Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 07, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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CJH He world
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who drives a
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Company M To Receive
Federal Equipment And
, enact date has not been determined
! vet. It will bo necessary fur Company!
j M tu turn out in full force every Mon-1
ImnPrCfn r Hi! IninPrtinn ' muster. The reorganization of tli( na-
iii5JCUiwU tionu guard is now on in full swing, '
... , 'it the. men of the various companies!
Ouler, have been revived by thsam UmMng f(irwftr(, ,o ,h( tilne' when !
rmiiiiiiindiiig officer of Company M to, ,),,,,. )e uny pqoipt gn,i take!
lie jirtfparcd fur tfi,ral tnspol VH-1 their regular summer encampments.'
TLo ietion in to take place some i No that fuUnn haa teen chosen a
luVidav evening before June 3Ulh, the headquarters for the adjutant general
office an well a battalion hcadqunr-1
tors for the Necond battalion, Salem
will lie privileged to witness many bat
talion tirill nd maneuvers, according
to Oal'ruin Hewlett anl Lieutenant
I'iee and Hchultz of Company M, the
loeal organization stands every ehanee
of Oncoming the track eompany of the
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Tfccebgy School (bets De
grees To Two At Coa- ;
cencenent Exercises. !
By . B. Hamrond.
Friday, June , at 2:30 p. m. occurred
the coniuiencenicnt eiereiwa of the
achool of theology in the Kinibali hai;
of aasembly. The exercisea bean witU
a proaeaaioual as the KirubaU ciiorus
marched in ainging "Jomu la Conquer
or, Jesua la King,'' followed bv the
academic proceaaiou, led by President
Talbott, including the guests of who
were to participate ia the eiercises,,the
remaining faculty and the graduates.
The address bv Dr. Bchuftt of Tacoma
was t- noteworthy one in nia-iv -.vavs.
His theme as "The Ministry tor Our
Iny." He is an orator of large abilitv,
his thought was beautiful and choicely
expressed, and what he said was pia
tical, modern and inspiriuu. He urted
upon the young men who were graduat
ing that what they were, more than
what they said, was the chief portion of
their message; that while thev were to
preach the old truth with the aplrit
of tho fathers, they were to use mod
ern methods and to preach in tevnis of
modern life. He reminded them that
while Christianity had destroyed blav
erv and so wr n, imi,u.. t, ..n.. ...i
regiment, and are working hard to this1 h,,( practically destroyed the aloou.
end. Kvery effort is being made to get 'here were two great conflicts, before
full tun. outs at drill and all men are us to which the church tnut address hi
notified to be at the armory promptly 'self, she must do away with war and
at eight o'cloek every Monday evening poverty. I closing he urged the young
men to guard jealously their pusona!
relation with God and he related this in
cident told by Hubert l.euis Htevenson.
On one occasion there wts a terrible
torm at sen, and for three Uuya the
passengers of a vessel were fasteiu.H
Wow decks without food or drink, mo
'nientarily expecting the bieiikup of the
ship, on tho third day a venturesome
passenger came on deck. The waves
wero mountainous and to him there
seemed no sign of relief. But he looked
up at tho pilot house, r.nd the pilot an
swered hia look with a smile. Me mail
ed back to his imprisoned companions
and said to them, 'We are saved! 1
have seem the pilot and he amiledi" Ho;
suid the speaker, is the minister of Ood
to reports to the storm-bound, distressed
Voyagers of earth, "I have steti the
pilot, and he smiled! "
Dr. Talbott 's charge to the cit-ss was
a timely and virile message from a vet j
erun to the knights just doniug their
" The graduates were George R. Aobott
and John William Worrell. '
The singing of the Kimball cuorus1
received much fuvorable comment. Kev. !
H. N. Aldrich, pastor of the Leo:...-'
church in this city, has trained the;
young men for two yer.rs now, and his'
training is manifest in the work they
do. ,, (k .
The Htone scholarship prize was
awarded to John W. Worrell.
The program in full follows: i
Processional Kimball ( iiorus'
Hov. II. N. Aldrich, Director.
Invocation !
President Carl tiregg Douoy. j
Tho Hcripttires Acts 20:17-5.....'. j
Kev. Thomas B. Ford, I). 1. ;
Hymn 630 !
