Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 07, 1919, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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;i journal want iv.cc
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Notices for the (hunk pae
of tha Hatarday Capitl Jour
nal must be in the office of the
Jeuraal net later than S o'clock
Mday afternoon.
Mi Methodist Episcopal Church
Corner State and Church street.
9:15 a. m. el&gj meeting; 8::43 a. at.
funds y school; 11 a. m. Willamette
university baccalaureate services; pre
lude, hymns No. 1, 4S1, 383; To Deum
and Jubilati Mb CvTJagner); Glory,
llajewty from mass in B flat (Farm-e-r),
W. U. men's glee eltbj sermon,
The Movement of the Divine Will,
2'resideut Carl Gregg- Doney; 3 p, a.
services at Old People a home, Kev. W.
!. Kantner leader; 7 p. m. Epworth
lcjrue; senior league, Genevieve vy
leader, junior league, Nellie Peck lead
er; 8 p. m. anniversary service of the
Christian association; prelude, hymns
Nos. 461, 180 second tune, 5"(j; They
That Sow in Tears (Gaul) choir; ser
mon. Rev. W. C Kantner, pastor First
Congregational church.
Plrat Presbyterian Church
Thomas 8. Anderson, minister. Chil
dren's day June 8th, regular morning
service give place to delightful chil
dren's program, music, recitations,
graduation; infant baptism at this ser
vice; Y. 1. 8. C K. at 7 and evening
worhhip at 8 o'clock. Everybody invit
ed. First Congregational Church
Liberty and Center streets, Rev. W.
;C Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday
school, with classes for all ages, W. I.
Wtaloy superintendent; 11 a. m. this
will be observed as Hose Sunday. Rosea
everywhere suggest the character of
the service. The pastor will speak on
"The Rose Garden of the Lord." 7 p.
in. Christian Endeavor under the super
intendeney of Mrs. Bayne. There will
be no evening service in this church
as Dr. Kantner delivers the address to
tha Christian associations of Willam
ette university in the First Methodist
church at 8 p. m.
St. Paal'i Church
Whitsunday services: 7:30 a, m. holy
communion; 9:45 church school; 11 a.
m. choral celebration and sermon. This
tiring the birthday of the church of
"Christ, the rector will preach on "Pre
enrt condition and future prosptct of
tho church;" 8 p. m. evening prayer
and address. Everybody welcome. Cbas.
H. Powell, rector.
" Fixat United Brethren yw Park
Bible school at 10 a. m. public wor
ship at 11 a. ib. Children's day pro
gram in tho evening at 8 p. m. Come
and enjoy an evening of entertainment
given by the (Bible school aongs, reci
tations, etc, Aa offering will be taken.
C. W. Corby, pastor.
United Evangelical
Cottage and Center streets, Rev. 6.
I Lovell, pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. m., H. A. Schmalle superintendent.
Kev. W. I. Hhambaugh one of our mis
sionaries who has spent 15 years in
ttsngwha, China, and who, with hit
family, has been spending a furlough
at their old home in Carlisle, Pa., are.
en their way. back to rf'hina. He will
speak at the morning service at 11a.
in. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Grace
Townsond leader. Evening worship and
or Headache
Rub the forehead
nd temples with
GUARD" -30f.
mark i rnt Uo. S
Millions of American homes and offices
are cooled with electric fans.
Millions more should be I Is yours?
If not make us a visit today. For a small
outlay you can buy a fan that will last a life
time and cost but a trifle to run. Why deny
yourself the comfort your neighbor is enjoying?
Ltt u tend you a CEfan on trial.
sermon by the pastor at at at. Prayer
meeting oa Thursday evening.
Castle C&apel United Brethren Chorea
Corner 17th and Nebraska ave. Bible
school meets at 10 o'clock for worship
and etudv. Subject of lesson "Obedi
ence." At 11 o'clock Dr. Geo. E. Mc
Donald of Portland, superintendent of
the Oregon conference, will preach and
appoint time for the tmsiness session,
special music ty the choir and male
quartet. Thursday evening- prayer and
praise service at 8 o'clock. A cordial
invitation is extended to all to attend
these services.
Highland Friends
Sabbath svhool at 10 a. m. with class
es for all. Earl Pruitt superintendent;
preaching aervicea at 11 a. m and 8 p.
m. C. E. meeting at 6:45 p. m. Prayer
meeting on Thursday at 8 p. m. On eab
bnth morning John E. Crymes of the
American Sunday school union, will
speak on their missionary work. L' G.
