Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 09, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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pi a a A ft a em k
You tav! when you buy it
You ave when you use it
M. J.B
Is the most economical and
richest flavored coffee
you can buy
y y
i.iliUn.k pt.kHlmtiitniUM.lHJ ..liullH'llll Mill illliihli
Sural schools are c'osing for the year
ml .hy thtt emi of this week, there will
bo bitty luilf a docu hi seutioii in the
For Burning Eczema
Greasy salves and ointments should
nut be applied if good t!e;ir si! in is
wanted, r rom any druggist for 35c, or
ft .00 for large size, get a bottle of Zemo.
When applied as directed it effectively
removes eczema, quickly stops itching,
atid heals skin troubles, also son?, '
turns, wounds and chafing. It pene
trates, clr Eu;?s and soothes. Ziqio is
a clean, dependable and inexpensive,
O .iiseptic liquid. Try it, aswebeiieve
limbing you have ever used is as ehee
titfC and satisfying.
The E.W.Kow Co., Cleveland, 0.
county. Although every tcai-hcr in the
county is assured of ut leant $75 e
month, there la bo rusli to contract fur
schools nest winter. Many of the bi-st
teachers will not tench n;xt winter, hut
will attend university or noruiul school.
Ami although, the soldiers nrc coming
home, thoso who formerly taught, aro
not applying for schools. Tho avornge
untie teiuhcr can secure in tin louniry
but little iihih! pay limn the, farm
liuml, nud according to tho prcsi'nt out
look, the Buliiry jwid for men teaching
in ruiul schools is no; very attractive.
One week from today thoro will he
held the annual election for school di
rector. A sucfessnd will lie cluwi-n to
succeed H. L, ('lurk who has served for
tho (:t three yenni. It is understood
them i u general feeling that V. 0.
Shipley should accept the nntninatiun
""'I eoniit to heroine a cnndiiluio .
- -
I . SOCIETY.' 't
$3.50, $4.50
The Shirt of Many Stripes
Is Vogue Today
And Man, Hau!-Wc Sure Have Thcm-
Yes, Sir, right straight from Broadway come these
Harmoniously Colored, Multiple Stripes
The materials are of excellent quality including some
of the best madras and crepes, some with reversible
5 cuffs indeed, we have pen like quality brir. much
I higher prices and wc arc told so daily by people who
i travel up and down the Valley. These shirts range
in price from $1.00 to $3.13
You, With the Golf Stick
Wear a Real Sport Shirt and
He THE Sport of the Links.
The breezy, low, wide collar Shirt with the elbow
bleeve (or long sleeve if you prefer) is the favorite
of the Links and the Courts everywhere. Unmatch
al!e qualities at 75c to 2.00
STEALING a iarli upon their mum
erous friends. Miss Mary tSimos
nd Carl Hinges weTS quietly mar
ried Saturday afternoon- at three
o'clock at the home of the (rroom.
Reverend W. V. Kantne officiaujJ.
and uly tha immediate relatives f
vara wr prttarut. Tb bride sun
smart tailored suit, and neat gloves
and shoo to match. The young cauple
left imiueohatelr for Portland and up
on their retura thry will reside In the
Court apartments.
Tue brida js the daujrnter of Joaa
Sinui of West tsjilem and ia extrem-
ly popular in the younger social set.
Mr.-Hinges ih the son of Mrs. Hallie
I'arrish Ourdall aad for four years has
heen ehif clerk in the elaim depart
ment of th indutiinh accident eom
UI1..MI11. lie has recently returned from
service witn tne ordnance department.
A wty composed of a group of
Portland folk motored to Salwn 4atur
dity and were the guests of Alius Elia
aboih Lord.. An al fresco luncheon was
wryed under the pergola, the beauti
fully appointed table being centered
with yellow rosebuds in a pale gold
bnnkct. Tho ideal day and the garden,
a perfect riot of pay color, formed a
magnificent sttiiij for the charming
evtnt. Mix Mabel VVithvcombe nerved
tea at her home on Ourt street before
tho di'urturo of the guests. The party
from Portland was com posed of iliss
tienevieve Thompson, Mrs. V. I'. Thorn p
sui, Mist Isnliella iould, Miss Fay
Nichols, Mis Kli41 l'arker, Mrs. Koji-
noth -Kohertson. Additional guests,
Miss lliibel ithycomlie, Miss Mary
Hart, Mrs. B. t. SSiliucking Mrs
Itichard t'artwriht and Mis. W. I
A number of Sulciii women will leave
for Portland todav to attend the Kust-
ern 8tar convention in that city
Amoiiif tlietii arc Mrs. tleorge n. Hur
uett, Mrs. Ma it, (lodfrev, Mrs. Ixirena
Wise, Mds. W'utler biuith and Mrs.
