Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 07, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Sakm, Oregon.
Adire; All Coauanaicatioia To
138 S. Commercial Si.
Everytime the impecunious customer begins to nurse
a new hope of lower prices, along comes some economic
sharp and blasts the tender bud. Most people have
thought the cost of living, now so burdensome, would
probably go down in a year or two. But Prof. Irving
Fisher of Yale, recognized as one of the leading experts
of the country, expresses his disinterested judgment that
little reduction in general prices may be expected "in the
present generation."
He bases his forecast on "the inflation pf gold and
currency." There is much more money in the country
now, and so much more money in all the other countries,
fVllf t7a Wk ll'Vinf TV-lirrVtt Vis ". r 1 i ,r -I rw j-s . s- KHn J,tl!AH f
Ml Capital Journal carrier boy. .r. instructs to pot th. paper, oa th. ; ""V; "c a "ah ""S"t.MC,1-rtllcu aU vCl-uz uuutUUIl UI
It the rrier doe not do thm, miMPi you, or neglects getting we paper vasti wiu VI euu. rtCV-UruiIlgiy, money USeil IS WOrulieSS
fHF-r. fce Carrier. t year 3.00 Per Month-
tV y by Mail, per year
Per Month. .
W. D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building.
H. Btockwell, Cbicajo, People' Qu Building
Tie Dai'
U you on time, kindly phoae tbe tirculatioa manager, this i th only way
w eaa det, naine whether or aot the carrier re following inatructions. Pkon
I; kftlot I SO o'clock anil a jier will be ent you by special messenger it the
timer ka mused you.
1 tt only newspaper la Sale whoa cireulatioa is guaranteed by th
Audit Bureau Of Circulation
' Congress has endorsed equal suffrage and the var
ious states will no doubt ratify this action in turn, since
many of them have already endowed woman with the
right to vote. Whether one likes the idea or not equal
suffrage in this country is inevitable.
And right here comes some astonishing news,. Mrs.
Thomas J. Preston, of Princeton, New Jersey, widow of
former president U rover Cleveland, has been elected
first vice-president of the state association opposed to
suffrage for women. Mrs. Garrett A. Hobart, widow of
the former vice-president, was chosen second vice-president
of the association at the same time.
What's the use? It's like the old Johnny Reb who
never surrendered when the star of the Confederacy went
down in defeat. Reactionary minorities are always in
existence, of course, helping to give savor to life perhaps,
v nd in a way enabling the more progressive members of
human society to appreciate the distance they have trav
eled in a generation.
Still, since equal suffrage has arrived, would it not
h- better for these splendid women to accept the situation
and bend their energies toward making it a means of
better government, clean, honest and conservatively pro
gressive? The unconquered rebel of the south who went
to his grave in a shroud of stars and bars wrote not a
lire of the glorious history of a united country during the
past half century, while the fame of Henry Watterson,
Henry W. Grady and other leaders of the New South is
an inspiration for all true Americans.
It is after all only a freak of huttum nature that the
New Jersey association illustrates. And one is inevitably
templed to sum it up in the cartoonist's phrase: "But it
A esn't mean anything."
measured by other things, and so it takes a great deal
more of it to exchange for other commodities.
Whether anything can be done about it is doubt
ful. It is really a familiar phenomenon. The purchasing
power of money in all countries has been tending down
ward for centuries. A few pennies would once buy as
much food and clothing or shelter or land as a dollar
buys now. The movement has not been continuousit
has proceeded jerkily with occasional reversals. But on
the whole the tendency is clearly enough marked. The
present situation simply registers an unusually big drop
in purchasing power, due to sudden multiplication of
money volume growing out of war finance, and helped
somewhat by the destruction by war of large quantities
of wealth other than gold and silver.
If the gold and silver .supply hereafter increases
! more slowly, or if some "absolute value of standard" is
adopted instead of the present fluctuating gold standard,
or" if the general supply of wealth is increased more rap
idly than the money supply, in the next few years, prices
will naturally tend downward again. But for the immed
iate future, at least, it is well to be reconciled'to the pres
ent levels, and to try to meet them by a corresponding in
crease in incomes, and by wiser economy.
Think of the effrontery of a mere governor of the
state investigating the affairs of the fish and game com
mission ! Those who understand that the game warden is
ihe most powerful despot in existence since the war shook
most of them off their thrones, will not be surprised to
learn that the investigation developed nothing new. ' All
there is to the administration of the fish and; game affairs
of the state is that the officials in charge jeceive a very
large annual income from licenses, that they may spend
this as they please and account to nobody, and, further
more, that they enact their own laws, rules and regula
tions. This being the case, why should there be an inves
tigation? It would be impossible for men who are a law
unto themselves to be guilty of any transgression of the
' And there are some people in this country who think
C 'irnany is getting off easier than the Americans be-
v. use the war at least hasn't brought them prohibition.
Let's Get Acquainted
We know of no better way to tell
you from time to time about our
qualifications to supply your optic
al needs than through this news
paper space.
