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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1919)
A 5250 CIRCULATION (25.000 KEASE&3 DAJLT) Only Greuiatios. ia falem Guar "teed tj the Audit Bares C Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE. DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAJfETTB VAL- ; a -iffl O fl ?' ' ? !l fl j P W ' j& m I'm X$W -ij! fffft5! rifiir: f7f 1 1 ... I : - -. r I I re u rgf Tvn?H Sfl seelvi ( porvtonl t0 m a fcir, xasstemt tea., t M wiaas, N t FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 125. EIGHT PAGES. SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS STRIKE IS BURLESON IIIDSilt Settlement Of Threatened Na- (ion-Wide Walk-Out Of Tele graphers Rests With Post , master CescraL ' PRESIDENTIAL ACTION WITHHELD UNTIL LAST Washington Union Leaders Say Operators Ia Offices la Capital Wi3 Quit And Tie Up Business. Washington, June 9. (Tinted Tims.) Settlement of the threatened nation wiilc strike of telephone and telegraph workers rests at present with t!ie post master general and labor department, It was stated authoritatively here ivt'-sy. Action by the president, it was stated, will nut be resorted to until these two agencies have definitely failed to secure auy agreement between the workers and the companies. Neither the pustoffire department or labor departinenitt oday Kate an intima tion asto what were the lines on which they were working to avert the tnreat eued walkout. Official Action Expected. Washington, June 9. (United 1'iess.) Some official action to forestall the threatened strike of telegraph and tele phone workers scheduled for Wednes day was expected here today. PrcsiuVrtt Wilson, according to Whito House officials, has been fully Informed of the facts in the strike. There is no intimation ns to what action the presi dent may take, but It was staled posi ively that he will not remove Postmas ter Ucueml Burleson despite the storm of protest against Burleson's conduct of the wires. Burleson yesterday held all day eon. furonees with wire and telephone offi cials' but declined to make any state ments as to what course of action U anv, hnd been determined upon. Officials of the Washington union to- duy declared that telegraph, business will be completely tied up hero it the strike goes into effect on Wednesday, despite the fact that the locals here and in New fork admitted to be among the weukest in the countrv. A tieup of business here would serl- ouoly cripple if not totally halt govern ment business, it was pointed out to dn.v. The prospect that the Btrike may tie tip the cables to Europe, thereby cut ting off President Wilson from cm m anient ion with Washington was also causing eoneern among officials hern, even though interruption of cable serv ice as fnr as the president's raci.fages are concerned would onlv be a few hours. Portland Operators Aroused. Portland, Or., June 9. Officials of the Commercial Telegrapher j Cnion here are considerably aroused over the discharge of two young women by the Western Union company. It is alleged that Miss Jane (lapell and Miss Leo Kadvis were discharged Mturday because officials of the com (Continued on page three) . J Abe Martin. Tber u to many patriots il h'a' ta- soldier eomin' home yisterday hardly mv th ' pira te. Muriate hail, t that th' Vi.-trv buna o!d no lutterv, Viuw vou ailus git erer' th ni tlint'f comia' t' you. mm -ml it I : Separate Peace Proposal Bobs Up In Senate; Race To Ratify Treaty For seen Washington, June 9. (United IVess) rtHepubliean leaders in the senate are - is; aeriuus thought to ths possibili t s separate peace between the Jitate and Oermany. h none of them would voice vir, today for publication, it eaa be stated that they are fully aware that one result of senate opposition to the league o f nations covenant, and the treaty m&y be a separate peaec. . They foresee an attempt to create a "race" between allied nations and the senate to ratify allied nations and the eifically provides that it shall become valid when ratified by three of the al lied or associated powers. That is, jf England, France and Italy all bound not to make separate peace should ratify the treaty before the senate does, it would end the war ao far as those- na tions are concerned and allow them at once to resume commercial relations with Germa-ny. Would Handicap U. 8. The TJuited States, however, an tho senators view it, would bo left With a state of war with Germany still in ex istence and tho other nations given a head start on resumption