Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 07, 1919, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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"Sow I know yon are mistaken,"
erld Barnes, a wave of relief mirtfng
o'-r hliu. "II ha been la thl tar
ern e very nisht "
'Sure he has. But answer nie, did
Y evr see hltn here after eleven In
tlt eveulnjrl You did not oot until
hut Bight, anyhow. In the struggle be
In I with Nicholas last nlnht ha was
ree-wiizeri. Ttiut'a why poor old
M. IhiIhs In lying dead up there at the
limine now nod will have a decent
burial unlieknowuit to anybody bt
Ins friends.'
";1Md tlod, O'Dowd. you can't mean
tint he lie killed"
"He Muck a knife In his neck. The
dirty make! And the chief trusted
him a no crook ever was trusted be
fen?, la the name of God, Barnes, how
did yoa happen to full In with the Til
lafnr Hurne panned I1I4 hand over hit
brow, dazed. "He he represented j
himself a a book agent," he mumbled,
striving to collect himself. "Jone
ktH'W him. Said he had been around
here for weeks. I I"
"Thar'a the num." laid O'Dowd,
voffliug. "He trotted til over the
rounty, telling book. For the lore of
li. do ye think? Not niueh. He bad
oilier fish to fry, you may be aure.
R.iruea, If we ever lay band on that
friend of yonra well, he won't have
tit fry la hell. He'll be burnt alive
Ttmuk God, my mind' at rent on one
wore. She didn't skip out with hlin.
Taey all think he did. Not one of
them auspeeta that the came away
with you. There It plenty of evidence
taut ah let him In through her win
dow" "All ready, O'Dowd," called Loeb.
"Oimie along, please."
"Coming," eald the Irishman. "Don't
blmie yourself, old man. See) you
later, Barne. So longl"
The Flrat Wayfarer Vliltt Shrine,
Confeiiet, and Taket an Oath.
How wai he to find the courage to
Impart the appalling new to her? He
wan now convinced beyond all doubt
that the 10-011 1 led Sprouse bad made
off with the priceless treasure and
thiil only a miracle could bring about
lt recovery, ne realised to what e
tent he hud been Imped Into a tool to
ti used by the muster craftsman. He
through tin whole Machiavellian
heme, and he aa aba uow mor
ally certain that Sprmise would have
earrlflced him without the tllghtcst
lit the event that anything went
wrong with lltelr enterprise, the man
would have ahot htm dead and earned
the gratitude and commcmlutlon of bit
axoelnte He would have tieeu
glorified and no? friidflr-i! by h!
With a heavy heart he mounted the
iin. At the top he paused to delib
erate. Would it not he better to keep
hr In ignoratioe? What waa to be
gnined by revealing to her the But
Mis Thackeray was luring hint on to
d 'itrui tlmi. She mood outside the door
and beckoned. Then she closed the door
from the outside, and Barne wa
alone with the cousin of kings and
quen and prince.
"I feared you had deserted me,"
ale ald, holding out her huud to hint
a tie atrode acros the room.
"1 nuw no occasion to disturb your
rei," he mumbled.
-I have been peeping," ah aald,
(eililng at hint eearrhlugly. "Where
I Mr. I.oeh going, Mr. Barnes?"
"O'lViwd say he Is to be gone fur a
fw days on bmluess," he equivocated.
"lie wlil ii.t reiura," atie aald qtilet-?r-
"Ho U a CuAia at heart. Oli, I
know him well," ahe went on, acorn la
hr voU-e.
"Was I wrong la &ot trying to atop
hiiji?" he a-ked.
Mie pondered thl for a moment.
Ni," Hhe aaid, but he raught the dubl
u note u her voice. "It la Jut a
well, perhaps, that be nhouUl d!ap-
" u,i"' ,U".T lare-ut we
ar mow latervstwl In the man
54iuiMf. Hmk he returned?"
"No, Mis Cameron, aald he rue
fully. And then, without a tingle re,
ervitrlon, he kid bate the Mory of
Niiruime'a defection. When he luqnhvd
If he hud heard of the man known a
Lii'sd r- Nuhmith, silie .isiuQrmed hit
w rt f.ar by dc Tilling him at the
risrd ! watched beneath her wln
t..w. He wn know n to her ai a thl.-f
of lot. nuiluiisl fame.