Lee and wife, pastors.
Church of God.
1346 North Chureh street Sunday
school 10 a. m. Preaching service at 11
a. m. Young People meeting at 7 p.
m. leader, Herbert Hahp. Preaching
service at 8. Irayer meeting at 7:45
Wednesday, evening. Come and enjoy
the presence of the Lord and tho fel
lowship of the people of God. J, J.
Gillespie, pastor.
Tha Scandinavian Church
15th and Mill street. The Scandina
via i:s are cordially invited to eome and
worship with us Sunday at 3 o'clock.
District superintendent, Rev. Lind, will
preach tho sermon. The Sunday school
will meet at 2 o'clock, Gust Anderson,
Free Methodist
122S !S. Winter. Sunday services: 8.
S. 10 a. m., preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30
u. m. Rev. F. L. Burns, district elder
of the Salem and The Dalles districts,
will fill the pulpit Sunday morning
and evening. W. J. Johnston, pastor.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
."Sunday services are held at 440 Che
meketa street at 11 a. m., subject of
the Bible lesson, "Ood the only Cause
artit Oentor." Sumlav school at 9:45
I a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room 209
Masonic Temple, open every day ex
eepf Sunday and holidays from 11:45
to 3 p. ra. All are invited to our aer
, vices and to our reading room.
i Associated Bible Student
t Associated Bible students meet ev-
ery win any morning in .moose nan,
corner Court and High streets, for
Bible study, hours from 10 to 12. Sun
day afternoon at 2:30 p. m. C. J. Le-R-oy
of Portland will deliver an address
on "The Reign of Peace." As we hear
so much about the peace that all peo
ple desire, we wonier when and how
it will bo' brought about. As we k ok
about ul wo see distress and perplex
. itiee and wo say how can wo have
peace with such an outlook! God's
word assures us there will be a reign
bf peace and it will bo the "desire of
all nations." Don't fail to hear this
leeturo. Bring your friends. Seats free
and no collection.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Rev. J. E. Fee of Portland will con
duct next service on Thursday after
noon, June 12, at 2:15 o'clock, at 632
South Commercial street. Continuation
of studies iu Revelation. All cordially
South Salem Friends
I Corner of S. Commercial and Wash
ington afreets, IL E. Pcmbcrton, pas
ter. The S, S. honr will be given over
to tho little people in their Children's
day program beginning at 10 a. m.
Come and tee, Dr. Carl tiiUor superin
tendent. At 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. will
be meeting for wnrship with good ting
ing and preaching. C. E. meeting at
7 p. m.
i I,.
4444Mt 4
Xarioa County Holiness associates
will met ia business semen at 8 fv la.
Tnesdav followed by a public meeting.
This meeting will bo held ia tha Bigt
land Friend church. A. Wells, prest
dent. First Christian Church
Bible school 9:45 a. m. Dr. H. C
Epley sxtpetriltttendeat. Murul&g wor
ship at 11, "Religion and reform." C
B. at 7 p. m. The high school fcaeeat
taureato services will bo held at 8 p.
m., the pastor preaching on "A fall
barn and aa empty soul" The publia
is cordially invited to share ia this
serrke. Let tho senior cksa havt the
honor of your atteudam-e at their hour
of worhhip.
Salvation Amy
Open air cturday evening at 7:30,
meeting in the hall at 8 o'clock Sun
day morning open air 10:30; holiness
meeting in the hall at 11 o'clock. Sun
day school at 2 p. m I'uited mission
meeting at 3 o'clock. Young Triples
legion at 6 o'clock. Opea air on State
street at 7:30, salvation meeting in the
hall at 8 o'clock. Come and worship
with us. Capt. and Mrs. Uuuter, offi
cers ia charge.
Court Street Christian Church
Corner Court and 17th streets. The
Children's day program will be given
at 8 B. m. You are invited. The contest
is running in favor of women and girls
now. What will it be next Lord's day!
Bible school bet ins promptly at 10 a.
m. Sermon, "Tho children of the
world." Prayer meeting and teacher
training elass Thursday 8 p. m. A cor
dial welcome to all services. R. L. Put
nam, pastor. -
In the esse ef Mary A. fttiffler yt
Albert & Stiffler, Aratus Stiff ler, L.
