Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 12, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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(0;c Bailnlql Ifouraal
THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1919.
' T ""
mc werr cok"otmi www mmcht
( m IP
1 V '-v-3 I
3 toif Mjj.iJ
Sensible Garment
For Men, Women, Boys and Girls
Men's, Blue or Khaki .. . $4.23
Women's ... $3.49
Boys $2.79 and $2.98
Girls ........ ... $2.98
kJkm than cvmus
CumfortahU. Soft, Conwiitnt
At this time of the year women are especially in need of work garments
which allow them more freedom and ease to work in. We have a good big
stock to select from. Come in and let us fit you with one and save you money
and time.
Women's extra good durable Khaki of Blue Unionalls that will wear
fine - $3.98
Women's Khaki Work Dresses $3.98
Khaki Middies $2.49 and $2.75
Bungalow Aprons $1 $1,69. $1J9 and $1.98
i All Around T
Jane 13 iFriday Comn-ence-nient
exercises Sulom high
school, it armory.
June 14. Saturday Annual
flag day exorcises of Elks lodge
Willson park, 8 p. m.
June 18 School election, one
June 17 Tuesday Monthly
meeting Salem Commercial dub
June 17 Tuesday First
Cherrian band concert, Will
son park.
June IS Wednesday Elk'e
band dance, at armory.
art, Athena; Mrs. Teeters, Kello-g, lua
ho; Mr. and Mrs. Holmes of the class
of "87, Ostrnnder, Wash.; Dr. Carter,
class of "72, southern Oregon; XI .S3
Helen Chamberlain, i-'mss of 'OjS, Port
land; Mrs. Virginia McKinurr, class
of '71, Sublimity; Mbs Bertha Jioores.
elan of 77, Portland; Dr. Kirhmond
Kelly, class of '7S, Portland; riof. J.
B. Horner, the historian, class of '83,
o .
Before you go on trip have your;
auto fixed. A miasinjj motor is very
expensive. Busiek ft Street 's, 420 8. j
Commercial St. 612
The Salem Velie company hat opened
a service station and repair shop in
connection with their salesroom with an
expert shop man in charge. All kinds
of auto repairing will be given careful
Rttention. 6-17
The best of automobiles do get out of
order. Hnsick & Street's garage, 420 S.
.Commercial Pt. 012
Every member of the Salem Eiksj
lodge received a letter yesterdr.y toll-
ing him all nbont the state convention I
at Klamath Falls Aug. 14, lo and 16
and what the Salem lodge intends to1
do to secure the 9'20 gtato convention. !
8nlem Klks will travel in a special Puil :
men ami tho train will bo hoadquarteis !
for the Salem boosters while in Klumnth j
Fnlls. The regular fare for the round i
trip is L'l and the ruMman, charge!
where thero is one to a berth, 12.o0. j
No dinirg car will aecoinpany as it wasi
decided nt the last meeting of the Klks1
to tr.ke a chnnce on tho Klameth Falls
hotels and restaurants. Tho Salem
Klks band will accompany to help tho
itutiUnl l.nna(a. : !
Hear, D. Morse, traveling freight aud Xh'e . tri win lvo S m on
A new ship
ment just re
ceived in white
and fancy
strinpd a snlpn-
did assortment
for your choos- I
Our Prices Always the Lowest
a Bear,
Try Northern riour, It's
every sack guaranteed. At
Dr. Carl E. Miller has opened his
dental office at 510 511 U. S. bank
bldg. Phone 841. tf
Big dance, Dallas armory Friday
tiight. 4 piece orchestra.
Big dance, Dallas armory rriday
night. 4 piece orchestra.
Overseas service Is attracting a uU:o
her ofouiijj men, specially those who
did not have the chance to get over
during tho war. At the army nvruiting
station in the D'Arey building the fob
lowing have enlisted this week: Wil
liam j. Keyes, William Prost, Wayne
V. Kti'.pli's and Norman H. Evans.
Gooseberries, strawberries ad Kentish
cherries. We are in the market, itriug
them to our big plant opposite tf. P.
Co. psengcr station, phes. Co. tf
Lena Belle Tartar will continue her
private vocal classes this summer, 162
Liberty Ht. N. Phono 33 4.
Alderman C. M. Roberts a'd family
are taking their summer vacation ii the
I way of au automobile trip to Wachiug
. ton. Their line of travel will include
(Aberdeen, Wn., and tho Eose festival
j this week at Portland. They will be
away about two weeks.