Vou were no match for Chester
i. Po not look so glum. The ;
st jiolii e oftlcer in Europe I
l-i f eever been able to rope
! . Why hhonM yiu despair f
In his f-
-t. "By g,.d, ha
1.1 .(. t
a w ay
with It yet," he j
i 1
ill rtin t
iis sroiiiirirei flown
the remainder of
, i& AtJ, rf "CRAUSTARK." "THE
rtuiNut ur i-KAyajAKK. etc.
Cw4t i, 0- IU Caw em
f (ay V'
He Was Known te Her aa a Thief ef
International Fame.
Sfie' lilgllcdT" ""Xlas, I fear that I
shall have to tell yoa a little more
about this wonderful man yoa know
a Kprouse. Six months ago the
friends and supporter of the legiti
mate successor to my country'a throne
consummated a plan whereby the
crown Jewels and certain documents
of state were surreptitiously removed
from the palace vaults. Instead of de
positing the trensure In Paris, It waa
sent to this country In charge of a
group of men whose fealty could not
be questioned. The man yoa know a
I .oel la In reality my cousin. I have
known him all my life. He Is the
youngest brother of the pretender to
the throne, and a cousin of the prince
who It held prisoner by the Austrian.
This prince hat a brother also, and It
was to him that I waa tupposed to de
liver the Jewel. Hravelcd from New
Turk, but not alone as you may sus
pect. I was carefully protected from
the time I left my hotel there until
well, tint II I arrived la Boston.
"While there I received a secret
message from friend lo Canada dl-'
reelng me to go to Spanish Falls,
whore I would he met and con
dueled by Prince Sebastian himself
to the place called Green Fancy,
which was near the Canadian border.
A safe escort 'would be provided for
us, and we would be oa British anil
within a few hours after our meeting.
It 1 only necessary to add thut when
I arrived at Green Fancy I met Prince
Ugo and understood ! I had careful
ly covered my tracks after leaving
Boston. My real friends were, and
still are, completely In the dark as to
my movements, so skilfully wa the
trick managed.
"And now for Chester Valsmlth. It
wn he who, acting for the misguided
loyalists and recommended by certain
young aristocrats who by virtue of
their own dissipations had come to
know him as a man of Infinite re
sourcefulness and daring, planned and
carried out the pillaging of the palace
vaultH. Almost under the noses of the
foreign guards he succeeded In ob
taining the Jewel. No doubt he could
have made off with them at that time,
but he shrewdly preferred to have
them brought to America by some one
else. It would have been Impossible
for hlni to dlxpoy of them In Kurope.
Tou see how running he 1st j
"lie wn no doubt tbwarted In bis
desicn to waylay me on the road from
Kpaiiish Falls by a singular occurrence
In this tavern, ne wa attacked In hla
room here, overpowered, bound and
Ri'gged by two men. He knew the
men. Tbey were thieves as clever and
aa merciless aa hluiMf. They too
were watching for nie. I do not know j
how these men learned of my lnten '
Hon to come to Green Fane.
"They came to the Tavern four or
five days before your arrival at
Green Fancy," Barnes Interrupted.
"Sprouse told me that they were se
cret service men from abroad and that
he wa working with them. My theory
I this, and I think It I Jutifted by
event: The men were really aecret
agents, sent here to watch the move
ment of the gang up there. They
came timn Sprouse and recognized
hint. On the day mentioned they over
powered him and forced blin to reveal
certain fact connected with affair at
Oreen Fanc-v. Posslhlv ha led them to
believe that yoa were cne of the con
spirators. They waited for your ar
rival and then risked the ha'ardou
trip to Gr Fancy. They were dls-
covered and abut."
"I b '!leve you are right." ahe cried. 1
Ti"a tr June. '. no'ird Xur ili
few'' U
5M , 4, i
Sprt"ue, and I am aa foiist-rintereslett
In the nnravellng of the mystery sur
rounding the deaths of Roon and
Paul." aald Barnes. "There la nothing
to keep ne here any longer. Miss Cam
eron. I tuggeft that yoa allow me to
escort yoa at once to your friend.
wherever tbey "
She waa opposed to this plan. While
there waa attll a chance that Sproue
might be apprehended In the neighbor
hood, or the possibility of hla being
rauxht by the relentless pursuers, she
declined to leave.
