Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 11, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette '
w 4 i.1 - li
Finest Burley Tobacco
Mellow-aged till perfect
plus a dash of Chocolate.
Si 'jqTVfeO "
at;c Vba 7riW 7aeo m fAe New
It's loft and pliable decreases in size as . j
the tobacco is used tobacco does not
cake in the package no digging it
out with the tinier. Keeps the
. V tobacco in even better condi
tion than tin. Now, don t you
owe it to yourself to buy a
. package and give tuxedo
; atrial Not quite as
1 much tobacco as n
tketin, 6uf
LA ? Wheat straw the lightest. tKin-
jeit, nneti, srrongesi cigarme paper
the world. Roll a Tuxedo cigarette
la caoix pspers.
Raise cf Salaries Are Granted
To libers cf Faculty
The board of trustees of Willamette
University met in annual session yes
terday passing upoa aeveral important
increased salaries for the faculty
met nits approval and each professor
instructor was granted a substantial
salary rise. The student body also
waa granted the privilege to iuerease
the student body fee to 5 per semes
ter next year, in order to stimulate
athletics and other student body aetivi?
The plans for a new women's dormi
tory was left to a eommittee appointed
bythe board, who will present complete
specifications at the next meeting, and
construction w ill be started as soon as
the required sum of SriO.OOO is secured.
P. J. Brix, of Astoria, a member of tht
board, has contributed $5400 to the
building fund. The building committee
consists! of Mrs. A. N. JJush, Mrs.
Bertha Moores, C. P. Bishop and lr.
Carl Gregg 'Doncy. The proposal to
admit fraternities and sororitiea to
Willamette occasioned some discussion,
and was taken under consideration by
the executive committee, who are to
report in the January meeting of tho
board. Rev. Wilsie Martin, pastor of
the First Methodist ehiireh of Boise,
Idaho, was granted an honorary (U'liree
of doctor of divinity, and the president
of the university was authorized to
present diplomas to the 25 members
'of the senior class who graduate today.
I pon tne expiration or me term ui
several members of the board Borne
were roelected and some new mem
ber! were admitted. Tho officers for
the year 1919-20 were re-elected as
B. L. Steeves, Salem, president: C. B.
Moores, Portland, vice-president; I. H.
Van Winkel, Salem, secretary; and A.
?i. lUush, Salem, treasurer.
Tho senior gift, by tho class of 1U19,
was presented during class day exer-
Tasker of Portland, president of the
lass. Jt was accepted by Judge Henry
L, Benson on behalf of tho board of
trustees1! The gift this year is of a
luftl nature, one i'a'rt being n check for
$200 to purchase pictures for the living
room of tne new lfluwuiiie tifljl ana trie
other a largo shield with silver inscr'a
ion in honor of the W.llamctte men
who fought in the great war.
endowment fund. 600,000.
The endowment fund of tho uni
versity is f)00,0U0 according to re
ports submitted and of this amount
about half Is actually producing.
AH members of the faculty were
rHi-clfecfed 'at nMvaiU-ed salaries bub
in a few case there will be changes
because of ill health and personal
business. Dean Alden was advanced
to the position of vice-president of
the institution at a substantial in
crease in salary, I
H, f 1 also packed in tho
3 V XXIs
(Continued froni page two)
the impressive ring eeremony la tne
presence of a number of relatives and
friends. The house was beautifully dec
orated and the services were performed
in a corner of the spacious parlor which
had been transformed Into a maplo bow
er for the occasion. After a brief wed-
a evidence and arrangements were
Made to attend the convention at Cor-
vallis. June 20th. Plans were also made ding trip the young couple will make
for a meeting of the sewing society, to j their home In Dallas. Invited guests
held at the home of Mrs. Dailey, ' for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Q.
rt.reday evening. W. Wolfe, Chsmawa; Mrs. Martha L.
