THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. 0 REGON. TUESDAY. JUNE 10. 1919. PAGE SEVEN. Take the doubt cut of bak ing. Insure the quality of your daily bread. ...... HOLSUM Is economy Cherry City Baking Co. ft ML ANGELLCCALS '- (Capital Journal Special Service.) . frTie Misses Clara and Mary Stamen ire hoiue for a short Mr. and Mrs. Kilmer and Mrs. Bern 1 Ut uitored to Portland ThutMiuy unit returned Saturday, evening, areom pintod by Miss Henrietta Beruing. .Mr. Bernard Miilonoy of Camp Lewis inwnt tin' week-end with his friend, Ed linger. Mis A mm Olivatti and her twu f.'iemls of I'oi tiaiitl are home over Sun- fl:.V. Blotchy SIrin - How unr tlmss rw hsr looked lata the mirror and wished tint four skia (N softuit clear litre others whoia ju know, wiltil blirtliili." Wuh l. D. 0,, trie loHon of h.9in ollj, onr . oit ptm;)!r.i or b!otcli u.i ftat-tnd wslts : i ! tii morninf to aiul theni fnmtl A v.; ottt u: w pna relief. Wbr itw. '." trrb. a d tntirr '2. lotion ftr Shtt; Disease J. C. Perry's. szA Wt - ' - y i s - Your Sheepskin Is Miss Sweet Girl Graduate, you are about to reap the reward which you so richly deserve. You are about to receive your sheepskin, which is a sym bol of your steadfastness in your school studies and a mark for all the world that you have ''finished" and are new ready to "commence" life's serious work. You wilf need dressy footwear for your commencement exerciseswe have none made of "sheepskin", but lovely models wrought with great care in the famous Keith Konqueror plant and known as IC & K. Pumps and Oxfords You will like these stylesthey fit the arch so admirably they are so superbly crafted they will satisfy ytu completely. $4.73 to $9.00. We do shoe repairing A simple formula but a sure one ! A dr.nee will he given in the parish hull Monday night. I Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Keber and Mr. and 'Mrs. X. 0. Micke motored to enlcm (Sunday. j The N. G. Mickol fiimily have moved into their new home, which they re cently purchased from X. (5. Michel, Kr. The ball game Sunday between Mt. Angel and Waeomla was won by the lutter team. Three Sa!em High Grads Are Granted Diplomas At 0.A.C .. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vnllis, June 1(1. Among the l.U stu dents to receive degrees or dipiomr.s nt the college today were Mrs. Vesta Gard ner Entomille, Miss Esther Mang and l'enover Francis English, graduates of the Salem high school. All were con credit to Salem. Mrs. Entomillo consid ers her home Baker. A forgo number of the alumni and friends of the college nre here frum all pnrta of tho state. Many 0. A. C. men who were in the service were here for the occasion, lleunions of classes of l'.iU, 11109, 1904, 1SS9 ami brought sidered good students and all were a The alumni banquet ami bull Monday night were well attended. (iniduntion exercises started with How? Why the answer is simple and sure. Buy HOLSUM quality bread. what was considered a forecrul lute jculuurcate sermon by Pr. W. W. i'oung ao a of the First Methodist church of I Portland. Monday a gold star r. emoriul service was held in honor of 52 faculty,1 'students and jiluimii who mad) the an-: preme sacrifice in tho world war. Dr.' 1 Benjamin Ide heeler, presideut of t.ic J University of California, delivered tho commencement address today. The annual exhibit f the work' of the students in art and rural architec ture attracted much attention. The Lens club presented a display of original photographs. Home of the visitois In spected the experimental plotd of tho department of farm crops.. ROLL OFH0N0R The following casualties nre rt'imrted by the communding general of the American Exiieditionary Forces; Killed in Acflou ... , 2 Hied from Wounds 2 Died of Accident a-ul Other Cause 8 Died of Disease 21 Wounded Severely 4 Wounded (degree undetermined) 8 Wounded Slightly 284 Missing iu Action 4 Total : 333 Killed In Action. Albert Fi!ier,. Allison Pn. Ready! and do it right i . BuJniiu U M. Ii.i.