Although we are making ou debut in this new
territory we hope, as time goes on and we become
better acquainted, to prove to you that the name
"Morris" is synonymous with "eyesight satisfac
tion." "Thoroughness" is the word that is instilled into
the minds of everybody in our organization.
When you come to us you are certain of being
properly advised as to the course of action necessary
to provide you with perfect vision.
On the other hand, if the examination discloses
that you do not require glasses, we will gratefully
tell you so.
Ask any of your friends in McMinnville about
our reputation as eyesight specialists in that com
munity and then decide whether we are justified in
soliciting your patronage.
i said it bit eves ivkIimI unaa th war J
!!"ttrrrt" in the paper. Supfose they
' , v'ut aim to jail!
"Mr. Frederick, ma'am." tne maid
1 ! mmuiini'iu mt tktit mnmntit
! (Monday A Friend la Need li Ap.
i 'predated.)
I ' 1
i The Vtah Press association, in eow
ventioa at Salt Lake City, adopted rt-
olutiona favoring the league of aationa,
8jiM the return of railroads te print
Henry E. Morris & Co.
Optometrists nad Manufacturing Opticians
:103 State Street
Salem, Oregon
' 415 Third Street
McMinnville, Ore.
With Every Kind of
Border and other Decor
ative Treatment.
It Never Fails
Easy to Mix
No Cooking
Commercial St., Salem.
dark. Xow no lo bod, of ambition so inordinate that it euuacd
HlillK in
Kill " I... I .. 11 .
'" "" oi an perspective even a re-
Without a word he illd us I hud diked, tfurded riht and wrong. There wn
And oon fell into a restless sleep. But i ouo my of hope in the story and Hint
I lay awake all the Uiun ninht throujrtM the faith Neil had pirined upon the.
tryiiiu to pierce the future, plumiing iiueu who had mado him their annt
to make trim happy, and to help him re-!eatem agent in disposing of mine
habilitate himself, soviully and t'niau- j wheu no iniuca eiisted, of share in oil
dally. 1 wu not foolinh enough to want : companies that hud no oil wells. That
Ey Walt Msson
Salem is enjoying a splendid growth and as a conse
quence the Capital Journal is the biggest and (we are
too modest to say best) newspaper in the state outside of
Portland and has by far the largest audited circulation.
And in this connection, it may be stated that the better
l . , ' t " vvu a. ivuvTf ins iuutkiuu pirn iuu ; wiiiuui 1U"MIK IHCHl Up 111 Ally
tne town tne better its newspaper, or it may be transposed!1 11 to think rr a moment he would tejy, eemed to me would show man in
ana me newspaper narnea nrst. a great many close ob
servers are inclined to think that a town is in a large
measure made by its newspapei-s.
him to lay down and accept what aecut
ed to be the inevitable. Kvon in.d I
i wen i anew m amottiout spirit too
no nan accepted their word witlioiit in
vestigation, and had taken over their
claims without looking: them up in any
Col. C. E. S. Wood, anarchist, free love apostle and
social lion of Portland, told the circuit court of anneals.
in arguing Dr. Marie Equi's case, that this country could, i
lane us cnoice "Dotween I roe speech or bombs." Evident
ly the long-haired colonel is ambitious to occupy a cell in
the same prison that shelters his friend, Marie.,
Wonders never cease. A Filipino underwear factory
is to lie established in Manila. The head of the company
is a Filipino. And yet only a few years ago the Filipino's
one-piece garment answered all the purposes of under
wear and outer raiment alike!
crossed the Atlantic. (?)
I hear the grouch complain, "This life's a total loss;
we meet with grief and pain, but joys don't come across.
Doomed are our fairest planes, our hopes are in the hole;
and men are also rans, who never reach their goal." A
gay who thinks like this of course finds life a wreck; how
tin he sample bliss, who savs there's none on deck?- How
vn a man be clad, and taste the iovous vears. if he makes i Historical note: In Mav 1818. the first sto.impr
woe a fad, and lays the dust with tears? Some find this 'crossed the Atlantic. In May, 1910, the first airship
11. I A t. .1 1 A. l 4 a 1 . i SOY
i4. e so gay, wan an iu glaring lauits, they hate to pass
i'-'vay, to rest in boneyaid vaults. Tlu-y know the life to
c.;;r,o, devoid of tears and woe, will make this life seem
l.am, and yet they hate to go. And I am in their class;
I Ms world seems full of glee; these days, which swiftly
j,.iss ,aie good enough for me. I am the bully boy who
i'.U'hteps useless care; I look around for joy, and find it
everywhere. I am the buoyant lad to-whom the world
M-ems fine; determined to be glad, I have no use for brine.
I- life a tyrant rude? Is life a thing of bliss? It's all
your attitude which makes it that or this.
Maybe those Prussians will explain that indemnity
as the price they paid for winning the war.
