Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 11, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Yi 'ot aaj Publisher
ai journal
Jui- 11, 1919
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Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address All Communication T
(The SailnM Journal
138 S. Commercial St.
IhV.Y. br Carrier, per year $3.00 Per Month.
Wily by Hail, per jer
has been modest, decent and reasonable in her dealings
at the1 peace conference, we may see her established be
fore long in the historic city which joins the East and
West and which is potentially, perhaps, the greatest com
mercial capital in the world.
Per Month-
It it will known that all single per- with hiin by blood relationship: rela
sorj. with an income of ever 1000 and tionship by marriage or bv adoption,
all oirticd men or heads of faniitv and whose right to exercise fannlv eon
with tn income of over .DWI are, suu-'trol and provide for these decedent
jject to the income tax, but that t'ae individuals is based upon some moral
(first 11000 and $2000 respectively Is or legal obligation."
Senator Rppd Sninot nf the flnnrnnriarirm (.nrnmittoo exempt from taxation. There aie iium- Widows or widowers supporting min
Y.uw. .vv.nmuui, ayiJivjjntn.ijii lujuiiuucceroua other exemptions, but the ones or children would 1
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
H. Stoekwell, Chicago, People'! Oaa Building
t Jlje t . . . . . i . r.., vi ur cuuurru woma ue
Me jliaS UCCiareU lOr economy, in a recent SpeeCn He Said, A'' nal ,,n" outmost" prominently uiight ; houla of families. Children supporting
DeSrinmn? mUSt De made and made at finw in rerhliMncr ""V" DUl "" parents or minor brothers and sisters
" " ' Zl u,e ls." PerT'"!'K ,0 " tax- woull ' ome under this eifica-
It is true that ecenomy is in order in government fi
nances, following the heavy and often unquestioned ex-
ft. Daily Capital Journal earrier boyi ar instructed to put the paper, on the ui ""' wu6., lit 10 uc umcuiucicu Uiai mere
forth. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper W3S 3 reason for nearly all of these, and that they ac
ta yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this it the only way icomolished One thin? not tn hp fiVPrlnr lfpH- wp vvnn trip
we ran determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Jmpuaueu Ulie UUHt, IWl lO IK OVeilOCKea--We W On tne
fl before 7:30 o'clock and a wiper will be sent yon by special meeseoirer if the I War. .-
,,. :""" is auoweu .-uo- turn. If anv of these minors should
additionr.1 exemption for each child un-;have a separate income, it must be i
der eighteen years or fur ea.h child , eluded in the return of the head of
which might be physically or mentally ! famiiv, unless it exceeds 100 and
defective even tho over eighteen years then a separate return- must be' made
of age. It n.ijjht be well to Rive the 'by the minor child
following definition for the head of a
T. D. 2427 (December 26, 1!16.)
isrricr has siiascd yon.
"For this purpose a head of a fam- ask, write to
On next Wednesdav, we wili tell
you about income not taxable. If in the
meantime you have anv questions to
Is the only newspaper In Salem whose circulation la guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
Greece may get Constantinople after all. And she
is more than likely to gain that honor, because she is not
demanding it.
It seems clear that the Turks are to be expelled from
all control over the that great commercial capital and
the magnificent waterway it commands. They may be suf
fered to remain there as individuals, but they will be
come resident aliens without authority, relegated to the
unconspicuous place politically, commercially that they
There is no question, however, of giving this for
feited capital outright to another nation. Greece might
have won it as a possession in the recent war, if the big
powers had not interferred. But the irime for such
randizement is past. It is merely a question now of
finding some nation able and willingto govern Constan
tinople, along With the Bosporus and the Dardenelles,
an internationalized area, under a mandate from the
League of Nations.
The United States seems to be the first choice of the
other powers for this duty. But the United States, while
w illing perhaps to assume the service if necessary, is not
at all enthusiastic about it. And this is where Greece
steps in.
For Greece the control of her ancient capital would
be a great honor and a political asset. It would make
every Greek thrill with pride. It would turn the tables
neatly on the long oppressive Turk, and give Greece new
prestige among the nations.
