Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 07, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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In ever' one of the 197 cities in which we have a store. Every day people
tell us they use to live in some certain town where there is a
Store and that they always traded at our store, which had always given
There Is a Reason
It is because we always give the best of service, and merchandise at the-
lowest prices.
House Dresses Girls White Dresses
We have a nice line of "Bonnie Las- We have some "nifty" white dresses
sie" and "Sassy Jane" gingham wash for the girls. Made of lawn, organ
dresses. You will like them. die and voiles daintily trimmed. In
Aprons $1.23 to $2.98 sizes from 2 to 16 years. Prices from
DressgS -IMS to 5.90 J1.49 t J10.80
Ladies Waists Ladies Sweaters
In voiles, China silk, Crepe de Chine .
and Georgette Crepe. In a nice assortment of colors in the
Voile Waists 9Sc, $1.98 and $2.98 popular, serviceable Fiber Silk
Silk Waists $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 $7.50 to $10.90
1 fj Inra' .
rv ' vj - . yja. j ssjsjs:sxsssus''S!. jjm; ; r.-r r .
rvrwries Ualferly has turued hi cher
ry orchard into a chicken ipnrk and la
yutting up a fine liirt,"o chicken house.
Stop at
"A Home Away from Uome."
Btrictly Modern l Vet Day
100 Rooms of Holid Comfort '
Only Hotel In Business District
nM 9-5J J79 State St.
Have been very largely due to ignorance and neg
ligence; ignorance of the principles of Constructive
business methods, and Negligence in the application
cf knowledge possessed of these principles.
We can point out Your Errors of the Past,
Show you how to Avoid them in the Future, and help
you Attain Success.
Auditors & Business Analysts
Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Ore.
When we have your
mpnt, they are eyeglasses of the finest quality, ex
actly made to correct the defect of YOUR eyes.
Have your eyes examined today.
DR. A JlcCULLOCIL Optometrist
404-403 Salem Bank of Commerce Building
How will the reign of
Face be brought about?
V;i,;v:i will it -effect?
Will it be the "Den re of
Dr. Burdette, optometrist, will at
tend the North Pacific congress of op
tometry, which is being held in I'ort
111 ii 1 1 June , Ill and 11. During his ab-
I seiice, the optical department of Hurt-
luiiii brothers will ibo ekised.
When you have trouble, remember
Buiick & Streets gurngo, 4'Jt) 8. Com.
See Miss L. E. Goodhue at 251 S.
17th St. for subscriptions to all maga
zines. Phono 741M. Sat tf
Dane at armory tonight
Dr. B. L. Bteeves and family who are
touring the east have arrived In Bos'
ton and vicinity. During the pnst week
they have been vMtiug at 'om,ord,
Lexington and .other plane made ftini
oils by the wnr of the Devolution.
A. J, Busick and W. Street, the Au
burn agents 4-0 8. Com,
Don't buy an automobile until you
I see the new Auburn Hosiity Six.
At last, a perfect substitute fog
house lining. It Is wull felt at about
half price. Huren's, Com! St.
And fitting glasses is
our exclusive work, and
only the most modern
nipfhnrla m-o itoorl
classes rp.iHv fm nf1itir.
at j eL.
it n
Salem Damp 118, W. O. W., will hold
memorial services in Oity View ceme
tery at 4 p. m. Sunday June 8tb.
Lucille Burton, Instructor at Willam
ette university, is enrolling students in
her summer classes In voice nnd pi
ano, rm X. 17th street. I'hone 15NS.
Brier Nob school district near Scott
Mills, with its six pupils is ono of the
smaller districts that will 'be obliged
to pay along with the larger ones next
year, complying with the recent net of
tho legislature providing that 7."l a
month shall be the minimum monthly
salaey. During the post winter the
Brier Noli sihool has had six pupils.
The primary clnss lined np with two
girls, while 4u the second grade there
was no pupils. The third graile found
one girl to respond to the call while in
the fourth grade, two boys recited.
There was one pupil in the seventh
grade. Kegnrdless of the number of pu
pils or the wealth of the distriet, the
law requires ight months school e year
and begimiiug next fall, a 73 monthly
nilary. During the past winter Brier
Nob has been paying only $."i" a month
If you have motor troubles.