People who won't give the Salvation Army a dollar
for its new fund doughnut deserve to eat another.
utitied to e've up the Ktrumeic. If! Ma own projects Little did 1 le.ilizc
only I iniyht help direct him into other, -how very little ay input by meu had for
and more elevating ehannels. He wn anyone who cnuied thorn financial 1.
still so yoiiiiK. Huiely his life nceu uot I tried to cheer him up as bent 1 eould
be a failure iierauw of this inintuke. 1 not lotting him see how nlmekwl I l.u.l
When be awoke he lonkml inu'exteil Ibeen nt bin atorv. Hnw hurt In mv m. !
unrofroaUed. His lcep had dona hlm''f i" bim. lie was very despondent
little good. After breakfast we went . J a,l I uid seemed to huv Lo el'rVct. i
into the library, takiim tho Kxnresa- Uo talked of diwrariuir me and Ron-
Tribune with us. There on the first ert, of taking ua back in poverty worse
pajre was our story part of it, softened (than we ever had kinown. Of the loss
perhaps by thV kind reporter, but stark-if all he bad worked so bard to outain.
ly hideous just the same. It even sKikojln all his regret it wna for us, uot for
of arrest. as a possibility. himself.
"Now tell me." 1 took the paper j "You are s0 young Neil, vou will
t rem him and bud it on the table, show them you can make good cyen aft-
t leuxe tell me nil. .eit. it will make er all this. You cau make money again,
ao difference in mv feeling foi you, I Reinstate yourself in the world. 1 know
and perhaps 1 can help if I know." jit, Neil, and you must kuow it loo. You
It was a long and pitiful story to! must not allow this to crush you. A
which 1 listened that morning. A .lory j way out will be found." Even as 1
AN eaquuiu Gothic
i detign inspired by
th greatest, th most
magnificent ruin of
martyred Franc '
Rheimi CathedraL
In this patter n hu
been caught and held
th ut, the strength,
th glory of that fa
mous tdihce. At th
urn tim in each
piac i round that
element of usefulnew
ao nemury in a silver '
table service.
On inspection, with
out obligation to pur.
chut, at
tl vV-X
fc 41
Established 1WJ8
General Ranking Business
;rhcing Jiuip lGth Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till :i p.m.
At Neil's reply a fniutiicss swept over
SrORT'liike us lllllll Villi '
l :
1 really Hah ts ill you stai d U
me, "Take hi medicine, he h.id miiL "'"" iniar ne cnnrg to m( tm
W'ht did he meant Not that In- was 'sobbing outright.
unlit. .iC MEt tk..;r .-i.r..... b . I.V1 . .
" "'' mmi uii.w n m oi course I Willi HhIu t I u
t cuu,,, , ot l,e ! ,.t: It comd .., But , rv volt fll(
him. and would stand hv Inm 1 1. 1 tun hr" e 'worse
...1 L-..11 . .
im oni;riiiius(' there came to Mie mind '" n,an, 4 love you. If vmi .iue
... !:
Why s)i..ul,)Ml
comes? y(, i i
The facilities and services of banking here at
the United States National fit all three. We
of course have Checking and Savings Account
Departments. Then there are the Safe De
posit Vaults and a lot of other things in the
banking line which you are in need of from
time to time.
Federal Reserve System
:1 . ..ir'tt. - 1 itvir.i it
he nnento.v I had i.renared. na,t Ihe, ""' mistakes I st.il love vou. l.vc. il-, - " j L 1"1 I ! 1 I I I I f I If Ils f
.lliouKht that we could give up the house I " '" e done -wrung, I love y... i . VM.IVUWHHVW-'
I , quickly. Thai it might take time to.-id 'k shall. X..w trv s. t e I ' ''.- 1 T ws. w
I' wttle s.ich affairs lu-vcr w, umu to"'!'- , Mut first lot me teleph.mv Mr l - f" lf 10111 I ffll I
iine. That we would make restimtioi"'lerick and ask hira to roti.e here : , t , rl :t- j .,tf, Xi 4 AiCi Jf i4l
t once and end it. was mv tht.ihr, -tke first thing in the nnm.ii.g. ii nv- , kaaita m I ' f
i b..v," 1 related, an.w.hr g ' the world ran and will k.-:4. r,s t ! -r.to" ft ftfi ,Unx fUJi f
jliis huir. "iron't fe,-l m bad v ,i,r, , i a be. Then bvf.ue h come, v m i,t -1 " vwem wre,.;OTV
WMMMaWstaBBBWi 1 Vi have nic and Italvit, no one can tett e everythmg att vour aff.sir-" - - " - ;
Berry.. . II
i Tickets j
iyour trouble. I can't trv to do
Order thsm NOW,
1m3 tima is soon
here when you will
KEED them !
CaB and See Sample
Good WorA, Rmaton
ahlm Price, Qbc4 Scr
vk; 'NufSaiJ.'
Wit m!mo maki m spec
ialt, of HOP TICK
ETS. OrdtrNowand
Hav TKtm Whtn
Netded. light "rice.
PHONC 2170