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
Express Service at Freight Rates
Long Distance Hauling Only
PHONE 1400
Fine Rustic Home. 3 Lots and Furniture
Monday, June 16lli,1;30 P. M. Sharp
Consisting of 1 fine Oak Davenport Bed upholster
ed in green velor; 1 massive Fir Library Table; 1
green upholstered Lounge; 1 3-burncr Clark Jewel
Oil Stove; 1 oak Roll Top Writing Desk; 1 Magazine
Rack; 1 8-Day Clock; 1 White Drophead Sewing
Machine, like new; 1 oak Dresser and Wash Stand;
1 square Extension Table; 6 good Diners; 1 Axmin
ster'Rug, 9x12, extra good; 2 Ingrain Carpets; 3
rolls Matting; 2 white enamel Bedsteads and
Springs; 1 oak Stand Table; 2 oak Rockers; 15 doz.
Fruit Jars; 1 Folding Bed; 1 Fall Iaf Table; 1 Cot;
1 Cupboard; Dishes and Kitchen Utensils; Garden
Hoes; Lawnmower; Ice Cream Freezer; Wash Boil
er; Window Blinks; Ironing Board; Kitchen Cabi
net, with top; 1 new Hammock, and Many Other
:i P. M. SHARP Cosy home consisting of liv
ing room with fireplace and beamed ceiling and pan
eled walls, dining room, kitchen and bedroom and
reception hall, down stairs, with bedrooms and
den, bath and toilet and closets for each room, up
stairs. Full sized basement with furnace. Large
front porch and small back porch, small barn and
chicken house, including l fine lots with beautiful
vhade trees and creek running through same. Only
1 block from 12th Street, which is paved; handy to
church, school and streetcar. This is a fine Home;
1 jok into this if you are interested. Terms for home,
f-ssume mortgage of $700 due in Sept., 1920, at 7
r-;r cent interest, balance of purchase price cash.
The Furniture will be sold for cash. Be on time.
Come one, come all.
Tb Auctioneer.
Hume 510 cr 511
This woek's Drapery Special. Sunfast
drapery, good line of colors. Values to
$2.75, 1 yard. Hamilton's.
Fiee One fourth pound of Gulden
(late coffee with every pound purri....
ed Juno Kl and 14. Loliold & Co.
Miss Mary O. Healy of Portland
canio to Salem to take charge of tho of
fice work of the adjutant general's of
fice. Miss 11 only has been with tho of
fice number of years and is faiuilii.r
with every detail of tho office. Tho
niljuliint general's, office is in the fcia
lem Hank of Commerce building.
Froe One fourth pound of Golden
Onto coffee with every pound purchas
ed June 13 and 14. LcBold & Co,
W. R. O. members attention. Mem
bers of Woman's Relief Corps who In
tend to attend the stnte encampment
nt The Dalles June 17-18-10 are rryiest.
ed to arrango for reduced railroad
rules at once thru Mrs. Alice E. Cald
well, pres. of the organization or Mrs.
Mary N. Kntress, sec.
Bt Paul's Guild will hold a cooked
food sole Snt. at the State St, entrance
of Snlem Hardware Store. 0-13
Yosterday the Oregon Electiic sold
271 one way tickets to Portland, 34 ro
turn trips, 15 half fare tickets one way
and 10 return trip half fnre tickets.
Today for the morning and noon trains
there wns sold 2l'2 one way tickets, 40
round trips and 12 half fare tickets.
J. Frank Hughes wishes it to be
distinctly known that he is not a enn
didnto fur school director, nor ever has
been and doesn 't exjicc t to be. It seems
that for several years past, friends of
fr. Hughes have nlwnya insisted that
Mr. Hughes would ninkp a desirable
school director. To relieve them of any
further efforts in this line, Mr. nughe's
nniounces that Jie is not and doesn't
expect to be even n a receptive frame
of mind whim it conies to public office.
ftti rrvTr cry rv
1118 r
IC Y I o-I A huu.aa
OTE: Vv 'oodry Buys Furnture for Cash. Kuf Sed
Auction Market
Cor. Fcrrv & Libertv Sts.
Everv Saturday
10:30 A. M.
1 grey horse, weight 1 .100 lbs., 8
years o'd, a good worker, sound
and true; wagons, buggies, har
ness, cream separators, ftc.
130 P.M.
Furniture, tools, cook stoves,
dinhes K. utenils, fruit jars, eto
Note I buy furnitur, tools,
farm machinery, etc., for cash.