J'ower dim1. Private or indus-
trial installation, call 9.SGYV.
Dr. L. B, Springer, dentist, Moor
bldg. coiner Court and Liberty.
Phono 114. tf
Undertakers '
Hi North High Street
Call 308. Highest price paid for
Junk, second band goods and machin
ery. Be sure and call 398, get th right
pikoa. The square deal house,
271 Chemeketa St, Salem, Or.
Radiators, Kendera and Get Tsnki
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
All work guaranteed, ItfS 8. K'th Ht.
alem, Oregon. 6 12
U II li M
M - M
Jus 7 Saturday Iliatorie- )
al pageant Willamette naiver-
ity campus.
Jim 11 -Priday 'umn'euee-
meat exercises SSalem h
school, at armory.
June 16 8ehool election, one
June 17 Tuesday Monthly
meetiug 8alem Oouiniercial . luo
June 17 Tuesday Kirst
("herrian baud concert, Will-
ton park. iff
JKuie IS 'Wednesday Elk'
band dance at armory.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew
In Harold, Last of the Sax
out". Wurlitser organ
Try Northern Flour, It's a Bear,
every sack guaranteed. At youi gro
cers, tf
- O '
Dr. Carl B. Miller ha opened hi
dental office at 510-511 U. S. bank
bldg. Phone 341. tf
E. M. Brown ofTillamook and Loret-
ta Allen of Murion county were united
in marriage Kridny evening at 8
o'clock Sit ,tli,e First (ongrigntionni
church. The pastor, the Rev. W. C.
Kantner, officiated.
ArUflcin teeth, bar expert plat
man, with over 35 years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den
tist, 808 U. 6. Nat. bank bldg. tf
Dr Mott offices moved to Bank of
Commerce building, room 407 8. tf
J E. Wilson who lives on the M. L.
.Jones p'ace near Brooks, believes the
improved Oregon strawberry is a win
ner. He has one acre patch of this
berry planted three venrs ago. The first
year's crop brought him $70 while this
year ho figures bih receipts from the
one acre will be t-0.
Office of Dr. O. L. Scott, the chiro
practor, will be open Monday June 9.
Dr. Mott, Bank Commerce 107-8. tf
Dance at armory tonight
Dr. E. S. Hammond of the Kimball
School of Theology, will preach at tho
.In non Iiee Memorial church Sunday
morning Jane 8th. The evening service
will be ihelil at tho regulnr hour, 8
o'clock. Kermon by the pastor and a
twenty miuule sonw service led by
Prof. Clark. We cordially Invite the
publie to worship wtli us. I. Achcson,
I t or. -r
Touight dance M. B. A. hall, near
Chemawa. Auto leaves Masonic Temple
Joe Ethridge. an iuraate of the Ore
gon state hospital, pffocuvl an eaeapo
from his room in the third story of the
building Inst night by tying his bed
ding together end lowering himself to
the ground. He was committed to the
hospital from Multnomah county some
months ago, and is said to be among
tlic harmless patients. He is about 37
years old weighs about 15(1 pounds,
dressed in a brown suit. Has light
brown hair. At this hour no trace of
him his been found. It is probable he
will make his way back to his old hab
itat. Salem Cigar Factory la now mating
"La Corona" and "Little Salem" ci
gar exactly as they were made before
flic war. Smoking them remind you of
old times. tf
Lady wanted to assist the cook at
the spa. tf
We Wish to thnnx the friends who
were so kin,! and helpful during the
Inst sickness and nl the burinl of our
wife and slaughter. Mm Kffie Nafta
ger. We nis especially grateful for the
e mfortinir words stmken bv her pas
tor, Hev. K. H. Neff, and for the beau
tiful fliiHeis end music 4'. V Nafts
ier, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Young aad
family, Albert Young.
NOTICE We htve opened a first
das reiir shop and will give the mo
toring public the very best of service. J
tipen night and day and bun, la vs. Ma
rion Oarage. 1'hcinc 3fi2. tf
We buy liberty bond. 311 Masonic
bldg. tf
Amonf recent business changes In
Slolem hnuM be imted thst of the
1 I
d Town j
Sampson 1 (Tideon store, at 1j2 X.
