Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 10, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Thar's two things can't
be imitated youthful
charm and mellow old
"Mellow old age" in good Kentucky
Burley Tobacco is reached after it
has cured for two vears.
We put millions of pounds in ware
houses every year, to ripen for two
years. It is a slow, expensive
memoa. jbui u manes velvet as
good a pipe tobacco as money can bay.
-r. , . . . .rmm
it maKes velvet mel
low and friendly cool
and long-burning. Get
that charm of Velvet's
mellow age in your
pipe today.
y" r .1
L w;.' Z as-tr '
velvet i jz&n f;; vW ;
3l 1
Uoi tt 4 Mviftj loesccO o.':
iLll II 011OC6 iilQii l
f? ii
j Beginning July 1st We ii
Will take each department in turn and run a spec-
ial all week Bargain sale on certain articles. But
we also want you to remember we always have bar
j gains in all our departments of Groceries, Dry"
Goods, Clothing and Shoes. We now have a
IT"1 ' F" !
tm miming iium oaiviu iu Luua? vmui maM"5 ine
trip every other day. C. 0. D. orders will be prompt-
ly attended. Also orders taken by drivers or phone,
Liberty bonds taken for face value.
Special reductions on large camp orders. Also
FREE delivery. "
i i
nks Cash Store
1491 N. Commercial Street Phone 45:1
wdi cur hot
(Coatiioed from pkg )
mm BASEBALL sccreI
tion dralt with ia all tkft 6riiifj U as
to whether or not Mr. Olrolt has be-
eome the jtoveraor of Ortoa i rery !
f 1 . V 1 VI - V- I
mci( ana ifltrno rsiun; ia aviu
offife tlirongh ike ntii eubernator
ial ppriol; or whether ther hat mere
ly (involved cpon him temporarilr the
dutiw of that offiee, to b tarried on
!t ontil the aueeor of Oorernor
With)TOmb baa been duly eleeted bT
th people.
Juatiee Johns, ia reviewing th 4am
at lenfrth, refer ajfaia to the historic
ea of Chadwiek rt Karhart, in whifh
the aecretarr of state, la aueeeedinx to
the governorship, drew both aa'ariea
and performed the function of both
offices without question, and he note
the fact that both the legislature and
the peonle had virtual! accepted and
endorsed this precedent ; hence it eotnea
within the rule of (tare decisis and be
comes binding npoa this court.
He eontinuea Mr. OScott is gOTeroor
ia fact, and ha the right and title to
the office itself, with the aceomrany-
n? right and authority to perform tie
duties of the of fine, and to receive the
emoluments thereof. As to whether he
could resign a secretary of state, and
as governor appoint another to that
position, and at ill continue to hold the
office of governor, we do not feel le
gally justified in going beyond any
thing said In this opinion of the attor
ney general. That is lew a public and
moro a personal question for Mr. Ol-
cott. But we do hold that upon the
death of the late Governor Withy
combe, he automatically became gov
ernor, and when he took the oath as
such the office of governor and the ti
tle to that offtee was thrust upon him
by the terms and provisions of sea
tion 8 of article S of the constitution,
and that under the authority of Chad
wick vs Karhart he became and now is
governor in fact, and is entitled to
hold that office and receive its emol
uments for the full period of the unex
pired term to which Governor Withy-
combe was e looted. Therefore let tne
wri tof mandamus be issued as prayed
for in this petition,"
This excorpt gives the gist of the
opinion of Justice Johns, which howev
er is supported by long lute of cita
tons and references to other state in
stitutions, and eonstitutes a most com
prehensive digest of all the questions
and inferences thst enter into the
In this opinion Justices Bean. M-
Bride, Bennett specially concur, while
Justices Harris and Burnett concur in
part, each one of them submitting ex
haustive statements.
.Yew Tik
OinriaisHi .