of business dealings. That this possibly will be emphasized to the senate, republican senators have ao doubt. They are not disturbed by it, however, declaring they seo no ca lamity in it. Congress declared war on Germany, and can quite as easily declare the war ended, in these senators opiniou. Then by a separate treaty of amity of com merce, relations could be resumed. I SMS SEWED TO 5 YEARS IN STATE PEN Convicted Seducer Of Ruth Garrison Gets Maximum Penalty For Crime. Okanogan, Wash., July 9. Dudley M. Storrs was sentenced to fivo yems iu the state penitentiary at Walla Waila the maximum penalty for tho seduction of his wife's slayer, Kuth Garrison when he appeared before Judge John 6. Jurey shortly before noon today. Storrs received the verdict with flush ed face in marked contrast to his nsuul paleness during the trial. Prior to sen tence being imposed by Juilg.' Jurey, Storrs counsel, V. D. Smith, argued for two and a half hours on a motion for a new trial aivd on a second motiou for an arrest of judgment and on a third motion that the verdict was not sus tained by the evidence. "The keynote of this case revolved around the indisputable fact that Storrs' counsel urged Judge Jurcy to alter the sentence to read ''Moiiioe re formatory," instead of "pcn;tentinry at Walla Walla" but the court refused to change its original sentence. After the sentence Storrs nuulc the following statement. "I said last night that Judge Jurey would haul back his trusty right and throw the buck to me, ami believe me. he ran true to form." Ruth Garrison was taken from hei cell and put aboard a train wita her guard en route to Walla Walla soon aft er the sentence was pronounced. Judge Jurey rnised Storrs' bail from 1500 to !000 pending an appeal to a higher court. One-Third Of Oregon Crop Pished To Organization Of rruitmen Now Fermin Toitland, Or., June 9.-Oue hundred delegates representing all the fruit growers orgauiu- tions of Oregon are in session here todxy with the porpote of forming a permanent ineorpoia- tion. R. C. Paulus, general maaak' i of the Salem Fruit Union, is pre- aiding as temporary chairman. It is planned to amalgamate all frnit growers' associations of the state into one large organi- cation which would handle all Oregon fruit products under one brand, eliminating excesaive overhead expenses, etc. It was stated at today 'a meet- ing that more than one third of the entire Oregon fruit crop had been pledged for the a mho- eiation before today's meeting, and that business totaling t'),- 0O0.000 ia in sight for next yea. TEOEH WINS SHOOT Los Angeles, CaL, June 9. Trask M. Troeh of Vancoover, Wah., won the three-day Vernon gun club trap khoot which cloned with yesterday's events. He scored 5i out of a pwible 600, besting Fred Bair of Eureka, by one bird. The great advantage af this course, as theee senators see. it, w that it would Wave the l' uitcd rltate fre of on tangling Kuropemja alliances. Since the United btates does not share and ha no desire to share in the territorial or money gains of the allies, tbeie U no reason, in the belief of some republicans why a treaty settling just America's quarrel with G arm any should not be drawn up. Other Delays Expected. This course would defeat American participation ia the league of nations, unless the senate, voting on it separate ly from the treaty now being completed should agree to join the allies in form inge it, they hold. Whether they are willing to go to this length to defeat the loague, these republican senators declined at this time to say, though they are ail hostile to the league. If they should adopt this course, it w&a pointed out, a filibus ter until threa. other powers have rati fied the trenty would be all that would bo needed. However, some senators be lieve ratification will not be immediate ia smite of the allied countries lu all but England, they sai4, the treaty must be submitted to the legislative body, though in nono does its ratification car ry the weight the senate's does. Even in Knglnud where tho crown is not obliged to submit treaties, it has been announced the present trenty is to be laid before the house of commons. Dis satisfaction is bound to cause consider able debate in all the freign euntries, senators believe, thus justifying the de liberate course they intend to pursue here. