison lnin tho leugue of uittious.
the "treaty lenk" investigation show-' Knox planned to point out to the
ed thnt Wall Street plans tiio formation committee tlmt admiiii.itiufioii rh.irg, s
of the greatest tnit In history, to bo1"'"' 'l', meavuro is a plan to fcr,iLi,ne
underwritten by tho United States gov!"1" treaty and covenant r tint run.
eminent and to control not oniv tiie'") niuiiitmns that separation of too
country-'a money but tho Industry ss!,wo involves nrnendment of the treaty,
never before.
which would require it to be stilmnt-
The inevitable result of putting Into '''I "Kn" to the peace eonferenec, K
Wnll Rtreet's erin the whole eouiitrv'a:Plnn' e n,1i 'H ot entail il'm, and
Firmy's FiCMTma ChplAih
! Twenty-four foot ring or four-foot
pulpit It U all the tarn to Karl A.
' Blackmail, of the 130th Field Ar
! tlllefr. Before tb war he was pa
i tor of S Kansas church. Now be is
I an army chaplain, and one of the
! roost active champions of the big
', athletic program which the T.M.
CA. U working out tor tho man
, orerseas.
When Blac kman needed money to
get thiwugh college, he put on hl
ling toga and gave boxing lessons.
He fogat himself through college,
bat before b had finished be had
decided to enter the ministry.
" Haviig won his college bout with
adversity, he took another hitch in
his belt and started oa his second.
It wis a three-year battle, but
Bl&ckman won again with a good
margin. Since then be has not friends. As such, he boms an tpln-
kard-W. O. McAdoo to keep them
all going, and tbe army has found
him. lie Is Col. -Walt C. Johnson,
now Chief Athletic Officer of tbe
A. E. r.
For an associate, Col. Johnson
has Elwood 8. Brown, chief of the
Y.M.C.A.'s athletic department and
who, as It happened, was the colo
nel's successor as director of army
athletics In. the Philippines, in
1910, tinder Governor General
Forbes. Borne Idea of tbe magni
tude of Brown's part of the work
may bi bad from tho fact that, up
to date, the "Y" has given to the
army overseas more than 12,000,000
in athletic equipment alone.
Boxing holds a prominent part
ia the army and "Y" program, and
the "Fighting Chaplain" of the
130 h is one of the sport's best
had to use tbe gloves to earn a liv
ing, but be has always remained
4 sUanch friend of athletics, and
he is enthusiastic over tbe outlook
for the A.E.F. season.
Organisation of scores of base
ball, basketball and other leagues;
baildtag of athletic fields, grand
stands and boxing pavilions, and
tie movement and apportionment
of vast quantities of athletic sup
pHes require a combination Ban
Johnston-Garry Berrmen-Tex Bie-
lon exactly opposite to that of
most of boxing's opponents.
"Boxing is the bc-st form of phy
sical exercise because It makes a
man and not a beast," says the
chaplain. "No mere physical su
periorly is necc-ssary; to be a suc
cessful boxer, a man must outguess
and outwit bis opponent"
Several of the doughboys who
have been up against the chaplain
admit that he is one of tbe best
gueeeers they ever met ,
finnncinl and industrial resources, these
senators said, would bo tho elevating
of prices of practically everything the
penplo of this country use.
League Opposition looms
Hinh prices, it was declared, ''would
bo justified" on the ground that Eu
rope's needs for rtiw nintoriuls, ma
chinery and other Ameiicnn product
causes sliortnges in this country.
League opponents believe the, finan
ciers' statements to the committee aro
in effect mitice to the sonnte that
Wall Htrcct wants the leugiie of na
tions as a medium through wl,..ii its
then fore not delay tho Operation
f tho pence settlement.
Stop Itching Skin jl
There is one safe, dependable treai
mcnt that relieves itching torture and
s'in irritation almost instantly and
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask unydruggist for a :5cor $1 bottle
oJZemo and apply it as directed. Suon
you will thid that irritations, pimplei,
Ijl.ickheads, eczema, blotches.ringwurm
a id similar ?Mn troubles ill di'-appear.
A little Zomo.the penetrating, sa!i
fyiiig liquid, istitl that is uetdtd. lx i
1-inHws moqf skirt pntntktris iro.lies
' 'f: i:in soft, smooth and healthy.
" be E V. kmw t" Uwlsrui 0
Motoi? Tracks
Fos Sale
Heavy Units for Road Work
Also Light Trucks
Greatly Reduced
Vancouver Barracks
Vancouver, Wash.