H t
Benton and McC'artr: Fisher, Jlilthell ;
and Bsridea. (Sixth inning.) 1
Wisconsin And Illinois
Ratify Suffrage Measure
Madison, Wis., June 10. The Wis
consin state awemblv today ratified
tOie woman suffrage amendment to the
federal constitution, 54 to t.
Springfield, 111., Juue 10. Illinois
h:ts ratified the -National suffrage
amendment. The house adopted the rat
ification resolution three minutes af
ter it convened today and tliei senate
passed the house resolution half an
hour later.
s he'
Rrsoklya 10 41
Pittsburgh 1..10 14 4j
Jfeffer, ffceaer, Mammaux and Krue-!
ger, Killer; Hamilton, Mayer ad I
Schmidt. , j
Philadelphia 2 ;
Chicago 6
Smith, Watson and Cady; Hrndrix j
and KiUifer. (Fifth inning.). !
k he;
Bostea S I
St. Louis 1 " j
Rudolph end Gowdv; Tuiro and Cle-1
moos. (Third inning.) I
i ;
Detroit 1 J
New Tork 2 J 1
Roland and Stanage; Thormshlen nnd I
Hannah. I
E he!
St. Louis 5 . 7 1 1
Pbilndelphia -5 1 !
Davenport and Mayer! Johnson and
Perkins. I
R H eI
Chicags S I 1 !
Boston 3 7 4
Cicotte and Schalk; Ruth and Stliang.
"The Spreading Evil"
. .:
- ) : T0DAT
. ..-- r'h
Endorses v "-,
BvHon. V-v. s r "4. ' , cJ
' ' ',' 5 J
Josephiu - 1 4 . -
Dauicls, ' ' 4 i,.
Secretary of V. y.' ' '- ..J
Th Navy -wwTOMe I
- . I
i i. & & i
5 -Ji ,J
It Entertains
and Thrills,
And Tbea It -
IsMves a
Tnooght Behind
R n E
rievelaud 3 lj
Washington 2 7 8
Bugby and O'Neill; 8haw and (rhar
George W. ft. Miller of Fields, Ore.,
a veteran of the Mo:loe war, has been
granted pension of $20 a month.
(Coatiuued from. Page 1.)
"For ten veers I suffered severely
from stomsch troulile. The doctors
anl I nail cancer of tne utomacn ana
ivothing would do 'but tin operation. 1
took my lst round of .Mayi's Wonder
ful Kemedy 8Vi years ego. Hiiiee then I
hIci- well, et what I rwant and feel
fine." It is a simple, harmless prepa
ration that removes llie entail lin mu
rus from thn iutentinal tract and 1
Isys the inflammation which Muses
praetieully all stomnch, liver and in
tintinal ailments, including appendici
tis. One ilos will convince or money
refunded. J. 0. Terry, 'apitl Drug
Mture, and (triiRgists everywhere.
Transport Mesial Vernon
Lands 5,000 Yanks Today
New Tork, June 10. The transport
Mount Vernon arrived today mita nvrt
5000 troops of the Hixth division. This
regular army division drew draft re
placements from all parts of tne coun
trv. The organi.ntions on boniil were:
Sixth division headquarters troops,
54 tli infantry; 11th field artillery; btli
field siitnal 'battalion; 1-th infantry
! brifindc headquarters.
! The Hnntn Oliva was due this after
moon, with the 33rd field hospital (S4tli
division); 18th and 19th evacuation em
bulance companies; 307th mobtio laun
Ulrv unit: 3U3rd butchery cniiipany;
'311 tli salvage unit; 78th sanitary s.pmd.
TtiA nnm Inrnoitn Knnt rtettrnver Hllle
liruVe nil ancf.ri rneorils at Bath. Main
Saturday when if made 'MM knots an
university seniors and student body
massed before the pulpit, and the build
ing thronged with friends of the uni
versity. The baccalaureate seunon, in
its setting of music nnd flower.;, will be
carried Jong in the minds of tlio gradu
ates. Htarting from the first erse of
the 44th Psalm and discoursing upon
the subject "The Progress of the Di
vine Will," the speaker imputed to
the young students the secret of the
well-rounded, dynamic life tho finding
of God lu the duily task. He reminded
thein that thousands in past ages had
undertaken to find God and the divine
will subjectoly by asceticism and intro
spection, and failed. Again, ho pointed
that we tre prone to trnce the will of
God in the past and in the lives of the
great of other ages, and fail to recog
nize God in the present motony of life.