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY TOfimSTAi Meeting Called For Last Of This Week To Consider Terms Of Peace. By Oarl D. Groat (United Press staff orreiondeiit) Berlin, June; 8. The national assem bly has been called to met hero the last of this week "to consider peace question' Whilo tho csbiuet, or even tho peace committee f the asemJlv has the pow er to accept or reject the treaty, it is bciinvttd, iu vittw of this latest develop ment that the final decision will rest with the assembly as a whole. This belief was strengthened by the statement of a member of the peace committee to the correspondent. He said that rngardle-ss of the tenor of tho alties' reply to the counter proKsals the lermaa delegation will neither quit Versailles nor man. the treaty without firt consulting' (Berlin, There is absolutely no change in Wonaany'a determination not to sign the treaty uuliws it is modified, accord in K to a menrlie-r of the 'lelnitntion now in Berlin. He further declared that Gm-many intend to stand pat on rcfiis ing U secopt the entire guilt for the war without furthnr intorvetittnn Jy a neutral commission; likewise that she would insist on immediate admission to the league of nations and plcbicites in the territories which the treaty would wrest from her. Regarding inl.miniUoA, the German delegate said that Oermany is prepar ed to make reparation to the limit of her ability to pay. Tho goverumtmt lias introduced a bill in the national avcml1r creating a high court to try officials guilty of caning and losing the war. The workers council.? of the social democratic party Tiave a!e-l that the party hold, a firtl aeaMni this week t consider rewova-i of its prenet leaV er Thin would includo rrewidoul Ebert and Chancellor HrheinVmann.) Uostriaa President Says Terms Are Death Sentence Vienna, Jun S. President rk-us, ad dressing the national assembly today, declared the peace treaty amounts to the "death sentence '' of German Aus tria-. He aaaoaaeed the Austrian mi istry had agreed unanomously that the terms are "unacceptable." "Nothing is left for uto do but to join (rionny, said Foreign Minister Bauer. "The less of Bohemia (Csecho Slovak i I not only means the subjection of 3Vi0,tHK) ticrmaa-Austrians to for eign domination but the lorn of impor tant indmtrial and agricultural dis tricts. A state formed by violence is a mens" to peace. Limitation of the t'rm he Hlnvak state is imperative to our national interests." SOKE HOUSES BOOZE Ely, ITev., June 9. Officers scl out ?to get the "low down" on bootlegging ! activities hereabout. They raided the drifts of the Blue Mule wine iO ft underground and seiwd ?)fO qua ls of whikey. Jwart-h for th liquor supply hat rx-en carried ea for several months. SPEEDING FRCCESS EEI'iG APPLIED TO : COUIiTER FROFOSALS hi Yt:l:ts Delegates Say Treaty To ts Ccriplct edfcyfc520. ' ALLIED ANSWER READY BY FRIDAY IS BEIff Germany May Be Airlted To League After Short Term Of Prckhon. Br Fred S. Ferguson. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Paris, June . A speeding process, similar to that adopted for completing tne Uerman treaty, is now bemj applied t the counter proposals. Tho more optimistic members of the American commission predicted today that the treaty would be signed by Juue SO, al lowing five days to ft week between the time the reply is placed in the German hands and the date to be fixod for their final answer. ' . The latest indications are that the al lied answer wilt be ready for premuta tion Fridav. Reparation Settled. Allied experts were reported to have reached an agreement wherebv (he up cific amount of reparation will not be put iu the treaty but Franee and Bel gium will accelerate establishment of the definite inn of their claims 0 Ger many will lenrn the total indemnities she is to pny within two or three months arter the treaty is signed instead of having to wait two years, as first plan ned. The league of nations commission wan understood to have reached an agree ment on the reply to the Germans' de mand for iMimeiIiato,nrl,misiou to the loague; While the ngr.nnneiit is yet to be ratified by the big fvur, It wa. Mro to provide thr.t. Germany shall be ad mitted after brief period of piohition although she will be excluded from ex ecutive council. Mandatories Denied. The territorial committee, it was re ported, has recommended rejection of Germany's demand for mandatories over certain of her former colonies. This de cision was said to have been retched lespite the suggestion of American ex perts that she be. given admiuislrjtion of her former territories in East Africa. Foreign Minister Brockdorff (.