-!. S.-hf&!d Ma Died of ' J,."opk n.'.?i'n,5ef- Ye.? iYT , j CITEPENT- CASUALTIES ,. , Died ej grounds. William T Xormtui, Coiuv I!nJ X Y. - " Died from Accident and O'-het CiUies. Ulmoiit 8. Crumby, New Kensington k'z. Albert W Meyer, Hartsbufg Mo. Harold D Benbrook. ltockweli Tea.. William Howard, Christianat)ur, . Andrew S Xeiss St Michaeh) uuu. tleorge Pilaris, Bruthertou Tor.n. Samuel Vatijrhn, Beleview Teitu. Oliver O Wright. Oriskany Va. Died of Disaaao. tioorge LaU'idie, Toledo Ohio. Frank H Lathrau Jr, Berkeley Cal. William l.ane. Savanna. Ga. Charles E Larson; lH'land 111. Arthur 1 Scoficld. Diyden N V. Edward Blair, Jeanerett La.' Arvin T Brings, Staughtou Wis. Uoorge Brooks, Eudora Ark. Floyd Chandler, Jackson Tenth William A Crnig, Athens Ohio. Alexander Domanoski, Jcrsev City X J. .. . Percy B Evcrhaif, Kittanning l a. James W. Gilder, Columbia 8 C. Wirt Gilliam. Hoemer Va. Luther S llagler, tiilmer Tej.;s. Henrv Hari, Situ Augustine fe.vus. Lawrence llendris, Biorue Ark. John 1, JuhusJ.i, -Fittsburgh lu. Arthur Kramer, College I'oiut X Y. Kdwnrd 1 Mantiuuu, Hamilton .uicli. Juaies Walter Soues, Cherokee ioa. The following casualties are reported by the foiuniandiiig general of the American bxpeditionary forces: Killed in Action . Died from Wounds ." Died of Accident and Other Causc3 Died of Disease Wouuded Severely Wounded Severely 5 Wounded (degree undeteimiued) 13 Wounded Slightly Total 309 Killed in Action. Murius Hansen, Norway., George W Hill, Detroit Mich. Died from Wounds. Hufus Curtis, Hickory X C. Frank i Bieble, 'Pittsburgh I'a Gilbert A Brown Warren Md. Martin Kanthak. Xassnu Mi. in. Died from Accident and Other Causes. .laities tV)iuuilly,:Chicngo III. CURRENT CASUALTIES Died from Accident and Other Causes. Mike K wusiiefckiv lilkhnrt lud. Ceorge Condon; Chicago HI. Clifton Gordon, Greenville S C. Curl F. 0 list tt-f son,' Medford Mass. Joseph M Sicdlara, Chicago 111. Tom Addison, Trenton SC. Kdwnrd K Lnbnpr;, Albniv X Y. Paul Medo, Chicago III. Ralph Heevesr Olenwood Iewa. Died of Disease. Oscar Bloomquist, Boulder Colo. Vito A Ciaccia, Coatesvillo 1'u. Maurice A Given, I,awrencn Ims. John H Harbour, fituart Va, Joseph A IiOney, Mount Vernon X Y. hrnest Lowe, M(eaiiHvillo Oa, . The following casualties are reported by the commniurinB - deneral nf the American Expeditio itfry Forces: Died of Wounds .. 3 Died of Accident and Other Causes 1" Died of Disease 17 Wounded Severely l'i Wounded (degree undertemim d;.... 3 Wounded Slightly 1' Missing in Action , 9 Total 239 Died of Wounds. Vilibim H Sims, Kim Mountain Kv. SALEM AXITO EADIAXOB SHOP Radiators, Fenders and Oal Tanki Repaired Tractor Badiatora a Specialty All work guaranteed, 198 B. 12th 8t. jalem, Oregon. 