Tremier Venezelos, with his usual statesmanlike tact
and foresight has refrained from making any claim to
iTOm nOW On there IS no reason Why government! 18 . pcr,on w,, aetuallyi Capital Journal Tax Bureau, care Troni
funds Should be SUent Without Parpflll onndrWntmn t.'.'vTt i "ml",a'" more , ley 1 Henderson, Chamber of Com-
JLUiius uuum ue fcJJtm WIUIUUL CdreiUI Consideration, .individuals who are closely eomucted.n.erce Wdg., Portland Oregon
iii iv. 10 iiu nui-umc cinci nvy iu cAcuse wasieiui aim
hasty measures and it should be possible to reduce the
outlay in many directions. Nevertheless such reductions
.hould be carefully made, for the problems of peace are
larger in some ways than those of war; it is essential
for the good of the nation that large sums should be
raised and spent.
Appropriations for soldier farms should be gener
ous, as should those for waterways, land reclamation of
various sorts, public engineering projects. The nation
is facing an era of great development which should not
be cramped by financing on too small a scale.
Proper economy should be observed, of course. But
what is even more necessary 'is that all expenditures,
large and small, should be provided for bv some sort of
budget system putting them upon the same business-like
basis that is recognized as necessary for the successful
conduct oi any private concern.
The next moriiiiie I tiiok K:,lrt tn i
the public school in our district. Tub A .
Tannin is all right for
tanning leather, but no
body wants it in tea.
The way to get tea
flavor without tannin is
to buy a fine tea and then
not boil it steep it just
long enough to get the
Get Schilling Tea and
make it this way, and you
have a fine rich invigor
ating drink at the very
low cost of cent a cup.
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon-India, Oolonr,
English Breakfast. All one quality, in
prchmyn-linedmoisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling u- Co Sun Fmm isca
Secretary Lane in testifying before the house Dublic
I 1 ! i 1 .11 1 - V 1 . . . . .
ianas committee pieaaeu ior quick action on tne bi? pro
ject for furnishing farms to soldiers and sailors. He
ought to get it, and the indications are that he will.
In fact, this measure seems to be in, a more favor
able situation than any other important piece of legis
lation at Washington. The executive and legislative de
partments are agreed as to its merits. Both parties are
supporting it.' If there is any politics in their attitude,
it is the most commendable sort of politics, which con
sists of seeking the political benefit that comes from
helping along a thing which is intrinsically good and
which the public wants.
There is no question as to how the men for whose
benefit the measure is intended look upon it.
Lane said last week that about G0.000 soldiers had ap-
the prize, but has made it clear that Greece is willing to'plied for land already, and he had reason to believe that
assume- the responsibility if the allies choose to entrust inhere were GuO.OOO service men who wanted to become
it to her. Greece is wise and modest about the matter,
because of the harm she did the allied cause when King
landholders. The public as a whole has nothing but
praise for the plan. Every section of the country is tor
Constantino was in the saddle. And iust because Greece! it. Under these exceptional conditions, it may be ex
Ination will want to know why.
tender was very kind, and when 1 told I Most soups and prepared M.a.iipoos!
u r he had always been a-private tchr.nl enntnin t,, m,,..h iui; !. .
pupil she congratulated me on Miy ink-1 injurious, as it dries the scalp and
i v . i iuaKes tne nnir DriHie. .
ot that I would sav nnvtliini; Tim tmat l,;,, i. i u i. ... . ,. "
r.R , t i" I x KxouU'' xc n'd.Cocmi.,ut oil shampoo, for this is pure of the state of Oregon with the govern
cut 1 think toy work harder, growiand entirely greaseless. It's Very ehet.p ! ment in obtaining aid for the Koose.
more manly when they mix with all and beats anything else all to pieces. ; velt coast military highway, William
sorts or boys, Instoad of just with those; Yon can get this at any drug store, Pullman of Huker', treasurer of the
or tneir own class. But I am a public and a few ounces will last tho whole' state chamber, has informed Recretair
scnoni teacher, and ono who tuught iu, family for months. iOenrirn Ounvln thnt i mm iAi a ntnua
mignt not huvc my Bun ply moisten the hair with water should be taken to obtain! an opinion
aim run n in, anoiir a. tcasiooiirul la all from the directors of the chamber,
that is required. It makes an abundnncc! President Charles Hall of Marshfield
of rich, creamy lather, cleanses tlior- has also agreed that the Roosevelt
oughly, B'mI rinses out easily. The hair highway r.s a state measure should be
dries quickly and evenly, and Is soft, backed by the state chamber. The mat
fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy, and ter will be presented to the directors
ee.sy to handle. Besides, it loosens and ' ftt their next meeting.
taxes out every particle of dust, dirt
ant dandruff.