Cookingham, Mr. ,nd Mrs. L. H. Bob-
The wedding of Miss Eutha Ana Vln-' erts, Misses Ethel and Bernice Eotj.
- . 1 1 1 . - T T .. L - Jlj. .. rait-
eat of Garden road ana Koy Miicnon ens, mrs. nsipn l. i uuwm uouku-,
f Dallas, was solemnized Sunday sf- ter 'Winona, E. F. Long, Frank Caspell,
temoon at S o'clock, at the home of the Mr. ana Mrs. wnn usron oi rurunnu,
snide's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. U Mr. and Mrs. Judson Mitchell of En
wi t ni.nfl W. II. Putnam of rene. Mr. and Mrs. Henrr Wright and
0 Court street Christian ehnrch read son Leonard of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs.j
Memphis Men Out
Memphis, Tjnn., June 11. Telegraph
ers unioo ofiicials today claimed that
the entire day forco of tfie Postal
Telegraph company's operating depart
ment here went on strike this morning.
The company announced if ts accept
ng business "subject to indefinite
delay." ,
Atlanta Wires Dead
Atlanta, Ga., June 11. Practically
all J'ostal telegraph' operators obeyed
the nation-wide strike order tdiiay,
unun officials claimed.
i y
DhtMPttlhtatt .
'j- cf Hucom X '
TlxitiiSLtA otrcUt&Sd curvet
enw -awt tfvatj uru
Every grocer everywhere
Sella Keilogg's everyday
J. ,W. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Nichols
of Toledo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weaver
of Dallas. Neville Eldrigc of Independ
euco, Miss Vclina Mitchell of Dullas,
J. C. Hhreeves of Dullas and Glen
Mitchell of Brker.l
Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Farmer and Mr.
Farmer's mother, Mrs. J.. L. Farmer,
went to Potland this moning to attend
the Victory Rose festival.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. ftchunemnnn will
leave about July 1st for an extended
motor trip. The tour will include most
of the middle west and south end will
cover a periaod of about three months.
At a prettv wedding in Portland Sun
day, when Miss Florence Fowk, form
er Oregon Agricultural college student,
and Karl Townsend were united in mar
riage, Frank Saunders of Palem presid
ed at the orgnn, playing the bridal chor
us from Lohengrin at the srri.il' of
the party and the Mendelssohn wedding
march at the conclusion of the eere
200 Out In' Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio, June 11. Union
officials stated between ISO and 200
Western Union and Postal telegraphers
are on mrike here. Moth, companies in
sisted they had full crews.
Postal Without Help
Lincoln, Neb., June 11. Postal te
legraph operators here walked out sol
idly, according to the manager this
morning. Business of the Western
l nion in unhampered, officials aay, all
xcymnn renaming at their posts.
mm m
(Contianed from Page 1.)
should sanction and aid a eomvirtium
of American banks to finance the old
world, all except Kuwsia.
.... .... Financial Aid Heeded
The bankers all emphasized tbe
point that the United Htates must com
mit itself financially at )eat to guar
anteeing Europe's welfare for years
to eome. Both Morgan and Vandeilip
denied hawing aeen the treaty but
acknowledged the keenest interest in
its financial clauses. They repeatedly
stated to the committee that it is
"vital" for the United States to take
an interest in European affairs though
Vanderlip empbatiral'y declared he did
not believe the United States should
guarantee the territnry or indepen
dence of foreign nations. .
Vanderlip caused S sensation when
he said there was strong sentiment in
English and Frsneh circles that the
United States onxht never to expect
repay meet from thorn countries of the
billions loaned them. That money,
Vanderlip said, is regarded in those
countries ml part of America's fair
share in the war's fcurdea because of
this country's late entrance into the
war. He did not. luiwever, advocate
this view, Vsadrrlip said.
DANIELS, Sec'y of the
Navy, and a score more
men prominent in pub
lic life.
