AGE TTTO -lini THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY my 12 "" MMfsH f ll!. j njSVJ SOCIETY. By Gertrude IU'biasen - ACL roads good or otherwise lead to Portland this week. On wcold think, to see the crowds v. . ,wm mix .1 Satisfaction for the sweet tooth. Aid to appetite and digestion benefit and eniovment in lasting form. The price is 5 cents. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT A r 1 N CHEWING GUM who arc leaving by motor or laafgad. that the rose ritv was the of Oregouians; that bo wheie else in the state were the roses in bloom or the sua shining. Looki-g at the, msgcifuen hedges that border the grounds of tue publie buildings, or form fragrant bar riers to the exclusive residences on Court and State streets; or peeping into the old fashioned gardens on Liberty or South Commercial, where the abjeet beauty of the rose beds or laurted porches almost take one's breath away wo know better. Nevertheless, we sur render. We admit magnanimously the! nowhere in the world do the ' rose smell so sweet, as tne'y do in Portmnd; that in no other place in the state do they flaunt their bloom in such abund ance, ai-.d that it is only quite natural that tn exodus should be stored in oth er towns while tho sister eitv celebrates Because we aJwavs have the cni solu tion of knowing that earlier in the spring, wo had our day whrn the whito wonder of a blossoming world pro claimed to all mankind our right to the title of "Cherry city." Governor and Mrs. Oleott went to Port lend yesterday and this evening they will be among the prominent nun and women of the state who will art as patrons Bud patronesses for tho Dev il Dog ball at the Multnomah hotel. The ball will be one of the largest fea tures of the festival and will be is military Ln aspect as possible. The Clierrians and their wives and relatives will be special guests at the ball. Anions; the many functions at which tho Cherrians will bo guests of tho Royal Rosr.rians during the festivities in Portland this week, will bo a lunch eon and dance at Cotillion hall Friday nigni. Mrs. A. N. Bush wns reelected treas urer of the hoard of trustees of Villain etto university nt the annual mecttng of thst body in . the administration building Tuesday. Other Salem people on the Donrd are Dr. II. I Btecves, president ami I. N. .van Winkle, secro tary. C. B. Moore of Portland wa re elected vice president. A petition from tho student body requesting the estab lishiiient of fraternities in the univer sity, was taken into consideration by the board end will be reported on net January. WW Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Flegel, who wet the guests of Ir. and Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner during the Willamette, com mencement activities, have returned to their home in Portland. ine Westminster inula announces tho postponement of their picnio until next week.- i. The local hospitality committed In Centrulia reports that they have al ready recoived BOO requests for room reservations for the twenty thiid an nual convention of tho State Fedcfttlon of Women's clubs which will bo hold thure next week. For The June Bride "Dainty Lingerie" Never have we shown such delightfully dainty garments, trimmed grace-" fully m laces and embroideries, including soft silks, crepe de chine and Geor gette crepe and wash satins. Just the shade for Summer Lingerie. L , TECEilCAL TRAINIiiG (Ooutiuued from Page 1.) weon psid to physical culture In the tdomentary trrnde during the year, al though tits whoois hnve been h.indi eniied by l("k of gnynaaimn room. There has Jieen definite instruction in eiorclicw linn are considered as oosw imthiding potur work, drills, ssarchis, folk games and dances. These latter were carried out to strains of snnsie and proved very attractive to tie children, There has been a uniform prorata f physical work in all the Imild.nga nmb-r emnpetent instructors, d with giod resuhs. la the carpentry department there -s lieeji a novel and very gratifying speriaient the interior remodiding and finishing of the lower portion of a 12 room dwelling house. Thu has given a elas of boys the most exacting train ing in this line of work, and as the job Simula tolny would be a credit to a firM class builder. As to the cunt of the work to the school district which has taken over the building, the re port of tho instructor K. W. llecker, allows that tho materials have cnt the district something over SlMl; whenyii a eontraetor who sulimitted an esti maie on the work, placed it at about 1100, As thore is no means of show ing by figures the ibenefits to tho boys in the line of technical training, it is impossible to show just how good an investment the high school has made in this project. H should be noted in this connection that all the boys who wished to follow up this lino at work ihis summer have been ffiven positions with reeulsr ciiiilrsrtors SIM (Continued from page ens) 4 Piedmont Peanut Oil adds atrenifthmnrf qualities to tit food in which it ia