Cs Stiffler Roy Htiffler and Oka Ptiff-
ler, ths circuit court found as follows:
That since Oct 21, 11)05, tha plaintiff
has own and is nowowner of an es
tate for the term of her life, consist
ing of two acre in the city of Salem,
juet enst of 2 1st and Chemeke-ta street
and of a 60 aero farm near Goer sta
tion. That tho city of balem opened
Chemeketa street through the two acre
tract ami thiut the nlsintiff was award
ett (300 damages. That tho defendant
Albert C. Stiffler collected from ths
City tha $300 damages at ths request
of Aratus Stiffler, L. C. Stiffler, Boy
8:iffJer and Oka Larson and that he
accepted the money as trustee for ths
plaintiff. That $10 was paid to John
Bayne for sorvicea. That ths remaining
$-90 was expended in permanent im
provements on the property. That tho
plaintiff is entitled to a decree award
ing her $U45 and costs from ABert
C. Stiffler, and that Albert C. Stiffler
is entitled to a decree and judgement
agninst other defendants, barring them
from claiming any part of tho $300.
In the case of Mrs. L. Wilson against
J. J. Stone, the jury brought in a ver
dict that the plaintiff made a tender
of $1I0 to the defendant on April 9,
1919. That the plaintiff is the owner
and entitled to possession of one team
of horses, one set double hames, one
wagon, 30 gTain sacks and four horse
blankets. It seems that Stone claimed
tlint Mrs. Wilson owed him and to se
curo the jaymrnt of same, he took
prssessiryi of the property involved.
The jury thought otherwise.
B. J, Miles has brought suit against
Albert A. Werner for the payment of
a note of $13T0 and interest since
March 23, 1MH, with $200 attorney
fees, and for a foreclosure of a mort.
gnge given to secure the payment of
tho note.
Mark S. Skiff, one of tho defendants
in the con3etnn.tion proceedings of the
Selein school district to secure clear ti
tle to tho llolman property adjoining
thi hi -h school, which the district
bought some time ago, makes answer
is follows: That prior to March 23,
1019, ho loaned and paid to Carolyn H.
Meyer, N."0 and that on or about
March 24, 1910, she executed a deed of
conveyance to him for tho llolman
prrrprrty in question, to socure the pay
ment of the note and that no payment
has been madii. That the lot in ques
tion is worth $."iCU0 and that his valid
interest in the property ia $S."0.
Commcnsnratc with the large amount
of stats road work ondrr wsy is ths
growth of the s'ate highway dejiart-1
ment. The number of employes bow
'aids at 491 Of these 434 "are em-1
ployed in construction and field en-
ginceriug and 61 in the main and divi
sion offices. In February ths total
number was 270, and in March 393.
Thrse employed in the Salem office
number 49 and are thus clawed; Ad
ministration 4; division engineers 4;
office engineers 4; blue printing 2;
drafting department 10; bridge depart
ment 11; auditing d artmect 7; pur
chnsing department 3; legal t; filing
I; telephone and mail L
For the month of April the salaries
and traveling expenses paid amounted
to 12.4St.2d. This is an increase of
$12,713 ever the amount prvid out ia
March, $29 70S. For February the'
aminnt was $21.!03.78, for January
$15270 JG3, and for last December $1V
Of the $i2,4Sl paid out in April $33,
761 01 went fcr field cn?inoering.
The remainder was distributed as
fol'ows: S'a'e Mchwsv engineer and;
ass's'an'i 31."S.8fl: off'C engineering
$1330 63; bridge donsrtinent !011.44; :
general atlminiatrs'i'v $45 f3: high-f
war commission $1fil; aud ti"f de-!
t Court House
partment fSc7.S2; purchMing di!krt
wient $lf0.32 lfial rrar)mcrt Vil7.
50; Pesd!ctoB office $707.32; Medfor)
office 1-8.
P Tbs2s Wcter Is
3h(kcJSkC, Report
Aa automobile awaod hy a ntsa at
Bead, aad which beosms stalled ia the
aaow near tho summit f tho Cascade
sa tha McKeaxio paaa road h.te Inst
fall, and sandoaed fot the wintei, is
stili where it waa left by its owner,
aad is ia good condition, acco.ding to
Ceorge Moody, hunter and guide, of
atcKenxie bridge.