Uuth Urown.
...Mrs. Nurlyn Iloff (Dorothy Alea
under) wit soloist at a eharmiug
iloulile wedding In Portland latt week
when two sisters, Miss Ik'llo M. Jlrun-
dun and Mins Lilu Mav Brandon be-
eam the Ji rides of two Portland men.
Mrs.. Iloff al played the wedding
march. ,.
At tho reception of the owning
night of tho Kastcrn Btnr convention
to lie. held in J'urt'.nud this week, Miss
Miunettn ilugers hss been chosen as
contralto soloit. She will sing "My
neart at Tliv sweet Voice hv Paint
Saens, and a duet w ith Mrs. Kloiso Hall
Cook of Portland, who will be aopra
no soloist for 1ho occasion.
"Xeven's 'Night" was held by the
Cccilian Mimic clikb Inst week at the
lioina of Mips 1'lorenco Kbin. The
rooms of the hostess' homo were beau
tifully ndormxd' .with red rose and
following ' thn Interesting program,
dainty refreshments were served hv
the hostess, assisted bv Miss Helen
Corey and Misa dunetto Jones, Miss
Murgnret Hodge was special gueat of
me evening rendering two .Ncven solos
I ho prugram for the evening was:
Heading, "Tho life of Klhelbert Nev
in,'' Lucille Moore.
Piano selections, "Narcissus," Lola
"Venetian, iLove Bongs,'" Frances
Violin aeJoctions, "The Oondolicr,"
Marian Kmiuoiui.
Vocal solos; "A Xeehlnce of Lore,"
"The Bream Maker Man," Margaret
Mrs. Y. O. innAP hum a. tin. frn.t
her niece, Mrs. H. C. Hart, of Cottage'
Mr. and Mrs. TI. B. Trover stul Miss
(oiMttHnee. Kantner motored to Port
land Saturday and remained over the
week end.
t '
tr. and Mis. O. A. Olson wwnt to
Portland this morning to meet Ir. and
.Mrs uisrles Uester of Everett. Wash
ington. The party will remnin ia J'ort
land until after the Hone festival and
then will return to Kalcm where T.
Mrs. li ester will he guetts at 1he Oi
soa resilience during a brief visit.
Mrs. Ben Olcott will be one of tha
When There U Such a Rw
eJy for Tneir 111 a Lyui
. Pinkham't Vejeta
Ue Compound ?
Mishawaka, Ind. "I had suck.
even femai wakness that 1 coaM
1 not do my work h4
I eoold not get.awj
thing to relieve M.
A pbvakiaa treaAsi
me, but it did M
gnod. I had bees in
Uiis condition tar
three months whs I
hegan taking I ya
E. I'inkham's Yf
tsbls Compona
tablet form) aaa
it cured me. 1
keep bouse and MS
ble Ut do my work now, I certiny
r raise your metlicin." Mrs. hvuA
.DrTHK, W Watt Second Street,
Mmhawaka, lud.
Women who suffer frnm SQchailmeats
should not contmoe to drag around and
do their work under rich condition, bat
profit by the experience of Mrs. Old
lather and thousands of others who have
tried th'S fsmooa mot and herb remedy,
l.ydia & itnkbam'a Vetretable Cor
roua4 and fov,d rttlef from such sif
faring. If cocipUcatioTts exist write the
l.ydia E. Ilnkuara MnJicine Co., Lynn,
Uitaa. The rettu't of their 4o years1
ep-rWnee in dvisin wotnea ca H't
subject is at your service.
Gins API ir.TLY
Once Weak And Puny like
Tanlac Makes Them leek
Like Different Children
"Jt w.kcs me feel good to st-e how
bright and healthy niy two little pirU
are sancn wt started them to taking
Tsnlic," said H. P. Cornett. of 318
Kast liandy street, lVnisen Texas.