Commencement Address "The Mill- j
istiy for Our Dnv" ...y :
Kev. R. H. Hchuett, H. T. 11., D. P. J
"Christ and the City " iluell ;
Kimball Choiug.
Charge to Uradut'.tiiig t'lasa
President II. J. Talbott, A. M., 0. I.
Hymn No. 105
Presentation of Diplomas
Presidenf' Talbott.
Prayer and Hcucdiition
Huston 1
Cliicngti !5
What Are You Worth from
The NecK Up
Others place the same value upon yourself that you do, as they
have nothing else to judge from except from your appearance.
To make a good appearance you must be dressed rightthat
doesn't mean any clothes that you may buy, but clothes that you get
at Bishop's. They keep the Hart Schaffner & Marx also Bishop's
Ready Tailored Suits.
The salesmen are the most expert in helping you to get the
clothes that suit your needs that's their business and they are al
ways pleased to give you the benefit of their experience.
The men of today are paying more attention to the small de
tails of their dress than ever beforeit's the seemingly small things
in life that make the large ones possible. You may get just the shirt,
tie, or hat that you have been looking for here at Bishop's.
Why wait for the new suit longer. It's waiting for you at
Bishop's and is guaranteed Virgin Wool. And stocks were never so
low in years there will be an actual shortage soon, as the merchan
dise manufactured will more than likely be prorated among the
merchants. .
Late advice from the Southern States is that they are predict
ing suits to sell from $42 to $00, the stocks of wool suitable bulks
very small today.
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron.
Satem WOOlCSl Mills Store
Nehf and Wilson; Douglas and Kriw-
K n t
Brooklyn 0 5 1
Cincinnati - 1 i I
Hmith, Ciulore and Krueger; Keuther
nnd Knriden.
I Xew York 9 1
j Pittsburgh 2
j Causey n ii d Onnznlea; Cooper,
i Miller and Hlai kncll.
1 E
'. 4
h il K
Philadelphia H
St. 1uiiis ,
lacaarii, Minth and AiIhiiis; Meauow
and Pilhoefor (sixth hilling).
The Ho.N. JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Secretary ofthe Navy, and a score more
men prominent in public life
V J) ' V V..V WW? '
tie (laughter returned this week from nnd of most importance, how to follow
a visit in rortlttud. it.
Mrs. R. W. Iieimett of Tillamook is, Preparation of food for the sick and
a guest at tho home of Mns. A. V. Ken-: for the well was ably treated by Miss
nett on Huyter street. I Holier of the Salem hoiital. Aliss
Mrs. William Kersey is attending the ! Wihhart, of the' same corps, gave a short
Adventist campmeeting being hi Id in I " which wr.s most instrm tivc on
Portland this week. i the elements of nursing.
J. T. Chipman of Corvallls was a Dal-j Miss Case, of the city library, ave
ks business visitor this week. Mr. Chip-1 instruction on the purchase and cire of
man is manager of the J. C. Penny store j books, and'nlso made it possible fur
at that place. ,''1"'8 t0 "aniine some rare editions
Mrs. F. K. ileyer of llebo is a guest wMl1' wrr f,,r t,m' " cxl,U,il
at the home of her sislu, Air. I. N. j 'J'he Deaconess hospital gave an ob
Woods on Clay street this week. joct lesson on the core of tue very
Miss Nellie Collins returned this weekly.0'"; chl1'1 wl" W
from lilobe. Arizona, where siie has f"
been tenchiiiL' in the city school the i ino regular instructor gave taiks on
9o vital in its influence on the lutiira
of the girls.
.Tmnea Huiics and rhi! In u and J. H.
Waggoner of Turner were in Silent to
day on their way to Tillamook.
Mrs. R. 1). Cooper, who (ms been vis
iting with relatives in this city for
several months, leaves t'uti.y to join .
her husband who is en:i;:eii uion irri
gutiou work in tile Bums district f
eastern Oregon.
Ceo. 'oehrnu. of the stato waJr
board, came in from l,a tiranoV this
morning for a conference with Govern
or Olrott.
Major A. A. Hall and Muior J. V.
chiLperones, clothes, every day courtesy Shore came up ff-i!i Portland today
und mothering and motherhood. land were visitors at the slate bouse.
(, . .,, . . ., I While here they arrungrd with tTnvera-
a rare piivilege a!idiThirii Oreaon (l.w tor the Victors
on festival pnrailc.
