Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 11, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ia (
a. -n.tr,
ifSlioiis' of Catarrh
Germs Afloat in the Ai
Atmosphere is Laden With
Crms of The Disease.
(treating merely the symptom of tb
You must realiw that (atarrh u
Every person afflicted i,h Catarrh ' 0T ,baa that
n'jKwi millions f the tier disease i!:l', 'Up -r.ouf Bd ialaa fa
j-crsns ttitjj every tonga cr cneoie, so
wirnder tn the ttmt tars or I
throat and choke up your breathing
I ! J ; . , .
rvot cr ,:h r publie ,,be vou seo a ' " , .I" "
renea atnVtel wi,b .li Prm-V nJ 0B'i their
b-kmjr t.J t.gLin,r and j a. loaf aa ihey re
r .e-xote ia 1
.- r vanity h missed
He direst.
You iloajj v.ith everyone else will
f -.-l iscrwlf ci-ose,l tj thi germ of
lairh arrrrul touej ciery .lay. The
firatj itmit ply Ijr.tii nil!, oat, nrd
'! : J u Lnauo i( thhk with these
t.::y l'ttte d searo i!--mnr i' at enure
m im th djxt rest and suG'e.-in ;.
Catanh id one i;f the iik.!,t a.:,Uifa
i:irc-s, and u cluays worse in eold,
i u:p and iajreea!)! weather. It
8 uKl c t, Lo-.u-ier, be eo!isi.-r,-d in-
tyuWo, Lu:-u lucre are I houoy uja
iHIhUhI v.llli it i-.bo arc doubtless
toady to belici that a euro is iniHsi
llc, bora ufo of their experience.
Put 1 ko rll other afllictions, the
rt'ain trouble j iU::t Catanh is en
t.ielj K Is- u.ler.KM ..1, an,! therefore
tristod hi h ,-ron vn. Ijcenmu.
nam in tbe blood.
Tho oo!y feasible treatment, there,
fore, is tho one hioh will rout tho
disease perms from tho blood.
This is hy tho most satisfsctory
remedy for Catarrh ii a S. 8., tho
ianious old reliable blood purifier,
i.'. 8. S. has been used tueeoasfiilly
fur I atarrh fur more thin Eftv
' nj it it tho one rcu.niv that aita-ks
i"io ..urre f the disease, cleans ng
the blood thoroughly, tad eliminating
from it every trace uf i!.e: sa genus.
If you aunt a remedy ihat goen di-re-.-t
to the neat of tho disease, tn-Kiu
t'j take a S. a la-dar, and throw
iiay your ot i!(ircr and other Joeal
treutnieut that cannot nossililr r:,..L
y.n.r Catarrh. you will bo ileii.-hte,!
nfter cmnjr (hJS remedy a trial, and .
"ill swn Cuu yourself on tho r.n.,1 i
rniiito rovery.
:.. littlo rem, ,!,; ,,. C T; . 8. is sold
.ma.o H'aii.-ruacs It tile lM:,e aa 1
lu.oai, eixmirg up tho air pawners
and irrilatintj the tender lining of tho
iMMtrils rind bruiuU sl tnhen, tint over
ltl sufferer nuikes the mituke of
dni'icis! eivrvwhero.
fi'inu its ute to day, and write for
free, medical adneo about your on
in.!.I.K.I e,.. A,,res n,ief MeJ.
leal Advisor, 103 Swift Laboratory.
Atiunta. tla. (Adv.) '
a eontract hi been let t,
V4 mile
By Gertrude Eobiasoa
o.4oIipAJM JU4. wi Jt,
For your shoes' sake
Use frequently
Beneficial to
all Leathers
For convent,!,,-. Si!!NClA
. , ' HOME SET.
e!;c. Taa. While-Bed. Brow
, A' ;
1 7 "
-A' o-V - ,H
The Shirt of Many Strini
Is Vogue Today
And Elan. Mas! We Sure Hare Then:!