I felt quite happy about him when
I left my boy in her charge. Perhaps
it would be the best thing for him af
ter all, this mixing with boys of mid
dle class and poor parents, instead of
the sons of wealthy fathers who indulg
esd and often spoiled some of them.
I talked with Noil over the telephone
telling him what I had done and how
huppy both Robert nnd I were about it.
He appeared depressed, and did not re-
spond with any enthusiasm. I wondered
For squirrels manv riflemen prefer
the Remington .22 rifle and cartridges.
. o
Portland, Or.1, June 11. Expressing
By Walt Mason
how affairs were going, then recai.ea'STATE rTr.w,,,,,, -
Mr. Frederick's promise to keen me in-18112-.0?1!???. .T
. . - A - I "I' a M k- II U BUS m mn
tormed, so tried not to worry.
as a iook oaca at tuis time in my
me i can see now Mr. Frederick 'a ef
forts smoothed away many difficulties
which but for him would hsve been si
most insurmountable. But then my miud
was too confused. I was too anxious
about Neil to appreciate all or cen
. ii . . . i .
small pari oi wiim una near rricnd was
doing to help us me. That was what
it was,, helping me. Yet even sn
could not, I would not refuse that help
because I knew it. was Neil's salvation.
And I loved Noil,
We wqnien are often like thai. I was
no exception. We will take offering
from those who care for ns simply to
c..4i. ....... 1 :
luiiiii r me nnciesis or inose We lOVP.
Mr. Fre-Vnck called tne up ami told
me everything wne eoinir as well as
noptpH th.tt it. will twso without rlpl.nv Tf it rWa Tint thp,f0"ld ,c "peered, nnd that I was not
1 -ii a , r, i J ito worry I tola him how NotTf iiulif
v In wartime's long and dreadful night they told us
we must work or fight, and so we worked or fought; the
husky man secured a gun. and sought the snoor of van
dal Hun; the balance of us wrought. We fat men left lis the spirit of the constitution of this state and every
...... :m...i i..! . t j i i.i F . ... . . ... . ...
vui- kuulxi tan, uur tiaiumuchs ana our easy cnairs, and otner state ana tne lawj-ers wno rile wordy briefs ar
4 ! 1 l .Ill f- l!l. ..fl. 1 .la . V . . V . ...
The governorship tangle is not solved by the su
preme court's decision but is left worse muddled than
before. The, whole tangle, however, is the result of an
attempt to overlook or disregard the plain provisions of
the state constitution that all vacant elective offices must
be filled by the voters at a general election, and that the
temporary incumbent of an office by reason of a va
cancy created by death or resignation has a right to
serve in that capacity only until the people have the op
portunity to fill the place at a general election. That
tilled the fertile soil; we pawed around and trilled our
song, and tried to show the passing throng new curves
in honest toil. "When war is done," we said, "gad.ooks,
again we'll seek our inglenooks, and bask on beds of ease;
until shall come that blissful day we'll grow ous luscious
bales of hay, and raise our bomb-nroof peas." Now war
is hut a ta! that's Hd, the sword has rust, the guns are
ld, no armies thunder by; but still we have to dig and
hoe, and saw and split, and plant and sow for now it's
work or die. It costs so much to stay on earth we have
no time for hours of mirth, for dreams or idle games;
we have no time for languid ease; we have to work like
bumble bees around our quilting frames. With labor ve
iiio face to face; alas, it is a groundhog case, we have to
work or die; we have to rustle for the bones; there is no
I'lace for dreaming drones beneath the bending sky.
guing the contrary are only trying to befog the public
The senate wants the peace conference to hold up
further treaty negotiations and await the conclusion of
Us interminable debate over what the conference should
do. That would mean that we might remain in a verit
able state of w ar for the next century.
Oregon confectioners want the luxury tax on soft
drinks repealed. But, since the confectioner has passed
it on to the consumer along with all the other taxes and
added a little for profit also, why should he worry?
Headline: "German delegates give up hope of per
f uading Allies to meet counter proposals." Yes, and that
is only a beginning of what Germany is going to give up
before she gets through.
Established 186S
General Banking Business
lmenclr.g June 10th Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till : p.m.
