Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 10, 1919, Image 1

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Only Cireulutiua in jiWiu Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
fVs: Tcn?,-.t d 'J
aofcy fair, l.eit ft 'St -'est
a1e'? wt-eriv Wiarts.
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California Senator Is Put For
ward By Progressive Lead
ers As Candidate For 1920
Platform Declares Against En
tangling Alliances And Calls
For Restoration Of Free
By L. 0. Martin
(United Press staff correspondent):
Washington, June 10. Senator Hir
am Johnson, California, is the candi
date of senate progressive leaders for
the presidential nomination In 1920.
tkmators Borah nd Kenpon joined
.today in this announcement, declaring
they spoke for all the senate progress
ives and for a group of liberals scat
tered through a number of states.
These men have (already begun act
ive campaigns to line up the libernl
support of the country behind Johnson
for a meeting to launch his candidacy
as part of the general campsign, pro
gressive senators atated.
Johnson's supporters plan, Borah
said, to gd immediately into all state
where t lie primary for election of del
egatea to the national convention pre
vails in hope of getting an early test
of Johnson's sentiment.
Progressive Solid
'Progressive have been uniting on
Johnson for the past two or three
months," aid Borah today. "His
speech on the league of nations brought
the matter to a climax. From all over
the country men of li'beral beliefs have
been writing in and toiin of tlicm
have come here for conference.
"The result is that Senator Juhnuon
is our can'lidute. He has the absolute
uudivided support of senate progress
ives. "
Kornh made it plain that he has nev
er been a candidate for the nomina
tion, though his name has beon men
turned in practirully every discussion
of prospective republican aspirants.
Tine .platform upon which progress
ives will put Johnson forward at the
republican convention, is to contain.
among .ithcr.-( the lololwiug piaaus,
progressives stated:
j,X0 permanent entangling alii
asvee with Kurope and meddling by
Europe in American affairs.
2 Immediate return of ail Anieri
'cau .troops from abroad, particularly
from Russia.
3 -it.'ompleta restoration of free
speech, a free press and the right of
peaeable assemblage.
4 A labor program based on cooper
ation and a greater interet of the
workers in the. industries which their
toil creates.
Johnson today declined to comment
oa the announcement of his friends.
California Organizing
San Francisco. June 10 (Cn-ited
Peons') State wide endorsement of
Senator Hiiain Johnson as republican
candidate for president i to be made
here Saturday afternoon. California re
publican loaders have dropped all fac
tional fijthis, and will meet to launch
the campaign as effectively as possU
Already there are score of "John
son for president" clubs in, California
communities. The will an sena aeie
gates to the Saturday meeting, which
has the support of both the progress
ive and "stand pat" wini!.
Spring Wheat Crop 91.7
Per Cent Of Normal Now
Washington, Juna 10. The condition
f the spring wheat crop Juae 1, was
tndsy estimated at l1.7 per cent by
the department of agriculture, a de
c.raaw of four percent from the condi
tion of June 1, tot year, he acreage
was reported ln0.7 percent of nor
mal. The condition of winter wheat was
given at H.V, with an a're&2e of 1.134
per rnrt as compared with the normal
The department today estimated a
grand total wheat crop of l.Jrt.0on,HX
btt-rfiels, an increase of 307,00.0W!
bu-ihels ov.-r last rear's record break
"4 crop. The total winter wheat was
g.ven f HM.iW,'.t) bnheU and thejwi ja miar local were returning to
s.-ristr cron as 3 I.''-) '.
The Standard Oil c?VT.pnny has com
pile.! the rosd to it fir-t drilling Ritc
t Mocllps. Wih.
1 ' '
Preliminaries Go Forward
jn Paper Mill; Plans Done
Joseph Easter, superintendent of tie
half million dollar paper mill to be
erected by the Spaukiing interests, if
in the eitr. actively engaged in the
-first preliminaries of the bi job be
fore him.
Having nad about 30 years experi
ence ia superintending paper mills, SB
of which hiave been with men interest
ed in the Crown Willamette mills. He
goes after his present job with confi
dence and says that within tea months
the mill will be manufacturing paper
and ia fuU operation.
Ihinug the past month Mr. Kaatftr
has been in the east buying machinery
for the mill. The big machine known
as the combination machine, is 150 feet
long and 1M inches wide. It ia into this
machine that the pulp goes and comet
out a finished high grade paper, for
it is only the higher grades of paper
that will be made in the 8alm mill.