used. Sweet potatoea, cut in cubes cr etnps and cooked to a rich brown in PIEDMONT, male . mo-t txzir i and bodybuilding food. AV for PIEDMONT-. The food oil whh t1i0 nut flavor IK the system. He said 15 of the Chicago office who walked out yesterday re turned today. Collins mi id he did nut know why the men were striking that no demands had been pluved before company offi cials. President Koncukamp said all de mauds had been given to Postmaster General Burleson, 'the only man who has jiirtfcdjirtinn in tho ease." He said (official of the two telegraph companies cnu do nothing. Uttla Changs Seen New York, June 12. With both aides, apparently satisfied the telegraphers strike situation in .New York was un changed today. TraTfie officials at the Western I'nion stated there wns no interfer ence with business; that conditions were normal. At the Postal, it was announced that Kdward Reynolds, vice preident, would make a atatemsat after he hsd had time tn survey the situation. The Inst utterances from strike lead era here were to the effect tha aiore than l.tMkl operators were on strike ia New' York and that this Btimrw would be increased. The pickets who wore on duty before the Postal and Weatera 1'iiion main offices yesterday wtr not on duty this morning. B. F. Phrimpton, secretary of the Paster division of broker telegraph ers, said today that a special meeting would be called for tonight or tomor row to veto on the propesitioa ef a sympathetic strike, ia aid of the strik ing commercial operators. Men Ordered Back Indianapolis, hid., June 13. Keseki ah Kverosd, president ef the local te legraphers union, announced todav he has ordered these men in Indianapolis who responded to the call for a nation wide s'rike to return ta work, lie aid thr odds aait us here art too great," Kveroad said a few had left the Western Vninn aud five men walked out of the Postal yesterday. The West era t'aiea airnngly denied this and the Posts!, while admitting it Tester day, denied that a-von-left the leva. BUY IN SALL-M ALWAYS "CAN I BE CURED?" SAYS THE SUFFERER Bow often bars yea heard that sJ cm from the victims of disease, PrJ Hs tk disorder ha gone too far fori hJ, but ofteoer It is just in it first! slsics and the psiaa aad si tes are or. In Mturs first crie for help. Do not! sspair. find out tk causa and (tr slurs all tha help yoa ran and shs will repsy you wiU health. Look after the. kidneys. The kidneys are the most; overworked ortsn of the human body,' aad when they fsH la their work of filtering and throwing off the poison that constsntly accumulate in the sys tern, everything goes wrong. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule will (lva almost immediate relief from kid uer and bladder trouble and their kin-' dred ailments. They will free your body from pain la short order. But b sur to get GQI.D MEDAL. Look for tks nam on every box. In three sisea, sealed packaiea; Money refunded if they di not help too. WALLACE STERLING AN rsquisit Gothic kMHin tniptrai by uSs STwsuft,iri most magnificent ruin of SMrtyrsd France P.htires CuliedrsL Ia this pstnra hs ktsa cmaht snd Keld the sit, the srresK the gfcrr of tha fc. ' sseus edifice. At the ssaia tun tn esrti pcw is round thst dsrainl ussfolm M nstxasry in s wivsr table anni On irupectioa, wiuV out obligation to pur cKm, K HAATMAH BSO& mmm mm Camisoles ...SSc to $3.95 Envelope Chemise....$2.9S to $10.50 Bloomers $3.73 to $5.93 Envelope Chemise..$2.89 to $10.50 Where Shopping Is A Pleasure 1. (S. Itpl?y (E0. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon f4- The annual reception and banquet. lor A WORKING OISL'S LLt'B tho alumni of Sacred Heart tcademyl m will be held this evening. All graduates ! Day in r.nd day out, montii after of the institution are invited to bo (month, she toils. Often she is the bread present, winner of tho family aiwl woik that others may live. Kuin or shine, The closing recital, planned by Miss warm or eold, she must bo at hor place Beatrice Shelton for her junior class of employment on time. A groat ma has been unavoidably postponed. Ajjority of such girls are on their feet very interesting program had been ar- jfroi. morning until uight, and symptoms rr.nged, and about 45 little guests wero of female troubles arc early iiii.nifcd to have been entertained. Tho chiidrca ed by weak and aching backs, dragging having the highest standing during the down pains, headaches and iicrvouane year are Lena Mcdlcr and Mary Blum- Such, girls are asked to try timt most ing, among the girls, each having won successful of all remedies for woman's nine stars, and Darell Myers among the j ills, Lydi K. Pinkham'g Vrji tabic boys, with ten shirs to. his credit. Lit-, Compound, which for more than forly tie Maxine Myers deserves honorable years lias been giving girls strength to TP mention, having a showing of eight stars for her first year. The following children, assisted by tyrnico Mulkey, in readings, and some of Mrs. White's pupils in dnnees, were to have taken nnrt in the program: Gladys Edgar, Maxine Myers, Darell Myers, Catherine Mulvey, Bernico Mulvey, Pauline o.Min- son, nuth liuchiier, Anna Lngnn, ette Jenks, Eleanor Schmidt, Dorothy Bell, Gladys Lamar, Bertha Babcork. Ruth Rose, Caroline Livmbrith, Lena Medler, Mary Blaming, Rolin, Leona Oeer and Loren Oeer. Among the numerous Rnlcm folk In Portland this week are Mrs. W, M. Plimpton and children, Sherman and Janet. While there they are of the W. W, Plimptons. s Miss Oertrude Campbell of Portland is ia Salem as the guest sf fiitmrs, having come up to r.ttend the alumni banquet and graduation festivities of Sacred Heart academy. Miss Ctmphrll is the daughter of T. K. Campbell, for merly connected with the publie service commission In Salem for a number ol veara. Mis Beryl Holt, accompanied by her house g nests, Miss Helea Vast II ef Portland and Miss Lucille McCuliey ol Joseph, are taking in the festivities in Portland. Miss Vesta Smith is spending the wetk in Portland, having ruototetf down with a party of friends onnday evening. Nhe will return (luring ttie early part of aext week. www Mrs. E. K, Waters went tn Poitland this morning to visit with friud. and relatives for about a week and to at tend the remainder f the Victory fes tival. t Harler White, toisier msvnr of the capital city, is ia Portlaad attending the festival. The Woman 'a Forei Missionary so ciety of the Kirst Methodist church will meet with Mrs. W. C. Rigdon, 239 North Winter street, Fridsv afternoon at 2:30. Mr. A. A. I'nderhili has charge of the lecture hour and Miss Eugenia Savage will render a pieno solo. All members ef the church are invited. Tha Doctor Away From Horn When Moat Needed People are often very much rlisap pointed to find that their family physi cian is away from heme when thev most oecd his services. Disease like pain in the stomach and bowels, tolie aud diarrhoea- require prompt treat ment, and have ia many i .nances prov en fatal before medicine could be Pro cured or a phvsician summoned. Tl.e riuht way is te keep st hand a bottle of Chamberlain 's Colic nd Diarrhoea Remedy. No phvsician can prescribe a better medicirfe for these diseases. By having it in the souse yon cwr mm h paia and suffering and all n.-k. L;y it bow; it may save life. do their work. LYONS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Lyons, Ore., June 12. Mr?. Ropers left for her home in Portla-id after ifaking a short, visit in Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. William Edlcr of Oooch with Orandma Shelton of Lyons, motored to Md.Minnville Saturday, re turning Monday. Mr. Edd Hiatt stinted to Portland Sunday morning. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. O. I). MoLaine, regret to hear of the death of their oldest son, Kaiph, who died at his home in Mill Citv. Mmdnv. I June 8. Miss Pearl Giemcs left for Salem, where she intends to work in the can nery during the summer. Mrs. Edd Reipmund of Fern Ride was a visitor in Lyons Friday. Miss Eva Hiatt is assisting Mrs. Kdler in tho cnok house at Oooch for; a chort time. Mr. Ward Forest returned from Cat ifornia last week. J Miss Tiiiiiingo is a guest at tho houm of Mrs. II. F. Bodcker. The dance held at the I. O. O. T. hall at Lyons Saturday night waa well attended. Tho music was pronounced splendid. Mr. Elmer Bradley of Portland wan a Lyons visitor Nundny. Mr. and Mrs. O. I). Brothcrton wero Salem visiters lust week. p Lame Back Believed For lntiie back apply Chambciliiiiia Liniment twice a day and massage tha muscles of the back over the seat ef pain thoroughly ut each application. A new mill on the. White Sajmon, close to the Northwestern Electric ecm rny's dam, will bein operations soon.' This company is reported to have 100,-s 000,000 feet of timber cut. i Ml Appear At Your Best Instantly,, If yea receive a sudden caller era unexpected kv vttarioa yon can feci con fident of always aoeurin St your eest In but a few moment It renders to row skin a wonderfully pwr. soft complexion Hut s beyond connnrtwn. UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION WALKER D. HINI3 DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAILROADS SOCTHERM PACIFIC RAILROAD (Lines orth of Ashland, Oregon) Summer Excursion Fares to Oregon and Northwest Resorts effeV, Z P- "curi-a , in 3.85 4.95 NEWPORT Seasoa tickets from Salem Week end ticket from Salem 1ZZ. Corresponding fares from other points. TILLAMOOK COUNTY ACWtKa froB 8B,el9 $r.70 iVtor r !f M,n7-ani, nl 5ea slightly nierr. Correspeadmg fares from other points. ui.TB.01T Season ticket from Palem .. Corresponding fare from other poTnt's. McCEEDIE HOT SPRINGS-Se.son ticket from Salem ... CRATER- LAKJE-Smso,, Vft Uom Um 13 day ticket from Salem Corresponding fares from TheV'iioTista lar will open about July 1st. MARBLE HALW or OREGOH-Season from ra m 0, W day tickets from Salem n tn Corresponding fare fr.ra other points. "" "" VARIOUlia, j ff , Co)um, ,a , '.' Glaeier .National Psrk. Inquire of ticket aent. JOHN M. SOOTT, General Patenter Azcnt. LOO ".So . -'S..10 . iti.10