-turned to Versailles ywtorday from a ronfeence with German government of ficials in Cologne. Coloiel House plans to go to Londou the latter part of this week ia connec tion with preparations for the first meeting of the league ofa atioits (Otin cil in that eitr. Provisions have been made for ex tending American occuputinn ef the Hotel Crillon, to autumn, so that (secre tary Lansing, Henry White. General Bliss and various experts may rimnin to dean un unfinished business of the peace conference. PLANES WILL ARRIVE HERE TUESDAY AT 10 Fire WTiistle To ScmidNewi Of Departure Of Binhen FrcaEsgi H9yej L VMV. The squadron of airplane will ar rive in alem about 10 O'clock Tues day morning, according to the latest advices received at the Oimmercial club. The aviation field is the 43 acre tract just eaurt of the ra- tracks. Those going to the fair grounds in autos will find it convenient to drive in from the west side of the ground. A good view may also be bad from the road just east of the fair grounds. Tho squalroa of eight planes left Mather field at Hacramenw Hun day morning and, traveling; is according to trkrdulo th entire squadron stopped at Mcdfordl thm afternoon. From Motlford the flyers were dt vided into what is termed light So: 1 and flight fSo, 2. Flight o. 1 is ex pocted to spend this evening at Leb anon. Turs-Uv morning it leave l-el anon and from that ity fly to fcalem. arriving somn time Tursdtr morning The flyers reached Corvalli at 1:30 this afternoon. Flight No. 2 it scheduled to leave Medford this morning flying directly to Itotebnrg and from that city to Eu gene, where it will stop tonight. Tues day morning the flight snU be made dirertiy from Eugene to tia'em with out tUp. A soon a the squadron leave Eu gene, the fire wh:s!e will give six long b!i and by thU token the peo ple will know tht within about 43 minutes there will be a lauding at the (Continued oa pnj seven) A.F.ofL Gives Unqualified Endorsement of League an d Peace Treaty in Resolution Atlaatk City, N. J., Jus 9. (tnited J Press.) Unqualified endorsement is! gives the pea trvaty and league of lift- hobs covenant oy tae executive coin-, , j t aaitee of the American Federation ofl Labor in its report, submitted to the annual federation convention, opening here today. The basie principles of ft hating peace are in the treaty, the report says, and adds that with peace so buiit "the world ha in truth been made aie for democracy." The covenant of the league of na tions, the report continues, "must meet with the unqualified approval and sup port of the American working people. It is not ft perfect document and per fection la not claimed for it. it does, however, mark the nearest approach to perfection that has ever been reported iu international affairs of mankind. "W declare our endorsement oi the triumphs of freedom and justice and de niocrary as exemplified in the covenant of the league of nations." Discussing the peace treaty s a whole the report states: . Labor Clauses Endorsed. "The introduction of nine specific labor clauses in the peace treaty de clares that the 1 well being, physical and mora) of the industrial wage earn ers ia of supremo lutcrnational import ance.' "No auch declaration has ever been written into international law througn any previous treaty of peaeo and it is due to the efforts of American inbor more thanto any other single factor that it apcars in this emphatic form In the present trenty." The report reviews the Pun-American labor conference held at lireiio, Texns, in November. A long reconstruction program vailed tho "most complete and most construc tive yet made in this country" is Set forth in the report. Tho measures muking up tho program are: Democracy in industry. The report declures it essential that workers should i iiaist upon their right to organize into trade unions; that leg islation should -be parsed waking it a criminal offense for 'employers to at uttempt to interfere with the rights. Unemployment,- ' Unemployment, the report kbvs, ie caused by under-consumptloa, which, la turn, is caused by low wages. Wages. Afler declaring that there is no meth od of obtaining just wages except through the trade union movement, the report ssys: "The workers of the nution ilcnaml a living wage for all wage earners, skilled or iukilled a wage thrtt will permit the workers and his family to live ia health and comfort." Hours. The report reiterates the for an eight hour day with overtime pro hibited except in emergencies. Women in Industry. Women, the report ays, should re ceive the same pay at men for equal work performed and must not be per mitted to perform tasks disproportion ate