When the pulp is fed into this big
machine, it goes in at the rate of from
250 to 500 feet a minute, Mr. Raster
Machinery Purchased
Othor machinery purchased recently
include feeders and cutters and equip
ment for the sulphite mill, as well as
the big boiler plant to be erected mid
way between the paper mill and Bpauld
ing's logging mill.
Iu the manufacture of paper from
wood, Mr. Kaster says the wood first
goes into Uio chipper which cuts it in
to pieces about one inch long. It is then
conveyed to the digester in another
building. There it M "cooked" in sul
phuric acid. It comes out of this cook
ing as fiber.
Thn next process is that of washing
all the acid out of the wood, after
which it goes into the feeder to be
mixed into the right consistency to be
fed to the ibig machine. The cooking
rciiuirt'S about eight hours. Outside f
(liiiUrLU OIUiilL
Scores Of Telegraphers De
sert Union Ranks And
Return To Keys.
By James T. Kolbert
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Winnipeg, Man., June 10. Streetcars
will be running in Winnipeg Thursday,
Mayor Gray announced today. He said
he would inaugurate a limited service
that day, each car to be guarded by a
corps of special constabulary.
The mayor notified the streetcar com
pany todayto resume service Thursday
under direction of the city.
Forty-eight hours will be required to
organize a working force, the mayor
said, tie declared unocr no circum
stances would he ak for martial law.
He asserted he would swear in lU.OOU
spec.iitl policemen if it took that many
to prevent disorder whes the street rail
way service is resumed.
By Junes T. Kolbert
(United IPress staff correspondent)
Winnipeg, Man., June 10. The first
serious break in the ranks of the strik
ers occurred today as scores of tleg
raphers deserted the unionist ranks, re
turning to their keys In the offices of
the Canadian Pacific Hailway and
Great oNrthwcstern Telegraph com-
The return TO worn roiiuwru .-.
tost night of the opposition to the citys
niove to appropriate ..r0,000 to hire
a new police force, replacing the onejfoar year ag now Willamette Oniver-i
discharged when it members refused ,,itr procured a small pscksge of this
.u, ,:iv' "Inv.ItT tiltimntutn fnlminit. for eKnertmentnl Laifiocs.)
ta sistn the city "loyalty ultimatum
The bill was paused by the city
couuc.il with five lafoor aldermen' vot
ing atrainst. it.
A wage of M a day was allowed the
KjanuM biaui r,f whom are re
turnwt soldiers. Jt wa estimated xo- where it operxtc. unring ine lour
dr that nearly two thousand had rears it has been delivering its ' kick "
been sworn in. They patrolled tbejin muffled sort of way earthward in
spects in civilian attire but wearing to the eommotv material interests of the
armlots bearing the word "epw.iai ,
constabulary." Each new officer car-
ried new) heavy-club. j
The ultimatum "which the regular T''j
lieetnea refused to sign denied all mu-
iiial emuloye the right to partici
pate ia ympathetie trike. It alw !
clined to re-employ striking employe
"without discrimination."
ExcltBOve of policemen, city officials
estimated seventy percent of the strik
ing municipal employe have returned
to work signing the "lovalty ultima
tum." '
Members of the eitiiens' committee
and city officials declared refusal of
Mayor Oray to furtnVr postpone action'
ia swearing ia the special eonstabulary
has sHown the striker committee that
the fight wiil go to a finish.
strike leadcrg asserted the msror
and certain aldermen had fceen influ
enced to act by th eirirens' commit
tee, eomposed of employers.
Manv rumors. one of which could
not fcmTtfirmod ,! more of work-
The Cowlitz. Vallev Cheese aswia
lion's e plant at Toledo will be
furnmSiy opened June 14.
' ....... - -
this cooking, the pntccea ef converting
wcod into paper ia riixd.
Mr. Kaster is aaw worWnj on blue'
print for the ssaia building, to be 10
by 273 fcrt, tw storte in height and
to be coastnicted af eitAer eoncrole or
steel. The 9tilphit building, to be plac
ed north of the farmers' warehouse
building, will be f.0 ty 90 fe.t. And
just north of this sulphite building
will be erected the boiler house, 50 by
60 feet in size. It fcaa not been decided
yet as to cxa"tly what rtispositiar
shall be made of U large fraa.e build
ing known a the elevator.
Mr. Raster his bec-n buy thia weak
arranging f;r his oft ice headquarters
and incidcntilly looking around for a
home. His wife and young boy and
girl are at present at Reno, Nevada,
but will join him hero as soon as the
Kero school close. He has another son
in Berkeley attending aehoo who will
join the family here within few
weeks. Another son Is emplo)ed with
the (Doquet paper milk in Minnesota.