How would this do for the official slogan of Port
land Rose Festival, "Roses and rain are here again?"
Business generally speaking was looking up yester-
New Ywik, June U. iV.U'ial Jado
Hand ha dme".i hi-( corpus pre-!
eee-ling winch had been brought in ,
Saa liirgis I'al., June 11. A non
tip flight from Sao Pieio t Sun
Fram-mro in j-!aini:d this week br
E 1
behalf if even nf the fiftr r li-sl 1 Ms ht Albert ,ju!h ..i.l I.ientexsnt
who were rolbetrd from various part S. H. 8l,arpe of NortS Hand. They
if tlie oiiTitrr verl months agn and ; wilt use le llavilaml planes and arc
brought 1 New York f ir rfepnrtation.' ' Tpecte,l ti cot tke record between the
This leave immigration official free two cities now ktli ty Utsp Kate Si in
to di Tt tb ui. i n.
ference to Robert 's school chance ha,-
made mo anxious: and he reassured me.
"Don't expect him to think much of
anything until we get him out of the
woods. I have taken all the necessary
papers and books from the office, and
put a nu.n in there to attend to the
"What of his stenographer and book
keeper!" I asked.
"Discharged them both," laennieui-
I couldn't help a little rush ot gu,
ness unworthy as it was. It is true I
believe that when w do wrong,, or
something which in any way belittles
us, that wo are anxious to avoid those
who know of it. I never had felt com-
lunuiue aiuiut loose two, since my trip
to Neil's office during his aosence
when I intended to surreptitiously look
over his mail, altho I never had seen
cuner or mom since.
"You will keep tho office goinaf '
.-v ,.,, ,u, jiau may
come for m.me time. Those circulars
uave naa a wide distribution."
How I hated the mention f thou
glowing circulars. The exlra.vagat.1 Lin
niittue, the proinj.es they contained
Promise they believed would be ful
filled, but whiih the men, Neil umoni
them, knew never rnuM h. I .
men and women poring over them fig.
tiring how much they would make if
thev sent eertain amounts to be in
vested, the interest they would receive,
I fancied many scrimping their living
in many wavs to buy the worthless
stock, then looked around at my lux
urious hoBW. expensive, beautiful, and
all bought with their money, and for
the first time I hated it. Hated all this
lnxnrv I had so loved, hated t'ae thot
that T had eeWted each piece of fur
niture, each hanging, each bit of brie
a brae. I longed to be rid of it all, to
"Hsve yon put the advertisement In
the pnperf was my next question.
"The house can be seen at any time "
'No-I talked with Tearle. ITe is
coming to bok at It tomorrow, I si,alj
trv to eome with him."
Vaguely I knew, as I thanked lm
and hung tip the receiver, that ho wns
comint sn that he might kelp mf.v tlict
I might not be embarrassed. Purelv
no one ever had so considerate v fiicn.L
As I wall.e.1 slowly optair, I said tn
myself: "Were it not that I loved Neil
s dearie I might hsve cared for you."
(Tomorrow A reporter calis upon
Thore is nothing worse than bad,
foul smelling breath j get rid of it for
your friend's sake anyway. Hollister'e
Rocky Mountain Tea" will clean and
purify your stomach and bowels; your
breath will be sweet, your disposition,
improved, your friends increased. 330.
Tea or Tablets. D. J. Fdy. ,
William M. Crow, a pioneer of 18.13,
the opinion that the stato chamber of died in Merlin, Ore.! Saturday, aged 8U
"See here," says the Good Judge:
I want to remind you
about that small chew
of this good tobacco.
It tastes better because
it's good tobacco. Its
quality saves you part of
your tobacco money.
It goes further and lasts
Put up in two stylet
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
The season's smartest Oxfords
yet the most comfortable
You don't mind having people gaze at your shoes when
you're wearing anything as trig as this swankv Oxford!
And your foot feels" so comfortable in itno matter how
busy you are all day your feet are comfortable in itNo
matter how busy you are all day
you forget you have feetl
The Red Cross Shoe has all the
essentials of the shoe for this sea
son's wear it's smart, it's com
fortable, it's price is amazingly
Come in and try on this new Ox
ford. You'll be delighted with it
It's price is:
Fine brown kid
Fine black kid $8.00
Fine white reignskin $3.75
i Cross!
11 iinw O
,p. men
- sw asp w '