Yea, Sir, right straight from Broadway come
thc,e harmoniously colored, multiple Stripes
The materials are of excellent quality including some
of the best madras and crepes, some with reverisblc
cuffsindeed, we have wen like quality bring much
higher prices and we are told so daily by people who
travel up and down the Valley. These shirts ranre
m price from ..41.00 to $3.13
You With the Golf Stick
Wear a Rd Ssort Shirt ari
' Ee THE S;ert of IM
ITU tho finsj presentation ot
the tuitrieal paireaat at Wil
lamette university last evening,
was brought to a close oue of the cost
stupcftduva aadertakings erer attompt
ed in tho city of Salem. SimUtr affairs
have been givea at rare iaU-ivaui in
tho- oast, rweutly, but Ber before has
anything like it bee a pretested t-i
Paeifie coast. .
Too much credit rannot bo given to
Professor Delia Crowder Miller, author
and mistress of tho papeant. Her tire
less efforts and unstinted sea were the
greatest factors ia making the event
sneh an unrivaled success. A great deal
of gratitude is likewise due to the nu
merous talent women who gave their
time aud aasistaoro so generously to
the furtherance of the project.
In last Sunday's Oreconiaa there ap
peared an attractive picture of Mrs.
II. V. Movers, who christened one of
the ships at the George V, Eodgers
plant in Astoria, and accompanying it
was the following interesting article:
Tho launching of the nouahbc at the
plunt of Geo. F. Rodgors ft Co., at
Astoria, brings out the fact her srwu-
sor, Mrs. II. W. Meyers of Salem, comes
from a prominent American maritime
family of the post revolutionary fir
period, which helped to build and mini
some of the famous ships of Ihat his
toric time. Hor great grandfather, Jo
slab Ilarker, as a younjf man, served
in the frigntc La Hague, in the war of
the revolution. Later as United IStates
naval Instructor, he nullt the V. S.
s'oop of wr. Frolic, which was "captur
ed by the British frigate Orpheus off
MatniHimas, in the war of 18u. After
her memorable end gallant ct.-recr In
the war of 1812, ho rebuilt the famous
old sea fighter, Constitution, for years
the pride of the American navy. In 14
he planned and constructed the rorts-
mouth and so well was she built that
for aiore than 60 years she remained
in the service of tho I nited otctes
navy. His son. Roth Barker, who could
not resist the lure of the sea, followed
in his father's footstnps and Mrs.
Movers, In breaking the bottlo on the
modern Wonahbe, can bo said to have
done her share in keeping up the mari
time tradition of tho family.
At their lovely home on Noith 14th
street last evening, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E.
Hcliuiieninnii entertained eoterie of
friends at an informal card parly and
luncheon In honor of their thiid wed-
dig anniversary, A color scheme of red
and white was carried out in the Van
t if nl decorations, huge rnndlelabras end
smaller individual candles furnishing
tho liiiiits. The dining table was hand
somely centered with red rosea. The
prir.es for the card gnmes were won by
Mr. and Mrs. O. I Hoff, while Mrs.
Frnnk Ward and Frank McCarthy cu
rled off the consolations.
Misses Mary Ileensn, Frances 'Vard
and Mury West assisted the hostess In
serving the dainty luncheon. Guests at
tho charming affair were Mr. and Mrs.
0. P. Hoff, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. David
son, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. West, Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Hoenan. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Ward, Mr. and Mrs. F. 1). Mc
Carthy. Mr. and Mra. K. C. Quinn, Mis
Gertrude Hartman, Otto Iljrtmsn,
Miss Mnry Hoenan, Miss Francos Ward
and Miss Mary West.
The annual junior-senior reception of
Sacred Heart academy was held Mon
day evening about fifty guests being
present. The reception hall where a
beautiful literary and musical program
was presented, was artistically decorat
ed In pule pink aud sthite.huge vase of
whito roses, and graceful streamers of
tho used colors, being used to carry out
tho effect.
Following the program a delicious
to course luncheon was served in the
large dining room where a psle pink
nd green decorative note was used.
The tables were centered with lovely
vases of Carolyn Testout roses, and
streamers, and pink and green stream
ers wero draped from the chandeliers to
tho corners of the room. The remainder
of th evenitf; was passed with music
and singing.
The Salem Women's Press club ncld
a finsl meeting last evening whea tav
What shrinks
stiffens blankets
J(e riqdi rfau io riasi
ifiem -
"T"S rubbing soap on blankets that shrinks and stiffens them.