To Employ 150 Hon
Although, h-i has been in the city
but a few days, Mr. Raster is greatly
pleased with italom not only us home
city, but from it favorablo location
for a paper mill. He notes that right
at the door af the mill there ia rail
way facilities, connierting with both
railroads, river transportation and then
the closeness to the supply of lumber,
all of which 'makes the location an
idoal one for a paper miU turning out
only high grado paper.
While the mill will employ ubout 150
when it open, the superintendent says
that he will biing here about 12 or
more experts ia paper making and that
the remainder of his fori will be tak
en from falmn and vicinity. He says
he prefers to train and educate his as-
sistants from those living in the cit
land wh,o will twake their homes here.
President's Reception And
Baccalaureate Sermon Ex
presaye Of Season; Class
Exercises Today.
8:00 p. m 4wt presentation
. of Historical Pageant.
10:00 a. m. Oomniwncement Kc
erciae at IFirst MethodiA
dhurch. lOonforring of degrees
Addrrns by Frank lr-inot of
Portland journal.
2:30 p. m. Alumni association
( meeM ng.
8:H0 p. in. Alumni ibanquct.
uccanionaiir men uia&e use ui a uiiiu,
. . .... .
i . i . r ..
slow form of dynamite. It deliver ItSj(lt , n0n stop flight across
"kick in three general direction
earthward, heavenward and prcmiscotu
ly horizontal.
While we are indulging in rcnin.'s
eence it might be noted that jmt about'
II was neatly camouflaged ia a wrapper
of Sootch immobility and Irish genial
ity, and one might easily overlook it or
jostle it perilously in a crowd. Bui no
one wil me anno overiooa iuo spoi
institntion. One of the evidence of its
influence wa ihowa last night in Ealon
ball in the hpe of an architect'
ground plan and elevation, of the new
Insanne Hall the I.W.OOO ladies'
dormitorr that i to be.
At the mm honr ia Kton ball was
demonstrated the horizontal social Im
pulse of the fulminate, as a throng of
friends and alumni gathered in the cor
ridors for felicitations and handclssp
in the annaal president ' reception. Eor
sn hour or more the faculty and sen
ior s'ood i- line for the gsunt.et of
smile and handshaking. It was a bril
liant a'-ene with the college eolois e-
eryw4iev ia evidence,- and the floral
dei-erntion vieing with feminine grace.
All things combined to make it a happy
orruio i, ynd its pleasure wa height
ened hv the atraia of orchestr mtnlc
snd the dainty refreshments served by
the ladir in the upper hall. Qjite a
nnniber of alumni from the earlier class-
f the insttiution were prent u
greet the facnlty,
As to the skyward impulse of (he fi.l-
mimte 4hr.t was imprmtivety nani-
fe-ti-d ia the First Methodiit r hurch on
Kusday morning, with the black gowned
(Ca tiiaed pag ail.) -
Chancellor Reiser Ccrparcs
CcsEtry To Cig land Own
er Rebbcd Of Factories,
Fields And Ltiei ;
Head Of Enemy Peace Delega
tion Says Antes Take Na
tion's Wealth And Dcsasd
By KudlopH Kommer
(United Tresa Rtaff Correspondent.)
Berne, June 7, Chancellor lienner,
head of the Austrian peace delegation,
in an interview while roturniug fioin
Foldkirch to St. Oermain today, dc
scribed his country as "a big hvid own
er from whom factories, fields and mln
es have been taken, and who has been
left with only an empty castle and the
debts and tuxes of hi former extensive
nronertv. "
"Wluit most surprisea us us mi
tho peace conditions for Austria Were
incomparably more severe, in compari
son then tlioxe lor wrnuini. "
Rentier. "Not that w claimed milder
treatment, but wo were surery justice.
iu expeeUng an cquitl Jooiin
"It is useless to f self-determl
nation and similarldeals when countries
with a 100 per cent German population,
like Houth Tyrol, are annexed wunuui
th.liirhtest 'attcmot to justify such an
act of violence. I represent the Aus
trian socialists who rougni curing in
war for the lofty principle of interna
tional justice which President VViIsoa
later promulgated. Where are his H
points nowt
"In Bohemia, Moravia and Hilesia we
lose 3,500,000 of onr eo-national which
is more than th population of 8wiUcr
Jand. In Tvrol we lose 850,000, and In
Slyria 150,000. Whst remains is the
trngie remnant of Oft of Europe capi
tals, surrounded by a barren, monutain
ous country unableto live and not al
.tin nnirklr. One would hae
'thought that such a crippled state would
, . . :l .H..u:.lrftlt..n
Ireceive special- nnancmi
. A WrttU
instead of economic iuriu
than those given Germany."