Commercial street. The (iideoa interest
ia the business has just been purchased
by lr. Sampson's brother. Jahn Samp
sob, an experience! merchant who ha
bxa located at IVit, Montana. Hence
the firm will hereafter be knows as
NmpsHtB Bros The store has been con
siderably enlarged" and new lines added
until it is prepared to cater to every
class of customer. The It) and 15 eent
lines are still a prominent feature ia
the stock and he gentlemen are doing
a thriving iiusiuesa.
Dane at armory tonight.
Attention Seniors! Bishop's can sup
ply all your needs for graduation day.
1 - It
Men wanted at Tall City, Or. Fall
City Lumber c Logging company can
use eight or ten meu at rard and sort
ing table labor. Wages 45 to oi1 cents
per hour. 8 11
Dance at armory tonight
Young ladies wanted for telephone
operating, paid while learning. Apply
Chief Oierator The Pacific Telephone
Telegraph Co., 170 N. Liberty. 6 9
The Apollo club concert ia one of
the Salem institutions that needa verr
little; advertising. Within a few hour
after the opening of the seat ante at
the Opera House piliarmacy every seat
in the house was taken, aside from the
' A marriage licence was issued yester
day to Joseph J. Kuschinck, 23, of
(i it vii is, a fanner, nnd Margaret 8mith
17, of Walem.
Mr. and Mrs. a. E. Terwilliger, grad
uate morticians and funeral directors,
"70 Chemeketa Wt. Phone 724.
Wall Tints for they are entirely new.
Wall Tints for they are extremely new.
Buren 's, Com 'I street.
Bex Paste, far better than flour
I paste. Buren s, Com'l St.
Loganberry grower are offering
two cents for those who will contract
for the picking season. Judging from
tho records of tho U. 8. employment
bureau, very few are taking advant
age of this offer. There seems to be an
impression that in ddilim to the two
cents, there may be a bonus, nil of
which makes the picking proposition a
very uncertain one. The employment
burenu found jobs for 11 men yester
day, mostly in mill work.
Do you read theSttlem Woolen Mill
store's ndsf You'll save money. tf
-Wione 77 Oregon Taxi and Trnsf er
Co. for quick service. tf
Bishop's can furnish your seeds for
graduation. tf
Dr. L. B. Springer, dentist, Moore
bldg. corner Court and Liberty.
Phone 114. tf
Officers of Salem lodge No. 4, A. F.
i A. 11, are arranging to go to Jeffer
son Saturday evening to do eonie work
in the master masons degree.
Areritt Dunagan, a ten year old boy
attending the Noble school a few miles
east of Scotts Mills was awarded a
prize in a recent cooking contest. It
happens that there is a cooking club in
tho school with three girls and three
Ikvs as meinitiers. In a recent contest
Loraine Hogg was awnrded first prize
for biscuits, tirace Dunagan second
prize and then the 10 year old boy com
ing iu for the third price.
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your
repair work. Thone IMS, 220 N. Com.
street. , tf
Lady wanted to assist the cook at
tho Hpa. tf
'For first class work call Society
Clenners and Dvers, 1272 State St."
I'hone 1CS4. , tf
During the month of May the sales
at the Halem post office amounted to
12,(W.47. Of this amount, $7258.71
was for the sale of stamps in Salem,
$1743.23 for stamps sold to other post
offices in Marion county, and $12o.l7
rrom ptiniisiiers aim those requiring seel
ond class mting for mail. For what is
known as third nnd fourth class, the
receipts were $:l."i3:t.47. This rather
large amount for third and fourth class
matter is due to the fact that an im
mense amount of m:iil is handled thru
the Salem post office for eiwtiiin mat
ter. Price on fish lowers. Ling eod or!
red od sliced 15e. Whole fish 12e I
pound. Pitts Market. tf j
I buy Junk of all kinds, rags andj
bottles, metal, iron, brokea down sutoa
and parts of antes. Give ut a trial, j
Steinbock Junk Co. 326 N. Com. St. j
Phone 303. tf
Attention poultrykeeperl Due to the
increased demand for our ba''y ehicks, j
we will have all onr varieties on sole
Thursdav June 19th st 5J4 State f.'