to their physical strength, LABOR LEADERS MEET IN ANitUAL SESSION Difficulty Expected In Re straining Radical Demand For ControL By Albtn E. Johnson ( UaiUd Press Statf Cones poiideiil.) AtUniw 4!it. J.. .lime t'ive'w it t "iid was a "eorrrjlrte" text of hundrrat and fiftv tnhor leaders froin'tho Geinuui peace treaty, together with all parts Of the nation assembled hei to-lay for the American Federation of pages, printed in trcuen anu r.ugusn. Labor' thirty-ninth annual convention. (The text was obtained in Paris by Fra This eerevention it one of the most xier Hunt, Tribune correspondent, If important is history of the organiMtionUording to tho story, in the opinion of many delegates. With j - Jn his accompanying story. Hunt said: labor troubles threatened in this conn-("Out nid of the copy in possession of try snd with discontent sweeping Eur-itho state department thin is one of the one. President Hamucl Gomm-rs was. In! few original copies thore are in Amer the belief of scores, faced by s diffi- ea. . cult task in holding the more radical "The copy brought by raa to Amer elemenU in check and at the same time iea entitled "Conditions of Peace' is obtaining, the maximum eoneeasiort printed in English and French, the from employers. (French text appearing on the left, and Whilo Oompcrs, Heeretarv Moiriwmjthe English on the right hand pges. and others today were confident of re- The book is bound in paper and is, taing A. F. of L. leadership and reiuwd : roughly HxU Inches and little over an to admit a possible cleavage in the Inch thick. There are 419 pages of text rans. it was opvuly stated that the radi- jmnniug about 75,000 words, and four cal were planning fight unless their: large maps are pasted in the volume." poiieirH were approved. Among th important questions com ing before the convention are the recon struction program, the league of nations, the peace treaty, Mooney and ieba rases, the telegraphers strike ami pro hibition. 00 NGEESBIOXAL FLASHES ' Wa.lilngton, Jurfe 9. The house appropriation commitee today re ported the railrosd appropriation - bill, carrying $730,000,6uO. This is 4M,000,oKl less than Director General Hi lies asked to the rail road admiuUtratioa revolving fund. Child Labor. j "Exploitation Of the child for pri jvate gam must not b permitted," the n..r .v. -m , . report says, calling for laws to uroteet - hiMn children, Status of public employes. Fublio employes should huve the rights as citizens. - Cooperation. The report recommends solution of production, transportation and distribu tion problems through cooperation, de claring the middle man can be elimi nated in this way. The people's fiuul voice in leglsls, tion: Report recommends legislation to al low laws once held to low laws once held unconstitutional to Political Policy. Report oppose a "political party' and says better results can be secured to labor by nonpartisan suppott of can didates known to be friendly. Government Ownership. Public and seuil-utilitie should be owned, operated or regulated by the government in the interest of the pub lic," the report Bays. Whatever dispo sition is made of the railroads, lights of employes must be protected. Kneouragemoitt of merchant marine under government control U recom mended with granting to seamcu Mine rights as othor workers. Waterways and Water Power. Legislation for development of water power by the federal government and status Is recommended. Ownership of Land. To wipe out "evils of tenant farm ing," tho report recommends a grad uated tax on nil usable lands ubovo the amount cultivated by tho owner with provisions whereby teninint furmuis or others may piitchnso tracts. Regulation of Corporations. The report calls for federal licensing with federal supervision over slock and bond issue. Freedom of Speech. The report asks removal of restric tions on freedom of speech. Workman's Compensation. Wiping out employers liability torn panics operated for profit is reeom mended. " ' " - ' Immigration, Burring immigration for at least two your and Americanization of uliens al ready here asked. Taxation. Taxes' on profits uch as nol to dis courage ontorpriso and progressively in creasing tnxes on incomes, inhctitnnces and uiiUHUed lnnd recommended. Education. Development of school and slate col leges, rights of teacher to organize for more pny and labor representation on school boards is asked. Employment Agemctea. Federal, stato and municipal employ ment agencies should replace privUe agencies, Housing. TMnblisliment of a governmental