"They were both weak and puny
children,' ho continued, "had bo ap
petite and suffered from indigestion
and wore awfully pule and thin and
sallow looking. They complained of
having headaches siid pains in their
backs, they were rct ls at uiijlit, ha t
no life nor enetjjy durinj the day and
wouldn't plav trouud like oilier chil
dren. Medicines we gave them did nod
do them any good and my wife and 1
were greatly wordied about their con
dition. "Since starting them on Taulae my
two little i i Is are not like the same
children. ' llnth have gained in weight
and are as hvely ai crieketts, they cat
hearty meals, sleep iwell at ni'jjht and
are as playful and happy as any other
healthy children of their ages. Tanlae
has simply doue wonders for theui and
I am only too glad to indorse such a
splendid medicine."
Tanlac is sold in Salem by Ut. S. C.
Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug
Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Gooeh, in
flcrvais by Joha Kelly, in Turner' by
II. P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by Ly
man H. yiiorey, in Silverton hy l!eo.
A. Steelhammcr, in liatea by Mrs. J.
P. McCurdv, in Stayton by C A.
Heauehamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
Store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co., in IJouald by M. W. Johnson, in
Jeffersen by Poshsy ft Mason, and ia
Mill City by Markcteria Oro. Cs.
wr-m. m.
Puckeriness isn't tea
taste; it's tannin-taste.
Tannin is what they tan
leather with.
You don't want that?
Then pd,y enough per
pound for your tea to get
the real tea-flavor cent
per cup.
Schilling Tea is the fine
practical economical tea
of this country. ,
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tsa Japan, Csylos-India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. All one quality. In
parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages.
At grocsrs everywhere.
A Schilling & Cf San Francisco
patrorwsee for the Devil Dog club
dance in Portland this week. Concern
ing the affair, which will be one of
tha gnvest features of the Victory
Kose (festival the Gregonlan says:
"The Devil Dog club of Portland,
composed of a group of men of the
tailed states marine corps who have
bene in foreign service, will give an
afborat ball and reception as a spe
cial feature of the Victory Rose fes
tival, Thursday svtuaog at the .Multno
mah hotel. The event will be in honor
of the Oregon, men more recently re-
lurneo from overseas, all of wnora will
be ia uniform, aa well as for the chrb
embers. Officers and men of the bat
tleship that will be in Oregon waters
duriaf the festival also will be special
ftiejHe and tho affair is expected to
surpass any similar event sf the year.
The entire me Alanine floor of the jvt ult-
aemaa has been reserved for the occa
sion and three uKBestras will keep up
a continuous dance program. The tea
gaKleaa ixHuecting Ue two ball rooms
will used for resting snd the serving
ef punch, .as the art sir has tho patron
age of tiie promiaeat men and women
at the city it will undoubtedly be a
great success. "
Friday evening Mass Amelia Bub-
coek entertained a number ef the
younger ee with a deiigatfully infor
mal Uauce ami laa party at lite luva
ly 'Kabcork rceutence en South Com
aiercial street. Cnrolya Teateut ruse
arraaged in huge ibasaeta awl forming
graceful archwae filled the house witn
color and fragrance wkile the spacious
lawn, was lit with, gaily colored Japa-
aese lanterns jrtruug ia arueaie pio-
fusioa. TSc guest list for tae churmuig
affair included Misses Mar iiajne,
Alice Mi-'iellan, t.dna ukr...iaj.
Maud Mi-Co y Uelcsi Nose, Catherine
Slade, Miria'u thwarts, Iorothy Pawer
son, lal.ia Wilsoa, tirtwe Hunt, .Nellie
Kolund, Margaret Orifftth, Kate Chart
bourne, 1-oume Ctaussea, Annabels
Uoiitea, Isabeile teorre, Margret
WSite, Kclna a.Hterlee, eva Unnlra,
Jessie Gjbm, Kona stagers, Merle
WSitwy Mililred UiU, titeichen lirvwu
laieile lugherr of Portland. Hnj;h lat
tham, Aniory i.ill, Evan Job's, Elvia
Lantia. Oarw Oillctte, Wallace Carson,
Joha Griffith, Herbert Darby, Do ph
Craig, Frank IVchaoaeH, Hcnitii ut
tiug, Asel Eoff, l"al Waley, Ka :th
Harnes, Charles Johev, Jack Lueker,
Kenneth Wilsun Andrew Viucent,
Frank Chapman, far! McDoaeak, CUt
ford ToiwaaenJ, Dewey Ilumel. Keii Ro
and, I'rank llarns, Eujene Gill, I.tle
i m mm ii mi 1
1 snsr)- fill
C- st ft y u c
To day vhen the fault is coannfee
VdlAH hide hnsrif- ftN wallr
proudly crrct I
So com-enitmt for MANSb brtlor
CIUK;y CAJ?rCM Prertntr
aJ&.e,,W,j U.V buy Atouniing Jtcry
-,-r"trrv w
X in eisw i itn ti t m mk A tl eksaii-mjl If
OUS TALE of Love and
f 4
tl i e-
Matinees, 25c; Evenings, o5c; Children 10c
ass s
With Grest I, leaning
Subject f Childbirth Vucad by
Wossea) ef xpri ae.