81 WELCH ELECTRIC CO. FOB ELECTEIC IRONS ELECTRIC TOABTESS ELECTRIC PEECOLATORS Phon 953 87 BteU Bt. WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON, Stop at BLIOH HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern 1 Per Day 100 Hooms of Solid Cmnfort - Only Hotel in Bunineaa District CONSULTING ELECTEICAL ESQINEXS If you have motor trouble. i'omn drive. Prirate or indue- trial installation, cal W. T. SIODON ft CO Undertakers tSt North Hijm Btrtvt Ml WAIfTED Call 396. Highest price paid for Jusk, aacond band (ood and maehln- tj. B nn and call 991, get tha right price. Tha square deal kouaa. CAPITAL JUKS Ca 271 Chffltaketa St. Salm, Or. 'P V rnir. rourE force s. - t ii a? n a n v ! ur i n Ji . u u w i DAY and night without ceasing a struggle is going on in your body be tween the germs of disease and the white blood cor puscles the police iorce of the human body. If this police force weaken, disease germs gain a foot holdsickness follows. , Constipation la the most comrrmn and dangerous way nf corrupting the human police force 1 ood waste remains too long in the in testines decays poiions the bluod and opens the w ay for attack by the cetnw that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia and i mul titude of other ills, p The culpable habit of usinjj silts., pills, mineral waters, castor oil, etc. , to force the bowels to move, makes this condition even worse, as constipation returns almost im mediately, i Nlijol is entirely different from diucs as it does not force or irritate the bowels. Nujol prevents, stagnation by soft enini the food waste aH encour aginf; the intestinal muscle to naturally, thus re moving the cause i of constipation and aclf-poiso.'iiiig i it is absolutely harmless -"ndpleasaiii. ! Nltjol helps Nature establish easy, j thorough bowel evacuation at rcg. ular intervals the healthiest liable in the world. Get r bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and keep your police force on the job. , , II r sir ti ! 1 rl Nujol ! sold in ?c i!rd UlH"'k ' bottle! besuing the Nujol Trade Mark. All druggiMi. In list on Nujol. You may injftr from substitutes. mo. WJ. CAT. Qfr, For Constipation ' 7X'uu!a("as Coleslaw Witkowaki, Toledo Ohio. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Clnreuce J Delnhoussaye, New llieria La. l'ioli (loyfan, Tohdo Ohio. William J I'aarmann, Wadiuo .Minn. Died of Disease. Edward Levi Guff, Garrison V Va. CURRENT CASUALTIES Died of Wounds. Tl,n t. finmrr l finf nilwir t)hin. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Hugo W Fales, fielding Mich. Earl Horace Ferris, Hornell N X. Francis W O'Donnell, Xuugiituck Conn. Jack Delaney, Johnstown Pa. Davis K Maolove, Middletowe Dei. Leroy Lloyd, Jacksonville Flu. John K ('Hstle, Ottawa Kan. James Coa, Mineral Wells W a. Tt, n a Hitltirrm. Ht Jnmes Minn. Charles Winfield McBride, Tenuha Tex. Walter C Murphy, Chicago 111. John Krnith, Bethune 8 C. Died of Disease. Edward E Walker, Carlinvilln Id. Jflhu ii McHugh, Munmore l a, Helmuth Emees, WaosnB Wia, tltnit U Cntler, Guid ia. tieiiry luvi, Macon N ". Carl K Fietsam, Ht. Cloud Minn. Walter Orr.f, Hound Top Tex. 'ick Hngan, Ramer Ala, Henry Johnson, Powhatan Ia. John Ogara, Bed Biver La. Flovd I'emberton, Algonac Miih. William A PolK Prospect Tenn. TT- r.'iA .1 n.i r t..i D I'lTrw i3ripi nF!" ii eras Wheat, soft wait altO WWat, lowar gradta n sample Oats Ijgiaae tlaj, aav . , - Hay. aat Barley, tou Mill run I43(ft44 Sattctfat. Butterfat 3.V Creamerr butter 5-Vo 56e fork, wI tad Hatum Pork on foot lHrti IS'e Veal, fancy 17(al7'4 fitwra "f 9 Cowa N A mm Quick Reference To-Firms That Gin Service On Shorl , i Where Buver AnlSdkr '!fct-We , v . Keoraiacnd Our AthertLtrS. - ; EVESTTHIXO Salam Elactrio Co., iiaaoaia Tcpl, AUTO DIRECTORY At'TOtS without dtivcrs to uire, t dol lar per hour. 197 S.'Cou,. St. Phaws. 