Mr. Moody a short time a3 ji-1i a
Uip over the summit of the rtoahtai i
by Lorseback and saw ths ia- by the
side ef the rotd, stil lalmott covered
with snow. - He examined it, uud fouud
that Iho owner had put up all aide cur
tains, aad on that account no tnow or
raia entered the car, and the ..ltiibt was
quite, diy, said Mr. Moody. Tuft Ka
trine seemed to be in good KLupe, and
tho radiator htd evidently been "irnincd
of water by the owner befoto no K'ft.
Mr. Moody says that he bolive the
car ran be taken en to Bend under it
owe oower after the now mc.lis but
this will be several weeks yet, he thiuhs
He that saow csvers the road for
1-) ii.i'cs at the summit, and 'iu either
side, aud that it ia from 10 to 11 foet
deep On the Willamette s.d.' it is
quite soft, he says, duo to warmer
weather than on the other side.
The owner of the car and a compan
ion, late in November last year, started
from Eugene to Bend, but encountering
deep snow and a storm they were com
pelled to abandon the mi, nine where it
was and return to Eugene, making trie
trip to Bend by rail. Eugene Kegister.
Vti Tsui Tax of Mt. Aneel was op
erated upon at the Willamette sanitar
ium in Salem last Saturday by in. Mica-
man of Oervais.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schwab s.e re
ceiving congratulations oa the arrival
ef a girl baby, Dora to tnem cany
Saturday morniny, Mar 31. Mothei and
babe doing nicely.
Mike Mahony returned from Califor
nia l m wk and was a suest at the
J. . Cuteforth home Tuesday and
Watdnrulnv- His mother who accom
panied him to California will remain
for a, month and visit her daughter,
Mrs. Zertaa.
Little Mary Elisabeth, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weiss of 'Woodburn
had the misfortune to full and rnt a
gaa in bet forehead that required three
stitches to close tho wound, tiie little
one is doing nicely.
Clint Tuttle waa In Gervais one day
lost week. He and his wife were stop
ping on the Aral farm for a few days.
Clint recently returned from the strvle
ia France and was close to the Iront
most of the time.
Cutsforth Bros, have purchased 80
acres, of fine grazing land five nines
from' Eddy vile, Oregon. The land has
a fine creek running through it and is
soecinlly adupted for pasturing cattle.
They have already taken quite a bunhe
Frank ie Weisx returned heme from
oversea last week and has' been shak
ing hands with his friends and telling
a little of his experience, he having
ben over thetop two or three times. He
was one of tho youngest boys in the
sorvicf. Star.
Barlow Oakgiovs.
Open and in fair condition, Portland
to Twinbridges. Closed by snow, 1 win
bridges to Clear Creek. No detour pos
sible. Open, Clear Creek to Wapinltia.
Open and in fair condition, 'Wapinitia
to Cedarbtirn.
McKenxie Highway.
Open and in fair condition, Eugene to
Blue Hiver, Open, Blue Biver to Lost
t-'reek Hanger station, but in poor con
dition. Closed bv snow. Lost (reek
Ranger station to summit.
0en and in fair condition, Eugene to
Boulder Grade. Closed by snow between
Boulder Crude and summit.
Grants Paaa- (kescsnt City.
Open and in fair condition for entire
length. For several miles between Ker
by and Waldo and also for about four
miles on the east fide of Oregon Moun
ts n, very rough.
Pacific Highway.
Open and in excellent eondition, ex
cent where road construction is in pro-
rress between Medford and llidilie,'
Road is open to traffie at intervals dur
ing the day; traffie is held ep part of
the time, awaiting dynamite blasts. A
section ef road betweea Grants Pax
and Bogue Biver ia being paved and a
detour on the north side of the river is
necessary, over a rough road.
Orescent City-Oold Beach.
Or ten and in fair condition. Crricent
City to Brooklings. Open bat rough, be
cause of recent rains and grading, be-!
tweeo Brookings and (Mid Beach. j
KoeebnTg Peel
Open and ia good condition betweea
Boseburg and Feel.
Medford Crater Lake.
Opea and in fair condition, Medford
to National Park boundary. Closed by
snow betweea Park boundary and Cra
ter Lake. No detours posible. Prob
ably will be opes Jlr 1st.
Anna cree.
Onen nd ia fair eondition between
Klamath Falls and two miles iskiile Na-'
tion Park line. Closed by snow from
this point to Crater Lake, No detours)
1st i
Beautiful Women
of Sodcty.dvrtogtbCMnt
seventy years have rled
ape R far their dbtiiw
ltshCll fr.-TBK. TiC
rsflaed, ptarly
wtute caatpfeataft It
readers iastaatty, Is
always the source erf
(littering comment
Sow Elver.