British Plane Waits At
SLJoks For Favorable
Weather For Ocean FEgbt
Ht. Johns, N. F, June 10. (United
Press.) The British Vimy Domoer air-
plane, piloted by Captain John Alcock,
.. i .,W W Ilrown navl-
i .
mator. was reaay
wnu uinicu.......
Weather condition permitting, Alcwk
was expected to start by tomorrow.
There was possibility that he might
hop off today, following Hawkei route
, v,m. ..mn. )..,... would not
toward the Irish eoasr. loose aiacneq
fultner tnan to predict a start would
. ,he wwk
I - 1
A morln' ran driver must chaekk
when be tees ignt drtu nors pulUn'
II 111 I
a thirty pott il gangaroo. Ta SiS.J
Kolloy Debatla' Olnb met Uwt nlgbt an'
rwolved that tk war tax on all pajama
cost la' orer Rrt dollar wu as tt saouli
Tliousands See
Planes Daring
Olcott Flies
waiting patiently more er less
arrival of the airplane aqnaoV ,
for the
roa at the state fair grounds, about
fiv thousand anxions lookers were re
warded at 10:30 o'clock this morning
when tha first plana was seen eoKin
from the tenth ia it flight from Eu
gene. Witbia. a few minutes the rive plane
wer n aight, all landed al.out five
minute apart on the aviation field
adjoining one fair grounds, after ciret
ing the field nd getting landing bear-
uiHi from the white X niamcd landing
pLace and the field marked off by
white flag.
Crowds Euan Kacblcei
Following the landing of the. five
plane, all taxied to one side of ihe
field and wore immediately surrounded
by the hundred tfor a closer inspec
tion, and this is spite of efforts made
by soldiers on guard to kecsj the curi
ous at a respectable distance.
But tlhe erowds bad come to the fair
ground to get a close inspection and
while tho plane wero receiving oil
and gaaolino, each wa carefully look
ed over.
In charge of the squadron was Lieu
tenant Colonel 11. h. Watson and it
was with him that Governor Olcott
made his flight to Portland, leaving
the Halem aviation field at 11:33 and
arriving in Portland at 1-J7 o'clock.
The governor was toggco out in the
regulation traveling togs. After step
ping into the plane he spoke a Jfew
word in response to tho greeting of
his friends.
Oloott Deliver Pacing
And to demonstrate what the air
plane might, do in the way of quick
mail service, Governor Olcott was giv
en a package to be delivered at Wood
bnrn. 'Kxaetly 17 minute after the
start from Halem, the package wa,
dropped at Woodiburn, It contu.asd sev
eral campaign buttons tfaa other greet
ing. The aviators left Eugene this morn
ing at 9: -10 o'clock and mado tho trip
to Hnlem in 40 minute. Through an
error in arranging tho whistle alarms,
these alarms sounded at 8:30 o'clock
this morning. . Last night instriu'tioiis
camo from Kugeno that with fle instruc
tions to the" contrary, the planus would
start at 8:30 o'clock, But it just hap
pened that the start wa not made un
til 9 M0 o'clock and several thousand
of people had tho pleasure of waiting
two hours.
, Governor Plaaaed
Portland, Or,, Juno 10. Knding their
long flight from Mather Field, tiacra
mouto, four of the oight army air
plane reached iPortland at 12:17
o'clock this afternoon prepaiatoiy to
participating in tho "Victory Hoso fes
tival. Governor Olcott wa a passenger la
the (fifth plane to arrive a few finutes
Goggled and helmttcd, the governor
waj apparently unmoved by his thrill-
a n i n w .
'ZZ.xz2zm to Compel riott to
Fay balary as (Joycrncr
Snstained, But Tenure of
Office Net Decided.
This morning an opinion was finally
handed down by the supreme court in
the friendly wit between Governor 01
i-ntt and Htste Treasurer Hoff bssed
upon a betiUon for a writ of maudam -
uito compel ' treasurer to is -
sue a warrant for the payment of the
governor's salary for the month of
March. The opinion i written fry Jus-
. - r I u j ... . .1 -.. : - .. M . V. .