3yi. ' ' tt REAL ESTATE FOR HALK Cheap, a neat amdern 5 room bungalow with S good lota one block from paved street, 3 blocks from car line, half cash. Valance easy terms; also 5 acres miles from city limits, 5 room house well near poi'vh, good ham, about SO fruit tree Price U1MI, half cash. Suaie Deal Realty Co. phone 4T'. 6 7 FOR SALE 120 acres of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salem, on good .oad, ia good location, good and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, a cows, 5 year lings, 50 head of hogs, round 00 eords of wood ready cut, all t bargain. Write M W care Journal. 3 Aa'UES. 3 room house.bain, fruit, iu tells t.ity, 9.311 acres, 3 cultivated, 3 timber pas ture, house, laru, fruit, in country ton, good road; $lbM0. i acres, house, 'barn, stock, imple nients, 9 acres logans, 5 prunes; 1 mile from atntion. 7WU. Would take acrcngo as part pay. ;17 acres; -U acres iu prunes, 2 logans. "all equipment; rock road; 8 room house, barn, spring water, $10,000. 22 acres the best of soil, 7 room house, barn; all in cultivation, join ing town, $11300.. , 30 acres all cleared, fenced, 1 mile from town, '.'3i0. 1 acre, good 4 room house, 3 4 acre logans, on car line, Kt30. IW acres nil chared, 53 cultivated, as pasture, nuiaTT house, barn, miles from town; $70 per acre.' 320 acres; 29(.t cultivates!, 30 pas ture, well fenced, good improvement family orchard, 4 juib's from town, one of the best farms in tho comity; no acres in clover, best of crops ul 'ways on this farm; only lt0 per acre. Have a large number of amiill tracts with and without building located near Halem for sale. If you want a bargain in a ranch or residence, seo boeolofsky, Bayne building. FOR 8ALK Or exchange, 10 aniea well improved, 2 set of buildings, jpod water. ''on main road, 6 miles from Afhnny, near Tangent, good family orchard, mill aceopt outside property near (Salem. Kqunre Deal Realty Co., phone 470. WATER COMPANY 9ALKM WATEB "SMPAN TT Of fie corner Commercia'. and Trade streets Bills payable monthly la advance. Phone 60A. Hens, live 2-?27c Old roosters - 15c I'.rni'.crt . 28c tfegetamea StraHberriea l-.o.) Radishes,, doit , - 33c Rhubarb .. 'c Potatoes 92 New Potatoes tKfiSlje Gi'oen onions du Iiermuda onions, crate 4.2o Cabbage &fo$o Hrai! lettuce 9'J "8 Beets I nut Oranges WSp liemuns, box ..- . ' BananaM . 9e California grape fruit Black tig lb. o.2j loToUtM . lBrujgo wat figs, lb. Paekagt tat pel ti 60 pk 40.N UMsr. axtrasted o SeUU rrwi Eggs doicn .......... 43S50 Creamery butter 77Qa Coontry butter Flour, hard whest 3.I03 28 Portland Marlst Portland, Or., June 10. Butter, city creamery C4(50o Eggs selected local ex 424'e Kent S0 Broilers 32u?34e umm n&Mt 'h)H, triplets 37(a:i9e SAILT LTV"fc STOCK tUXXM Oatut Receipts 33 Trm of market lower Good to choice steers aiO..V11.30 Fair to good steers .Miujli) Commoa steers I7.50 Common to fair steera 8(Ji-30 Choice eows and heifers 7(p i.iO Oood ta choice eowa aa ksifar Medium Fan to ta fair cows aad keilers medium esws asi heifers 4 annera 3.50gi.j Bulla "? ( alvea 13 BoS Receipts 37S Tone of market steady Prime mixed I9.25fi l."0 Medium mixed tl7(a,17J3 Rough heavies l7l7.3.i Bulk !'' 