Opea and ia good condition, Cvttr.ge
Urove to Dikston. Closed by slides aad
falen Umber between lHsMon and
Champion Mint. Will be opea for teams
by June 13.
Three Hi vers.
Open between Willamina aud Tilla
mook. Very rough for .six miles
through the Oraude Konde Indian
reservation; this section is practically
impassable for several days after heavy
rain. Construction work is nor in pro
gress between Dulph and lUbo.
Opea, but quite rough, Eugene to
Mupletuu. Closed over North Fork
Mountain, It is a narrow road, wlta
steep grade and sharp turns, and ia only
for experienced drivers.
Aisea Elver,
Open between Corvallis and Wald-
port. In ftfr condition, Uorvalus to
Missouri Bend, Only passable between
Missouri Beud and Waldpeitj very
Banuam wagon soao.
Clused to all except foot traffic, Cas-
cadia to eastern boundary of Santiuin
XationiU Foresfi There are several
dangerous bridges, which should not be
used by vehicles. (Should be epeu by
July 1st.
Open and ia fair condition, Kidtile to
Tiler. Oosed between TUler aad Urtw
by condemned bridge.
Banaon-uoia neaca,
Opea and ia passable condition for
light cars, entire length.
A quiet wedding was solemnised at
Va luma ttf Mr nit Mrs. A. V. JanS
in Central Howell, Wednesday evening,
jane , at seven o ciocs, wsen uieir
daughter iLeta "Violet was given in
marriage to Earl J. Adams, oldest ton
of Mr. and Mr Ed Adami ef this
city. Only the immediate families of
the young couple witaeaed the cere
mony. Kev. INicol of HoweH was the
clergyman. In order to escape a gath
ering at the Salem station' where ths
younif couple were to bike the train
for Seaside to spend their honeymoon
more time was allowed to slip away
than was realised. When they started
for the station Earl was makirg. toe
good time to satUfy the speed cop and
was intercepted. He promised to put in
an appearance when he return.' Both
young people are grailuntve ef the Sil
verton high and are popular among the
younger set. Mr. Adam recently estab
lished himself in the grocery business
in this city and their future home will
be here. Silverton Appeal.
Proposals for Supplies
The Oregon St4tte Board of Control
will receive sealed bids on June 12,
11119, at 2 p. ni., for furnishing tup
plies to the various atatn Institutions,
eonjptlng of dry goods, clothing, fnrn
isbisVs, groceries, shoes, fcardwaro,
brooms, drugs, stationery, crockery,
plumbing, ote., fur the siMiii-aunual
period ending December 31. 1!)19. Hpoc
ificatione aud schedulite will be furn
ished upon application to the secre
tary, at Salem, Oregon, nlso from the
Industries and Manufactures Bureau,
Chamber f 4'ommpree, Portland, Ore
gon. Each i A to bio accompanied by a
certified chei'h representing 10 per
cent of the whole amount of hid, pay
able to the Orngon State Board of
Coul rol. which shall be held as a guar
anty of tho f i th f ill performance of
th contract. The board renerves the
right to reject any or all bills or to ae.
cept any part of a bid.
R. H. IMN, fWretary,
8 7 Oregon State Board of Control.
ETXMMOKS No. 14404
of the k-Ute ef Oregon for Marion
Oounty, Department No. 1
John B. iiulmnn, plaintiff, Vs Curo
lyn H. Myer, defendant. Simmons,
T.i Carolyn II, Myer, defendanti
la the name of the state of Oregon
you nre hereby required to appear aad
answer the complaint filed against yos
in the above entitled aetsen, within
aix weens from the UU" ef the first
pubHeatioa ticreef, tiwit: within sit
weeks from h 16th day of May, 1311,
and if you fail so to answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will tnke judg
ment against yon for the snm ef $100,
together with interest thereon at the
rate of 7 percent per annum from the
t.i day of April, 1900, less the en si of
$168, together with ths costs and dis
bursemeate of this antion, and for an
order of sals of the property attached
ia (aid action, eowit:
' All your right, title and Interest ia
and to the south one half ef lot lix
(6) ia block three (3) ia the eity of
Ralflm, Oregon, and for further or
der directing Theodore Both, garnishee,
to pay ever to the eheriff cf Marios
county, State ef Oroeon, the wm of
Iti I. .11 held by said Theodore Rath in
trust for you.
licatiOB thereof tr Tirlns ef aa erde
Ton are further notified that this
sammone it served open yon by pub-
MI" -T
3 i
Quick Reference To Firms That G:o Service Oa Short
Where Buyer And Seller Meet We
Recommend Oar Advertisers.