"Then. I shall also stay," eald he
promptly, and was repaid by the
tremulous smile the gave him. He wa
helplcwly la love with this beautiful
cousin of kings and queen. And
when he thought of king and queens
he realised that beyond all question
hla love was boneless.
"1 1
The Second Wayfarer ts Transformed.
OTtowd returned late In the after
noon. He was In a hurry to get back
to Green Faucy; there was no mis
taking his uneasiness.
"For the love of heaven, Barnes, get
her away from here as soon s pos
sible, and do It as secretly as you
can," he said. "I may as well tell yoa.
that alte I In more danger from the
government secret service than from
anyone up yonder."
"She may prefer to face the music,
O'Dowd. If I know her at all, she will
refuse to run away."
'Then yell have to kidnap her,"
said the Irishman earnestly. "There
will he men swarming here from both
sides of the border by tomorrow night
or urn uay. 11 a lue gospel ruin, ana
It's going to he bad for all of us If
we're here when they come."
"Who is she, O'Dowd T Man to man,
tell me the truth. I want to know Just
where I stand."
O'Dowd hesitated, looked around
the taproom, and then leaned across
the table.
"Mis Cameron Is In reality the
Countess Therese Ma ra-Dafanda fa
miliarly and lovingly known in her
own land aa the Countess Ted. She
"Mite Cameron la Lovingly Known In
Her Own Land aa the Countess
wa visit Ins; In this country when the
war broke out. If It I of any nse to
you, I'll add thnt she would be rich If
Aladdin could only eome to life and
restore the splendor of the demol
ished castle, refill the chests of gold
that have been emptied by the con
querors, and restock the farms that
have been pillaged and devastated. In
the absence of Aladdin, however, ahe
is almost a poor as the ancient
church mouse. So there you are, me
man, Iliilf the royal progeny of Eu
rope have been suitors for her hand,
and the other half would be if they
didn't happen to be of the same sex.
Oood-by. I must be on my way." ne
arwee and held out his hand. "Good-by
and good luck forever."
"You are a brick, O'Dowd. I want
to see you again. Tou will always
And me "
, "Thanks. Don't Issue any rash Invi
tations. I might take yoa tip."
U 1 lies sinned Mtwtnirs as soon at
O'Dowd wa wff, urges! by an eager
ness thnt put wing on hi feet and a
thrill of excitement in his blood. Half
way up he stopped short. A new con
dition confronted him. What ws the
proper way to approach a person of
royal blood? He would have to think.
Pausing at her door, he wa at once
aware of voice Inside the room.
He rapped on the door, but so tim
orously that nothing came of It. Hi
second effort wa productive. He
heard Miss Thackeray say "good gra
cious,' and. after a moment, Mis
Cameron'a eutxlued: "What Is It?"
"May I eome In?" he Inquired,
rather ashamed ef hit vigor. "It's
only Barnes,"
"Come In," wa her lively response;
"It wa awfully good of you. Mis
Thackeray, to let m hear your lines.
I think yoa will be a great success In
the part"
"Thank. said Mis Thackeray
dryly. "I'll come In again and let
you hear me In the third act." She
went out. Mumbling her lines t she
passsNt Barnes without seeing him.
"I bte you will feel able to leave
thl piace tomorrow, countes. We
must g.-t wy almost Immediately."
-Alt rui lav been listening to
1 m jm Jf
O'Dowd. T ace? 7 ' " - 1
"Yes. He tells roe It will be danger-
' a to"
"He la right It would be difficult
for me to clear myself. No one would 1
j betieve that I did .not deliberately j
tunic uu wiin ine jewels, lurj wwuiu ;
aay that I oh. It Is too dreadful ;
"Don't worry about that." he ex-,
claimed. "Tou have me to testify i
that" j
"How little yoa know of Intrigue,"
she cried "They would laugh at yoa
j and aay that you were merely another
fool who bad lost hi head over a
j woman. They would aay that I duped
1 ....
"NoT he cried vehemently. "Tour
people know better than you think.
Tou are disheartened, discouraged.
Things will look brighter tomorrow."
"I don't know what I should do with
out yoa," she aald.
Mr. Sprouse Continues to Be Perplex
ing, but Pute His Nose te the Ground?