Come Early
iliWMisisMiiisiiiiiiiMi f rmrMnrnr j I
fit I
Until graduation, that means that you
should come to the place where "Serv
ice and Quality" meet that's Bishop's
This day is the one day when
your friends "get together" in
one place and look you over.
Your clothes are rot as interest
ingto them as you' are but the
clothes are important.
Service at Bishop's means that
we have Four Tailors busy every
working dayNand they are busy
every minute, but we are pre
pared to give you the satisfac
tion that Bishop's usually lo.
Our suits range in variety to satisfy the most particular Prep, and
to fit Grandad. It's the home of
Dishoplsiioretj -
and Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits.
They're VIRGIN WOOL, that metns they hold their original lines
that they were tailored to. Cheaper clothes do notthey cannot as
they haven't got the material in them to stand the continual strain
put upon them. '
Why do without? Bishop's are complete outfitters of men, in Qual
ity Merchandise.
P. S. Incidentally you might look father over a few days before
hand and be sure that he is going to be dressed as a parent of a
graduate should be. ,
If you think he needs one, we have plenty of suits for father, too.
Graduation should be a big day for him, too. ' lf l -z i
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron.
Salem W0lll Mills Store
Mutiny, Desertions And At-
tacks Oil bailors I old Ut
la 'Frisco Case.
8nn SFrani'iaco, June 10. -Mutiny, St-
tacks upon men by deck officers and
desertion so heavy that Tonga Island
police had to (be summoned to round
up tho crew aro among tne charges and
counter charges being made today by
the officers and crew of the .British
four master Okanogan. The vessel limp
ed into port manned by three officers,
two seamen and a boy. The other mem
bers of tho crew refund to work, fol
lowing several fighll with the first
The crew charge First Mate Newman
attacked a sailor with a hammer, and
then threatened to kill any man testi
fying against him at Tunga Island trial
6ns man who testified aitainst New
man, leapd overboard and swam for
shore through shark infested waters. It
is not known whether he reached the
The majority of the men deserted t
Vauvaa, and the Ton:a police had to
round them up with pistols and drive
them atioard the ship, say officers and
crew. A second crew was taken on at
Melbourne, but Ktrife broke out attin
between the men and the first mnte.
This tim the, captain told the men
they would be held on the vewl St all
costs and that they were Rt their own
discretion as to whether they would
work to port.
WUMibliA lull lliUUdll
Forces Clash la Battle
Helsingfors, June 6. Tho boUhcviki
unexpectedly opened fire on. tho Jront
before Petrograd last night and tho bat
tle soon spread to the whole front, ac
cording to an offif inl report by the Fin
nish war officetodny. Finnish batter
ies in retaliation shelled Kron;:indt (-0
miles west Of Petrograd).
After being Idle several months, the
big rock quarry at Paddle Jtut te in
Li ii ii county was nguiu placed iu ulc
eration Wednesday,
Difficulties between the mine own
ers and miners at le Eiiim and R'i
lyn hnve been settlixl and the nu-a
have rtudned to work.
Burglars broke open the snfo of tho
Eldridge-liuick company at Spokane
Wednesday night and took between
$800 and $1000.
Chicago, June 10. (United Prees)
Finding of heavy paperweights and
vtorwHi in the pockets of clothing worn
by Herbert Harris, 72, 8 direct de
scendant of Henry Wadtworth Long
fellow, whose body was taken from
lAke Michigan here convinced author
ities today be committed suicide.
Charged with onprofpsfrionsl conduct
H. X. Martin of Isvenport has been
debarred from practicing law in tb
state of Washington.
Air .
Look for thU trad
MMfk M rwr I sua.
Millions of American homes and offices
are cooled with electric fans.
Millions more should be! Is yours?
If not make us a visit today. For a small
outlay you can buy a fan that will last a life
time and cost but a trifle to run. Why deny
yourself the comfort your neighbor is enjoying?
Let us tend you a C-Efan on triaU