The Auctioneer
passenger agent for the Southern Pa
cific, was a recent visitor in Kt.lcmon
business counocted with his oftice.
Artificl"l teeth, have expert plate
man, with over 35 years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den
tist, 302 U. 8. Nat. bank bldg. tf
All Elks meet at club rooms at 7:30
Jure 14 to participate in King day ex
ercises. 6 14
Call Patton Plumblrg Co. for your
repnir work. Thono HitiH, 220 N. Com.
street. tf
For first olass work call Society
Cleaners and Dyers, 1272 Stato ft.
l'hone 1684. tf
Dr. B. L. Steeves, who is now on the
Atlantic coast in, the courso of his trav
el tour, Bends post cards from the old
town of Salem, Massachusetts, wheie he
had opportunity to nolo some of the fa
mous historic points.
Prices on fish lowers. Ling cod or
red eod sliced loo. Whole fish 12c
s pound. Fitts Market. tf
Lucille Barton, Instructor at Willam
ette university, is enrolling students in
her summer classes in voice and pi
ano. 5U8 A'. 17th street. Thone l.')88.
Dr. L. B. Springer, dentist, Moore
bldg. corner Court and Liberty.
Phone 114. tf
$25 is the reward offered for any In
formation leading to tho finding of
Marion Zehner. He is tho 15 year old
sou of S. AV. Zehner of Hubbard CJid
left home April 30. From information re
eeived a few dnys ago it was learned
that ho worked for three weeks at I hit
wood, Oregon, leaving there May 24.
lie has nlso worked ut Newport, Tole
do and Klk City under the assumed
inline of Kiiymond Miller. The boy is
fivo feet, three inches tall, weighs 110
pounds and wears brown corduroy trous
ers. Should anyone have information of
him, Kheriff Needlmm should be noti
fied. Tlio boy is trying to find some
home where he ran work and go to
school this winter. It scorns th.it he
wanted to go to school and that his
father didn't see it that way. Hence
he h ft home, hoping to find some place
where lie could work and attend sihool.
NOTICE We hare opened a first
clais repair shop and will give the mo
toring public the tery best of service.
Open niyht and day and Sundays. Ma
rion (larago. l'hone S62. tf
Dr. I.-, E. S-winger,
Mdg. corner Court
Phone 114.
dentist, Moore
and Libertv.
Salem Cigar Factory t now maWng
"I.a Corona" and "Little Salem" ci
sars exactly as thev were made before
'he wr. Smoking them reminds you of
old times. " tf
The Salem Kings Products company
is installing large track scales by which
it can weigh in and weigh out cars. It
is also building an addition, tho lower
story of which will be used for Ihe new
potato starch factory and the second
story for the manufacture of jams and
the evening of Tuesday, August 12.
Studebakers, Fords, Chevrolet!!, Max
wells, Overlands, Velies, or iwiy kind of
auto fixed right and guaranteed, bv
Busick & Street. 6 12
Dance at Turner Friday night, Sa
lem music. Men 50e. 0 13
I buy Junk of ell Kinds, raga and
Dottles, metal, iron, broken down autoi i
and parts of autos. Oive us a trial.
Steinbeck Junk Co. 32t? N. Com. St.
Phone 305. tf
We lray liberty Bonds. 314 Masonic
I'ldg. . r tf
Katherine Syuneski lias been given
permission by the circuit court to
change her nifme. In her petition, she
alleges that her name is hard to pio
nounce, aid that since her mother's
death six years ago she has been milk
ing her home with Mrs. Maude Brown
and thnt she hr.s been known as Kalh
erine Crown. Having filed her applica
tion some time ngo bikI there having
been the proper legnl procedure, the
court permitted her to legnlly have the
name of Katherine Brown. The only ad
ditional legal measures is to hr."e the
fact published four weeks in somo pnper
in the county.
Among other trophies displayed by
the Rnleni high school this season are
two bronre n-d silver shields, mounted
on antique oak. These hare been award
ed for the championship In basket bnll
work both in the Willamette valley ser
ies and the university series.
A civil service examination for took
keepers will be held In Rnlem June 25
a .(1 any one happening to want service
with the government in this lino of
work might apply to tho post office for
proper blnnks. The work is open to both
men and women and the p.iy is fiom
!00 to 1400. Servieo will be tssigncd
to the northwest.
Withia three weeks the old familiar
pink stamp will onco again roako its
appearance and the three cent one,
brought n by the war will be relegat
ed to the parcel post service mostly.