Barnes was abroad early. He was
st breakfast when Peter Ames called
up. An Inspiration seized htm when
the chauffeur mentioned the wholesale
exodus : he hired Peter forthwith and
ordered him to report Immediately
with the car. He was going op to
Green Fancy for Miss Cameron's
wardrobe. .
Two minutes after Peter drove up
to the Tavern he wa on the way back
to Green Fancy again, and seated be
side blin was Thomas Kingsbury
Barnes, hi new master.
There wa not a sign of human life
about the place. Peter accompanied
him upstairs to the room recently oc
cupied by Mis Cameron.
They found two email leather
trunks, thickly Relabeled, la the room
upstairs. Both were locked.
"Tou take this one," aald Barnes,
"and I will manage the other." He
was In a hurry to get away from the
house. There was no telling when the
government agents would descend
npon the place.
Barnes helped Peter to lift the
trunks Into the car snd then ordered
bim to start at once for Hart'a Tav
ern. "Tou tan return later on for your
things," he aald.
"I got 'em tied op In a bundle In the
garage, Mr. Burns," he said. "Won't
take a second to get 'em out." He
hurried around the corner of the
A dry, quiet chuckle ' fell upon
Barnes' ear. He glanced about In sur
prise and alarm, No oue wa In sight.
"Look up, young man," and the
startled young man obeyed. His gaxe
halted at a window on the second
story, almost directly over hit head.
Mr. Sprouse was looking down upon
him, his sharp features fixed In a sar
donic grin.
"Well, Til be d I" burst from
Barnes' lips.
"Surprised to see me, eh? If you're
not In a hurry, I'd certainly appreciate
a lift aa far as the Tavern, old man.
I'll be down In a Jiffy. Stand aside I
I'm going to drop." A moment later
he swung over the sill, and dropped
lightly to the ground eight feet below.
"See, here, Sprouse or whatever
your name la "
"Better hear me out," broke In
Sprouse calmly. "I could drill a hole
through you so quickly you'd never
know what did It," be went on. His
hand was In his coat pocket, and a
quick glance revealed to Barne sin
gularly Impressive angle In the cloth,
the point of which seemed to be direct
ed squarely at hit chest, "But Tm
not going to do it. I Just want? to set
myself straight with yoa. In a word,
I never got anywhere near the room
In which the Jewels were hidden. This
la God's truth, Barnes. I wasn't the
only one who wai trying to get the
baubles, my friend. It wa a game In
which only the best man could win."
"I know the truth now about Roon
and Paul," said Barne significantly.
"You do?" sneered Sprouse. "I'll
bet yon a thousand to one you do not.
The girl was led to believe that they
were a couple of crook and that they
fixed me In that tavern down there.
Isn't that what ahe told you? Well,
that ttory was cooked up for her spe
cial benefit. Boon waa the Baron Ued
lund. Hedlund came up here a week
or ao ago to kcc! a lookout for bl
wife. The baroness la supimsed to be
deeply enamored of Prince Cgo. He
found letter which seemed to Indicate
that she wa planning to Join the
prince up here. When he heard of the
arrival of a lady at (Ireen Fancy the
other afternoon, he got busy. I admit
that I am the gentleman who tele
phoned the warning tip to the prince.
They tried to head the baron and hla
man off at the cross-road, hut he
beat them to It If there was to be a
fight, tbey didn't want It to happen
anywhere near the house. I believe
I'go Is the one who got the baron or
Roon, at yon know htm. Now, that Is
the true story of the little affair.
"To go back to tny own troubles.
When I got out Into the hall Bight be
fore last, after leaving her room, I
heard voices whispering In Prince
I'go't room. I beat If up the ttalrway
Into the attic. Nothing happened, s
I sneaked down to nave a peep around.
The door to Cgo's room wa open, but
there was no light on the Inside. He
came to the door and locked up and
down 'the hall. Then some one else
came out and atarted to aneak away.
I leave you to gurus the sex.
fContinneii ! Patur.lay.) '
On aeronnt of ill h-a'lH fo!!ftiBJ a
imrvmu break Alli'rt I- I-iivtfer-eim,
sccrctRrr of the Aaglo M Im'
n ran Aal.wnai i-n, ro;no..:u-u ,
skii hIc at fan Finn.' TiKiay by J
shooting himself.
D. E.
Quality the Highest, Price the Lowest
IF, along with their prices, we could include the specifications of
DAY-ELDER worm-drive trucks, the conclusions you would in
evitably reach are these: .