ays tern of creditsto encourage home build ing and ....owning askod, with iccom. menilulion that stutes and citi.n be a) lowed to ttiko up housing projects. Militarism. Report "insists" that state m.iltir. be organized on democratic principles so as "to never be diverted fioin its true purpose." Roldlers and Sailor. Continuing pay of soldiers until they secure employment recommended, sUo development of land In interest of serv ice men. Report shows that the membership of the federation Is 3,ir.o,000. Chicago Tribune Publishes Alleged Full Text of Pact Cliieago. June 9. (United Pros.) I (Tho OhiuSgo Tiibiiuu todiiy pubiiolwd photographic fnc imlles of the first two LIBEBTT BONDS tJUOTATlOHB Ts'cw York, June 9. Liberty bond quotations: 3V4' 99.40, off .10; first 4's 95.40, off .20: second 4 ' 9130, off M; first 4i's 9-1.70, off .2''; sind 4Vi' 94.70 off .04; third 4'n 95.50, off .09, fourth 4'i' 94t, off .0"1; Victory 4 it 4's 99.9.1. eff ,02; Victory 3 3 4't 100.10, up .OS. 1 l3 mm 1 1 S I 4 m? WEsoa Wires Ar-prcvaJ CI !,:- Testr To d To C! m To A WALL STREET BAECriS CALLED AS WUmS J. P ilorgan And FrarA A. VarderLi) To Testify Msre Senate Iflvestiga&a Cca mittee. Washington, June 9. (United V r ) A niessnge from President Wilson to Senator Hitchcock, bearing oi the trea, ty leak investigation was received sj the White House today. The mcsaega was ruKlied to the code exerts for de coding immediately after its The text 0f the president's cablivraisi to Senator Hitchcock follows: v- "Tumu'ty, White House, Wa.ikiBjt tou. "Please convey the following to (Mut ator Hitchcock: I am heartily i;lsd thut you have demanded on i.ivcktia tioit with regard to ios'SKion ot the text of tho tieaty by unauthorized per sons. "I have felt that it was highly nnun sirnblc to communicate, tho text of tk document which is still in liccotia'iiin and subject to changes. Any one who bus possesion of the offie ) a "ivi4 We text tia. what he has clearly not en titled to have or to communicate. "I have felt in honor bonnd to act in tho seine spirit and in the same way as the representatives ef the other great powers in this mutter and am con fident that my fellow countrymen will not expect mo to break faith thein. "I hope the investigation will ha most thornmrhlv prosecuted " WOODftOW WILfcON." Bankers Are Called. Washington, Juno 9. (t'nittd Presa.) The senate foreign relation etuim'.tteo today subpoenaed J. P. Morgan, Fiaak A. Vunderhp and other big Now Hork. bankers, witnee in the invMlie. tiou of the "treaty leak.'' Tin; entire list of those entijotiHM follsws: Jacob Hchiff, Henry P. Davidso Thomas Lnrtmnt, Paul Warburg, Mor gan and Vunderlip. The coiumitteo in itrueted Lsmomt to bring with biiu all correspondence between Morgan 4 com panv and its Paris and londo ateuts, with relation to the peace trenty and the league of nations, particularly lao letters written to Davison while he was abroad as head of the American Red Cross. Hoon after the senate met, Senator Borah put into the record ft copy of the peace treaty text which he .d had been handed to him by Frajiol H:mU, f'Wago newspnper man. Democrats demanded a roll rali on the question of putting the treaty la the iceurd. The vote was 47 to i in fever ef pub lication. . , ... The committee s n' t inn i lo-e)y rm- lowed nrcwntr.tlon bv Henntof irlitfh- ! of a mllegrm to hi"i f ,ii frilauu is who ft toe fa.ta.ooni att ' nlit Hitchcock's demand for nai- gation of the charges of Henatts Dorah and ldge that the text of tl twaty b in the hjnds ef New York Wilson Kage Eed. Hitchcock presented the cablegram m soon as the eommitte mt, in publio session t0 lay pln t"' "eh" U vestiRation as authorized by the senat lint week under the llitelicsnik no lo tion. Following presentation el the i.ri dent ' cahlcgrnm Henator Borah wasj axked to to the committee what information he could give that be helpful in learning who ha the trea ty snd how they go it. "On March ," said Borah, "I gaa an investigation to find ut what interest in, or connection with the lega of nations great international banhrs of Jw-W York hnd. I burned that H were deeply interested in tHe leaiguc were working for its adoption i tm ! country. They were iwimnf, louaa in various way, ny romnuunwra, He speche interviews and other ascth- ' I bei-amc convinced they were sea porting the leajne, n"t thro-nh at.y el tr patriotic, motives, but for pnSi reason. "I do nM intend tn k'ive h ) of mv iormatioa. whi-h to mm in various ways, but I wlt go committee the results of it. 1 " (Continued SB tkf