And using ordinary soap to wash them. That was the old .
way, and it was ruinous for woolens. When you rub or twist
woolens, they become stiff, matted and shrunken.
With Lux there's no rubbing. Only sousing in the rich, pure
lather, and gently pressing the suds through the soiled parts.
Lux comes in delicate flakes, which dissolve instantly in hot
water and whisk up into a wonderful lather. Lux is so pure,
that it won't hurt anything that pure water alone won't
Wash your blankets this year the Lux way! Have them like
new again. Your grocer, druggist or department store has Lux.
Lever Bros. Co., Cambridge, Mass.
Directions .
Use two t&blespoonfuls of Lux to
gallon of water. Dissolve in boil
ing or rory hot water, whisk into a
thick lather, then add cold water to
make the surls lukewarm. Put the.
blankets in. Then squeeze the suds
again and again through tbe soiled
pots, but do not rub.
Rinse three times in water of the
same temperature as that in which
you washed the blankets, dissolving
a little Lux in the last rinsing water.
Do not twist. Put through a loose
wringer, or squeeze the water out.
Dry in the shade in a moderate
There is nothing lie Lux for
washing woolens!
1 vl
l - I r-
members gathered in tho Boso room of .were Mrs. Frederick Sehilke of kiwjR. Morse, and Miss Hose Williams, late- wera served by tho bov scouts Tho sue-
.u . o -..j : M .. t i I : r - . . . . ... I - .. J J
y rerurnea irora overseas service witnieess of the meeting may be estimate
the Spa aud enjoyed an informal din
ner party before disbanding lot tho
summer. Die affair was held chiefly in
honor of Miss I.ucile Saunders, who
leaves today to take np a position with
the Portland Oregonian, aud Miss Doris
Hikes who went to Eugene this morning,
where she has accepted a position wn
tho Kiigene Register. Both rouni wo
men have been eonnected with tho Ore
gon Statesman for a number of months.
state child welfare conimissiou; Mrs.
Frank Pcttlemicr, Mrs. John Bert, Mis.
Jennie Ro.inhn.rt aud Mrs. J. Francis
Drake. Portland Oregonian.
The home of Mrs. John Carson was
the scene of a large gathering of wsj
mothers Saturday, when the Hnlem unit
met to become acquainted and further
the plans for the homecoming aelebia-
tion July 4th. Owing to a previous iai-
The long table was prettily centered portant business engagement Llouten-
(Continued on page three)
ir.e breezy, low. wide collar Shin- -:tk v,. tu... 1
f S! ' S f TV1 y0u Prcfcr is favorite i
.ftheL nksandthetlourtaevevhen?. Unmtch- f
' e htics at ....75cto$2.C3 ,
By taking: Lydia . PinLKui'i
Vegetable Compound, Om
of 1 housands of Such1
tho American Bed Gross. Mrs. Dalmanjby tho fact that 39 new members wero
was nouoiy welcome as it was t her enrolled in the unit.
suggestion that the poppy beds, com-1 s
memoratirg the dead heroes of toe The Degree of -Honor hold their reg-
war, were planted in the court aenaf ular meeting Monday evening at Mc-
grounds, Mrs. Alice H. Dodd of tho Cornack hull. A good attendance was
Bed Cross homo service, and Mrs. td- '
win bhcrwood, historian, bolh gave in
teresting talks and told of the purpose
of the organization. For the benefit of You can't cover blackheads, pim
the new members Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. tiW rod innrn nn th fneA vith t,nw.
with a basket of nasturtiums and uniqne ant Compton was unable to be present state president, read the constitution der; they're bound to be seen don't
place cards representing newspaper as had been planned. Two prominent: to the i.ssemlily. Dan Langenbura. as- worrv or snoil vour temner. tnke Tlo!