1 That no higher grade mateiials or better workmanship are
put into any motor truck at any price than, are embodied in
DAY-ELDER, worm-drive trucks.
2 That they are several' hundred dollars lower in price than any
other worm-driye truck of equal carrying capacity. Exam
ple: The price of the DAY-ELDER FIVE-TON TRUCK is $414
LESS than the average price of all six-ton trucks!
These are the conclusions that all buyers reach who are guided
by specifications, rather than by talk. ' If you follow such a
course you cannot go wrong.
The weights given in the column on the right are the chassis
carrying capacity of each model, INCLUDING weight of body.'
Opposite Marion Hotel
trie atarters operators sometimes try
the experiment of chaaging their ator -
ago batteiiea ao as to have nine volt
instead of am. This is a mistake, aa
tl... .....t- .ltl .... . . i . i -
iii muiur "ui iiui Bimm ii uiiuer n
niKiier younge man me one 11 wn mer siow-neatutg lire and let it come to
tentica lor.
Quality In A
Tire Is Never
It calls for something more
than a factory and good in
tentions. Experience
For one thing; Purpose, for
Any tire will give in mile-j
age, in wear, in economy, in
readability only what is put
into it by the maker. Never
The visible value of a
Royal Cord ,
tire is the result of years of
continuous tire manufactur
ing experience.
Auto Supply and
United States Fabric and
Kelly-Sprmgfield and Unit
ed States Solids.
219 N. Commercial St.
Pone CG
Worm Drive
. eronietera are not availnl.ln j .,
pair man i; in doubt as to whether Hie
, new piston is too tiirht a fit in the rvl -
iiwler, the nent nearest .rinm....L
:.. i .. . . ' I
tiuu 19 inin; 1 tace TUC piston ill a rath-
is heat of about 600 deirrees Fnni-nn
i heit. While it is in this condition nlnee
it in the cylinder and work it up and
down. If the piston work freoly it la
evident there will bo little dcuner of
its sticking in the clyindcr from heat
expauaion. While this cannot be a
accurate, it will aerve.
Car owners ihould get into the habit
or using belt dressing for the clutch i mittee ha ordered reported favorably
leather to swell it and act aa a remedy a bill restoring at once the rate making
for alippago. In disengaging the clutch i power of the interstate fummeree eom
it will bo well to notiee whether there : mission,
ii a ridge in the leather. Such a eon- .
dition prevent the clutch from engng.i
ing us far a it ought to and the only
wayto remove the ridgo ia to lake out
the clutch and then trim down the
leather with a rasp.
Drive slowlr at turns in the road in
order to have sufficient time to avoid!
a vehicle thnt is eomin? toward yon.
Picnic Time!
Hear the irresistible call of the Open
Places to jolly, friendly picnics, to
secluded little lakes, tumbling streams
or woodland nooks.
You will appreciate the rugged cer
tainty of the
This year, after war-time fatigue,
you'll really need these pleasant little
country jaunts wayside journeys
that will fill your lungs with fresh
air and' put the sparkle back in your
Come in and see the new models today.
i Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and
147 S. Com!. St. Phone 68
TrW Motottyck Thai is Being TalkeJ AlouF
Model A
Model B
4500 Pounds
Model D
6000 pounds
Model C
7000 Pounds
9000 Pounds
Model F
Model E
14000 LBS.
f. o. b.
3500 Pounds
Phone 362
i . ,l"rn' or tie t.ivil and Spaaiak-
WrtnTT Zi, k r1"" ""
lf. Bf,r.V s project for
,""" ,ur aiers and ihr.
Because he had werhea ki mi., i?
years and never found a par streak
Henry irwini ,n ajt(1(, preiec'tor, ahot
himself through the head at ReddiaL',
Secretary linker has asked eoagreia
for legislative authority and an appro
priation of 10,000,000 for the immedi
ate purchase of tho Cnne ( od canal.
The senate interstnti.
town council of Woodland haa
ulc"lca la r't
a towa hall nmmM
surate with the dignity of Ttttm
ive town like Woodland. -
Henry Lake of Saginaw, Or., wa
taken to a hrwjital in Mlin Tuesdar
night with a broken fcae.k as
a remit
lof a fall In a losrainsr romf.