The two cent stump will carry the one
ounce letter after July 1 and the fa
miliar postal card will travel for the
price of one cent. Local letters will
Phone 1072
Com'!. & Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store
W. ham wttawacd sack raariraM '
rmlta wit this mthlacwMh of alia '
that rw Wttta ea th
kM that mm It dM ttoaoM far was,
at cratri acts teat ses.su tnfl (J,tt
.1. I". Pctt's.
C. O. D. Orders 198 186 Mail Orders 456 State St.
1 1-4 lbs. For Price of. .1 lb.
3 lbs. For Price of . 2 1-2 lbs.
6 lbs. For Price of ......5 lbs.
Don't Miss This Sale
$7.50 to $30.00
Ideal Gas Range
$67.50; Worth $85.00
5 Ply Goodyear Hose
50 feet $7.50
70c to $1.00
PABCOLIER -The artistic, durable floor covering
90c a Yard
Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store
271 N. Commercial St. Salem.
Farmers attention) If yon own a tT
yon know what it means to mn yoi.i
car in a garage to have it repaired
and caa't get it for two weeks. We
lvc special attention to farmers cars,
rtusick c Street, 4.'0 8. Coml St. 6 12
What plsJtsure la an automobile If it
dont rua nniet and smootht Kiiiirk 4
Street, 420 S. Coral St. 13
An attempt was made to register the
names of the prominent meniliers of
the Alumni association and friends of
Willamette university who have visited
the institution during eommeneement
wer-k, hut this was found imrnssible.
moi!g the names picked tip in idental-1 L
It were the followl-u: Si r and Mra.1
pie and our conduct
Is right. We are equip
KjA ped with the latest
K seieetific aids and
f i i.;..t,t ..i;.'..i..
continue to require two cents. Afier
July 1, everything in letter pejtage
and card rates will go to whcio they
were before the war.
Reports from the rural districts indi
cate that loganberry picking will be
cariy this ycur, in some, localities as
so ; ii as June 20. Just now the er.ll is
for pickers and it is estimated that
the valley will need from 1000 to IjOO
when the picking is in full operation
about July 1. Keports from ali large
tracts and from all parts of the county
indicate a bumper crop of logsrs. Some
firms are advertising a price of eight
cents a pound. The picking price still
hoMs at two cents a pound.
S'.age between Salem and TorUand
Leaving Portland 6:30 a. m.
Leaving Rnlem 10 a. m.
Leaving Portland 1 p. m.
Leaving Salem 4 p. m.
Leaves Oregon Electric IVpot Pslera
Leaves Seward hotel Portland,
l'rire 1 each way. ' g 17
Boys of the Salem Indian school at
Chcmawa will hereafter carry wi'h
them a pass when they come to ton.
Hi7-iintendent Hall has notified tse
police thnt every boy who leaves the
school is to carry a pass properly sil.i
ed by himself 0r some one in auihoritr.
and that if a-ry Indian boy i. found!
wjthmit the pass, the poliee'are to p-.t !
mm in jau ani notiry tbe Ibcinawa of
ficials, Tonr-g- ladies wanted for telephone
oirntire. pnid While learning. App y
h ef 0erator the Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph To., 170 S. Liberty. 6 H
This week's Drapery Special. Sutift
Drnpcry good line of colors, values 10
?J.7, $1 yard. Hamilton's.
The job of serving as postmaster at
Marion is now open. There is a littlo
civil service examination to go through
with, but the postoffice department f
ores that no special greut auiouct "f
book learning is necessary to run a lit
tle hiL office. Hence the examination
is nhat is known as the easiest or.o o
pi rn, a third grade examination. But n
order to compete, one must have be. 11
receiving mail from the Mano.i po-t
offieo nt the time the late poetmasl- r
Eli Pnvidann, quit. Apply to the galea
pot effice for blanks. There is Dj s..l
ary a'tached to the job. The pay e -Twnds
ujHin the number of stamps cm-celled.
To Prevent Belching
Make a regular habit of eating slow
ly, masticate your food thoroughlv, and
you may have no further trouble. Tf
von should, take one of Chamberlain'
Tablets immediately after supper.
" t-MM --"
ca? of
YickSo Teng
Chinese Med!?!ne and Tea flfc
Has medicine which will ear any
known disease. '
Opes Suiidars from 10 A. LL
antil 8 P. M.
133 Sou'h High fet.
Sak-m, Oregon Phone 232
Tilbin, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Piew
4-TT-- f 4