Phone 400 .
Our Expenses
Cotton, Felt Mattress 5-ply Goodyear hose
40 pounds 50 feet
$13.00 $7.50
Mrs. Potts Sad Irons New Ranges,' Coiled
Nickel Plated and Connected
$225 $47.50 to $75
Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store
271 N. Commercial St. Salem.
Give Your Funds
The protection which opening a checking account
with this bank assures. Protection and good service
are desired by the large and small depositor alike
and this bank gives both. x
J. H. Albert, President Jos. H. Albert, Cushier
Laborers wanted for cement work
Monday morning at corner State and
front tt. wages $4 per day, 8 hours.
Kiiion k Jones.
Woodry the auctioneer, and family
have returned from a ten days outing
at the coast. Mr. Woodry has been ang
ling some Tine mountain trout, one
measuring 20Mi inches and weighing
pounds, which he caught with a fly and
very small rod, it being the largest
trout caught in tho coast streams.
The Wisconsin society has decided on
Vriduy June 27 as the proper day for
the annual picnic and old fashioned
barbaoue. Judge iieorgc O. Bingham is
president of the society. Among others'
who hail from the iBadger stale and
are members of the society nre Frank
Wrightman, Judge Daniel Webster, W.
U C'umminjrs, B. F. Southwick and all
the Siegmunds including John
Tor rent, bedroom with private bath.
Inquire Mrs. Peck, evenings.
D. 0. socolofsky, realty dealer, re
ports tlic sale of tho Lueile Barton res-
meiice io ur. Kt. r,. i-rnne. i no naiiK
Stone residence to J. A. Paris. Tho An
nie Dntnagalla residence" to Mrs. Fiank
W. Powers. The Wm. Zosel resid'-nee
to Otto tk'hieman.
Dr. George E. McDonald, superin
tendent of the Ornimn ean.fi-i-oiw.ii n.t
the United Brethren church, will
preach Sunday morning. Special music
will ho furnished by a choir and male
Real Estate
uciion Sale
Wednesday, June II, 1:30 p.m.
Fine 20-Acre Tract, Located
2 miles southwest of Liberty or 5 miles from Salem.
Turn to the right at Liberty store. Look for sign.
Described as follows:
8 acres of 8-year old prunes.
3 acres of young prunes which are heavily load-
ed this year. f
9 acres of oats. 1
TERMS $1500 cash; balanced arranged subject to
mortgage of $1500.
ii. ii. Harris . F.N. WOODRY, I
OWNER the auctioneer
Phone 510 or 511 f
, .dll p. ill.
Are Less.
Sell for Less. ;
Department Commander Stevens ef
Portland is in the city toiluy paving a
visit to the local (1. A. B. ScJgwiek
Post No. 10.
Mr. ami Mrs. C. K. Keinhart of !alem
ale in Eugene visiting their son, "Bill'
Keinhart, who is a student at the uni
versity. Eugene Guard.
Lee Lv, tiilbert, distributor for thy
Elgin Six, is in the east looking after
his automobile business.
Miss Puymbioeek, the popular di
pener of mileage at the Oregon E!m
tric ticket window, left today for
Portland for a well en rued vui atiou.
Uibor Commissioner (iiam is in Port
land today on business connected wlUt
his office.
At the golf links Sunday there will
be played the ladies' handicap for tho
C. B.CInncey eup. The playing will be
gin at 10 o'clock in the morning. Al
ready entries have been mndo by 115.
Per the inen there will be the thin!
elimination play for the tiolfers' mag
azine trophy.
The airplane squadron to stop over
in yalcui Tuesday morning, according
to present schedule, will need a littlo
of the wherewith for flying. A teliv
gram was received at the Commercial
lub stating that the shins will take
on SO gallons of gas and five gallons
or iiitincanng oil.
God's word speaks of the
coming reign of peace.
Will it be lasting?
Don't fdl to hear this lec
ture. It is timely.
1 hm