.... ' . . , . .j
petitioner as to the writ, but hold
that the question as to whether the
govemor can resign as awctary of
state and appoint hi successor is not
before the court.
Ag ws generally exjiccted, the other
justice ra divided on tho different
liwint at issue, the line-up as shown
in their articles being Johns, MeKride
'and Bean holding that Mr. Olcott is
'entitled to fill out the entire unex
pired term ef Governor Withvcombe:
llVnuott hold that he ean resign as
while Justices Mc Bride, Harris and
Benson hold that he can resign at see -
retary and appoint his (ucecssor. Jus
tice Burnett aod. Btonett decline to
eater into th controversy at all, hold
ing that the question at issue are not
properly before the court for consid
This auit, which wa instituted April
10, ha drawn from various Oregon
attorneys seven brief in upport of
Mr. Olcott, and three brief in oppo
sition. The affirmative brief nrge
that the intorest of th general pub
lic, demand that this case be settled
by the supreme bemh in defining the
offirtl title, the tenure of office and
the dutie of the ame. The vital ques-
(CoBtiaaed oa page tix.)
Big Army
Stay He re;
To Portland
ing ride, as he stepped nt . of the
plane, and erclaimed "Woaderful."
Because Colonel .Watson, his pilot,
took "time to give. Olcott aa airplane
perspective of Halem, their plane was
the last of the five which left Bale
to land in (Salem, having been in. the
air 40 minute.
Greeted by a large reception eons-
mittee at the landing field, Governor
uioori ania:
" Wonderful. TJiis ha been the great
est event of my Hfo, Wonderful doom 1 1
describe it. I enjoyed norm a ,n
Hons throughout and had none of the
squirmy feelings I expected.'
Eugene Entertains Flyen.
Eugene, Or., June 10. Aftr passing
the night in Eugene, five of the Curt us
airplane headed north for Kalcm at
9:30 this morning. Prior to the start,
the aviators put on a brief but spectac
ular exhibition, taking up several local
men a passengers. E. C. Simmon.
president of the Eugene chamber of
commerce, was among those who went
The first three planes arrived here
Inst night at 4:30 after a .iO-minute
flight from Kosoburg. Two more reach
ed here at 7 p. m.
Tho flyer were guests of the local
chamber of commereo at a banquet last
Portland Lumberman Back
From Orient, Says Discon
tent Unknown.
Portland, Or., June l.-.". (.United known." ,
Press.) The Japanese are satisfied at . More Discharges Reported,
their treatment-at the hand of th Messages were received from tha
peaco conference, according to W. D. southwest today. Konenkamp suid, tetl
Whoelwright, -presidont of the Pacifi ng of the disrlinrgo of 40 more t!
Kxport Lumber company, who ha just grnphers by the Western I'nion Teha
returncd from a six mouths' tour of the grnp company. He said this mado -n-Orient.
. Itnl of 2UK3 discharged bwaiise lltcy re-
"I found the Japanese apparently fusud to sign tho so-called "loya-ty
thoroughly satisfied with their treat- pledge." President Carlton, he aaid,
ment at the peace conference, and hud recently declared there wcio only
though condition are utterly ditlerent
in China I assume the same condition to
maintain there," said Wheelwright.
"The Japanese .overcame their dis
tress at not gaining their racial equal
ity point by their victories on other lm
.M.itiint points, among which was the
acrpiisition of the German powcrfiun in
"There is, I believe, no distress in
Korea becnuso of the Japanese rule, be-
'ConHnued on page three)
liuuiiL uuiiituo uLhL.il
Han Government Taking A3
Precautions To Retain
Hold OnNation.
By Cart D. Groat
d'nitnd Pros Rtaff Correspondent.)
n...-i:.. v.... o Ti.iBi.iii. it... itnttl.i
, ' , ; , ' ,.
cast by government leaders on Ihe well
advertised rumors of a forthcoming
"people's coiii" to overthrow tho pres -
jeut regime, War Minister Xo.ke is tak-
t l ' tr- i it n ed for June 18 mitiht l" averU-d.