Mr. and Mrs. (1. A. ('uuunings, Mra.
Arthur Hargravn and Miss MaiT,ji Itry-
Chicago .
New 4 oi k
! Williams, Dnnforth
Quiun iuid lliiauah.
and iSiaalk;
past year, Miss tollins will spend the)
summer at the homo of her mother,
Mrs. Mar Collins on Court street. . i
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bor.ls aud little j have been studied.
baby arrived this week from l'lltsOurg greatly appreciated. Ainona these were!
for a summer a visit at tue non.e oi .Mr.'tiie resiliences of Mrs. (iovernot Withy
and Mrs. W. 11. Boals. Mr. Bonis has! combe, Mrs. A. N. Bush, Mrs. K. j.
oeen nnmeii as au m'Y' -"rs. u. j. oean. mis. i,k. i mn mnke up a partr from Oakland,
gon Agricultural college and w; bfgiiiJ. Waters, Mrs. (. U. Brown, Mis. Wm.lCal.,' stopping at the 'Marion hotel fa
his duties at tho i-peiimg of the fall Murghart, Mrs. Henry W. Merer, Mrs. ! day.
term. (Milton Meyers. Mrs. J. H. Albeit and! Among the Portland quests roerntly
Mrs. Miblrcd Kbbe wr.s in Io.ilnnd ! Miss Kdith Hazard. From these the j registered at the CapitaT ,niel are Mr.
this week to greet her son. Ilarrii.. who i girla res'eiveil many valuable sugges 'and Mrs. C. A. Hvr.Ig, flank Knster,
returned from France with the 20thttiona as to the building and furnishing' W. t Iirinvnrthy, W. H. Pa::!!", 1. A.
or a inline. - itannington.
ri. -i ... i ii , , W hitney Allvn. son nf Police Jud?
to . rnuZ , . '. It."!" ,,,,0,r',r,,,d:,r of era,.,, Pa.. arrived ia
.n. I h cmitnbutcd In the city Wtay for a brief ,W,t with
any way to the success ot this work, f(,rm,.r 0t.an if
Mrs. R. R. Webster of Harrisbari: wsa
a Dallas Tisitor with relatives tue first
of the week. -
Heme Life Class At W. U.
Closes Successful Year,
jt. l.ouis it J U
jWashliig'tun ti T $! The cl.-.ss in home life in Willamette.
j Shocker and Mayer; Haiprr, Tjnrnp-1 t'niversity, under the direction of Mrs.
'oa and Picinich, tiharritr. (Alice H. lHidd, has just completed the
! . ' jthint semester of its work. T.te .nany
! h if K phases of life in the home, especially
Detroit Ii) I.i 1 'those falling directly under the ca.e of
j Boston , S i; 3'woiunn, hae been studied and dis-
lhiuss and Ainsmith; Caldwell, Winn 1 cussed.
' Diueoiit. Mays and Kchnng. j Lectures niven from time to iiioc by
j (women nut connected with the school,
K It E'have covered a wide range of mo.iects
Cleveland 3 II t
Philadelphia 2
Coveleskie and O'Neill; Mgor and
1 11
fCapitnl Jonraal eeial S.rvwe.)
Dallas, Or., Juh . l ss Ha. lie Hr.rt
a former tea.hcr in the Inll,-i huh
school arrived ia Dsliss lM r.ui.t for
a short visit with relative.
Dr. and Mrs, W. C. Sehsefei and lit-
extending from the most practical i,ties-
ttiuns on the one hand, and upon the
other to those unsi-en forces uf the high
er life which give visum Mid uplift.
Mrs. Wm. Pleming discussed the
proportion of time which the home keep
er can justly give to social service.
Mrs. A. X. Bush advised the clas how
to entertain and hw to tie entertained. ;
This inclu icd --UI oeservRP.'.-es in on's
own home, s'd in the home of other, j
Mrs. Rflilin K. Pae tornetl ,o th
note I'ook of her own eiperienee, an
told how to prepare a- familv budget i
This morning's Statesman misconstrued the mean
ing we wish to coavey on sugar.
The price per sack is $9.25 with $2.00 worth of
merchandise, and limit 1 sack to a customer.
Management s
Peoples Cash Store
lSG-WlN.ComlSt. ' rhoW 453