In the stress and confusion of the bat
tle -of existence it is lmrd for lis te
recog iize that flod has anything to do
with it at all. But it was the same
with St. Pitul, and Luther and John
Knox. They were also looking into the
"st. and failed to see God's will nnv
clearer than we mav see it todav. To
c:rci mm WAirr ads bring ygu results
(Lines North of Ashland, Oregon)
Summer Excursion Fares i
NO! It's not merely a photoplay of unusual
Entertainment Power
ITS MOREA peerless screen treatment of the
Livest Subject of the Hour
recognize God in the present and in the
common tusk is to glorify both th life
and the task.
There have been many addresses de
livered from the platform of the old
First church to young people, but prob
ably none will remain longer in the
thought than this. And in counting up
the factors that have mado op the his
tory and pageant of Willamette a large
place must be made for the preacher,
organizer and toiler President Call
Gregg Donejr.
Tomorrow morning in the First Meth
od is t church will occur the 7oth an
nual commencement exorcises of Wil
lamette University. Following ii the
program: .
Piano Solo Miss Florence. Shirley.
Invocation Rev. R. E. Gornail.
Scripture lesson Pres. II. J. Talbot t.
"Gloria iu Excelsis" -"University
Men's Glee "Club.
' . A 11 . 1 V
vine, Editor Oregon Journal.
Alto Solo, "Come re Blessed" Miss.
Venita MeKinney.
Conferring of Degrees I' resident
Carl G. Doney.
Announcement of prizes and senier
scholars for 1919-20.
Benediction Rev. D. H. Loesli.
There are 27 members of the a-re emu
lating class this year and among tec at a
milliner or students wno nave made
fine record in scholarship.
This afternoon on the university casi
nos was staged the annual round of
"elans stunts" oiue ef th sserrlest
events of the school year. In this each,
'of the classes presents some-comedy .
fair, with creates no end of fan a (I
at the same time demonstrates the tal
lent of the students in impromptu work.
Oregon and Northwest Resorts
'Plaa fur a quiet summer vacation for younrlt and the fam
ily at the seaside or in the mountains special excurison fares are in
effect for the slimmer.
XEWPORTfWmn tickets from 8ulem
Week end tickets from ISaUin r $4.95
torreionding fares from other points.
TILLAMOOK COUNTT BEACHES S,a son tickets from Salem 7.Ti
Fares to Nih Kah Nie,Manzanita and Baroccen slightly
aighcr. Correponding fares from other points.
DETROIT 8esson tickets from Kalem
Oorresponding fares from other oiiits.
MoC$EDIE HOT &PRJN08 S,, ticket from .a!c S.5.-.
CRATEft LAKE Cvwuou ticket from Salem .. L'V.tft
13 day ticket from Salem 10
f VirreHpombng fares from other points
Park will open about July 1st.
MARBLE HALLS Or OREGON Season ticket, from Salem... U
dy tickets from Salem - IJ.30
Oorrejonding fares from other points.
VARIOUS special fares in effect to Columl.ia. River Ilea .-he, Mt.
Ivsmier National Park, Hhasta Hewrts ellowstoae Na
tional Park a-id Olaeier National Park.
Inquire of ticket aent.
Ovnensl P3n?er Ajent.
0 Boosted price
No Health Disturbance
Do what your wise and econom
ical neighbor is doing, and drink
table beverage.'made of roasted
wheat and pure molasses, has
a remarkable? Java-like flavor
and is often mistaken for high
grade coffee.
Made instantly in the cup;
strong or mild as desired.
At grocers everywhere.
"There's a jReason"