Salem Eleetrie Co, Masonic Temple,
AL'TOtJ without drivers te uire, 1 dol
lar per hour. T97 S. Coiu. St. Thoa.
3t9. tt
FOR SALE 120 acre of No. 1 land
.Vested 6 mile from Salem, en good
oed, in good location, good ho-.se
and barn and other buildings, farm
implements, 4 horses, 5 eewe, 3 year
lings, 50 brad ef hogs, round 600
cords of wood roadV cut, all a
bargain. Write U V? care Journal.
8 acres, 5 room house, citv water,
Barn, in Falls City, $2000. Terms.
15 aercs all in cultivation, S room
house, barn, outbuildings. 2Vj acres
strawberries, 6 grain, 1 potatoes, full
equipment, stock, household goods, can
ned fruit, feed, $1900.
14 acre chicken ranch 9 room honse,
barn, chicken houses, all cultivated, 5
miles from Salem, some logons, $4000.
24 acres; 16 cultivated, all stock and
equipment; 3 logans, 5 prunes', 1 mil
from station; 6 room bouse, barn, ohkk
en house, green house, only $7WM).
22 acres all cultivated, all fenced, T
room house, barn, if sold soon all crop
goes; joining town. $3500, half cm
and half at 6 percent.
30 acrce all cultivated, all wovca
wire fenced; 3 4 miles from town, $2,
300, half cash, half t8 percent.
50 acres all cultivated, good house,
barn, 5 miles from flalem, all the best
of soil, no land in vicinity for sale for
less than $208 per acre, price ef this
place $160 per acre; $3000 cash balance
at 6 percent, you slate the time.
320 acres, best farm in Tdk county,
290 cultivated, best of toil, good im
provements, all woven wire fenced; 50
acres in clover, fine lot of growing
erop govs, only $100 per acre.
10 acres all cultivated, good 7 mom
hen, family fruit, mile from Sa
lem, will exchange for south Pelcm
residence; price $3500 .
t!3 acres irrigated, 15 in alfalfa, nr
Patterson, California, will exchange
for ranch near Palem of about equal
value; price $7500,
3t.HH acre all cultivated, the best of
soil, all stock, equipment and growing
crop; fair house, barn, well fenecd, 5
miles from town, close to store and
cheese factory; will take acreage neaf
Salem; price $5500.
4.1 acres; 40 cultivated, well fenced,
old house, new barn, S miles from state
normal school; will take Kalcm resi
dence as part pay; price $6000.
Have for sale at low pries two ef
th finest modern house In the city
at $3o00 each. If vou want a noma 4s
Molcm you are the loser if yon don't
looR these ever.
For best boys lo city or farm prop
erty tee
Beyne building
mil BALE Or exchange,. 10 asret
well improved, i sets ot bunuuigs,
good water, on main rosd, 9 miles
.frntn AVhnnr nnftv Tsntrent. rood
family orchard, will accept outside
property near tmicm. square worn
Realty Co., phons 470.
enrner Commereii! snd Trsd ttreetl
Bills psvshle monthly in ad vine.
Phud 006.
Scaled proposals addressed to Jef
ferson Myers, secretary of the board
of regents, State Agricultural college,
Corvallis, Oregon, will be reecived by
ths suid board of regents until ten
o'clock s, m. June 2, 1919, for the
furnishing of all material and the per
formance of all labor required for the
erection snd completion of the engin
eering laboratory building, for tht
Agricultural college, state of Oregon.
All bids to be endorsed "Proposals
for engineering laboratory building."
Haid proposals to bs opened npos the
above date by the said board of re
gents. All Ilia work and u.aUriul must eon
form to the plans and specification
therefor on file at the oiLre ef tho
college, Corvallis, Orepon, and rf the
architect, John V. innef, 1040 Cham
ber ef Commerce building, Portland,
Karh proposal mutt be accompanied
by certified check of five per cent ef
the amount of the bid as a guarantee
that the successful bidder will enter
into a contract according to tnid plant
aad specification. BaH eheck to be
made pavable te the Agricultural col
lege of the etate of Oregon. If for any
reams the bidder fails to execute the
proper contract and bond required with
in ten dayt after notification ef th
acceptance of hi bid, then eertified
check will become forfeited to tb Ag
ricultural college of th 'te ef Ore
gon. duly made aad entered by Hon. W.