clippings marked the placo ef each. , guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Dal-lsisled by Miss Dorothy Perce at the lister's Rocky Muntain Tea each weak
member. Circling the table wore Miss man, an Uregon pioneer, sister ol Chier, piano, delighted the women with two 'twill banish them thru the blond,
i aroi B. I.MtiUlo, Miss J.ucilo Elliott,
Mrs. Byron F. Brunk, Miss Doris Iah
Sikes, Miss Lueile Saunders, Mrs. Bur
ton A. Myers, Miss Lncile Watson and
Miss Gertrude Robtson. "
DlncV Kiver Fnlla, W!a.-"ALya
F. I'inWbnm'i VeKeta)l Corayia4
saved mo rraaa m
0K'ration, I sunt
enyr-nnueh in araisa
Of it 1 sutler! frssa
organic troublosaa4
I my side hurt Sis so
I could banl:jsss
from my bod, sad 1
was unable Wsr
housework. I ha)
tho best doetara ta
Kau Cluire sod tbaf
wanted me to have
en oiwratioa, bat
1 ydiaK. Pinkham's
VeretaWo Compound curwl me ta 1 &A
rx t need the operation, and I am telliif
all my fri- iv.'s about it "Mra. A. W.
BlN7.fR, lllrvk Kiwr Falls, Wi.
It is just such exrionces us that ot
Mrs. tinor that ha mode this famous
root and herb remedy a household word
fiT-m tc'itn to o-mi. Any s-mao who
suiTers fnim Inrtnrsinialion, tiicerathin,
di(iSs-onient, backaoho. neryousnrs
irrefrulnntiei or tho bhiea" shm'ld
not Wl until sbo bs fivm It a trisl,
and fi p. ial advieo writ I yrfia K
i'iiikbam MeLciur Ci-, I -yi , t.js
Mrs. W. H. Kldridge and Miss Kliza
beth Lord are spending a few darn in
Portland as the guest of Mrs. Ruiiolph
Yesterday afternoon at 2:30, a- quiet
wedding was solemnised when Miss Ks
telle Wilson became the bride of Free!
J. Smith. The ceremony w performed
at the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Ella Wilson, on t'nion street, Rev
erend Thos. 8. Anderson of the First
Preabvterisn church officiating. and
inly the immediate relatives vf the
psrties were present.
Tht bride wore a beautiful gown of
white crepe meteor over satin and enr
rled a shower bouquet of while rrwos
and sweet peaa. Her sister, Miss I.otlia
Wilson, artrd as iiriilesmnid and her
dress was of pink crepe do chine. Fht
curried a bouquet of pink rosebuiTs.
Archie Smith, the groom's brothrr,
attended him and saep; "I love Yob
Truly" and "Because." Mrs. D.cltoy,
a sister of the groom played tuc wd
di", march from Ixhcnffrin.
Justice McBrido and mother of Dr. W.jvooal solos, and delicious refreshments the only sure way. 33e. D. J. Fry.
SilT.el - j.JiUtiiiilM,imnlit.i I.Hiinii.uiiaiii.lHirriTTiYrWTS?hMu f"''
isoia young xiple are popular in
their own avt. They will (cnd a short
hi.neymo.ia in Tacoiaa. Seattle aud other
Sound points.
Oregon clubdom feels justly proud of
the honor conferred upon Mrs. Charles
II. Csstner, whs has been elected as
sociate grand conductress of the order
of East era Star of the state of Ore
tton. Mrs. Ostnor who Is president of
the state federation, was state ciiaiima
of tho woman 's committee of the coun
cil of national iWrnn and ).-, -,l
many honors. Ph is a sweet wooianty
woman, a good kenwkecpor, sa excel
lent business womai and as ideal wif
snd mother. Truly such h-a.lers as
j thiso should hsy roc ngnition. reter
day Mra Castner gate a lunclicna at
I the Portlsnd for (,nf of the leading
""" "f the F; stern Star who ar
ker l-tisiate fnrsJa. Among t'sc
' 1:
- f
Twtilf-yotit-'roundioff drink.
Loadership.cnco estaMisliod,
is $renj.Iiened and confirmod
by its followers and imitator5
Bovos leadership is proclaimed
by the largest rear uard that
ever followed a leader.
evryvhere Families supplied by
grocer, dru4it and daler. Msliors
arr cordlaliy invLtrd toinsfttntourpUnt.
Hlumaucr & Hot h.
aotesal tHtriharora PORnjlND. ORB.
Dan. J. Fry,
ell'l ' ' '4