19 23 Pigs 17(i 17..'lo Soacf ReeeipSs 2162 Tone of market lower Prime lambs 13f 14 Fair to medium iambs tl.30'3'i3 Yearlings itttfi 10 Colt btmbs aiira-10 Wethers 7(n 7..")0 Ewps f?i 7 i TeWch'jaa ..Me.a 110 ELECTEICAL 12? Jiortk High j DORA DEAS McCUTCIUm'. tehr for to:h pupil and teacaer, Biaking clear ail basic princ:le aecesaary to a Biusii-al ed.icatiyii, aar? fiig tha "muni tea w her" mmething t teach, til Court St. 1'hoaa 3ii. PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE For 1argains in new and secondhand goods for the house, furniture, rang es, heaters and stoves, riurs. sewia machines grauiteware, dishes, sun ases, trunks and tools. U'e wnl your old furniture and stoves, will pay you highest cash price. See n Inst. Peoples Furniture Sure, 71 M. Commercial Ht. Phone 734. SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CASH REQUIRED Good overcoat shoes and suits, all kinds of mnsia al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stoves, gus stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have yout Tha Capital Exchange 337 Court St. Phone 493. . WE WANT YOCU vised furniture, stoves, carpet and tools, as we pay fair prices to everything. Call. 947 CAPITAL HARDWARE t FURM T C It E OO. 2S5 X. Com'l St. HATS BLOCKED, REPAIRED nAT BLOCK1NO I clean and block ladie and -Men's hats. Jut re ceived a hnt renovating machine. It gets the dirt, Try it ouee. 0. B. Ellsworth. 49J Court St. Buiem, Or. IHTlCCMrNTC iii;ioyL.iu(jil 1 J THE SOLDIER BtY8 Pool and bil liard parlor is now open under nw management and it renders you and the general pirblie a congenial plae to pass away a fear leisuie hours. Th basement of Oregon Eleetria depot, earner of State and Uigk ?hone 62S. Win. Livock, prop. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years eperlence, Depot jNttionaj and American fence. Hizes 28 to 5 in. high Paints, oil and varnish, ete. ' Ijoganbcrry and hop hooks. Balem Fence and Stove Works, 230 Court street. Phor.s 124." J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exehangea new aad , 2d hand furniture. All kinds of repair work, light grinding, filinf, . and braJiing a specialty. Bight prices. 247 North Commercial til. Phone 18. SCAVEN nrntTif SALEM SCAVENGER Oarbajra M refuse of all kinds removed on Boat ly contrscts at reasonable ratea Cess pool cleaned. Dead animals VP moved. Office phone llnin 107. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate fioenrity TIIOS. JC. FllTU) Over Ladd k Bush bank; Salem Oragow FEDEHAL FARM LOAK-5V4 por- eent interest. Prompt smvie. 84H years time. Federal farm loan tared ior sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 sonic Templa. Salem, Oregea. INSURANCE COUNT iu For fre ! formation about Lift Insuranss soa J. F. Hutchnsoa, dist. maoiigef for the Mutnal Lifa of N. T., off te 371 Btata Bt., Halem, Ora. Otfw phone 99, residence 1390. ' tt LAUKBRYOAN HOP LEE, eipert laundryaaa, 43t Ferry Ht. I pay top maraet priea- IV ehiekens and Egga. Offiea phoasa 1339J, residence li3J. SAW mONE 1090B Oar Priem ara Bipht W. If. ZANDLER, Fropriatar 1233 X. Summer Street. Patent, Orega , . STEWARTfl IRKPAJ8 JTfKiP-Hava just Installed a scachin that wis sharpen lawnmowerj tha tastf a tM factory pots then out asw. Jwmsj all vonr Lgbt repair work ta . A vin B. Stawart, 347 Court St. Fkaase 493. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHJA3 JiRT AT. MeCoiwk hall oa er- Tsasdaj; at . Walter Lewon, C. C, P. , Kuntz, K. R. B. ROYAL Neighbors af Aaisrira, Or goB Orspe eassp iso. i. mm Thursday aveniag la iieCornaek haX Elevstor ar'viea. Oracle, Mra. Ha F. Baao, 64 Unioa Si; raw i H.i. Melissa Pet seal, 1418 N, 4th' St. Pheaa 143'ia. Dr. Manuel Franco, premasst of Hpring lamb llrjc F.wes , 5e .Sheep, yearling 7e Ecs tat Trarrry Kgg, m - - 3c Paraguay, died last Thry aight 4 from heart u -