" . ', . . t,,,,,.. T7. , ,,, .ThnugU he had received no w
u,n'i tnUr of n"lm n 'Md!from the eonferenrc, in New la.k
nons for uny eventuality. Ho has per -
sonully undertaken the task of assuring
their lovaltv through Increased uv i.r.d
I v
other concession,
Whether a coup really will be at-
;tcmptcd Is expected to depend largely
on the developments In the next few
davs. At present there are signs of a 'electrical workers in the mechanical de
politlcal flux which mar find all poli- partraents of the country ' toJcphoaa
tical parties ultimately realigned, fompanic will walk out June 1t5. -
While c refusr.1 to sign the peace trea-
ty undobutedly would lead to leMgna
tion in the preent cabinet, or per
haps even complete overthrow of the)
government, there ia a feeling that on
nr therf. i. fnnlmcr thill .rtn. I
' si.lr table reorganization is certain. In
reorganization Is certain. In
. whethe, th chante. .ui
icably or through force i. th.j
any event
, come peaces!
question politicians are striving to
solve. It is this feeling of uncertainty
that ha led Noske to prepareto avert
anything approaehimg the blooffy days
of last winter.
Press reports are alternately optimis
tic, and x SMmistie reearding moo if ins
til. n of the treaty. What appect like
propaganda to manv are the stories in
dicating President Wilson Is the stum
bling block in the parth of obtainina'
modifications. Hq far as the govern
ment Is concerned It has not weakened
in its position of not signing without
alterations. Bnt previous United Press
forecast that the concessions need not
be overly important represent the pre
vailing opinion ia many quarters.
mllilllB I i -
J. . m Pnf,!
.aGSc2i&!!up iiviS afLgt.il
Of Walk-Out Of Tt!cm:
ers By Workers la Ger:iil
1 Li Iruiivul bvwtij
40.050 TO 50.000 11X1
Concession By Ccspiits r
IulvI I luuuJ It J IVUvlkJ bi
ficials Only Hope Of Avert
ing Tie-Up.
Chicago, June 10. (I'nited 1'icu.)
Aid of labor in general in pushing th
telegraphers' strike to a successful cad
was ashed today by 8. J. Konoukawpv
president of the Commercial Tvlo;rap
ers Pnion of America, in- a teh-graia
addressed to Hnmuel Oompers, prcsiili n
of the American Ki (Unit ion of labor
now in convention at Atlartie t!ity.
In his messngo Konenkamp dti larci
promists made by tlio gmernnient
"were violated," and that "mediation,
conciliation and nrbitiation bnvo nt
been avnilnble. "
He asked that the convention "tak
some action to help us destroy tile worst
labor a u too rue v this rountrv bka
71" nnion men in tho district.
Informed that a committee represent-
ing the Postal Telegraph eowipany ws
repnrti'd as o' its way to discutw in
situation with him, Konenkamp sand a
would gladly see the men.
"If thev will i;n our schedule ther
will be no trouble with the Postal," h
The message to Gompers follows:
Support Aitksd.
"The Commereisl Teleaf'spheis 1'niew
of America will strike tomorrow for th
fundamental right to tifgafiUo. tnt
trades unions and to bargain eoikwliv
The attitude of the wire administiutiRn
under Hnrleimn nfl his restoring Presi
dent Carlto to the control ef the West
ern I'nion for the purpose af destroy
ing us makes this strike imperative.
"You are aware of th promise
made to us by the government. Yo
know how they are violated. Mediati,
conciliation and arbitration bav
been available for us because the em
ployers doubt our strergth. But 1 fcl
(Opntfjned en psg two)
Electrical Workers' Head
Hopes To Avert Big Strike
Hnringficld, III., June 10. Ch.irlc P.
ttfiy t the international
nrotherhood of Electrical Workers, -
'prnHM - d the hop here today that th
Igencral strike rf telephone wnrkeise)!-
;toen representatives ef the eempanle
and employes, the fact mat tno bb-woup
are continuing indicated, li said, that
some basis to work on had been seaca
j fnlcs an agreement Is reached, 1i-
,roen, cable splicers, in?iaiiers, repair
men, irounie --snooiers
panics inai ae reacnr.i -
- with th men, however, will aot be ar-
fectcd by th strike, he said.
n , ,
n l T r1.-!..
resnsylvana lo'.im te'er
C, PAW,L PVe.r P:-
For Bed) Plotters, Bc!::f
Be-temer, !'., .Tuns to, (Unite
Pxi) "hiof of Police Jame-J "iscri
ty of IVwnin, dec'ared tndy i
statement to the Pnited Tie thl h
had evidence te ihow that the recet
bomb eutrage were otganrned di
rected from here.
H (Wlared that . v T! fces wcr
mnufiturel in a i"'T cr Bert
mer awl tit out in suites! to h
used by the anarfhisfs.-"
I ianrrty said he had MsMid tha
ifletiry ef the anarchist wks st
death ia th explosion at th Par
Palmer home in Washing M
La.do ef Ely a, 111.