-It J. ...J
Women tvsryebere tell thslr frlsnds how,
tnreurh th nse of Mother's FHrml, lh
wunuufiil psnctrattns' eitcrasl sneUcuHon,
Uiff smldrd sntret-ins; snd dltrM bfors
In aanitt of Mlure s most woadsrful vt
MctheCe Mend a rcawtf which
spreads Us lufiu.nr upon the orris, aerrae
Hrswwi. Inrntyrrl, rmdrlnf tticrn
rhant to mdilf yield to aslurss dsnsnd
for tTTisnalon. Urn mmw.. rnrds, tetwton,
aad lifxiursts niwixl wltliuut Uiat swiiiiar
wrtliiii strsla, and nervuunnisa, nauura
asd nnrarul scnsittKine are niturailr
awldd when the ixrva and bmmcIm sra
re(i.d and thus are not tint and ilin.
Br nrilir mt, the fcwer abdominal r
! i,iHki with ( wbrn banr Is horn,
the hours are leas at the crisis, said aaio
and dasirr l nalursltr Ins.
Tow esa cMaln Mother's Krl.sd fmm e
urue store. It has ewa aanl by mm hir
ever half a centuir, and ts lust ae standard
aa anytWns you raa think of.
Wrtt the Iradfteld Rsrilstnr Cnrnvanr,
Dcpt II, 1 amr BulMlnir, Atlanta, Ocorsla.
for thtlr MiMlwrhnod Book, and art a hrttle
ef Mother's friend today, and thus fsttlry
yeunwlf alnat paJa a ad aaaouniart.
Oregon, became the bride of tarl Mik;
kelson of Salem. The ceremony took
place at the home of Mis ficklin's
uncle and sunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Hamsden, 3!5 (North lltth street snd
the service was rend by Kev. G. L
Irfivell of the Vnited Hvangelical
The bride is charming young wo
man and looked very pretty in a gown
of pink. Mr. Mikkelfflii has jnt re
ceived his discharge from fcrvice in
the army. Ho was stationed in Wash
ington, D. C.
Only a few relative were present
and after refreshments were served tfco
youn gconple departed -for their home
on (iervais, iioute 1.
Mrs. C. E. Andrews of La Grande,
mother of Bert Andrews, the first Ore
gon member of the Rainbow division
to meet his death in hVanee has bee
, named honorary president of the Oi
iron chapter of the Rainbow division
Bartholomew, Armin Berger, William
The social elnb of Chadwiek chapter
Ne. 37, Order ef the Eastern (Star, will
meet TnMMlay afternoon June 10 from
two te five o flora in their club rooms
oa the fifth floor of the Masonic. Tcmi
pic. All members and visiting icniber'
are wekoiuc.
JaiWre and Mrs. rhthev aeenmosnd I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sh.lfer to the
B ckwith ranch, fiuu-lay. to visit J. P.
IWkirith who has been "qiute UL Ws
friende will be elcawd to bear that be
is mu. 4 improved. i
A very tiretty wedding oerurrcd fit-
unlay evening at 8:30 n, m. when Miss
Kuby XT Adeline iichlin ef Ada,
What's the use
when you can
lea e K
The Livest Subject of the Hour
"The Spreading Evil"
t K
" - '. :.
It Entertains
And Then
It Leaves
A Thought
j y
By Hon.
Secretary ef
The Navy
4 1HC PfclsAiTT
NO! It's not merely a photoplay of unusual
Entertainment Power
Peerless screen treatment of the livest subject
of the hour
Bligh Theatre
3 Days Starting