M. Buahey, connty Jt: Ige fa' Marion
eountv, state of Oref m, en the 13th
da. of Mar 1919. wt ich said order re
quires the summon i j this euse it be
published once ewer; week tor six eon
secolive weeks in the Daily Capital
Journal, a newsf prr rf general ir
n!nii nnblislie I at fwlera. Marion
county, state of On (-in, and you are
further notme.1 mm in oaie ei "
first publication thereof is the 15th
4av nt tv 1919. snd tbt the date
of the last publicist on thereof will b
the 27th day of Jm. 1913.
tlc.1'inz at Salem, Oregon, Hamcv
for plaintiff. $29
127 North Uh
-Main 1
cf p us, a aw aei lf gicl stetked
for bath fup'.l and tetiir, at.skssg
elear ail oasie priaeip!, cms.'j
to a musicai educatoa, aat (ivief
the "niuaa teacher" semeih v j t
teach. 41 Court St. float 3oi.
For bargains in sew sad secoaohaad
good for the house, furniture, rasp
es, heaters and stoves, rn?, sewing
machines. granittware, di-hs, suit
esses, trunks and tools. We wsn
your old furniture aad stoves, wid
pay you highest cash price. cJee u
last. Peoples Furniturs Sure, i71
N. Commercial St. I'Bone 734.
SO CASH BKQITRED Good evereesv
shoe and suits, all kind of niuue
I instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit case as
1000 other useful articles to tell o
t.ade. What have youf The CapibsJ
Kxchange, 337 Court St. I'hone
YOUR used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair price for
everything. Call 947
2R.5 NV Coml St.
HAT BLOCKING I clean and block
ladies' aad Jinn's hois. Just re
ceived a hat renovating machine. It
gets the dirt, Try it once. C. B.
Ellsworth. 495 Court St. Ealem, Or.
liard parlor i now open nnder tiw
management and it renders yon and
tht general publia a congenial place
to past away a few leituit boare.
The basement of Oregon Eleetri
depot, eorner of Plats and High
I'hone $28. Win. Livock, prop.
50 year experience, Depot NstiontJ
and American fence.
Bires 29 to 5 in. hi)!B
Paints, oil and varnish, ett.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Feuos and Stove Work,
250 Court ttreet, rhone J21.
J. A. Rowland Furniture Store
B'iyv, s'TIt and exchanges nor aad
Si hand furniture. All kind Cf
repair work, light grinding, filing,
and brazing a tpecialty, KigiU
priees. 247 North Commercial b.
Phone 16. .
refuse of all kinds removed on moat
!y contracts at reasonable rate.
Cest pools cleaned. Dead animals re
moved. Office phone Main 1G7.
On Good Real Ectate Security
Over LaiM t Bush bank; Ealem Oregoa
cent interest. Prompt service. 34 H
years time. Federal farm loan boc5
for sain. A. C. Bohrnstcdt, 401 ksr
tonic Temple, Salem, Oregon.
INSURANCE COO'v-ii-For free In
formation about Life Insoranc e
J. F. Hutchnson, dist. macacer for
tb Mutual Life of N. Y., tffie at
371 State Ht., balem, Or. Office
phone 99, resilience 1306.
HOP LEE, expert laundrymsn, 4B
Ferry 8t. I pay top market price for
thickens and E?gs. 0:fiet jhos
1330J, retidcuee 1333J.
Our Prirea tre Right
W. M. ZANDLEK, Proprietor
1255 N. Summer Street, Salem, Oregoa
just installed a marbiii that will
sharpen lawnmowers the same a tht
factory puts them out sew. Brine
all your light repnir work t me. AJ
vin B. 8tcwart, 317 Court SI. Phoat
. i J
MeCornach hall os vlT Tuesdsy
at 8. Walter Ienon, C. C, P. J.
Kuntx, K. B. A 8.
EOYAL NeiKhbors of Amerua. Ore
gon Crape camp No. meet every
Tbur4sy evening in MeOrnsek hi
Elevator jr-vic. 0ae!e, klrs. Car
ris E. Bunn. 618 I'nioa t; rscor
irr Mrs. Melisra Perfosf, 1415 S.
4th' St. Pbcns 113SM.